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Handling Children Who Have Lack of Discipline at Tunas Cemara Kindergarten.


Academic year: 2017

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i Maranatha Christian University


Dalam tugas akhir ini, saya membahas kesulitan yang saya hadapi ketika mengajar anak yang tidak disiplin di TK Tunas Cemara Bandung. Disiplin mempunyai tujuan mengarahkan anak-anak menjadi seseorang yang dapat hidup harmonis dengan orang lain. Pendidikan disiplin penting diajarkan meskipun mereka masih anak-anak karena disiplin dapat

mempengaruhi tingkah laku mereka.

Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan selama saya magang, terdapat

penyebab anak mengapa tidak disiplin. Ada tiga faktor yaitu anak tersebut selalu dipenuhi keinginannya, guru yang tidak tegas, dan anak-anak tidak sadar bahwa reaksi mereka mempunyai resiko pada orang laen. Ada tiga solusi yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan-kesulitan yaitu: pertama, pendidik memarahi anak yang kurang disiplin dengan cara yang positif. Kedua, pendidik memberi hadiah dengan tujuan anak-anak yang telah dapat menjadi disiplin dapat terus melakukan hal tersebut. Ketiga, pendidik memberi hukuman berupa time-out yang merupakan tindakan agar anak-anak dapat mengerti kesalahan apa yang mereka telah lakukan.

Selain itu terdapat efek yang terjadi ketika anak-anak tidak disiplin. Pertama, pelajaran menjadi terganggu. Kedua, anak-anak mungkin menjadi tidak disiplin dalam waktu yang panjang. Ketiga, waktu terbuang untuk mendisiplinkan anak-anak yang tidak disiplin.


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CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION………...1-5 A. Background of the Study

B. Identification of the Problem

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study D. Description of the Institution

E. Method of the Study F. Limitation of the Study

G. Organization of the Term Paper









The difficulty to handle children who lack of

discipline at Tunas Cemara Kindergarten

(+) Positive effects:

 It is an advantage for children as they will know that the teacher pays attention.

 The children will be more aware of the reality of the world that is there is an effect of doing something wrong.

 The children will understand that what they do is a fault.

Potential Solution 1:

The teacher does not let the children misbehave but

he/she should show positive anger to them

( - ) Negative effects:  The children will not care

anymore if the teacher keeps showing anger everytime they do something wrong.

 The children will be afraid to do anything in class.

 The children will copy the anger.

( - ) Negative effects:  That there is a chance the

teacher keeps giving present

for everything child’s action.  The children can have lack

of sensitivity to responsibility.

 The children may have lack of internal self control.

Potential Solution 2:

To give the children reward

(+) Positive effects:

 The children will be motivated to get the reward.

 The children will be happy as they feel that they are appreciated by the teacher.

 The children will have self that their actions have consequences to other children.


 The lesson will be disturbed.

 The student are likely to be undiscipline in the long run.

 The time is spent due to the teacher asks them to do.

 The children will realize the mistake.

( - ) Negative effects:

 Children may not realize that the punishment is actually a learning proccess so that they do not do their mistake again.

 The punishment can make the children traumatic.


The Best Potential Solutions :

Combination of:

1. The second potential solution: To give the children reward 2. The third potential solution:


1 Maranatha Christian University



A. Background of the Study

Discipline has the purpose of directing a child to become a better

person living in harmony with other people. According to Rimm, the

purpose of discipline is to lead children in specific life morale so that they

can adjust to the ways of the world in creating life order. (page 47).

Applying discipline in education field is important as it is the process

which has the function to manage human to have behaviour that is

accepted by the society. Therefore, it is crucial that in every school

teachers should lead children to have discipline in order that they know

how to have good attitude and avoid bad attitude. If in the school there is

no discipline applied, it is likely that the class will be disorganized and the

process of learning will go distracted. Moreover, it is crucial to apply

discipline in order to make children grow with strong, good morale.

Furthermore, it is significant to educate students about discipline

although they are still very young because it can influence their behaviour.

If they learn about discipline well, they can have good behaviour but if they

are not taught about discipline, they will have bad behaviour. Thus, it is


2 Maranatha Christian University

possible. Sears states that “The earlier you get connected, the more

successful your discipline will be.” (page 16). Therefore, since

kindergartens, teachers need to set the curriculum to have discipline in its

agenda. It should have the purpose of not only introducing children with

the new enviroment, developing skills and knowledge, but also introducing

them about discipline. In the article of Lab School, it is said that

kindergarten is one of the crucial places to educate children with

discipline. (par.2).

In my internship, I found a significant problem that could cause a loss

to the school and the students. The main problem was that there were

some students who lacked in discipline. They did not want to follow class

rules and also did not know the consequences of their action, for example

throwing things when they did not get what they wanted. I was the teacher

assistant in the class and I did not really know how to handle the situation.

Therefore, there was hardly anything done about this throughout the

semester. Thus, it caused a lot of problems, including the distraction of

teaching and learning processes. In order for the school to get children to

apply discipline and attain maximum educative goals, there are some

ways to be done and efforts to make, which I would like to discuss in the

subsequent chapters.

