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STAIN Salatiga

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Submited in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Degree

Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)








J l Stadion 03 Telp. (0298) 323706,323433 Salatiga 50721

Website : www.stainsalatiga.ac.id E-m ail: administrasi@stainsalatiga.ac.id

Salatiga. 27 July 2006

Ham mam, M. Pd.

The Lecturer of Educational Faculty

State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga


Case . Indhi Dwi Setiyaningsih’s Thesis


The Head of State Islamic

Studies Institute of Salatiga

Assalamu 'alaikum Wr. Wb.

After reading and correcting Indhi Dwi Setiyaningsih’s thesis entitled



I have decided and would like to propose that i t could be accepted by educational

faculty I hope it would be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu 'alaikum Wr. Wb.


Hammam, M. Pd.

NIP. 150 301 298




Jl. Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721 Webs.ie : www.stainsalatiga.ac.id E -m ail: administrasi@stainsalatiga.ac.id






Has been brought to the board of examiners in August, 05lh 2006 M / Rajab, 11th 1427 H, and hereby considered to completely fullfillment of the

requirement fertile degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.l) in The English and Educational Faculty.





Assalamu 'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Alhamdulillahi rabbil ‘alamin, in the name of Allah the Lord of Universe,

because of Him, the writer could complete this thesis as one o f the requirements for

getting Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S. Pd. I) In English Department Faculty of State

Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga 2006.

However, this success would not be achieved without support, guidance and

encouragement from individuals and institutions, therefore let her to say thanks to:

■ Drs. Imam Sutomo, M. Ag., as the Head of STAIN Salatiga.

■ Hammam, M. Pd., thanks for your time, support, attention, motivation

advices, suggestion, and recommendation from the beginning until the end.

■ Mrs. Nuryanti and Nana, thanks for lending me the books and all your input.

■ Sandy for giving me support and helping me searching the books.

■ For all English Department teachers. Thank you very much for sharing me

your knowledge.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Salatiga, 31 July 2006

The writer



I d e d ic a t e t h i s t h e s i s f o r t h e s e follow ing o u ts ta n d in g p e o p le t h a t

given t h e i r love, s u p p o r t, m o tiv a tio n , fr ie n d s h ip , a n d c a rin g in my life.

■ My e n o rm o u s p a r e n ts , B apak S a rin d i a n d I b u S u ta r n i. How n ice it

is t o h a v e tw o p e o p le a s s w e e t a s th o u g h tf u l f o r my p a r e n ts . You've

given m e t h e m o st g e n e ro u s g i f t o f all... y o u r tim e... a p a r t o f y o u r

life .

■ My s i s t e r s , M b a I i n a n d W u ri. And my b r o t h e r W a h y u . I w a n t

rem in d you how m u ch I re a lly c a r e a n d th a n k you f o r all t h a t you've

b e e n t o me.

■ My b e s t f r ie n d V ina, th a n k s f o r alw ays listen in g m e, love, y o u r

c a rin g , an d b ein g a p la c e t o s h a r e . I love you.

■ S a n d y A n ta rik s a , I am so g lad and th a n k fu l t h a t Allah p u t you in

H is plan f o r m e. I could n e v e r a s k f o r , w a n t, o r n e e d a b e t t e r m an,

b e c a u s e I h a v e t h e b e s t in you.

■ N a n a a n d N o v i. My G irls, th a n k s f o r s h a r e m e y o u r love an d

w o n d e rfu l frie n d s h ip .

■ Bang B lack, A ry 'S o lik in ', S u n tu r , A gus, A ris 'P ak G u ru ', A ndik,

W a s k ito . I g e t a lo t o f m e m o ra b le tim e a n d fr ie n d s h ip w ith you.

T h an k s guys!!

* M as E d y , M as H im i, M as D idik, a n d M b ak D e fy . T h a n k s f o r

y o u r a d v ic e , an d y o u r love, p a tie n t a n d c arin g . T h a n k s f o r building

my c h a r a c t e r and b ein g my b e lo v e d s i s t a s an d b ro s .

■ M b a Luluk, K h o tm a, N u ru l, I v a . 'M o le n ', T in a .T W , J a d d i a n d


■ Bpk a n d I b u M u n ja en i, Bpk. S la m e t B a d ro n i, Bpk. S u r o to , Bpk.

S u r a tu n , Bpk. S u tik n o , Bu Y an a, Bu D arm i, Bu Mu r , Bu S o p , Bu

A m b a r. T h an k s f o r y o u r k in d n e ss, c arin g a n d ad v ice.

■ I p a n , my f ig h tin g -m a te . T h an k s b r o f o r y o u r su p p o rt.

■ My f r i e n d s in HAM. T h a n k s f o r y o u r s u p p o r t guys!!

* All t h e p e o p le t h a t I c a n 't m e n tio n o n e b y o n e ..

S o th a n k fu l t o b e a b le t o s h a r e my t h e s i s w ith e a c h o f you...!!!

J u ly '0 6






MOTTO... iv


DEDICATION... ... vi



A. Background of the Study... 1

B. Review of the Previous Research... 4

C. Identification of the Problem... 5

D. Statement of the Problem V... 5

E. Objective of the Problem... 6

F. Benefits of the Study... 6

G. Thesis Out Line... 6


A. English Adverb... 8

a. Definition of Adverb... 8

b. Types of Adverb... 9

c. Function of Adverb... 11

d. Adverb of Frequency... 13


3. Position of Adverb of Frequency... 15

B. Indonesian Adverb... 19

a. Definition of Adverb... 19

b. Types of Adverb... 19

c. Function of Adverb... 21

d. Adverb of Frequency... 22

1. Definition of Adverb of Frequency... 22

2. Function of Adverb of Frequency... 23

3. Position of Adverb of Frequency... 24

C. Contrastive Analysis... 25

D. Hypothesis o f Contrastive Analysis... 26


A. Method Used in the Research... 29

B. D ata... 30

C. Source of Data... 30

D. Method of Collecting Data... 31

E. Method of Analyzing Data... 32


A. Data Presentation... 36

B. Data Analysis... 39


A. Conclusion... 45

B. Suggestion... 46




A. Background of the Study

One of the giving of God to human being is language. It is very

important as a means of communication. There are many different languages,

in the earth. Two of them are Indonesian and English.

It is well known that English is as an international language. It is

used as a means of communication in most of the countries in the world.

