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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Letters and Humanities UIN Sunan Ampel



Islachatul Ainiyyah NIM: A03210009







Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Letters and Humanities UIN Sunan Ampel


The Advisor

Dr.Mohammad Kurjum, M. Ag NIP 196909251994031002


Islachatul Ainiyyah NIM: A03210009






Ainiyyah, Islachatul. 2015. The Study of Pip’s Character in Reaching His Ambition in Charles Dickens’ Great Expextation, English Department, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Advisor : Dr. Mohammad Kurjum, M. Ag.

Key Words : character, ambition, conscious, unconscious

This research entitled The Study of Pip's Character to Reach His Ambition in Charles Dickens’ Great Expectation. Great Expectation is a novel was wrote by Charles Dickens and published in 1860. It aims to analyze the characterization of Pip’s character as a main character and Pip’s psychological effect in reaching his ambition in Great Expectation the novel. There are two main concerns in this thesis which are intrinsic and extrinsic element. First, intrinsic element is focused in character and characterization of Pip as a main character. Secondly, extrinsic element is focused in Pip’s ambition and his psychological condition.

This thesis uses descriptive qualitative method for describe the character of Pip depicted in the novel, how Pip reaches his ambition and what the psychological effects of his ambition. The writer uses theory and analytical approach as the base of this study. The first is characterization analytical approach. That analytical approach is used to analyze the character characterization of Pip as the main character in the novel. It is important to know the foundation of Pip ambition. And the second is psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud theory to analyze how Pip’s psychological condition to reach his ambition to get Estella’s love. By doing psychological approach, the writer finds how id, ego, and super ego emerge as conscious and unconscious process.




Inside cover page...…... i

Inside title page... ii

Declaration page... iii

Dedication page... iv

Advisor’s Approval Page... v

Examiner’s Approval Page………... vi

Acknowledgements……….. vii

Table of Contents………. ..ix

Abstract………... xi


1.1Background of The Study ………... 1

1.2Statement of the Problem………. 4

1.3Objective of the Study………. . 5

1.4Scope and Limitation……….... 5

1.5Significance of the Study………. 6

1.6Method of the Study………. 7

1.7Definition of Key………. 8


2.1 Analytical Approach.. ………. 9

2.1.1 Character and Characterization…….………..9

2.2 Theoretical Framework…...………....11

2.2.1 Freudian Psychoanalysis…….………..11


x The Ego…….……….…….. 14 The Super ego…………..……….……… 15

2.2.2 The Concept of Ambition…….………16

2.3 Review of Related Studies………..….17


3.1. Pip’s Character’ Characterization in Charles Dickens’ Great Expectation....19

3.2. Pip’s Ambition in Charles Dickens’ Great Expectation..………...25

3.3. Pip’s Ambition Effect on His Character to reach his ambition……… 30




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1.1 Background of the Study

Literature is one of the great creative and universal means of communicati

on the emotional, spiritual, or intellectual concerns of mankind (Encyclopedia 559

). Moreover, literature is something beautiful that can entertain everybody who ha

s read it. It does not only give readers entertainment, but also knowledge and new

insight from all around the world. According to Wolfreys, literature generally refe

rs to production of literary works as poetry, novel, short stories or drama and other

narrative texts (62).

One of the literary works is novel. Novel is a piece of prose fiction of a re

asonable length (Wolfreys 65). Another explanation states that novel is a fiction w

hich has elements such as plot, theme, character, setting, point of view (Burhan 10

). Whatever the explanation, novel is not escaped from story about real life and als

o the condition around the author. As James statement, he said that novel is histor

y and as the picture of reality (James 2).

There are a lot of authors write novels which tell about a real condition of

an era such as, war, conflicts, poverty. One of them is Charles Dickens, and in full

name Charles John Huffam Dickens. He is an English novelist, generally conside


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riend, and Great Expectation. (www. EncyclopediaBritanica.com).

Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth, England, on February 7, 1812. H

e was the second of eight children. His mother had been in service to Lord Crew,

and his father worked as a clerk for the Naval Pay office. John Dickens was impri

soned for debt when Charles was young. When he was twelve, he starts to work.

He faces to hard times and poverty affected him deeply. He later recounted these e

xperiences in the semi-autobiographical novel David Copperfield. Similarly, the c

oncern for social justice and reform which surfaced later in his writings grew out

of the harsh conditions he experienced when he working in the warehouse. Charle

s Dickens begins to write all of his experiences. From here, he starts to write. He i

s the author who often wrote about real life and the condition of society around hi

m, included his life (www.gradesaver.com).

One of Charles Dickens' popular works is Great Expectation. Great Expect

ation is great novel that written by him and published in 1860 in Victorian era. Gr

eat Expectation is one of his novels that tell about the true condition in that era. It

includes his experiences when he works in warehouse which often got violence fr

om people around him. Great Expectation showed that Charles Dickens was one o

f author who was aware with the condition of lower strata social of society in that

era. Because of that great expectation is Charles Dickens’ novel that often gets no

ble after David Copperfield at that time (www.gradesaver.com).

In great expectation Charles Dickens shows the spirit of poor boy to reach


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on to get his love after he meets Estela. Estela is a beautiful girl who is successful

makes Pip falling in love. But their social class is different. Pip is a poor boy, but

Estela is a beautiful girl who is adopted by Miss Havisham a rich woman. Besides

her high class, Estela disparages Pip who is only a blacksmith. That condition ma

kes Pip feel unconfident. He wants to in better social class. Because of that, he has

a target to be a Gentleman to get her love.

The Gentlemen means a noble. In England society during Victorian era, G

entleman has good position. It is a high strata that society. In nineteenth century, e

xactly after Industrial Revolution, England radical changes in economics, politics,

and even people’s spirituality. The society positions the educated and moral in th

e middle to upper levels in the social strata of society (Jie 1). They categorize the

m as a gentleman.

The idea of the gentleman reflects the rapidly changing Victorian society,

and it is in the same context of transition as the society itself. The very nature of tr

ansition made it difficult to define “what constitutes a gentleman” and thus the dif

ficulty and ambiguity of the definition made the notion of the gentleman one of th

e most disputable issues in Victorian England. The idea of the gentleman is an im

portant element in perceiving Victorian ways of thinking and behavior. In other w

ords, the notion of gentlemanliness can give a glimpse of transition of the social cl

ass and the experience of the middle class as well as their spiritual progress towar

d moral maturity ( Lie, 1 ).


Ainiyah 4

me social status as her. It means he should be a gentleman.

Character Pip is worth studying. His life is interestingly described by the a

uthor from his child up to adult. So far, there are not many researchers study about

Great Expectation.

