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Academic year: 2022



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Presented to the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training as partial fulfillment of requirements to attain an S.Pd Degree in English Language











Alhamdulilahirobbil’alamin, I can finish my thesis. I cannot finish this thesis without all support, affection, and the power to be successful. I

would like to present this work sincerely for:

1. My God (ALLAH SWT) is the Almighty

2. My great inspiration Muhammad prophet (peace be upon him) and his family, whom I try to implement his behaviors and attitudes

3. My beloved father Samsu Bahrun and My mother Rts. Maria that have been educated me until now and always stop praying for my success.

Never wasting love, affection and dearest which approach me to be better.

You are always in my heart.

4. My beloved brother and sister, Dedek Nofriansyah dan M.Rijal Satria Alfi who always give motivation for me. Thanks your support, and pray. All of you are my everything and the best one person in my heart

5. My best friends Suci Solehati, Taufik Hidayat, Widya Dharmayanti, Endah Marissa, Apek Ridho Kurniawan,Wahyuddin, Ria Ayu Cahyanti for your guidance and support, you all the best,

6. All of My friends, My Team Rabbani Jambi New, specifically for, Pak Hari Agustian And for all my friends in English Department especially PBI D, gratitude was for togetherness and friendship since four years.




Alhamdulillahirabbil‟alamin,thank to Allah SWT because the writer could complete this research as one of the requirements for getting undergraduate degree (S1) in English Department of Educational faculty of state Islamic university SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi by presenting a thesis entitled:

„‟Stdents Strategies for Reducing Anxiety in Speaking English of Eight Grade of Al-Azhar Junior High School Jambi‟‟.

The writer would not have been completed without supports, guidance, advice and special recognition for their invaluable help in accomplishing this thesis. Therefore, the writer would like to express deep appreciation to:

1. Dr. H. Hadri Hasan MA, the Rector of the State Institute for Islamic Studies SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi.

2. Dr. Hj. Armida, M.Pd as Dean of faculty of Education and Teacher Training of the State Institute for Islamic Studies SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi.

3. Dr. Lukman Hakim, M.Pd as the First Assistant of Dean Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

4. Dr. ZawaqiAbdal Jamil, S.Ag, M.Pd.I as the Second Assistant of Dean Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

5. Dr. H. KemasImronRosadi, M.Pd as the Third Assistant of Dean Faculty of Education and Teacher Training.

6. Amalia Nurhasanah, S.Pd, M.Hum, as the chairwoman of English Education Program and my second advisor.

7. Dr. Jamaluddin, M.Pd.I as the first advisor

8. All of English education lecturersof the Islamic State UniversitySulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi.

9. Faiqah Mahmudah M.pd as the second advisor who has given a lot of input such as correction, idea, and contribution of thought and beneficial idea toward the progress of this thesis

10. All of lectures in Tarbiyah Faculty of State Islamic University who have given knowledge to the writer

11. The headmaster, all teachers, official employer and students of the State Junior High School 22 Sarolangun.



12. For my intimate friends (Suci Sholehati, Taufik Hidayat, Widya Dharmayanti, Endah marissa, Ridho Kurniawan,wahyuddin, Ria Ayu Cahyanti) and all of my friends who can‟t say your name one by one, thank for your help, suggestions and spirit in arranging this thesis, without you I don‟t mean. It means in the settlement. Thank you all, may almighty God protect us and return services with good things to you all.

Finally, the writer expects this thesis will give contribution to be teaching of English especially. The writer hopes critics and suggestions of the readers for the perfection of this thesis. May Allah SWT always gives guidance and blessing for me and readers. Amin yarabbalalamin.

The writer

Yanti Ulandari TE 130598




ِحَسْفَي اوُحَسْفاَف ِسِلاَجَمْلا يِف اوُحَّسَفَت ْمُكَل َليِق اَذِإ اوُنَمآ َنيِذَّلا اَهُّيَأ اَي{

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( ٌريِبَخ َنوُلَم } ) 11

Artinya: “ ...Allah akan meninggikan orang-orang yang beriman di antaramu dan orang-orang yang diberi ilmu pengetahuan beberapa derajat. dan Allah Maha mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan.”(QS. AL-Mujadillah :11)



ABSTRAK Nama : Yanti Ulandari

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul : Kecemasan Siswa dalam Berbicara Bahasa Inggris: Studi Kasus di SMP Delapan Kelas VIII Al-Azhar Jambi

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan strategi siswa mengatasi kecemasan mereka dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris di Kelas delapan SMP Al-Azhar Jambi. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan desain kualitatif dengan studi kasus. Dalam penelitian kualitatif metode pengumpulan data menggunakan pengamatan, wawancara dan dokumentasiserta analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa temuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah yang pertama, hasil dari tipe kecemasan ditemukan bahwa terjadi dua jenis kecemasan, yaitu kecemasan sifat dan keadaan / kecemasan situasional. Strategi untuk mengurangi kecemasan berbicara pada siswa di SMP Terpadu Kelas VIII Al-Azhar Jambi menggunakan persiapan, relaksasi, berpikir positif dan Peer Seeking. Sementara, pengunduran diri adalah strategi terakhir, tetapi peneliti tidak mendapatkannya. Itu karena siswa perlu mengubah perilaku mereka. Untuk mengubah perilaku siswa harus melakukan perilaku, tetapi itu tidak akan membantu siswa jika mereka masih merasa buruk tentang diri mereka dan mereka masih belum menjawab masalah mereka sendiri dengan menemukan solusinya.

Kata kunci: strategi, mengurangi kecemasan, berbicara




Name : Yanti Ulandari

Proram Study : English Education Program

Title : Students‟ Anxiety In Speaking English : A Case Study at Eight Grade Islamic Integrated Junior High School Al- Azhar Jambi

The purpose of this study was to describe the strategies of students to overcome their anxiety in speaking English in the eighth grade of Al-Azhar Jambi Middle School. In this study, researchers used qualitative design with case studies.

In qualitative research data collection methods using observation, interviews and documentation and data analysis in this study are descriptive analysis.

