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The accuracy and readability of domesticated and foreignized translation of specific words in Stephenie Meyer`S Twilight into Indonesian translation twilight by Devita Sari - USD Repository


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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters










Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters








ro Scientia et Sapientia

On behalf of knowledge and wisdom



For my beloved parents




PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH UNTUK KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS Yang bertanda tangan d bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma Nama : Maria Agatha Rina Widiastuti

Nomor mahasiswa : 054214050


Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya daam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mepublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan saya ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal : 20 Juli 2011

Yang menyatakan,




It is always amazing how many people are willing to give their time and open their doors to help the writing process of my undergraduate thesis. I wish to extend my sincere thanks for the great kindness shown to me during this process.

So, to start at the beginning, an ocean thanks to my beloved parents for the incomparable love and support.

As always, I have relied on the advice of my advisor Harris H. Setiajid S.S, M.Hum., without whose guidance this undergraduate thesis might still be unfinished. I was deeply grateful to my co-advisor Adventina Putranti, S.S., M.Hum. and my examiner Dr. Francis Borgias Alip M.Pd., M.A., for suggestion, correction, and kindness. Without their help, this undergraduate thesis would never come into being.

I owe the world to Rm. Kuncoro Adi. PhD whose incredible patience gave me great support and motivation when I need it.

For my beloved one Dalmi Abdi whose love and affection to me are larger than life, I can never thank him enough for that.

My biggest thanks goes to, my best friend for the past twelve years Sanjay Kusuma for all the happy and sad moments we have been through. My long distance besties Nila Sukma Ayu and my long lost friend Cita Wijaya for understanding everything.

Lastly a million thanks for those whose names I cannot mention here, but I inscribe them on my heart.














CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the study... 1

B. Problem Formulation... 3

C. Objectives of the Study... 3

D. Definition of Terms... 4

CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW A. Review of Related Studies... 6

B. Review of Related Theories... 8

1. Theories on Translation ………...………... 8

2. Foreignizing and Domesticating Strategy... 9

3. Theory of Translation Accuracy ... 10

4. Theory of Translation Readability ... 12

C. Theoretical Framework ………... 13

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY A. Object of the Study... 15

B. Method of the Study... 17

C. Research Procedure... 18

1. Kinds of Data... 18

a. Objective... 18

b. Affective... 18

2. Data Collection... 19

a. Document analysis... 19

b. Questionnaire... 20

3. Data Analysis... 20

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS A. The Accuracy of the Foreignized and Domesticated Translation of Twilight... 22

1. The Accuracy of the Foreignized Translation... 23

2. The Accuracy of the Domesticated Translation... 45



1. The Readability of the Foreignized Translation... 64

2. The Readibility of the Domesticated Translation... 67



APPENDICES Appendix 1 The Accuracy of the Foreignized Translation in Twilight ... 75

Appendix 2 The Accuracy of the Domesticated Translation in Twilight ... 79

Appendix 3 The Readability of the Foreignized Translation in Twilight ...84




MARIA AGATHA RINA WIDIASTUTI The Accuracy and Readability of Domesticated and Foreignized Translation of Specific Words in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight into Indonesian Translation Twilight by Devita Sari Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta, 2011.

Skripsi ini membahas keakuratan dan keterbacaan penerjemahan specific words (kata - kata khusus) yang ditemukan dalam novel Twilight karya Stephenie Meyer dan versi terjemahannya Twilight yang diterjemahkan oleh Lily Devita Sari, kata – kata khusus tersebut dibagi menjadi beberapa kategori antara lain: jarak, pakaian, panggilan, teknologi, warna, tanaman, makanan dan minuman, dan ekspresi sehari-hari. Kata – kata khusus tersebut dipiloh berdasarkan rerata jumlah kata yang didomestikasi dan forenisasi. Berdasarkan teori invisibility penerjemah oleh Venuti terdapat dua pilihan untuk menerjemahkan istilah asing. Pilihan pertama adalah mendomestikasi istilah tersebut, artinya penerjemah mengganti istilah asing dengan padanan kata dalam bahasa sasaran (Bsa). Pilihan kedua, memforenisasi, penerjemah membiarkan istilah asing tidak diterjemahkan.

Dalam skripsi ini terdapat dua perumusan masalah. Masalah yang pertama adalah seberapa akurat penerjemahan kata - kata asing dalam novel asli Twilight

yang diforenisasi dan didomestikasi.Masalah yang kedua adalah seberapa terbaca kata - kata yang diforenisasi dan didomestikasi oleh pembaca sasaran. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh 94 data. Data tersebut terdiri atas 51 data terjemahan yang diforenisasi dan 43 data terjemahan yang didomestikasi.

Metode yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah metode kualitatif yang merupakan gabungan dari penelitian lapangan dan studi pustaka. Penelitian lapangan dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat keakuratan dan keterbacaan terjemahan dengan cara membagikan kuesioner. Sedangkan studi pustaka dilakukan untuk mengetahui strategi penerjemahan yang diterapkan dengan mengumpulkan teori dan artikel-artikel lain untuk mendukung penelitian.




MARIA AGATHA RINA WIDIASTUTI The Accuracy and Readability of Domesticated and Foreignized Translation of Specific Words in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight into Indonesian Translation Twilight by Devita Sari. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta, 2011.

This undergraduate thesis discusses the accuracy and readability of domesticated and foreignized translation of specific words in Meyer’s Twilight. What I meant by specific words are : measurement, clothes, words of address, technological words, colors, plants, food and drinks, and everyday expression. Those specific words are chosen based on the balance of the number of domesticated and foregnized words. According to Venuti’s Translator Invisibility Theory there are two strategies to translate cultural words. The first strategy is domestification meaning to say the translator replace the cultural terms with equivalent meaning into target text. Second is foreignzation, translator leaves the cultural terms untranslated.

There are two problem formulations in this undergraduate thesis. The first problem is the accuracy of the translation of the domesticated adn foreignized of specific words in Twilight. The second problem is how readable domesticated and foreignized translation of those specific words by target reader. From the research it is obtained 94 data. The data consists of 51 foreignized translations and 43 domesticated translations.