The writer focuses on Pip's character. However, analyze character is impor

tant to reveal Pip’s character as a main character. As states that, “characters are an

other common topic for analysis in literature, like novel and drama. Whether they

are main characters or minor characters, they normally focus the action and the th

emes of a story. Often, a discussion of novel concentrates exclusively on what hap

pens to the characters or how they change” (Corigan 42).

Moreover, the writer also uses Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis to analyze

the psychological effect in reaching ambition of the character. The analysis will b

e centered on main character that is Pip. And it will be focused on Pip’s ambition.

To understand further about the novel, the writer tends to focus her analysi

s on how the id, ego, and superego concept work on ambition on Pip’s character t

o know the effect of his ambition. Therefore, the title of this study is The Study of Pip's Character to Reach His Ambition in Charles Dickens’Great Expectation.

1.2 Statement of the problems


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problems addressed in this study, there are;

1. How is Pip in the novel characterized?

2. What is ambition of Pip in Charles Dickens’s Great Expectation?

3. What is Pip’s ambition effect on his character?

1.3 Objective of the study

The writer conducts this research because the writer is interested in Charle

s Dickens’ literary works, special for Great Expectation novel. The writer analyze

this novel because the writer wants to peel more about characterization on Pip’s c

haracter in Charles Dickens’ Great Expectation, to know the Pip’s ambition in Ch

arles Dickens’s Great Expectation, and the finally, to know Pip’s ambition effect o

n his character.

1.4 Scope and Limitation

In order to prevent non-relevant problems, the study will be limited to the

novel of Great Expectation. The study then focuses on the characters and the char acterizations represented in the novel. To answer statement of problem stated abo

ve, Pip character and his characterization becomes the most important point to ana


However, some other characters that Pip interacts with will be also the obj


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this study is upon the ambition of Pip character; his ambition to get Estella’s love

and his target to be a gentleman.

The analysis is centered on the emergence of Pip’s ambition which

influences Pip attitude and his behavior. The writer will use analytical

approach through characterization to reveal the personality of the character and

Psychoanalysis theory by Sigmund Freud to analyze Pip’s behavior in reaching

his ambition.

1.5 Significance of the study

Great Expectation contains philosophical values which are valuable for hu

man life. As an author who is interested observing human life, Charles Dickens in

his novel conveys his philosophical ideas on how people should face life by readi

ng this thesis. The writer hopes that reader will get education about how people fa

ce and anticipate the unwelcome problems, for instance: depression, frustration, fa

ilure etc. This thesis explores characterization especially Pip character about his a

mbition in life, it is expected to give readers a lesson about ambition and spirit in l

ife. So it inspires them more spirit to get their dreams.

Furthermore, the significance of this study is expected for the reader to get

knowledge about the literature and psychological science. The writer hopes that t

his study will help reader to know about psychological development of human and

more interest in literature. Then, the writer also hopes that reader can find the poi


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h, reader will get more understanding and knowledge about Charles Dickens’ liter

ary work especially Great Expectation.

Not only for the readers, the benefit of doing this research is gotten by the

writer, the writer gets some knowledge about the differences of thoughts and char

acters among people in some novel, it also happens in really life. It makes the writ

er to be wiser to face the society around her.

1.6 Research Method

This research used descriptive qualitative method in conducting the analys

is. The writer chooses this method because the object of this study is in the story o

f written material and descriptive qualitative method facilitates the process of anal


1.6.1 Research Design

In doing this research, the writer has to collect and looks for the data so the

writer uses library research and field research that can support the objective of the

study. According to Semi in his book it is explained that

..library research is a research that is done in the researcher’s room or in the library, where the researcher sets the data and information about his or her object or research through books or other visual in struments. Meanwhile, field research is a research that is done in fi eld or some place (8).

This study uses Great Expectation novel written by Charles Dickens. Thus,

through descriptive qualitative method this study wants to get a valid description


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writer quotes some theories which are related with the subject of the study. This s

tudy uses analytical approach of characterization and theory psychoanalysis. The

writer also takes any sources such as books, references and internet media for anal

yzing the data.

1.6.2 Procedure of Analysis

The data which have been collected will be analyzed using literary theory.

This research is library based. In presenting the analysis, this research mainly uses

descriptive-analytical method. The research follows the following steps: Reading the novel. Setting the statement of the problem. Collecting data from main source and secondary source which support the

statement of the problem. Analyze the data Drawing conclusion based on the result of data analysis.

1.7 Definition of Key Term

Ambition : is an earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction, a

s power, honor, fame, or wealth, and the willingness to strive for its

attainment ( Jessy 2014)

Character : is are the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work, wh

o are interpreted by the reader as possessing particular moral, intell

ectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the persons

say and their distinctive ways of saying the dialogue and from wha


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This chapter is focused on discussing the theory which is going to be used

as a guide of conducting this study. The theory is Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis,

and analytical approach through characterization and the concept of ambition.

This study uses characterization analytical approach which is used to help in

finding out how each character in the story is characterized. Meanwhile,

psychoanalysis theories and concept of ambition also used to analyze how the

desire to reach Estella’s love from the Pip’s character is revealed.

2.1 Analytical Approach

2.1.1Character and Characterization

Character has an important role in a story, besides it makes the story alive,

character also viewed as a strategic position to carry a message or something that t

he author wants to convey in the story, so character which represents a person bec

omes something interest in the story. As Holman states that the character most oft

en used to refer to a person in a fictional story. The person is described not as an i

ndividualized personality but as an example of some vice and virtue or type, such

as a busybody, a superstitious fellow, a fob, a country bumpkin, a garrulous old m

an, a happy milkmaid, etc (74).

Character only is not enough to build a story. The author has the way to de


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ding to Holman, Characterization is the creation of character of imaginary persons

so that they exist for the reader as real within the limits of the fiction (75). It mea

ns that characterization is the author’s way and technique to make the readers und

erstand the personality and the image of a character in literary fiction. One can un

derstand the qualities of a character by interpreting what the author has written ab

out him. So, the ability to characterize the people of his imagination successfully i

s one of primary attributes of a good novelist, dramatist, or short story writer (Hol

man 91)

Character is most often used to refer to a person in fictional story. In the ch

aracterizations, the authors apply several methods of delivery and the nature of the

character traits desired by the author in a story. To delivery, the author has differe

nt method to characterize the character in fiction. As Holman states that,

There are three fundamental methods of characterization in fiction: first, the explicit presentation by author of the character through dir ect exposition, either in an introductory block or more often piecem eal throughout the work, illustrated by action. Second, the presentati on of the character in action, with little or no explicit comment by t he author, in the expectation that the reader will be able to deduce t he attributes of the actor from the action. And the third, the represen tation from within a character, without comment on the character by the author, of the impact of action and emotions upon the character ’s inner self, with the expectation that the reader will come to a clea r understanding of the attributes of the character (75).

