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Academic year: 2017



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Abdul R Tambunan ID 4103312011

Mathematics Education Study Program


Submitted to Fulfill the Requirements for Getting the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan








Praise to God Almighty for His amazing grace, His wonderful love, the

strength and the health which have been given so the writer could finish this


The writer’ special sincerest thanks are expressed to Mr. Prof. Dr. Asmin Panjaitan, M.Pd as his thesis supervisor for his advice, encouragements,

suggestions and knowledge that have been contributed to help the writer in

compiling this thesis so that this thesis could be finished. May God always bless him and his family now and forever. The writer’s special thanks are expressed to Mr. Prof. Dr. Hasratuddin, M.Pd., Mrs. Dr. Izwita Dewi, M.Pd, Mrs. Dra. Katrina

Samosir, M.Pd as his thesis consultants for their advice, encouragements,

suggestions and knowledge that have been contributed to help the writer in

compiling this thesis.

The writer also give thanks to Mr Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar, M.Si as the Rector

of State University of Medan and also to Mr. Prof. Dr. Motlan Sirait, M.Sc., Ph.D.

as the Dean of FMIPA UNIMED, and to Mr. Prof. Dr. Herbert Sipahutar, M.Sc as

the Vice Dean of FMIPA in State University of Medan who help the writer in the

compiling of this thesis.

The writer’s sincerest thanks are expressed also to Mr. Drs. Syafari, M.Pd as the head of Mathematics Department for his management department and

valuable guidance in the arrangement of this thesis, and also for Mr. Drs. Yasifati

Hia, M.Si as the secretary of Mathematics Department for his guidance given. The

writer doesn’t forget to express special thanks also to Mr. Prof. Dr.rer.nat Binari

Manurung, M.Si as the coordinator of Bilingual Program for his contribution to

help the writer in compiling this thesis. Big thanks to all the lecturers of

Mathematics Department and all administrative staff at the faculty, department

and bilingual program for their guidance and administrative assistance given. This thesis can’t be compiled well without the everlasting love and pray from his beloved parents, Mr. K. Tambunan, S.Pd and Mrs. B. Pakpahan. His




Lastri Tambunan, SE, Verawati Tambunan, S.Pd, Lusi Lamta Sari Tambunan, and

Maria Febri Wanti Tambunan for their support, motivation and pray so that he is

able to face the problems during his academic years at the university.

The writer’s special thanks to Mrs. Lasma Ida, S.H, the headmaster of SMA Kalam Kudus Medan for the permission to conduct the research in the

school, and for all teachers there, especially for mathematics teacher, Mr. P.

Limbong, S.Pd for motivating in many times and also to the students in class X-I

and X-3 for their generous helps to the writer.

This thesis was compiled from the strength given by all his best friends in

db7, Agelina W. Simanjuntak, Devy Eryn Tobing, Elvana Togatorop, Erianto S.

Tampubolon, Rizkie Y. Manullang, Sintong F. Simanjuntak. His thanks are

sxpressed for the strength, spirit, and endless friendship ever. All his classmates in

bilmath10, Anggi, Dian, Dwi, Elfan, Erlyn, Kikie, Ana, Mila, Lia, Maria,

Martyanne, Meiva, Melin, Surya, Nelly, Petra, Riny, Rully, Sartika, Sheila, Siti,

Wulida, Mimi are given thanks for the togetherness, spirit, and our friendship. For

all his pplmate in SMA N 2 Balige, Andrey, Bernike, Dewi, James, Jeneva, Maria,

Meiva, Tiara, and Hendra are given thanks for the motivation given to compile

this thesis. For all his friends in extone10, his ex-classmate in SMA N 1 Tarutung,

Dinar, Marihot, Age, Diana, Anastasia, Sity, Jhon, Shara, Lustina, Ricardo, and 21

others that can be named one by one, the writer express thank you for the pray and

motivations and supports given while compiling this thesis.