The method used in this study is qualitative with combination of field and library research. The field reserach is applied to find out the accuracy and readability of the translation by distributing questionnaires to the respondents. Meanwhile library research is used to find out the applied translation strategies by collecting theories and articles to support this research




A. Background of the Study


strategic options that can be applied by a translator to translate the source text, in this case is a prose. First is foreignizing, that is a translator chooses to be “visible” to the readers. The translation reads fairly fluently but has a slightly alien feel. One can tell, reading it, that it is a translation, not an original work. The following exemplifies the strategy of foreignizing :

Source Text:

"I'm sorry," Langdon said, "but I'm very tired and"

"Mais, monsieur," the concierge pressed, lowering his voice to an urgent whisper. "Your guest is an important man."

Target Text:

“Maaf,” ujar Langdon, “Tetapi saya sangat letih dan _”

"Mais, monsieur,” penerima tamu itu memaksa, seraya merendahkan suaranya menjadi bisikan yang mendesak. “Tetapi tamu anda orang penting.”

(From Dan Brown’s “Da Vinci Code”, translated into bahasa Indonesia by Koesalamwandi).

In the above passage the translator keeps the word “mais, monsieur”

untranslated. Unlike foreign readers, Indonesian readers will not get the meaning of the word “mais, monsieur” is, but the translator makes it untranslated in order to keep the original style of the novel. Those peculiar French salutation make the reader imagines that the conversation occurs somewhere in French. This kind of translation method is called foreignizing, the word being foreignized is “mais, monseiur”.


alternatives. The decision to choose has been elaborate based on Venuti’s the theory of invisibility

The choice a translator takes in translating certain words, i.e. specific terms, is worth analyzing, since we can explore further the translator’s reason in choosing the strategy.

It is exactly problems which become the concern of this thesis. It tries to see whether the foreignized and domesticated translation are accurate and readable or not. Eventually, we can know whether the translator’s strategy choice is visible or not in delivering the text to the target readers.

B. Problem Formulation

To narrow down my writing, some questions related to the topic have been prepared. The problems are formulated as follows:

1. How is the accuracy of the foreignized and domesticated Indonesian translation of the specific terms in Meyer’s Twilight?

2. How is the readibility of the foreignized and domesticated Indonesian translation of the specific terms in Meyer’s Twilight?

C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the problems above, there are three objectives of this study. First is to figure out the translation of the specific terms in Meyer’s Twilight


the translated novel.

D. Definition of Terms

Accuracy means to communicate the same meaning as the source language (Larson, 1984: 49). It means to say that the words or phrases or clauses of the target language should convey the best closest meaning in order that target readers are getting the same essence.

Readability is how easily written materials can be read and understood. Richard (1985 : 238) in Nababan (1999:62).

Translator’s Choice is when translating a text, especially one with culturally loaded terms, a translator is faced with a certain choice, i.e. strategic option. He might choose to steer his/her translation clear of the foreign terminologies, thus domesticating, or to keep the terminologies untranslated, thus foreignizing.

Domesticating means that sometimes when translators translate source text into target text there might be some untranslatable cultural expression. Therefore the translators should do what is called domesticating or explaining the cultural terms in long sentences or even change it into domestic term. When the translators do domesticating then the translators might choose to be invisible to the reader as well.


which the text being translated is written (Shuttleworth & Cowie 1997: 157). It is the language in which the text requiring translation. In this study, Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight, which is the source text (ST), is written in English. Therefore, English is the SL.

Target Language (TL) is the language into which the original text is to be translated (Harvey and Higgins, 1992:15). In this study the target text (TT), Lily Devita Sari’s Twilight,is written in Indonesian therefore the target language (TL) is lndonesian.

Source text (ST) is the text, which provides the point of departure for a translation (Shuttleworth & Cowie, 1997:157). Source text is sometimes referred to as the original version of the text. In this study, the ST is the English text or the original version of Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight.

Target Text is one of the standard terms used to describe a text, which has been produced, by an act of translation (Shuttleworth & Cowie 1997:164). The target text is referred to as the translated version of a text. In this study the TT is the Indonesian text that is the text of Lily Devita Sari’s




A. Review on Related Studies

There was a thesis done by Kubečková from Masaryk University Czech Republik. Her research focused on the accuracy of the Czech translation and analysis of the

first chapter of the novel Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. The first chapter of her

thesis discussed the contradictory principles on the translation by Jiri Levy. The

second chapter concerned basic principles on translation mentioned by Dagmar

Knittlova. Then the third and the forth chapters focused on the grammatical and

lexical aspects. All discussed features are accompanied by illustrations of the

original, practical part and original Czech translation.

Different from Kubečková, Yulianti has a different interest in discussing the analysis in translation. Her study entitled Translation Analysis of Promising

Utterances in the Novel Twilight by Stephenie Meyer Translated into Twilight

(Pragmatic Perspective), focused on pragmatic principles of promising utterances.

Reynold in her Master of Arts thesis entitled Screams, vampires, Werewolves and

Autographs ; An Exploration of the Twilight Phenomenon tries to examine the pop

culture phenomenon of Meyer’s Twilight. Using a qualitative method of

grounded theory, meanings and constructs were develop from the data. She

gathered the data from three events centered around the release of the Twilight

film adaptation, and the release of the fourth and final book in the Twilight saga.


they were read and then coded. After the coding process a follow up interview

was conducted with ten nominated and willing Twilight fans. The results had

theoretical roots in uses and gratifications theory as well as parasocial theory

(Reynolds, 2009: 5).

Sapunto‘s research paper (2009) of Sebelas Maret University of Surakarta

entitled The Struggle of Love of Edward Cullen to Save Her Love in Twilight Movie:

Individual Psychological Analysis. His study is qualitative method. He analyzed

about the struggle of Edward to keep his love survives. The struggle of Edward huge

a lot in his striving to protect his love Isabella, his huge love makes him not able to

change Isabella into a vampire and with a strong fictional finalism to keep her always

beside him.

From the review of the studies above, it is seen that previous studies

discussed on either the accuracy of translation or the pragmatic principles of

promising utterances of the translation. On the contrary Sapunto‘s research paper

is very different, instead of discussing the the linguistics aspect on the novel, he

discussed the literature aspects namely the struggle of love in the protagonist

character Edward Cullen. I present a different topic that is the translation accuracy

and readibility of domesticated and foreignized of the specific terms. Specific

terms here mean terms related to measurements, clothes, terms of address,


B. Review on Related Theories 1. Theories on Translation

Translation is variedly defined. One might say that translation is translating the

source text into target text. Or even one can also say that translation is about

transferring message from one culture to other culture. There are many kinds of

translation theories that are applied on this study. Those theories can be seen in

the following explanation.

