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ACCESSIONS RELATIONSHIP OF PURWOCENG (Pimpinella pruatjan Molkenb.) BASED ON MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS Hubungan Fenetik Aksesi Purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan Molkenb.) Berdasarkan Karakter Morfologi


Academic year: 2018

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Berdasarkan Karakter Morfologi

Harto Widodo*, Azizatur Rahmah**, Rina Sri Kasiamdari**

*Medicinal Plant and Traditional Medicine Research and Development Centre **Biology Faculty Post Graduate of GadjahMada University

e-mail: hart2wido2@gmail.com


Purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan Molkenb.) merupakan tanaman Indonesia yang memiliki khasiat sebagai afrodi -siak, diuretik dan tonik. Menurut beberapa literatur, tanaman purwoceng tumbuh hanya di daerah dataran tinggi, mulai 1.800 sampai 3.500 meter dpl di pegunungan tertentu di Pulau Jawa, yaitu Gunung Semeru, dataran tinggi Di-eng, dan gunung Pangrango. Saat ini sulit untuk menemukan purwoceng di alam liar, bahkan di gunung Pangrango dilaporkan spesies ini telah punah. Tanaman ini terdaftar sebagai spesies yang terancam punah dan hampir punah (Lampiran I) oleh Konvensi Perdagangan Internasional Spesies Langka Liar Flora dan Fauna (CITES). Setidaknya terdapat enam aksesi purwoceng yang telah dibudidayakan di Gunung Lawu telah ditemukan yang berbeda dari tetuanya dari Dataran Tinggi Dieng. Mengingat potensi yang sangat tinggi sekaligus untuk konservasi tanaman, penelitian pendahuluan dilakukan untuk mempelajari hubungan purwoceng yang dikumpulkan dari empat tempat tumbuh pada fitur morfologi. Total terdapat 91 karakter yang diperiksa dari 13 aksesi yaitu dua aksesi diperoleh dari Ranupani BTSNP Semeru (RP1 dan RP2); enam aksesi dari Gunung Lawu (GL1, GL2, GL3, GL3, GL4, GL5 dan GL6); tiga aksesi dari Dataran Tinggi Dieng (GD1, GD2 dan GD3); dan dua aksesi dari Gunung Putri (GP1 dan GP2). Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan MVSP 3.1 software dan algoritma UPGMA dipergunakan untuk menghasilkan dendogram. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua aksesi memiliki koefisien sederhana pencocokan (SSM)> 82%. Mereka membentuk tiga kelompok dengan SSM> 91%, kelompok pertama terdiri dari semua aksesi dari Gu -nung Lawu dan aksesi dari Gu-nung Putri, kelompok kedua terdiri dari aksesi dari Dataran Tinggi Dieng, sedangkan aksesi dari RanuPani TBSNP-Gunung Semeru dikelompokkan ke dalam kelompok ketiga.

Kata kunci: Pimpinella pruatjan Molkenb, morfologi, aksesi.


Purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan Molkenb.) is an Indonesian plant which has medicinal properties for

aphrodisi-ac, diuretic and tonic. This plant grows only in high attitude area between 1,800 to 3,500 meters above sea level at the certain mountains of Java Island, i.e. Mount Semeru, Dieng plateau, and mount Pangrango. Nowadays it is hard to find P. pruatjan grows wildly, due to its high extinction. Convention on International Trading in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES) categorized purwoceng as endangered and nearly extinct (appendix 1). At least six accessions of cultivated P. pruatjan in Mount Lawu were found which are different from their ances

-tor from Dieng Plateau. Considering the high potential and conservation concern of the plant, the preliminary research was conducted to study the relationship of P. pruatjan collected from four reported growth locations based on morphological features. Ninety one of characters were examined for 13 accessions i.e. two accessions from Ranu Pani BTSNP-mount Semeru (RP1 and RP2); six accessions from Mount Lawu (GL1, GL2, GL3, GL3, GL4, GL5 and GL6); three accessions from Dieng Plateau (GD1, GD2 and GD3); and two accessions from Mount Putri (GP1 and GP2). The data were analyzed using MVSP 3.1 software and UPGMA algorithm was utilized to generate dendogram. The result showed that all accession have simple matching coefficient (SSM) >82%.