Without language, human cannot communicate with other people. English is

also used to write many kinds of scientific books.

In fact, learning English is not easy, because there are many kinds

differences between their native and target language. The function of

language is for communication among human beings. In learning English as

a foreign language, Indonesian learners are often confused to comprehend it

because there are differences between English and Indonesian language

systems. It happen because the Indonesian learners are influenced by

Indonesian structure in learning.

Every year millions o f people begin learning a foreign language but

only very few succeed in mastering it. The most obvious reason is that the

learners of foreign language have had experiences which vary from person

to person.1


If the native language habit is transferred when learning a foreign

language, problems will arise. So by comparing the foreign language

systems with the native language systems, the teacher will know the

potential learning problems. Obviously learning English as a foreign

language is more difficult than learning the first language. The basic

problem arising is not only out of essential difficulties in the features of the

second language themselves but also from the first language.

Based on the assumption that the learners tend to transfer the nat've

language systems into the foreign language, the teacher in teaching a foreign

language must compare the native language and foreign language in order to

be able to find the differences and to avoid errors. The errors are often

influenced by the native language, as learners tend to transfer the structure of

native language into the foreign language. Therefore, the learners learning a

foreign language have to master the form and the meaning to avoid making


Generally, to master English, there are four skills learned by students

such as writing, reading, listening, and speaking. From the skills above, the

students will be able to make a good sentence. In addition, the students

should learn about grammar. Grammar is the rules in a language for

changing form of words and joining them into sentences.2


The common problem faced by foreign language learners when

reading material written in English is because they do not master


Grammar is very important in learning English. One of grammar

elements is adverb. Adverb is a word that modifies the meaning of verb, an

adjective, or another adverb.3 According to Alter, there are many kinds of

adverb. They are adverb of manner, adverb of place, adverb of time, adverbs

of degree and adverb of frequency.4 In Indonesian, there are many kinds of

adverb too. They are adverbia kualitatif (adverb of quality), adverbia

kuantitative (adverb of quantitative), adverbia lim itatif (adverb of

limitative), adverbia frekuentative (adverb of frequency), adverbia

kewaktuan (adverb of time), adverbia kecaraan (adverb of manner),

adverbia kontrastif (adverb of contrastive), and adverbia keniscayaan

(adverb of certainty).5 In this thesis the writer will try to explore adverb of

frequency in both languages, English and Indonesian.

From the explanation above, the writer would like to study adverb of

frequency. The writer wants to compare English and Indonesian adverb of


frequency to get the differences and similarities of them, so the writer wants

to analyse both of them to give contribution.

3 http://netgrammar. altec.org/Support/a 101 b5_101000 html


B. Review of the Previous Research

There are three previous researcher used by the writer as bones of

literature thesis. Those are:

1. Based on the thesis of Gunari entitled An Error Analysis in the Use o f

Adverbs in Written English (The Case o f the Second Year Students o f

Islamic Senior High School MAN Purwodadi in the Academy Year o f

2001/2002), states that interlingual (influence of native language system)

and intralingual caused the learners difficult to learn English adverbs.

2. According to Asyik Junaidi, in his thesis A Contrastive Analysis between

English and Indonesian Sentence Patterns, states that by making a

contrastive between two languages in order to find out the similar and

different elements can used to predict the learning problems.

3. According to Muhammad Mutaqiin in his thesis An error Analysis o f

Using Adverbs in Reported Speech (a Case Study o f the Second Year

Students o f SMU Sudirman Andong Boyolali in the Academic Year o f

2003 - 2004), states that the intralingual errors can find out the dominant

error, the students usually ignore of the rule restriction.

By comparing the two languages, learners will be able to identify the

differences elements, which usually form stumbling blocks for them. Thus

they can make a contrastive analysis between the two languages in order to

find out the similar and the different elements.6


The linguistic system deals with the systematic comparison and

contrasting of the native and target (or second) language system, commonly

knows as contrastive analysis.7 By comparing both languages, English and

Indonesian, then find the differences elements, the learners could avoid error

in learning adverbs of frequency.

C. Identification of the Problem

In order to understand the topic easier, the writer will identify about

the problem in the following:

1. The similarities between English and Indonesian adverbs of frequency.

2. The differences between English and Indonesian adverbs o f frequency.

D. Statement of the Problem

The writer will present a study to a specific aspect of the problems

that are:

1. What are the similarities between English and Indonesian adverb of


2. What are the differences between English and Indonesian adverb of



E. Objective of the Problem

In writing this thesis, the writer has objectives as follows:

1. To describe the similarities between English and Indonesian adverb of


2. To describe the differences between English and Indonesian adverb of


F. Benefits of the Study

Theoretically, this thesis will add finding the similarities and

differences between English and Indonesian adverbs of frequency, so that

the teacher could find out the answer of the problems about adverb of

frequency. For the students, it can use as one of literature reviews in their


Practically, the study will give additional contribution to the learners

to improve their understanding about grammar especially in adverb of

frequency, and it can help the teacher in presenting English adverb of

frequency easier.

G. Thesis Out Line


This thesis is divided into five chapters. In order to get a tidy

presentation, the writer will convey the kind of the thesis in the following:

Chapter I is Introduction, which contains the background of the


statement of the problem, objective of the study, benefits of the study,

clarification of key terms, research methodology, and thesis out line.

Chapter II is Review of the Related Literature. The chapter deals with

detailed discussion on English and Indonesian Adverbs of frequency. It

consists of definition of adverb, kind and position of adverb, function of

adverb, the notion of contrastive analysis and the hypothesis of contrastive


Chapter III is Data Presentation. It consists of the meaning of

research method, the object of the research, the method of collecting tne

data, the method of analysing the data, and the procedure of the research.

Chapter IV is Data Analysis. This chapter describes the similarities

and differences between English and Indonesian adverbs of frequency.

Chapter V is Conclusion and Suggestion. In this chapter, the writer

gives some conclusion of the study described in the previous chapter and




In this chapter the writer goes to talk about the underlying theory to

support the subject of this research, that is adverb. To clarify about the adverb,

the writer will give some explanations about the definition of adverb, kinds of

adverbs, position and function adverb of frequency in English and Indonesian,

contrastive analysis and hypothesis of contrastive analysis.