Finally, the writer should give a big effort to prepare this thesis, and the

writer knows that this thesis has so many weaknesses. The writer needs some

suggestions to make it better. At last, may this thesis can be helpful and improve

our knowledge.

Medan, August 2014

The writer,





Abdul R Tambunan (ID 4103312011)


The type of this study is a quasy-experiment study. The objectives of this study are to find out: (1) the students’ mathematic achievement by using contextual learning approach is higher than by using conventional learning approach, (2) the students’ mathematics achievement of student who have visual learning style is higher than student who have auditory learning style, (3) the interaction between learning approach and learning style to the effect to the students’ mathematics achievement.

The population of this study is all students in SMA Kalam Kudus Medan with total of 342 students. The sampling technique applied was cluster random sampling. The control class that is chosen is X-3 consisted of 34 students, meanwhile the experiment class that is chosen is X-1 consisted of 34 students. The instrument used to measure the students’ mathematics achievement was a multiple-choice test. The instrument used to measure the students’ learning style was questionnaire. The normality test used was Lilliefor’s test and the homogeneity test by using Fisher test and Bartlett test. The data analysis technique was Two-Way Analysis of Variance at the level of significance  = 5% followed by Post-Hoc Test named Scheffe Test.

The study result showed that: (1) the students’ mathematics achievement taught by contextual approach is higher than the students’ mathematics achievement taught by conventional approach, where Fcalculation (7.656) > Ftable (4.00) and Sig. (0.008) < 0.05, (2) the students’ mathematics achievement who have visual learning style is higher than the students’ mathematics achievement who have auditory learning style, where Fcalculation (5.833) > Ftable (4.00) and Sig. (0.019) < 0.05, (3) there is interaction between learning approach and learning style to the students’ mathematics achievement which showed by Fcalculation (10.547) > Ftable (4.00) and Sig. (0.002) < 0.05.

Based on the data analysis result of multiple comparisons by Scheffe Test, it can be concluded that the students with visual learning style should be best taught by contextual approach while the students with auditory learning style should be best taught by conventional approach.



1.2. Problem Identification 7

1.3. The Limitation of Study 7

1.4. The Problem of Study 8

1.5. The Objective of Study 8

1.6. The Significance of Study 8


2.1. The Theoretical Framework 10

2.1.1. Mathematics Achievement Theoretical 10 2.1.2. Contextual Teaching and Learning Theoretical 14

2.1.3. Conventional Learning Theoretical 23

2.1.4. The Comparison of Contextual and Conventional Approach 25

2.1.5. Learning Style Theoretical 27

2.2. The Relevant Study 31

2.3. The Conceptual Framework 32

2.4. Research Hypothesis 36


3.1. Type of Study 37

3.2. Place and Time of Study 37

3.3. Population and Sample 37

3.4. Variable of Study 38

3.5. Operational Definition of Variable 39

3.6. The Study Procedural 40

3.7. Research Method 41

3.8. The Instruments of Study 41

3.9. Instrument’s Trial 45




4.1. Statistic Descriptive Analysis 51

4.2. Assumption Analysis Test 59

4.3. Hypothesis Analysis 63

4.4. Discussion 66

4.5. Weakness of Study 70


5.1. Conclusion 71

5.2. Suggestion 71






Figure 2.1. The Interaction between Mathematics Learning Approach and Learning Style of Students due to Mathematics Achievement Contextual Learning Syntax 36

Figure 3.1. The Procedural of Study 40

Figure 4.1. The Histogram of Students’ Mathematics Achievement

Who Taught by Contextual Approach 52

Figure 4.2. The Histogram of Students’ Mathematics Achievement

Who Taught by Conventional Approach 53

Figure 4.3. The Histogram of Students’ Mathematics Achievement

Who Have Visual Learning Style 54

Figure 4.4. The Histogram of Students’ Mathematics Achievement

Who Have Auditory Learning Style 55

Figure 4.5. The Histogram of Students’ Mathematics Achievement Who Taught by Contextual Approach and Have Visual

Learning Style 56

Figure 4.6. The Histogram of Students’ Mathematics Achievement Who Taught by Contextual Approach and Have Auditory

Learning Style 57

Figure 4.7. The Histogram of Students’ Mathematics Achievement Who Taught by Conventional Approach and Have Visual

Learning Style 58

Figure 4.8. The Histogram of Students’ Mathematics Achievement Who Taught by Conventional Approach and Have Auditory

Learning Style 59

Figure 4.9. Estimated Marginal Means of Achievement Between






A.1. Lesson Plan (Experiment Class) 76

A.2. Lesson Plan (Control Class) 115


B.1. Lattice of Learning Style Questionnaire 124

B.2. Learning Style Questionnaire 125

B.3. Lattice of Achievement Test 128

B.4. Achievement Test 129

B.5. Alternative Solution of Achievement Test 131


C.1. Data of Respondent in Trial Class 140

C.2. Mathematics Achievement in Trial Class 142 C.3. Data Result of Students’ Mathematics Achievement in Trial Class C.4. Validity Test of Mathematics Achievement 146 C.5. Reliability Test of Mathematics Achievement 148 C.6. Difficulty Level and Distinguish Power of Mathematics

Achievement Test 150

C.7. Learning Style Test in Trial Class 151

C.8. Data Result of Students’ Learning Style in Trial Class 154 C.9. Validity and Reliability Test of Learning Style Questionnaire 156




1.1. Background of Study

Education is highly important in today society. Education is a formal

process of learning in which some people consciously teach while others adopt the

social role of learner. The importance of education is undeniable for every single

person. Education plays a major role in everyone life without education a person

will not get far in life. Education prepares a person to adapt to new skills and

value that will be very essential in today society. It goes without saying that

education has a positive effect on human life.

The education system in Indonesia is referring to the Law of the Republic

of Indonesia Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System. According to

this law, the national education goal is to develop the intellectual life of the nation

and the whole Indonesian, the man who is faithful and devoted to God Almighty,

noble and virtuous character, has knowledge and skills, has physical and spiritual

health, and has a stable personality and independent, as well as a sense of civic

responsibility and nationality. Based on the education goal shows the problem of

education is a shared responsibility in the society, nation and state. Everyone

involve and interest in the education process.

The main objective of teaching and learning process is organized to

achieve the goals for student success in learning, either on a particular subject or

education in general. In the process of learning to implement an interactive,

inspiring, fun, challenging, and motivating students to actively participate and

provide enough space for innovation, creativity and independence according to

their talents, interests and physical development, as well as psychological student,

so the learning approach designed by teacher is a student-oriented activities.

Mathematics subject is one of the principal subjects taught begin during

elementary school until to the university. Mathematics subject is also one of the

subjects tested in the national examination both at the elementary school, junior



important subjects that provide several vital skills to the learners. Some of the

skills that people get from math include: the ability to identify and analyze

patterns, logic and critical thinking skills, ability to see relationships and problem

solving skills. Mathematics has a structure and a strong and clear linkage between

concepts as to enable a student has skill to think rationally (Depdiknas, 2007).

Cornellius (in Abdurrahman, 2009: 253) states that:

“Five reasons for studying mathematics because (1) mathematics is the means of clear and logical thinking, (2) mathematics is the means to solve the problems of everyday life, (3) mathematics is the means to know the patterns of relationships and generalization of experience, (4) mathematics is the means to develop creativity, and (5) mathematics is the means to raise awareness of cultural development.”

Furthermore, Cockroft (in Abdurrahman, 2009: 253) states that mathematics

should be taught to students because it is always used in everyday life, all subjects

require the appropriate mathematics, mathematics is a means of communication

that is strong and clear, can be used to present information in a variety of ways,

can improve the ability to think logically, and can give satisfaction to attempt to

solve a challenging problems

In this changing world, those who understand and can do mathematics will

have significantly enhanced opportunities and options for shaping their futures.

Mathematical competence opens doors to productive futures. A lack of

mathematical competence keeps those doors closed. All students should have the

opportunity and the support necessary to learn significant mathematics with depth

and understanding (NCTM, 2000: 50). Mathematics course is important to be

mastered by the student, so the mathematics teaching and learning needs to be

done well by the teacher. Teachers at least provide an opportunity for students to

learn mathematics in depth and meaningful considering the math is important for

students in the future.

Once the importance of the role of mathematics as described above should

seek to make the subject fun and loved by the students. Nevertheless, it is

undeniable that mathematics course is still a subject that is considered difficult,



subjects of mathematics is unpopular, ignored and even tends to be ignored. This

of course poses a considerable gap between what is expected of learning

mathematics with the fact that occurs in the field.

Two international researches conducted to demonstrate the ability of

mastery in mathematics learning showed that Indonesian student capability still in

the bottom level. UNESCO data shows Indonesia ranked mathematics 36 out of

49 countries in Trends International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in

2007 (IBE, 2011: 25). Meanwhile in test of PISA (Programme for International

Student Assessments) in 2012, despite topping the list for being the happiest

students at school, 15-year old Indonesian students score poorly in PISA tests and

are ranked at the second bottom for mathematics, that ranked 65 out of 66

countries (OECD, 2013). This suggests that the improvement of mathematics

education in schools need to be considered by various parties, including

government, education observers and by teachers as the perpetrator of education


The low of students’ mathematics learning achievements is a problem that must be faced today. Many factors can lead to low mathematics student learning

achievements, these factors may be the arrival of the student (internal factors) and

also from outside the student (external factors). Internal factors may include:

learning motivation, learning interest, talent, intelligence, learning styles. While

external factors may include: family environment and school environment, as well

as a learning approach or instrumental learning model used in the study are not in

accordance with student characteristics and other factors that contribute to low

student learning achievements (Slameto, 2010).

The low of mathematics learning achievements and a lack of knowledge

and ability of the students in understanding mathematics also occur at SMA

Kalam Kudus Medan. Based on data obtained from a list of set value (DKN) in

grade X SMA Kalam Kudus Medan, the average math student learning



Table 1.1 The Average Value of Students Mathematics Achievement in Grade X SMA Kalam Kudus Medan Year 2013/2014

No Type of Test The Average Value

KKM Value

1 Mid Odd Semester Exam 64 70

2 Odd Semester Exam 67 70

Source: Administration of SMA Kalam Kudus Medan

The averages value in Table 1.1 are still below the average value of the minimum

completeness (KKM) of high school mathematics courses with an average value

of KKM is 70. It means that the achievement needs to be increased to be better.

Based on the observations of researchers at SMA Kalam Kudus Medan, student’s interest in learning mathematics is relatively less. There’s still the difficulty of teachers for explaining the abstract of mathematics which result in the

student learning activities are less enjoyable. Most teachers still rely on the lecture

method that students are easily bored, less active and less excited.

Learning mathematics will be more meaningful if the students experienced

what they learned, not just know it (Kunandar, 2009: 293). Indeed mathematics

arises from real life every day. The learning process of mathematics should be

able to connect between abstract mathematical ideas with real situations

experienced or observed by the students. For it is necessary to approach or model

that familiarize students learning experience for themselves what they learn so

that what students are learning to be more meaningful. One alternative is to adopt

the approach used contextual teaching and learning (CTL).

Contextual learning approach is the concept of learning that helps teachers

link between what is taught by the students to the real-world situations, thus

encouraging students to be able to apply them in everyday life. Contextual

learning process emphasizes the involvement of students in full to be able to find a

material that has been studied. Contextual learning process takes place naturally in

the form of student activities and work experience, not a transfer of knowledge

from teacher to student. The contextual learning approach has seven main



learning community, modeling, reflection, and authentic assessment (Sanjaya,

2009: 161).