They formed three groups with SSM>91%, the first group consisted of all accessions from Mount Lawu and acces

-sions from Mount Putri, the second group consisted of acces-sions from Dieng Plateau, whereas acces-sions from RanuPaniTBSNP-Mount Semeru clustered into the third group.

Keywords: Pimpinella pruatjan Molkenb., morphology, accession


Indonesia is well known as one of mega biodiversity countries in the world. It is

esti-mated that the amount of Indonesia flowering plant species is about 35,000 (55% endemic).

One of Indonesian endemic plants possessing

therapeutic importance is Purwoceng ( Pimp-inella pruatjan Molkenb.). Its root is empiri-cally used as aphrodisiac, diuretic, and tonic

(Caropeboka, 1980). P. pruatjan has been used

to increase stamina; it also has properties as

analgesic, antipyretic, anthelmintic, antibiotic,

and anticancer (Rahardjo, 2005).

Pimpinella pruatjan Molkenb. belongs to Apiaceae family, with the following mor-phologycal traits, the leaves in one or more radical rosette, petioled, hairy on both

sur-faces, imparipinnate; leaflets 3-11, sessile or

subsessile, cordate-orbicular, crenate-dentate,

1-2.5 cm long. It has umbellules 4-8 flowers,

and the stem is striate. The plant has strong aroma, with a thick root and numerous

ascend-ing flowerascend-ing stems bearascend-ing only poorly de

-veloped leaves (Figure 1.) (Becker and Brink, 1963)

Figure 1. Pimpinella pruatjan Molkenb. Legend: a. b. Habitus; c. Flower; d. Fruit and seed

P. pruatjan is an Indonesian indigenous plant which is growing endemically in mountainous

area, such as Dieng Plateau in Central Java, Pangrango and Galunggung Mountain in West

Java, as well as Tengger and Iyang Highland

in East Java (Heyne, 1987). Nowadays, the

population of P. pruatjan drecrease dramatically due to a large scale of genetic erosion, even the

population in West Java and Mount Pangrango

mountainous area in East Java was reported

to have perished (Darwati and Rostika, 2006). Research on endangered medicinal plant in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (BTSNP)

indicated that P. pruatjan has been classified

as Critically endangered even categorized as

Extinct in the wild (Hidayat and Risna, 2007).

P. pruatjan can be found at high area

with the altitude of 1.800-3.300 meters above

sea level (m asl), and it grow well thrives

approximately 2.000 m asl. (Rahardjo, 2005). Cultivating in area lower than 1.700 m asl will decrease productivity of the plant both quantity and quality. Purwoceng has low altitudinal adaptability (Wahyuni, 2009). Cultivating trial in areas with altitude of 600-800 m asl showed

that the plant was only able to survive for three

months (Darwati and Rostika, 2006).

Previous study on morphological and

genetic variations of P. pruatjan disclosed that there are two types of P. pruatjan which have

slight differences between them. The first types has green petiole and white flower and

the other has purple color both its petiole and

flower. Analysis using Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) primers revealed that those two

types had genetic variations (Widodo et al.,

2012). Further elaborative investigation of the


Mount Lawu using the basis phenotypic features founded more than two morphological types of

P. pruatjan. This morphological diversity of the species might indicate the form of its genetic and environmental interactions.

Plant morphological characters were obviously influenced by environmental factors (Pujiasmanto et al., 2007; Stenstrom et al., 2007). These factors include altitude,

precipitation, light intensity, soil pH, soil temperature, and soil nutrients. Environmental

factors such as different altitude basically affect

in anatomy and morphology characteristics. Study on Festuca sp. Demonstrated that heat-tolerant cultivars had larger cells and more sclerenchyma and collenchyma (supporting tissue) in between the vascular bundle and epidermal cells compared with heat-sensitive

Festuca cultivars (Zhang et al., 2005). To be

able to grow well each species of plants has its own optimum temperature, thus its natural growth distribution depends on temperature zone.

Morphological characters or external features currently provide most of characters

used for practical plant identification and

many of those are used for hypothesizing phylogenetic relationships (Judd et al., 1999).

The morphological character recognition is still used as the basis of preparation of

plant classification. Classification based on

morphological characters can be used as a general reference for precise and rapid preparation of plant diversity maps, especially for Angiosperm. Morphology can be observed with a more convenient and practical compared with other properties (Jones and Luchsinger,


Simplicia of P. pruatjan is major ingredient for aphrodisiac Jamu formula used at Saintifikasi Jamu Program. This program was launched by issueing Ministry of Health

Republic of Indonesia (MHRI) Decree Number 003/Menkes/Per/I/2010 to provide evident

based data about the safety,

quality and efficacious of Indonesia herbal

medicine (JAMU) through service based

research. Raw materials of medicinal plants

used in that program should be standardized thus medicinal plant, as a row material of Jamu, should be standardized as well. Authentication species of medicinal plants is one of the crucial

first steps to obtain standardized medicinal


Based on the above mentioned background discussion, this preliminary research aims to provide data on P. pruatjan

diversity and to determine the relationship

of the accessions collected from four different

growth locations on the basis of morphological features. Mount Putri (West Java) and Ranu Pani BTSNP–

Mount Semeru (East Java). This research was

conducted from March to December 2012. The map (Figure 2.) figured out the regions in

which the study was conducted.


P. pruatjan collected from each region both from wild habitat and cultivated area were grouped according to their major

resemble characters (i.e. leaf, petiole, flower).

This traits were distinguishable without any measurement tool. This preliminary groups

were determine as accessions. Vegetative

part (root, stem, leaf) and reproductive parts

(fruits, flowers, and seeds) were observed

to determine morphological features of each accession. Ninety one characters were

identified. Voucher herbarium of specimens

were collected in all accessions and placed

in Medicinal Plant and Traditional Medicine Research and Development Centre (MPTMRDC)



Figure 2.The locations of Pimpinella pruatjan Molk. Colection site


A. Mount Putri West Java Province with the altitude of 1,623 m. a.s.l.

B. Dieng PlateauCentral Java Province with the altitude of 2,039 m. a.s.l.

C. Mount Lawu Central Java Province with the altitude of 1,800 m. a.s.l.

D. Ranu Pani BTSNP-Mount Semeru East Java Province with the altitude of 2161 m. a.s.l.

Data Analysis

Morphological dataset representing

each observed characters were encoded 0,1,2,3

and so on, then analyzed by using the Multi

Variate Statistical Package (MVSP) Version 3.1 with the Simple Matching Coefficient (SSM).

Index similarities of many type comparable operational taxonomic units (OTU`s) were analyzed and clustered to generate dendrogram

using UPGMA algorithm.


Accession or ecotype is the smallest unit

in the population which has a specific genetic

character. Morphological characters consist

of the differences and similarities between

plants that occur in general. Its value can be measured from the stability, the more stable

character, the better the level of confidence or otherwise (Lawrence, 1955).

Based on major morphological resemble characters, i.e.: leaf shape, the color of petiole,

13 accessions of P. pruatjan from four observed locations were characterized. The highest diversity found was P. pruatjan from Mount Lawu that had six accessions where as from

Mount Putri, Dieng Plateau and Ranu Pani BTSNP-Mount Semeru were two, three, and two accessions, respectively (Table 1.)

Table 1. Determining accession based on major morphological characters

No Location Type of location Number Accession

of accession code


1. Mount Lawu Cultivating garden 6 GL1, GL2, GL3, GL4, GL5 and GL6

2. Mount Putri Cultivating garden 2 GP1 and GP2

3. Dieng Plateau Cultivating garden 3 GD1, GD2 and GD3

4. Ranu Pani Natural habitat 2 RP1and RP2

BTSNP- Mount


P. pruatjan from Mount Lawu was more diverse. This may occur due to environmental stress. It was mentioned that P. pruatjan was progeny of P. pruatjan from Dieng Plateau

which have been cultivated in Mount Lawu at

MPTMRCD research garden since 2007. At the

beginning of cultivating trial of P. pruatjan in

research area (1.200 m asl.) onlya few plants

were able to survive. Those might have been able to adapt to the less optimum environment for their growth through a variety of mechanisms

for survival. As mentioned by Vince and Zoltán (2011), plants have various mechanisms that

allow them to survive and often prosper in the complex environments in which they live. The mechanisms may either through genetic changes or just phenotypic plasticity which provide morphological variations.

These phenotypic variations might be due to responds of the plants to the environment

in which they grow. Parthasarathy (2010)

reported that environment factors were having

a high degree influence on morphological as

well as biochemical characters of the species.

Grazing and competition can also change plant morphology to a great extent (Pollard, 1986).