To explain English adverb, she formulates it as follows:

1. Definition of Adverb

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary states that adverb is a

word that adds more information about place, time, manner, cause or

degree to a verb, an adjective, a phrase, or another adverb.1

Warner’s English Grammar and Composition states that an

adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb.1 2 3

They answer the question “how?”, “when?”, “where?”, “how often?”,

1 Hornby, A S . 2000 Oxford A dm nced Learner's Dictionary o f Current English. London: Oxford University Press. Page 19

2 Warriner, John. E. 1982. Warriner’s English Grammar and Composition. USA. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Page 63


An adverb is defined as a word that modifies a verb, adjective,

another adverb or a whole clause or sentence 4 To modify means to

change a little. Adverb change sentences by adding to the meaning of the

word they modify.

2. Types of Adverb

There are many types of adverb, common types include adverb of

manner, adverb of time, adverb of frequency, adverb of place, and adverb

of degree.

a. Adverb of Manner

It is an adverb that answers the question “how?”.5 This adverb

explains how, in what way, something happens or is done. Adverb of

manner most often occupy the end position of a clause.6 For instance,

adverb of manner is such as bravely, happily, quickly, patiently,

slowly, carefully, beautifully, quietly, sharply, loudly, fast, well, etc.

The writer will present two examples in the form of sentences below:

1. She sings the song beautifully.

2. He swims fast.

b. Adverb of Time

It is an adverb that says when something happen. In this

adverb indicates the time of action when. Adverb of time usually


occupy either the beginning position or the end position of a clause.7

For instance, adverb of time is such as now, soon, still, then, today,

yet, tomorrow, recently, afterwards, eventually, etc. The writer will

present two examples in the form of sentences below:

1. Eventually he came.

2. Sandy hasn’t finished his breakfast yet.

c. Adverb of Frequency

It is an adverb that says how often something happens.

Stannard Allan said that these adverbs usually answering the question

how often?8 For instance, adverb of frequency is such as always,

never, occasionally, often, seldom, rarely, once, twice, sometimes,

ever, hardly ever, usually, etc. The writer will present two examples

in the form of sentences below:

1. I always do my homework on Sunday.

2. Nana hardly ever wears earrings.

d. Adverb o f Place

It is an adverb that tells where something happens or an

activity is taking place. It indicates place. Adverb of place most often

occupy the end of position.9 For instance, adverb of place is such as

here, there, by, near, away, everywhere, nowhere, somewhere,

upstairs, downstairs, in, on, etc. The writer will present two examples

in the form of sentences below:.

7 http://interlinepublishing.com/chapter_7.htm


1. The girl is th ere.

2. Anta is upstairs.

e. Adverb of Degree

It is an adverb that says how completely something happens.

It shows the quantity how much, or in what degree or to what extent.10 11

For instance, adverb of degree is such as hardly, rather, quite, too,

very, almost, so, even, clearly, just, completely, enough, really, fully,

etc. The writer will present two examples in the form of sentences


1. She is absolutely right.

2. Miss. Uwi explained about the topic clearly.

3. Function of Adverb

According to Marcella Frank, an adverb modifies a verb,

adjective, adverb or entire sentence.11 She then will convey to each

function below:

a. Adverb as modifier of a verb

She will directly present some examples and explain them.

1. Anta speaks loudly.

The adverb of manner loudly modify the verb speak. It explains

the way Anta speaks.

10 www.interlinepublishing.com Ibid


2. She never smokes.

The adverb of frequency never modify the verb smoke. It explains

how often she smokes.

3. Nana sings beautifully.

The adverb of place locally modify the verb live. It explains where

Nana lives.

b. Adverb as modifier of an adjective

She will directly present some examples and explain them.

1. He is really handsome.

The adverb of degree really modify the adjective handsome.

2. You are very tall.

The adverb of degree very modify the adjective tall. It explains

how tall is the person.

3. He drove a very fast car.

The adverb o f degree very modify the adjective fast. It explains

how fast was his car.

c. Adverb as modifier of other adverb

She will directly present some examples and explain them.

1. She drives incredibly slowly.

The adverb of manner slowly modify the adverb of degree


2. He walks quite often.


3. We study very hard.

The adverb of manner hard modify the adverb o f degree very.

d. Adverb as modifier of an entire sentence

She will directly present some examples and explain them.

1. Honestly, Anta didn’t get the money.

The adverb honestly explains the sentence Anta didn 't get the


2. Luckily, she won the competition.

The adverb luckily explains the sentence she won the competition

3. He is obviously intelligent.

The adverb obviously explains the sentence he is intelegent

4. Adverb of Frequency

a. Definition of Adverb of Frequency

From the previous explanation, an adverb is defined as a word

that modifies a verb, an adjective, another adverb or a whole clause or

sentence.12 Frequency means the rate at which something happens or

is repeated or the fact of something happening often.13

Adverb o f frequency is an adverb that tells how often an

action occurs. Adverb of frequency range in meaning from all o f time

to none of the time.14

www. angelfire.com ibid

13 Hornby, A.S. Op Cit Page 514


So, an adverb of frequency is a word that used to explain how

often something happens. For instance, adverb of frequency is such as

always, ever, frequently, generally, never, often, rarely, seldom,

sometimes, usually, normally, hardly ever, occasionally, commonly,


b. Function of Adverb of Frequency

There are three functions o f adverbs of frequency as follows.15

1. To modify a verb

She will directly present some examples and explain them.

a. Vina always walks fast.

b. Yoan usually goes to school by bike.

In these examples, always modifies the verb walk and usually

modifies the verb go. It means Vina walks fast every time, and

Yoan goes to school by bike almost every day.

2. To modify an adjective

She will directly present an example and explain it.

a. She is always happy.

In this example, always modifis the adjective happy. It means she

feels happy all the time.

3. To modify another adverb

She will directly present some examples and explain them.


a. He never works seriously.

b. I visit him quite often.

In these examples, never modifies another adverb seriously and

quite modifies another adverb often. It means that he works

seriously not at any time, and I visit him many times.

4. To modify whole clause or sentence

She will directly present some examples and explain them.

a. Never walk home alone at night.

b. Sometimes we go to school by bus.

In these examples, never modifies the sentence walk home alone

at night means suggestion not to walk home at night alone.