Eugene A. Nida, a famous American translator of the Bible, is well known

for his works in semantic structure and translation theory. According to Nida

(1974 : 12) translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest

natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and

secondly in terms of style. The crucial thing pointed out by Nida is the message,

therefore translation must aim to reproduce the message. And to reproduce the

message one must make grammatical and lexical adjustment.

Shuttleworth and Cowie (1997) in Dictionary of Translation Studies stated

that translation is an incredibly board notion which can be understood in many

different ways. For example, one may talk of translation as a process or a product,

and identify such sub-types as literary translation, technical translation, subtitling

and machine translation; moreover, while more typically it just refers to the

transfer of written texts, the term sometimes also includes interpreting. This

definition conveys further information about sub-types of translation that is not

only including written text but also technical translation that has been developed


2. Foreignizing and Domesticating Strategy

Discussing translator’s invisibility, we must also include translation

foreignizing and domesticating. The theory on foreignizing translation and

domesticating translation can help to convey the idea of translator’s invisibility.

As stated by Schleimacher in Venuti (1995: 20),

Translation can never be completely adequate to the foreign text, the translator allowed to choose between a domesticating method, an ethnocentric reduction of the foreign text to target-language cultural values, bringing the author back home.

It means that sometimes when translators translate source text into target

text there might be some untranslatable cultural expression. Therefore the

translators should do what is called domesticating or explaining the cultural terms

in a long sentences or even change it into domestic terms. When the translators do

domesticating then the translators might choose to be invisible to the reader as


Different from domesticating, foreignizing is a translation strategy in

which the translators will leave the cultural terms be untranslated. The aim of this

strategy is merely to bring the readers abroad or to keep the sense of the literary



3. Theory of Translation Accuracy

Historically, translation was introduced as fidelity (word-for-word

translation) referring to how accurately a translation translates the meaning of the

source text. (Munday, 2001:24). But the judgment is vague and subjective because

it sets standards to translate the text. In process of translating, the original text

should be written clearly and communicate the same message as the original text

within the linguistic (i.e. context, rules of grammar, idioms). Translation should

reach both clear and succinct in order to convey the message correctly in the

target language. Thus the translator must have a sufficient knowledge of the field

being translated to have a full understanding of the subject matter to produce both

accurate and easy translation to read. Nida, in the theory and practice of

translation, states that the new focus in translating should be in the form of

response of receptor rather than in the form of message. Correctness makes certain

that the reader in the target language understand it correctly. Hence, the translators

often need to change their view of the languages to produce texts which achieve

the equivalent response. There is a shift of attitudes with respect the receptors


1. Each language has its own genius; it has different characteristics which

give a special character. Some languages are rich in figurative language, but

others are rich in modal particles. For example word-building capacities, unique

patterns of phrase orders, techniques for linking clauses into sentences, etc. Rather

than force the formal structure of one language, it would be better to reproduce the


2. To preserve the content of the message the form must be changed. All

languages differ in forms, and then the forms must be altered to preserve the

content. The changes depend on the linguistic and cultural distance between

languages, for example, white as snow. The word snow is not familiar to people

who do not know snow, so it is translated as egret feather , in another language.

(Nida, 1974 :5)

The following categories will help to elaborate the theory accuracy of

translation. This below table that has been proposed by Nababan as cited in

Setiajid’s study could be used to find out the accuracy of a translation. In these

categories, one thing to note is that the meaning has been focus of the translation.

Table 1. Accuracy Rating Instrument (Nababan, in Setiajid, 2007: 10)

Scale Indicator

1 The content of the Sl sentence is accurately conveyed in the

TL sentence. The sentence as the result of translation is felt

clear by assessor and there is no need of rewriting.

2 The content of the Sl sentence is accurately conveyed in the

TL sentence. The sentence as the result of translation is felt

clear by assessor but there are needs of rewriting and word


3 The content of the SL sentence is not accurately conveyed in

the TL sentence. There are some problems in choosing

words and its relation with phrase, clause, and sentence


4 The SL sentence is not completely translated in the TL


4. Theory of Translation Readability

A transferred material text has to fulfill the clarity so that what is written can be

easily comprehended by the readers. A translation product which is highly

readable makes the readers feel that it is the original one, not a translation.

Many theorists suggest how a translation can be regarded as a ‘good

translation’. One of them is A. F. Lord Woodhouselee Tytler who is quoted by

Roger T. Bell in Translation and Translating: Theory and Practice to write

I would therefore describe a good translation to be, That in which the merit of the original work is so completely transfused into another language, as to be as distinctly apprehended, and as strongly felt, by a native of the country to which that language belongs, as it is by those who speak the language of the original work. (Tytler in Bell, 1991: 11)

Tytler suggests that a ‘good translation’ has to deliver the ST message

completely and that the TT should gain the similar response of the TT reader as it

does for the ST reader. In a simple word, the first requirement refers to the

accuracy or equivalence of the TT and the second requirement refers to the

readability of the TT.

Furthermore, he introduces three laws of translation as follows:

i. That the translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the

original work.

ii. That the style and manner of writing should be of the same character

with that of the original

iii. That the Translation should have all the ease of original composition.


These three translation laws strengthen the previous ideas that a ‘good

translation’ should, first, deliver the message to the TT just as equivalent as the

ST message; second, maintain the originality of the ST writing style; and third

that the translation should deliver the original message in the acceptable form and

easy expression for the target readers.

In testing the readability, the study uses the ‘readability-rating instrument’

that is a modification of Nababan’s ‘accuracy-rating instrument’. The instrument

is as follows.

Table 2. Nababan’s Readability Rating Instrument (in Setiajid, 2007: 10, translated)

Scale Indicator

1 The TT term is easy to read. The whole terms of the

translation products can be fully understood by the TL


2 The TT term is somewhateasy to read. However, there are

some terms that cannot be fully understood by the TL readers.

3 The TT term is hard to read. Most of the terms cannot be

understood by the TL readers.

4 The TT adverbial clause is completely hard to read. All terms

cannot be understood or are not translated at all.

C. Theoretical Framework

General principles of translating proposed by Nida provides a clear point

about what principles a translator should follow in order to make a good

translation. The theory of translating by Cowie gives obvious understanding on

what difficulties will a translation face in the process of translating, notably


notes that translators have two choices, they are domesticating and foreignizing.

