• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

Index of /enm/images/dokumen


Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "Index of /enm/images/dokumen"


Teks penuh


r l o | D . , !\irrr lr,sr ':l D:rl.nn.D.!rr r Si \ :rr!dju.-!irt -aiu.:.f L l'c:e!

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-\arg ( rLng V.. Dnecror of Rcpres.nra:i!e Oificc in rhe Rclublic of L z,3t .:.ri Nepreserrarirc office of I\All l \\ orld lnc r': c R€publr, of i,lrlr.lln

.\rl llunro srr.. YaLkasara) d;s!.. Tsshl(ent. Uzbekistrn

T€1. Iax: (998 7l) 255-2782, e-mail inartworld@gmail.com uq* yes'irarr coDr March 6,2008

oTG- 080306-378

Embassy of the R€public of Indonesia in Tashkenlruzbckistan The Person in Charge

A letter for cooperation

INART WORLD INC. is South Koreao company

that operating

the representative


in Tashkent.

We ask politcly you for intmducirg tle companies

of your couutD' that hope io


in the plojecl that we have prcpared,

Our close cooperative

bank, Korea EXIM Bank,

and other two Korea Invcstment bar*s take pan in this project. We ate looking fon'ard lo


from you soon. Do not hesitate

to contact

us for any fiuther questioD

or inlorma on.



Yang Chung-Mo

G€nerrl Director



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i'jrer.raBn er6c rBr .r.iART U orld lnc.' B Pecn'5nR(e vr6e(!cra'

\'16exrrcran. r 'l arrxeil. luiacapaiicrrlii o-or. ];r. X) rto N:l

lcr/OaKc (9cS;l':55-:182.e-nail: rnanyorldaernail.corn. r$$ )e! rna:1.rirl \{apr 6, ?008

oTc' 080306-3?8

noconbcny Pecny6nnkx Hruone3u.r a Tatttxent/y36Extcmlr OrBercrBeHHoMy "'rruY

IIHcbMo o corpy.qutr.r€crBe

(A l€tter for cooperation)

(INART WORLD INC.> tBrrerct rotoroxopefic(ofi KoMndjrtrefi, yrDalntlolqeit Irpercr:lBtrrerLcrBoM s Tamxexre, O6paqaeuc.r & BaM c y6eAdret!$o; npocL6ci, npeAcraElrr npnroxeHnHi rrpoeKT r(oMrraAurM BaEefi crpaEEl. IaBBLIii npoeNl ocyrqccrB.nrercr [p!.t roAAcpxRe 6anxa d(or€a EXIM Bank,), tR].Eouleroc, Ba!I'IM TecHbIM naprHepoM. a raxxe npn yracftlx ,rIB]x rHBecrur.uroHHbD( 6aBxoB.

flpocru car:arrca c ltaMx rrps xeo6xomaoctu .qolomrlrrejrLEoi Bttoopuallolt. Ha,qeeMcs tla troJIyBeE e orBera B otuxafiIllee BpeMx,

C yBo(eH[reM,



fltr rlyFr tr4o

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ft@ Eiil EEil Hmffi




To d€ar our local partners ofthe world!

Dear Sirs;

I would like to plopose you following projects that have beea prepared by our company,s plals of 2008 with our olosc coopcntive bat (s. Korea EXIM 6xport-tmporty Bank supports g,! !t9ry"! and, Woori Bank Group, Woori Investment & Secuities hopes to raxe pan m. R.INART CM Co., Ltd Eanages this prcjects as an afliliard company of INART WORLD lnc.

Our activities are focused on two business areas. One is set-up of local manufacturing of digital TV set, and the other is exponing of finished product ro locai distributor or retailer. Our both activities or one would suit for your purpose.