Sometimes modifies the sentence we go to school by bus. It means

we go to school by bus at particular occasions but not all the time.

c. Position of Adverb of Frequency

An adverb which modifies a verb may occupy one of the three

main positions in a clause. These positions may be referred to as the

beginning position, the middle position, and the end position. Adverb

of frequency may occupy any of these positions.16 According to

Geoffrey Leech, there are three position of adverb of frequency. They

are as follows.17

www.fortunecitv.com ibid


1. Front Position

An adverb in front position is located at the beginning of a

clause. The use of this position tends to emphasize the adverb.18

Imperative beginning with never and always can be used this


These adverbs of frequently such as sometimes, often,

usually, occasionally, frequently, generally and normally can be

used in this position.


a. Always Ao your best!

b. Never forget this rule!

c. Normally I wake up late.

d. Sometimes it rains for a week in West Java.

2. Middle Position

Adverbs of frequency in the middle position occupy the

location indicated below:

a. Affirmative sentences

Adverbs of frequency (but not ever) can be used in this

position immediately after modal auxiliary verbs or first

auxiliary verbs.19

18 www. fortunecitv. com ibid


1. Vina and I will always be close friends

2. You should never leave a baby alone

3. Iam usually working at weekends

4. I have never read that book before

Adverbs of frequency placed before main verbs


1. Sandy occasionally visits me on Sundays

2. He usually goes to work by car

3. She sometimes visits the library

4. I frequently watch the news before unner

b. Negative sentences

Negative sentences indicated with the word not.20


1. They don’t often go to the cinema

2. Wuri isn’t usually late

3. I don’t always go to the library on weekend

4. I don’t often go to the shop

c. Interrogative sentences

Adverb of frequency placed after subject of the sentences and

the answer placed after subject and before auxiliary. Examples:


1. Do you often go to the cinema?

Yes, I often do

2. Is she usually on time?

Yes, she usually is

3. Did Sandy ever play basketball?

No, he never did

4. Has Wuri ever been to Singapore?

No, she never has

3. End Position

An adverb in the end position is located at the end of a

clause. The use of this position tends to emphasize the adverb. An

adverb in the end position occurs after an intransitive verb or after

the direct object of a transitive verb. More than one adverb at a

time can occupy the end position of a clause.21


a. He speaks seldom

b. I visit her frequently

c. We go to school by bus sometimes

d. I visit him quite often Examples:



1. Definition of Adverb

In Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia states that adverb (adverbia)

means kata atau gabungan kata yang dipakai untuk memerikan

adjektiva, verba, atau adverbia lain.21 (A word that used to explain

adjective, verb, and another adverb)

Depdikbud states that “kata keterangan adalah kata yang

memberi keterangan pada verba, adjectiva, nomina predicative, atau

kalimat" 2i (Adverb is a word that explains verb, adjective, nomina

predicative, or sentence)

2. Types of Adverb

In Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia, there are many types of

adverb.22 23 24 There are as following.

a. Adverbia kualitatif (adverbs of degree)

It is an adverb that says the quality, in what degree, of something.


1. Say a pal ins suka masakan Padang

2. Permainannya kurang sempurna

b. Adverbia kuantitatif (adverbs o f quantitative)

It is an adverb that says the quantitative of something.

22 Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa. 1999. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka. Page 9


1. Lukanya banyak mengeluarkan darah

2. Raut wajahnya sedikit memerah

c. Adverbia limitative (adverbs o f limitative)

It is an adverb that explains limitation of something.


1. Kami di rumah saja selama liburan ini

2. Obat itu hanya menghambat pertumbuhan penyakit

d. Adverbia frequentative (adverbs of frequency)

It is an adverb that says how often something happens.


1. Kami selalu makan malam bersama-sama

2. Para siswa iaram terlambat masuk kelas

e. Adverbia kewaktuan (adverbs o f time)

It is an adverb that says when something happens.


1. Ayah baru saja tiba dirumah

2. Kami akan segera menyelesaikan masalah itu

f. Adverbia kecaraan (adverbs o f manner)

It is an adverb that explains how something happens.


1. Dia masuk ke rumah diam-diam


g. Adverbia kontrastif (adverbs of contrastive)

It is an adverb that explains the contradiction of something.


1. Saya tidak pernah ke rumahnya, bahkan alamatnya pun saya

tidak tahu

2. Siapa bilang dia kikir, justru dia yang menyumbang paling


h. Adverbia keniscayaan (adverbs of certainty)

It is an adverb that says the certainty of something.


1. Kami pasti akan menemukannya

2. Pemerintah tentu akan memperhatikan kepentingan rakyatnya

3. Function of Adverb

Abdul Chaer states that adverb has two functions.23 There are as


a. Adverb that explains whole sentence.

The position of these adverbs could be in the front, middle, or

end of the sentence.


1. Barangkali ia sakit hari ini.

2. Dia barangkali sakit hari ini. 25


3. Dia sakit hari ini barangkali

b. Adverb that explains element of sentence.

This adverb explains the element of sentence and it tied with

the element of the sentence that explained.


1. Nampaknya gadis itu cantik sekali.

2. Gadis itu cantik sekali nampaknya.

3. Cantik sekali nampaknya gadis itu.

The word sekali follows the word cantik because the word always

has tied with the element of sentence that is cantik

4. Adverb of Frequency

a. Definition of Adverb of Frequency

In Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia states that adverb

(adverbia) means kata atau gabungan kata yang dipakai untuk

memerikan adjektiva, verba, atau adverbia lain.26 27 (A word that used

to explain adjective, verb, and another adverb)

Depdikbud states “kata keterangan adalah kata yang memberi

keterangan pada verba, adjectiva, nomina predicative, atau

kalim at"27 (Adverb is a word that explain verb, adjective, nomina

predicative, or sentence)

26 Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Ibid


In Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia states that frequency

means kekerapan, jarang kerapnya28 So adverb of frequency means

the word that used to explain how often something happens.

b. Function of Adverb of Frequency

1. Adverb that explain whole sentence.

This adverb can be put in the beginning, middle, or end of



a. Sermekali Sandy terlambat masuk kelas.

b. Selalu dia pergi pada pagi hari.

2. Adverb that explain element of sentence.

This adverb explains the element of sentence and it tied with the

element of the sentence that explained.

