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STREET FUTSAL : A Business Plan.


Academic year: 2017

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Maranatha Christian University


STREET FUTSAL merupakan sebuah bisnis yang bergerak di bidang

jasa penyewaan lapangan futsal dengan konsep yang mengkombinasikan

suasana “


” ke dalam futsal melalui dekorasi


dekorasi “


”. Selain

itu, STREET FUTSAL juga menyediakan fasilitas-fasilitas yang sangat

dibutuhkan oleh para konsumen seperti loker, kamar mandi, dan harga

yang terjangkau oleh para konsumen. Di dalam penulisan

business plan

ini saya juga memaparkan kekuatan, kelemahan, kesempatan, dan

ancaman-ancaman dari bisnis ini.

Target pasar dari bisnis ini adalah para remaja usia 20-25 tahun yang

gemar bermain futsal. Oleh karena itu, STREET FUTSAL menawarkan

harga yang dapat dijangkau oleh para remaja usia 20-25 tahun yang

kebanyakan berstatus mahasiswa yaitu Rp90.000/jam untuk siang hari

dan Rp130.000/jam untuk malam hari. Distribusi STREET FUTSAL adalah

langusung kepada para konsumen tanpa melalui perantara-perantara.

Dalam memperkenalkan STREET FUTSAL kepada masyarakat, STREET

FUTSAL memutuskan memakai “

business card

”, sistem


, metode

mulut ke mulut, dan kompetisi futsal sebagai cara promosinya.

Dalam beroperasi, STREET FUTSAL berlokasi di Jl. Kembar Mas

no.26. Alasan memilih lokasi ini tidak lain karena pemilik tanah merupakan

anggota keluarga penulis, sehingga akan sangat mudah untuk

mendapatkan keuntungan-keuntungan dalam bernegosiasi.

STREET FUTSAL akan beroperasi 16 jam sehari, 7 hari seminggu dan

tutup hanya untuk hari-hari libur perayaan keagamaan saja. STREET

FUTSAL membutuhkan 6 orang karyawan yaitu 2 orang karyawan untuk

front desk

, 2 orang karyawan untuk


, dan 2 orang karyawan untuk


, yang akan dibagi dalam 2


kerja. Sedangkan pemilik

(manager) adalah atasan mereka.