Further, Hurtik and Robert say that “an essential element of characterization i

s motivation “. Character must appears to act their own. Their action must result fr

om plausible reasons which must be revealed or at least implied at some points in


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d determine the character’s trait or traits (38). A trait is a typical or habitual mode

of behavior, such as acting first and thinking afterward, crowding another person c

losely while talking, looking directly into a person’s eyes or avoiding eye contact

completely, and borrowing money and repaying it. All the characters must be logi

cally justified in term of the character’s natures, personalities, and situations. Char

acter needs reasons and motives that result from and are supported by their particu

lar qualities and condition; thus, consistency is achieved. Moreover, the nature of t

he short story or novel, its limited concentration and focus, demands that there is a

connection and unity between who and what a character is and what he does ( Hu

rtik and Robert 37).

In this case, the writer uses characterization analytical approach to analyze P

ip’s character in order to know about Pip’s personality descriptions which further i

t can help the writer to explain about the psychological condition when he has big

ambition to get Estela.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

2.2.1 Freudian Psychoanalysis

Psychoanalysis is established by Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). It is a theor

y about the complexity of human mind which has strong impact toward human’s a

ct. Tyson (12) argues that:


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nd each with pattern of adolescent and adult behavior that are the d irect result of that early experience”.

According to Berger (75) psychoanalysis is a science which is related to co

nscious and unconscious process, drives, and repression with the laws of mental f

unctioning. Eagleton (131) writes “psychoanalysis covers systematic knowledge a

bout experience which are recorded in human’s mind, basic instinct of self defens

e, psychological development and the relation of id ego superego”. The most imp

ortant thing to discuss in this theory is the existence of unconscious mind. Tyson (

14) writes, “The unconscious is the store house of house painful experiences and e

motion, those wounds, fears, guilty desires, and unresolved conflict we do not wa

nt to know about because we feel we will be overwhelmed by them”. This uncons

cious mind will came up to through the repression. All of the things which are dis

cussed in psychoanalysis theory have strong relationship toward this unconscious


However, this study will mainly discuss about the emergence of ambition

which are portrayed by a character named Pip in Great Expectation by Charles Di

ckens. Freud established these concepts to support the earlier concepts of the struc

tural models of the psyche. Id is the original system of human characteristic. Ego i

s the development of id to react toward the external world, while superego is the c

rystallization of norms and cultural values. The Id

Completely Submerged in the unconscious, id according to Freud as cited i


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content of desires. In other word, id strives immediate satisfaction, id is inhabited

by selfish, sexual desire, destructive, barbaric emotions that constantly threaten to

break loose and self defense action (Heller 90). Tyson (25) writes, “the id devoted

solely to the gratification of prohibited desires of all kinds-desire for power, for s

ex, for amusement, for food-without an eye to consequences”. While Guerin, Lab

or, Morgan, Reesman, and Willingham (130) state that “ The id is, in short, the so

urce of all our aggression and desires. It is lawless, asocial, and amoral. Its functio

n is to gratify our instinct for pleasure without regard for social convention, legal

ethics, or moral restraint”. The function of id according to Hall is to fulfill the pri

mordial or initial principle of life which Freud called pleasure principles (22). Fre

ud as cited in Hall also defines id as the primary source of psychic energy and the

seat of instinct (26). Everybody is born with all id, all of the primary process think

ing which are irrational, timeless, and sometimes immoral instinct. Works for plea

sure principles, id has single purpose to identify pleasures and pains in order to ga

in the pleasure and avoid the pain. The entire process happen in the id belong to u

nconscious mind, so that sometimes people cannot control when the id should app

ear or disappear. There is no justification of good or bad in this stage because id d

oes not have any experiences toward external world. Id also does not consider true

of false, norms, tradition and other people. In other words, id is the part of human

unconscious mind which consists of basic or animal instinct of pleasure and the f

eeling of unthreatened and it needs immediate satisfaction. For example, when a p

erson is starving, id forces the man to immediately fulfill the desire to eat.


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Ego is the well-organized of id (Fodor and Gaynor 76). Ego works based o

n a rational reason; that is why ego is also called rational instinct, Ego can work to

gether with id to reach the same goals as what id wants, but in contrast ego also ca

n be the oppressor of the id’s goals. Gaining energy from the id, ego works based

on reality principles that aim to differ between fantasy and reality. Ego has to be a

ble to coordinate what id needs, superego, and also external world in order to stru

ggle for life. The general function of ego is repressing the desire’s satisfaction unti

l it can be reached without any resistance from the superego and the external worl

ds. When the id wants something that breaks norms, ego tries to mediate, always o

perate with the aim of self- preservation. Brenner says, “The ego consists of those

function which have to do with the individual’s relation to his environment” (Berg

er 85). In this stage all of the anxieties are located, since ego should be able to bal

ance between the demand of id and the social norms. As Fodor and Gaynor argue

that Ego should be able to manage and also find the best method with the lowest ri

sks to satisfy the needs considering the environment (Fodor and Gaynor 77). Whet

her Hall defines ego as the following:

Ego is governed by the reality principle. The aim of reality princip le is to postpone the discharge of energy until the actual object that will satisfy the need had been discovered or produced. The institut ion of the reality principle does not mean that the pleasure principl e is forsaken. It is only temporary suspended in the interest of realit y (27).

Continuing the example of starving man in the id’s explanation, while id f

orces the man to immediately fulfill the needs of eat, ego takes action for getting s


Ainiyah 15

s the result of the strong desire to eat. The Superego

Superego is established from the ego to function as the blue print of moral

values. Superego represents the ideal rather than the real, and it strives for perfecti

on rather than for reality or pleasure (Hall 31). Superego can be said as sublimatio

n of characteristics of parent which also consist of the norms, rules, traditional val

ues, and the habit of family itself. Referring to Berger, superego equals to what pe

ople says conscience (Berger 86). Superego is divided into conscience and ego ide

al. The word conscience implies punishment of wrong behavior against the norms

whether ego ideal is gift for a good behavior and part of superego that tells people

to be perfect. Following the principle of conscience and ego ideal, superego aims t

o differ between right or wrong and to force people of both obeying the ego ideal

and fulfilling the needs (Alwisol 20). As the barometer of good or bad, superego c

an be a barrier for ego to satisfy the desire of id. Superego forces the ego to repres

s inappropriate id to the unconscious mind. Referring to the previous example of s

tarving man; when the man finally gets the food from hunting or asking for the ot

her people politely, the ego works harmonically to balance the id and superego be

cause the man is still considering the conscience. Another case when the man steal

s some foods, the ego chooses to fulfill the id by ignoring norms and social values

. In this case id works stronger than the superego.

