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The use of the language laboratory to help improve the SMA students' aural oral ability to communicate in English - Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya Repository


Academic year: 2019

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C:HA!-''l'EH l

ll:lTF<ULilJ(~~'i' lUN

1 . .L f:'.:-Jckerur.lnd nf the ::.tudy

Hl t.hi::; HorJd to

tlndHr-:c~J.ancJ anr:J be understo.~'d. 'fhus 1-JP stand 1n need

of expressing and unders~anding messages; in

\.Ji;r·,J::; Wt:: ne~:r:l to comm:.1nicate witl1 nne another.

ing with thj_s idt=::<7 .• t<ivers :~~tate:~;:


Studen~s need to study ditterent

••f thinking:, connnuni,;atin~t. and acting

C•thf"'rS. Jn their reLatir;nshir•;o; Hith

'J'!Jey TlL'f~d to knc:\·7 hnH a message is

ex-p res::~"" d a; 1 d u n d t·? r· s t u c_; d ; h CJ w

;:;ncl rl;uur;{ht ::o.r-e intertwined; how to

ex-prF'SS th...,i.r tnei~nirtg unarnb.ig·uousLy and

v-1-ithuut oYtensivenesE";; a.nd how to

listen to what others are trying t.o

. ' 1

•:: (i m rtl u n 1 r:· 3 t e .

H r.•weve r. not


of us realize that



a b i_ J L t y t o r; om m u n i ,-, a. t e i :-:: o f g." r e ;::; t. i rn ~; o r t a. n c e ;_=tn d v a

-I u e . u n t ·j ! w .:· z, r e p J '-t ,. e d in ;3 s i t u at ion w


ere He can

-nc•t n::lk·? r:.ur t~iwur{hL=; and wishes knn1.;;n because of

djfteri:"nr·.=- J.n J;Jng:u;=q;•;t:. ln sur_:h a situation. we w i J.l

~' e e j t a l J . t f 1 ;3 t t h P. i n a ~~ i J i t. S' t. o c o m m u n i c· a t e ·=' an b e


Wilga H. Hivers,

in ,l<· ore is:<:n L ~ n e:u ''-8>"'

; C,

.-·, •• J


a fright.ening thing. ln order to be able to

eommuni-c~te. we need a vehicle to transport rJu r message

to c om tt1 u n 1 c a



a system

r:;f · ·nmmun i cat inn by "':uund - a :3pec ia L kind of sonnd

produr:ed by tt1tc; human vor::al org:ans and falling on the



; n r; 0 n n t-" c t-. i rj rl w i tli this the;;:: is '



Wf• ;Jt'f:: rjj~;cu~~sing l S ,c:ng lSh. with its role as a

fo-an internati:JnaJ language by

w h i. -~· h we zn e a b l e 't o g e t in t o u c h with people from

.:l:i.f'f.:,r·ent·. courdrir;c-::, and atJove all, as it 1s greatly

rruoi~l tor further studies s1nce many books are

written in J-.:nf):Jish, it. bt=:comes an urgency tor us to lcearn En.r::'li:c;h f:J.:::: ;=:; torF'.i..gn Jang·uage. It is true that

anci more

ahc•ut f1ramm:.Jtir.:;3l patterns ;:Jna the like.

douht that th8lr foremost destination in


but they

1 ' .



Edw;nrJ 1"1. ~:;ta•.?k.

Tbq __

J.,_gngllficg,r:; __ L_ab.Q.l~Q._tQ_:t::Y ..


de rn_J,~Jl£1J;J.E:•:: Tc;0 chjog:, London : Ox fr1 rd U n i ve r sit y Press.


langu;:-;_gc~, that is by having conversations, either

d 8 i l y or· n c cas ion::; 1 1 y . 3 up p •) r t in E~ this ic!ea, f\ivers

"::;ince languag:t:c 1:::; a means of

communi-cation. it 1s







learn words, phrases,

gram-matic::-;} featur1~s. if they will



able to produc>:: these in a way which makes their utterance comprehensible to

.-::l r·t·~t·l·v·· c•r.:·~.-okor ·1f' r·h~ 1 -r,_,U.-,,-.·~'' 3

' o. -' 1_-; w ~·) r;: n_ t.~~ . f_ _, r::; 1. 0. l c::, o_F:::: r:;: •

Whenever we express something to other people

thruug;h our words. it does not mean that we have

al-ready carried out a


until the words we

express are understood by the


we are getting

in r.ouch with. Thus CCimmunicaLion itself involves two

ac:tivi_ties: listening and speaking. f\ivers sets clown

her v.i ewr;oint :3_bout thir;. S!tf' says:

" . . . cnmmunicati,,n 1s a process

ln-volving at least two people. Speaking does not of itself constitut.e

comrr;uni--c a t i u n 111 des f; 1-1 hat i ::.,; sa i d 1 s corn p r e

-. j ' t t. " 4

t·i en r eo -, y an o . r1 e r person .

JJistening is first because through listening

the students can train their ears by listening to the

native speaker s voice


the tape, and at the

same time they will be able to recognize the sounds

:;:.};j 11:?.'


1 1 :,~.


\1i1ga Ch ic·af'o:





h inLE.P


e_i_gn_ L_;;mgu qg_~

Unive,r::oity of Chicago Press, HJo8,


nt' r:iw LHJI.'tuag:e, and difi'erentiat.e among 1ts various cornr·r)rJcnts. Above all, tl1ey can imitate the native

~:;J=.,-=· a k r:; r · s v o .ir: e t. o pronounce Eng l i ~; h words , phrases

'"HJ d :~: e n t. e n c e s a c: c u r a t r-; 1 y s s w e 1 l . Unless they

re-r"'~:J:?:n1:c>=, phonen1ic difl~r:>rences, they cannot

successful-1 y undt•rtake to r~rodllce them. While Sf=>eaking,

accord-ifJg i,;, :::~t~ick, includes training; in correct

position-ing C)[ the vr·;c:a] C•rg:ans and formation of linguistic

t.l1rnugh intensive p r a '-' t 1 c e . "5

T he em


h a s is n n b F· in g, a b 1 e to eo m m u n i cat e 1 n e:1

t n r ,c, i


n 1 ~" n g 1.1 ::~. >~~ P ( 1 n t· h i :;c: c a. s e E n g l i s h ) has


to "audio lingual" method, a

UiF: t hod whieh 2.1ms :.:1.t. d•.::veloping listening and

l·\11 i l. d r-. he s lciJ l s o t Priti.ng}. Throug;h

tli i ;,~ m.~t.h•:>r:l. th>=> ::;tudt-·nts are expected to be accurate

i.r; prr.d'!Uiir.iati,)n sincr=:- they are trained to repea.t. the

1-.~hoJ-:; utterances t:--'erff':ct.ly, by makinEJ. use of various

d r i 1.1.;:;

i t has been clearly

kn rJwn that. ..;

i-1 1 __ • has SCJ!llething tn do with this

; ; X p J' t:~ ; ; ~.: I •.1 t i : . LS a se .:. o i t' !lolll .s L. . . t " . Therefore.


QP~-' 'l.l.·. p. 117 .


Jn> b i t. :::; . T h u ::;.: , t he r e m u ;'; t be constant practice


J i :-:; h;n i.nt' t.c·, ;:.;peaking, reading, and writing the

tar-1. e. .En~1lish. ln other words, the

st1.1de!its should master i.hF: prontJnc:i.ation, g·rammatical

J:' :·-J t t. ~., r 1 ; :c; ;., n d v u c 8. b u J. a r y 1 n s u c h a way t h a t. t. he y w i 11 b P ;j_ I< t P L u c ,; II! m u n i c a r. >':' in Eng I i s h au tom a t i c a l l y . Lad o :=:.:::-1 v;::.::



observed that the complex process

ot c•-·lli!liUnjc::';t:ic,n Lhrnngh language as we

IOJI<\.J i:=: m;:,Jde r-•us::,ible by the system or

h ;" b j t. s


h i 1: h •) l~· e ,. Ci t e s l a r g: e l y w i t h o u t '· '11 1.. :'l 'i.J a r e l! e s s . 'I' h e s e h a b i t. s a r e d e e t:d y

