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Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Grandparents' Involvement in Their Grandchildren Learning English as a Foreign Language


Academic year: 2017

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The greatest thanks to Allah SWT, I could finish my study and complete my thesis. Therefore, this thesis would not have been possible without any support from many people. I would also like to express my thankful for Mrs. Anne my supervisor, thanks a lot for her patience and willingness to assist me in completing this thesis and also for Mrs. Listyani, the examiner of my thesis. Next, I would also like to express my thankful for my beloved parent and sister, thank you for being patience, the support, and prays. Thank you for my husband, my little son-shine, Lintang and my parent-in-law family in Belon. I was nothing without my family and forgive me of being late. My friend who always be there for me Ika, Deka, Ira, Desyta, mbk Lied and others who I cannot mention one by one. Big thanks for Kumpulrejo 02’s family for all helps, kindness and prays. To end, I am



Interview questions for teacher

1. How long have you been teaching at SD Kumpulrejo?

2. How close is your relationship as a teacher with your students? 3. How long do you know the 15 students?

4. Is there any students who lives with their grandparent? 5. How does the achivement of those children?

6. Could you tell me, a little bit of those children family background?

Interview questions for uncle

1. Apakah hubungan anda dengan si Ipin? Bisa tolong dijelaskan? (What is your relationship with the child or Ipin? Can you explain it?)

2. Berapakah umur anda? (How old are you?)

3. Apakah kegiatan sehari-hari anda?(What do you do?)

4. Apakah pendidikan terakhir anda?(What is your latest education?)

5. Apakah ibu juga memberi perhatian dalam hal akademik Ipin? (Does your mother also give atention on children’s academic life?)

6. Sejauh pengetahuan anda, apa yang biasa ibu lakukan ketika Ipin belajar (As you know, what does usually your mother do while Ipin studying?)

7. Apakah anda pernah melihat ibu mengecheck pekerjaan rumah Ipin? (Do you ever know if your mother checking Ipin homework?)

Interview questions for grandchild

1. Siapa nama lengkap kamu?/ What is your complete name? 2. Berapa umur kamu?/ How old are you?

3. Apa kegiatan kamu sehari-hari?/ What do you do?

4. Kamu dirumah tinggal sama Orang tua atau salah satu dari mereka? Do you live with your parent or one of them?

5. Kamu tinggal dirumah dengan siapa saja?/ How many family members do you have at home?



7. Apa kesibukan kakek/nenek sehari-hari?/ what does your grandfather/grandmother for living?

8. Apa yang kamu suka dari bahasa Inggris? / What do you like about English?

9. Apa yang kamu tidak suka dari bahasa Inggris?/ What don’t you like about English? 10.Kamu punya kesulitan tidak saat belajar bahasa Inggris? / Do you find any difficulties

in learning English?

11.Bagaimana kamu mengatasi masalah tersebut?/ How do you deal with the problem? 12.Kalau kamu belajar di rumah siapa yang sering bantu?/ who does usually help you

while studying at home?

13.Apakah dirumah ada tempat khusus untuk kamu belajar?/ Is there any special place to study for you at home?

14.Jika jawaban no. 11 adalah orangtua, maka pertanyaan berikut adalah apakah pernah kakek/ nenek membantu saat belajar dirumah?/ If the answer are parent, then asking do your grandparent ever help you while studying?

15.Jika jawabannya adalah kakek/nenek, maka pertanyaan berikut adalah bagaimana mereka membantu kamu ketika belajar?/If the answer are grandparent, how does your grandparent(grandfather/grandmother)

16.Jika tidak ada jawaban dalam waktu yang singkat, atau cucu belum bisa menggambarkan jenis bantuan dari kakek/nenek, maka peniliti memberikan pertanyaan yang menjurus ke jenis bantuan./ If there is no response or the grandchild couldn’t figure the grandparent help, researcher give guided questions like;

a. Apakah kakek/nenek menemani kamu saat belajar?/ Does your grandfather/grandmother accompany you while studying?

b. Apakah kakek/nenek mengingatkan kamu kalau ada PR atau tidak? Does your grandfather/ grandmother remind you about homework?

c. Apakah kakek/nenek membantu waktu mengerjakan PR ?/ Does your grandfather/ grandmother help you working on homework?

d. Apakah kakek/nenek menanyakan perkembangan belajar kamu di sekolah?/ Does your grandfather/ grandmother ask about school development you made?

e. Apakah kakek/nenek pernah marah untuk urusan sekolah?/ Is grandfather/ grandmother ever angry to you about school stuff?



18.Jika jawabanya orangtua, maka pertanyaan berikut apakah kakek/nenek pernah membelikan barang-barang tersebut?/ If the answer is parent, does your grandfather/grandmother buy you any?

19.Kamu pernah ikut bimbingan belajar bahasa Inggris?/ have you ever joined English course?

20.Siapa yang menyarankan kamu untuk ikut bimbingan bahasa Inggris?/Who is motivated you to join in that course?

21.Jika pertanyaan no.20 dijawab orang tua maka interview berakhir, akan tetapi jika jawabannya kakek/ nenek pertanyaan berikut, siapa yang menbayar bimbingan tersebut?/ If the answer of question no.20, is parent, the interview end but if the answer is grandfather/grandmother the next question is who does pay for the course?

Interview questions for grandmother

1. Asamane njenengan sinten?/ What is your name? 2. Njenengan yaswanipun pinten?/ How old are you? 3. Njenegan ngasta napa? / What do you do?

4. Njenengan ting griya tinggal kaleh sinten mawon?/ How many family members do you have at home?

5. Ingkang kagungan putra, putra ipun ngasta napa sakniki?/ If you have any child, what does he/ she do?

6. Piturut njenegan basa Inggris menika wigati napa mboten kangge wayah ipun?kingeng menapa? In your opinion, does English good for grandchild’s future or not? Why?

7. Nak ting griya wayahipun nate ngresulo bab pelajaran basa Inggris ting sekolah ?/ Does he/she ever complain about the English subject at home?

8. Njenengan nate ngewangi wayahipun nyinauni bab bahasa Inggris? Wangsulan ipun?/ Do you help him/her with English’s homework? How?

9. Jika tidak ada jawaban dalam waktu yang singkat, atau kakek/nenek belum bisa menggambarkan jenis bantuan untuk cucu, maka peniliti memberikan pertanyaan yang menjurus ke jenis bantuan



b. Ting ngriya wonten pangenan engkang kagem sinau wayah ipun?/ Do you prepare a room for him/her to study?

c. Njengan nak ngrencangi wayah sinau, njenegan nyambi menapa? Apa yang anda lakukan ketika cucu sedang belajar?/What did you do when he/she was studying? d. Nak wayah ipun kedoh nemoni keangelan bab pelajaran menapa basa inggris,

njengan dados tumindak menapa? /What will you do next, if grandchild find difficulties in school work or language homework?

10.Njenengan kedah maringi buku menapa fasilitas ingkang seumpami numutke ting les-lesan, kagem wayah ipun? /do you already facilitate grandchild learning language process by buying new books, cd or just travelling?

11.Njengan nate ndukani wayahipun bab sekolah ingkang kurang sae? Seumpami angsal nilai elek ting wulangan?/ have you ever angry to grandchild? Because what have he done at school?


Interview with the grandchild of participant A

Chek…chek…satu dua tiga wawancara pertama dengan Ipin lahir pada satu November 1997 umur empat belas tahun dengan nama ayah bapak Sumardi dan ibu, ibu Sumarni.,

kelas 6 SD, hobinya main PS (Play Station).

Check…check…one two three, this is first interview with Ipin, he was born on November, 1st , 1997. He is 14 years old. His father is Mr. Sumardi, his mother is Mrs. Sumarni. He is a 6th grader and his hobby is playing Play Station.

1. Researcher: “Oke pertanyaan number one, kapan pertama kali Ipin ketemu bahasa Inggris”/ Okay… first question number one, when was the first time you learn English?



3. Researcher: “Trus bagaiman pelajaran pertama Ipin tentang bahasa Inggris masih ingat ndak?”/ Then… what was the first lesson did you get in English class? Do you remember it?

4. Grandchild A:” Membaca, menulis… udah”/ Reading, writing… that’s it.

5. Researcher: “Okee ketiga menurut Ipin pelajaran Bahasa Inggris seperti apa?” / Okay… third, what do you think about English?

6. Grandchild A: “Menyusahkan…”/ It was kind of difficult.

7. Researcher: “Ha… ohh trus gimana gitu seperti apa?”/ … then how was it difficult for you?

8. Grandchild A: “He…he…he…”/ He…he…he…

9. Researcher: “Trus apa yang kamu suka dari pelajaran bahasa Inggris?”/ Then, what do you like in learning English class?