\ ane C|uriq'Mo. cc.cral Direclor ol Ii lNARl ( i\1

l 8 loor. DorS)ang l o$ !'r. 91. DaDgsa| Dorr + r,a. lEL (822) 26i6 t095.FAXr (822) ?636 t096 E-MAIL: inanworld@email.com

March 6, 2008

Co , Lld

) c o : r g a . , u n ! p ! - c , . . S e . - . I l K . r c a . t 5 i r , - : :



Prposal Summary

on Project I, Projeot



l. Our Policy

2. Appendixes

that will be drafted by e-mail

l h . ! ' | : A : i 9 l ' \ . r . i ' , ' o l ] l | ; ' n o . | ] i 1 . I : i J j x a ! ] i ] l l 1 ' l r 1 f l

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ll!'..rrM[rr ir.]nnr I.r \hrr rhr lrn.rlut{$ !.illb@hrt} $cirn. ia-:j, i,

rqirriir.rtlng b! lllialiT ( { ( ' , Ln , A! rj€lr re, 4{d i i4


t : - l . . r _ 1 ' t ' r , l





\\'e aie Iooliing tor the perrrer n' Jr:irnLiairLrrc ttloi rlscmhlr d-!ndt .\' c,r1 rl (_il I)las,ra l\'.r ir rorr counrrr. ihc compa rc! hi ,.ir: l,*r nt::,.rrs.rr; ni r -. .e:rtlr_rr: ;ri iDcrcasirg raljCl) r:t rhc rrorld nlffl(el and j1 relec:s thc ci-.am nq tren<j:r titc ranr:l rr-:.e.r: r,_ , ' t d e m : . l 1 ' . ' i i p r t J l T\, $llhjrca,.nns,lrer,. \\'( L.l,lcrlakc r h c l , ( - l . r , , . . . J . l J n : r ! r . r - J :

includirrg ihc tcchnologl transfer- supply-ing of Knock-l)our Puts (KD Partst. surpllirg lrc inslallalion of machineD & equipment, training etc. Lc-Philips Panel supfrons us \\'c prepared finance suppon for local partner with our close cooperative banks. Korca EXIM Banl will provide credit line fbr payment to R INART within 100% ofall palmenl. Orher two rnvestment banks hope to in\€st directly or purchase stocks of local partner in times of the issue prices of stocks after SOP (Start of ProductioD). We can nor inves! as joinr venture and u,ill invesr in advenising and publicity work. We recommend SOP $ith 5 000 - l0 000 sets per monlh and increasing oulput step by step. The light facility investment cost and effect of reduction of cusloms lariffs make lhc Drofitable investment The abonr nrdi..t'.6.r a. f^rl.*,..

Project II

We ar€ lookhg fo! the parbers to distribute or rctail oru Droducts in vour countrv. We could consider exclusive right to disbibure with your company. Korea E)flM ilanl wi[ suppon the all payment vr'ith a good ffedit liDe, The application of your company's private brand iould be considered. We ask politly yor.r for prior reviewing of our producl samples with order for detail negotiatioa.

If our proposal suil for your plans, rare ask politely you for sending a delegation to Kolea at an e3rly date. The delegatiotr will visit our factory and panel manufactuling factory of ou, close coolemte partnet, Lc-Philips under ou! guarantee to teclmology secudg, ard get the meeting wiih EXIM Bank 8nd two investmeot bmks for concr€tize cooperation. We have technical resources and finance resoulces, atld u'€ need a panner lhat has resourccs of local assembling and/or distlibution with rapid nanagem€nt decisioo. Your positive rcview on our proposal will male fitther processing acc€lelated. We ale lookhg folwad to headDg from you soon.

Sincerely Yours,

YaDg Chung-Mo Geietrl Director Mrrcb 6, 20oE

l . n ( I ] i l i r 1 i q h \ t . r . D | l . n l i ' l l o . ! $ ( n . i \ , ' r | n ! 1 r o l ] f l D ( f d

fl{\ r..cr. r o! rhorlJ i:. .{..! ii{ Noi ris rnn .ri.cfs rscd :r ,rrij l.rtrr,rj drt r. i i .r: ,. .,rr1 .,1 . i :.1. l h f r r i i , r e : f r r l 3 ! 8 ! n l * l h ! l r h r e $ s , ! L n D \ y i l i h i . r . . r r f t l r l r ' e i u n l . f . . i . r j . r a r l , ( , . ' I : J i ( . t r . / r r r r h r . r r n e ! r i r , r i L


Ef, EEil



Lr. '^,

!,n..rriqi ri

cusloms lariffs make lhc table rnvestme[I. The about ect cost as follows:

Buildinq and land Local Assembline spac€ needs 60 m X 20 m Machinerv & EouiDment $ 192 920 Capacity I0 000 / monrh (lshift

Traini $t45500 3 months training forassembline educatron Licens€ & Royalw $ 600 000 Estimated. It could be nesotiated.