The theory of translation accuracy by Nababan cited in Setiajid (2007) is needed

to help the study answer the first problem formulation. The study also presents the

theory of readability and the readability-rating instrument by Nababan with





A. Object of the Study

The objects of this study are the novel Twilight by Stephenie Meyer and its Indonesian translation Twilight by Lily Devita Sari. This study aims to examine the accuracy and readibility of domesticated and foreignzed translation of specific terms from Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight as the source language (SL) text to Lily Devita Sari’s Indonesian translation as the target language (TL) text.

Twilight, which tells about the relationship between a human being and a vampire, can be classified under the genre of romance, with the target audience comprised mostly of young-adult readers. It became an instant bestseller when published originally in hardcover in 2005, debuting at number 5 on the New York Times Best Seller list within a month of its release and later peaking at number 1. In the same year, Twilight was named one of Publishers Weekly's Best Children's Books of 2005. The novel was also the biggest selling book of 2008 and has sold 17 million copies worldwide, spent over 91 weeks on the New York Times Best Seller list, and been translated into 37 different languages. In October 2008,

Twilight was ranked #26 in USA Today's list of "Bestselling Books of Last 15 Years”. Later, the book went on to become the best-selling book of 2008.


categories of Best Movie Best Female Performance, Breakthrough Performance Male, and Best Fight.

Apart from the significant amount of positive responses achieved by

Twilight, this novel was also selected as the object of this study for several other reasons.

1. First, the novel was written in 2005. Therefore, the English version could be categorized as the current English, and the meaning of words and expressions are still relevant to the current English words and expressions. 2. Secondly, as stated by the publisher, the novel is one of the best selling

novels of Stephenie Meyer. It means that the novel presents a good quality text and is sufficiently interesting for people to read.

3. Thirdly, the novel was translated into Indonesian in 2008. Therefore, the meaning of words and expressions in the Indonesian version are also up to date and still relevant to the Indonesian words and expressions used at the moment.

4. Fourth, the SL version of Twilight contains a lot of foreignized terms, so it becomes a good material for this study, which discusses the topic of foreignization. With many instances of foreignization in the novel, I can have sufficient examples to analyze.


translated version are still in the same era; there is no potential misunderstanding because of differences in era.

B. Method of the Study

This study employs the combination of two methods, namely library research and empirical research. Library research is a method of collecting data in the form of books, articles, study reports and academic papers which are relevant to the topic or the object of this study. In this study, the method of library research is conducted to collect relevant literary translation theories, particularly the theories of domestication and foreignization. As part of the library research, I do not only read both the SL and TL versions of the novel Twilight, but also a number of related studies and theories. The knowledge gained from this process forms a strong foundation to construct the questionnaires as the research instrument for further survey and to support the results of the study.

Meanwhile, empirical research is a method that prioritizes collecting primary data rather than relying on published materials. It normally involves face-to-face interview or direct observation by distributing questionnaires (http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/field-research.html). In this study, the method of field research is employed to find out the accuracy of the translation of specific terms in Meyer’s Twilight. The field research, which was conducted after the library research, aimed to discover the qualified readers’ response regarding the accuracy and readibility of the Indonesian translation of Twilight


C. Research Procedure 1. Kinds of Data a. Objective

Since this research is a qualitative one, the data that emerged are descriptive, that is, the data are reported in words (Creswell, 1994:162). In this paper I use objective data, the source text is Meyer’s Twilight and the target text is the Indonesian version. The analysis unit in this paper is the accuracy of translation domesticated and foreignized specific terms. Therefore the data which are collected in this paper are the foreign or cultural terms and their translation.

Twilight was written by Stephenie Meyer and published by Little, Brown and Company in October 5th 2005. It consists of 544 pages. Twilight tells the story of Bella Swan and the vampire she falls in love with, Edward Cullen. Bella moves to the small and rainy town of Forks, Washington, to live with her father after her mother remarries.

Twilight was translated into Bahasa Indonesia by Lily Devita Sari and edited by Rossi Simamora. The translation was entitled Twilight and published by PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. This Indonesian version consist of 750 pages. b. Affective


For evaluating the translation’s accuracy, the study involves three respondent that considered expert for their abilities in analyzing English text. All the respondents meet the qualification to serve as respondents to rate the quality of translation because their academic background were majoring in English. The first respondent is an English teacher in ELTI Gramedia Yogyakarta, the second respondent is a doctoral degree lecturer who teach international class of international relation department in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, and the third respondent is a lecturer as well, teaching English Literature in Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto.

Readibility is tested by distributing questionnaires to 10 respondents of 18-20 years old who are selected to represent the population of Twilight readers. The respondents are students of some universities from various study programs.

2. Data Collection

The data collection in this paper was conducted through document analysis and field survey by distributing questionnaire.

a. Document analysis

To collect the data I read the story in order to have better understanding of the story itself and to find some cultural terms and how they are translated. After collecting, then I made a list of the cultural terms and their translation.


b. Questionnaire

Field survey is done using instruments notably questionnaires to find the responses of the readers toward the translation of domesticated and foreignized of specific terms in Twilight, in case of its accuracy and readability.

There are two kinds of questionnaire namely translation accuracy and translation readability questionnaires. In both questionnaires, scale options 1 up to 4 is given to score the translation products. Scale 1 refers to very accurate for accuracy – rating and higly readable for readability-rating. The scale 2,3, and 4 each refers to accurate and readable translation, inaccurate or unreadable translation, and very inaccurate or highly unreadable. Before distributing the questionnaires, what have been done in document analysis is repeated except for observing the strategies. After that, I distributed the questionnaires to chosen respondents. The distribution involved several respondents with particular criteria. After questionnaires had been distributed, I gave a week time for the respondents to fill the questionnaires. A week later, I collected the questionnaires and then began to analyze and process it through calculating and recording

3. Data Analysis





This chapter contains an analysis of the translation of Stephenie Meyer’s

Twilight, which was originally written in English, into Indonesian. To be precise,

this analysis aims to answer the questions of accuracy and readability of the

foreignized and domesticated Indonesian translation of Twilight.

Foreignization refers to a translation strategy that employs “close

adherence to the foreign text” (Venuti, 1995: 97) and “register the linguistic and

cultural differences of the foreign text” (Venuti, 1995: 20). On the other hand,

domestication refers to a translation strategy that replaces “the linguistic and

cultural differences of the foreign text with a text that is intelligible to the

translating-language reader”, in order to “bring back a cultural other as the

recognizable” (Venuti, 1995: 14).