Depdikbud states that the functions of adverb of frequency to

explain elements of sentence as follows.30

a. To explains a verb


1. Sandy selalu tidur pukul 9 malam.

2. Ulil biasanya duduk di bangku itu

In the examples above selalu and biasanya are adverb and

pulang and duduk are verb.

28 Keraf, Gorys. 1989. Tata Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta. Nusa Indah. Page 71 29 Chaer, Abdul. Ibid


b. To explains an adjective


1. Kakek itu kadane-kadane baik.

2. Mereka selalu gemb ira.

In the examples above kadang-kadang and selalu are adverb

and baik and gembira are adjective.

c. To explains a nominal predicative


1. Yoan biasanya sendirian.

2. Mereka serins, berduaan.

In the example above biasanya and sering are adverb and

sendirian and berduaan are nomina predicative.

c. Position of Adverb of Frequency

According to Depdikbud, adverbs of frequency can be put in

beginning position, middle position, or end position.31

1. Beginning position

These adverbs put in beginning of a clause to explain whole



a. Biasanya dia pergi ke pasar pada pagi hari.

b. Kadans-kadans saya mengunjunginya.


2. Middle position

These adverbs can be put before or after the element of sentence.


a. Dia datang serins terlambat.

b. Kami Jarang pergi pada hari minggu.

3. End position

These adverbs put in the end of a clause to explain whole



a. Kakak membaca koran kadans-kadans.

b. Uwi mengunjungi neneknya cukup serins.


Contrastive analysis is a procedure that is comparing the structure of

the native and foreign language, predicting the difficulties and the errors in

learning process, arranging the teaching material and also preparing the

method in giving the subjects to the learners. Henry Guntur Tarigan said

that” Analisis kontrastif adalah kegiatan yang mencoba membandingkan

struktur B I dan B2 untuk mengidentifikasi perbedaan diantara kedua

bahasa?2 (Contrastive analysis is an activity that tries to compare structure

of first language and the second language to identify the differences between

both languages).


Robert Lado introduces contrastive analysis as the comparison of the

structure of two languages to determine the points where they differ and the

difference is the source of difficulty in learning target language.33

From the definition above, it can be known that the contrastive

analysis compares two things concerning with linguistic points. According to

Sri Hastuti, Contrastive analysis as “Cabang ilmu yang membandingkan dua

bahasa dari segala komponennya secara sinkronik sehingga ditemukan

perbedaan-perbedaan dan kemiripan yang ada ”.34 (Branch of science that

compares two languages and the elements synchronize to find the differences

and the similarities).


Contrastive analysis is stated in a well known as analytical activities

with contrastive analysis term. In accordance with learning language

someone makes mistakes frequently in expressing a sentence due to an effect

of sentence construction to his/her language. Further more as developed by

Charles Fries in 1945 and Robert Lado in 1957, errors are made by some

divergences between the language and another language.33

In recent years researchers and teachers have come more and more to

understand that second language learning is a creative process of

constructing a system in which the learner is consciously testing hypothesis

33 Lado, Robert. 1962. Linguistic Across Culture, A pplied linguistic fo r Language

7eacher. Michigan: Ann. Arbor University Press. Page 21.

34 Sri Hastuti. 1989. Sekitar Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa Indonesia. Yogyakarta. PT. Mitra Gama Widya. Page 45.


about the target language from a number of knowledge: limited knowledge

of the target language itself; knowledge about the communicative function of

language, knowledge in general, and knowledge about life, human being and


Contrastive analysis took the position that the learner’s first language

“interferes” with his or her acquisition of a second language, and that is

therefore compares the major obstacle to successful mastery of the new

language. The contrastive analysis hypothesis held that where the structure

in the LI is different from those in L2, errors tfyat reflect the structure of the

LI would be produced. Those differences will become the basis to predict

some points that caused by difficulties that will be faces by the students.

At the level of process, there are two versions of contrastive analysis

hypothesis. They are ‘strong form’ and ‘weak form’.36 Strong form

hypothesis states that the L2 errors can be predicted by identifying the

differences between LI and L2, which are learned by learners. Weak form

hypothesis states that contrastive analysis has diagnostic characteristic.

Therefore, contrastive analysis and errors analysis must be mutually

completable. Error analysis identifies the errors done by the learners and

contrastive analysis determines which error is caused by the differences of

both languages.


Henry Guntur Tarigan, states the hypothesis of contrastive analysis as


1. That the prime cause or the single cause of default and error in

foreign language learning is interference coming from the learner’s

native language.

2. The greater of differences between LI and L2 is, the more difficult

learning foreign language will be.

3. This difficulty is caused by the differences between LI and L2.

4. That the result of comparison between the two languages is needed to

predict the difficulties and errors in learning foreign language.

5. Teaching material can be determined exactly by comparing both

languages, than it is decreased with part which is similar. So what the

students must learn are the sums of the differences compared based

on contrastive analysis.




In this chapter, the writer would like to explain the methodology of the

research used. It consists of method used in the research, the data, source of

data, method of collecting data, and method of analyzing data.

A. Method Used in the Research

Research is an investigation undertaken in order to discover new

facts or get additional information.1 Suharsimi Arikunto states that there are

three kinds of research. They are descriptive, correlative, and comparative.1 2

Hornby states that method is a way of doing something. The meaning of

method is different from doing something. It is a procedure in carrying out

the research dealing with the technique of collecting and analyzing the data. 3

This study belongs to comparative research. Comparative research is

used to know the differences and the similarities of things, people, ideas or

procedures.4 Robert Lado introduces contrastive analysis as the comparison

of the structure of the two languages to ‘determine the points where they

differ and the difference is the source of difficulty in learning target

1 Homby, AS. 1988. Guide to Pattern and Usage in English.London Oxford University Press. Page 20

2 Arikunto, Suharsimi. 1993. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Petidekatan Praktis. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Page 191


language.3 The purpose of this study is to find out the differences and the

similarities of two languages, English and Indonesian. In this research the

writer limits only the adverbs of frequency.

While, Guntur Tarigan defines that contrastive analysis refers to an

activity that tries to compare between English and Indonesian language, to

identify the differences between both languages and their similarities.

Contrastive analysis is a work of procedure of language activities by

comparing the structure of LI and L2 or any languages and identifying their

differences from the two languages.6

Concerning with the method, the writer uses Contrastive Analysis

Method to do this research.

B. Data

The writer takes some sentences consisting of adverb of frequency

taken from books and internet related with the purpose of this research.