Worldng capital for SOP

for purchasinE initjal KII

$ 5 000


Appoximat€ly calculared by $l 000 x 5 000 sets = 5 million dollg.r.

Total $ 6 098 420 EXIM Bank wiU suppon credit line (9-t l% inreresrraie./year)



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ii\vcr in rnc.f.-f





Our Policr

\\e shrlcd our;r(ri\ ilics rn 2001. lL. nernbsrs a.lti ir. I'iasrri: Jepanrrerr:,'i l-lr.iilJ*r ll: rl:-: !o1 tos.ther and s-irned buslness \\! hcle lalicn F.:r ir rarrous p:i'ie;t icir\ rirc-' ll.': rr',i.-.i.r..l \1... Reccdlt ue decided t,:l rciniorcl tha drgital f\ '.usir3ss l'.rea tiil rs gr('$rng rrprtl:\ i:n. \\c ha\c absorhed the inlhslrlcture ofore Korean digital T\ fompan: iha: hac looJ Jesf,il'.

in Europc. \\'e deeideJ an obvious:rnd simple policl

l. Be a representrtivc compaDy in the world in local manufacturing S€t-up bnsincss!

We are unique company that supply slnthetically all necessities, i.e., financing, manufacturing lechnology, lnow-how, facility, KD parts, branding, and development of neu model. With inducing of this concept in 2008, ue are already getting a good respoose from many local partne$ oflhe world. The companies that \aant local manufacturing or assembling are increasing rapidly in th€ u'orld market.

2, Brand. bratrd. brandl

It is summarized by the next thrce. The policy of creating and developirg of brand suitable for local market with the local producer that we suppon seFup, the policy of our own brand, and the alliance with world wide brand. We are the frst and leader in the llew arca of <Soff Set D>. Who spend most of time wilh Tv Set are uomen and child. This brand is under development in a strict secudty as project na]ne FMF. W€ are currently in negotiations for a brand alliance with a global company havitrg strong world wild brand. According to tle negotialion rcsult, the local pioducer that we utrdertake set-up and distibutor/ rctailer could use this brand iD addilion ro their own private bmnd.

3. Strong finaDcial supporl, let our partnen can do more lhing6 than theit competitors! With strong financial suppon by us, our partners cao do more stong business ihan their rivals. Our partners caII overwhelm the market with superiority of massive quantity. OuI partneE can do r|lole things than their competitors. Wc also suppon ilvestrnent with otu close cooperate iovestment banks in addition to credit line for thc expansion of panners' busmess area aDd benefit.

4. Simple ard stable goods!

we perseverc in <Stabilitp in quality for (Simple Choice>. we persevere in excellert Ko.ean palts. CoDsumer gets cotrfused by too msny brands prEsent-day. lt is a stress 10 consumer to choice and buying digital TV set. Simplicity gives comfort. Time slows a value. TV sets age with families. InducinS the same system with Catron, producing only by preordel, we have reduced the stock expenses, management expcnses, extemal company scale. We use the saved cost irt the exc€llenl parts. We walt that our prcducts are remembered affer l0 years laler, not in the day ofpurchasing. We do lot use a low price policy in prirciple. A.low price policy can not make any advantage in the long term. Competitors also can imilate easily that kind of plice policy. It can not make a differcnce.

The present day, "speed" has an ascendancy over "power", "soff" have one over "hard", and "light" have one ove. "heaw". we discuss openly, decide simply, and act rapidly afler decision.

It is our company


for yow cooperatiotr

with our company.

Sincerely Yours,

Yang Chung-Mo Generrl Director

i l i i , i A i i s h l r r i i ( i n o i r h i \ J r \ . ! l h c ! , i . d r H r q i r t n r r n , n r K o r € n n \ t c h r 1 ( | l L L n ^ 3 ! ! r ' , i r t . . . i r r , r n \ . r J ' 1 r I \ : . . ' " I l l o $ r ! . r . \ . ! i h n u l d t t { ^ ! , t r t i t . . f \ } i r d s r t r d r o . $ f l s r s ( d n ! ' r " ! i r u 1 ! o . ! c n l j r r i l x r . i c \ ' r . l . t r v l - t ' r r $ o r 1 r ' r l l , . n t r . - M n ! . ( . ! , r . : n r R ' h . t ! t b t l , ' l o s l u l L o b s r l l h r \ . e t r . r l r i t i ( s m e i r $ r ' i r t d i l . l ) i ] u u ' ( , ! a L '