Untuk menjalankan bisnis ini, dibutuhkan modal sebesar

Rp2.130.188.600 sebagai modal awal. Untuk perhitungan keuntungan dari

bisnis ini, STREET FUTSAL dapat menghasilkan lebih dari



Futsal is developing in Indonesia nowadays. It is seen in that many

futsal centers have been built from year to year, and in many events of

futsal. What makes me so confident in running the business? I will provide

a unique futsal center which has never been made in Indonesia, by

providing graffiti decorations, complete facilities which are needed by

consumers, lower price compared to its competitors, also top quality of

service provided by STREET FUTSAL. The survey that I did in some

places (campuses, schools, futsal centers, Kembar neighborhood) shows

that 70% of the respondents are interested in the new concept of street


STREET FUTSAL segments the market into two, based on the

demographic and behavioral aspects. Therefore, the main target market of

STREET FUTSAL will be teenagers aged 20-25 who are college students,

search for the best quality, services, and prices, also are enthusiastic with


STREET FUTSAL will be located in Kembar Mas neighborhood. The

reasons why I choose this location is because the land lord is my uncle, it


Maranatha Christian University

I need 6 employees to run the business. The employees will be divided

into 2 work shifts and controlled by me as the manager. The operational

time of STREET FUTSAL is 16 hours/day, and it is closed only for

religious holidays. This is why STREET FUTSAL does not have too much


In running the business, STREET FUTSAL needs Rp2,130,188,600

as an initial investment. The cash inflow STREET FUTSAL starts at

Rp1,803,600,000. Some prices increase as much as 5% every year by an

assumption of 5% inflation rate according to Bank Indonesia and will reach

Rp2,672,100,000 in the fifth year. The cash outflow of STREET FUTSAL

will start at Rp781,040,000 and increases about 0.014% per year up to

Rp828,621,408. As a result, the net cash flow of STREET FUTSAL will

start at Rp1,022,560,000 and will reach Rp1,843,478,592 in the fifth year

which means that there is an increase of about 0.159% /year. Then, based

on the net present value, STREET FUTSAL is a feasible and acceptable

business. Furthermore, the payback period of STREET FUTSAL is

approximately one year, eleven months, and twelve days. The payback

period of STREET FUTSAL is less than the maximum acceptable payback

period, which means that the business is acceptable. As a conclusion,

based on the reasons above, STREET FUTSAL is a profitable and








. ii
















1.1. Background of the Business

1.2. About the Business

1.3. Vision Statement

1.4. Mission Statement

1.5. Values

1.6. SWOT Analysis

1.7. Competitors

1.8. Prospect of the Business







2.1. The Marketing Strategy

2.2. The Marketing Mix



3.1. The Service Process

3.2. The Site



4.1. Organization Structure


Maranatha Christian University

4.3. Job Analysis



5.1. Initial Investment

5.2. Cash InFlow

5.3. Cash Out Flow

5.4. Net Cash Flow

5.5. Capital Budgeting Method

5.6. Conclusion





1.1. Background of the Business

Sport is important for everyone. Lots of people do sports either to keep

healthy or only for relaxing. According to an article entitled “Sport is

Healthy”, “It is a well known fact that exercising is very good for our body

and health. Any kind of sport that involves body movement stimulates our

muscles and burns fat. Toxic waste is removed from our body through

sweat” (par. 1). Besides for health, sport is an alternative to have fun. It is

true as Tapsell says,

There is no excuse for looking down in sport because it’s not your

pursuit of choice. It provides many of the same benefits to its devotees

as intellectual pursuits do, and is no less worthy. To those who might

not have been fortunate enough to have been brought up in an

environment conducive to educational excellence or intellectual

development, it provides an essential outlet for competitive spirit and a

good way to let off steam in what might be a depressing and frustrating

environment (par.5).


Maranatha Christian University 2

There are many kinds of sport, and one of the famous sports is futsal.

Futsal is a world-wide sport. People in many countries play futsal, as

mentioned in an article entitled “What is Futsal?” that, “futsal is now played

by over 12 million people in over 100 countries worldwide” (par. 3). Futsal

is almost the same as soccer. There are some differences between futsal

and soccer. Futsal requires small number of people to play, while soccer

needs more than eleven people to play. Moreover, there are differences in

the rules. In soccer, body contact, and tackling are allowed, but in futsal,

body contact, and tackling are not allowed. Many people are interested in

futsal because it can help them to improve their soccer skills. Lots of

soccer stars develop their skills by playing futsal. It is true as Brown says,

“Futsal is played world-wide, especially in Brazil, and many great soccer

legends like Pele and the hot new stars, Ronaldinho (AC Milan),

Christiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid), and Lionel Messi (Barcelona) have

grown up playing futsal” (par.4).

Nowadays, futsal is also one of the famous sports in Indonesia. It is

proved by many new futsal centers which have been built from year to

year, and there are lots of official tournaments of futsal in the year 2008 in

Indonesia (such as Yamaha Futsal Cup 2008, AAUI Cup in 2008, Kodim

Cup in 2008, and Bandung University Futsal Competition) and official

tournaments of futsal in year 2009 (such as Darmajaya Futsal Tournament

in March the 2009, Sang Timur Cup 2009, Liga Futsal Nasional 2009), as

mentioned in an article entitled “Events Programme” (par. 1).

Bandung is one of the biggest cities in Indonesia, and people in


main sport. It is proven by the growing number of futsal centers that have

been built in 2008 and 2009, such as Star in Holis,Futsal 76 in Jl.

