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Academic year: 2017



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1. Molassiotis A, Fernadez-Ortega P, Pud D, et al. Use of complementary and alternative medicine in cancer patients: a European survey. Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology /

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2. Prabuseenivasan S, Jayakumar M and Ignacimuthu S. In vitro antibacterial activity of some plant essential oils. BMC complementary and alternative

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3. Imanishi J, Kuriyama H, Shigemori I, et al. Anxiolytic effect of aromatherapy massage in patients with breast cancer. Evidence-based

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4. Wilkinson SM, Love, S. B., Westcombe, A. M., Gambles, M. A., Burgess CC, Cargill A, Young T, Maher EJ and Ramirez AJ. Effectiveness of aromatherapy massage in the management of anxiety and depression in patients with cancer: a multicenter randomized controlled trial. Journal of clinical

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5. Gray H. Gray's anatomy : the anatomical basis of clinical practice. 40th ed.: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2008, p.xxiv, 1551 p. ; 347-58, .

6. Parent A and Carpenter MB. Carpenter's human neuroanatomy. 9 sub ed.: Williams & Wilkins, 1996, p.2171; 744-56, 920-2.

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16. Hongratanaworakit T, Heuberger E and Buchbauer G. Evaluation of the effects of East Indian sandalwood oil and alpha-santalol on humans after transdermal absorption. Planta medica. 2004; 70: 3-7.

17. Guyton CA. Fisiologi manusia dan mekanisme penyakit. 3 ed. 1987, p.821; 492-4.

18. Rathee P, Chaudhary H, Rathee S and Rathee D. Natural memory boosters. 2008; 2: 249-56.

19. Miller LL and Branconnier RJ. Cannabis: effects on memory and the cholinergic limbic system. Psychological bulletin. 1983; 93: 441-56.

20. Kishi R, Doi R, Fukuchi Y, et al. Residual neurobehavioural effects associated with chronic exposure to mercury vapour. Occupational and


21. Hua MS, Huang CC and Yang YJ. Chronic elemental mercury intoxication: neuropsychological follow-up case study. Brain injury : [BI]. 1996; 10: 377-84.

22. Goodwin DW, Othmer E, Halikas JA and Freemon F. Loss of short term memory as a predictor of the alcoholic "blackout". Nature. 1970; 227: 201-2. 23. Grove-White IG and Kelman GR. Effect of methohexitone, diazepam and sodium 4-hydroxybutyrate on short-term memory. British journal of anaesthesia. 1971; 43: 113-6.

24. Wagstaff LR, Mitton MW, Arvik BM and Doraiswamy PM. Statin-associated memory loss: analysis of 60 case reports and review of the literature.

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25. Helkala EL, Niskanen L, Viinamaki H, Partanen J and Uusitupa M. Short-term and long-Short-term memory in elderly patients with NIDDM. Diabetes care. 1995; 18: 681-5.

26. Falcaro M, Pickles A, Newbury DF, et al. Genetic and phenotypic effects of phonological short-term memory and grammatical morphology in specific language impairment. Genes, brain, and behavior. 2008; 7: 393-402.

27. Bishop DV. What causes specific language impairment in children?

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28. Cannon TD, Hennah W, van Erp TG, et al. Association of DISC1/TRAX haplotypes with schizophrenia, reduced prefrontal gray matter, and impaired short- and long-term memory. Archives of general psychiatry. 2005; 62: 1205-13. 29. McKinlay WW, Brooks DN, Bond MR, Martinage DP and Marshall MM. The short-term outcome of severe blunt head injury as reported by relatives of the injured persons. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry. 1981; 44: 527-33.

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32. Della-Maggiore V, Sekuler AB, Grady CL, Bennett PJ, Sekuler R and McIntosh AR. Corticolimbic interactions associated with performance on a short-term memory task are modified by age. The Journal of neuroscience : the official

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33. Harouse JM, Wroblewska Z, Laughlin MA, Hickey WF, Schonwetter BS and Gonzalez-Scarano F. Human choroid plexus cells can be latently infected with human immunodeficiency virus. Annals of neurology. 1989; 25: 406-11. 34. Drevets WC and Raichle ME. Reciprocal suppression of regional cerebral blood flow during emotional versus higher cognitive processes : implications for interactions between emotion and cognitive. 1998; 12: 353-85.

35. Newcomer JW, Selke G, Melson AK, et al. Decreased memory performance in healthy humans induced by stress-level cortisol treatment.

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36. Cherrier MM, Asthana S, Plymate S, et al. Testosterone supplementation improves spatial and verbal memory in healthy older men. Neurology. 2001; 57: 80-8.

37. Cherrier MM, Matsumoto AM, Amory JK, et al. Testosterone improves spatial memory in men with Alzheimer disease and mild cognitive impairment.

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38. Shaywitz SE, Naftolin F, Zelterman D, et al. Better oral reading and short-term memory in midlife, postmenopausal women taking estrogen. Menopause. 2003; 10: 420-6.

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41. Wolfe JM, Horowitz TS and Michod KO. Is visual attention required for robust picture memory? Vision research. 2007; 47: 955-64.


43. Seeley RR, Stephens TD and Tate P. Anatomy and physiology. 1st ed. St. Louis: Times Mirror/Mosby College Pub., 1989, p.xxiii, 910, 102 p.

44. Solomon EP and Davis PW. Human anatomy & physiology. Philadelphia: Saunders College Pub., 1983, p.xvi, 794 p.; 301-10.

45. Derbyshire SW, Jones AK, Gyulai F, Clark S, Townsend D and Firestone LL. Pain processing during three levels of noxious stimulation produces differential patterns of central activity. Pain. 1997; 73: 431-45.

46. Peyron R, Laurent B and Garcia-Larrea L. Functional imaging of brain responses to pain. A review and meta-analysis (2000). Neurophysiologie clinique

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