10.Grandchild A:”Game…” / Game…

11.Researcher: Oh gitu…yang kamu ndak suka? / Okay then… what you don’t? 12.Grandchild A: “PR (pekerjaan rumah)”/ Homework/ take a home test.

13.Researcher: “Lalu menurut kamu bahasa Inggris itu penting ngak?”/ So, in your opinion do you think English is important for your future, or not?

14.Grandchild A:” Penting!”/ Yes, it does! 15.Researcher: “Kenapa?”/ Why?

16.Grandchild A: “Untuk masa depan”/ For my future

17.Researcher: “Cita-cita kamu jadi apa?”/ What is you future dream? 18.Grandchild A: “Tentara”/ Soldier.

19.Researcher: “Tentara harus bisa bahasa Inggris ndak?”/ Do you think as soldier you should be mastering English?



21.Researcher: “Oke… Ipin punya kesulitan ngak saat belajar bahasa Inggris? Contoh?” / Okay… Ipin, do you find difficulty in learning the English? Give me an example?

22.Grandchild A:” Sulit… memahami…”/ It is difficult to recognize the words. (I cannot read English words)

23.Researcher: “Trus… caranya mengatasi kesulitan tersebut Ipin ngapain?”/ Then… what will you do to solve the problem?

24.Grandchild A: “Ya bertanya…”/ Yes I am asking for help? 25.Researcher: “Sama siapa?”/ To who?

26.Grandchild A: “Temen.”/ Friends.

27.Researcher: “Kalau ngerjain rumah…eh…mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah atau tugas sekolah, Ipinkerja sendiri atau dibantu?”/ If you do the homework at home or school work, do you work by yourself or asked somenone to finish?

28.Grandchild A: “Dibantu”/ I get some help 29.Researcher: “Siapa?”/ Who?

30.Grandchild A: “Temen to…” / Of course my friends…

31.Researcher:” Kamu belajar bahasa Inggris dirumah selain disekolah biasanya sendiri atau sama temen?”/ When you learn English at home, do you usually study alone or in a group?

32.Grandchild A: “Sama temen”/ With friends.

33.Researcher: “Kalau dirumah sendiri?”/ If you study alone at home, then? 34.Grandchild A: “Nggak belajar”/ I don’t study.

35.Researcher: “Oke…Kamu kalau belajar dirumah temen itu dalam seminggu bisa berapa kali?”/ Okay. How many times do you study English with friends in a week?



38.Grandchild A: “Minggu sama kamis”/ It is Thursday and Sunday.

39.Researcher: “Oh… kalau dirumah e… Ipin sering dibantu orang tua ndak tentang bahasa Inggris?”/ Oh… if you study at home, will your parent help you to do English assignment?

40.Grandchild A:”Nggak”/ No! 41.Researcher: “Kenapa?”/ Why?

42.Grandchild A: “Nggak pa pa.”/ It’s nothing

43.Researcher: “Orang tua nemenin ndak waktu Ipinbelajar?”/ Did your parent accompany you while studying?

44.Grandchild A: “Ndak”/ No / never

45.Researcher: “Pernah nanyain nggak, ada pr ndak da tugas? / Do they ever ask you about the homework or assignment?

46.Grandchild A: “Pernah”/ Yes, once… 47.Researcher: “Trus…?”/ Then?

48.Grandchild A: “Udah… Tanya tok, ndak bantu.”/ That’s it. Just asking but did not help in doing the assignment.

49.Researcher: “Trus orang tua pernah nanyain nggak Ipin sudah bisa apa disekolah diajarin apa gitu?”/ Then, do your parent ask about what do you learn from school

50.Grandchild A: “Belum”/ Not yet.

51.Researcher: “Belum?”/ Not yet? (Menggeleng kan kepala)/ nooding his head

52.Researcher: “Trus gitu kalau orang tua pernah marah nggak karena urusan sekolah sama Ipin?”/ Then, does your parent ever angry to you because the school assignment?

53.Grandchild A: “Pernah”/ Yes they do.

54.Researcher:” Bisa cerita?”/ Can you share some stories?


35 56.Researcher: “Trus?”/ Then…

57.Grandchild A: “Udah”/ That’s all

58.Researcher: “Dimarahine gimana?”/ How was their angry expression? 59.Grandchild A:” Dimarahin”/ They mad at me.

60.Researcher:” Dipukuli atau ditutuki atau dijiwiti?”/ Did they hit or beat or pinch you? 61.Grandchild A:” Nggak”/ No, never

62.Researcher: “Gimana dimarahine atau dipelototi , dipiyeke?”/ How did they mad at you or bulge out their eyes when angry?

63.Grandchild A:” Dipelototin tok.”/ Yes, they were bulge out of eyes 64.Researcher:” Trus Ipin?”/ Then, what did you do next?

65.Grandchild A: “Takut.”/ I was afraid.

66.Researcher: “Trus Ipin bisa cerita ndak orang tua Ipin sing sekarang seperti apa?”/ Then Ipin, can you tell me what does your parent look like?

67.Grandchild A:” Ehm…. (Senyum) biasa”/ Em… (Smiling). They are just ordinary parents.

68.Researcher: “cerita bapak atau ibu?”/ Tell me you know about your father and mother nowadays?

69.Grandchild A: “Ya biasa aja”/ Ya… it’s just simple

70.Researcher: “Yang Ipin suka dari bapak?”/ What do you like from him? 71.Grandchild A: “Suka ngasih uang”/ He liked to give me money.

72.Researcher:” Nek ibu?”/ What about your mother? 73.Grandchild A:” Sama.”/ They are just the same.



76.Researcher: “Oke… kalau gitu selain orang tua ada saudara?”/ Okay… then do you have any siblings?

77.Grandchild A: “Ada”/ Yes I have 78.Researcher: “Berapa?”/ How many? 79.Grandchild A: “Lima”/ Five

80.Researcher: “Bisa cerita?”/ Can you tell me about them?

81.Grandchild A: “Ndimik, Yitno, Harni, Parman, trus saya”/ Ndimik, Yitno, Harni, Parman then me.

82.Researcher: “Trus diantara saudara itu ada yang pernah bantu nggak kerjain PR?”/ Do you have any siblings that help you in doing the homework?

83.Grandchild A: “Ada!”/ Yes, I have one! 84.Researcher: “Siapa?” / Who?

85.Grandchild A: “Mas Ndimik”/ Mas Ndimik 86.Researcher: “Caranya?”/ How did he help you?

87.Grandchild A: “Dikasih cara”/ He help me to solve the problem in special way. 88.Researcher: “Ngajarinya kasih carane?”/ How does it in special way?

89.Grandchild A: “Iya, gitu…”/ Yes… like that…

90.Researcher: “Bapak kesibukanya sehari-hari apa tow?”/ What does your father do for living?

91.Grandchild A: “Kerja.”/ Working. 92.Researcher: “Dimana?”/ Where?

93.Grandchild A: “Semarang”/ At Semarang.



96.Researcher: “Nek Ibu?”/ Then, what does your mother do?

97.Grandchild A: “Di ladang… cari rumput… buat sapi …”/ She goes to field, find some grass to feed the cows.

98.Researcher: “Berapa?”/ How many cows does your mother have? 99.Grandchild A: “Dua”/ Only two.

100. Researcher: “Okee… trus kamu punya nggak buku atau film atau kaset tentang bahasa Inggris yang ada bau-baunya bahasa Inggris?”/ Okay… do you have any book or film in English?

101. Grandchild A: “Ada satu”/ I have, only one book. 102. Researcher:” Apa?”/ What book is it?

103. Grandchild A: “Kamus”/ An English dictionary.

104. Researcher: “kamus? Itu beli atau dibelikan?”/ Dictionary? Do you buy it or not? 105. Grandchild A: “Bekas”/ It’s a second hand dictionary.

106. Researcher: “Bekas.punya siapa?”/ Who did it used before? 107. Grandchild A: “Kakak”/ My big brother.

108. Researcher: “Nek beli satu yang baru buat Ipinpernah nggak?”/ Does your parent buy you one new book to support your learning process?

109. Grandchild A: “Belum”/ Not yet.

110. Researcher: “A… berarti belum pernah dibeliin ya?”/ A… so, you have never been bought something new?

111. Grandchild A: “Belum” / Not yet.

112. Researcher: “Oke pernah nggak ikut-ikutan binbingan belajar gitu?”/ Okay…. Have you ever joined kind of a short course?