Bf, EEil




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Apprndixes that $ ill br drafiod b\ c-nlarl

\i.rc d€lril infomlaiion anc coidirons hcreundtr \c'u c b. drrtriJ L\ e :r-.i11: ::i.,rii:,! l :.r. slafl oi our ncEolialion \\'j!h )ou Do not hesilale ta ar-ala,cl us lnr ir:\ lu:ih:i cue:lra.ll ' r::fomralion.

AppenCi)i l.1 Ntodel Des)gn Su maries Appendix t.2 SpecificatioDs

App€ndix 2.I Machinery & Dquipmenl Componcnl Prjce & lnstallalion Appendix 2.2 Technioal Tmining & Man po$'€r Serdng Plan

AppeDdix 3.1 Components ofKD Pans App€ndix 3.2 Cell vs. Conv€yor Sysrem

App€ndix 4.I Quotation fo! finished products and/or KD Patu Appendix 5.1 F€asibility Study (F/S. refereDce)

App€ndix 5.2 Process ofDXIM Credit Iine

With the deviation of price of goods in every month by many factors, it is reasonable lo be negotiated ill the time after fixaiion of ardourt and purchasing tilce by the custom of business. The conditions could be negotiated by the realization speed and actual transaction record. we have exc€llent advantages in more than 42" size and FULL HD Foducts; il will reinforce your comDetitive Dower.

n.li..i:1 ci,;4r1, tra

Yol1 co ld rrpl.'_ us h) thc nexl cilailaddrcsses-ftstdqLDlr.fs [-inril: i!!!gad4@@aiL!o!s

IteDresqrtarilc o11l.e in Tashkerl F-maiL !![!l!hLgE4@!qdlll, \'lanaecf Na€l]a ,^)r

n t\_'.{R1 ( -U (1o., Ltd

i 8 rldrr. Doni-! rn! 'l .\ rr, q!. DanE qn-i)on8 4 gr YsDa{lcuulF{ 'u. }!onl Xor L- I 5$72:l !'rr !812) l/':r6 l',r)6

t,-n:ijl nn(\fif ,iao,i!l q)i

hl|\ r!r, ? irN3r.c!n (ielrril dite.tt j"xnS enu.:s.dr\) (}m.( in (;wD ltrduslra2l ( lhltrr

Ko],r, Dili$l l d!r.r S 9tr6. 2??-7. 6tri l.l \\rg. Gutu<'iu. s$ul. K{rca I J:-t 4S Rtpre..ninriv( oii.. in l*ht.trr

-NeJ tlxDoi?., Yaktr.r,r'1 dinr..irs|Li . i,Tbckndr i . 1 1 , ) , 9 r 1 , - r l ) z ' t 5 ] t r z

i jruil. rru5lrLlul.!.i DBrr ru. \lrnape & Ir$.lh].r Inlcrfrclcr N:lsljd .\l ::l.iil. ti0rlrr.!,trtr|| 1(:u 9.r. li.ltot \i. Koi!tr

I i ( I . d l n l \ . F i o n . a t h ' r n N u j d t r : r h r r l l t i o r i r i : i n r K o r € n . t \ . h t 1 . l l k r r . 4 { t : b l { r ( ! , . r i i ! t . | 1 i ' r a ' n h L , l o $ . 1 . r . , \ . ! \ l o r l d b . & r . . d m t r $ r { < . ( , r n € I ' t u s . C i. : n r . l d r p . { . n r : i j n . r f i r ! $ { . r . q i , r : , r . i : ! : r r i t i ) L ' r - . | l r ? r J l l E ( l i l ' l a u f n n ' . € l i ' a t l . . r 1 ! | 5 l ! 1 | o h u | i h t j v c c J . : i 1 ] r ! h 9 { ! n . n l c . .


f i l ( f i i , f r J r . i r ' : i $ r r ' r :

la,rg*' -l)orr r r.i

' ' . . " ! r c L r E t .