~; f: t. i n t h r::· n e r v '' u :=: s y ;::; t. em of the in d i

-vidual ;'Jt;d 1n n1s mu;o;c-ular,


)Pctu;::Jl, anc:l emotional processes'

aspect emphasized

fr,r,::iR.·n l8nf•.uape learning, especi'~ lly lll

l i :~; tr· n i riJ:~: and


two skills



i:' t_,_, h11i id ur' in hi.n1seU 8 set. of habjt.s Hhich wil.l

,.,,t·r·~:';r·nnd, as •.:Jo:::;r"JY a::; pc's~:;1b.Le, to those of the


staying lfl

Eng-the USA.

oppor-Longmans, 1-:;reen

' ' .


tunitie;_; fc,r direct ·~:unt.act. 1-1.it.b th~ lang;uage 3.3 he

is ~~t.JJclyin;;f ('lltside the -~:lassrnom. It. has been

geme-1· ;, .l J y ~i :s :; u me d t. h o t ::1 L earn e r · s exposure to En£Uish


line with

t h i :'~ n r d i c· n , H a 1 l €. i_ v '" ~; his v i e w p o in t . He sa. y s :

'''l'tli' hr"":c:t m<:,dP l tr)r I:. he t;_lre;et. l anp:uafje

. r~! r_- J·] r:: 1:• t:~ :3 t p t··. r s o r1 t> c• j n1 j_ t a. t e J n

hi:=:: or her US>'~ ,-Jf the !anF,'ua.fte- ·rs a

tl:3tiVf"' SiJr;:.lker, SCJITJE'i)flf' \-.!hU ha;::_; J.earneCJ

. . . - ' l ' " 7

1 r ;-.~.;:-; n i :.:; c'r n,~r mot .1er tnnfSlle

H.-.i,-lr:·ver, nr_,t. F~Ve rybnd y has such a chanc~.


oi employing

Mrirenvt:'r, Jll order· to


abLe to ns•==: the

l d 11 g u :CJ .~o: e 1./ F3 l J J n t-. h r=~ i r or3J communicat,jc:.n, .b:ngl ish

t f, ~l ,. h >.0 r-s provide the i r s t: u dents: with a lot~ C)f

prae-i i , ''-' :-; n d d r i 1 L :'; , 8 n d


h e s t u ri e n t s n e e d t·.o bP g::~ven


use English.

u ' :~ c 1 1 ,, s ~. h a t r-. h e ::-: t u d e n t s ,-: an n i, f i n i s h d r i. l -~ i ! t 12: t h em

-,;;t'::vr=?s u:c-.:ing: r.hi': dr·jJi:·; ~rr·ovided.

Pe0ple h8ve been trying, with the help of

mo-d • r n l. F· ' · h 11 ·~·· J ' .o g y . i J) d f:-' v f:· J o p v a r i o u s t y p e s of

audio·-vlsu;=;j t.r•·a··hi.nf ai.d::~ Sll•:h ~,::-;television, film, radio,



t( ,-, b 2 r t !~ _ H a J 1 ·--· r. , -, N r;;w_ ___ W IiYf! .. t,Q __ Lr;:.Qt'Li .... _.Ii. ... Ec_; r~_:ig:n L,;;,l,li§!:J):;t,gE-. P,artt..am Bonk:•;, Inc. 1~~JK6, p . . 56.


o)fj the fa.:ts a.hove, and rea.lizin,e: that communication

;::; ;3n extr,::mely r-?ssential 3C'tion through which people

u t 1 cl e r :c; i :"1 n d ;-'j n d h F; u n d ,., r s t. o o d , t h e w r l t e r


1 a s c on ( 1 u c t

-f':d :'1 ~;tudy tr:; question >-t~1et.her the use of language

];-l.f;r)C:~iCJry, 8.S IJ!l8 Of the f.echno}Of=1:ica.l teaching

:=i ·i d s , h ~~ 1 p ;:; i-. h f' ~~. M A s t u rJ en t s j m p r o v e t he i. r listening

r .. 'n Le or·aJl·,r 1n En.JC::l ish.