The analysis is divided into two parts below; the first part aims to answer

the first problem formulation regarding accuracy, while the second part aims to

answer the second problem formulation regarding readability of the foreignized

and domesticated translation.

A. The Accuracy of the Foreignized and Domesticated Translation of Twilight

In accordance to the first problem formulation, the first part of this chapter


For this purpose, this part is further divided into two sub-parts; the first sub-part

discusses the accuracy of the foreignized translation, while the second sub-part

discusses the accuracy of the domesticated translation. In each sub-part, the data

consisting of source text (ST) and target text (TT) are presented in a table and

given accuracy scores based on the respondents’ input.

1. The Accuracy of the Foreignized Translation

As mentioned above, foreignization refers to a translation strategy that

employs “close adherence to the foreign text” (Venuti, 1995: 97) and “register the

linguistic and cultural differences of the foreign text” (Venuti, 1995: 20). This

section aims to analyze the expressions that experienced foreignization in the

translation of Twilight from the original English text to the Indonesian text. Those

expressions can be classified into eight categories below, namely measurement,

clothes, terms of address, technological terms, colors, plants, food and drink, and

everyday expressions. The standart of the accuracy is based on the following


Table 2 Accuracy Indicator

Scale Indicator

1 – 1.5



The content of the Sl sentence is accurately conveyed in the TL

sentence. The sentence as the result of translation is felt clear by

assessor and there is no need of rewriting.

1.6 – 2.5


The content of the Sl sentence is accurately conveyed in the TL

sentence. The sentence as the result of translation is felt clear by

assessor but there are needs of rewriting and word rearranging.

2.6 – 3.5


The content of the SL sentence is not accurately conveyed in the

TL sentence. There are some problems in choosing words and its

relation with phrase, clause, and sentence elements.

3.6 – 4


The SL sentence is not completely translated in the TL sentence,

omitted in purpose.

a. Measurement

2/ST/M/14 I wouldn’t be face with the choice of either walking two miles in the rain to school or accepting a ride in the Chief’s cruiser. (p 8)

2/TT/M/14 Aku takkan dihadapkan pada pilihan berjalan dua mil ke sekolah hujan hujan ataukah menumpang mobil patroli polisi. (hal 20) Score: 2

The translation of the term two miles into dua mil can be regarded as

foreignization, because mile is not the usual unit of measurement for distance in

Indonesia. Indonesians normally use the metric system, such as metre or


American habit to measure distance with mile and thus employs foreignization.

The respondents consider the translation accurate.

b. Clothes

15/ST/C/38 She was wearing a purple t shirt,..(p 13)

15/TT/C/38 Ia mengenakan T-shirt ungu,…(hal 25) Score 1.3

The translation of the term a purple t shirt into t – shirt ungu can be

regarded as foreignization, because actually the English word t-shirt has the

equivalent in Indonesian, namely kaos or kaos oblong. The translator chooses to

keep the English word t-shirt instead, so it can be concluded that the translator

employed foreignization. On the other hand, this translation is considered very accurate because the readers are very familiar with the translation and they can easily understand the meaning of the word t-shirt, even though it originates from

an English word.

14/ST/C/3 My carry-on item was a parka. (p 3)

14/TT/C/3 Benda yang kubawa –

bawa adalah sepotong parka.(hal. 15) Score: 1.6

The translator’s act of keeping the word parka in the translation can be

regarded as foreignization because the clothing item parka is clearly strange or

unfamiliar to the Indonesian readers. Based on Oxford Dictionary,parka is a type of heavy jacket with a hood, often lined with fur or fake fur, so as to protect the

face from a combination of freezing temperatures and wind. This kind of garment,

which was originally made from caribou or seal, was invented by the Caribou


replace the term parka. Therefore, the translator’s decision to foreignize the term

or left it untranslated is considered accurate by the respondents. Although it is doubtful whether the respondents really believe it is accurate or they have no


16/ST/C/42 ….two unisex raincoats

through the door. (p 15)

16/TT/C/42 …..dua orang yang mengenakan jas hujan

uniseks melewati pintu. (hal 27) Score: 2

The translation of the word unisex into uniseks in the TT can be regarded as

foreignization because the translator leaves the term unisex, which in this context

means that the raincoat can be used by men and women, untranslated. The

translator only changes the spelling to match the Indonesian common spelling of

the phoneme /ks/. Meanwhile, the respondents argue that the translation is


19/ST/C/160 Mike was coming toward me in khaki shorts and a striped Rugby shirt, waving. (p 143)

19/TT/C160 Ia mengenakan celana pendek khaki, dan T shirt Rugby bergaris dan sedang melambai ke arahku..(hal 156) Score: 2

This sentence contains a number of specific terms of clothing, namely

khaki shorts and Rugby shirt. The translation of khaki shorts into celana pendek

khaki and Rugby shirt into T shirt Rugby can be regarded as foreignization. The

term khaki means cream-colored, so khaki shorts means cream-colored shorts.

Rugby shirt is the line-patterned shirt commonly used by Rugby players, while


foreignization because she keeps the words khaki and Rugby instead of explaining

or describing the clothing item using the more familiar Indonesian words. Despite

the foreignization strategy, the respondents maintain that the translation is


20/ST/C/174 …underneath he wore an ivory turtleneck sweater. (p 170)

20/TT/C/ 174 …dibalik jaketnya ia mengenakan sweter turtleneck kuning gading. (hal 183) Score: 1.6

The translator chooses to leave the term turtleneck untranslated in the TT.

This act can be regarded as foreignization because the translator clearly chooses to

use the original term, namely turtleneck, rather than explain about the shape of the

sweater in Indonesian. The term turtleneck is less familiar in Indonesian than in

English, but actually the clothing item is also less familiar in Indonesia rather than

in the United Sates, which has colder temperature than tropical countries like

Indonesia. The respondents consider the translation accurate.

22/ST/C/185 I pulled on my brown turtleneck and the inescapable, sighing as I daydreamed of spaghetti straps and shorts. (p 226)

22/TT/C/185 Aku mengenakan

kaus turtleneck cokelat dan jinsku sambil mendesah membayangkan tanktopdan celana pendek. (hal 240) Score: 2.3

Just like in data number 20 above, this sentence also contains the term

turtleneck. The translator chooses to leave the term turtleneck untranslated in the


to use the original term, namely turtleneck. The respondents consider the

translation accurate.

