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by :

Nelli Siringo Ringo NIM. 4103312021

Bilingual Mathematics Education


Submitted in Fulfilment The Requirements for Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan








The Relationship between Student’s Learning Motivation and Self-Concept

Altogether toward Student’s Mathematical Communication Ability

at Grade IX SMP Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam Academic Year 2014/2015

Nelli Siringo Ringo (IDN 4103312021)


This research is attempted to know the Relationship between Student’s Learning Motivation and Self-Concept Altogether toward Student’s Mathematical Communication Ability at Grade IX SMP Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam Academic Year 2014/2015 with 56 respondences.

From the instrument test, the results were found as follows: (1) simple regression equation Y on X1 was Ŷ = 32,891 + 0,430X1, simple linier regression test Y on X1 was Fcal = 1,272 < Ftab = 1,897 and belongs to linear regression at significancy level 5%, (2) simple regression equation Y on X2 was Ŷ = 33,679 + 0,442X2, simple linear regression test Y on X2 was Fcal = 0,616 < Ftab = 1,897 and belongs to linear regression at significancy level 5%.

The data analysis of the variable correlation can be seen as follows: (1) learning motivation (X1) with mathematical communication ability (Y) is rcalculated = 7,730 > rtable = 4,020 show the positive correlation at significancy level 5%, (2) self-concept (X2) with mathematical communication ability (Y) is rcal = 8,375 > rtab = 4,020 show the positive correlation at significancy level 5%.




Praise and gratitude to Jesus for His blessing that provide health and wisdom to the author until this thesis entitled “The Relationship between Student’s Learning Motivation and Self-Concept altogether toward Student’s Mathematical Communication Ability at Grade IX SMP Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam Academic Year 2014/2015” can be completed. The thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for Mathematics Education Bachelor’s Degree Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science in State University of Medan.

The author wants to say deep gratitude for taking much assistances during compiling this thesis. Deep gratitude to thesis supervisor Prof. Dr. Edi Syahputra, M.Pd for providing the didactical guidance, advice, and remarks. The warm thanks to examiners, Drs. Zul Amry, M.Si, Ph.D., Dr.Izwita Dewi, M.Pd., and Dra. Nerli Khairani, M.Si. for giving invaluable comments for thesis perfection, also big thanks for Dr. Wamington Rajaguk-guk, M.Pd. as academic supervisor for giving advices as lecturing process and Mrs.Panjaitan.S.Pd., as mathematics teacher class IX also for all teacher and staff for helping and guidance as research.

Great thanks are extended to employee staff in office of university head, Prof.Drs.Motlan, M.Sc., Ph.D as Dean Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and to coordinator of bilingual Prof. Dr. Rer.nat. Binari Manurung, M.Si., Dr. Edi Surya, M.Pd. as Chief of Mathematics Department, Drs. Zul Amry, M.Si, Ph.D. as Chief of Mathematics Education Study Program, Drs. Yasifati Hia, M.Si as Secretary of Mathematics Education, and all of employee staff who have helped the author.

The author wish to give great gratitude for beloved father Darsono Siringo Ringo, beloved mother Tumora Sihombing, sister Elisabet Lasmaria Siringo Ringo, brother Roberto Sirait, grandmother and grandfather, uncle and aunty also all family who have prayed and gave encouragement and funding to complete study in this university.



Melin, Surya, Petra, Riny, Rully, Sartika, Sheila, Siti, Uli, Mimi and all big family in Rela 72’s House, especially for my roommate Maria, Meiva, Dahlia, brother John Lianto Purba and sister Junita Lestari Simbolon who also guide and support me for this thesis, and bestfriends Kaisar, Rogres and Irma who always support, giving advice and valuable motivation to compiling this thesis.

The author has endeavored to as much as possible in compiling this thesis, but the author is aware there are many drawbacks in terms of both of content and grammar, then the author receive any suggestions and didactical criticms for readers for this thesis perfection. The author hopes the contents of this paper would be useful in enriching the knowledge for reader.