2.2.2 Concept of Ambition


Ainiyah 16

eing life. As William stated that ambition is strong desire to achieve in life or getti

ng something for certain reason ( William 25). It provides the motivation and dete

rmination necessary to give direction to life or strong desire for success, achievem

ent, and distinction. Ambitious people seek to be the best at what they choose to d

o for attainment, power, or superiority.

In Freudian theory, base on id ego and superego concept, the ambition is i

n the id structural. Id is a basic instinct or it can be called animal instinct of human

which content of desires. The function of id according to Hall is to fulfill the prim

ordial or initial principle of life which Freud called pleasure principles (22). In the

process of the id, ego, and superego to reach the ambition, someone will through t

he different process and different effect. The first process, it will emerge the negat

ive effect. In this case, the Id is more dominant. When ego succumb or surrender t

oo much power to the id and the superego or to the outside world, there will be irr

egularities and irregular condition (Berger 86). Otherwise, if the ego is more domi

nant it will cause a positive effect. Ego functions to control and command the id a

nd superego also maintain the outside world base on the control of the ego (Berger

86). If the ego can control the id and superego then harmony will be created and t

hat's where the positive ambition will appear.

When an ambition people with a big spirit can control their way and find t

he purpose so they will become success person. Ambition will be motivator of suc

cess if people are able to the controller of it or it will be the instrument that drives


Ainiyah 17

ve a good effect to someone if they can control it. It deals when someone get a big

ambition with uncontrollable will become an ambitious person. According to Lon

gman Dictionary of Contemporary English, ambitious mean a showing or resultin

g from a desire to do something difficult of something that demands great effort. I

t means that if someone getting ambition, they will do anything hardly to get what

they need. To get what they need, they will try to choose some option which easy

to do practically.

However, the human’s ambition can be influenced by the background of li

fe, family, even the social condition where they live. Sometimes, someone who ha

s an ambition is ready to do everything to reach it. They do not care about the effe

ct of the ambition toward their life. Therefore, ambition can be good is not only m

ake someone has a certain purpose in their life but also can be bad thing if someon

e become very selfish in reaching the ambition.

2.3 Review of Related Study

In writing this thesis, the writer was based on the study that has been done

previously. The previous study that inspired the writer in making this thesis is a st

udy about character and psychologycal aspects entitle The Psychological Aspects

of Bigger’s character in Richard Wright’s Native Son. This study was written by

Khusnul Khotimah of State Institute For Islamic Studies Sunan Ampel Surabaya i

n 2004.

This Psychological Aspect of Bigger’s character in Richard Wright’s Nati


Ainiyah 18

ugh his behavior. This study is basically literary research by using psychological a

pproach. This study is using the personality theories and literary theories. The pers

onality theories are Freudian psychoanalysis and the motivation of human behavio

r. Meanwhile the literary theory that is used is theory of characterization and confl


The last relevant study is found from library of Petra University entitle “A

Study of Ambition Through The Main Characters in Maugham’s The Narrow Cor

ner”, conducted by Nona (1995). This study analyze the ambition of Fred Blake a

nd Captain Nichols, a main characters of a novel by Maugham entitle The Narrow

Corner. This novel tells about the ambition of someone to going to rich. They are

Fred Blake and Captain Nichols. They can do anything although they kill each oth

er to get the money and to bring their ambition to reality. This study focuses on w

hat the effects of ambition of Fred Blake and Captain Nichols .



Ainiyah 19

This chapter contains data analysis which related to Pip and his ambition.

The writer divides this chapter into three parts as answer of the statement of the pr

oblems. The first part is about characterization of Pip, the writer tries to analyze th

e characterization of Pip as the main character based on Holman Theory as the bas

ic description about the character. The second part is about motive of Pip’s ambiti

on, and the last, the writer will try to find the effects of his ambition.

3.1 Pip’s Character’ Characterization in Charles Dickens’s Great Expectatio


This part explain about Pip’s characterization. The story of Great Expectat

ion is delivered using first-person point of view which Pip itself appears as the nar

rator who narrates all the events, experiences he has. He is the one who tells to the

readers about what he does, speaks and thinks everything around him. The things

that he can also tell about are just limited to them that correlate with him. For inst

ance, other characters only appear when they have to deal with Pip and informatio

n about them is on Pip charge. So, Pip automatically becomes the main character

because he appears on the whole story as what Nurgiyantoro said that main charac

ter is character that always appears and dominates the whole story (176).

Furthermore Altenbernd and Lewis declared that in this type of point of vi

ew in fiction, main character automatically becomes the protagonist. The usage of

first-person to narrate makes readers to feel really involved in. Readers give empat


Ainiyah 20

hat readers can really feel his spirit to reach his ambition.

Pip is an orphan who never sees his parent. Since he was child he lives an

d being raised by his sister and his brother in law, Mrs. Joe Gargery and Mr. Joe G

argery. Pip grows and lives to be a poor boy. He helps Mr. Joe Gargery in the gar

age as a blacksmith every day. Even though, he never gets love from His sister. Ot

herwise, Pip always gets mistreatment from his sister. His sister has bad tempered.

She is easy to angry and often strikes him. Never disowned, since he was child, P

ip is grown by abusing. As the event when pip went home from the churchyard,

"Where have you been, you young monkey?" said Mrs. Joe, s tamping her foot. "Tell me directly what you've been doing to wear me away with fret and fright and worrit, or I'd have you out of that corner if you was fifty Pips, and he was five hund red Gargerys."

"I have only been to the churchyard," said I, from my stool, c rying and rubbing myself. (Dickens 5-6).

Unfortunately, Pip never get affection from his sister in his childhood. Mrs

. Gargery always brings Pip up violently. That is because her condition and the fat

e that she does not want. Having a husband as a blacksmith which stupid person a

nd became a poor family, it makes her to be a women that more drop to face her c

ondition. That condition makes her to be a woman who has bad behavior and beco

me rude so she makes Pip to be object of her frustration.

However, violence in educating that has been done by Mrs. Gargery has ca

use bad impact on the psychological condition of Pip. Because of the violence, Pi


Ainiyah 21

anxious and fear haunted after meeting and be threatened by convict in the church

yard. The whole story deals with him, he is point of view in this novel. The style o

f characterization mostly usingtelling. As his explanations,

Since that time, which is far enough away now, I have often thought that few people know what secrecy there is in the young under terr or. No matter how unreasonable the terror, so that it be terror. I was in mortal terror of the young man who wanted my heart and liver; I was in mortal terror of my interlocutor with the iron leg; I was in m ortal terror of myself, from whom an awful promise had been extrac ted; I had no hope of deliverance through my all-powerful sister, wh o repulsed me at every turn; I am afraid to think of what I might hav e done on requirement, in the secrecy of my terror (Dickens 10).