114. Researcher: “Atas keinginan siapa? Kamu sendiri atau orang tua?” / Who is your motivator in joining the PPA?

115. Grandchild A:”Orang tua”/ My parent.

116. Researcher: “Trus kamu ikut?” / Then did you join the class? 117. Grandchild A: “Ikut.”/ Yes, I did.

118. Researcher: “Kapan?” / When?

119. Grandchild A: “dah dulu.”/ It’s a long time ago.

120. Researcher: “Kamu kelas berapa?”/ Which grade are you at that time? 121. Grandchild A: “Kelas lima”/ I was fifth grader at that time.

122. Researcher: “Sampai kapan?”/ How long did you join the course? 123. Grandchild A: “1 minggu”/ A week.

124. Researcher: “Lho 1 minggu?”/ What… only a week? 125. Grandchild A:” Ya 1 minggu tok”/ Yes, only a week.

126. Researcher: “1 minggu tok? Lha sekarang?”/ Only a week, how abou now? 127. Grandchild A: “Ndak”/ No at all.

128. Researcher:” Lha kenapa?”/ But why? 129. Grandchild A: “Ndak pa-pa”/ Nothing.

130. Researcher: “Ndak pa-pa…oke waktu itu perasaan Ipin ikut bimbel tu gimana?”/ Nothing? Okay what did you feel at that time?

131. Grandchild A: “Seneng”/ happy

132. Researcher: “Ada perubahan ndak?”/ Did you make any progress? 133. Grandchild A:” Ada”/ Yes, I did.


39 135. Grandchild A: “Males”/ I got lazy.

136. Researcher:” Kesibukan Ipin tu sehari-hari ngapain sih selain sekolah?”/What do you usually do outside schooling?

137. Grandchild A:”Main”/ Playing around.

138. Researcher: “Bantu orang tua pernah nggak?”/ In what way, do you help your parent?

139. Grandchild A: “Paling bersih-bersih rumah tok”/ I do the clean, washing, and etc. 140. Researcher: “Trus?”/ then

141. Grandchild A: “Udah”/ That is all.

Researcher: “Habis itu?”/ After that?

142. Grandchild A: “Main”/ Playing around

143. Researcher: “Main, mainya gimana? Main kerumah teman trus pulange jam berapa?”/ What do you play actually? Play with friend or just meet them then what time do you come home?

144. Grandchild A: “Main kerumah temen, pulange jam 34”/ I just meet my friend then go home at 3 to 4 p.m.

145. Researcher: “Ngapain to kerumah temen?”/ What do you do in their home? 146. Grandchild A: “Ya main aja.”/ Ya, just play like that.

147. Researcher:” Trus nek waktu luang banyak ngapain?”/ Then if you had more free time what will you do?

148. Grandchild A: “Dirumah aja.”/ I stay at home.

149. Researcher:” Ipin pingin pelajaran bahasa Inggris seperti apa?”/ What does English class you dream of?


40 152. Grandchild A: “Boleh”/ It’s okay

153. Researcher: :”Kalau ada pr boleh?”/ If there is any home work? 154. Grandchild A: “Boleh”/ It’s okay

155. Researcher: “Terima kasih ini sudah selesai” / Thank you. It is already finish.


Interview with the grandmother of participant A

“Check… check… check… 123, tanggal dua puluh lima bulan delapan tahun dua ribu sebelas, wawancara kedua dengan ibu Sumarni, ibu dari Ipin” /Check...check...check...one two three, twenty fifth of August, two thoushand eleven, the second interview with Mrs. Sumarni, the mother of Ipin

1. Researcher: “Pertanyaan pertama, njenegan asamane sinten bu? “/ Question number one, what is your name?

2. Grandmother A: “Sumarni”

3. Researcher: “Njenegan asmanipun garwanesinten?”/ What is your husband name? 4. Grandmother A: “Sumardi”

5. Researcher: “Oh… nggih .Yuswonipun pinten nggih bu?”/ Oh... Yes. How old are you? 6. Grandmother A: “Sinten? Kula napa …”/Who? Do you mean me or my husband? 7. Researcher:” Njenegan bu”/I mean you.

8. Grandmother A: “Nak kula skeet limo” / I am 55th year old. 9. Researcher: “Nak bapak?”/ How about the husband?

10.Grandmother A: “Sewidak”/ He is 60th years old



12.Grandmother A: “Lah… nak kulo riyen mboten sekolah mbak.kulo niku… kulo tiyang rekoso mung ngewangi tiyang sepuh mawon dadose mboten saget sekolah…”/In my childhood, I didn’t study much because I came from poor family. So my parent couldn’t afford me to school even to graduate elemantary level.

13.Researcher: “Oh… nggih.nek bapak?”/Oh...yes. what’s about the husband?

14.Grandmother A: “Bapak nggih sami… mboten le sekolah” /My husband, he is also the same. He didn’t study at school.

15.Researcher: “Oh… nggih sae… nak sakniki njenegan dinten-dintene sibuke napa nggih?” /Oh... yes...then now, what do you do in daily/ for living?

16.Grandmother A: “Kulo samben dinten niku gaweane dados tani, ngerumput, makani sapi niku tow….”/I am a farmer. In days I look for grass to feed the cows.

17.Researcher: “Oh… nggih meres nopo nganten bu?”/ What type of cows do you have? 18.Grandmother A: “Mboten sapi jaler sedanten. Kaleh”/ I have two male cows.

19.Researcher: “O…Nak bapak pripun?”/ What does the husband do?

20.Grandmother A: “Bapak dados kuli bangunan wonten ing Semarang.”/He works as bricklayers at Semarang.

21.Researcher: “Oh… nggih la mboten wangsul bapake?”/Does he come home?or stay at that town?

22.Grandmother A: “Mboten. (Diam) wangsulipun seminggu sepindah” /No, (Silent) he comes home once a week.

23.Researcher: “Oh… nggih ngoten nggih. Nak njenegan agamipun napa nggih bu?”/ Oh...yes. then what does religion you have?

24.Grandmother A: “Islam” / I was Islam

25.Researcher: “Terus (jeda) njenegan gadah putra pinten bu?”/Then, how many children do you have?


42 27.Researcher: “Sinten mawon?”/Who are they?

28.Grandmother A: “Sing nomer setunggal Yitno, nomer kaleh Ndimik, nomer tiga Parman, nomer sekawan Harni nomer lima nggih Ipin niku.”/ From number one Yitno, then Ndimik, the third Parman, Harni and the last Ipin.

29.Researcher: “Oh… nggih. Bu saget nyeritakaken engkang lare nipun sakniki sampun dados sedanten nopo taseh wonten sing dereng mentas? Wontenipun ibu saget nyeritaaken?”/Oh... yes. Could you tell us about your children condition nowdays?

30.Grandmother A: “Oh nggih engkang nomer setunggal sampun nikah lan gadah putra setunggal, tapi tumut sing setri. Trus nak ndimik niku pun nikah tapi kok nggih malah niku keneng musibah. Sing setri niku sedo. La terus sing parman niku…pun nikah wonten ning Semarang. Trus sing harni nggih pun nikah sakniki wonten ing Surabaya. La terus sakniki nggih si Ipinniku tasaih sd niku.”

31.Yes, of course. My first son already had married and he got one son, then he lived with his wife. Next, Ndimik already had married but unfortuneately the wife was pass away last year becasue illnes. And Parman had married and settle down/lived in Semarang. Then Harni, she married and lived in Surabaya. The last is Ipinand he is an elemantary student.

32.Researcher: “Lha kok dangumen niku nggih bu let te ingkang lare ragil kalian larene sing riyen-riyen niku?”/Why is the range of your last child and his sister far away?

33.Grandmother A: “Nggih lah niku pancen anak ketemu pripun nggih…wah niku pun

pokokmen mboten sah dibahas mawon pokokmen niku kulo openi… pokokmen pun kulo

anggep anake kulo kandung piyambak lah…”/Yes... because of....the child that I meet...ehm it’s difficult to discuss. The bottom line, I believe that he is my own child.then I nurture him by myself

34.Researcher: “Ohh… nggih nak ngonten nggih njenegan pun yakin nak larenipun dadi larene njenegan, anak kandunge ngoten nggih?”/Oh... okay. Are you really sure you are the mother birth?



36.Researcher: “Oh… nggih. Lak nek engkang orang tua nipun kandung? Teng pundi?” /Oh yes. Then how about his birth parent? Where are they ?

37.Grandmother A: “Mboten ngertos niku, kirangan niku, kulo pun mboten ngerti…pokoke mboten kulo urusi pokoke bocah pun kulo rawat sae ngoten mawon.” /I know nothing about them. And I don’t want to know... i don’t care bou them. The important, I can raise him in good way.