B. Identification of the Problem

The problems are presented in the following:


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2. What will happen in class if the children have lack of discipline? 3. How is it to handle the undisciplined children to become children

with discipline?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study

The objectives of the study is to find out the causes of the children’s

having lack of discipline in class and to portray all the disadvantages

caused by children who lack of discipline. Moreover, there are some

solutions which are proposed to handle the undisciplined children in order

that the teaching and learning process can go as planned in the


There are some benefits of the study for the readers and the teachers

at Tunas Cemara Kindergarten, and for me as the writer. The readers and

I will get information about discipline and will find out the solution to handle

the problems when we encounter similar problem in the future.

Furthermore, the teachers at Tunas Cemara will be more aware and

equipped with the knowledge of how to handle children not having


D. Description of the Institution

Tunas Cemara was built by Yayasan Citra Cemara. It consists of

play group, kindergarten, elementary school, ABA International, and

Mandarin course. Kindergarten was built on April 17, 2000, elementary


4 Maranatha Christian University

2004, and Mandarin course was built in July 2001. The location of Tunas

Cemara Kindergarten is at Jl. Situ Aksan No. 41 Bandung and the location

of elementary school is at Jl. Situ Aksan No. 33 Bandung. In the

kindergarten, the age of the children ranges from 3-5 years old. The

children of three-four years old learn in kindergarten level A and those of

four-five years old learn in kindergarten level B.

The vision of Tunas Cemara Kindergarten is to become quality

education institution which prepares children to have concept, quality, and

responsibility. The mision of Tunas Cemara Kindergarten is to educate

children to have excellent intellectual and skills in cooperation with the

children’s parents.

E. Method of the Study

The method of the study is my observation when I did my internship at

Tunas Cemara Kindergarten. Everyday after the class finished, I wrote a

report to record what the activities and the problems that happened each

day. In addition, I did a library research to get some information, including

from books and internet.

F. Limitation of the Study

The limitation of the study is the problem of children having lack of

discipline. I got the data from children level A in Tunas Cemara

Kindergarten during my internship on January 4, 2010 until March 19,


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G. Organization of the Term Paper

This term paper starts with the Abstract, a concise summary of the

entire paper in Bahasa Indonesia. The Abstract is followed by Declaration

of Originality, Acknowledgment and Table Contents.

The paper is divided into four chapters; the first chapter is Introduction

that has seven parts; including, Background of study, Identification of the

problem, Objectives and benefits of the study, Description of the

institution, Method of the study, Limitation of the study and Organization of

the term paper. The second chapter is Problem Analysis and the third

chapter is Potential Solution which is followed by the last chapter that is


16 Maranatha Christian University



This chapter discusses the best solution to the problem of students’ having lack of discipline at Tunas Cemara Kindergarten. There are three

causes why the teacher has difficulty in handling the problem. The first is

the children always get what they want, the second cause is the teacher

has lack of assertiveness, the third cause is the children are not aware of

the consequences of their actions. Moreover, there are three effects of the

children having lack of discipline; including, the lessons are distracted, the

students remain undisciplined for a long period of time, and much time is

spent taking care of the children lacking in discipline.

In my opinion, the best solution to handle the problem is by combining

the second and third solution, among others, giving reward and time-out

strategy to make the children discipline in class. The reason for choosing

the combination of these solutions is because both are needed to balance

the process of teaching discipline to children. Specifically, giving reward


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The children would be motivated to behave well again as they feel

appreciated for what they have done. According to Ubaydillah

disciplinarian needs to give reward to children who have tried to behave

well. (par.10).

Moreover, the reason of giving time-out strategy is because the teacher

wants to correct the wrong mistakes which the children have done. He/she

wants the children to feel the importance of following rules and increase

the awareness of having discipline. Letting the children misbehave would

make them have problems not only in school, but also in society (Sears,

23). Therefore, in order to avoid this and develop the children in the right

way, it is important for the teacher to teach them about discipline through

this mild punishment strategy, called time-out.

These solutions are hopefully effective for the children who have lack of

discipline in class. If the teachers do not use the combination of the

solutions, the children can feel it is unfair, for example, when the children

feel they have behaved well, they do not get any reward; but when they

misbehave, they get punishment. Thereby, reward and punishment are


Maranatha Christian University


Printed Sources

Rimm, Dr. Sylvia. Mendidik dan Menerapkan Disiplin pada Anak

Prasekolah. Jakarta, 2003.

Sears, William, and Martha. The Discipline Book: How to Have a

Better-Behaved Child From Birth to Age Ten. New York: Little Brown, 1995.

Electronic Sources

Anderson, Carolyn.”Anger in Children-5 Tips to Help Children Deal With It”


Ahira, Anne.”Pengaruh DisiplinTerhadap PrestasiBelajar Siswa”


Chatib, Munif. “Benarkah Hukuman”


Jihadsabili.” Bila Anak Selalu Dibentak” 15 Maret 2011


Kersey, Katharine C. “How to Discipline Your Child”

<http://www.come-over ta/fasstar/Kersey.htm>


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Loh, Andrew. “Discipline Tecniques for Children that Work”


Luchan. “Ekspresi Marah Pada Anak” 31 March 2008

<http://keluargasehat.wordpress.com/2008/03/31/ekspresi-marah-pada- anak>

Martin, Harold S.”Five Pointers for Disciplining Children”


“Multiply.” Marah Pada Anak 12 Juni 2009


Ubaydillah.”Suap dan Hadiah Dalam Pengasuhan” 02 Juni 2010


“Parenting Guide.”Mengatasi Anak Manja” Maret 2008


Shields, Jessica.”Effective Ways to Discipline Your Children”


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