Basically all approaches or learning methods have advantages and

disadvantages, but not all of the subject matter may be submitted to one approach

or learning methods alone. Each learning materials has different characteristics

that require an appropriate approach to deliver such material. In addition to the

selection of appropriate learning approaches, acquisition of learning achievement

are also influenced by the ability of teachers to know and understand the

characteristics of students, such as intelligence, attitude, aptitude, interests, and

learning style.

Characteristics of students are the overall pattern of persistence and

capability that exist in students as a result of the nature and experience that

determines the pattern of activity in achieving its goals (Munadhi, 2008: 188). The

views about the characteristics of these students have a significant meaning in the

teaching-learning interaction. Especially for teachers, information about the

characteristics of students continues to be very useful in selecting and determining

teaching patterns to be a better one, to ensure ease of learning for each student.

Teachers will be able to reconstruct and organize the media methods precisely, so

it will be a process of interaction of each component in an optimal learning. It is

definitely challenging teachers to always be creative in order to create varied

activities, so that each individual student can participate to the fullest in the

learning process. Furthermore, Dick and Carey (2009) also revealed:

“Teachers should be able to know and understand the characteristics of the students, because a good understanding of the success of student learning when teachers have to know the characteristics of their students so teachers can further customize the learning model used. It is also important to identify any specific characteristics of the learners that may be important to consider in the design of the instructional activities.”

One of the characteristics that affect student learning achievement in this

study is the learning style. To determine the student's learning style, it is necessary

to know what they know and how they learn. Often teachers expect their students



their students learning style. Therefore, the student's learning style assessment

needs to be one of the teachers in designing learning programs.

DePorter and Hernacki (2011: 110) states that a person's learning style is a

combination of how he absorbs, and then organizes and processes information.

The ability of each student tends to absorb information differently based learning

modalities. There students have a tendency to absorb maximum information

through the sense of sight (visual), there is also a maximum absorb information

through the sense of hearing (auditory), while others absorb maximum

information through physical activity or body (kinesthetic or learn somatic).

According to Hamzah (2008:181) and DePorter & Hernacki (2011: 112)

there are three styles of learning style of students; visual, auditory, and

kinesthetic. Although each student learns by using all the three-learning-styles,

most students are more inclined to one between the learning styles.

One of the principal points to appreciate in learning styles is that all styles

can be effective. However, the actual task demands can make one type of style

less effective than another. One of the issues relating to meeting the needs of diverse groups of learners in the classroom is the teacher’s personal experiences and of course the teacher’s own personal learning style. Some learners will feel more comfortable with certain teachers.

Mathematics - as the course lesson in this study - is a subject that involves

both auditory and visual/spatial abilities (Reid, 2005: 90). Not all students have

preferences in both. It is important therefore that a range of strategies is used to

put across the mathematical concepts that are to be learnt. In mathematics

learning, the teacher is more dominant for visual activity. Mathematics courses

always display diagrams, functions, formulas, and pictures are included in such

material. Sentences that are quite difficult to mathematics verbally expressed, so

that students with auditory learning style will have difficulty in learning than

students visual learning style.

By knowing the characteristic of students, especially for their learning



will give a good result of the students’ mathematics achievement. The students who have learning style, either visual or auditory will be satisfied in the learning

process. It is important therefore that teachers are aware of their own learning

style and aware of the kind of teaching situations they may feel less comfortable

with (Reid, 2005: 91).

Based on the relevant study conducted by Sujarwo (2013) in his journal entitled “The Effect of Learning Method and Learning Style to Students Mathematics Achievement” concluded that the student’s physics achievement that has a visual learning style is higher than students who have auditory learning


Based on the description above, researcher has interested in conducting research entitled “The Effect of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)

Approach to Students’ Mathematics Achievement and Learning Style in Class X

SMA Kalam Kudus Medan”.

1.2. Problem Identification

Based on the background above can be identified the problem as follows:

1. The conventional approach is often used in SMA Kalam Kudus Medan while

the contextual approach has not been applied fully in the learning process

include in mathematics learning;

2. There is still need for improvement on students’ mathematics achievement

held in SMA Kalam Kudus Medan for Academic Year 2013/2014 where most

students get mathematics achievement in mid semester exam and odd semester

exam are less than KKM value;

3. There’s still the difficulty of mathematics teachers in SMA Kalam Kudus

Medan for explaining the abstract of mathematics;

4. There’s still difficulty of teachers in SMA Kalam Kudus Medan to understand the students’ characteristic as the selection for appropriate learning approaches; and

5. Students have differences characteristics that causes each student’s learning



1.3. The Limitation of Study

Based on the limitation scope of research location, research time and the

research variable cause this study limited in the scope of:

1. The achievement in the cognitive aspect with the subject of Three

Dimensional Space for Class X in SMA Kalam Kudus Medan for Even

Semester Academic Year 2013/2014.

2. The learning approaches for this study are categorized by using contextual

(CTL) approach and conventional approach.

3. The learning styles of students are categorized into visual learning style and

auditory learning style.

1.4. The Problem of Study

Based on the background and problem identification above, the writer formulates the general problems of the study as “Is there any effect of contextual teaching and learning (CTL) approach to students’ mathematics achievement?” where the study questions are given as follow:

1. Is the students’ mathematics achievement taught by using contextual approach

higher than by using conventional approach?

2. Is the mathematics achievement of students who have visual learning style

higher than students who have auditory learning style?

3. Is there any interaction between learning approach and learning style to the effect to students’ mathematics achievement?

1.5. The Objective of Study

The objectives of the study are:

1. to know the students’ mathematic achievement by using contextual learning



2. to know the students’ mathematics achievement of student who have visual

learning style is higher than student who have auditory learning style

3. to find out the interaction between learning approach and learning style to the effect to students’ mathematics achievement.

1.6. The Significance of Study

The result of this study hopefully will be useful for:

1. For teachers

This study will provide useful experience in designing and facilitating

learning contextual learning. From the experience of the teacher is expected to

develop a learning model, a kind of worksheets and learning resources on the

subject of the other and can implement it in the classroom. This study can also be

used as a reference to determine the appropriate approach to learning with the

learning styles of students in order to achieve the goal of effective learning.

2. For students

This study will be useful because they indirectly helped in being taught

mathematical concepts that provide opportunities for students to improve their

learning outcomes to be optimal. This is due to contextual learning provides

opportunity to interact with his friends and designed the materials studied related

to daily life so that students become more interested in learning math.

3. For researcher

This study will be useful as a reference tool for the researcher as a teacher

in the future to work directly so that can see, feel and appreciate what learning






Based on the result and discussion in the previous chapter can be concluded that there is the effect of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach to the students’ mathematics achievement. It can be shown by:

1. The mathematics achievement of students who taught by contextual approach is

higher than the mathematics achievement of students who taught by conventional


2. The mathematics achievements of students who have visual learning style is higher

than the mathematics achievement of students who have auditory learning style.

3. There is interaction between learning approach and learning style to the students’

mathematics achievement. The students who have visual learning style is better

taught by using contextual learning approach. Meanwhile, the students who have

auditory learning style is better taught by using conventional learning approach.


Based on the conclusion and the relevant study can be offered some suggestions


1. The contextual approach gives the higher students’ mathematics achievement

compared to the conventional approach. Therefore, the mathematic teachers are

suggested to apply contextual approach in the learning activity.

2. For students who have visual learning style are suggested to be taught by

contextual approach, while for students who have auditory learning style are

suggested to be taught by conventional approach.

3. The student’s characteristic which was researched is limited to the learning style.

Because of that, for other researchers are suggested to take study about another students’ characteristic.

4. The contextual and conventional approaches are applied to mathematics learning

of Geometry in the cognitive level, for other researchers are suggested to take




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