Medan, April 2015


Nelli Ratna Dewi Siringo Ringo




Authentication Sheet i

Biography ii

Abstract iii

Preface iv

Table of Contents vi

List of Figure x

List of Table xi

List of Appendix xii


1.1 Background 1

1.2 Problem Identification 8

1.3 Problem Limitation 9

1.4 Problem Formulation 10

1.5 The Objective of Research 10

1.6 The Benefit of Research 11

1.7 Operational Definition 11

1.7.1. Operational Definition of Learning Motivation 11 1.7.2. Operational Definition of Self-Concept 11 1.7.3. Operational Definition of Mathematical Communication




2.1 Mathematical Communication Ability 13

2.2 Learning Motivation 17

2.3 Self-Concept 21

2.4 The Relevant Research 26

2.5 Conceptual Framework 26

2.5.1 The Relationship between between Student’s Learning Motivation and Student’s Mathematical Communication

Ability 26

2.5.2 The Relationship between Student’s Self-Concept and

Student’s Mathematical Communication Ability 28

2.5.3 The Relationship between Student’s Learning Motivation and Self-Concept Altogether toward Student’s Mathematical

Communication Ability 29

3.3 Variable and Instrument of Research 33

3.3.1 Research Variable 33 Independent Variable 33 Dependent Variable 34

3.3.2 Research Instrument 34 Learning Motivation 34 Self-Concept 36 Mathematical Communication Ability 37 Instrument Trial 38



3.5 Technique of Collecting Data 43

3.6 Technique of Data Analysis 45

3.6.1 Data Description 45

3.6.2 Test of Research Variable Tend 45

3.6.3 Analysis Requirement Test 46 Normality Test 46 Simple Regression Equation 46 Linearity and Significancy Test of Simple Regression

Equation 47 Multiple Regression Equation 48 Linearity and Significancy of Multiple Regression Equation 49

3.6.4 Hypotheses Test 49


4.1 Research Data Description 53

4.1.1. Description of Learning Motivation 53

4.1.2. Description of Self-Concept 55

4.1.3 Description of Mathematical Communication Ability 56

4.2 Research Variable Tend 59

4.2.1. Tend Category of Learning Motivation 59 4.2.2. Tend Category of of Self-Concept 59 4.2.3 Tend Category of Mathematical Communication Ability 60

4.3 Analysis Requirement Test 60



4.3.2. Simple Regression Equation 60

4.3.3. Linearity and Significancy Test of Simple Regression

Equation 61

4.3.4. Multiple Regression Equation 64

4.3.5. Significancy of Multiple Regression Equation 64

4.4 Hypotheses Test 65

4.4.1. The First Hypotheses 66

4.4.2. The Second Hypotheses 66

4.4.3 The Third Hypotheses 67

4.5 Relative and Effective Contribution 68 4.5.1. Relative and Effective Contribution of X1 68 4.5.2 Relative and Effective Contribution of X2 69

4.5.3 Mean Absolute Eror 70

4.6 Research Discussion 70


5.1 Conclussion 73

5.2. Suggetion 73





Figure 2.1 Relationship Paradigm 30

Figure 3.1. Procedure of Research 44

Figure 4.1 Histogram of Learning Motivation (X1) 54

Figure 4.2 Histogram of Self-Concept (X2) 55

Figure 4.3 Histogram of Mathematical Communication Ability (Y) 57





Table 2.1 The Main Idea of Motivation Perspectives 20

Table 3.1 The Blueprint of Learning Motivation (X1) 34

Table 3.2 Scoring Guideline of Learning Motivation (X1) by Likert Scale 34

Table 3.3 The Blueprint of Self-Concept (X2) 36

Table 3.4 Scoring Guideline of Learning Motivation by Likert Scale 36

Table 3.5 The Blueprint of Mathematical Communication Ability Test (Y) 37

Table 3.6 Scoring Guidelines of Mathematical Communication Ability Test 38

Table 3.7 Classification of Validity Interpretation 40

Table 3.8 Classification of Validity Interpretation 41

Table 3.9 Classification of Distinguish Power 41

Table 3.10 Classification of Difficulty Index 42

Table 3.11. Tend Categories 46

Tabel 4.1 Frequency Distribution of Learning Motivation (X1) 53

Tabel 4.2 Frequency Distribution of Self-Concept (X2) 55

Tabel 4.3 Frequency Distribution of Mathematical Communication Ability 57

Table 4.4 Tend Category of Learning Motivation (X1) 58

Table 4.5 Tend Category of Self-Concept (X2) 59

Table 4.6 Tend Category of Mathematical Communication Ability (Y) 59

Table 4.7 Normality Test 60

Table 4.8 Summary of Analytical Variance for X1 62

Table 4.9 Summary of Analytical Variance for X2 63

Table 4.10 Summary of Analytical Variance for X2 65

Table 4.11 Correlation of X1 and Y 66

Table 4.12 Correlation of X2 and Y 66





Appendix 1 Data of Learning Motivation (X1) 76

Appendix 2 Validity Test Of Learning Motivation 78 Appendix 3 Reliability Test Of Learning Motivation 80