The purpose of thj s :c;tudy 1s to answer the

fr;l_l,·,winq: problems:

:; . M a i o r E) r n h ] e m :

HtJH can the langua;;u:: labnratory help 1mpruve


:~a1 A ;,; t 11 ri <0 n t :": · a u r a l l1 r a 1 a h i l i t y t c' c om m u n i c a t e in


n .fJ. I i :=.; h ?

I~; t1inne Prol~.lem:=;:

the 1anguag:e laboratory help the SMA

stlJdPnt:=; improve their: 1 i ,; Len i n ¥? ;; k i l J l

1.~' Thf! Ub.iective ot the :::.;tudy


1-'•J'•}fJif:In::~. the ub.ieci::iVf' •)i- thi::-3 ~;r.udy is to tind OUt wh•=:tiJer tht=.· JJ;.;r=.• of th''" l :3.nguagr::: laboratory, as one ol

f. llP tF:::Jchin,g a1ris, helps the SMA

;:;t·u,:-Jr=:nis imprr.•ve Lheit· anral or;;,J. ability to

communi-c:=Jt''' :tr; f·:nglj:,;lJ ora.Llv. ::::.incr• communicRtlrJn is an

sk1lls. listening

:;nd ;o:r••-::;ki_ll(?:, i.hen tl1e wr·itt'~r w.i LJ discu:.;s the


:; k i j l

:-~ M i1 En t-~ J i s lt


stJJdr?nt;:; · audio


H.~,pet11l l y. t.his st:Jdy c::;n be (Jf som>'.: help and

Fngl i ~d1 teachers to make the

lahora--tr.•J'V m•.•l·r· etfe•:t.ive :=;,~' that thf:ir teaching will be

EesirJ,,;s. the writer also hopes that






'lhi:-; ::,i-!Jdy 1s J.jmited only tr:) the use of a

Lw,,-w::1y 'cummun icat·.J on ::;y.~~tem of labnrat.ory 1n v.;hich






study J.S

1 _ h 'J · hi n r-"" t ; ,_. ~-J l F r :'J m c H c' r k

st11dy concerns t-.he use of the

l : l n ,P; 1.1 :; e 1 a b o r :-~ t r:, r y i n i m p r o v i n g· SMA sr.udAnts

J istening: and speakiug

skilL:;_ Furthermorr~. as ];stenlnt"! skill and speaking

Jin,s:uaJ skills of






r 1 i :~ s

LJ d

y i s


a::; e


on t


t:· ass u m p t i u n t


t. he

extra course




t.n<:: c;>:h•Jul:~; :=Jre t:.hF; une~o; "1hir:h can afford a

'I' c• ;:; v o :i d m i. :3 i n L e r p r e t a t: :i n n and ,/ o r m i sun d 12 r

-t. r:' define



A ::: s 1. a t e d r• y ::; t: a c k . l ::1 n g 11 a g e 1 s a :::; yo::; t em o f l.~ om m u ···

r; ic:'i t 1 Oii by :~;r)Und



kind of



l1uman e8r.

i\ r • r.: '! r d i n g t <:, H a y e ;:_; , i t. 1 ::-: c la ~;::::room or other


equip-:1.nc! :1 rranged tu make


::·', L :.:Jr. k , ,~, J::· ,_ :~·.L t_. p. 11'/.


1\. :: .. Have:·;, l,_;;;to_g_ua.P:Q. L_Q.QQ_.r~:J.ts.,r:L.J:'_Q.c.i.Liti~s, Lon-.:i,_,r;: IJxirJrd ilnivr:rs'ity Pl·rc;s;::;, l~:=JF)t;, p. J.


