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Steroids used by Football Players


Academic year: 2017

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Steroids used by Football Players? Word Count:

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The use of steroids in sports is not a secret now. The BALCO scandal is eye opener for baseball buffs. The Game of Shadows, a book written by Mark Fainaru-Wada and Lance Williams, reporters for the San Francisco Chronicle, reveals the facts about use of performance-enhancing drugs, including several different types of steroids and growth hormones by several baseball stars.


steroids in football

Article Body:

The use of steroids in sports is not a secret now. The BALCO scandal is eye opener for baseball buffs. The Game of Shadows, a book written by Mark Fainaru-Wada and Lance Williams, reporters for the San Francisco Chronicle, reveals the facts about use of performance-enhancing drugs, including several different types of steroids and growth hormones by several baseball stars. BALCO also did reveal the use steroids in football of America. The policy on steroids in football and the National Football League NFL started in 1987. Lyle Alzado is one of the most notable instances of the use of steroids in football. After having a triumphant career of seven years in the NFL, in 1992, Alzado passed away from brain malignant neoplastic disease.

Alzado was 43 at that time, but in the years preceding it, he became a habitually used icon of the risks of steroid mistreatment. There is completely no medicinal relation betweensteroids and brain cancer, and there is absolutely no explanation for Alzado to judge his situation was linked to steroid use. The story of Bill Romanowski is also highly revealing on steroids in football. Even though Romanowski wasn´t accused in the BALCO scandal, he afterward composed a book, in which he accepts that Victor Conte acquainted him to various performance enhancing compounds, notably anabolic steroids.

The use of steroids in football is believed to have started in the early half of 20th century. The anabolic steroids came into sports arena in the 1940’s and 1950’s. FIFA banned the use of steroids in football in 1966, and the body has very strict policies on steroids. There hasn´t been any high profile case about the use of steroids in football, but steroids in football are reportedly being used at school, college, and university level football. High use of steroids in football has been reported among young footballers. The lower agencies will have to little more vigilant to curb the use of steroids in football.

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