38.Researcher: “Nggih nak kados ngoten sakniki kulo ajeng tanglet. Nak…Ipinniku larenipun kados pripun to? Gampang napa angel niko nak diasuh?”/Then if you say so, in your opinion what kind of child was Ipin?

39.Grandmother A: “Niku si Ipin… niku nggeh rodok ndablek ngoten.”/He... Ipin...he kind of child who difficult to execpt someone advice.

40.Researcher: “O… nggih pripun ndableke?” /How was he?

41.Grandmother A: “Nggih nak ken sianu niku pripun nggih angel…nak nyuwun opo-opo nggih kedah dituruti.”/Yes, sometime it is difficult to ask him studying while if he wants something then he should have it immediately.

42.Researcher: “Oh… nggih lare nipun nak teng sekolahan, nate pirso mboten? Sae nopo mboten? Perkembangane niku to bu ting sekolah khususe nek sinau bahasa Inggris to bu. Njenegan nate nangeleti napa ngechecki ngoten mboten?”/Oh…have you ever known or ask of what his development at school? Especially in learning foreign language, have you?

43.Grandmother A: “Nggih niku paling kulo nangleti angsal pr napa mboten. nek kulo ken nyinaoni nggih mobten saged”/ Yes, I usually ask him about homework. Although I can’t help him to do the homework.

44.Researcher: “Nggih nak larenipun wonten pr semisal bahasa Inggris njenegan saget geh ngewangi garapke?”/Then, if he gets difficulty in English homework, will you help him?



46.Researcher: “La menawi bapak napa ibu engkang mboten saged ngewangi larenipun sianu, njenganan ngerencangi lareniupun sinau ngoten? Nggih nate?”/Although you can’t help him to do the homework, at least do you accompany him?

47.Grandmother A: “Nggih… nggih kulo nggih sering ngrencangi ngonten niku ning sianu niku mesti kulo kancani.”/ Yes, I used to accompany during the study time.

48.Researcher: “Nak teng griya niku larenipun biasane le sianau teng pundi?”/Where does Ipin used to study at home?

49.Grandmother A: “Nggih woten niku ruang tamu. Ngajeng tv. Tv ne nggeh distel nek dipateni. Mboten angsal.”/He used to study at the living room and turn on TV. If I turn off then …

50.Researcher: “Nek mboten?” /What happen then?

51.Grandmother A: “Nek dipateni nggih mobten purun le sinau.”/ If I turn off the TV, he refuses to study.

52.Researcher: “Trus?” /Then, what else?

53.Grandmother A: “Nek mboten nggih belajar kelompok kaleh Afif, Bayu napa Andi nek mboten geh Alfin niku.” /He used to study with friends in group like, Afif, Bayu, Andi and Alfin.

54.Researcher: “Trus nak Ipinsek sinau, njenegan ngrencangi ipun sinau, njenegan napa?”/ Then, if he studies at home, will you accompany him?

55.Grandmother A: “Nak teng griya? Nggih kulo kaleh nonton tv ngoten. nek mboten sibuk nggih kulo ngewangi mbungkusi krupuk teng griyane tanggane kulo.”/Yes, I used to accompany him and watch TV next to him.

56.Researcher: “Nggih… la nak seumpami larenipun pas sinau trus dugah nemoni. Wah… niki pelajarane angel niki bu. Lare ipun ngresulo njenengan nate presa mboten?”/And if Ipin gets difficulty in working with homework, has he ever share to you about that? 57.Grandmother A: “Ngggih nak kulo nyok takok, ning nak nyinauni kan mboten saged.



58.Researcher: “Ning nak Ipinne niku nate ngresulo nek pelajarane angel nggih?”/But, has he ever share the problem?

59.Grandmother A: “Nggih… (jeda), ning kulo Mendel mawon ajeng pripun, la wong nyinauni nggih mboten saged.”/Yes, but sometime I just take no notice of his problem because I can’t help him.

60.Researcher: “Njenengan sak wene Ipinsekolah ting SD njenegan nate numbaske buku, nopo-nopo buku bahasa Inggris, napa buku cerita, napa film-film, ngoten?”/ Have you ever bought him new English books, story book, or film?

61. Grandmother A: “Nggih to la sing ajeng numbaske sinten? Ning kulo mampuni nggih numbaske buku-bahasa Inggris niku.” / Of course I have and then who else will take care of him. But I only could buy him English workbook/ LKS(Lembar Kerja Siswa)

62.Researcher: “Kaleh nak njenegan nate tanglet kaleh guruipun perkembangane Ipinteng sekolahan niku pripun kalian guru kelase napa guru pelajarane nate?”/Then, have you ever consulted to his classroom teacher about the learning progress that he has made at school?

63.Grandmother A: “Nggih mboten… kulo nek kepanggih namung nak tampi raport niku mawon.”/No, I haven’t. I met his teacher only when the a report day (rapotan)

64.Researcher: “Nak teng griya njengan nate mboten ndukani lare ipun nak salah napa nak wonten napa?”/Have you ever get angry to him for some mistake?

65.Grandmother A: “Nggih…e… nggih” /Yes, I have.

66.Researcher: “Saget cerita bu?”/ Could you share the story to me?

67.Grandmother A: “Nggih kulo niku ndukani ning mboten nate kulo niku moro tangan niku.”/

68.At the moment, I get angry to him but I never use physical contact to punish him.

69.Researcher: “Lare ipun pernah ndamel napa sing njenengan marai dadi nyeneni ngoten?”/



71.Grandmother A: “Nggih… nggih… kadang nyok nasar kok.”/Yes, he sometime is difficult to obey a rule/ a command.

72.Researcher: “Oh ngoten.”/ Okay then.

73.Grandmother A: “Nggih nek dikandani nasar nyok jengkel barang.” / Yes, it’s terrible if he deny an order.

74.Researcher: “La nak…pitrurut njenengan lare ipun gampang napa angel le sinau? Sebabe napa?”/ Then in your opinion, what kind of children does Ipin?

75.Grandmother A: “Nggih angel niku bocahe. Nggih riyen niku semangat le belajare sakwene bojone Ndimik niku tasih sugeng. Asmane niku Annah. La trus mboso ditinggal

kaleh Annah niku trus ngedrop mboten purun le sinau. Dikandani nggih radi ndablek.

Nek kaleh si Anah niku lak manut. Niko nggih sering nyenei ning sering marai. Dadi bocahipun manut. Tapi sakniki wah susah sakwene ditinggal Annah niku.”/ He is a difficult child. In a past, my son’s wife still alive, named Annah who is very concern about his education. She was a discipline and helping him doing homework He obeys whatever she said. Unfortunately, because serious illness, she passed away last year. Then after her death, he drops on study’s motivation. He denies order or someone command. He rarely studies at home.

76.Researcher: “Lak nek njenengan niku persane bahasa Inggrise niku penting mboten kange Ipin mangkeh, sok gede napa sekolahe?” /Do you think language skills of English useful for his future next?

77.Grandmother A: “Jane nggih penting niku.”/Yes, absolutely.

78.Researcher: “Ngoten mawon. La njenegan harapane kaleh lare niku napa?”/What are your hopes to him?



80.Researcher: “Okay. Nak njenengan kange butuhe dino-dino niku njengan angsale saking pundi nggih bu?”/Then, where do you get money for living cost?

81.Grandmother A: “Kulo nggih njagake le kerja bapakne niku.” /It comes from the father. 82.Researcher: “Kaleh napa?”/Does another else?

83.Grandmother A: “Kaleh disokong tunguil-tungile, sedereke sing cedak ngoten niku tow.”/ 84.I get support from my family.

85.Researcher: “Njenengan saget cerita nak biasane ting griya niku Ipinsae ne di sanguni sekolah pinten? Ingkang pinyuwune niku napa?”/ Could you tell me the amount of his money pocket? What does he want to?

86.Grandmother A: “Nak Ipinniku kulo paring sangu namung setunggal ewu. La pripun le kerja nggih namung bapake. Kulo nggih saget e namung ngarit mboten gadah hasile

napa-napa.oh… kadang bocahe nggih rewel lek nesu. Nyuwun napa-napa nggih kudu dituruti nggih seringe kulo geh golek utangan to bu…”/ Usually, I give him a thousand rupiah, because we only rely on his father’s income, what I can do only grassing and take care of cows. Then, if he asked something then I didn’t buy him immediately, so he got mad at me. Until, I took some debt,



Interview with the grandchild of participant B

1. Researcher: “Check…check 123 wawancara ke 2, pertanyaan pertama. Bertempat di rumah. Pertanyaan pertama, siapa nama lengkap kamu?” / Check… Check 123 the second interview in house. The first question, what is your complete name?

2. Grandchild B: “Mei-Mei”

3. Researcher: “Berapa umur kamu?” / How old are you? 4. Grandchild B: “11 Tahun.” / I am 11 years old.

5. Researcher: Kamu kegiatan sehari-hari apa?” / What do you do?

6. Grandchild B: “Saya murid kelas 6 sd.” / I am a 6th grader of elementary school. 7. Researcher:”Kamu dirumah tinggal sama siapa saja?” / Who do you live with?

8. Grandchild B: “Saya tinggal sama bapak, ibu, mas Silo dan mbah Tiyem.” / I lived with my Mom, Dad, my Brother Silo and Grandma Tiyem.

9. Researcher: “Apa pekerjaan orang tua kamu?” / What do your parents do?

10.Grandchild B: “Bapak kerja jadi supir anter telur, trus ibu juga kerja disana mbungkusi telur.” / My father works as driver to deliver some eggs, and my mom also works there to wrap the eggs.

11.Researcher: “Apa kesibukan nenek sehari-hari?” / What does your grandmother do? 12.Grandchild B: “Saya punya nenek satu, Mbah saya sudah pensiun.” / I have one grandma

and she already retired.

13.Researcher: “Apa yang kamu suka dari bahasa Inggris?” / What do you like about English?

14.Grandchild B: “Saya suka yang ada gamenya, membuat persentasi mewarnai pakai kata-kata bahasa Inggris.” / I love an English game and presentation, drawing English vocabularies.

15.Researcher: “Apa yang kamu tidak suka dari bahasa Inggris?” / What do you not like about English?



17.Researcher: “Kamu punya kesulitan tidak saat belajar bahasa Inggris?” / Do you find any difficulties in learning English?

18.Grandchild B: “Saya ndak tahu artinya, semua kata saya bingung banget.” / I do not know the meanings of all words, and then I get confused.

19.Researcher: “Bagaimana kamu mengatasi masalah tersebut?” / How do you deal with the problem?

20.Grandchild B: “Saya setiap pelajaran bahasa Inggris bawa kamus. Kenapa ya kalau test tidak boleh bawa kamus?” / Every time there is English lesson, I always bought English dictionary. What if we could bring a dictionary during the exam?

21.Researcher: “Kalau kamu belajar di rumah siapa yang sering bantu?” / Who does usually help you while studying at home?

22.Grandchild B: “Saya belajar sendiri. Nek nggak mudeng saya tanya mbak Nia.” / I study by myself, if I do not understand then I asked my neighbor, Nia.

23.Researcher: “Mbak Nia itu SMP/SMA?” / What level is Nia now? Senior or junior high school?

24.Grandchild B: “SMA” / She is senior high school student.

25.Researcher: “Dirumah ada tempat khusus untuk kamu belajar?” / Where do you usually study at home?

26.Grandchild B: “Biasanya di belakang dekat TV.” / I used to study at the family room near the television.

27.Researcher: “Apakah nenek nemani kamu saat belajar?” / Does your grandmother accompany you while studying?

28.Grandchild B: “Ndak bantuin paling cumin nemenin.” / She cannot help me in homework, but she always accompany me.

29.Researcher: “Selain itu anda nggak?” / Besides that, is there any other? 30.Grandchild B: “Nggak” / Never.

31.Researcher: “Nek, nenek itu pernah nggak ngingetin kamu ada PR ndak hari ini, kerjakan dulu?” / Does your grandma remind you to do the homework?

32.Grandchild B: “Pernah paling disuruh ngerjakesek, trus nek maen bisa nanti.” / Yes, she does. Then she tells me to do the homework before playing outside.



34.Grandchild B: “Ya nenek sering tanya di sekolah apa aja, saya kalau sama nenek suka cerita-serita tentang sekolah, apa yang saya lakukan di sekolah.” / Yes, she usually asks about school matters. I use to share with her the stories which I get from school and what I do there.

35.Researcher: “Nenek kamu pernah ngak sekali marah tentang urusan sekolah, atau apalah?” / Does your grandmother ever get angry about school stuff?

36.Grandchild B: “Ya kalau saya dapat nilai jelek pasti dinasehati panjang… banget padahal cuman mau bilang rajin belajar” ./ Yes, she gets angry if I get bad mark then she gives me a long preach which advice me to study hard

37.Researcher: “Kamu punya buku atau kaset film atau yang bau-bau bahasa Inggris?” / Do you have any book or cassette which has English language?

38.Grandchild B: “Kamus yang tulisan dibelikan Ibu” / Yes, I have a dictionary which is bought by Mom.

39.Researcher: “Kalau nenek kamu pernah ndak membelikan sesuatu buat kamu? Atau ngasih uang?” /Does your grandmother give you book or some money?

40.Grandchild B: “Pernah dikasih uang, trus baru kemarin saya belikan kaset Barbie yang ada terjemahannya bahasa Inggris-Indonesia, murah lo cumin tujuh ribu.” / She gave me money. Yesterday, I used the money to buy a Barbie CD with subtitle of English-Indonesian, it cheap which costs seven thousand rupiahs only.

41.Researcher: “Trus kamu pernah ndak ikut bimbel atau les-lesan bahasa Inggris.” / Then, have you ever joined in English course?

42.Grandchild B: “Belum pernah kan disini ndak ada bimbel.” / No I have not, because there is no any such a course in this area. .

43.Researcher: “Okay, terima kasih wawancara sudah selesai.” / Okay, thank you. The interview is well done.




1. Researcher: “Check 123, wawancara keempat dengan mbahnya Mei-mei, bertempat di tempat Mei-mei,. Pertanyaan pertama asamane njenengan sinten?” /Check…123. The fourth interview is with the grandmother of Mei-Mei. The first question what is your name?

2. Grandmother B: “Kulo Tiyem” / My name is Mrs. Tiyem

3. Researcher: “Njenengan yaswanipun pinten?” /How old are you? 4. Grandmother B: “75” / I am seventy five years old.

5. Researcher: “Njenegan sekolah ipun dugi pundi mbah?”? / What was your last education?

6. Grandmother B: “Kulo namung lulusan SD” / I was graduate from elemantray school. 7. Researcher: “Njenegan ngasta napa?” / What do you do?

8. Grandmother B: “Kulo nggangur ting ngriya namung momong putu.” /I am unemployed because I just take care of my grandchild.

9. Researcher: “Njenengan ting griya tinggal kaleh sinten mawon?” /How many family members do you have at home?

10.Grandmother B: “Kaleh anak wedok Giyarti kalian bojone lan putu kulo kaleh.” / I llive with my daughter, Giyarti and her husband, my grandchildren.

11.Researcher: “Ingkang kagungan putra pinten mbah?” /Do you have any child? 12.Grandmother B: “Namung setunggal” / Only one

13.Researcher: “Putra ipun ngasta napa sakniki?” /What does she do? 14.Grandmother B: “Sopir.”/ Driver.

15.Researcher: “Piturut njenegan basa Inggris menika wigati napa mboten kangge wayah ipun? Kingeng menapa?” In your opinion, does English important for grandchild’s future or not?

16.Grandmother B: “Nek kange lare sak niki nggih penting.” / Yes, it does.

17.Researcher: “Nak ting griya wayahipun nate ngresulo bab pelajaran basa Inggris ting sekolah?” /Does he/she ever complain about the English subject at home?

18.Grandmother B: “Mboten.”/Never.

19.Researcher: “Njenengan nate ngewangi wayahipun nyinauni bab bahasa Inggris?” / Do you help her with English’s homework?

20.Grandmother B: “Nak ngewangi mboten, nek ngancani nggih kulo kancani. Nek ngewangi wong kulo men mboten saget basa Inggris.” / I can help her in doing the English homework, but I always sit next to her while studying.



22.Grandmother B: “Nggih paling ning ngajeng tipi niku ning nggih kulo pateni, mangkeh ndak nggangu le sinau.” /She usually studies in front of the television, but I turned it off in case its ruined her study.

23.Researcher: “Njenengan kedah maringi buku menapa fasilitas ingkang seumpami numutke ting les-lesan, kagem wayah ipun?” /Do you already facilitate her language learning by buying new books, cd or just travelling?

24.Grandmother B: “Riyen pun ditumbaske makne kamus bahasa Inggris sing bergambar.” / Her mother has bought a colorful dictionary.

25.Researcher: “Nak njenegan kiyambak nate maringi?” /Then do you ever give something to her?

26.Grandmother B: “Nek kulo mboten ngertos karepe bocah, nggih kulo ken tumbas kiyambak.”/I do not know what the children wanted to buy, so I ask them to buy by themselves.

27.Researcher: “Nggih mbah niki kurang sepindah maleh, Njengan nate ndukani wayahipun bab sekolah ingkang kurang sae? Seumpami angsal nilai elek ting wulangan?”/ Okay… only one is the last. Have you ever been angry to her? Because what have he done at school?

28.Grandmother B: “Nggih mboten wong pancen nak sekolah sakniki niku angel.” / No, I have not done yet. I understand that school in present gets hard time to time.

29.Researcher: “Maturnuwun nggih mbah sakmenika sampun cukup.” / Thank you, I think enough.


Interview with the grandchild of participant C

1. Researcher: “Check…check 123 wawancarake 3 dengan Susanti. Bertempat di

rumahSusanti, pada tanggal 11 November 2011. Pertanyaan pertama, siapa nama lengkap kamu?”/ Check… Check 123 the second interview on November 10th

2011 at Mrs. Susanti’s house. The first question, what is your complete name?

2. Grandchild C: “Susanti”



Researcher: “Apa kegiatanmu sehari-hari?” / What do you do?

5. Grandchild C: “Saya murid SD.” / I am a 6th grader of elementary school

6. Researcher: “Bisa cerita nggak kamu dirumah tinggal sama siapa saja?” / With whom do you live?

7. Grandchild C: “Saya tinggal sama ibu, bapak udah pisah sejak saya kelas 1 sd trus tinggal sama Eyang Uti.” / I lived with my Mom and my Grandma, my parent got divorced when I was in1st grade of elementary school.

8. Researcher: “Apa pekerjaan ibu kamu?” / What does your mother do?

9. Grandchild C: “Ibu saya kerja jadi kasir di toko.” / My mom works as a cashier in the shop.

10.Researcher: “Trus, kalau nenek kerjaan sehari-hari apa?” / Then, what does your grandmother do?

11.Grandchild C: “Eyang Uti saya dulu guru SD tapi sekarang udah pensiun, di rumah aja.” / She was an elementary teacher but now, she already retired and stayed at home. 12.Researcher: “Guru SD mana?” / Where did she teach?

13.Grandchild C: “Dulu mengajar di daerah di getasan.” / She taught in Getasan area. 14.Researcher: “Sekarang ibu tanya tentang pelajaran, apa yang kamu suka dari Bahasa

Inggris?” / Now, I ask about the school lesson especially English subject, what do you like about English?

15.Grandchild C: “Saya suka gamenya, lagu dan mewarnai.” / I like the games, songs, and coloring pictures.

16.Researcher: “Apa yang kamu tidak suka dari bahasa Inggris?” / What do you dislike about English?

17.Grandchild C: “Saya ndak suka nek test.” / I do not like the English test.

18.Researcher: “Kesulitan apa yang kamu temui waktu belajar Inggris?” / What difficulty do you find in learning the language?

19.Grandchild C: “Ya kadang ndak mudeng perintahnya, jadi bingung meh kerjakan soal susah.” / Yes, sometime I do not understand the instruction, then I get confused in doing the task?

20.Researcher: “Nek kamu udah kesulitan banget, trus cara kamu mengatasinya gimana?” / Then, how do you deal with that kinds of problem?



22.Researcher: “Kalau di rumah ada yang sering bantuin kamu kerjakan PR dirumah? Siapa?” / Who does usually help you while studying at home?

23.Grandchild C: “Ada EyangUti, kadang juga ibu kalau dia sudah pulang awal.” / My grandmother usually helps me, but sometime my mom helps me if she could go home early.

24.Researcher: “Di rumah ada nggak tempat buat kamu khusus belajar?” / Do you have any special spot to you for studying at home?

25.Grandchild C: “Ada” / Yes, I have. 26.Researcher: “Dimana?” / Where is it?

27.Grandchild C: “Ada di ruang keluarga.” / In family room

28.Researcher: “Kalau eyang uti sering bantuin kamu pas belajar? Contohnya?” / Does your grandmother help you while studying? Give example?

29.Grandchild C: “Ya…”/ Yes… 30.Researcher: “Gimana?” /How?

31.Grandchild C: “Bantu mencari jawaban dibuku, atau kasih tahu jawabane. Nek ndak tahu ya saya tanya tetangga tentang materi yang diajarkan.” / She helps me to find the answer or just dictate the answer. If it was too hard I asked my neighbor.

32.Researcher: “Eyang Utimu pernah ndak nemeni belajar?” / Does your grandmother accompany you while studying?

33.Grandchild C: “Ya, yang biasa nemenin itu Eyang Uti, wong nak ibu pulang aja jam 10 malem.” / My use to accompany me, because my mom always comes home late at 10.00 p.m.

34.Researcher: “Nek Eyang Uti kamu pernah ngelingke nek ada PR atau nggak?” / Does your grandmother remind you to do the homework?

35.Grandchild C: “Ya sering.” / Yes, she often reminds me about it.

36.Researcher: “Trus, Eyang Uti kamu pernah nggak marah urusan sekolah.” / Does your grandmother ever get angry about school stuff?

37.Grandchild C: “Kalau saya dapat nilai jelek waktu ulangan, padahal sudah pernah dikerjain. Eyang Uti bakal marah sekali nek ngomel atau marah-marah ndak pernah tetapi biasanya saya didiemin aja ndak diajak omong seharian.” / Yes, she does. If I got bad grade, although I had studied before the examination. She gets very angry, she wouldn’t angry by yelling to me, but she doesn’t talk to me for a long time.



39.Grandchild C: “Punya bu, saya pernah dibelike buku kamus yang isinya tulisan ada bahasa inggris juga kaset kartun.” / Yes, I have a dictionary with no illustration pictures and several cartoon cd’s

40.Researcher: “Kalau Eyang Uti pernah nggak belikan kamu sesuatu yang ada hubungane sama bahasa Inggris?” / Does your grandmother give you English book or anything related to English lesson?

41.Grandchild C: “Ndak pernah, paling Eyang Uti kasih uang terus gek saya buat beli buku atau kaset kartun.” / Never, she does not, she usually gives me money, and then I buy what I want.

42.Researcher: “Kamu pernah ndak ikut-ikutan les bahasa Inggris?”/ Then, have you ever joined English course?

43.Grandchild C: “Belum”/ I haven’t yet.

44.Researcher: “Disini ada ndak kursusan bahasa Inggris?” / Is there any English course near your house?

45.Grandchild C: “Ndak ada.” / No, there is no English course near my house.

46.Researcher: “Okey, interview sudah selesai terima kasih.” / Ok. The interview is well done. Thank you.


Interview with the grandmother of participant C

1. Researcher: “Check 123 wawancara ke 5, dengan mbahnya Susanti, ditempat Susanti ,Ngronggo, tanggal 12 November 2011pertanyaan pertama, asamanipun njenegan sinten?”

/ Check 123, the fifth interview with Susanti’s grandmother in Nggronggo, on November 12, 2011. The first question what is your name?

2. Grandmother C: “Kulo Choir.” / My name is Mrs. Choir.

3. Researcher: “Njenengan yaswanipun pinten?” / How old are you? 4. Grandmother C: “72” / Seventy two years old.

5. Researcher: “Njenegan ngasta napa?” / What do you do?

6. Grandmother C: “Kulo riyen guru SD, sakniki sampun pensiun.” / I was an elementary teacher, but now I’ve already retired.

7. Researcher: “Njenegan riyen sekolahe dugi pundi?”/ What was your latest education? 8. Grandmother C: “Kulo riyen pertama lulusan saking SGB (Sekolah Guru B) naliko



guru SD (D2) tahun 1970.” / At first I was graduated from School of teacher B in 1959, then School of teacher A in 1961 and the last a young bachelor of elementary education in 1970.

9. Researcher: “Njenegan guru SD datheng pundi?” / Where did you teach? 10.Grandmother C: “Ting Getasan.” / In Getasan.

11.Researcher: “Njenengan ting griya tinggal kaleh sinten mawon?” / With whom do you live at home?

12.Grandmother C: “Kulo ting griya kaleh anak wedok lan putu kulo.” / I live with my only daughter and granddaughter.

13.Researcher: “Ingkang kagungan putra pinten mbah?” / How many child do you have? 14.Grandmother C: “Kaleh, sing setunggal jaler tumut le wedok ting Semarang. Trus sing

setunggal nggih anak wedok kulo.” / I have two children. The one is my son who lived with his wife in Semarang. The other is my only daughter whom I lived with.

15.Researcher: “Inkang putrinipun ngasta napa mbah?” / What does your daughter do? 16.Grandmother C: “Menika dados kasir ting toko.” / She works as cashier in shop.

17.Researcher: Piturut njenegan basa Inggris menika wigati napa mboten kangge wayah ipun? Kingeng menapa?” / In your opinion, does English important for grandchild’s future or not?

18.Grandmother C: “Nggih wigati sanget,amargi sakniki basa inggris penting kange golek kepintaran.” / Of Course, it’s very important for the child to improve the knowledge. 19.Researcher: “Nak ting griya wayahipun nate ngresulo bab pelajaran basa Inggris ting

sekolah?” / Does she ever complain about the English subject at home?

20.Grandmother C: “Mboten, malah nak enten…”/ No, she is not even when she gets one… 21.Researcher: “Nek enten tugas.” / Get homework?

22.Grandmother C: “Wonten tugas niku seneng damel sinau ting griya.” / Yes, if she has homework, she will be happy to do it.

23.Researcher: “Njenengan nate ngewangi wayahipun nyinauni bab bahasa Inggris?” / Do you help him/her with English’s homework?

24.Grandmother C: “Nggih kedongan nak kulo saget, nek mboten saget ken kulo tanglet kancane



25.Researcher: “Ting ngriya wonten pangenan engkang kagem sinau wayah ipun? / Do you prepare a room for him/her to study?

26.Grandmother C: “Paling nggih ning ngajengTv, ningTv ne ken kulo pateni.” / Yes, she uses to study in front of TV, but I turned it off.

27.Researcher: “La yen wayahipun sinau njenegan nyambi menapa?” / Then, what do you do while he is studying?

28.Grandmother C: “Kaleh lempit-lempit pakaian nggih kaleh nyapu.” / I use to tie up clothes or sweep the floor.

29.Researcher: “Njenengan kedah maringi buku menapa fasilitas ingkang seumpami numutke ting les-lesan, kagem wayah ipun?” / Do you already facilitate her in language learning process by buying new books, cd or just travelling?

Grandmother C: “Riyen nate sepindah kulo tumbasaken kamus bergambar warna -warni.” / Yes, I do buy her a colorful dictionary

30.Researcher: “Sing medal gambar niku mbah?” / Does it show pictures and vocabularies? 31.Grandmother C: “Nggih” / Yes, it does.

32.Researcher: Njengan nate ndukani wayahipun bab sekolah ingkang kurang sae? Seumpami angsal nilai elek ting wulangan?” / Have you ever been angry to granddaughter? Because she got bad grades at school?

33.Grandmother C: “Nggih kadang nggih kulo seneni.” / Yes, sometimes I have been angry to her.

34.Researcher: “La engkang menapa, mbah?” / Why do you do that?

35.Grandmother C: “La nggih sing sinau amben dinten kok le ngarap jeh kliru.” / She already studies every day and does exercise, but still make mistakes.



Interview with the grandmother of participant C about her education background

1. Researcher: “Wawancara dengan neneknya Susanti, Ibu Choir. Sugeng enjeng njenegan saget crios bab pendidikan terakhir njenegan menika pripun?” (Interview with the Susanti’s grandmother, Mrs. Choir. Good morning, mam. Could you tell me your educational background?

2. Grandmother C: “Kulo riyen pisanan sekolah rakyat tahun 1955. Trus kulo ingkang neruske sekolah guru B tahun 1959,nika 3 tahun. Lalu sekolah guru A tahun 1961.

Ingkang tahun 1960 kulo sampun dadi guru SD. Trus kaleh pemerintah kulo ken



government sent me to study in young bachelor of teaching elementary school department (D2-PGSD PENDIDIKAN GURU SEKOLAH DASAR) in 1970. At that time. It was easy to get a job as a teacher. )

3. Researcher: “Yen sakniki sekolah rakyat kalian sekolah guru niku dados menapa?” (In your opinion the School of people compare to education nowadays, the school include which level and how about school of teacher?)

4. Grandmother: “Nak sekolah rakyat niku kangge ne sakniki sekolah dasar. Trus nak sekolah guru A niku smp trus sekolah guru B niku sma. Trus nak sing terakhir niku

pendidikan guru sd, kula kaleh tahun laju salatiga -semarang. Kula mendet ting IKIP

PGRI. Nika saget kasebut sarjana muda nggih kedah nyinauni ilmu ingkang kangge mulang tiyang sd. “(If the school of people was similar to elementary school. Then the school of teacher A was junior high school and the school of teacher B was senior high school.


Interview with the classroom teacher of 6th grade, Mrs. Tyas

1. Researcher: “Oke, bisa dimulai wawancara dengan guru kelas enam SD yang dimulai. Langsung pada pertanyaan pertama, siapakah nama lengkap ibu?” / Okay, we can start the interview with the clasrrom teacher of sixth grader of Elemantary School. Go on with the first question, what is your complete name?

2. Teacher: “Nama saya bu Tyas.” / My name is Mrs. Tyas.

3. Researcher: “Kemudian, pekerjaan ibu sehari-hari apa?”/ Next, what do you do?

4. Teacher: “Saya guru kelas di sekolah dasar.”/ I am a classroom teacher in Elemantary School.

5. Researcher: “Langsung saja kepertanyaan tentang penilitian, yaitu sudah berapa lama anda mengajar di SD?”/ I just go on with question about research’s topic is how long have you been teaching at SD?



7. Researcher: “Pertanyaan kedua, menyangkut murid kelas 6 yang anda pegang sekarang. Seberapa dekatkah hubungan anda dengan murid sekarang?”/ The second, question which related to your students this year. How close is your relationship as a teacher with your students?

8. Teacher: “Dekat … bagaimana ya? Kalau menurut saya sudah cukup dekatlah hubungan ini terjalin dengan anak-anak. Saya senang dengan murid sekaramg sudah saya anggap seperti anak sendiri.”/ close… How to explain it? In my opnion, I quiet close with the guys. I considered them as my own child.

9. Researcher: “Seberapa lama anda mengenal 16 anak?”/ How long do you know the 16 students?

10.Teacher: “Ya kurang lebih 2 tahun, sejak saya jadi guru kelas 4 tahun 2009, saat itu pertama kali saya bertemu.” / Ya… more or less, is about 2 years. Since I become their classroom teacher in fourth grade 2009

11.Researcher: “Tahukah anda bahwa ada berapa anak yang tinggal dengan kakek atau/ dan nenek?” / Did you know how many students who lived with the gandparent?

12.Teacher: “Sek... mbk tak inget-inget dulu, kelihatane sekitar 3 orang. Ya betul tiga mereka adalah Ipin, Mei-mei dan Susanti.” / Wait ... wait for second, let me flasback first. It looks like three.Yes of course, they are only three students like Ipin, Mei-mei and Susanti.

13.Researcher: “Ok...bu kalau ibu yakin cuman ada tiga, lalu bisakah ibu cerita sedikit penampilan mereka di sekolah dari ke tiga anak tersebut.” / Okay then if you are really sure there are only three. So, could you tell me a short story of those children achievment in education ?

14.Teacher: “Ya, boleh-boleh saja.kalau saya mulai dari anak yang paling banyak kekurangan ... Ipin. Dia sudah 4 kali tinggal kelas. Kemudian dia termasuk siswa

istimewa saya, karena tergolong susah belajar dan tidak pernah mendapat nilai bagus.

Saya aja terkadang juga bingung kok bisa selalu dapat nilai jelek pas tes. Tetapi, dibalik

nilai jelek dan banyak tinggal kelas, dia sebenarnya anak yang kreatif lo. Dia ya sering

banget ikut lomba ketrampilan atau kerajian dan tidak jarang pula dia menangin lomba,

mbak. Nek dilihat anak e lebih antusias di pelaja ran SBK atau yang berhubungan



Sometime I got confused of what he gets in test. Though behind his bad grade, he actually has passion of creative student. He used to participate in art competition especially in ketrampilan and kerajinan. The good side is he used to win the competition. I investigate him that he became more enthusiastic in a SBK-Seni, Budaya & Ketrampilan (Art, Culture & Handicraft) which is related with art. The important is he wanted to go away from regular subject.

15.Researcher: “Yak... betul seperti itu. Kemudian masih ada dua, lanjut bu.”/ Yeah…,it happens like that. Next there is still two subjects, Mam, can we go on now.

16.Teacher:”Yah… yang berikute ke anak yang penampilannya sedeng-sedeng aja itu, Khusnul aka Mei-mei dia termasuk anak yang biasa-biasa saja. Nek prestasi kelihatane tidak begitu menonjol lagipula anaknya juga kadang naik kadang turun. E…maksud saya kadang gampang sekali menangkap umpan atau materi, kadang juga sampai berkali-kali

pertemuan ndak paham dan harus dijelaskan satu-satu. Jadi biar nilai mepet kkm dia belum pernah nunggak sekalipun.” / Yes, of coursae the next was the girl with common look. Mei-Mei, who known as an ordinary girl. So far she has no compettion record. As children, sometime she is easy to understand the material, but sometime she didn’t understand anything and need more extra time to expalin one by one the theory. Even she used to get the latest garde of the minimum grade.

17.Researcher: “Begitu ya bu… trus murid yang terakhir ini bagaimana?”/ Ouw...like that. Then what happen to the last student?

18.Teacher: “Nek Susanti, jangan ditanya ya dia dari kelas 1 langganan juara kelas antara dia sama Rinda atau Lusi. itu anak e sopan ya grapyak (ramah), ya aktif ikut lomba

-lomba tingkat kecamatan atau kota. Dia itu beda karena daya tangkapnya bagus, itu

buat dia gampang sekali menguasai materi. Walaupun sering keluar buat lomba, dia berusaha untuk kejar apa yang ketinggalan.”/ Susanti always gets the first rank in her class from the first grade. She used to compete with Rinda and Lusi. Susanti is polite girl and humble. She is active in many intelligent competition which held in region, or town. She has a good memory and easy to understand material. Though she is busy with many competition which make her had many abscencies in her attending list, she tries hard to balance between school and competiton.



next questions, Mrs. Tyas. Could you tell me, a little bit of those children family background?

20.Teacher: “Boleh saja… tapi saya tidak tahu mendetail semua yah paling yang bisa saya bantu yang bagian permukaan. Karena mbak kan cari yang ada pengaruh sama kakek

nenek.nek dilihat dari anak pertama yang saya ceritakan itu lo, yang tidak pernah

mendapat nilai bagus. Ipin sebenarnya bukan anak seratus persen bodoh atau dia tidak bisa belajar. Tepatnya dia anak dari korban permasalahan sosial di masyarakat.”/ It’s okay. Although I don’t know all the history, but I try to look what I can help from there? Because for the research purpose, the grandparent’s involvement in learning English. Actually, Ipin is not always got bad mark. In my opinion, he is actually the victim of social problem in societety which happen recently.

21.Researcher: “Lho, maksudnya bagaimana itu, Bu?”/O… What do you mean by victim of social problem?

22.Teacher: “Ipin itu sebenarnya bukan tinggal sama bapak ibunya kandung mereka itu kan aslinya mbah kakung dan mbah putrine dia. Dulu waktu pertama kali saya jadi wa li kelas

dia di awal kelas 4, saya pernah ketemu dengan nenek itu yang juga cerita sedikit sejarah

Ipin. Waktu itu dia mengikuti acara penerimaan raport dan dari situ, dia jelaskan kalau

si Ipin cucu dari anak perempuannya yang sekarang minggat ke Surabaya . Lha sekarang

nek kondisinya begitu saya ndak bisa menyamakan sikap saya kalau dia dalam proses

belajar harus sama dengan temannya yang lain. Sekarang dilihat kondisi demographis

rumahnya yang hanya berisi 2 orang tua dan anak laki-lakinya yang terakhir. Sedangkan

mereka semua sibuk dengan urusan masing-masing, maka ya wajar kalau anak itu

kadang kurang perhatian dalam belajar. Setahu saya mbah kakunge kerja jadi tukang dan anak laki-lakinya kerja di pabrik dan mbah putrinya itu ya dirumah, bertani.” / Actually, Ipin lives cutodial with his grandparent and his uncle. When I was the classroom teacher of 4th grade, I met hi grandmother who told me that this boy was her grandson from his daghter who escaped to Surabaya. Considering to his family members, I could not treat him similar to his friend. Since, he has two grandparents and one uncle, who were busy with their job. No surprise, if he get low attention on learning process. As I know, that the grandparent work as brick layers, the uncle works in garment factory and the grandmother as a farmer



24.Teacher: “Nek yang kedua ini saya ndak begitu paham walupun dulu juga udah pernah mendidik kakaknya yang sekarang sekolah di jenjang SMA kalau saya ndak salah.. Nek dilihat dari apa yang dibawa kesekolahan… dia kelihatane dari orang yang berada cuman anak disini bermuka melas jadi kelihatane susah banget dibedakannya. He…he…he…maaf bercanda, tapi kalau dia datang dari orang tua mampu itu memang benar. Bapaknya itu supir dan si ibu juga kerja di toko, di Salatiga. Si Mei-mei ini juga pernah cerita kalau dia juga tinggal sama satu mbah putrinya.” / Then for the second one, I don’t know her very close and only the surface. She has one brother whose was the alumnus of this school and studying at senior high school. Seeing her apperance, I assume that her family is a little bit wealthy, but most of the students here have pale face / melas . He… he…he…sorry, I’m kidding. But, I believe that she comes from middle class. The father works as a driver and her mother also works in Salatiga. Mei-mei also lives with her grandmother

25.Researcher: “Baik bu kurang sedikit lagi kita selesai, karena ini pertanyaan terakhir tentang bagaimana keadaan keluarga murid yang ketiga, si Susanti?”/ Okay mam. I need a little bit information this is about the thrid student Susanti, how was her family background?

26.Teacher: “Oh iya… masih satu tak kira udah habis. Begini ceritanya aslinya dia itu anak dari keluarga broken home. Keluargane pisahan ketika dia kelas 1 sd, trus nek ibunya itu

kerja di Salatiga di sebuah toko karena menjadi kasir. Ibunya bernama bu Choir. Dia juga tinggal dengan neneknya yang pensiunan guru SD di daerah kab. Getasan.” / Ow yes… I almost forget I thought its finish. Here the story, she comes from broken home since she was in the first grade. Her mom named Mrs. Choir. She lives with her mother who is Susanti’s grandmother. Her grandmother was used to an elemantary teacher in Getasan.



Interview with the uncle of participant A, Neno

1. Researcher: “Check…check…123. Wawancara pertama dengan pamannya Ipin . Pertanyaan pertama, nama lengkap anda siapa?”/Check…check…123. The first interview with the uncle of Ipin. The first question is what is your name

2. Uncle A: “Nama saya Ndimik mbak.”/My name is Ndimik. 3. Researcher: “Umurnya berapa?”/How old are you?

4. Uncle A: “27 tahun”/ 27 years old.

5. Researcher: “Trus pekerjaanya apa?”/What do you do?

6. Uncle A: “Saya kerja di pabrik mbak, di kayu lapis”/ I work in pulp factory. 7. Researcher: “Pendidikan terkahir anda apa mas?”/What is your latest education?

8. Uncle A: “Saya lulusan STM mbak, jurusan lisrik”. /I graduated from SMK/ Senior High School on electricity.

9. Researcher: “Apakah anda pernah melihat ibu anda memberi perhatian Iwan tentang perihal sekolah, atau ngechek prnya, atau apa?”/Does your mother also give atention on children’s academic life?

10.Uncle A: “Ndak tahu mbak.Ibu saya itu ndak tahu apa-apa soal sekolahan,wong bacanya aja ndak lancar, paling tahunya ya masak dan ngarit.” / My mom knows nothing about school. She can’t read and only knows about grassing or cooking.

11.Researcher: “Trus setahu anda, apa yang biasa ibu anda lakukan ketika belajar.”/As you know what usually your mother does while Ipin studying?

12.Uncle A: “Ibu saya...Ibu saya ndak pernah nunguin dia belajar, paling ngelengke nek ada PR lek dikerjake.”/ My mom never accompanies him. She uses to remind him to not forget about homework.



14.Uncle A:”Ya ibu saya paling ngarit, masak, trus nek malem mbungkusi kerupuk ditempat tetangga.”/She usually goes grassing in the morning, then cooking. When at night she helped my neighbor to wrap some crackers.

15.Researcher: “Apakah anda pernah lihat ibu anda meniliti atau mengecheck, kalau ini prnya udah dikerjakan atau belum?”/ Do you ever know if your mother checking Ipin homework?

16.Uncle A: “Nggak paling cuman lihat atau ngomel nek belum dikerjakan.”/No, she doesn’t check his work, and she only reminds to do the homework.

17.Researcher: “Oh…jadi mung ngelingke tok yo mas, nek ada PR atau tidak?”/So, she only reminds about the homework?

18.Uncle A: “Iya”/ Yes, mam.


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