Appendix 4 Data of Self-Concept (X2) 81

Appendix 5 Validity Test Of Self-Concept 83 Appendix 6 Reliability Test Of Self-Concept 85 Appendix 7 Data of Mathematical Communication Ability Test 86 Appendix 8 Validity Test Of Mathematics Communication Ability 88 Appendix 9 Reliability Test Of Mathematics Communication Ability 89 Appendix 10 Difficulty Index Of Mathematics Communication

Ability Test 90

Appendix 11 Distinguish Power Of Mathematics Communication

Ability Test 91

Appendix 12 Data For Analysis 94

Appendix 13 Calculation Of Mean (M), Deviation Standard (DS),

And Frequency Distribution Of Research Result 96 Appendix 14 Identification Of Research Variable Tend Category 100

Appendix 15 Normality Test 103

Appendix 16 The Calculation Of Simple Regression Equation, Linearity Test, And Significancy Test Of Mathematical

Communication Ability (Y) On Learning Motivation (X1) 106 Appendix 17 The Calculation Of Simple Regression Equation,

Linearity Test, And Significancy Test Of Mathematical

Communication Ability (Y) On Learning Motivation (X2) 111 Appendix 18 The Calculation Of Multiple Regression Equation,



Appendix 19 The Calculation Of Correlation Coefficient 118 Appendix 20 The Calculation Of Coefficient Correlation And

Significancy Test Of Multiple Regression Equation 121 Appendix 21 The Calculation of Relative and Effective Contribution 122 Appendix 22 The Calculation of Mean Absolute Eror 124 Appendix 23 The Blue Print Of Student’s Mathematical

Communication Ability Test 122

Appendix 24 Test Of Student’s Mathematical Communication

Ability 126

Appendix 25 Alternative Solution Of Student’s Mathematical

Communication Ability Test 128

Appendix 26 The Scoring Guidelines Of Student’s Mathematical

Communication Ability Test 136

Appendix 27 Learning Motivation Questionnaire 137 Appendix 28 Indicators Of Learning Motivation 140 Appendix 29 Self-Concept Questionnaire 141

Appendix 30 Indicators Of Self-Concept 144

Appendix 31 R-Tabel Value Of Product Moment 145

Appendix 32 T-Tabel Value Of T-Distribution 146 Appendix 33 The Table Of Critical Values In Kolmogorov-

Smirnov Test 147

Appendix 34 F-Tabel Value Of F-Distribution 148 Appendix 35 The Area Under Normal Curve 0 To Z 149

Appendix 36 Research Documentation 150

Appendix 37 Letter of Supervisor Assignment 154 Appendix 38 Letter of Research License from Mathematics

Department 155




Basically, education should be able to prepare young people who are ready to meet the rapidly world changing as qualified human resources, both locally, nationally and internationally. Quality of human resources is characterized by a high level of thought, productive, creative, innovative, supported by high skills and expertise; has socio emotional abilities, spiritual, and cultural (Supriadie, 2012 : 2).

To make human resources with good quality, Indonesia align between the function and purpose of national education. Based on Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 tahun 2003 (in Sanjaya, 2011 : 65), a national education serves to develop skills and form the character and civilization of the nation's dignity in order to achieve the life of the nation, aimed to develop the potential of students to be faithful man and devoted to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become democratic and responsible citizens. Minister of Education (in Sanjaya, 2011 : 74) mention that some Competency Standard of Graduation Unit for SMP is to understand the advantages and disadvantages of self, show a confident attitude, demonstrate the ability of think logically, critically, creatively and innovative, show ability to study independently according to their potential, demonstrate the ability to analyze and solve problems in daily life, as well as master the knowledge which is needed to follow secondary education. This suggests that the importance of learning motivation and self-concept to the ability of students’ mathematical communication.



There are several factors that cause mathematical regarded as a difficult subject, who is characteristic of mathematical material, is abstract, logical and systematic as well as the full symbol and formula, or even teachers who are less fun and confusing. But mathematics is the important branch of abstract science, because it is one subject that makes it possible to develop the ability to think and is a means to improve the quality of human resources. Mathematics learning is also aiming to give everyday thinking towards thinking more technical and scientific at the stage of early childhood. While, Hudojo (2005 : 134) says that to solve learning problems in mathematics, needed some planning such as (1) to formulate the learning objective, (2) need knowledge, creativity and understanding, and (3) study of problem solving.

BSNP (in Pramono, 2010 : 1) say that the main goal of mathematics learning are given as follows:

1. Understanding a mathematical concept, explains the relationship among concepts and apply concepts or algorithms, flexibly, accurately, efficiently, and appropriately, in problem solving.

2. Using the pattern and nature of reasoning, doing mathematical manipulation in making generalizations, compile evidence, or explain mathematical ideas and statements.

3. Solving problems that include the ability of problem understanding, devised a mathematical model, solveing the model and interpretting the obtained solution.

4. Communicating ideas with symbols, tables, diagrams, or other media to clarify the situation or problem.

5. Having respect for the usefulness of mathematics in life, namely to have curiosity, concern, and interest in mathematics learning, as well as a tenacious attitude and confidence in problem solving.



knowledge of mathematical representation, knowledge of technology, dispositions, knowledge of mathematics pedagogy, knowledge of number and operation, knowledge of different perspectives on algebra, knowledge of geometries, knowledge of data analysis, statistics and probability, knowledge of measurement, and field-based experiences.

Based on the explanation of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), it can be said that one of the essential competencies of the students after mathematics learning is communication skills. Language and communication is central to every aspect of human life, including the learning activities in the classroom. Generally, communication is an event each conveys a message through a certain way to convey a specific purpose in a community. While communication ability is skills possessed by a person in describing behavior, describing feelings and impressions check. The difficulty in describing feelings or ideas in order to perceived accurately by the listener or even difficult to listen and interpret accurately something delivered by other is one of the problems posed by the lack of communication ability. Therefore, communication ability are very necessary, especially in mathematics learning which often in using of notation, symbols, vocabulary, and mathematics structure in describing an algorithm or even to explain and understand mathematical ideas and its relationships. NCTM (In Wichlet, 2009 : 6) also say that to make students feel comfortable talking about their understanding in order to become better students, Teachers must help students clarify their statements, focus carefully on problem conditions and mathematical explanations, and refine their ideas.



describe relationships, and modeling. In this case, the indicators of mathematical communication ability is bounded as (1) the ability of stating mathematical problem from available figure into mathematical model, (2) the ability of explaining mathematical problem into figure, and (3) the ability of explaining problems situations by own words and doing calculation.

Mathematical communication ability is one of the achievement indicators of mathematics learning goals. There are several factors that have influenced the ability of students' mathematical communication. These factors can be classified into two types, namely internal factors and external factors. Internal factors are factors present in individuals who are learning, while the external factors are factors that are outside the individual that is being studied. Internal factors include physical factors (factors of health, disability) , psychological factors (intelligence, attention, interest, aptitude, self-concept, motivation, maturity, readiness) and the fatigue factor. While external factors include family factors (how to educate parents, relationships among family, the house, the family economic situation , understanding parents, cultural background), school factors (method of teaching, motivation, curriculum, teacher relationships with students, school discipline) and community factors (friends hanging out, the mass media, the activities of students in the community).



problem is limited to student’s motivation and self-concept as a factor affecting the ability of student’s mathematical communication.

In essence, learning has to be able to change a person's behavior to be better, so he has the ability to adapt to its environment. Someone who has been studying the situation is not the same as the state as he has not learned. Pintrich (in Arends, 2008 : 142) mentions the motivation comes from the Latin movere which refers to what makes people move towards a particular activity or task. Motivation is a psychological phenomenon in the form of impulse arising from within oneself either consciously or unconsciously to act with a certain purpose. In learning concept, motivation is an art that encourage students to perform learning activities to achieve the learning goals.

Learning motivation of each students is different. There are students who have high learning motivation and there are also students who have low learning motivation. High motivation of students can make them work hard and never give up in the face of all obstacles in the learning process, especially in mathematics that had been regarded as a difficult subject by the students. Someone will have high learning motivation and understand when he/she realizes that the goal will be achieved in the future. If a person understands his goal well, then he/she will be forced to become more active in learning.



However, teachers are required to be able to motivate the students to learn so that motivations contained within the students become more optimized in learning achievement. Teachers should be able to develop a learning approach to motivate students. Topics that are considered attractive and useful for the student with a clear notice of the purpose of learning, giving special attention to the students activities, giving praise and prizes in recognition of student learning outcomes, as well as the efforts of a teacher in creating an atmosphere that is safe and fun learning a few things to encourage the emergence of student motivation. The stronger learning motivation will increase student’s effort to achieve a better learning achievement. Student’s low learning motivation tends to make the lack of learning activity and learning achievement, especially in student’s mathematical communication ability, indicates that there is relationship between student’s learning motivation and mathematical communication ability.

In addition, self-concept is also one of the most influential factors in students’ learning activities, especially in mathematics. High motivation will increase the student’s confidence, so as students are not hesitant and embarrassed and want to develop their potential contained within itself primarily related to the creativity potential. But in fact, there are many students who consider themselves incapable of completing tasks in school, especially mathematics. Students assume that mathematics is a subject that is scary because of the high degree of difficulty. Students limiting their ability before they try so that they lose self-confidence and belief in learning motivation.



Relevant research by Nylor (in Desmita, 2010 : 171) also states that students will demonstrate high achievement in school, have higher self-assessment, demonstrate positive interpersonal relationships, determine realistic targets of learning achievement and direct the academic anxiety by study hard and diligently, and always directing every activity on academic activities, if they have a positive self-concept. Relevant research by Walsh (in Desmita, 2010 : 171) also mentions that underachieving students tend to have a negative self-concept that makes them often have the criticized feeling, rejected and isolated, conduct a defense mechanism to avoid and act even against and not being able to express feelings and behavior. Student’s negative self-concept tend to make the lack of learning activity and learning achievement, especially in student’s mathematical communication ability, indicates that there is relationship between student’s learning motivation and mathematical communication ability.

That statement is supported by researcher’s interview result with some of teachers and students at SMP Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam. Based on the interview (March, 10th 2014), one of the teachers said that there are some factors which affect students’ learning process. Students who have learning motivation are tend more active in learning process. They are also have more courageous to try and solve problems in learning process and try to communicate it. In addition, one of the mathematics teachers said that students who have learning motivation tend more confidence and be able to communicate mathematics problem which is given in mathematics’ language and mathematics’ symbol. On the contrary, there are also students who not confidence and consider that they are not able to solve problems in learning process, so the teacher needs to give more motivation to make them more brave.



problems which is given by teacher without fear of right or not. It is also supported by Weiner (in Arends, 2008 : 147) which is said that students with high motivation achievement tend to attribute their succes to their ability and to attribute failure to lack of effort. From the interview result which is related by Weiner’s learning motivation theory, student’s low learning motivation and negative self-concept tend to make the lack of learning activity and learning achievement, especially in student’s mathematical communication ability, also indicate that there is the relationship between student’s learning motivation and self-concept altogether toward to the student’s mathematical communication ability.

Based on the above background, researcher intends to conduct a research on how positive the relationship between students’ motivation and self-concept toward students’ mathematical communication ability, entitled "The Relationship between Student’s Learning Motivation and Self-Concept Altogether toward Student’s Mathematical Communication Ability at Grade IX SMP Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam Academic Year 2014/2015”.

1.2 Problem Identification

Based on the above background, problem identification in this research are:

1. The difficulty in describing feelings or ideas is one of the problems posed by the lack of communication ability.

2. Students limiting their ability before they try to solve learning problems so that they lose their self-confidence and belief in learning motivation.

3. Student’s low learning motivation at grade IX SMP Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam tends to make the lack of student’s mathematical communication ability, indicates that there is positive relationship between student’s learning motivation and student’s mathematical communication ability.



mechanism to avoid and act even against and not being able to express feelings and behavior.