The results showed that the main findings of this study were the first, the results of this type of anxiety found that there were two types of anxiety, namely anxiety and situational anxiety. Strategies to reduce speech anxiety in students in Al-Azhar Jambi Integrated Class VIII Junior High School use preparation, relaxation, positive thinking and Peer Seeking. Meanwhile, resignation is the last strategy, but researchers don't get it. That's because students need to change their behavior. To change the behavior of students must do behavior, but that will not help students if they still feel bad about themselves and they still have not answered their own problems by finding a solution.

Keywords: strategy, reduce anxiety, speak



1 A. Background of the Study

Teaching English as foreign language, there are four basic skills that have to be achieved, listening and reading as receptive skills and speaking and writing as productive skills. According to Harmer (2001:154) the immediate goal of language study is to increase knowledge of the language system so that the longer-term aim of improving productive and receptive skills can be achieved.

Speaking is one of the language skills in English. It is one of the important aspects in learning English at Junior High School level. As in that level, the students are expected to speak fluently in English. As we know that speak in English is not easy. Mainly English is as a foreign language. It is caused by so many patterns and rules in English. In teaching and learning process, the teacher always gives chance for the students. One of them is speaking English and then the students are going to speak English and communicate with others.

English is very important as a media of communication in several activities, such as teaching and learning activities, international conference, and particular conversation with foreigners. English is used in many fields such as politics, culture, art, trading, education, and business (Harmer, 2001: 87). In this globalization era, there is a global competition in the world in those fields. Ability to communicate in English as the international language is prominent. Indonesia needs to improve its human resources with sufficient skills and abilities including English speaking skill to enable them to communicate with people worldwide.

Therefore, mastering English is very important for Indonesian people in order to improve their competitiveness nowadays.

Speaking is one of four major English skills taught at Junior High Schools.

According to Brown (2001:113), the aims of English learning are to enable students to participate in short conversation, ask and answer questions, find the way to express the idea, and collect information from others. The abilities are also


mentioned in the curriculum for The Junior High Schools in Indonesia about the aim of English learning. One of the expected goals of speaking is to enable students to express the meaning in simple short spoken conversation both transaction ally and interpersonally to interact with immediate environment.

However, there are still a lot of factors that cause students to face the difficulties in learning to speak in English. One of the factors is the anxiety.

Students‟ anxiety is a real problem that majority of students face in learning English as a foreign language. It can be stressful when they are expected to speak in the second or foreign language before fluency is achieved. Nation and Newton (2009: 116) states that the lack of vocabularies, improper grammar, and fears of mistakes are some of the factors that can contribute to speaking failure and cause an acute sense of anxiety when it comes to speaking. Moreover, the problem of language anxiety not only happens to beginner but also to the Junior High School‟s students who usually deal with English.

According to Richards and Renandya (2002: 204), some students may claim to have a mental block against anxiety when they come to learn to speak a second or foreign language. It makes students have less confidence, stress, and nervousness that impede their learning process. The psychological factors should be identified early before reducing and controlling them to cope with the mental block. The condition makes the anxiety in English speaking performance important to be investigated. Anxiety is a kind of disadvantage that makes students unable to perform their competence. Actually, they know something about what they have to say but they cannot show it due to anxiety. Therefore, the problem should be identified to get some solutions to encourage students‟

confidence and competence. The researcher noticed that phenomenon really happened in the English speaking class. Nowadays, there are a lot of schools that have a special program to enhance students‟ speaking skill, one of the Junior High School Al-Azhar Jambi.

The researcher found that Junior High School Al-Azhar Jambi is one of the favorite at Jambi city. The students always follow the activities such as storytelling, writing a story and debate in other school and this school is often


being the winner when there are competitions around the Junior High School in Jambi city. Students also get knowledge, experience, money and certificate. In addition, their name and school‟s name are known in other school. This school also got Smart and Innovator Leader Award Best 50 Leader 2016 from Indonesia Achievement Center.

That is why some students are interesting in learning in this school. The teachers provide students to enhance their motivations to speak English and enhance their academic performance. The teachers also help the students to communicate or express their thoughts, feeling, and opinions in English as they can. Some students are good in speaking English and also their score in academic.

Some students can speak English fluency and their pronunciation is good because they can answer the researchers‟ questions fluency. The students are taught to analyze their learning style and find the best way to speak English everywhere, therefore it helps students to be better understand. The researcher will choose Eighth students in Junior High School Al-Azhar Jambi as an object of research with reason that they have many experiences from seventh until Eighth Grade in learning English especially speaking class. However, as researchers‟ question, are their experiences can be able to helps them to reduce their feeling of anxiety in speaking English when they are in Eighth Grade.

So, the researcher will conduct this research for some reasons. First, English teachers in Junior High School Al-Azhar Jambi have good knowledge, experience in making comfortable atmosphere and interest in teaching speaking. Second, students can speak fluency and accurately, had big motivation in learning English and feel motivated to speak in school. Third, most of the students are active when they are studying in classroom and also they can make decision or arguing for their opinions in English. The last, the school has good achievements of their graduations. Based on the reasons above, the researcher analyzes this thesis proposal entitled “Students’ Strategies for Reducing Anxiety in Speaking English : A Case Study at Eight Grade of Al-Azhar Junior High School Jambi”.


B. Focus of the Study

In this study, the researcher focuses on the students‟ anxiety in speaking English at Eight Grade Al-Azhar junior High School

C. Problem of the Study

Based on the background above, the problem can be formulated as follows:

1. What type of anxiety do most students of posses of Al-Azhar Junior High School?

2. What strategies do the students use to reduce their anxiety to speak English?

D. Objective of the Study

Based on the background above, the purpose of the study is to : 1. Know type of anxiety do most students of Al-Azhar junior High School 2. Describe the strategies do the students use to reduce their anxiety to speak


E. Significance of the Study

In this study, there are two significances of the study, namely;

1. Theoretically Contribution

The ultimate outcome of this study is expected to be input in practicing and learning process especially for the students‟ anxiety in speaking English and give additional information and knowledge to the readers especially to the students and lectures in English Department who want to read this paper.

2. Practically Contribution

Practically, this study is expected to have contribution for;

a. For the lectures or teachers

The researcher hopes this study can give some suggestion for the teachers in students‟ anxiety in speaking.


b. For the researcher

The researcher hopes this study will give new knowledge to the researcher itself about the students‟ anxiety in speaking English at Eight Grade Islamic Integrated Junior High School Al-Azhar Jambi. The researcher hopes this can be developed the writing ability and this study will be done by the researcher as one of requirement on getting S1 Degree in English Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, The University Islamic Studies.

c. For Others

The researcher hopes this study will be useful as guidance of reference to the next researcher in the students‟ anxiety in speaking English at Eight Grade Islamic Integrated Junior High School Al-Azhar Jambi and it can give contribution to the society.



1. The Concept of Speaking

There are various definitions of speaking. Juhana (2012: 100) identified speak as “production of some words representing one‟s ideas. Furthermore, Oradee (2012: 533) stated that “in foreign language teaching and learning, ability to speak is the most essential skill since it is the basic for communication and it is the most difficult skill. Spiking is one of the basic skill that must be mastered by students since it is very important for them to communicate in the class or outside the class. It would be impossible to have natural communication among people without have an ability to speak.

Based on Huyen (2012: 25) speaking is “the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts way. Verbal communication means that is an act of conveying messages, ideas, or feelings through the use of the month. Verbal communication is the main way of communicating face-to-face. Components of the verbal communication are words, sound, speaking, and language. While, non-verbal communication include smile, wink, or wave. All of these communicate something without the use of oral or written language. Even if the speaker do not say a word, the speaker‟s silence can communicate in a a non-verbal way. It is important to use verbal and non-verbal language because both of them help us to speak up very well.

Speaking ability is an important aspect in learning a certain language, as Theodore Huebner (in Mauludiyah, 2014:9) stated, “language is essentially speech, and speech is basically communication by sounds”.

Hughes stated that “Speaking is not a discrete skill.” (Hughes, 2002 : 6).

It cannotstand alone because some complex activities or sub-skills such asvocabulary mastery, grammar competence, comprehension, inputs oflanguage, phonology, and pronunciation are included. People speak


usingwords in which the words have meaning that the speakers have to chooseand use them appropriately and of course this activity needs a skill inchoosing and using the proper ones. Not only does the word order thatpeople should notice, but the knowledge of how to pronounce words isalso should be noticed in speaking. The reason of why pronunciationshould be noticed because in speaking in foreign and second language thewritten form and the pronunciation are far different. Those sub-skills aremerely needed for successful of communication activities.

Speaking, according to Bygate in Nunan “Speaking is typicallyreciprocal: interlocutors are normally all able to contribute simultaneouslyto the discourse, and to respond immediately to the each other‟scontributions.” (Nunan, 2000 : 7).

In language learning, speaking may essential for learners. Horwitzstated that “speaking is the hallmark of second language learning.Although some learners may have personal goals for language learningthat do not include speaking, most educators accept speaking as anessential goal of language learning and teaching.” (Horwitz, 2008 : 91)

Speaking becomesessential because it is the skill which people can see directly that thelearners of a language are succeed. People may judge that the successful oflanguage learning is when the learners can produce the language they arelearning. Like what stated by McDough and Shaw “In many contexts,speaking is a skill upon which person is judged „at face value.‟ (Shaw, : 6)

In otherwords, people may sometimes make judgment about language competencefrom speaking skill rather than any other skill. Moreover, Farrel, statedthat “One of the main sources of evidence of language competency is theability to speak the language you are learning.” (Farrel, : 8).Therefore, speaking canbe a direct judgment for language learners, because speaking performancecan define the knowledge of the speakers in using the language.

Woods stated that “Speaking effectively depends very much on thespeakers‟ ability to interact with an interlocutor.” (Woods, 2005 :


41).Another statement isstated by Linder that the “Communicative competence is measuredaccording to the degree of fluency with the spoken language, but it alsoincludes comprehension of that language in real-life situation.” (Lander, 1977 : 5).Referringto the statements of Woods and Lander, it can be concluded that the abilityof speaking is the ability to speak and interact with the interlocutor withfluently and comprehensibly.

In conclusion, speaking is a productive skill. Good speaking skill is the act of generating words that can be understood by listeners. A good speaker is clear and informative. Speaking can be used to convey thought, emotion or opinion orally. Speaking can be said as the process of delivering words or articulate sound to express thought by words. The application in the classroom is depend on two aspects: the speakers or teacher and learner. Both of them will influence each other. The problems which can be happened may be caused by the teacher or learner itself.

2. Speaking Characteristic

In classroom, speaking activities may happen to practice communicative competence. Ur stated some characteristics of a successfulspeaking activity such as bellow: (Penny, 1996 : 120).

a. Learners talk a lot:As much as possible of the period of timeallotted to the activity is in fact occupied by learner talk. This mayseems obvious, but often most time is taken up with teacher talk orpauses.

b. Participation is even:Classroom discussion is not dominated by amonitory of talkative participants: all get chance to speak, andcontributions are fairly evenly distributed.

c. Motivation is high:Learners are eager to speak: because they areinterested in the topic and have something new to say about it, orbecause they want to contribute to achieving a task objective.

d. Language is of an acceptable level:Learners express themselves inutterances that are relevant, easily comprehensible to each other, andof an acceptable level of language accuracy.


Speech, like written language, needs to be processed. People speakwhat they have in their mind. There are some phases in speakingprocesses:

a. Conceptualization

“Conceptualization is a phase of forming ideas (what is going to bespoken) or principles in the mind.”22 During this phase the intention isconceived.

This phase is also known by the lexical level. In lexicallevel is the stage of brain conveys meaning of a word. For the exampleis when someone figures out “Goat”, there will be an activation of thelexical module carrying all the features of goat.

b. Words Level

The words level is the level of carrying the meaning ofwords (Gleason, 1998 : 337) The meanings of the words are carried out based on thesyntactic frame. It is the process of the mind to arrange meaning fromthe smallest unit of the words into sentences.

c. Articulation

This phase is the phase of turning the idea or concept into a spokenword (Gleason, 1998 : 337).This phase of oral production requires matching the syntacticalelements from the words level to the sound that make up the language.

3. Speaking’s Components

Harris (in Lestari, Nababan & Erni, 2013 : 3) stated that speaking ability has four components which are generally recognized in analyzing speaking.

They are as follows:

a. Pronunciation includes the segmental features of vowels, consonants, stress, and intonation patterns. The speaker is required to pronounce English word correctly. (Harris in Khalidah, Gultom & Harini, 2013 : 2)

b. Grammar, Warriner in Noni (2002, p.15 in Lestari et al., 1993 : 3) said that communication in speaking will run smoothly if grammar is used in speaking. So grammar or structure is a very important aspect in speaking ability.


c. Fluency, Hornby (2006 : 30) defines fluency as the quality of being able to speak smoothly and easily. It means that someone can speak without any hesitation. Someone can speak fluently even though he makes errors in pronunciation and grammar.

d. Vocabulary is range of words known or used by a person in trade, profession, etc. (Hornby, 2004 : 979) If students have many vocabularies, it will be easier for them to express their idea.

4. Function of Speaking

A few language experts have attempted to categorize the functions of speaking in human communication. According to Brown and Yule, as quoted by Richards (2008 ; 21), “The functions of speaking are classified into three;

they are talk as interaction, talk as transaction, and talk as performance. Each of these speech activities is quite distinct in term of form and function and requires different teaching approaches.” Below are the explanations of the speaking functions:

1) Talk as Interaction

In interactional discourse, language is mainly used to communicate in our daily life. It is an interactive act of verbal expression which is done spontaneously by two or more person. This is about how people try to convey their message to others. According to Yule, (1989, in El Fattah, 2006, p.37-38) this type of communication plays an important social role in oiling the wheels of social intercourse. So, the primary intention in this function is social relationship.

According to Richards, (p.3) some of the skills involved in using talk as interaction are:

a) Opening and closing conversations b) Making small-talk

c) Recounting personal incidents and experiences d) Turn-taking

e) Interrupting f) Reacting to others


2) Talk as Transaction

In transactional discourse, speaking is more focus on delivering the message and making sure that the others understand what we want to deliver, clearly and accurately. Language serving this purpose is 'message' oriented rather than 'listener' oriented (Nunan, 1989, p.27). In this kind of spoken language, students and teachers usually focus on meaning and talking in the way of their understanding. For example, classroom group discussions, teachers‟ classroom instructions, and problem solving activities.

Richard (p.4) also mentioned some of the skills involved in using talk as transactions, they are:

a) Explaining a need or intention b) Describing something

c) Asking questions d) Confirming information e) Justifying an opinion f) Making suggestions g) Clarifying understanding h) Making comparisons

3) Talk as Performance

In this case, speaking activities are more focus on monolog rather than dialog. Speaking as performance can be seen at speeches, public talks, retelling stories, and so on. Examples of talk as performance are making a presentation, performing class debate, and giving a lecture.

In conclusion, there are three functions of speaking that are categorized by the expert that include talk as interaction, talk as transaction, and talk as performance. Those are kinds of talks we usually use in daily speaking with its different functions.


5. Problems of Speaking

Speaking in target language needs skills since speakers need toknow the vocabularies and to know how to use the language, so theinterlocutors could understand the speakers. Some learners may bereluctant to speak. Nation found some possibilities that make somelearners have no willingness to speak:

(Nation, 1995 : 8).

a. Inadequate Vocabulary

Vocabulary is needed since it is the thing that the speakers aregoing to produce. It also that learning foreign language involves learningthousands of words. The lack of vocabulary may cause learners choose tomake no sounds in speaking class. To be functional, students need arelatively small fund of words that they know well and can useproductively in speaking. The teachers‟ role is facilitating students tostudy and to provide them vocabularies to study.

b. Inadequate Control of Grammar

Some learners who are not good in grammar may be reluctant tospeak. However, it is not absolutely that students with good grammarknowledge are good is speaking. At least, students with good grammarknowledge are more encouraged than who do not. Understanding grammarcan be a way for learners to produce language

c. Lack of Fluency

Fluency is a skill aspect of language. It is a skill in which thespeaker of a language speaks easily. Guillot defined fluency as “fluidity”,the absence of hesitation. (Guillot, 1999 : 11).

d. Shyness

Some students may be shy to speak or unconfident to do it. Thismay occur because of fear and negative experience. Students fear to takerisks for making any mistakes and errors in speaking. Moreover, whatmakes some students being anxiety is bad experience they have.

e. Lack of Encouragement


It takes some courageous to start speaking in another language.Some learners may be reluctant to speak because they feel discourage tospeak in front of whole class. Another, they may feel inconvenient tospeak because they feel that they do not have any chances to speak. Theteachers should see and be aware of this. This may make the students to bepassive in classroom activities. The solution of this is the teacher shouldmake groups or pairs, so they are motivated to speak.

Related to this part, Harmer (2001, p.69) mentioned that three are some psychological factors that hinder students to speak English. Each of them is explained below.

1. Fear of mistake

Fear of mistake becomes one of the main factors of students‟

reluctance to speak in English in the classroom. With respect to the fear of making mistake issue, after that this fear is linked to the issue of correction and negative evaluation. In addition, this is also much influenced by the students‟ fear of being laughed at by other students or being citied by the teacher. As a results, students commonly stop participating in the speaking activity.

2. Shyness

Shyness is an emotional thing that many students suffer from at some time when they are required to speak in English class. This indicates that shyness could be a source of problem in students „learning activities in the classroom especially in the class of speaking. In line with this, Harmer further explains that speaking in front of people is one of the more common phobias that students encounter and feeling of shyness make their mind go blank or that they will forget what to say.

3. Anxiety

Anxiety is a feeling of tension, apprehension and nervousness associated with the situation of learning a foreign language. Anxiety stands out as one of the main blocking factors for effective language learning. In other words, anxiety influences students in learning language. Anxiety about


speaking a certain language can affect students‟ performance. It can influence the quality of oral language production and make individuals appear less fluent than they really are.

4. Lack of confidence

It is commonly understood that students‟ lack of confidence usually occurs when students realize that their conversation partners have not understood them or when they do not understand other speakers. In this situation, they would rather keep silent while others do talking showing that the students are lack of confidence to communicate. Students who lack of confidence about themselves and their English necessarily suffer from communication apprehension. This shows that building students‟ confidence is an important part of teacher‟s focus of attention.

5. Lack of motivation

Motivation is important to notice in that it can affect students‟

reluctance to speak in English. In this sense, motivation is a key consideration in determining the preparedness of students to communicate. Motivation is an inner energy. No matter what kinds of motivation the students possess it will enhance their study interest. It has been proven in many studies that students with a strong motivation to succeed can persist in learning and gain better scores that those who have weaker motivation of success showing that building student‟s motivation to learn is urgent for every teacher.

Based on the problem statement above, the researcher focused to explain about the anxiety in speaking.

6. Anxiety

Anxiety and panic are a series of mind and body reactions that have experienced by each people around the world especially when they speak in front of others. The Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary defines anxiety as

“the state of feeling nervous or worried that something bad is going to happen”, it means that anxiety is feeling of uneasiness and apprehension concerning a situation with an uncertain outcome. It means that anxiety is a


condition of people who are feeling uncomfortable with their physics and mind, they perceive that something bad will be happen in their life.

Anxiety can come in many forms. Sometimes anxiety is accompanied by intense panic, dread, or fear in which an individual may experience chest pain, shortness of breath, racing heart, dizziness, and discomfort. Anxiety can manifest as unwanted, repetitive thoughts and compulsive behaviors that seem impossible to stop. Sometimes anxiety is specifically tied to a certain situation, like speaking in public. Some people believe that anxiety is an additional inconvenience for students. There are several signs of anxiety that showed by anxiety symptoms involve in our body, mind, and behavior, Dixon, (2011:15).

These symptoms are:

a. Our body

Someone who felt anxious to faced something usually visible by the signs:

1) Breathing becomes more rapid 2) Heart beat speeds up

3) Feel dizzy and light-headed 4) Get “butterflies” in stomach 5) Feel sick and need a toilet

6) The mouth becomes dry and it feels difficult to swallow 7) Feel sweat more

8) Feel “jittery” or “jumpy”.


b. Our mind

1) Feel frightened

2) May tell ourselves that we are physically ill, having heart attack or a stroke or a going mad

3) Think that people are looking at us

4) Worry that we may lose control and make a fool of ourselves in front of others

5) Feel that we must escape and get to a safe place.

c. Our behavior

1) Make excuses to avoid going out or doing things 2) Hurry out a places or situations where are feel anxious 3) Walk to avoid buses cross the street to avoid people

4) May have a drink before doing something we find stressful.

The symptom of anxiety reaction is the most common form of psychoneurosis occurring among individuals possessing above average intelligence. So, a series of symptoms, which arise from faulty, adaptations to the stresses and strains of life. It is caused by overreaction in an attempt to meet these difficulties.

7. The Types of Anxiety

Anxiety can be categorized as state and trait anxiety. According to Greenberg (2006: 121) trait anxiety is “a general series of anxiety not specific to a particular stimulus”. Spielberger (1983) cited in Zsuzsa Toth, (2010:6) trait anxiety refers to “relatively stable individual differences in anxiety- proneness”, the differences between people in the tendency to perceive stressful situations as dangerous or threatening and to respond to such situations with elevations in the intensity of their state anxiety reactions. Ellis said that trait anxiety is pattern of responding with anxiety even in nonthreatening situation. Ellis, (2011: 401)

The second type of anxiety is state anxiety, it is considered as an obstacle and an interruption of individual‟s emotional equilibrium. Greenberg, (2010:


121) suggest that “state anxiety is either temporary in nature or specific to a particular stimulus”.Ellis (2011:401) states that temporary feeling of anxiety elicited by threatening situation is called by state anxiety. State anxiety is an unpleasant feeling which can seriously disturb the individual‟s ability to react positively to any situation and in a certain environment. For example, when the person hears bad information about his parents, he becomes so anxious, so that emotional equilibrium will be put into question.

Someone who feels a trait anxiety represents by their ability to understand the nature of certain environmental stimuli and stressful situations as more or less difficult or danger, they tend to have an attitude and reaction.

People who develop a more anxiety-trait are much more disposed to reacting to a large level of stimuli, and will be more able to worry in less dangerous and hard situations.

Meanwhile, someone who experienced a state anxiety is more likely has the feeling of stress and nervousness or unable to confront any event.

Moreover, high levels of state anxiety are particularly harmless. It can even disable the person‟s tendency to engage in adaptive behavior aimed to end and overcome this feeling, for example encountering lot of difficulties.

8. The Sources of Anxiety

Important causes of anxiety among the language learners in the present study appear to be:

a. Pressure by parents and teachers to get good grades at school in English.

b. Lack of confidence in their ability to learn English

c. Fear of making mistakes and subsequent punishment or ostracism, i.e., fear of losing face for not being perfect.

d. Fear of foreigners and their behavior. Because of the importance of English on tests for advancement in education and in society, parents and teachers press students to not only attain their potential, but to actually produce results beyond their ability.


e. Conditioning in childhood to believe that English is an extremely difficult language to learn, (Shu Feng Tseng, 2012:84)

Meanwhile, Kota Ohata (2005) argues that language anxiety can arise from:

a. Personal and interpersonal anxieties

Commonly personal and interpersonal are the most sources of anxiety, it was investigated in correlation with other social and psychological constructs. For example, people with low self-esteem may worry what their friends think, in fear of their negative responses or evaluation. Thus, some of the performance anxieties mentioned earlier might be categorized largely into one psychological construct, those psychological phenomena, accompanied by low self- esteem and competitiveness, can become the place for student language anxiety, as often directly in the form of performance anxieties.

b. Learner beliefs about language learning

Learner beliefs about language learning also contribute to the student‟s tension and frustration in the class (Horwitz, 1986: 127). He presents various kinds of learner beliefs, suggesting that some of them are taken from the learner's unrealistic and sometimes erroneous conceptions about language learning. He found that some learners were concerned about the correctness of their speech in comparison to native- like accent or pronunciation,

1) some believed that two years of language learning is enough to achieve a native-like fluency,

2) some expressed that language learning means learning how to translate,

3) some others believed that success of L2 learning limited to a few individuals who are gifted for language learning.


Unrealistic beliefs held by learners can lead to anxiety in students, especially when their beliefs and reality clash. In this sense, learner beliefs can play another major role in forming language anxiety in students.

c. Instructor beliefs about language teaching

Instructor beliefs about language teaching can also become a source of creating language anxiety among learners. The teacher's assumption on the role of language teachers may not always correspond to the student's needs or expectations toward the teacher.

For example, when a teacher believes that his role in class is to constantly correct students' errors, some of the students might become quite anxious about their class performance.

d. Classroom procedures

Many learners feel that some error correction is necessary; the manner of error correction is often said as provoking anxiety. Those studies that investigated anxieties in relation to instructor-learner interactions show that students are more concerned about how their mistakes are corrected rather than whether error correction should be administered in class.

In addition, some of the classroom activities in oral presentations in front of the class are also cusses as potential sources of anxiety (Young, 1991) cited in Ohata, (2005).

e. Language testing

This would lead to other psychological stresses, such as the fear of losing self-confidence or feeling inferior to others. In addition, sometimes students felt pressured to think that they had to organize their ideas in a short period of time while caring about grammar errors at the same time, (Ohata, 2005).


9. Students’ Strategies for Reducing Anxiety in Speaking English

If you find yourself in a situation that you feel difficult to do thing, one of the important thing that you need to do is relax. Normally, the feeling of fear of the situation causes you to panic or become tense and flustered. You just need to calm yourself down and relax in these moment.

This is the technique to relax. When yourself in a difficult situation your body will have started to react as if it is a dangerous or highly stressful situation and your pulse rate and heart rate will jump, you will feel physical signs of tension and possibly start blushing. Your instinct will be to run and you may feel panicked. what you want is to reverse this and feel confident, calm and in control.

David Shinji Kondo and Yan Ying-Ling (2004) write in academic journal about strategies for coping with language anxiety. In their journal, there are five strategies that can use by students for reducing their anxiety to perform in front of class, namely: preparation, relaxation, positive thinking, peer seeking and resignation.

a. Preparation

The first strategies is Preparation,, in this strategy students attempts to control their own self by improving learning and study strategies

(example: study hard, trying to obtain good summaries of lecture notes). By using these strategies would be expected to increase students‟ subjectively estimated mastery of the subject matter, and reduce the anxiety associated with the language class.

b. Relaxation

The second one is Relaxation, the goal of this strategy for reducing somatic anxiety symptoms. Making relax the body by doing something (example: take a deep breath‟ and try to calm down).

The more one relaxes, the more anxiety loses. Sit comfortably and straight in the classroom seat. Before class or during class, take long, slow


breaths, hold it for four or five seconds and release it slowly. Exercise turns nervous energy into positive energy through a calming release of breath, Shu Feng Tseng (2012: 84).

c. Positive Thinking

The third strategy is Positive Thinking, it is characterized by cooling down of pressure problematic cognitive processes that underlie students‟

anxiety, think that everything can be well. These strategies are intended to divert attention from the stressful situation to positive and pleasant cues, and bring relief to the anxious student, (Example: imagining oneself giving a great performance, trying to enjoy the tension). of the language learning process. It is also important to realize that perfection is an impossible goal and that is not a requisite for success, Shu Feng Tseng (2012:84).

d. Peer Seeking

The fourth strategy is Peer Seeking, this strategy distinguished by students‟ willingness to look for other students who seem to have trouble understanding the class and/or controlling their anxiety. For the anxious student, the realization that others are having the same problem may serve as a source of emotional regulation by social comparison.

e. Resignation

The last strategy is Resignation. This is characterized by students‟

unwillingness to do anything to decrease their language anxiety.

Resignation seem intent on minimizing the impact of anxiety by refusing to face the problem (example: give up, sleeping in class), (Kondo, 1997:262)/

Insight and understanding are essential to overcoming anxiety problems. However, from shyness to depression, there is something else that


is equally important namely changing behavior. To change the behavior we have to do the behavior, but it will not help students if they still feel bad about them self and they still unanswered their own problem by found the solution. Therefore, successfully overcoming anxiety disorder requires both insight and behavior change, (Dixon, 2011:23)

Besides the students own strategies to reduce their anxiety, a teacher also can contribute to help students to reduce it. Shu Feng Tseng (2012:85) states that there are several ways for teacher to reduce students‟ anxiety, they are:

a. Give more attention for students and their language learning. If students detect that their teacher has a true interest in their language learning, they will be motivated to have an even stronger interest in their own learning.

b. Create a warm, reassuring classroom atmosphere to create a more relaxed and comfortable classroom atmosphere, Walk around the room and make occasional contact and use humor in sufficient amounts.

c. Incorporate into the lesson classroom activities that indirectly get the student to think about their own anxiety, the cause of it, and possibly ways of alleviating or reduce it.

B. Relevance studies

To avoid plagiarism, researcher has reviewed some previos study. One of them is study which is conducted by Satriawati Eka Wahyuni. the entitle students anxiety in the speaking class and its consequence toward their speaking achievement (A case study of the eight grade students of Bilingual program at SMP Islam AL-AZHAR 21 Solo Baru) the objectives of this study are to explore and describe the problem that are encountered by the students in learning a foreign language which is known as speaking anxiety. This study also to recognize students strategies to cope with speaking anxiety.


The Second previous study by Indriaty, Septy (2012) the study investigated students anxiety in speaking English in one hotel and tourism college in Bandung. This study examined types of anxiety, sources, of anxiety and the strategies to reduce anxiety. First, two types of anxiety were evidenced, trait anxiety and state / situational anxiety. Second, the students‟ anxiety in speaking English was derived from three main sources of anxiety. Third, the students employed some strategies to reduce anxiety, namely using mime/gesture, appealing for help and code switching. These findings suggest that the teacher should be more aware of students anxiety in order to arouse students motivation to speak up confidently and fluently in an English speaking class. As such, teachers are urged to be fairly creative in devising better techniques that could encourage the students to speak more. Finally, teachers should also provide materials which contribute to the students vocabularies and confidence, so that the students a better performance in speaking English in the future.

The third study by Zipping (2013) Anxiety of Speaking English in Class Among International Students in a Malaysian University. The study investigates the reasons international students‟ suffer anxiety and explore how they cope with their fear and anxiety when speaking English in class. The study also examines teachers‟ perspectives and reactions towards learners‟ anxiety and investigates the students‟ perspectives of teachers‟ reaction to their feelings of anxiety. Horwitz‟s et.al (1986) categorization of variables that lead to foreign and second language anxiety is used as the theoretical framework. Data collection involves observations and interviews of 8 international postgraduate students of a Malaysian university and data was analyzed through discourse analysis. Findings indicate that Nigerians generally are not anxious of speaking. Differently, Iranians and Algerians suffer more from anxiety as a result of fearing negative evaluation and communication apprehension. The conclusions point out that the lecturers‟

strategies and students‟ reactions to their strategies are not related to cultural backgrounds but to affective filters and learning skills common to all human beings.


The fourth is study by Kayaoglu and Saglamel (2013) Students’

Perceptions of Language Anxiety in Speaking Classes. A considerable number of foreign as well as second language learners suffer from language anxiety when they step into the language classroom. What makes language learning environments, particularly English language learning situations, anxiety provoking has been well-established in language anxiety literature and the learners‟ perception of language anxiety deserve a special mention as they are one of the parties directly involved in learning process. To this end, this study aims at exploring learners‟ perceptions of language anxiety in speaking classes at a north- eastern state university in Turkey. Through a purposive sampling procedure, 30 students from different proficiency levels were interviewed. Findings from the semi-structured interviews are discussed with reference to learners‟ perceptions of learning English. Possible sources and manifestations of language anxiety from the learners‟ perspectives are examined and their suggested ways to lower language anxiety are discussed.

This research different with my research because, this research used experimental research and my research used qualitative research and the results of my research how they deal their speaking anxiety at eight grade Islamic integrated junior high school Al-Azhar Jambi.

This research almost similar with my research because, the researcher conducting the factors of underlying the students speaking anxiety by Liu, but differences with my research the result of the how do the students deal with their anxiety in speaking English Islamic integrated junior high school Al-Azhar Jambi.




A. Research design

In this study, the researcher uses a qualitative design with a case study. In qualitative research the researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense or interpret phenomena (Creswell, 1997:16). A qualitative design with a case study aimed to describe a phenomenon accurately based on the characteristic of research. The case such as event, problems, process, activity, program, a single person, or several people (Merriam, 1998:4).

Qualitative researchers are concerned with the „emic‟ perspective to explore the ideas and perceptions of the participants. The researcher tries to examine the experience from the participant‟s point of view in order to interpret his/her words.

The researcher therefore becomes involved and immersed in the phenomenon to become familiar with it. The immersion of the researcher helps to provide dense descriptions from the narrative data gathered from the participants, to interpret and portray their experiences, and to generate empathetic and experiential understanding. However, immersion cannot be obtained without a researcher- participant trusting relationship. The relationship is built through basic interviewing and interpersonal skills (Merriam, 1998:27).

Based on explanations above, it can be concluded that qualitative research is analyzing about descriptive data that is collected is in the form of the situation of the natural object. Where descriptive data such as writer or spoken, by using qualitative research the researcher will get the answer about the question in analyzing the Students‟ Strategies for Reducing Anxiety in Speaking English: A Case Study At Eight Grade of Al-Azhar Junior High School Jambi.

B. Setting of the study

Junior High School Al-Azhar Jambi is located at Sungai Kambang Sipin Jambi City. This school is consisted of 4 classes for the class Eight. The research will be conducted at VIIIA with the reason based on the lowest score and ability of


students in this class than the other classes. This lesson is based on the observation.

C. Subject of the research

The subject of the research was twenty-five students at Eight Grade Islamic Integrated Junior High School Al-Azhar Jambi. In qualitative research, the focused of the study based on the quality of data and the process. The characteristic of qualitative method will be inductively, means that the study on the data but no the subjects, in this research the researcher used purposive sampling, it‟s mean the researcher had some consideration to decide the data sampled. So, the researcher choose ten students to be the object of this research.

D. Technique of Data Collection

This research uses three kinds of methods to collect the data. They are observations, interviews, and documents. Collecting data from observations, interviews and documents to be presented in field notes including 1) field notes identify: observations, interviews or documents analysis, 2) description: the result of observation or interview from the data gained in the field, 3) reflection:

analysis and concluding the data.

1. Observation

Observation is a method of data collection that employs the sense of vision as its main source. There are various types of observation, differing from each other in the degree to which the observer participates in the environment, the setting in which it occurs, and in the way in which it is organized Creswell (1997:125). In observation there are many ways which can do by researcher.

Observation has been categorized as native (in everyday life) or scientific (planned), participant or nonparticipant, structured or unstructured, natural or laboratory, open or hidden, active of passive, and direct or indirect observation.

Mansel (2011:2) stated that some limited information on student‟s learning processes may be gained by observation. The researcher uses this technique is to observe direct observation to get the data of the condition of the


students‟ strategy to enhance student‟s critical thinking. The observations sheet includes date/time, students classes, students‟strategy, course class activities and also topic of activities in enhancing student‟s critical thinking. The observation sheet also made based on Krashens‟ affective hypotheis (1987) [Online], in which acquiring second of foreign language, student is affected by there variables, they are; motivation, self-confidence and anxiety. So, the researcher also included those variables that occur from every activity in the class. The researcher will conduct a direct observation for two or three months when the uses students‟e strategies to enhance student‟s critical thinking then make such field note.

2. Interview

Interview is a conversation which is conducted by two sides, the interview who give the questioner and the answer the questioner. Interview is a technique to get information by asking information to the respondents.

Creswell (1997:124) concluded that interview is the process to get explanation by asking questions face to face between researcher and respondent using interview guide. Interviews will be conducted individually for 10 to 20 minutes and the researcher followed the following steps with each interview:

a. Made an appointment with each participant at a time which suited them.

b. Created a quiet place conducive to conversation.

c. Arranged chairs or place to enhance face-to-face interviewing.

d. Prepared a tape recorder or camera‟s videos.

Before the researcher conducted each interview, he:

1) Thanked the participant for the time and willingness to be part of the study.

2) Reminded the participant about the agreement.

3) Explained that the interview was to be unstructured and that probing questions would be determined by the information given by the participant.

e. Asked permission to record the interview.


The first and most important, the researcher asks questions and followed up the respondents‟ answers (Deriscol, 2010:165). An unstructured interview is used to collect data. The researcher uses this technique to answer all the formulations of the study, related to the objectives of teacher‟s strategy to enhance student‟s critical thinking. The researcher starts with a general guiding question based on formulations and allow the respondents to talk freely. Later the interview take shape as themes emerged from the information given by the informants. A topic guide, which included themes to be covered, is designed and the informants then ask questions pertaining to the guide, although these are completely unstructured. It is used to get their point of view about all the formulations. The interviewees are teacher and students, the researcher hopes by using this technique it will be answer the formulations or the study.

3. Documentation

The last method is documentation. Documentation is a technique to look written document, transcripts, book related to teacher‟s strategy Gog and Paas (2015:774). The documentation also can be the record of activities, it can be photos, audios, and videos. The researcher uses the documentation method to get the data from the source that has documented at Islamic Junior High School Al-Azhar Jambi. Documentation will be used by the researcher to get the data about:

a. Histories about Islamic Junior High School Al-Azhar Jambi.

b. Teacher condition and background in Islamic Junior High School Al- Azhar Jambi.

c. Student‟s condition and background in Islamic Junior High School Al- Azhar Jambi.

d. Facilities condition in Islamic Junior High School Al-Azhar Jambi.

The researcher will collect the notes of the students‟ strategy to enhance student‟s critical thinking written by the students. The documentation of their notes will help the researcher gets additional data because it is possible to know the teacher‟s strategy that may be unconsciously used. In this research,


the researcher observed and documented the students‟ strategy to enhance student‟s critical thinking were done by the student, the interview and the student‟s expression follow the student‟s critical thinking.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

The technique of data analysis in this research is descriptive analysis. Using this technique, the researcher collects, arranges and presents the data. The qualitative method is a kind of research without using any calculation or statistic procedures. The scheme above is the techniques in analyzing data by;

1. Data Reduction

During the field notes processes, the data gained grow much and complex. The data need to be reduced. Data reduction means to summarize, to choose the points, to focus on the important matters, in order to find the theme.

Reduction of data means shift, being focus on implication shortens the data and transformation original of data documentation which gated from field (Morrill, 2000:320). The researcher reduces from the whole data collected and get the more suitable data that would be analyzed. The researcher avoids unimportant data so that in the next steps the researcher can focus on the topic.

2. Presentation

The data are organized and managed for they are able to be understood.

Data presentation enables the researcher to understand the problem and the whole situation and to plan the next steps. Creswell (1997:139) presentation of data gives possibility of taking of conclusion and taking action. In this study presentation of dada is descriptive. Descriptive means giving or showing about description of the research situation in the narrative way. The researcher is collecting the information from the lectures and students, after taking the information then give data encode and take the conclusion.

3. Conclusion or Verification

The conclusion needs to be verified for its credibility. Verification is some programs to check the researcher‟s carefulness and to the accurate data.

Taking conclusion is only the part of activity in though configuration (Morrill,


2000:321). In analyze data qualitative begin to seek supporting information, then the reduction data, presentation data, and the last is making conclusion.

After reduces and presents the data, the last step will be done by the researcher is verification data. This is the final step then the researcher will make the conclusion about students‟ strategy to enhance student‟s critical thinking.

4. Triangulation

Triangulation is a technique that use to examine and check the data validity or in other word knows like “trustworthiness” with use something other out of data for check and compare the data are collected (Yeasmin, 2012:156), triangulation of data is a technique that is used to compare and check back of time and different equipment in qualitative research that will be rich through the observations, interviews or documents. Triangulation can be done by:

a. Comparing between the results of observations data with the result of interviews.

b. Comparing about people saying in public with what he or she says in private.

c. Comparing between someone‟s opinions in front of public with researcher observation.

d. Comparing the interviews result to the data document that related to the object of the study.

e. Comparing between observation data and documentation of Islamic Junior High School Al-Azhar Jambi.

F. Schedule of The Research

Research schedule is structured is intended as a guide in conducting research steps. With the schedule of the study, researchers will find it easier to study the steps that will be done later. For more details can be seen in Table.


Table 3.1

The Schedule of the Research

No Event Schedule Month

March 2017

April 2017

May 2017

June 2017 July 2017 August 2017 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 Submission title

2 Preparation of proposals

3 Filing supervisor

4 Repair proposals

5 Submission and seminar

6 Repair seminar

7 Submission of a research permit

8 Research Field

9 Compilation of data

10 Thesis




A. Research Finding

Based on the result of observation and interview to the subjects of the study, the researcher presents the finding of the study. The data were also taken from documentation. The following researcher presents the findings of the study that are divided into two findings:

1. Students’ anxiety in speaking English

From the observations and interviews, it is found that there are two types of foreign language anxiety i.e. trait anxiety and state/situational anxiety. Both types of anxieties occurred on the students when they had to perform speaking tasks.

Teacher said that some of students feel anxiety because they have lack of vocabulary and afraid to make mistake:

“They actually can but because of the lack of vocabulary and fear of being wrong in pronunciation.”

Below is the result of observation and interview of students‟ anxiety in speaking:

a. Trait Anxiety

Trait anxiety is regarded as a fixed stage of anxiety. This kind of anxiety is a part of a person's character and hence is permanent, and it may hinder the language learning. Based on the observation, there is only one out of students who experienced this type of anxiety. The student was unable to perform the presentation in English and tended to be very nervous in the interview. He also didn‟t participate actively in other school subjects, as acknowledge in the following excerpt of the interview.

“Every time I want to talk in front of a lot of people, I am nervous. Fear of being wrong and not only for English, for other lessons too”. [AA2]

The observation shows that when the student was asked to present his speaking task he could not produce a word at all. Then, he was allowed to


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