C. Source of Data


The source of the data refers to the subject from which the data are

obtained. They are considered as a material of the research. This research

compares English and Indonesian adverbs of frequency. There are two types

of data sources.

5 Lado, Robert. 1962. Linguistic Across Culture. A pplied Linguistic fo r Language Teacher.

Michigan; Ann Arbor University Press. Page 21


The primary data are:

1. A Practical English Grammar by AJ. Thomson and AV Martinet

2. Modem English: A Practical Reference Guide by Marcella Frank

3. Tata Bahasa Praktis Bahasa Indonesia by Abdul Chaer

4. Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia by Alwi Hasan, Soenjono

Dardjowidjojo, Hans Lapoliwa, Anton M. Moeliono

The secondary data are:

1. Warriner’s English Grammar and Composition by John E. Warriner

2. Kamus Lengkap Tata Bahasa Inggris bv Geoffrey Lench

3. Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia by Depdikbud

4. www.angelfire.com/wi3/englishcomer/grammar/rules/advfreQ.html

5. http://fortunecitv.com/ballv/durrus/153/gramch24.html

D, Method of Collecting Data

Collecting data is very important work in this research. So the writer

determines the method used to collect the data. There are six methods of

collecting data according to Suharsimi Arikunto. They are questionnaire,

observation, interview, rating scale, test and documentation.7

The writer uses non-statistical analysis method (Qualitative Method).

It is analysis done by reading and collecting data.8 In this thesis, the writer

uses a qualitative method because it is a library research. The writer uses the

7 Arikunto, Suharsimi. ibid


easy way by reading and collecting data from some books which are related

to the study.

E. Method of Analyzing Data

1. Descriptive Method

Descriptive method means the thinking of every ideology and

philosophy described clearly and completely, so the similarities and

differences can be treated clearly too. Using this description it will be

known the description of language.9

2. Technique of Contrastive Analysis

The writer uses contrastive analysis method in this study because

it is used to analyse between two languages. In this research, the writer

works on the data in three steps:

a. The writer classifying the data into English and Indonesian adverbs

of frequency. She uses the English adverbs of frequency and then she

takes Indonesian adverbs of frequency as comparison.

b. Analysing the data by using contrastive analysis.

c. The writer draws some conclusions and presents some suggestion.


Example of analysis

1. Front Position

English Indonesian

Sometimes I wake up late Kadang-kadang saya bangun


Both English and Indonesian adverbs of frequency in the beginning

position to emphasize the adverb. It place in front of a clause. The

adverb sometimes explains the sentence I wake up late. And the

adverb terkadang explains the sentence saya bangun kesiangan.

2. Middle position

English Indonesian

Vina and I will always be close


Vina dan saya akan selalu


I have never read that book


Saya belum pernah membaca

buku itu sebelumnya

Sandy usually comes late Dia sering datang terlambat

Dia datang sering terlambat

English adverbs of frequency placed after modal auxiliary or first


In the first example, the adverb always placed after modal auxiliary

verb will.

The second example, the adverb never placed after first auxiliary

verb have.

And the third example, the adverb usually placed before the main

verb visit.

Indonesian adverbs of frequency placed after the word explained or

before the word explained.

In the first, second, and third examples, the adverbs selalu, belum

pernah, and sering placed before the words bersahabat, membaca,

and datang.

The fourth example, the adverb sering placed after the word

explained datang.

3. End position

English Indonesian

He speaks seldom Saya bangun kesiangan


I visit her frequently

I visit him quite often

Both English and Indonesian adverbs of frequency in the end


clause.English adverbs of frequency in the end position placed after

an intransitive verb, or after the direct object of a transitive verb.

In the first example, the adverb seldom placed after an intransitive

verb speak.

The second and third examples, the adverbs frequently and often

placed after the direct object of transitive verb her and him.


More than one adverb at a time can occupy the end position in a





A. Data Presentation

In order to make research more practical and more understanable

easily, the writer classified the data based on their position such as in front,

middle or end position.

1. Adverb of frequency in front position

a. Always

b. Normally

c. Occasionally

d. Often

e. Sometimes

f. Biasanya

g. Kadang-kadang

h. Sekali

i. Sekali-sekali

j. Seringkah

k. Sesekali

2. Adverb of frequency in the middle position

a. Always

b. Constantly


d. Ever

e. Frequently

f. Generally

g. Hardly ever

h. Never

i. Normally

j. Occasionally

L Often

l. Rarely

m. Seldom

n. Sometimes

o. Usually

p. Biasanya

q. Jarang

r. Sekali

s. Sekali-kali

t. Sekali-sekali

u. Selalu

v. Sering

w. Seringkah


3. Adverb of frequency in the end position

a. Annually

b. Daily

c. Frequently

d. Monthly

e. Occasionally

f. Often

g. Once

h. Regulary

i. Seldom

j. Sometimes

k. Usually

l. Biasanya

4. Adverb of frequency in front, middle, and end position

a. Occasionally

b. Often

c. Sometimes


B. Data Analysis

1. Adverb of frequency in front position.

English Indonesian

Always do your best!1 Biasanva dia pulang pukul lima7 8 9.


Normally I wake up late. Kadang-kadang sava terkejut

Occasionally John missed lesson.1 2 3 melihat inisiatifnya.o

Often the wind blows less strongly Seringkali sampah beterbangan

at night.4 dari bak yang tidak tertutup

Sometimes it rains for months in .. 9

itu .

Africa.5 Sesekali kalau kebetulan ke

Never walk home alone at night.6 Jakarta, saya mampir juga ke

rumahnya.10 11

Sekali baca sava sudah mengerti


1 www.angelfire.com/wi

2 http://www.e-mesh.eom/members/leamercentre/grammar/lc_j:ram_adv_freq.html

3 Leech, Geoffrey. 2005. Kamus Lengkap Tata Bahasa Inggris. Jakarta: Kesaint Blanc. Page 24 4 http://www.fortunecity.eom/bally/durms/l53/gramch24.html

5 w w w . e-mesh, com ibid

6 w w w , e-mesh, com ibid

7 Depdikbud. 1988. Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka. Page 225 8 Alwi, Hasan. Soenjono Dardjowidjojo. Hans Lapoliwa. Anton M. Moeliono. 1999. Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka. Page 205

9 Depdikbud. 1995. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka. Page 529


The adverbs of frequency always, normally, occasionally, often,

sometimes, never, biasanya, kadang-kadang, seri nakal i, sesekali, and

sekali placed in the beginning of a clause or sentence.