Besides timid and anxious, the way of bring Pip up that is done by Mrs.

Gargery has caused some other effects on the psychological condition of Pip. P

ip grows to be a sensitive boy and he is not confident with what he has. Here, P

ip is the only character in the novel that Dickens never describes physically. So

me outward characteristic, behavior, or gesture defines nearly all of Dickens’ c

haracters. The representation can be seen from within a character, without co

mment on the character by the author, of the impact of action and emotions up

on the character’s inner self, with the expectation that the reader will come to a

clear understanding of the attributes of the character (Holman 75).

After his encounter with the convict in the churchyard, Pip feel scared a

nd anxious. That Unnatural fear causes he cannot sleep and always anxious. Th

is figure depicts Pip is timid,


Ainiyah 22

stice. It may be only small injustice that the child can be exposed t o; but the child is small, and its world is small, and its rocking-hor se stands as many hands high, according to scale, as a big-boned I rish hunter. Within myself, I had sustained, from my babyhood, a perpetual conflict with injustice. I had known, from the time when

I could speak, that my sister, in her capricious and violent coercio n, was unjust to me. I had cherished a profound conviction that he r bringing me up by hand gave her no right to bring me up by jerk s. Through all my punishments, disgraces, fasts, and vigils, and ot her penitential performances, I had nursed this assurance; and to my communing so much with it, in a solitary and unprotected way , I in great part refer the fact that I was morally timid and very sen sitive (Dickens 45).

Become a sensitive boy makes Pip difficult to receive Estela’ insult on him

. After meeting with Estela make Pip to be unconfident boy. He becomes unconfid

ent with everything that he has because of Estela. As he says,

I took the opportunity of being alone in the courtyard to look at m y coarse hands and my common boots. My opinion of those acces sories was not favorable. They had never troubled me before, but t hey troubled me now, as vulgar appendages (Dickens 45).

However, Pip attendance in the Satis House give big impression to him. Estela tre

ats Pip with highly inappropriate. As he tell,

She came back, with some bread and meat and a little mug of beer. She put the mug down on the stones of the yard, and gav e me the bread and meat without looking at me, as insolently as if I were a dog in disgrace. I was so humiliated, hurt, spurn ed, offended, angry, sorry,—I cannot hit upon the right name for the smart—God knows what its name was,—that tears star ted to my eyes. The moment they sprang there, the girl looked at me with a quick delight in having been the cause of them. This gave me power to keep them back and to look at her: so, she gave a contemptuous toss—but with a sense, I thought, of having made too sure that I was so wounded—and left me ( D ickens 45).


Ainiyah 23

deep. His sensitive brings Pip into disappointed to Estela. He is humiliated, hurt, s

purned, offended, and angry. But it just his felling of Pip disappointed toward Este

la has done for him. Although he has got bad treatment from Estela, he still admir

es her beauty. Pip never gives up. He still has spirit and volition to come again in

Satis House for meet Estela.

Besides Pip the characters which has caused of bad treatment of Mrs. Garg

ery. Pip also the person that has the personality that easy to be influenced by other

people around. When he meets Estela and after he hears what Estela says, Pip has

been influenced by her and he want to be better directly. Because of he is not com

fortable with his condition. As the following;

When I got up to my little room and said my prayers, I did not forg et Joe's recommendation, and yet my young mind was in that distur bed and unthankful state, that I thought long after I laid me down, how common Estella would consider Joe, a mere blacksmith; how thick his boots, and how coarse his hands. I thought how Joe and m y sister were then sitting in the kitchen, and how I had come up to bed from the kitchen, and how Miss Havisham and Estella never sa t in a kitchen, but were far above the level of such common doings. I fell asleep recalling what I "used to do" when I was at Miss Havi sham's; as though I had been there weeks or months, instead of hou rs; and as though it were quite an old subject of remembrance, inst ead of one that had arisen only that day (Dickens 52).

In addition, Pip is an idealist, whenever he can conceive of something that

is better than what he already has, he immediately desires to obtain the improvem

ent. When he sees Satis House, he longs to be a wealthy gentleman; when he think

s of his moral shortcomings, he longs to be good; when he realizes that he cannot


Ainiyah 24

I could take towards making myself uncommon was to get out of Bi ddy everything she knew. In pursuance of this luminous conception I mentioned to Biddy when I went to Mr. Wopsle's great-aunt's at ni ght, that I had a particular reason for wishing to get on in life, and th at I should feel very much obliged to her if she would impart all her learning to me. Biddy, who was the most obliging of girls, immedia tely said she would….( Dickens 52).

He tries to look for biddy. He wants to learn everything that Biddy knows,

especially, the knowledge that can bring him to reach ambition. He has a prospect

to get the perfect one in his life. To be a gentleman is his target to reach his ambiti

on that is getting Estela’s love. So that he do everything to bring it to be true.

I began to combine Miss Havisham and Estella with the prospect, in my usual way. When we came to the river-side and sat down on the bank, with the water rippling at our feet, making it all mor e quiet than it would have been without that sound, I resolved tha t it was a good time and place for the admission of Biddy into my inner confidence (Dickens 92).

Pip is a boy who has big spirit, and never give up if have some expectation

. He does everything that can support his expectation. Pip is a young man who has

a great passion in his life. Pip’s great expectation makes no despair in living breat

hing thing. Pip’s enthusiasm in learning is one way to achieve the target pip being

a gentleman. He tries to be better by learning to biddy.

"Biddy," said I, "how do you manage it? Either I am very stupid, or you are very clever."

"What is it that I manage? I don't know," returned Biddy, smiling. She managed our whole domestic life, and wonderfully too; but I did not mean that, though that made what I did mean more surprising.


Ainiyah 25

Biddy," said I, after binding her to secrecy, "I want to be a gentlema n."(Dickens 91).

Pip is struggle and has big desire to get something that he wants. It appear

in a case when he wants get better in intellectual side, like never give up to study

hard. As a poor boy that never be given education from his sister Mrs. Joe Garger

y and his sister’s husband Mr. Joe Gargery, pip grows to be a boy who has limited

knowledge, but he never give up to try. Moreover in fact, he is cleaver and dilige

nt boy. He studies by him selves and always tries to be able such as reading. It cau

sed way Mr. Joe calls him old chap.


I say, Pip, old chap!" cried Joe, opening his blue eyes wide, "what a sc holar you are! An't you?"

"I should like to be," said I, glancing at the slate as he held it; with a misgiving that the writing was rather hilly (Dickens 31).