22/ST/C/185 I pulled on my brown turtleneck and the inescapable, sighing as I daydreamed of spaghetti straps and shorts. (p 226)

22/TT/C/185 Aku mengenakan kaus turtleneck cokelat dan jinsku sambil mendesah membayangkan tanktop dan celana pendek. (hal 240) Score: 2.3

Spaghetti straps is translated into tanktop. It seems clear that translator

chooses the word tanktop to replace the term spaghetti straps whose meaning

actually is a very thin shoulder strap used in clothing, such as camisoles, crop

tops, cocktail dresses and evening gowns, so-named for it resemblance to the thin

pasta strings called spaghetti straps (http / www.wikipedia.com). The main reason

to change this term is because the word spaghetti straps or tali spaghetti in the

Indonesian language is not very common. Although such translation of the

specific term above is still considered accurate.

23/ST/C/200 I pulled on my holey T-shirt and gray

sweatpants. (p 298)

23/TT/C/200 Kukenakan T-shirt lusuhku dan celana jogging abu- abuku. (hal 315)

Score: 2.3

Just like in data number 15 above, this sentence contain the term T-shirt.

The translator chooses to leave the term T-shirt untranslated in the TT. This act

can be regarded as foreignization because the translator clearly prefer to use the


oblong. On the other hand, this translation is considered accurate because the readers are also familiar with the term T-shirt.

24/ST/C/201 Too late to regret not packing the

Victoria’s secret silk pajamas my mother got me…(p298)

24/TT/C/201 Terlambat untuk menyesal karena tidak membawa piama sutra Victoria Secret yang diberikan ibuku….(hal 315)

Score: 1.6

The translator leaves the term Victoria's Secret untranslated in the TT.

This act can be regarded as foreignization because the translator keeps the proper

name Victoria’s Secret, which refers to a famous international brand of clothing

and requires certain knowledge of global cultural context, rather than explains in

Indonesian or changes it to another term which is more suitable for Indonesian

cultural context. The respondents consider the translation accurate.

c. Terms of address

25/ST/A/5 I love you Mom. (p 4) 25/TT/A/5 Aku sayang padamu ,

Mom. (hal. 16) Score: 2.3

The translator leaves the term Mom untranslated in the TT. This act can be

regarded as foreignization because the translator keeps the English term of

address, whereas the Indonesian language has so many equivalent terms to

address a mother, such as Bu, Mah, Bunda, and so on. Most respondents

considered the translation ccurate, although one of the respondents argues that the

translation is inaccurate because the term of address Mom could be replaced by

other equivalent term of address in Indonesian, such as Bu, Mah, and so on. The


26/ST/A/10 It’s good to see you, too, Dad. (p 6)

26/TT/A/10 Aku juga senang ketemu kau, Dad. (hal 18)

Score: 2.3

Just like the sentence above, the translator chooses to leave the term Dad

untranslated in the TT. This act can be regarded as foreignization because the

translator keeps the English term of address, whereas the Indonesian language has

so many equivalent terms to address a father, such as Pak, Pah, Ayah, and so on.

Most respondents generally considered accurate, although one of the respondents

argues that the translation is inaccurate because the term of address Dad could be

replaced by other equivalent term of address in Indonesian. The average score for

this term is 2.3 therefore the result is accurate.

29/ST/A/44 …whose desk had a nameplate identifying him as Mr. Mason. (p 15)

29/TT/A/44 …di mejanya terdapat papan nama bertuliskan Mr. Mason. (hal 27)

Score: 2

The translator leaves the title Mister in the phrase Mr. Mason untranslated

in the TT. This act can be regarded as foreignization because the translator keeps

the English title, even though there is an equivalent term in Indonesian, namely

Pak or Bpk, short for Bapak. Nevertheless, the respondents consider the

translation accurate.

30/ST/A/47 Mr. Varner, who I would

have hated anyway ..(p 17)

30/TT/A/47 ..,Mr. Varner, yang toh bakal kubenci juga …(hal 29)


Just like in data number 29 above, the translator leaves the title Mister in

the phrase Mr. Varner untranslated in the TT. This act can be regarded as

foreignization because the translator keeps the English title, even though there is

an equivalent term in Indonesian, namely Pak or Bpk. Nevertheless, the three

respondents give an exact score for the translation, which means that they

consider the translation accurate.

32/ST/A/55 Mr. Banner signed my

slip and handed me a book with no nonsense about introductions. (p 23)

32/TT/A/55 Mr. Banner

menandatangani kertasku dan

menyerahkan sebuah buku tanpa berbasa – basi tentang perkenalan . (hal 36)

Score: 2

Just like in the two pieces of data above, the translator leaves the title

Mister in the phrase Mr. Banner untranslated in the TT. This act can be regarded

as foreignization because the translator keeps the English title, even though there

is an equivalent term in Indonesian, namely Pak or Bpk. The respondents still give

the same score and consider the translation accurate.

37/ST/A/112 “Okay , guys, I want you all to take one piece from each box” (p.94)

37/TT/A/112 “oke, guys, aku mau kalian mengambil satu potongan dari masing- masing kotak ” (hal 106)

Score: 2

The translator leaves the term of address guys untranslated in the TT. This

act can be regarded as foreignization because the translator keeps the English

term, although it is actually a little informal to say guys, which has the same


atmosphere by keeping the word guys rather than writing anak-anak or

murid-murid. The respondents consider the translaton accurate.

38/ST/A/120 Ms. Cope, the

redheaded front office receptionist,.. (p 98)

38/TT/A/120 Miss Cope, petugas

TU yang berambut merah… (hal 110) Score: 2.3

The translator translates the title Ms. in the phrase Ms. Cope into Miss

Cope in the TT. Although there is a change from Ms to Miss, which is more

familiar for Indonesian readers, this act can still be regarded as foreignization

because the translator keeps the English title rather than uses the Indonesian

equivalents such as Ibu/Bu or Nona. Two respondents consider the translation

accurate because it already conveys the meaning of the source text, only one

resident considers the translation Miss Cope inaccurate. However the average

score for this term is 2.3 therefore the result is accurate.