They emphasize the adverb.

Adverb of frequency always placed in the beginning of a clause to make

imperative sentence.

2. Adverb of frequency in the middle position

English Indonesian

He is always at home on Dia biasanya pul any pukul lima.26

Sunday's.12 Dia me many iarany mandi.27

He is constantly coming to work Kopor yang berat itu terbawa

late.13 denaan sekali angkat.2*

I don’t ever download music from Kamu sekali-kali ianyan datana

the Internet.14 kesinif9

Buses run frequently between the Kami sekali-sekali /uaa pergi ke

city and the airport.13 * disko20

John had generally been a good Kami selalu makan malam

team player.16 bersama-sama.'? 1

www.angelfire.com ibid

13 www.e-mesh.com ibid

14 www.angelfire.com ibid

15 Hornby, A.S. 2000. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary o f Current English. New York: Oxford University Press. Page 514


I hardly ever travel abroad.1' Mereka serins, mensabaikan

I have never read that book tanggung jawabnya.32

before.17 18 Dia serinskali tidak masuk

The bus will normally come on sekolah.33

time.19 Kami sesekali /usa ziarah ke

John occasionally missed lesson."0 kuburan beliaud4

She is often ill in winter.21 22

t i. T')

He rarely makes a mistake.

I seldom have a chance to go to the


We sometimes visit him on

Sundays.24 20 33 32 31 3 359 28 2 *6 24

The side effect usually go away

after a few hours.20

17 Depdikbud. 1988. ibid

18 Chaer, Abdul. Op Cit.Page 173 19 Depdikbud. 1995. Op Cit. Page 891 20 Chaer, Abdul. Op Cit.Page 167

28 www. leamingenglish. org. ibid

29 www. interlinepublishing. com/chapter_7. litni 30 www.angelfire.com ibid

31 Alwi, Hasan. Ibid

32 Alwi, Hasan. Ibid

33 Chaer, Abdul. Ibid


The adverb of frequency always, ever, frequently, generally, hardly ever,

never, normally, occasionally, often, rarely,seldom, sometimes, usually,

biasanya, jarang, sekali, sekali-kali, sekali-sekali, selalu, sering,

seringkah ,and sesekali placed in the middle of a clause or sentence.

They modify verb, adjective, another adverb, or a whole sentence.

3. Adverb of frequency in the end position

English Indonesian

The book is published annually

She clean her room daily,36

I visit him frequently/

The meeting takes place monthly. '''

John missed lesson occasionally:'<J

I warned you often.4"

He came once.4 1

He visits his mother regulary,42

He speaks seldom43

It rains for months in Africa


1 wake up late usually4'

Dia pulang pukul lima biasanya4".



The adverbs of frequency annually, daily, frequently, montly,

occasionally, often, once, regulary, seldom, sometimes, usually, and

biasanya placed in the end of a clause or sentence. The emphasize the


4. Adverb of frequency in front, middle and end position

English Indonesian

Occasionally John missed lesson.4' Biasanya dia pul ami pukul lim a/6

John occasionally missed lesson.4'' Dia biasanya pulang pukul lim a /7

John missed lesson occasionally3 49 * *6 45 44 43 42 41 40 49 3 *7 36 Dia pulang pukul lima biasanya,'lS

37 www.fortunecity.com . ibid

’s Leech, Geoffrey. Ibid

39 Leech, Geoffrey. Ibid

40 www.interlinepublishing.com. Ibid

46 Depdikbud. 1988. ibid

41 Leech, Geoffrey. Ibid

4S Leech, Geoffrey. Ibid

49 Leech, Geoffrey. Ibid

50 www.fortunecitv.com. Ibid

31 www.fortunecity.com. Ibid


' Sometimes it rains for months in


We sometimes visit him on



P fgMT

It rains for months in Africa


The adverbs of frequency occasionally, often, sometimes, and bias any a

could be placed in the beginning, middle, or end of a clause or sentence.

They commonly emphasize the adverb.

From the data analysis, the writer knew that English adverbs of

frequency commonly in the middle of the sentence. And Indonesian

adverbs of frequency commonly in front and middle of a sentence.

53 www.e-mesh.com Ibid

54 www e-mesh.com. Ibid

55 w w w . e-mesh. com. Ibid

5<> Depdikbud. 1988. ibid

57 Depdikbud. 1988. ibid




In this chapter, the writer presents conclusions of the research and the


A. Conclusion

After analyzing the data of the research by using contrastive analysis,

the writer can make some conclusions as follows.

1. The similarities between English and Indonesian adverb of


a. English and Indonesian adverbs of frequency explain how

often something happens.

b. Based on their position, both Indonesian and English adverb

of frequency can be placed in the beginning, in the middle,

or in the end of a sentence.

c. Based on their function, both English and Indonesian adverb

of frequency are used to:

1. To explain a verb

2. To explain an adjective

3. To explain the other adverb


d. Based on types of adverbs, both English and Indonesian

adverbs have adverbs of time, adverbs of degree, adverbs of

manner, and adverbs of frequency.

2. The differences between English and Indonesian adverb of


a. Based on their position, English adverbs of frequency have

some rules which is quite complex than Indonesian adverbs

of frequency.

b. Based on their types, Indonesian adverbs are more complex

than English adverbs.

B . Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the writer would like to give

some suggestion for both the teachers and the learners of English,

especially in teaching and learning English adverbs of frequency.

1. For the teachers.

The teacher should give a clear explanation about the rules

of usage and examples o f English adverbs of frequency. They

should also be able to predict the difficulties about adverbs of

frequency that faced by the students. The teachers can also explain

English adverbs of frequency clearly based on their similarities with


2. For the learners.




Learning by heart is one way to avoid errors or difficulties in

learning the target language, in this case the adverbs of


To avoid errors the learners must pay attention to the rules of

adverbs of frequency.

To solve the problem in learning adverbs of frequency the

learners have to do many exercises in order that they can use



Allen, W. Stannard. 1975. Living English Structure. London: Longman.

Alter, J. B. 1991. Essential English Usage and Grammar. Jakarta. Bina Rupa


Alwi, Hasan. Soenjono Dardjowidjojo. Hans Lapoliwa. Anton M. Moeliono.