3.2 Pip’s ambition in Charles Dickens’ Great Expectation

From description above that is about Pip’s characterization, there will how a

bout how pip’s characterization and how big his desire to get something that he w

ants. Pip is boy who has big ambition. He has ambition to get love of beautiful girl

. She is girl who has name Estella. Pip falls in love in the first meeting with Estela

. His love has been emergence as big as his instance seeing how a beautiful that gi

rl, as his declaration. "I think she is very proud," I replied, in a whisper.."I think sh


Ainiyah 26

nfortunately, he just get insulting from Estela. "I think she is very insulting."( Dic

kens 44 ). It makes Pip to be unconfident with everything he has. Moreover her tr

eatment that be given to Pip in first meeting impolitely. As the case in the garden

of miss Havisham’s house when Miss Havisham asks her to give a piece of meal f

or Pip.

She came back, with some bread and meat and a little mug of beer. S he put the mug down on the stones of the yard, and gave me the brea d and meat without looking at me, as insolently as if I were a dog in disgrace. I was so humiliated, hurt, spurned, offended, angry, sorry..( Dickens 45 ).

Nonetheless, Pip still admires Estella. He loves her so much. He still does

not believe that his visited in Miss Havisham's house will bring him to meet with

the beautiful girl like Estella.

Exactly what I myself had thought, many times. Exactly what was perfectly manifest to me at the moment. But how could I, a poor dazed village lad, avoid that wonderful inconsistency into which the best and wisest of men fall every day?

"It may be all quite true," said I to Biddy, "but I admire her dreadfully." ( Dickens, 94 ).

Estella is Magwich's daughter whom has been adapted by Miss Havisham..

.that Estella was not related to Miss Havisham,but adopted (Dickens 134). Miss

Havisham is the rich woman..Well! Mr. Havisham was very rich and very proud…

( Dickens 131 ). So she grows to be a intelectual beautiful girl and she is include i

n high social class..she Abroad,” said Miss Havisham; “educating for a lady; far

out of reach; prettier than ever..( Dickens 85 ). On that condition, Pip very realize

s with everything that he has. He realizes that his condition now is very opposite


Ainiyah 27

han Estella is intellectual girl who has a noble background.

However, Pip is not someone who easy to give up. Precisely, he does not

want in that condition. He wants to changes everything he has to be better because

his ambition to get Estella. His ambition to get Estella is very strong. He really w

ants to get Estella's love.

Do you want to be a gentleman, to spite her or to gain her over?" Biddy quietly asked me, after a pause.

"I don't know," I moodily answered.

"Because, if it is to spite her," Biddy pursued, "I should think—but you know best—that might be better and more independently done by caring nothing for her words. And if it is to gain her over, I should think—but you know best—she was not worth gaining over."

Exactly what I myself had thought, many times. Exactly what was perfectly manifest to me at the moment. But how could I, a poor dazed village lad, avoid that wonderful inconsistency into which the best and wisest of men fall every day?

"It may be all quite true," said I to Biddy, "but I admire her dreadfully."( Dickens 94 ).

He begins to think and struggle how to realize it. In fact, Estelah is high cl

ass girl. Because of that, Pip wants to be a gentleman..I want to be a gentleman.”

( Dickens 92 ). Because in Victoria era, Gentleman is high position for a man. A g

entleman has high position in social class at that time. So that he has a target to be

a gentleman to get Estella's love.

The nineteenth century epitomizes a transitional era into a modem society in England with radical changes in economics, politics, and


Ainiyah 28

d. The most important effect of the Industrial Revolution, however , was that it fundamentally changed the social basis of Victorian En gland, causing the emergence of the middle class.. (Yeo, 1).

Because of that Pip is very struggle to do everything to be a gentleman. Pi

p has target to be a gentleman to reach his ambition. His ambition is getting Estell

a’s love, because he loves her so much from the first meeting in Miss Havisham’s


Pip still admires Estella. He loves her so much. He still does not believe th

at his visited in Miss Havisham's house will bring him to meet with the beautiful

girl like Estella.

Exactly what I myself had thought, many times. Exactly what was perfectly manifest to me at the moment. But how could I, a poor dazed village lad, avoid that wonderful inconsistency into which the best and wisest of men fall every day?

"It may be all quite true," said I to Biddy, "but I admire her dreadfully." ( Dickens, 94 ).

Estella is Magwich's daughter whom has been adapted by Miss Havisham..

.that Estella was not related to Miss Havisham,but adopted (Dickens 134). Miss

Havisham is the rich woman..Well! Mr. Havisham was very rich and very proud…

( Dickens 131 ). So she grows to be a intelectual beautiful girl and she is include i

n high social class..she Abroad,” said Miss Havisham; “educating for a lady; far

out of reach; prettier than ever..( Dickens 85 ). On that condition, Pip very realize

s with everything that he has. He realizes that his condition now is very opposite

with Estella has and her condition. Pip is a poor boy who just to be a blacksmith, t

han Estella is intellectual girl who has a noble background.


Ainiyah 29

want in that condition. He wants to changes everything he has to be better because

his ambition to get Estella. His ambition to get Estella is very strong. He really w

ants to get Estella's love.

Do you want to be a gentleman, to spite her or to gain her over?" Biddy quietly asked me, after a pause.

"I don't know," I moodily answered.

"Because, if it is to spite her," Biddy pursued, "I should think—but you know best—that might be better and more independently done by caring nothing for her words. And if it is to gain her over, I should think—but you know best—she was not worth gaining over."

Exactly what I myself had thought, many times. Exactly what was perfectly manifest to me at the moment. But how could I, a poor dazed village lad, avoid that wonderful inconsistency into which the best and wisest of men fall every day?

"It may be all quite true," said I to Biddy, "but I admire her dreadfully."( Dickens 94 ).

He begins to think and struggle how to realize it. In fact, Estelah is high cl

ass girl. Because of that, Pip wants to be a gentleman..I want to be a gentleman.”

( Dickens 92 ). Because in Victoria era, Gentleman is high position for a man. A g

entleman has high position in social class at that time. So that he has a target to be

a gentleman to get Estella's love.

The nineteenth century epitomizes a transitional era into a modem society in England with radical changes in economics, politics, and even people’s spirituality. Among the most influential factors, the Industrial Revolution provided momentum for social changes. Wit h the help of industrial advances, England turned her eyes to world ly affairs, establishing herself as the omnipotent nation in the worl d. The most important effect of the Industrial Revolution, however , was that it fundamentally changed the social basis of Victorian En gland, causing the emergence of the middle class.. (Yeo, 1).


Ainiyah 30

p has target to be a gentleman to reach his ambition. His ambition is getting Estell

a’s love, because he loves her so much from the first meeting in Miss Havisham’s


3.3 Pip’s ambition effect on his character to reach his ambition.

However, everything that has been done by everyone will create an impact

for the doer. Likewise, it also happened in Pip’s live. He has big ambition that ca

n create a psychological effect and his behavior change.