Babakan Jeruk, Hiroz Futsal in Jl. Pahlawan, and SSC (Soekarno Hatta

Sport Centre) in Jl. Soekarno Hatta. Until now, the total number of futsal

centers in Bandung is more than 30. Based on my interview with the

owner of some futsal centers in Bandung, the enthusiasm of people in

Bandung to play futsal is seen in that many people play futsal every day at

their futsal centers. According to the owners, sometimes they cannot

handle booking requests because there are too many requests but not

enough fields.Most futsal customers are university students. I did some

interviews with some futsal centers in Bandung. I found out from the

interview that almost 80% of futsal players in Bandung are university

students. They play futsal in their leisure time, either to have fun, to

maintain their health, or to improve their skills. They do not have to spend

a lot of money to play futsal because futsal is cheaper (the average rate

per hour is Rp 100,000 to Rp 250,000) than soccer (the average rate per

two hours is around Rp 500,000 to Rp 1,100,000). Moreover, futsal also

does not require many people to play. Futsal requires only 8 up to 10

persons in a match, while soccer needs minimum 22 persons in a match.

I have four reasons in choosing futsal for my business plan. First, some

of the best soccer players develop their talents by playing futsal, and it can

attract people to play futsal. They will see that some of their favorite

soccer players also improve their skills in futsal. It can give an assumption

that they also have a chance to be as good as their favorite soccer


Maranatha Christian University 4

fact gives me a benefits which is I know the needs of the customers. Third,

futsal is a fun and healthy sport where people can have benefits. Besides

having fun, they can also maintain their health. Fourth, futsal is famous at

campuses so this will give me benefits since my target market are

university students. As Harsanto says, “Futsal is becoming more

organized and structured in terms of its organization. It has also become

popular on campuses because the sport requires a relatively smaller

space (to play in) compared to soccer” (qtd. in The Jakarta Post par.6).

1.2. About the Business

My business is a service business which runs in sport sector by

providing futsal fields for rent. The name of my business is STREET

FUTSAL. The name STREET FUTSAL shows the identity of the company

as one that provides futsal center with a different concept, which is street

futsal. The concept of street futsal is a combination of street soccer and

futsal. Street soccer is a kind of soccer game that is based on freestyle

concept. In other words, street soccer is an unorganized soccer.

Meanwhile, futsal is “a format of five-a-side football” (qtd. in “What is

Futsal?” par. 1). Then, street futsal concept in a futsal center can be seen

in the graffiti paintings which show the freestyle element.

Besides providing the place to play futsal, I would also like to support

the creativity of graffiti artists. Graffiti “consists of inscriptions, slogans and

drawings scratched, scribbled or painted on a wall or other public or

private surface” (“What is Graffiti?” par. 1). I will provide a place where


the purpose is to create the street atmosphere at my futsal center. I will

redecorate the graffiti in every six months, and the reason is to create a

new atmosphere from time to time so that the consumers will not get

bored with the decorations. Unlike the usual futsal centers which do not

provide any decorations, graffiti decoration at my futsal center can be an

attraction, and show the uniqueness of the center, which is the concept of

street futsal. As a result, this would give an advantage to attract the

customers from all levels of society who are interested in futsal with graffiti


In running a business, I need a logo to represent the identity of the


company, and the logo is fire ball, as shown in Figure 1.1 below.

Figure 1.1

Company Logo of STREET FUTSAL

Source: Owner of STREET FUTSAL

The company logoabove is a trade-mark of my business which is

represented by the fire ball. The ball means that this is a place to play

futsal. Then, I choose to use yellow and orange for the colors. According


Maranatha Christian University 6

and orange displays “youthfulness and liveliness” (par. 7). The orange and

yellow colors on the fire represent the warmth and liveliness that STREET

FUTSAL will give to the consumers. The color of the letters

“ ” is orange which is also a trade-mark of STREET


The legal aspect of my business is sole proprietorship. According to

Snell and Bohlander (7-8),

1. Sole proprietorship is a cheap business to form and no formal

charter is required.

2. A sole proprietorship pays no corporate income taxes. All profits

of the business are taxed as individual income.

3. The sole proprietorship has unlimited liability for business debts

and obligations. No distinction is made between personal and

business assets.

4. The life of the sole proprietorship is limited by life of the sole


These are the reasons for me to choose sole proprietorship as my legal


1.3. Vision Statement

Vision is the long-term purpose of a company, the expectation of the

company for the future which can keep the employees to go on one


BusinessDictionary.com, vision is an “aspirational description of what an

organization would like to achieve or accomplish in the mid-term or

long-term future. It is intended to serves as a clear guide for choosing current

and future courses of action” (par. 1).The vision of my company is to be

the coolest and the best futsal center in Bandung within 10 years.

1.4. Missions Statement

Mission is the short-term purpose in order to reach the vision.

According to an article entitled “Missions Statement” at

BusinessDictionary.com, mission is “written declaration of a firm's core

purpose and focus which normally remain unchanged, whereas business

strategies and practices may frequently be altered to adapt to the

changing circumstances” (par. 1).The missions of my company are:

• Always giving the best to the consumers in order to make them


• Keeping the company as an innovative and creative company

which is represented in the decoration.

• Providing the cleanest futsal centre in Bandung.

1.5. Values

According to an article entitled “Values” at BusinessDictionary.com,

values are “important and enduring beliefs or ideals shared by the


Maranatha Christian University 8

Values exert major influence on the behavior of an individual and serve as

broad guidelines in all situations” (par. 1). The values of my company are:

1. Team work.

- Employees have to help each other in running the business.

2. Satisfaction.

- Employees have to give the best services to consumers.

3. Responsibility.

- Employees have to be responsible with their jobs.

1.6. SWOT Analysis

According to an article entitled “SWOT Analysis” at

BusinessDictionary.com, SWOT is “situation analysis in which internal

strengths and weaknesses of an organization, and external opportunities

and threats faced by it are closely examined to chart a strategy” (par. 1).

Then, in an article entitled “SWOT analysis” at Learn Marketing.com, it is

mentioned that “strengths and weaknesses are internal factors which are

controllable by the organization. Afterwards, opportunities and threats are

included in external factors which are uncontrollable by the organization”

(par.1). Hence, it is possible to evaluate internal conditions of the

corporation, its strengths as well as weaknesses, and to compare them

with opportunities and threats that come from external environment.

Therefore, doing an analysis of this type is an important way to better

understand a business and its market. My business plan also has SWOT

aspects in running STREET FUTSAL. The SWOT analysis of STREET


1.6.1 Strength

The definition of strength, as stated in an article entitled “Strength” at

BusinessDictionary.com, is “capital, knowledge, skill, or other advantage

that a firm has or can acquire over its competitors in meeting the needs of

its customers” (par. 2). The strengths of my business are:

• Provide the new atmosphere of playing futsal.

I will provide a place for people who are looking for a new challenge

to play futsal and who are bored with the usual futsal field.

• Providing complete facilities.

I also provide facilities such as bathrooms, lockers, and plasma

television in order to satisfy the consumers.

1.6.2. Weakness

The article entitled “Strength and Weakness” at

BusinessDictionary.com, states that weakness is ” …negative aspects of

the external and internal environments that are under the direct control of

a firm or a decision maker” (par. 1). The weakness of my business is the

day hours. My business hour is from 9 a.m to 12 a.m. This is a weakness

because based on my research, in the day hours not many people play

futsal. The first reason is because people do their activities, such as

working (for the employees) or studying (for students) mostly in the day

hours. The second reason is because it is too hot to play futsal in the day


Maranatha Christian University 10

1.6.3. Opportunities

According to Kotler and Armstrong, “A marketing opportunity is an

area of buyer need or potential interest in which a company can perform

profitably” (102). As a result, in running a business, people have to know

their opportunities in performing their business. The opportunities of my

business are:

• There is a small number of futsal centers in Bandung, compared to

the needs.

It is difficult for people in Bandung to book futsal field. Many people

in Bandung play futsal everyday. However, there are not enough

futsal centers in the area compared to the number of people who

want to play futsal.

• There are Insufficient facilities at futsal centers in Bandung.

Based on my observation at several futsal centers in Bandung,

most of them do not provide facilities which are needed by

consumers, such as bathrooms with hot and cold water, lockers,

and T.V.

1.6.4. Threats

Kotler and Armstrong state that “An environmental threat is a

challenge posed by an unfavorable trend or development that would lead,

in the absence of defensive marketing action, to deterioration in sales or

profit” (104). Consequently, businessmen need to find the threats that can

be the challenge for running their business. The threat of my business is


Lebaran, etc comes, the business might not get the maximum profit

because most of futsal consumers are students, and in holiday seasons,

they go back to their hometown or go for vacation.

1.7. Competitors

In running the business we cannot pretend that we do not have

competitors. According to an article entitled “Competitors” in

BusinessDictionary.com, competitor is “any person or entity which is a

rival against another. In business, a company in the same industry or a

similar industry which offers a similar product or service” (par. 1). The

competitors in futsal business are the other futsal centers that have

already existed in Bandung. The major competitors are Meteor,

Sampoerna, and SSC (Soekarno Hatta Sport Center). We have to

compete with these futsal centers and many other futsal centers to attract

consumers as many as possible. The competition itself actually is not too

great. Based on my interview with some owners of futsal centers in

Bandung, the competition among futsal centers is only in how the futsal

center provides the facilities that can attract people to come to their

places. The main points to be considered by consumers are the quality of

the field, the cleanliness, and the access to the place which has to be

easy. The futsal centers that can provide these elements are the winners.

1.8. Prospect of the Business

There are a number of futsal centers in Bandung nowadays, but all of


Maranatha Christian University 12

uniqueness. That is why I am planning to open a futsal field with a different

concept, which is street futsal.

My futsal field has unique selling prepositions. Based on 100

questionnaires that I spread at some universities, schools, futsal centers,

and in the Kembar neighborhood from 11th until 25th April 2009, 70% of the

respondents like futsal centers that have graffiti decoration. So, the first

unique selling preposition of my business is the atmosphere of street

futsal, which is a combination between futsal and street soccer. It will be

created with graffiti paintings on the walls, gates, doors, and grounds.

Second, I provide bathrooms and lockers. Not many futsal centers provide

them. Third, I also provide a 20-inch-plasma television as an

entertainment facility for consumers who are waiting for their turn to play.

Fourth, I provide professional services, which means that all staffs will be

friendly to the consumers, help consumers to book, and always try to

satisfy the consumers by providing the consumers’ needs. The last, I also

offer low price. The price for using my futsal field with Teraflex ground are

Rp90,000 per hour (day: 9a.m-3p.m) and Rp130,000 per hour (noon:

3p.m-12p.m), which is cheaper than other futsal centers with the average

price of Rp150,000 per hour. The aspects above will support my business



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Gitman, Lawrence J. Principles of Management Finance.

Massachusetts:Pearson Education, Inc., 2006

Heizer, Jay and Barry Render. Operations Management. 7


ed. New

Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc., 2004

Kotler, Philip and Gary Armstrong. Principles of Marketing. New

Jersey:Pearson Education, Inc., 2004

Kotler, Philip and Kevin L. Keller. Marketing Management. 12


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Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc., 2006

Robbins, Stephen P. and Timothy A. Judge. Organizational Behavior. New

Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc., 2007

Schuler, W. and Susan E. Jackson. Human Resource Management


Maranatha Christian University

Snell, Scott and George Bohlander. Human Resource Management.

Ohio: Thomson Higher Education, 2007

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Maranatha Christian University


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Why Sport is Important


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Planet-futsal.com. 2008. 13 November 2009.


“What is Graffiti?”

sandiego.gov. 10 October 2009.


Figure 1.1 Company Logo of STREET FUTSAL


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