1999. Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.

Arikunto, Suharsimi. 1993. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktis.

Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Bekker, Anton. And M'. Charis Zubair. 1998. Metodologi Penelitian Filsafat.

Yogyakarta: Kanisius.

Brown, Douglas. 1980. Prinsiples o f Language Learning and Teaching. New'

Jersey: Pretice Hall.

Chaer, Abdul. 2000. Tata Bahasa Praktis Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Rineka


Depdikbud. 1988. Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.

Depdikbud. 1995. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.

Frank, Marcella. 1972. Modern English: A Practical Refernce Guide. London:


Prentice Hall.

Hornby, AS. 1988. Guide to Pattern and Usage in English.London: Oxford

University Press.

Hornby, A S. 2000. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary o f Current English.

New York: Oxford University Press.


http:// netgrammar. altec. org/S upport/a 101b5 101000. html



Keraf, Gorys. 1989. Tata Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Nusa Indah.

Lado, Robert. 1962. Linguistic Across Culture, Applied linguistic fo r Language

Teacher.Michigan: Ann. Arbor University Press.

Leech, Geoffrey. 2005. Kamus Lengkap Tata Bahasa Inggris. Jakarta: Kesaint


Nurhadi. 1995. Tata Bahasa Pendidikan. Semarang: IKIP Semarang Press.

Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa. 1999. Kamus Besar Bahasa

Indonesia. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.

Ramelan. 1984. Introduction to Linguistic. Semarang: IKIP Semarang Press.

Sri Hastuti. 1989. Sekitar Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa Indonesia.Yogyakarta:

PT. Mitra Gama Widya.

Sujoko. 1987. Error Analysis. Surakarta : UNS.

Tarigan, Henry' Guntur. 1988. Pengajaran Analysis Kesalahan Bahasa.

Bandung: Angkasa.


Warriner, John. E. 1982. Warriner’s English Grammar and Composition. USA:

Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

Warsio, Hermawan. 1993. Pengantar M etode Penelitian. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.


www. grammarstation. com/KindsOfAdverbs. ht m 1




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Apabila dipandang perlu Saudara diminta mengoreksi tema Skripsi di atas.

Demikian untuk diketahui dan dilaksanakan.

Wassalamualalkum m», k».




JL Tentara Pelajar 02 Telp.(0298) 323706,323433 Fax323433 Salatiga 50721

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L E M B A R K O N S U L T A S I S K R IP S I’’

am a

rogram Studi

idul Skr i psi

\ndjni Otol S ... NIM : .1®... °\ ..?9.9:.

P A I / P B A / T P B I A A # & “ >


Analysis betooeen . SnglvtK a n d Indopestan...

A d ^ rb _...

e mb i m b i n g :

s i s t e n P e m b i m b i n g : ...



Nama : INDHI DWI S Jurusan : Tarbiyah

NIM : 113 01 049 Progdi : PBI

No Jenis Kegiatan Tanggal Jabatap Nilai

1 ORMASS 2001 27-30 Agustus 2001 Peserta 3

2 PDP Kopma Fatawa 5-6 Oktober 2001 Peserta 2

3 Diskusi Kewanitaan HMJ Syariah 22 Oktober 2001 Peserta 2

4 English Friendship Camp (CEC) 19-21 Oktober 2001 Peserta 2

5 Seminar Hukum HMJ Syariah 14 November 2001 Peserta 2

6 Diskusi Panel HMJ Syariah 29 November 2001 Peserta 2

7 PDP Kopma Fatawa 14-15 September 2002 Panitia 3

8 English Festival (CEC) 22 September 2002 Peserta 2

9 Konser Musik Amal (SMC) 30 September 2002 Peserta 2

10 LK 1 HMI Kom. Ganesa 4-6 Oktober 2002 Peserta 2

11 Penerimaan Anggota Baru (SSC) 7 Oktober 2002 Peserta 2

12 12 th Anniversary of LPM Dinamika 1-26 Oktober 2002 Peserta 2

13 Seminar FSI "Refleksi" 17 November 2002 Peserta 2

14 Seminar Hukum Regional HMJ


19 November 2002 Peserta 4

15 English Friendship Camp (CEC) 11-13 Oktober 2002 Panitia 3

16 Discussion and Break Fasting 25 November 2002 Panitia 3

17 Diskusi Ramadhan HMJ Tarbiyah 27 November 2002 Peserta 2

18 Seminar Sosial Politik (KAMMI) 16 Maret 2003 Peserta 2

19 Comparative Study By

20 English Friendship Camp (CEC) 10-12 Oktober 2003 Panitia 3

21 Break Fasting CEC 5 November 2003 Panitia 3

22 Seminar Hukum HMJ Syariah 24 Desember 2003 Peserta 2



No Jenis Kegiatan Tanggal Jabatan Nilai

24 English Festival (CEC) 10-11 April 2004 Panitia 3

25 PDP Kopma Fatawa 12-13 April 2004 Panitia 3

26 Seminar LDK Darul Amal 5 Mei 2004 Peserta . 2

27 English Friendship Camp (CEC) 15 Oktober 2004 Panitia 3

28 Break Fasting CEC 29 Oktober 2004 Panitia 3

29 Gardika LDK Darul Amal 30 Oktober 2004 Peserta 2

30 Communicative English Club 2003-2004 pengurus 5

Jumlah 75

29 Juli 2006 III




Place and Date of Birth



: Indhi Dwi Setiyaningsih

: Semarang, December 19Ul 1982

: Jl. Nanggulan Blok H3 Rt. 02/1X Salatiga


SD Gendongan 111

Graduated in 1995

SMP Negeri II Salatiga

Graduated in 1998

- SMU 1 Tengaran

Graduated in 2001

State Islamic Studies Institute Salatiga


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Based on the research result, it is showed that Shopping Game was effective to teach vocabulary at the second grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Purwokerto in academic

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Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang terdiri dari dua siklus. Desain penelitian yang di gunakan adalah model Kemmis and Mc. Teggart dengan 4

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh tekhnik relaksasi nafas dalam terhadap penurunan tingkat cemas pada pasien DM.. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan

Penelitian ini diharapkan berguna sebagai bahan masukan bagi para guru dalam menerapkan gaya mengajar yang lebih variatif, menyenangkan dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa