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Feminism as seen through the character of Jessica Brennan in Lyn Andrews` When Daylight Comes.


Academic year: 2017

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A Thesis

Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education



Student Number: 001214049









I honestly declare that this thesis which I wrote does not contain the works or part of the works of other people, except those which are cited in the quotations and bibliography, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, January 12, 2007 The writer



You show me t hat you care

When I am really down

You never t urn away

Nor show me a saddened f rown

Even when you are sad and blue

And lif e is hard on you

You always spare me one more






I would like to express my greatest gratitude to Jesus Christ for the miracle He sends and for giving me the strength during the process of writing this thesis. I would like to thank for His love and blessings. I realize that He is always on my side and I would not have been able to finish this thesis without Him.

I wish to convey my appreciation to Dra. Wigati Yektiningtyas-Modouw, M.Hum., my major sponsor, for the guidance and encouragement. I would like to thank for her advice and patience. I also would like thank to

Christina Lhaksmita Anandari, S.Pd., M.Ed., who has given her time to correct my thesis. I thank her for the careful correction and helpful comments in the process of writing this thesis.

My special gratitude goes to my beloved husband Alexander Dany Brammasta for his endless love and patience. He always encourages me when I give up in the process of writing the thesis. I thank him for his care when I am really down. He is always beside me when I am sad and happy. I thank him for accepting me just the way I am and wonderful time we share together. It is not the end of our battle but we just start a new life that must be faced together.

My special gratitude also goes to my beloved little son, Agustinus Maheswara Brammasta. Your born becomes the wonderful thing in my life. He becomes my great spirit in finishing this thesis.

My heartfelt gratitude goes to my mother Ibu Sri Wuryanti who always gives her love. I will always be grateful for her support, patience and prayers. Now, I know how hard to be a mother. I also wish to thank to my late father Bapak Martoyo, on whom I learned how to be wise and patient. I also would like to thank my sisters and brother and their families for giving me the support.

I also would like to address my special thanks to Ibu Titik, Bapak Murjiman, Mbak Betzy, Mas Eksan, Mbak Nana, Mas Budi, Dinda and Arya



I must say thanks to Yona ‘Nining’ for becoming my best friend and always gives me advice. I also thank to Doni and family, Teddy Tejo, Adi, Monita, Edi, Danang, Ephi, Tari, Ika, Anton, Elis, Nenny ‘Iding’, who are always be great friends I have. Do not forget me guys!

I wish also to thank to PMB crew 2005, Rijal, Nia, Tina, Agi, Citra,

Bobby, Wawan, Eka and Yulia for their best cooperation during PMB. I also thank Pak Devi for his advice and help.

Last but not least, I thank those whose names I cannot me ntion here one by one. May god bless them all.




TITLE PAGE ………... . i








ABSTRAK ……….. xi


1. 1 Background of the Study ……….. 1

1. 2 Objectives of the Study ………. 4

1. 3 Problem Formulation ………. 4

1. 4 Benefits of the Study ………. 5

1. 5 Definition of Terms ………... 5


2. 1 Theoretical Review ……….... 7

2. 1. 1 The Theory of Critical Approach ………. 7

2. 1. 2 Theory of Character and Characterization ………... 9

2. 1. 2. 1 Theory of Character ………. 9

2. 1. 2. 2 Theory of Characterization ……….. 10

2. 2 Theory of Feminism ……….. 12

2. 3 Criticism ……… 18

2. 4 Theoretical Framework ……….. 18


3. 1 Subject Matter ………... 20



3. 3 Procedure ……… 21


4. 1 The Character of Jessica Brennan ……….. 23

4. 1. 1 Stubborn ………... 25

4. 1. 2 Confident ……….. 27

4. 1. 3 Optimistic ………. 29

4. 1. 4 Independent ……….. 30

4. 1. 5 Strong ……… 32

4. 1. 6 Hard Working ………... 35

4. 2 Feminism Revealed through Jessica Brennan’s Character ………… 37


5. 1 Conclusions ……… 46

5. 2 Suggestions ……… 47

5. 2. 1 Suggestions for Future Researchers ………. 48

5. 2. 2 Suggestions to Teachers ………... 48

5. 2. 2. 1 The Implementation of Teaching Extensive Reading ……… 48

5. 2. 2. 2 The Implementation of Teaching Speaking ……… 53





Rina Fitri Maryanti. 2007. Feminism as Seen through The Character of Jessica Brennan in Lyn Andrews’ When Daylight Comes. Yogyakarta: Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

This study discusses a novel by Lyn Andrews entitled When Daylight Comes which was written in 2003. The novel tells about a young woman named Jessica Brennan. Her father has lost at sea when the ship got an accident. The house is mortgaged and the family’s finance is in a bad condition and they cannot pay the debt. Her mother was killed by a runaway horse. Her brother, Patrick, has troublesome behaviour and he chooses to leave her sister and live in a club with his friend. Jessica has to make something for her future. She starts her own business with all her efforts. She wants to regain the happiness she once had.

This study contains two problems to be analyzed. The first is how Jessica Brennan character is portrayed and the second problem is how the feminism appear through Jessica Brennan’s character.

The method used in this study is library research. The approach used is feminist literary crticism. The sources that are needed to support this study contains the theories of literature and theory of feminism in terms of books and internet.



Rina Fitri Maryanti. 2007. Feminism as Seen through The Character of Jessica Brennan in Lyn Andrews’ When Daylight Comes. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Studi ini membahas sebuah novel karya Lyn Andrews berjudul When Daylight Comes yang ditulis pada tahun 2003. Novel ini bercerita tentang seorang wanita muda bernama Jessica Brennan. Ayahnya hilang di laut ketika kapalnya mengalami kecelakaan. Rumahnya digadaikan dan keuangan keluarga dalam kondisi yang buruk dan mereka tidak mampu membayar hutang mereka. Ibunya terbunuh oleh seekor kuda liar. Kakaknya, Patrick, memiliki tingkah laku yang mengganggu dan dia memilih untuk meninggalkan adiknya dan hidup di sebuah klub bersama temannya. Jessica harus berbuat sesuatu untuk masa depannya. Dengan segala usahanya, Jessica memulai bisnis yang ia dirikan. Dia ingin meraih kembali kebahagiaan yang pernah dia miliki.

Studi ini membahas dua permasalahan. Yang pertama adalah bagaimana karakter Jessica Brennan digambarkan dan yang kedua adalah feminisme yang muncul melalui karakter Jessica Brennan.

Metode yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah studi pustaka. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kritik sastra feminis. Data -data yang diperlukan untuk mendukung studi ini terdiri dari teori literatur dan teori feminisme.





This chapter consists of five parts, namely background of the study, objective of the study, problem formulation, benefit of the s tudy, and definition of terms. The background of the study contains the reasons why the novel When Daylight Comes by Lyn Andrews is used as the subject of this study. The objectives of the study deal with the goal of the study. I state two problems in the problem formulation. The benefits of the study give some advantages the readers can get from this study. The last is definition of terms, which explains some significant terms used in this study.

1. 1 Background of the Study

Novel is one of the literary works that is extended works of fiction written in a prose. The author pours their idea about life through a novel. The idea may come from a particular real event that happens in the author’s daily life or merely a reflectio n of human life. From the novel we can enrich our knowledge and learn the positive things from the character’s experience We will find that reading a novel gives not only pleasure but also valuable things about life.


also become one of the topics in a literary work.

In the past, women’s space was restricted. Women’s opportunities seemed hard to be achieved. Their opportunities were restricted by the assumption that wome n were regarded as a weak creature.

The traditionalist notes that historically women have always less power, less influence, and fewer resources than men, and assumes this must accord with some natural order (Freeman, 1984: xiii).

I can see from the culture around me, I have found that many people see women as “konco wingking”. It means that women have the second position after men. They have to stay at home and become a house wife. Women must do the house keeping and it becomes their responsibility. They have to sweep the floor, wash the clothes and dishes, and prepare the food for their husband and children. This culture also views that women should not have high education. They think that their high education would be useless. After they get married they wiil not use their academic achievement for lo oking for a job. Their husband do not allow them to work outside. They have to take care of the house and the children.


leave anything to support her life. Her only brother has left her and chose n his own way. Jessica refuses her aunt’s offering to live with her and her family. She chooses to support her own life. She wants to be independent and strong although she is an inexperienced young woman. She wants to be like her mother who was a very strong, thoughtful, and generous woman.

Although Jessica has lost her family and her house, she never gives up. She does not want to depend her life on others. She has refused to live with aunt. She chooses to live alone although she has to stay in a stable. Jess hardly tries to earn money with her own effort. She wants to reach her happiness and security she once had. She wants to regain the prosperity so she can make her mother’s dream come true. Her mother has promised to give a few pounds for every family who has lost their breadwinner.

Another reason why I want to analyze the novel When Daylight Comes is that the author, Lyn Andrews teaches us how strong Jessica faces her hard life. It gives an important lesson for us. The novel gives a message that life is full of choices, problems, and obstacles to its readers.

1. 2 Objectives of the Study

This study has two objectives. The first objective focuses the attention on describing Jessica’s character in the novel. The second objective is to find the feminism that appears through Jessica Brennan’s character in When Daylight Comes. I would like to explain the society’s point of view toward feminism and to


1. 3 Problem Formulation

Referring to the background of the study, there are two questions that will lead the study of feminism that appears through Jessica Brennan. The two questions are formulated as follows:

1. How is Jessica Brennan’s character portrayed?

2. How does feminism appear through Jessica Brennan’s character in When Daylight Comes?

1. 4 Benefits of the Study

This study will give advantages for both readers and the students of the English Language Education Study Program. For the readers, this study is expected to enrich and open the readers’ mind and point of view toward women reflected in Andrews’ work. The readers will get a better understanding toward a novel. Besides those advantages, the readers also get pleasure by reading a novel. For the students of the English Language Education Study Program, the study may inspire them who are interested in analyzing this novel from the other point of view. They can use the novel as the resource of language teaching. The novel also gives moral values and knowledge. By reading the novel, they also master the vocabulary and language skills.

1. 4 Definition of Terms


clarified in this part. These terms are feminist, feminism, character, and characterization. The explanations are as follows:

1 . Feminist

To avoid misunderstanding between feminism and feminist, first I would like to define the term feminist. A feminist is a woman who recognises herelf and is recognised by others as a feminist. The awareness depends on knowledge of women’s oppression and the recognition of women’s differences and communalities (Humm, 1990: 75-76).

2 . Feminism

According to Humm (1990: 74)the definition of ‘feminism’ incorporates both a doctrine of equal rights for a woman (the organized movement to attain women’s right) and an ideology of social transformation aiming to create a world for woman beyond simple society. In this study, feminism deals with the equality between man and woman. It is about how a woman’s struggles to be independent and to have the same right and opportunity as man.

3 . Character


4 . Characterization





This chapter explains some theories related to the study. I divide this cha pter into four parts, namely theoretical review, theory of feminism, criticism, and theoretical framework. The theoretical review consists of the theory of critical approach, theory of character and characterization. The theory of feminism is used in this study because it deals with feminism. The criticism contains some comments about Andrews and her work. Theoretical framework gives guidance to focus on analysis the subject of the study.

2. 1 Theoretical Review

In this part, I discuss the theories of literature to support and guide my analysis toward the novel. The theories are the theory of critical approach and the theory of character and characterization.

2. 1. 1 The Theory of Critical Approach


to Kennedy and Gioia (1999: 1932-1974),the critic toward literary workis not an abstract. It is natural for human to give response to the work of literature. They also suggest that literary criticism is related to human thought, since it gives an opportunity to people to express their idea or critic on it (1999: 1931). The critical approach will be the guidance in analyzing the novel. I use gender criticism by Kennedy and Gioia and feminist criticism by Humm.

Feminist criticism gives more adequate attention to women writers, a space to the women critic, and space to the idea of women theorists (Humm, 1986: 4-5). According to Humm, feminist criticism shares three basic assumptions. The first is that literature and crit icism are ideological since writing manipulates gender for symbolic purposes. This means that gender influences the writing style and the ideology of each gender can be seen from a literary work. The style shows the ideology of each gender. For this reason, feminist criticism needs to include general interpretations of the cultural theory or ideology of each individual writer (1986: 6-7). The second major assumption is that there are sex-related writing strategies. Men and women use language in different ways on writing their literary work. They use different vocabularies and different kinds of sentences (1986: 7-8). The last assumption is that even if some male critics acknowledge the first two criticism above, the continuing traditions of which it is a part, uses male norms to exclude or undervalue female writing and scholarship.


second type is concerned with wome n as a writer. It means that women as the producer of a literary work with the history, themes, genres, and structures of literature by woman (Kennedy, 1999: 1960). This study is the second type of feminist criticism in which the author is a woman.

In this study, I use the feminist criticism because the growth of feminism cannot be separated from feminist criticism. It gives more space for women writers to express their idea about feminism.

2. 1 . 2 Theory of Character and Characterization

We can get a better understanding about a novel, especially its hidden meaning through character. We can also get certain values or the author’s point of view from the cha racter’s life. Therefore, I use the theory of character in order to know the kinds of characters and how the characters in the novel are characterized.

2. 1. 2. 1 Theory of Character

Abrams (1981: 20) divides character into two kinds of character. They are flat and round character. Flat character is described in a general way. While round character is more complex one. It has more than one characteristics and it changes from one characteristic to another one.


character are limited and has a little bit change. A dynamic character has more changes than static one. It changes the characteristic or personality by actions or experience s that influence to change.

Stanton (1975: 17) defines the term character in two ways. First, character may designate the individual who appears in the story. Second, it refers to the description of attitude, interest, desires, emotion and moral principles of individual. Therefore, the meaning of character can be both the actor and the actor’s characteristic s. The actor and the actor’s characteristic s are interrelated to one another.

2. 1. 2. 2 Theory of Characterization

Jessica Brennan is the main character of the novel. The theory characterization is used in this study in order to understand how the characters act and how the author describes the charac ter in the novel. It makes us easy to understand the characterization. To know her characterization, there are some ways proposes by Murphy. Murphy (1972: 161-173) proposes nine ways to make the character in the story understandable and comes alive for the readers. They are the personal description, character is seen by others, the character’s speech, the character’s past life, the conversation of others, the character’s reaction, the author’s direct comment, the character’s thought, and mannerism. The explanation of each way will be given as follows:

1 . Personal Description


clothes. The author uses adjective in describing his character. The description of the character should be detailed. It means that the description covers more than one parts of the body. They are the character’s face, skin, body, hair, clothes, and other distinctive features.

2 . Character as Seen by Another

The character is described through other eyes and opinion. The reader may see the character as a reflected image.

3 . Speech

The character is described through what the person says. The reader will get the description of the person whenever the person speaks and puts forward an opinion and whenever he is in a conve rsation with other.

4 . Past Life

A person’s character can be learnt through a person’s past life. It can be a direct comment from the author, through the person’s thoughts, the conversation or through the medium of another person.

5 . Conversation of Others

Through the conversation of other people and the things they say about the character, the author can give some clues to the reader.

6 . Reactions

The person’s character is described through the person’s reaction to various situation and events.

7 . Direct Comment


8 . Thoughts

The author gives the reader direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about. He tells us what different people are thinking.

9 . Mannerism

The author describes a person’s mannerism and habits that may also tell the readers something about his character.

2. 2 Theory of Feminism

In order to reveal the idea of feminism, I would like to discuss the theory of feminism. When we are talking about feminism, what will come up into our mind is that feminism relates to a social value. Montagu says that in the society there is conditioned the norm, which states what women can do and cannot do. They are not given the chances to develop their intelligence and skills and they have different opportunities to men (1958: 38). The statement means that women are conditioned as weak creatures. Women’s positions are always under the men’s positions in every aspect of life. People believe that women do not have abilities to do the work better than men. Therefore, feminism believes that women and men’s position in society are the result of social factor, not natural or biological factors. Feminism tries to see women to be equal to men.


Fakih explains about the feminist struggle. The most important thing about feminist struggle is finding out the equality, dignity and freedom (1996: 99). The ideas of feminism are:

1 . Equality

The definition of feminism deals with both equal rights for women and in a way to create a world for women beyond social equality. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Men and women should have equal rights. Because of the equality, there is no difference between human beings.

2 . Liberty

Women have the rights to live, work, and liberty. Women have their own freedom and rights to do anything they want. The main point is that women are born free and equal to men. They are supposed to be subjected to men. Therefore, women are no longer put up of being dependent on men.

3 . Wome n’s Right to be Herself

Feminism believes that wom en’s first right is to be a woman. It means that they do not imitate the men when they develop their ability.

4 . Opportunity of Career

Feminism means freedom for all aspects of women’s active expression. It is the elimination of all structural and psychological handicaps to women’s independence. Feminism demands for the women equality in education and equal in accessing the profession. The women should have an equal role with man in achieving her satisfaction through her own abilities.


of superior feeling. Actually women are not inferior as men and people say. Women have many superior characters. The feeling of superiority can make women realize their power. It is true that women are more emotional than men but they can handle their feelings. Women have good abilities in expressing their feelings. This fact makes them more realist than men. They are better in handling the bad conditions they face in their life, like starvation, exposure, fatigue, shock, and illness (Montagu, 1953: 83-84). Women do not only have the superior feeling but they also know what is good and bad in the way they use their feeling of superiority. Montagu says that women know their power and use them for good deeds (1953: 143). From her statement we can conclude that women are more realistic. They can control their feelings effectively and use their power for good purposes.

The development of feminism cannot be separa ted from its history. There are two movements of feminism, namely First Wave Feminism and Second Wave Feminism.


The Second Wave Feminism is concerned with the women’s differences from men to oppose the ‘legalities’ of patriarchal world (Humm, 1992: 11). It means that the second wave feminism attempts to break the old assumption of patriarchy that is legalized by society. In patriarchal world, men have higher position and priority in the society. The pioneer of the second wave feminism, Simone de Beauvior , concludes that women are constructed differently from men and somehow those differences between women and men become roots of the society to pla ce women in inferior position. Society sets up male as a positive norm and woman as the negative , second sex or other (Humm, 1992: 44).

There are also other kinds of feminism which cause different issues in each movement as well as having their own characteristics in struggling for women’s rights. Humm (1992, 87-181) proposes four kinds of feminisms.

A Marxist feminism distinguishes societies by their own forms of productivity and characterizes the history of any society in terms of changes in production. A Marxist answers to the question of ‘woman’ would point to the sexual division for power differentials between women and men”. A central point of socialist and Marxist feminism is to determine the ways in which the institution of the family and wom en’s labour are structured by and ‘reproduce’, the sexual division of labour.


major contribution on the interaction of gender and economy.

Socialist feminism highlights the relationship between paid work and domestic labour in which it reveals the impact of the sexual division of labour, by pointing out that women in the home do more of the work. Another crucial soc ialist feminist debate concerns ‘the reserve army of labour’, a term used to explain gender inequality in work (Humm, 1992: 87-88).

Black, Asian, and coloured women feminism issue is also a race issue. Racism haunts sexism and this relationship should not be ignored. But it is all too easy to argue, as do white feminists, that reproductive control and the family and legal inequalities are the major features of patriarchy. Race cannot be added to other sides of social institutions and as additional variable, for black feminist argues that race, class and gender are interlocking system of oppression not additive system.

Most take feminism to involve recognition of ‘multiple identities’. The basic components of Asian and black feminist thought – its themes and methods are shaped by a black woman’s or a woman of colour’s position as an insider/outsider and by her “imbeddedness’ in Afro-American or Asian culture (Humm, 1992: 122).


preferences as much as by explic it sexual practices. ‘Lesbianism’ is no longer to be limited to one form of sexual activity”. It ca n contain many meanings, for example , a socio-political conception of society and recognition that it is heterosexuality not simply male economic power (Humm, 1992: 163).

Liberal feminism aims to achieve equal legal, political, and social rights for women. It wishes to bring women equally into public institutions and to extend the creation of knowledge so that women’s issues can no longer be ignored. Contemporary liberal feminists campaign to eradicate gender stereotyping but do not campaign for alternatives to traditional forms of gender relations such as heterosexual marriage.

Liberal feminism has always informed American feminism much more than British feminism, perhaps because programmes of positive discrimination (the selection of women over men if equally qualified) accord with American democratic values (Humm, 1992: 181).

For analyzing the novel I use socialist feminism. It highlights the relationship between paid work and domestic labour in which it reveals the impact of the sexual division of labour, by pointing out that women in the home do more of the work. I also apply second wave feminism as the main basic in feminism.

2. 3 Criticism

In this section, I discuss the criticisms. The criticisms are taken from the internet and the back cover of the novel.


It means that Andrews is a famous author whom many people have known about her and her novels. Woman’s Realm also says that her novel is a brilliant novel. Her novel has an interesting story in which the author pours her very good idea. “Lyn Andrews presents her readers with more than just another saga of romance and family strife. She has a … realism that is almosttangible.” (authorpages.hoddersystems.com). From the comment, it means that her novel is more than just a fiction whose story about romance and family conflict but the story in the novel is almost real as the real life happens in our surrounding. The same opinion is from Best, it is said that the story is “a vivid portrayal of life at the time”.

Gutsy … a vivid picture of a hard-up, hard working community … will keep the pages turning (authorpages.hoddersystems.com). The statement means that the novel has very clear and strong story about the hard working society. The story makes the readers unbored and they will enjoy the story. Another opinion says that the novel is “a compelling read”. It means the story is convincing to read.

2. 4 Theoretical Framework



The theory of character and characterization are applied to explore more about the character and characterization of the main character. Then I apply the theory of feminism in analyzing the feminism through the main character.

Those theories, which I stated above, help me gain more knowledge in conducting this study. Besides, I also try to find other sources from the internet and other related books related to those theories tocomprehend the novel as well to have a better understanding in analyzing the novel.

Conclusion 1. Theory of character

2. Theory of characterization

1. Stubborn 2. Confident 3. Optimistic 4. Independent 5. Strong 6. Hard Working

Problem Formulation

1. How is Jessica Brennan’s character portrayed?

2. How does feminism appear through Jessica Brennan’s character?

Theory of Feminism





This chapter consists of three parts. They are subject matter, approaches, and procedures. The subject matter deals with the subject of the study. Then, the approaches concern with the literature approaches I use to analyze the novel. The last is the procedure which consists of the steps used in completing the thesis.

3. 1 Subject Matter

In this study, the subject matter is When Daylight Comes, a novel written by Lyn Andrews. It was published in London in 2003. This novel consists of 439 pages and it is divided into twenty nine chapters. The story of the novel is about a young woman’s struggle named Jessica Brennan. As a woman, she does not just want to stay at home depending on others. She does something that is seen strange for a woman at that time. She is doing a business which is usually done by men.

She has a great spirit to reach her dream. Jessica is an inexperienced young woman. She dares to take actions for her life although it takes high risk for herself. Without supports fr om anyone, she can survive her life by her own effort. She wants to realize her mother’s dream.


woman and she is still young. She wants to be like her mother.

In this novel, women are regarde d as inferior creature. Men (husbands and sons) were the breadwinners of the family. Women depend on them. Jessica does not give up although it is hard to find a job. Many jobs are for a man and a woman is low paid if she works. Jess hardly tries to earn money with her own effort.

3. 2 Approach

The focus of this study is on feminism as seen through Jessica Brennan’s character. In order to reveal feminism in Jessica’s character, I use feminist criticism because the growth of feminism cannot be separated fr om feminist criticism. Feminist criticism gives more adequate attention to women writers, a space to the women critic, and space to the idea of women theorists (Humm, 1986: 4-5).

3. 3 Procedure

The main procedure that I use to gain the data was reading and taking important notes that helped me analyze the novel. In writing this thesis, the novel When Daylight Comes was used as the primary source. I also used several books

about literature and its elements and books about feminism. There were some steps during the process of this study. The steps would be clarified in the following paragraph.





This section is to analyze and answer the problems formulated in chapter one. The problems are concerning Jessica Brennan’s characters and the feminism that appears through Jessica Brennan in When Daylight Comes. Therefore, the analysis focuses on the main character, Jessica Brennan.

The first problem is analyzed using Murphy’s theory of characterization. The theory consists of nine ways to identify the character. I use the theory to understand the character in detail. The second problem deals with the feminism. I use the theory feminism to analyze the feminism that appears through the main character.

4. 1 The Character of Jessica Brennan

Jessica Brennan is the major character in the novel, When Daylight Comes by Lyn Andrews. She is usually called Jess in the family. Her father,

Martin Brennan, is the captain and the owner of the Brennan Line; while her mother, Magdalene Brennan, usually called Maddy, is the partnership of her father in managing the line. She has an older brother named Patrick Brennan.


present….” (p. 50). Jess is two years younger than her brother. It is shown when she thinks about Patrick. “… Two years older than herself, Patrick was tall, thin, fair -haired and blue-eyed” (p. 4).

Jessica inherits both her parents. It is shown in the novel through her mother’s thought when she brings back her past young days.

Maddy smiled at her daughter Jessica. Jess, as she was called in the family, was so like her. Of course she herself was a middle -aged woman now, but Jess’s dark hair and eyes reminded her of the young Maddy Kiernan who had come to Liverpool from Ireland all those years ago. And she seemed to have inherited all her father’s good points too (p. 1).

Jess looks at her father’s picture and sees how she is so like her father. “… Her father smiled from the photograph, his eyes and his smile so like her own….” (p. 76).

Another opinion is given by other character named Ronan. He is Jess’s cousin. He sees that Jess inherits her father’s characters and her mother’s beautifulness. “… She was so like her mother to look at, but her character was that of her father….” (p. 10).

Although Jess inherits both her parents, she is different with her brother. Jessica says that they are unlike each other. “I don’t look a bit like my brother Patrick- and he’s not like me in nature either” (p. 13). Ronan also thinks that Patrick is not the same as Jess. He has the characters which are contrary to Jess’s. “… She had inherited the best while Patrick, her brother, seemed to be like neither of them….” (p. 10).


4. 1. 1 Stubborn

This character can be identified through two ways. Those are from Jessica’s reaction and conversation of other character. Through that ways, I find that Jessica is a stubborn person.

From Maddy and Tom’s conversation it is shown that Jessica is as stubborn as Ronan. They have the same argument when their parents ask them about marriage. Jess will marry when she is ready. She does not like anyone to force her marry soon. “They make a fine pair. The same stubbornness, the same trite answer…” (p. 65).

Maddy also gives opinion that Jess is as stubborn as Patrick. Patrick and Jess are quarrelling. Jess loses her patience. She thinks her brother is so selfish. He only keeps his things for his own. He does not care for his mother and sister. “Jess, there’s no use you getting into a temper, he’ll not change his mind. He can be so stubborn at times- just like you! ” (p. 65)


ceremony. “Jess turned to her cousin and clutched his arm tightly. ‘Ronan, don’t let him come here! I never want to see him again. If he does come I’ll … I’ll ask the constable to throw him out!’” (p. 78).

Her aunt, Johanna tries to persuade Jess for coming home with her. Johanna worries Jess cannot look after herself. Jess still feels angry toward her uncle. “No! I’m not going with you! This is all Uncle Tom’s fault and I’ll never forgive him! ” (p. 98)

Jessica is stubborn. Even Tom apologizes to her, Jess still does not forgive him. “It’s too late to be sorry now! I can’t bring myself to speak to him, Ronan. I don’t think I will ever change my feelings towards him,’ she’d replied coldly” (p. 105). Jess is hard to change her mind toward Uncle Tom. Although she has nothing, she has nowhere to go; she decides not to go to her uncle’s house. “… No! She had sworn never to live beneath the same roof as her uncle and she wasn’t going to change her mind….” (p. 139).

Jess is still with her desicion. After a long time, she persists in her decision not to forgive her uncle. Johanna asks her whether she will invite Uncle Tom or not in Patrick’s wedding ceremony.

… ‘Well, I can’t not invite him, especially he’s been so … good getting Patrick to think about his future. We’ll be meeting on what I suppose you could call ‘neutral ground’. But, Aunt Jo, please don’t expect me to greet him with open arms.’ (p. 308)


‘She’s so pig-headed you’ll do nothing with her, Jo,’ Tom said grimly. ‘Look at the way she rejects all my apologies and all our efforts to be reconciled. She wouldn’t let us help her when she needed it.’ (p. 247)

Patrick also gives comment that Jess is stubborn. He says it when he is quarrelling with Ronan. Ronan judges him that he has left Jess. “… I’m not abandoning Jess. I’ll look after her even though she’s stubborn and hot-headed and thinks I’m a fool….” (p. 102). Patrick is also one who is not forgiven be Jess. Jess realizes that she is stubborn not to forgive what Patrick did to her. “She nodded. In some things Ronan was implacable and just as stubborn as herself….” (p. 207). Patrick sees from Jess’s reaction when he asks for her apology. She seems hard to forgive. “Jess, please …?’ He could see she hadn’t forgiven him.” (p. 210)

Jess is old enough to get married but no one can force her to end her loneliness. There is a man who loves her and she does not realize it. Johanna advices her that marriage is something to think about afte r her business. Jess does not care about it. “No one could ‘marry you off’, Jess. You’re much too stubborn. But it’s something you’ll have to consider, Jess. I’ve never heard him courting any other girl. “ (p. 238)

4. 1. 2 Confident


the interview well.

… Fleetingly she thought of that interview. It had been no more than a cursory inspection and her lack of experience had very obviously been taken into account. She had definitely not been suitable. Still, she managed to appear cheerful and confident…. (p. 118).

Not only the interview which becomes Jess’ first experience but also her business. She starts a business in selling feathers. She does not have any experience and knowledge on that. But she feels confident when the first time she carries out the business. “… At first time she was hesitant but when she realized that she obtains her first purchase for the sum of six shillings, less than she had budgeted for, she became more confident.” (p. 176).

Jess is very surprised when the buyer, Mrs. Cummings wants the feathers dyed first and tied into small bunches. Jess’ feathers have not been made up. It is something she has not thought about. Yet, Jessica is sure she can make it up and the buyer will be satisfied. “I’m sure that can be arranged. If you were to give me some small samples of fabric?” (p. 180).

Jess’ business has grown vast. Ronan sees that Jess looks more confident with all her efforts and achievements. “… She’d achieved so much and virtually on her own. These days she was very confident and her pas t experiences seemed only to have increased her self-assure and independence.” (p. 202).


becomes not confident to declare his feeling towards her. “… But she was so full of life, spirit and self-confidence, would she find him too dull? He also had to admit to himself that she was a good catch for any man….” (p. 262) .

Another opinion is from Catherine Grainger, Patrick’s wife. She admires Jess too. Jess has more self-confidence than herself. The first time she mee ts Jess, she knows Jess is very self confident. She is fond of her.

… She had liked Jess instantly even though she was a little in awe of her: Jess was far more self-confident and spirited than she herself was. That probably came of being a successful business woman…. (p. 302)

4. 1. 3 Optimistic

Jess always thinks optimistic ally. She believes good things will happen to her. She inherits her father’s optimism. “Maddy touched the girl’s cheek. ‘You have your Da’s optimism and determination.’” (p. 44)

When the family business is in ruins, Maddy decides to work in order to earn

some more money. Jess does not have the heart to let her mother work. So, she

decides to help her mother by looking for a job.

‘Then so will I. All night I’ve been thinking of what I can do in the way of work. I’m not formally trained for anything, but my English is good, and so is my arithmetic. Maybe I could get a job as a book-keeper or a clerk.’

‘Those are men’s jobs, Jess. No one would employ you.’ Jess became impatient. ‘There must be something I can do.’ (p. 47)


her brother will work too. “And Patrick and I will both get jobs. I don’t care what I do as long as it brings in some money!’ Jess interrupted. ” (p. 49)

Not long after the family business is in ruins, her mother passed away. Now Jess is an orphan. She loses everything and the people she loves. In such condition, Jess is still optimist in finding a job. It is shown when her landlady, Mrs. Scragg asks about her job hunting. “Ta, luv. ‘Ave yer ‘ad any luck with work, like?”. “Not really, but I’m still hoping.” (p. 126).

4. 1. 4 Independent

Independent is one of Jessica’s characters. She always tries to stand on her own feet. Is is found strange that a woman is independent in the novel. From her mother says about her shows that Jess is different with other woman. “… Sometimes she’s too independent for her own good. Too much the “modern miss”.” (p. 9)

Jessica does not depend on others. She will manage her life alone after her parents’ death. “As I told you after we heard the news, it’s very strange but I do feel calm. I know it’s what she would have wanted me to be. I’m alone now and I’ll manage.” (p. 107)


would have accepted….” (p. 119).

Jess tells to Edward she wants to start her own business. She hardly finds the capital. Edward wants to offer her the capital but he doubts it will hurt her. He sees she is too independent. “The answer came to him at once, but he had to tread carefully; he didn’t want to offend her and she was fiercely independent.” (p. 155). Finally, Edward summons up his courage to give her the capital but she refuses it. She wants him to lend not to give it.

She looked up at him hopefully. ‘No, Edward, I’d like you to lend it to me. I won’t need much really and I would pay you back, every penny and with interest….’ Oh, please let him agree. She couldn’t let him just give her the money. That would never do. (p. 166)

Jess often refuses other people’s help to show that she is an independent woman. Once again she reuses her aunt’s help to clean the premises she has rented for her new business. She believes she can do it herself. “Jess hesitated. She would prefer her aunt to see them when she’d finished. ‘No, I can manage, truly. It won’t take me long and I’m sure you have enough to do.’” (p. 166).

Her landlady, Mrs. Templeton also gives opinion that Jess is an independent woman. She admires what she has been doing. “Well, I’m sure Miss Brennan will make her way in the world. She’s an exceptional young woman. ” (p. 199).

Her business has grown bigger and bigger. Ronan is very proud of her efforts in establishing the business. She leads her own small company and becomes independent.


achieved so much and virtually on her own. These days she was very confident and her past experiences seemed only to have increased her self-assurance and independence. (p. 202)

Jessica builds the business by her own efforts. She can stand on her own two feet. It can be seen from her comment about her brother who cannot be independent. “Patrick isn’t like me. It’s difficult for him to have to stand on his own two feet.” (p. 221)

Because of her independence, she does not like everyone to worry so much about her. She is always sure she can take care of herself. “She looked a little concerned, but shrugged. ‘Don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself” (p. 250).

4. 1. 5 Strong

Jessica is a strong person. When the ship sank to the sea a nd she has lost her father, she still has the strength to help her mother in comforting the wives and the family who lose their men in the tragedy. It is a hard job for her.

‘You did well, Jess,’ Ronan said as he helped her off with her coat.

‘It was terrible but I think it helped Mam. I couldn’t let her go alone, and it was best that I was with her and not Patrick.’ “Patrick is a coward. He has no spirit, unlike you, Jess.” ‘It did take … courage and Patrick is sensitive.’ (p. 38)

Maddy is proud of her da ughter. Jess becomes her comfort in her desperate times. Maddy caught her daughter’s hand. ‘You are a great comfort to

me, Jess.’

‘We’ll manage, Mam. Somehow we’ll mange.’

Maddy touched the girl’s cheek. ‘You have your da’s optimism and determination.’


Jess’ family has lost everything, moreover they cannot pay the housemaid. Maddy does not have a heart to tell it to Minnie, the housemaid. She does not have the strength to do this. Maddy cannot face it alone and she wants Jess to do it. “Jess took her hand. ‘You know you can always count on me, Mam.” (p. 55) . From Jess’s reaction, she has the strength to talk to Minnie to explain their financial condition.

Uncle Tom has mortgaged the house and the bank will confiscate it because they cannot pay the debt. Jess and her family lose the house and everything in it. They must leave the house. Jess feels very sad. Her house means so much to her. All her memories are there. But she is trying to be strong. “It’s no use moping, let’s have something to eat and then we’ll start. At least it will give us something to do to keep us occupied,’ she added with a catch in her voice” (p. 63).

Jess’s suffering does not end after the tragedy whish befalls her father. Her mother is struck by a runa way horse and she is killed instantly. Her father and mother died within a matter of days, not even a week. She is very upset but she looks strong in facing it. It is shown when Ronan asks the constable about Jess’s condition.

‘I don’t think it sank in, Sir. She didn’t say a word. There wasn’t tear either. She jus asked that her note be sent to your mother and then she went upstairs. It’s not natural to be so calm. It may be the calm before the storm, so to speak.’ (p. 75)


right, Ronan. I’m fine. I can manage.” (p. 77). She also convinces her aunt that she is alright as if nothing happens. “Jess held her hand. ‘Don’t be too upset. At least she’s with Da now ’” (p. 78).

Jess can face the tragedy while Patrick cannot. He is confused with what he will do next. Jess’ answer shows she will face it as if the tragedy never comes. “We’re going to carry on as normal. It’s what Mam would have wanted,’ Jess replied steadily” (p. 80).

There is a Mass held for Jess’s mother. Jess strengthens her heart in the funeral ceremony of her mother.

She struggled with her emotions all through the service, knowing the worst part was yet to come. She prayed hard that she would have the strength not to break down completely at the graveside (p. 108).

In the funeral ceremony, Edward sees that Jess is so firm. She looks so strong with all the tragedy. That makes Edward admires her so much.

He admired her courage enormously. He was sure that his mother, who was inclined to be domineering, would have taken to her bed if faced with so many overpowering disasters…. (p. 109).

Jess has lost her parents, her family, and her house. She tries to make her own effort with all the strength. She begins her business. She is almost desperate because she does not have the money to buy the feathers.

… Where should she get the money to buy anything? She had no money even for food. But she was determined not to give in. Mam had shown her away out. Tomorrow she would go and ask in the milliners’ shops and something, something would turn up. She’d find some way of getting the money…. (p. 141).


woman now. She never gives up in dealing with the business. She is always powerful. She is never sick although she faces the bad situation and condition. Patrick says that Jess is physically strong too. “How the hell is she going to get so ill? She’s as fit as fiddle” (p. 335).

4. 1. 6 Hard Working

Since she starts her own business on feathers, Jess becomes a hard worker. She always does the best for her customers. She does not want them to be disappointed.

‘Well, what do you think?’ she asked Tilly as, with heartfelt relief, she placed Mrs. Cummings’s order in her case on Thursday morning. They had work like demons but she was very pleased with the results (p. 138).

Because of her hard working, the business grows rapidly in a short time. “She was very proud of her achievements. In just a year her business had gone from strength to strength. It had been hard work….” (p. 201).

Patrick has lost his money. He has nothing left. His friend cannot afford for him to stay at the club. He begs Jess’s mercy to let him living with her. He has nowhere to go. “Oh, God! Then you know how desperate I am. I know you’ve worked hard and I’ll help, I’ll do anything, anything at all!’ I’ll sweep floors, cart rubbish. Please, Jess, don’t desert me? Mam …?” (p. 212) .

Patrick knows that her sister has worked hard. He is very surprised when


damned hard for it and I’ll have to go on working damned hard to furnish and run it” (p. 212). Jess does not only want to buy the house but she also decides to live in her old house again. “I hope so, Patrick. The hardship I suffered and believe me, it was hard- sort of helped me to overcome some of the memories….” (p. 227).

Patrick is also shocked and surprised with what Jessica has done for her life. She has no experience but she has been successful now.

…. He didn’t think his sister had marriage on he r mind at the moment, she was too involved in her business. The fact that she had been so successful had surprised him. She’d had no training or experience and yet somehow she’d done it…. (p. 236).

Mrs. Maud Templeton also sees that Jess has worked so hard. She does not quite agree when Jess tells her that Patrick will live with her.

The older woman sniffed again and raised her eyes to the ceiling. Typical! Living the high life, doing nothing, while Jess had work and scrimped and saved and taken that little urchin under her wing…. (p. 221).

Jess does not mind Patrick to live with her. She remembers that her mother will be sad if she lets Patrick not to be with her. When Patrick asks her that his friend wants to live under her roof, instantly Jess does not agree. “Have you come here with more hare-brained schemes? If you have, there’s the door. I’m not the fool Patrick is. I’ve earned my money the hard way” (p. 241).


hard” (p. 322).

Patrick also gives her advice to take a rest when Jess tells him that she plans to carry other lines in order to make a good profit. “Don’t be over-taxing yourself. You work too hard as it is,’ Patrick said solitously” (p. 339).