Considering to Freud’s concept about id, ego, and superego, everything th

at Pip does to get what he wants can be categorized as the fulfillment of the need

of amusement to get his love. Revering to Guerin, id is the source of all our aggres

sion and desire. Id has function to gratify our instinct for pleasure without regard f

or social convention. Pip’s need and desire to get Estella’s love is categorized as i

d since it is about the pleasure and happiness. Pip responses his desire by doing ev

erything that can support his ambition. Pip tries to study in everything such us rea

ding, writing, asks biddy to teach him everything she can, until he approves Miss

Havisham suggestion to apprentice in Joe as a blacksmith. Pip wants to be better.

Everything that he does has a purpose to reach his ambition. His action as a result

of his strong desire can be seen as his ego. Ego works based on reality principle w

hen a person is able to satisfy his need with the risk of being punishment by societ

y. In this case, his ego works properly toward the id. When Pip studied about readi

ng, writing and learning everything with Biddy before go to London, he still pay a


Ainiyah 31

over with Joe. It means his ego works dominan then the id with attention the super

ego. Everything what he does still follow the role of the society in his village. Unl

ike with that condition before in London, Pip’s attitude has been changed by his a

mbition. He builds new image for him selves. Pip wants to have good image in his

community in London. He wants no one knows about his originality that he is fro

m poor village person. One day, Joe visites Pip in London. Joe performance and h

is unadorned makes Pip feel say to introduce Joe to Pip’s friends. Pip is afraid if h

is friends know about Joe, Pip’s image will be bad and Pip’s friends will know Pip

’s originality because of Joe. Because since Pip is in London, he does anything to

be able to be gentleman such us join in rich men community in London. And his e

ffort is successful. He is include in gentlemen community. But Joe coming makes

Pip unconfortable. Pip just affraid that Joe will make trouble and will break his pl

aning to be a gentlemen.

Not with pleasure, though I was bound to him by so many ties; no; with considerable disturbance, some mortification, and a keen sens e of incongruity. If I could have kept him away by paying money, I certainly would have paid money. My greatest reassurance was th at he was coming to Barnard's Inn, not to Hammersmith, and conse quently would not fall in Bentley Drummle's way. I had little objec tion to his being seen by Herbert or his father, for both of whom I h ad a respect; but I had the sharpest sensitiveness as to his being see n by Drummle, whom I held in contempt. So, throughout life, our worst weaknesses and meannesses are usually committed for the sa ke of the people whom we most despise (Dickens 159)

Pip gives treatment Joe impolitely. His ettitude so different now. His ambit

ion to be a gentleman to get Estella’s love has changed Pip attitude and his behavi

or. In this case, his Ego deos not work properly since it surrenders toward the id. P


Ainiyah 32

. Although he is someone who is ever close with Pip. He is Joe.Pip’s ego failed co

ntrolling the id by ignoring the reaction of the society and his bad ettitude when Jo

e visites Pip in London. Pip different attitude makes Joe feel uncomfortable since t

ogether with Pip. Joe is very offended because of Pip attitude. Joe goes out from t

hat place directly. However, Pip has disappointed Joe. Because of Pip’s bad attitu

de, Pip is leaved by Joe who is closest with Pip. Joe reaction can be said as a punis

hment from the society of what Pip has done. It is showed in Joe argument.

…..You and me is not two figures to be together in London; nor yet anywheres else but what is private, and beknown, a nd understood among friends. It ain't that I am proud, but th at I want to be right, as you shall never see me no more in th ese clothes. I'm wrong in these clothes. I'm wrong out of the forge, the kitchen, or off th' meshes. You won't find half so much fault in me if you think of me in my forge dress, with my hammer in my hand, or even my pipe. You won't find h alf so much fault in me if, supposing as you should ever wis h to see me, you come and put your head in at the forge win dow and see Joe the blacksmith, there…( Dickens 165)

Pip gives treatment Joe impolitely. His ettitude so different now. His ambit

ion to be a gentleman to get Estella’s love has changed Pip attitude and his behavi

or. In this case, his Ego deos not work properly since it surrenders toward the id. P

ip does not care and uncomfortable with everyone who is not included in his affair

. Although he is someone who is ever close with Pip. He is Joe.Pip’s ego failed co

ntrolling the id by ignoring the reaction of the society and his bad ettitude when Jo

e visites Pip in London. Pip different attitude makes Joe feel uncomfortable since t

ogether with Pip. Joe is very offended because of Pip attitude. Joe goes out from t

hat place directly. However, Pip has disappointed Joe. Because of Pip’s bad attitu


Ainiyah 33

hment from the society of what Pip has done. It is showed in Joe argument.

…..You and me is not two figures to be together in London; nor yet anywheres else but what is private, and beknown, a nd understood among friends. It ain't that I am proud, but th at I want to be right, as you shall never see me no more in th ese clothes. I'm wrong in these clothes. I'm wrong out of the forge, the kitchen, or off th' meshes. You won't find half so much fault in me if you think of me in my forge dress, with my hammer in my hand, or even my pipe. You won't find h alf so much fault in me if, supposing as you should ever wis h to see me, you come and put your head in at the forge win dow and see Joe the blacksmith, there…( Dickens 165)

It is in accordance with Hall that states super ego represents the ideal rathe

r than the real, and it strives for perfection rather than for reality or pleasure (31).

Pip follow the norm and rules of being a gentleman. It means that Pip should follo

w the steps to reach his target such us accept the offering from benefactor to study

in London and follows the Herbert Pocket suggestions. Pip also does the steps to

be a gentleman like join in rich man community in London. It is done by Pip for r

eaching the perfection to be a gentleman. Although, in reality Pip has to leave his

family and his town. However, his unconscious is more dominate. Pip’s id is stron

ger than his ego. It means Pip’s ego is stronger influenced by his pleasure to reach

his big ambition.

Based on Berger (75) psychological analysis of Pip’s character is the conci

ous and unconcious process. In reaching his ambition, Pip’s attitude has been chan

ged by the condition. His psychologycal condition can not be control by him sefle

s. In conscious process, Pip still does everything under the role. Pip is a moral per

son. Pip’s conscious guides Pip for do everything to be better and being a moral p


Ainiyah 34


"Yes, Biddy," I observed, when I had done turning it over, "you were my first teacher, and that at a time when we little thought of ever being together like this, in this kitchen."

"Ah, poor thing!" replied Biddy. It was like her self-forgetfulness to transfer the remark to my sister, and to get up and be busy about her, making her more comfortable; "that's sadly true!"