43/ST/A/199 “Yes Ma’am” and he

made a show of becoming a statue on the edge of my bed. (p 298)

43/TT/A/199 “Ya, ma’am” dan ia

berpura – pura

seperti patung di

ujung tempat

tidurku. (hal 314)

Score: 2

In the translation above, the word in ST is not translated because it is

already familiar in the TT, but one respondent argued that there is nothing wrong

if replaced by Indonesian lexicon like mama or ibu. Even so the translation is


d. Technological terms

49/ST/T/100 …,the tenor of my e-mails alerted Renee to my depression. (p 71)

49/TT/T/100 …emosi yang terpancar dalam e-mail e-e-mailku membuat renee menyadari keadaanku yang tertekan. (hal 82)

Score: 1.3

The term e-mails which stands for electronic mail is left untranslated by

the translator, despite of there is Indonesian term surel or surat elektronik . Even

so the respondents argued that the result is accurate.

45/ST/T/46 I wondered if my mom would send me my folder of old essays,…(p 15)

45/TT/T/46 Aku membayangkan apakah ibuku mau mengirim folder esai- esai lamaku… (hal 27) Score: 1.6

One respondent thinks that the translation is undoubtedly very accurate,

the foreignizing of term folder quite understandable and acceptable in the TT, but

two respondents suggest that the term of the folder may be replaced with the word

berkas. Even so, overall translation is accurate.

51/ST/T/147 I dug through my desk until I found my old headphones, and I plugged them into my little CD player. ( p 129)

51/TT/T/147 Aku mencari – cari di mejaku sampai aku menemukan

headphone tuaku, dan memasangkannya ke CD player kecilku. ( hal 142)

Score: 2

The translation of the specific terms in the sentence actually has delivered


the specific terms. Nevertheless a contrastive respondents has another opinion, he

advocated the translation would be better if the translator translates a CD player

into pemutar CD. Translation of this term considered accurate.

52/ST/T/154 I shot down a few more pop – ups and then typed in one word. ( p 133)

52/TT/T/154 Kututup beberapa iklan pop up yang masih bermunculan. (hal 146)

Score: 2.3

Definition of the term pop ups are form of online advertizing in a website

intended to attrack web traffic or capture email addresses, pop ups usually appear

on our web page open. And I think there has been no standard translation of pop

up in the TT, and therefore the most appropriate way to deliver it is foreignized or

let it not be translated. Because without being translated that term is stiil

understood by the reader. Therefore, the respondents argued that the translation

is accurate.

54/ST/T/180 ….pulling a tall metal frame on wheels that held a heavy-looking, outdated TV and VCR. (p 218)

54/TT/T/180 -sambil menarik kereta beroda dengan TV dan VCR…(hal 232) Score: 1.6

In this point, the translation TV and VCR into TV dan VCR can be

categorized into accurate Because the meaning has been conveyed properly,

although the translator chose to foreignized the both terms. The term TV is an

abbreviation of the word television in Indonesian and that was adapted from his

native language into televisi and that is also abbreviated with the same word (TV),

so I guess it does not matter if it is translated to TV since the term is already


videocassette recorder is a type of video tape cassette recorder to play videotype

that is now rarely used and found. For this VCR word I think it is less well known

in the Indonesian language, nevertheless the respondents argued that the

translation does not reduce the level of accuracy. While the VCR is not too

commonly used in the Indonesian language, respondents believed that readers

would have easily understood what that term because the context of the situation

described in the novel, that is at the time Bella was in the Biology Lab and his

teacher told him that the lesson that day was watching a documentary movie. I

think a few snippets of the novel is already more than enough to show that the

term VCR can be easily understood by the reader.

55/ST/T/181 Mr. Banner shoved the tape into reluctant VCR. (p 218)

55/TT/T/181 Mr. banner

memasukkan tape ke VCR…(hal232) Score: 2

The translation is accurate but however, one respondent argues that

although does not really affect its meaning, the word reluctant should also be

given equivalent translation.

56/ST/T/189 “master cylinder” he grinned (p 238)

56/TT/T/189 “master cylinder” ia nyengir (hal 252) Score: 2

Specific terms to be discussed is the word master cylinder which was not

translated by the translator or in other word is foreignized, the definition of the

word master cylinder is one of the electronic device is in a car usually found on


language to describe the master cylinder, respondents argue not let it be translated

is the wisest decision. Therefore, they assess the translation accurate.

57/ST/T/197 ….heating it in the microwave. (p 293)

57/TT/T/197 …,kemudian memanaskannya di microwave. (hal 309) Score: 2

The term microwave is very down to earth and trustworthy has been

understood by the reader, because the object is already widely used in Indonesia.

Translator’s choice to let it not be translated accurately assessed by the


46/ST/T/69 Your blouse is at the dry – cleaners…(p 34)

46/TT/T/69 Blus pinkmu ada di dry clean-..(hal 46)

Score ; 3

The translation is too texty, especially related with the fact that not

everyone knows the meaning of the word dry clean. Dry cleaning is any cleaning

process for clothing and textiles using a chemical solvent rather than water.

Therefore, rather than, let it untranslated, would be better if the translator

translated it into cuci kering. No wonder if the respondents consider the

translation innacurate.

53/ST/T/155 I waited impatiently for

it to load,…(p 133)

53/TT/T/155 Aku tak sabar menunggu situs itu hingga terdownload sempurna (hal 146) Score ; 2.6

In the sentences above the words load could mean up or down, besides in

the TT is known of the term unggah atau unduh. For this reason the respondents


e. Colors

64/ST/Co124 The mint green walls

stayed where they should. ( p 99)

64/TT/Co/124 Dinding bewarna

hijau mint

disekelilingku tidak berputar – putar lagi. (hal 112)

Score: 2

The term mint mentioned in the above sentence is originally derived from

the term mint leaves. The plant, indigenous to Europe, and its color is green and

rarely grow in hot climate like in Indonesia. But at this moment mint leaves is

often found in certain supermarkets. The term mint has a translation in the

Indonesian language menthol. Nevertheless translator chose to foreignize that

term because it will be easier to imagine what shape and color of daun mint than

imagining color of daun menthol. Translation of this term is considered


f. Plants

67/ST/P/30 ..but the tan upholstered seats still smelled faintly of tobacco, gasoline, and peppermint. (p 12)

67/TT/P/30 …tapi dari jok berlapis kulit coklat itu samar – samar masih tercium bau tembakau, bensin dan peppermint. (hal 24) Score: 1.6

The term peppermint here has an explanation similar to ST 124, it is that

actually peppermint plant is not common in Indonesia, but the situation does not

prevent the reader to understand the term correctly. For this reason the


72/ST/P/195 ..in the deep shape of a huge fir tree. (p263)

72/TT/P/195 ,di bawah bayangan

gelap pohon fir

raksasa. (hal 278)

Score: 2

Firs are a genus of 48-55 species of evergreen conifers in the family

Pinaceae , however fir is most closely related to the Cedars . So it is not the right

choice if the translator translates the term into a fir tree as in ST 157. According

the respondents the translation is accurate.