5. Student’s negative self-concept at grade IX SMP Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam tends to make the lack of student’s mathematical communication ability, indicates that there is positive relationship between student’s self-concept and student’s mathematical communication ability .

6. Student’s low learning motivation and negative self-concept at grade IX SMP Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam that tends to make the lack of student’s mathematical communication ability also indicate the positive relationship between student’s learning motivation and self-concept altogether toward student’s mathematical communication ability.

7. Mathematical object is abstract, in the form of ideas, concepts, symbols, and linkages system among the community elements (the set) that is often to be a reason for students to dislike mathematics.

1.3 Problem Limitation

Based on the above background and problem identification, problem limitation of this research are:

1. Student’s low learning motivation at grade IX SMP Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam

tends to make the lack of student’s mathematical communication ability, indicates that positive relationship between student’s learning motivation and student’s mathematical communication ability.

2. Student’s negative self-concept at grade IX SMP Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam tends to make the lack of student’s mathematical communication ability, indicates that there is positive relationship between student’s self-concept and student’s mathematical communication ability .

3. Student’s low learning motivation and negative self-concept at grade IX SMP



4. This research was conducted at grade IX SMP Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam in the matter three dimentional space for pyramid Academic Year 2014/2015.

1.4 Problems Formulation

Based on problem limitation, problem formulation in this research are: 1. Is there a positive relationship between student’s learning motivation and

student’s mathematical communication ability at grade IX SMP Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam Academic Year 2014/2015?

2. Is there a positive relationship between student’s self-concept and student’s mathematical communication ability at grade IX SMP Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam Academic Year 2014/2015?

3. Is there a positive relationship between student’s learning motivation and self-concept altogether toward student’s mathematical communication ability at grade IX SMP Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam Academic Year 2014/2015?

1.5 The Objective of Research

The objective in this research are to know:

1. The positive relationship between student’s learning motivation and student’s mathematical communication ability at grade IX SMP Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam Academic Year 2014/2015.

2. The positive relationship between student’s self-concept and student’s mathematical communication ability at grade IX SMP Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam Academic Year 2014/2015.



1.6 The Benefit of Research The benefit of this research are:

1. As a recommended to headmaster and teachers to make a comfort learning condition to support student’s learning motivation as the potential to drive and stimulates their action in learning process, so they have more courageous to be more active and more interest in learning process.

2. As a recommended to parents to support the forming process of self-image, self-assessment and self-control of students by lead a great interaction in daily activity so they have a great relationship between attitudes and beliefs of themselves in learning process.

3. As a recommended to students to control their activity, make a good mindset and can achieve a failure as the learning process to be success.

4. As a recommended to researcher when later become a good teacher.

5. As a reference to students of State University of Medan, especially in

1. Intrinsic motivation, the indicators consist of need, interest, curiosity, and pleasure.

2. Extrinsic motivation, the indicators consist of indicators about the clarity of learning objective and gift.

1.7.2 Operational Definition of Self concept

Self concept is an overall self-image, which is included by this following below:



1.7.3 Operational Definition of Mathematical Communication Ability

Mathematical communication ability is the ability to express mathematical ideas through oral, writing and demonstrating, related to the models of mathematical situation. The indicator of student’s mathematical communication ability are bounded by writing aspect below:

1. The ability of stating mathematical problem from available figure into mathematical model.

2. The ability of explaining mathematical problem into figure.





1. There is a positive relationship between student’s learning motivation and mathematical communication ability at grade IX SMP Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam Academic Year 2014/2015.

2. There is a positive relationship between student’s self-concept and mathematical communication ability at grade IX SMP Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam Academic Year 2014/2015.

3. There is a positive relationship between student’s learning motivation and self-concept altogether toward student’s mathematical communication ability at grade IX SMP Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam Academic Year 2014/2015.

5.2. Suggestion

1. Teachers are expected to make a comfort learning condition to support student’s learning motivation as the potential to drive and stimulates their action, so they have more courageous to be more active and more interest in learning process.

2. Parents are expected to support the forming process of image, self-assessment and self-control of students by lead a great interaction in daily activity, so they have a great relationship between attitudes and beliefs of themselves in learning process.




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Figure 2.1


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