"Well!" said I, "we must talk together a little more, as we used to do. And I must consult you a little more, as I used to do. Let us have a quiet walk on the marshes next Sunday, Biddy, and a long chat." (Dickens 92)

In London, he also spirit to learn politeness with Mr. Pocket. He asks

Mr. Pocket to teach everything moreover in attitude and to be a polite

person. However Pip knows that mr. Herbert Pocket is capable to teach him.

As he was so communicative, I felt that reserve on my part would be a bad return unsuited to our years. I therefore told him my small story, and laid stress on my being forbidden to inquire who my benefactor was. I further mentioned that as I had been brought up a blacksmith in a country place, and knew very little of the ways of politeness, I would take it as a great kindness in him if he would give me a hint whenever he saw me at a loss or going wrong.

"With pleasure," said he..(Dickens 130)

In unconcious process, Pip can not control his personality. His

ambition has guided him to do negative sides. Pip attitudes has changed.

It can be shown when Joe visits Pip in London. Pip attitude makes Joe

fell uncomfortable in London. Moreover, Pip is impolite when Joe were


But you are not going now, Joe?" "Yes I am," said Joe.


Ainiyah 35

Our eyes met, and all the "Sir" melted out of that manly heart as he gave me his hand. (Dickens 164)

Besides different attitudes to Joe, unconscious process also brings

him to be extravagant person. Pip prefers to spend his time with wasting

money. His life is just for fun anymore. His ambition makes Pip to be

person who does not care with family and to be extravagant person.

We ordered something rather special for dinner, with a bottle of something similarly out of the common way, in order that our minds might be fortified for the occasion, and we might come well up to the mark. Dinner over, we produced a bundle of pens, a copious supply of ink, and a goodly show of writing and blotting paper. For there was something very comfortable in having plenty of stationery.

I would then take a sheet of paper, and write across the top of it, in a neat hand, the heading, "Memorandum of Pip's debts"; with Barnard's Inn and the date very carefully added. Herbert would also take a sheet of paper, and write across it with similar formalities, "Memorandum of Herbert's debts." (Dickens 203)

The last discussion is the Pip’s ambition in Islamic perspective. In previou

s chapter was explained that how big Pip’s ambition and the effect of his ambition

. Word “ambition” means desire. Everybody has the desire as human being. There

fore, human is required to be able to control their passions. In Islam, lust is a test f

rom God. Human is assigned to fight in order not to fall in desire in the world. Be

cause Allah encourages people to bring their desire in Allah’s way.

Surah al- Ankabut; 69


Ainiyah 36

d, Allah is with the doers of good”.

This verse describes the glorious promise of Allah to the believers who stri

ve in the way of Allah with their wealth and sacrificed their lives and endure the t

orment and obstacles. Therefore Allah will give them guidance and determined an

d provide assistance, so that they gain the victory in the world and the happiness a

nd glory in the afterlife.

As Allah says in Al Furqon; 43,

Have you seen him who has taken as his god his own desire? Will you then take th

e responsibility of being a guardian over him?

Allah hates people who make his desire as the main concern in life. Becau

se of that, Allah forbid the people put desire to be based on their live. So from his

ayah, we can conclude that Allah advocates people to control their desire. They sh


Ainiyah 37



This chapter discusses the final conclusion that the writer makes after anal

yzing all the data. According to the result of the analysis which is discussed in the

previous chapter, conclusion can be derived. Pip is a simple boy before meet Estel

la. He is a spirit and struggle boy. Pip is a boy who never gives up studying hard.

Moreover in fact, he is cleaver and diligent boy. He studies by him selves and alw

ays tries to be able in educational term such us writing and reading. It is caused M

r. Joe calls him old champ. But besides that, Pip has bad characters. He is a timid,


Ainiyah 38

use in Pip childhood.

After meets Estella, Pip more unconfident because of their different social

class. This is because of his basic character as a timid, anxious, and sensitive boy.

He can easy be influenced by Estella insulting. Even thought, Estella successful m

akes Pip attracts her. Pip attracts Estella from first meeting. He very admires her a

nd falls in love with Estella. Because of his feeling, he becomes ambitious person.

He has ambition to get Estella even he knows that he and Estella are from differe

nt social class.

Pip’ big ambition to get Estella makes Pip thinks to look for the strategy to

reach his ambition. By look at the condition that happened in victorian that the ge

ntleman has high position in strata social. So Pip makes decision to be a gentlema

n. His ambition becomes a gentleman is the second ambition as the strategy to rea

ch first ambition to get Estella’ love.

However, Pip undergoes the psychological process. There are three point

personality, they are id, ego, and superego. Id included Pip’s desire or his ambitio

n to get Estella and to be a gentleman. Ego included Pip’s process of reaching am

bition, such us study and learning everything. Superego included his volition in ac

cepting the benefactor offering to study in London.

Based on Berger (75) psychological analysis of Pip’s character is the conci

ous and unconcious process. In reaching his ambition, Pip’s attitude has been chan

ged by the condition. His psychologycal condition can not be control by him sefle


Ainiyah 39

son. Pip’s conscious guides Pip for do everything to be better and being a moral p

erson such us learn everything with Biddy, study in London, and obeys the rules t


In unconcious process, Pip can not control his personality. His ambition ha

s guided him to do negative sides. Pip attitudes has changed. He forgot with Joe a

nd his family. Not only that, unconscious process also brings him to be extravagan

t person. Pip prefers to spend his time with wasting money.


Abrams, M.H. 2008. A Glossary Of Literary Term Ninth Edition. USA: C

ornell University.

Altenbernd, Lynn and Leslie L. Lewis. A Handbook for the Study of Fictio

n.London: The Macmillan Company, 1966. Print.

Alwisol. 2007. Psikologi Kepribadian. Malang: UMM Press.

Berger, Arture Asa,1993. Media analysis techniques Third edition. USA:


Ainiyah 39

son. Pip’s conscious guides Pip for do everything to be better and being a moral p

erson such us learn everything with Biddy, study in London, and obeys the rules t


In unconcious process, Pip can not control his personality. His ambition ha

s guided him to do negative sides. Pip attitudes has changed. He forgot with Joe a

nd his family. Not only that, unconscious process also brings him to be extravagan

t person. Pip prefers to spend his time with wasting money.


Abrams, M.H. 2008. A Glossary Of Literary Term Ninth Edition. USA: C

ornell University.

Altenbernd, Lynn and Leslie L. Lewis. A Handbook for the Study of Fictio

n.London: The Macmillan Company, 1966. Print.

Alwisol. 2007. Psikologi Kepribadian. Malang: UMM Press.

Berger, Arture Asa,1993. Media analysis techniques Third edition. USA:


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