73/ST/P/202 “You have a very floral smell, like lavender…or freesia.” he noted. (p 306)

73/TT/P/202 Aromamu seperti bunga mirip lavender…atau freesia,” ujarnya. (hal 323)

Score: 2

According to the respondents the results of the translation are accurate even though translator foreignizes it. One respondent argued that the term

translated all lexically, as a proper name, because there may be no exact

equivalent word in the TT.

68/ST/P/139 The tide line was strewn with huge driftwood trees,…(p 115)

68/TT/P/139 Garis pantai penuh dengan driftwood raksasa…(hal 127) Score: 2.6

Driftwood is wood that has been washed onto a shore or beach of a sea or

river by the action of winds, tides, waves or man. It is a form of marine debris or

tidewrack. Although there are no perfect words to replace the term driftwood, it is

worth that the translator tries to explain driftwood into the TT, such as batang


70/ST/P/159 ….watching the sunlight play on the red-barked trees. (p 142)

70/TT/P/159 …memerhatikan sinar matahari bermain – main dengan pepohonan red- barked. (hal 155) Score: 2.6

Almost the same as ST No. 68, rather - than leave it too wordy the

translator can try to replace the term red barked through a simple explanation

such as pepohonan yang berdahan merah. The translation can be categorized


69/ST/P/157 I snaked around the Sitka spruces and the

hemlocks, the yews and the maples. (p 136)

69/TT/P/157 Jalanan ini mengitari pepohonan cemara, maple dan yew. (hal 149)

Score: 2

There are four terms mentioned in one above sentence . Maple is a tree

that is about 10-45 yards, most species are deciduous , but a few in southern Asia

and the Mediterranean region are evergreen. Maples are distinguished by

opposite leaf arrangement. And the last one is yew, it is a small-to medium-sized

evergreen tree , growing 10-20 m tall, its aryl is gelatinous and very sweet tasting.

In this case the translator uses two strategies to translate the names of these trees.

For the term maple and yew translator does foreignization by allowing two terms


g. Food and Drink

84/ST/F/140 I sat down next to Angela, and Mike brought us

sandwiches….(p 118)

84/TT/F/140 Aku duduk di sebelah Angela, dan Mike membawakan kami sandwich….(hal 130) Score: 2

Like other western food which are common in Indonesia, sandwich a food

item, typically consisting of two or more slices of bread with one or more fillings

between them is well known in Indonesia, the translator does not need to translate

it. The translator choice to leave it as it is considered accurate by the respondents

86/ST/F/171 “I’ll have a Coke” It sounded like a question. ( p 168)

86/TT/F/171 “Aku mau coke” jawabanku lebih terdengar seperti bertanya. (hal 181) Score: 2

Coke may refer to a soft drink originally based on coca leaf extract. Some

of the best brands of the product coke is coca cola or pepsi. It is undeniable that

the carbonated beverage products have been widely circulated in Indonesia.

Therefore, the respondents believe that the translation is accurate and the reader must already know the meaning of the term.

90/ST/F/190 I took advantage of his brief pause to take a bite of my bagel. (p 242)

90/TT/F/190 Aku memanfaatkan diamnya untuk menggigit bagelku. (hal 256)

Score: 2

Bagel is one type of bread shaped like a palm-sized ring, made from wheat

flour and yeast dough that is boiled in water before baking. Bagel came from


of Indonesia is rice so there are not too many types of bread in Indonesia, however

such types of bagels can still be found in several bakeries. Therefore, the

respondents felt that the term is accurate and understandable

91/ST/F/191 or maybe he was just really enjoying the lasagna- (p 250)

91/TT/F/191 ,atau mungkin ia hanya

benar- benar menikmati lasagna yang kubuat…(hal 264)

Score: 1.6

The term lasagna is accurate although it is foreignized by the translator, because the food is well known in the community. Besides the lasagna is easy to

find in shops or restaurants serving pasta or pizza.

83/ST/F/105 …..I decided to make chicken enchiladas for dinner. (p 78)

83/TT/F/105 ….kuputuskan untuk

membuat enchiladas ayam untuk makan malam. (hal 90) Score: 2.6

A chicken enchilada is a corn or flour tortilla rolled around a chicken

filling and covered with a chili pepper sauce. In order that the meaning can be

more easily understood, the recommended translation by the respondents is ayam

masak ala meksiko. The translation of this term is considered inaccurate by the respondents.

88/ST/F/173 “Um… I’ll have the mushroom ravioli” (p 169)

88/TT/F/173 “Mmmm…aku mau Mushroom ravioli” (hal 182)

Score: 2.6

The term mushroom ravioli is too cuisine and difficult to understand by


easily understood and imagined. Although there are real differences between the

mushroom ravioli and pastel jamur. For this reason respndents argue the

translation inaccurate.

89/ST/F/177 I swallowed a granola bar in three bites,..(p 196)

89/TT/F/177 Aku menelan tiga

gigitan granola…(hal 210)

Score: 2.6

The respondents agree that the translation is inaccurate, because not all reader can understand the terms. Granola bars are cereals that are pressed and

baked into a bar shape, resulting in the production of a more convenient snack.

Because granola also contains cereals; it would be okay if replacing the word into

sereal, so that it can be easily understood by the readers. Moreover, granola and

cereals have a lot in common.

93/ST/F/198 ..filling the kitchen with the smell of tomatoes and oregano. (p 293)

93/TT/F/198 …menyebarkan aroma tomat dan oregano( hal 309)

Score: 2.6

Oregano is an important culinary herb, It is the leaves that are used in

cooking, and the dried herb is often more flavorful than the fresh. It is particularly

widely used in Italian cuisine. The respondents considered that the translation is

inaccurate because according to the respondents TT still has an equivalent right to replace the word oregano, namely daun kemangi.

81/ST/F/65 …fried eggs and bacon. (p 31)


Table 1. Accuracy Rating Instrument
Table 2. Nababan’s Readability Rating Instrument
Table 2 Accuracy Indicator
Table 3. Readability Indicator


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Menimbang : bahwa dalam rangka melaksanakan ketentuan Pasal 8 ayat (3) Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 26 Tahun 2015 tentang Bentuk dan Mekanisme Pendanaan Perguruan