Edward also suggests her to take a holiday when he sees Jess looks so exhausted, no energy at all. In her bad condition, Jess is still thinking about her business.

‘Oh, I couldn’t go away!’ Jess cried in alarm. ‘You should rest, Jess,’ Edward was firm.

‘But the business?’ Jess pressed. ‘I’ve worked so hard, so I couldn’t just let it go….’ (p. 356) .

4. 2 Feminism Revealed through Jessica Brennan’s Character

In the novel, the society at that time holds the concept of patriarchal family. Patriarchal is a rule in society that sees men as the one to hold the power of the house and the whole family, and women’s position is as the subordination. They are considered they always depend on the men.

At that time, every woman must have proper behavior and duties according to the society’s expectation. They are supposed to be good mothers and only do the domestic jobs. They are also not allowed to work outside the home to support themselves.


what the society’s views and expectation on women. Women usually stay at home doing the housework and taking care of the children. They depend on men (husbands and or sons). But it does not happen to Jessica when she has lost her family and becomes alone. She tries to get a job in order to earn some mone y. It is hard to find a job for a woman. She does not experience in work before and the job is not suitable for a woman. Jessica is a confident person. With her confidence, she is sure she will get a job. Although she is doubt with her first job interview, she still tries to be confident. She believes she can pass the interview.

… Fleetingly she thought of that interview. It had been no more than a cursory inspection and her lack of experience had very obviously been taken into account. She had definitely not been suitable. Still, she managed to appear cheerful and confident…. (p. 118).

Jessica dares to take the risk in the first time she starts her business. She does not have knowledge about the world of business at all, especially for buying and selling feathers. But she feels very confident in carrying out the business. “….At first time she was hesitant but when she realized that she obtained her first purchase for the sum of six shillings, less than she had budgeted for, she became more confident” (p. 176).


Edward, the man who admires and supports all of her efforts, sees that Jessica is different from other women. He sees her as a confident woman. That makes him afraid to declare his feelings. “….But she was so full of life, spirit and self-confidence, would she find him too dull?....” (p. 262) .

In finding a job, Jess always thinks optimistic although it is har d to get a job for her. Her mother has reminded her that it is not an easy thing to propose a work in men’s world. She does not care with her mother’s advice. She is so stubborn. “And Patrick and I will both get jobs. I don’t care what I do as long as it brings in some money!’ Jess interrupted. ” (p. 49).

With her courage, she tries hard to get a job. She is optimist that she will get a job as soon as possible. She wants to earn some money. She does not want just to stay at home and hope the fortune will come without any efforts. She wants to help her mother.

….All night I’ve been thinking of what I can do in the way of work. I’m not formally trained for anything, but my English is good, and so is my arithmetic. Maybe I could get a job as a book-keeper or a clerk.”

‘Those are men’s jobs, Jess. No one would employ you.’ Jess became impatient. ‘There must be something I can do.’ (p. 47)

Her stubbornness leads her to be independent. She hardly forgives her uncle. She blames her uncle because he has mortgaged the house and they cannot pay the debt. That makes her refuse to live in one roof with her uncle. She determines to live alone although she has to live in a stable with a horse.


She has refused her aunt’s offering to stay in her house and live with her family after she lost everything, her parents, her house and her brother has left her. Jess persuades her aunt that she will be fine. She can take care of herself. Jess wants to be independent. “Really, I am. Oh, Aunt Jo, this is something I have to do. I have to make my own way in the world, ….” (p. 119).

When Jess starts her own business, Edward offers to give the capital and she does not need to pay it back. Jess refuses it. She wants to lend it and will pay it back when she has earned some money. From that reason, Edward sees that Jess is too indepe ndent as a woman.

She looked up at him hopefully. ‘No, Edward, I’d like you to lend it to me. I won’t need much really and I would pay you back, every penny and with interest….’ Oh, please let him agree. She couldn’t let him just give her the money. That would never do (p. 166) .

Jessica can face good and bad condition alone. She looks so strong when the tragedy happens. Both her parents died in a matter of days, the family business is in ruins, the house has been mortgaged by her uncle, and the only brother has left her alone. She feels desperate for a while but with her strength she begins her new life and never gives up. “As I told you after we heard the news, it’s very strange but I do feel calm. I know it’s what she would have wanted me to be. I’m alone now and I’ll manage” (p. 107).

Jess wants to start her business in buying and selling the feathers for decoration but she does not know how to get the capital. She is almost desperate because she does not have the money to buy the feathers.


no money even for food. But she was determined not to give in. Mam had shown her away out. Tomorrow she would go and ask in the milliners’ shops and something, something would turn up. She’d find some way of getting the money…. (p. 141).

By her hard work, Jess can earn some money. She starts her own business. Her business grows rapidly in a short time. Many people are surprised with what Jess has done.

…. He didn’t think his sister had marriage on her mind at the moment, she was too involved in her business. The fact that she had been so successful had surprised him. She’d had no training or experience and yet somehow she’d done it…. (p. 236).

Jessica always does the best for her customer. She will do what the customer wants. She is always busy with her business although she is in a bad condition.

‘Oh, I couldn’t go away!’ Jess cried in alarm. ‘You should rest, Jess,’ Edward was firm.

‘But the business?’ Jess pressed. ‘I’ve worked so hard, so I couldn’t just let it go….’ (p. 356) .

She brings herself in to the men’s world. Now, she owns a company and she becomes the leader. “She was very proud of her achievements. In just a year her business had gone from strength to strength. It had been hard work….” (p. 201).


condition they face in their life (1953: 84). Another comment is that women know what is good and bad in the way they use their feelings of superiority for good deeds. So, we can say that Jessica is a realistic woman who can control her feelings effectively and use her power for good purposes. In the novel, Jessica has shown that she can control her emotion. Sometimes she becomes easy of being desperate but she can manage her despair. She has purpose in her life which is earning some money by developing her ability in leading the company.

Jessica’s feminism also can be seen from the other characters opinion about what she has done. In the novel, the society views that women do a business are something strange. It becomes something unusual, like what Edward Dempsey thinks about Jessica’s mother when they are talking about the family business.

‘He owns the line, doesn’t he?’

‘In partnership with my mother and, since last year, Uncle Tom.’

‘How many ships are there?’

‘Three and a forth is being built across the water at Cammell Laird’s shipyard.’

He nodded, impressed and a little surprised that a woman was a partner in the business. It was unusual. (p. 14)

From Edward’s reaction is shown that usually men do the business not the women. It is a big surprised Jess’ mother becomes her father’s partnership in managing the line. Many women depend on their men (husbands and sons) who become the breadwinner of the family. The women just stay at home doing the housework and taking care of their children.


She knocked loudly on the door and waited until it was opened by a small, rotund man in a collarless shirt and a very grubby checked waistcoat and trousers. He mopped his forehead with a large red handkerchief. ‘Yes?’