Furthertnc•re. ;_-:i.ccu:rd j ng to LarJo -~ l. f· '··

r· il ' , m t-u r p r rJ c t i c e h y t h f; s t u a 2 n c c:; w i t h 1 (l

q IJ i


m '' n


:.c: .

a spec i;:d


e---'f !1 e :=:; i-; i L J c• J l i s ten in g to a toreign language is

L h '"' 1 m m '~ d i a t ~'" 8 n .-J u n c o n s c i o u s r e c •J g· n :i. t :i. u n of its

:;;.>;'nil'i<::ant element (SrJund), and the compr·ehen:=:;ion

C!t T:he meaning >-7hi.ci; the combln;'ltion cf t:.hese eLe-n1 e I~, r·. :..:~ l::: n n v e y :~.~ ( rnean j n;~;). 1.1

ft i;.~ tJH:: act ur an instanc~e of uttering words.: a

rru.1tua! rPlationship Jiruiteci tc1 casual greeting or

r'>ll VF~ r S ;cit j_ ti!i . 1.%

l L i n c: i u d e :=-; t r a :i. n in f.; j n ,-~ o r r e c t p o s i t i on j n g o


t. he

vr;r ~; l c·rgan~''· and of linguisLic lrabit

I I )

· f-<c,Ler-t Lado, l.<?.n.8J,L;;tg_p'-J~t'22~'JLin&. Tata Hc(].raw Hill

l'uhl1:-;hing (:u. Lr.d., N•:-:,.1 [1e!hi, Htf34, p. 1'1'1.


i 'cl t. ha :r· in a H a tn a h r i :::tan t. o , Ibf~


_JJ ;,;_r::_ ... Qj;'<_J~:J.n&:.IJ_?.g_Ei

L~ ~-Jl,~·- ~~ ~::? ;::J M 8 ~)~n ;~ __

u __

t __ -r,_~~-9-..r;.lJjoJl.B._ .. .L(l.~~-t t~~ n ~i.rlf.Z _ (~


s__i_Ql1 _____ a.t _____ ;) Hli





r· r i am W




t. e r,


t~ 1::~

fl. T bi..rr,;LJieH.JJLLt;;:X112 .. LL::

•lJ!a l. _U i,(~~t i '•nary c,f t h;:;; !;:ng


icsl) Lq,nE.·u.a,,gg __ l.Ln?b .


idg_e,j. Her-r 1 :'; m \IJ '" i -.:::; if: r J n , : . i·' u h 1 i ~~her· s , ~; p r in g: i' i e 1 d , Mass a c h u

-:--:-:t-~·Lt.s~ U.:<.t\ .. p. >~J8t;.

' p, 11 '/ .


l_:ilJ1H1Hlflieati.-1n is <n-1 :::Jrt that deaJs I.Jir.h expres~~ing

p f f (' C' t i v "" 1 y 1n speech or

arts and

t-. h ;:;


1 :=; t. ;; ; 1 i-1. h t ;3 ;:; ;UJ i n t e f' r a t e d p r o


r am a t v a.r i o u s

Jr~v::·J:::; uf t:ducaLinn in distinction to traditional

s~rarate courses in composition and speech. 14

lt; r:arr\'in~t i>Ui .. ihis study, the writer does

11. library

frCJtll f:100l\S and

~; i r· :~ t. ''


a J L , s h F:~ c· o J .L e c t s the data and in--that are

::·he readc-.; hCloks a.bout the

!.r?achinv· c~t· .t<:n~;Li::;h a::; 3

audio lingual

::·, e ·~ on cl 1

v , ::;

he stud i e ~;


a r t s o f t he i n f o nrw t i on

'J · h :i ~' :'; t u d y c n n ;::; i :=; t s o f five ,-~har::,ters. The

;-; t. u rl y , s La r_ em en !: o t t-. he pro b l e w , the objective ot


:=JS:-e;J_iltl('Lir-n. d.=,finition of key--t.;::;rms, and

n;ethndolo--g J . ,-: t; :'1 p : P r two p r e ~: e r 1 L s r he d e s r:~ r i p t i on n Y Au d i o

l _J1n(~JJCI - . , M . . L ter.t1o,J , ~ t.he ;3Ur:l io .Lingual skills of


and the relationship between those two skills.

Chap-lc-:r tlu'''-' dea}s with the definition of l:Jng:uage

la-typr::s or ]c_-;n:2)12Jge laboratory, the types of drills /

exer~ises rlonP in thA language laboratory. and the

r'qll:i).•Hlt-'TJt;; •1f ~i listen--r·espond-compare language

la-r · I u ~; ~ ll n o Y r-. he s r. u d y .

1 ' _ . )


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