u i . S . L i u . ( . , . c , ' : : I r r r r i ( ' _ ' , . ,

a tJil/i!!(ttii.ri

]::rcr:., rr:rr,::n, r rarrerr:

\l ll:rr, :: ) tiJ:i.,:f!\ :i .:l I i ! 1 : . r . : l z b ! ! . 1 . : a l i - . 4 ' r i i . , r E - r : \ r . : I



I N A R I I ]


\tarch 6.2008

Dear our local pr nc$of theworld:

Dear Sirs,

We hope ro supply Bio-energy planl to local partners in your country. We arE 1ie tegal and formal exclusive right agent of Korean Bio-ethanol and Bio-diesel Company that are No.l position in this industry. We support with besl c.nditions io the next points.

1. PlaDt ofNo.l & biggest Compuy itr Korea; GuarMtee with "Stabilirt" and "Warranty" 2.Strong financial support; Our close cooperalive bank, Korea EXIM (ExportJnpon) Banl

supports the pa).rnent capital within 100% crcdit line with good oedit conditions. Tbe process of negotiation follows hereuDder,

l.The companies that hope to puchasing plaDt shall send basic infonnation of company introduction and target capacity ofplant,

2. We shall reply basic inforination ofplait and supplier for negotiation to the companies. 3. ri,te shall send the infomatioD ofthe process of EXIM Credit line to the companics iftiey

wa$t lo use the credit line, We together will check if the companies caD meet the rcquirements to use sedit line.

4.The both parties shall negotiate .apidly lhe cole conditions with formal letter and communication.

5.The both pafties r€ach to basic agrcement, puchaser shall dispatch their delegation to Korea to visit the factory and to do meeting for firther cooperatiotr with EXIM Bank in EXM Bank's headquane$.

We ask politely you for introducitrg the compaaies that hope to negotiate in purchasing our plant. Your positive review on our prcposal will make firrther processing accelerated. We are looking forward to hearing Aom you sooD. Do Dol hesitate to contacl us for any further question or information.

Sincerely Yours,

Yang Cbubg-Mo Gelreral Director March 6, 200E


i t . . . . , ' 1 I L J ' : l r i r J ' _ '

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\ i l d r - . j r r i . , : , . j . , t . . i . r , . . r , . , , . , . . i . . r , f , ' ( ' l \ : . . i - ) : s l

; . - , , , r i l i r t r : l . , : [ : r 1 l i ' ' r ! , ] . L i I 1 t ! . ! i I l r . i i t . r l r 1 . : D r l r f . r - l \ " r . :l Lr::1. srepirtrrdor.!. \ri.!ri lr!h:or-ti. lrofrx

cq:4{lrfattl !: tr.!\dl rlrl a' . Ld. !n:ict! !!+nnt


Dokumen terkait

Yang menghadir i adalah dir ektur per usahaan atau boleh diw akilkan kepada pengur us lain yang namanya ter cantum dalam Akte Notar is Pendir ian atau Per ubahan dengan

Unit Layanan Pengadaan (ULP)/Pejabat Pengadaan/Jasa Pemerintah Di-Lingkungan Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Kabupaten Barito Timur mengundang calon penyedia jasa berikut untuk

Produk dan Jasa Ekowisata di desa Candirejo, Kec Borobudur, Magelang.. Seminar Nasional Ekowisata Universitas Widyagama Malang 12 Nopember 2013. Desa Ekowisata

diketahui bagaimana kinerja sisite tersbut. Melakukan analisis lebih lanjut sebagai sarana pemeliharaan dan pemeriksaan rutin. Mengetahui bagaimana sistem kerja kelistrikan KRL

Magang ini memang dimaksudkan untuk menambah wawasan tentang kegiatan pertanian di lapangan yang sesungguhnya, meningkatkan kualitas lulusan dalam hal pengalaman dan

4203014123 “ Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) Pada Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (Abk) Tunarungu Berdasarkan Standar Isi Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan

Padahal, kecelakaan kerja akibat unsafe act yang terjadi di CV.Usaha Jaya Kudus ini karena pekerja tergesa-gesa dan kurang berhati-hati dalam bekerja, tidak memakai

In this research, the writer applied quasi-experimental study with the titled “Teaching Descriptive Paragraph Writing by Using Roundtable Strategy at the Tenth Grade