‘I’ve come about the business premises to let.’

He looked at her suspiciously. ‘What business are yer in, girl? I’ve never ‘eard of a decent woman being in business around ‘ere.’ (p. 159-160)

Knowing what the man says, Jess tries to persuade him that she really is making a business. She explains to him she will supply feathers to milliners and dress-maker.

She looked at him coldly, knowing exactly what he was implying. ‘I supply feather trimmings to milliners and dressmaking establishments. A perfectly respectable business. I need somewhere to keep my stock,’ she answered as briskly as she could. ‘Now, may I see the prem ises?’ (p. 160)

Jessica has broken that old thing that only men do the business. Jess can prove that as a woman she can do what men do.

Mrs. Maud Templeton, Jessica’s landlady, is amazed when Jess asks her permission to sit in the parlour and think about her future. It is unbelievable that a young woman plans her future. “Mrs. Templeton, may I sit in the parlour, please? I need some time to think … plan my future,’ she asked, seeing her sitting behind the desk in the hall” (p. 157). She permits her but she is still wondering to herself. She thinks Jess is an unordinary woman. She is different from others.


Jess tells Mrs. Templeton about the business she has made. Mrs. Templeton looks so proud the way she is making the business.

She had told the woman a little about her business venture which surprisingly had met with approval. Unlike so many of her generation Maud Templeton was very much in favour of woman making their own way in the world, providing what they did was honest and respectable. Hadn’t she done so herself? (p. 183)

Mrs. Templeton also admires Jessica’s efforts and hard work. She has made her own way by herself. “… in fact, the older woman admired Jess tremendously and Jess was very good to her. These days the woman was far better and more stylishly dressed, courtesy of Jess….” (p. 206). Doing business at that time is not a woman’s world. Only men do this. According to Mrs. Templeton, it will be a hard job if a woman deals with it.“Maud Templeton digested this thoughtfully. ‘You know, Jessica, you have done very well indeed and it’s not easy, this being a man’s world” (p. 220).

Women at that time only do the domestic jobs. They are not allowed to work outside the home. It is hard to find a job for a woman. If there is any job for women, they will be employed in the lower grades of work and they will be paid a lower rate than men. It also happens to Jess when she tries to lo ok for a job. She hardly gets it. She does not receive any replies at all from the companies. Finally she asks her landlady. There are some work for woman but they are dirty work such as cleaning, washing, and scrubbing offices.

‘What other kind of work is there for women in this part of the city?’


‘I can keep house and my writing is good, so is my arithmetic.’ ‘Well, yer won’t find many jobs that call for all that, not round ‘ere. Yer might get factory work in a rope works or feed factory or makin’ matches, things like that.’

Jess is a modern woman. She does not agree with arranged-marriage. She says that it is an old-fashioned. It is seen when her aunt makes an arrangement for Patrick. “Jess smiled ruefully. ‘Aunt Jo, you can’t arrange marriages in this day and age” (p. 288).

She thinks that everyone has their own freedom and right whether they want to get married or not. They have to choose their own soulmate and no one can force them. Her modern thinking is also shown when she wants T illy to have her education well. She must get the best. A good education will lead her to good future.

‘And how is Tilly’s education coming along?’

Jess grimaced. ‘She’s still not at all happy at being sent back to school, but I told her she would never make her way in the world unless she had a decent education.’ (p. 202)





In this last chapter, I would like to draw the conclusions as the closures of the whole study and present the suggestions to future researchers and the implementation of literary work in language teaching.

5. 1 Conclusions

Feminism is an interesting issue around the world. It deals with the women’s existence and position in the society which becomes the background of the study.

After analyzing the feminism reflected in When Daylight Comes in chapter four, I conclude t hat the society in the novel is a patriarchal society. In the patriarchal world, men have higher position and men also have priority in the society, while women are considered weaker than men. Men can get involve d in many aspects of the society. On the contrary, women do not have the same opportunity as men. The patriarchal society becomes the limitation for women. The role of women at that time is to become good housewives and mothers. Their duty in the society is to take care of their household and family .


the society was already accustomed to the old point of view that women do not have role and ability to do such kind of job. Only men can do such things because only men can control everything, in cluding control the state as a president.

The feminism is clearly reflected through Jessica’s character. She is a strong woman. She is also independent and confident as a woman, even though she is still young and inexperience d. It is very uncommon for a young woman at that time to have the same characteristics and thoughts as Jessica. In the story, she dares to be the head of a small company of her own even though she is a woman. She is able to do what men do. She dares to refuse her aunt’s offering to live with her family although she must pay the consequences. She faces the hard life alone until she becomes a successful woman.

The superiority feeling of woman is reflected on Jessica’s thought. At that time it is impossible for a woman to be the head of sta te or any other things except being a housewife. Only men can do such kinds of an important job. Jessica thinks that she is different from other women at that time because she wants to do what men do in all aspects, such as her intention of being a book-keeper or a clerk. Jessica has already broken the old assumption of patriarchy. She can prove to the society that a woman can be a leader.

5. 2 Suggestions


extensive reading and speaking. I will use the novel When Daylight Comes by Lyn Andrews as a source to teach the students in extensive reading and speaking.

5. 2. 1 Suggestions for Future Researchers

Lyn Andrews’ When Daylight Comes is a very interesting novel, which encourages researchers to analyze every parts of it. The study will open opportunities for researchers to conduct further analysis in the future. The red thread of woman author is the movement of feminism. This will enrich the next researchers’ field of study, especially when it comes to feminism and gender role of women.

5. 2. 2 Suggestions to Teachers

5. 2. 2. 1 The Implementation of Teaching Extensive Reading Using Particular Parts of the Novel When Daylight Comes for the Fourth Semester Students of English Language Study Program

In language learning, reading becomes an important skill besides the three other language skills. Paulston and Bruder emphasize that “reading is the most important skill of all for most students of English throughout the world” (1976: 157). Therefore, it is necessary to teach the students to read.


text (1976: 158).

Further, Paulston and Bruder describe the two reading activities as follows:

1. Intensive reading which is related to the study of language features, syntactical and lexical, which the reader draws on in order to decode the message. Intensive reading is also concerned with related skills, such as developing strategies of expectation and guessing meaning from context. The main objective of intensive reading is developing the ability to draw syntactic and lexical clues, and to recognize farther the production of language features (1976: 163).

2. Extensive reading simply refers to the reading which is done individually by the students without teacher’s help. The objective of extensive reading is exactly to learn reading by reading (1976: 199).

Before setting the reading activities, the teacher should pay attention on the reading text.


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From the hyphothesis testing of this research indicates that Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) has a positive and significant effect on Return on Asset (ROA), meanwhile

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Dengan bergabungnya Indonesia dalam sistem internasional, nasionalisme Indonesia yang dibangun adalah nasionalisme kosmopolitan yang menandaskan bahwa