Table 2. Similarity index of 13 accessions of Pimpinella pruatjan Molkenb. based on morphological characters


GL1 1

GL2 0,934 1

GL3 0,890 0,912 1

GL4 0,923 0,901 0,945 1

GL5 0,945 0,901 0,923 0,978 1

GL6 0,934 0,934 0,934 0,967 0,945 1

GP1 0,912 0,890 0,890 0,923 0,901 0,934 1

GP2 0,923 0,879 0,923 0,978 0,956 0,945 0,945 1 GD1 0,824 0,846 0,824 0,835 0,835 0,846 0,846 0,813 1 GD2 0,780 0,824 0,824 0,813 0,813 0,802 0,824 0,813 0,956 1 GD3 0,824 0,824 0,868 0,857 0,857 0,846 0,868 0,857 0,934 0,934 1 RP1 0,791 0,769 0,791 0,802 0,802 0,769 0,791 0,802 0,835 0,835 0,879 1 RP2 0,813 0,813 0,835 0,824 0,824 0,813 0,857 0,824 0,857 0,857 0,901 0,912 1

These environmental factors can interact.

Furthermore, Douglas (1981) showed that

competition reduced the size of Mimulus

primuloides plants at low altitudes, while low temperatures reduced size at higher altitudes

and consequently the largest plants were found

at intermediate altitudes.

In this study, the characters were determined from vegetative and generative morphological characters. The characters were

composed of the roots, leaves, stems, flowers

and fruit. Thirteen accessions of P. pruatjan were observed in term of morphological characters

covering 91 characters, 41 characters of them

were polymorphic.


The accessions collected from Mount

Putri (GP), Dieng Plateau (GD), Mount Lawu (GL) and Ranu Pani (RP) have highly morphological similarity. RP1 had a distinct

characters compared to other accessions. It

had the lowest similarity index of 76,9% to both GL2 and GL6. Based on the taxon-species

concept that single individualis was considered as members of one species if it showed a

similarity index of ≥70%. It was confirmable

that those all accessions are still in the same species.

Clustering analysis using UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Method Using

Arithmetic Mean) algorithm revealed the

relationship among 13 accessions of P. pruatjan

based on morphological characters (Figure 3.).


Clustering dendrogram with Simple Matching Coefficient (SSM)>91%(Table 2.), showed three groups of the accessions. Group 1 consisted of RP1 and RP2 accessions with

SSM 91,2%, originating from Ranu Pani BTSNP-Mount Semeru. These accessions demontrated which had slightly distinctive morphological character to the accessions from other

locations. Group 2 comprised of GD1, GD2 and GD3 with SSM 93,4%, accessions from Dieng Plateau. And group 3 clustered among GL1, GL2, GL3, GL4, GL5 GL6, GP1 and GP2, with SSM 91,2%.

Those three groups were formed by the values of closeness between each accession. Similarity index in Table 2. were generated

from 91 morphological characters. Accessions

showed similarities to join the same group

as group 1 and group 2. Group 3 was a combination of GL and GP accessions. Although

the geographic distance between Mount Lawu

and Mount Putri was far away, GL and GP accessions were the same ancestor. Both GL and GP accessions were from Dieng Plateau.

They have the same characters that might be joined to the same group. Ex-situ cultivation at lower altitude than the original habitat resulted in changing of the morphological characters of

the offspring.

Dendrogram generated from UPGMA

analysis showed that accessions from the same place joined to the same group though they

had different similarity values. In conclusion,

accessions from the same place joined to the same group. Due to adaptation to the new

different environments, the offspring of P.

pruatjan would change their morphological

characters different from their ancestors. The

validity of the results obtained from this study

is considerably affected by the sensitivity

of these traits to environmental factors and physiological stages of plants. Thus other approaches methods to reveal the relationship of the P. pruatjan accessions is needed.


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Figure 1. Pimpinella pruatjan Molkenb.Legend: a. b. Habitus; c. Flower; d. Fruit and seed
Figure 2.The locations of Pimpinella pruatjan Molk. Colection site
Table 2. Similarity index of 13 accessions of Pimpinella pruatjan Molkenb. based on morphological characters
Figure 3. Dendogram showing morphological relationship among Pimpinella pruatjan Molkenb.accessions using Simple MatchingMethod and UPGMA algorithm


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