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This thesis is presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Graduate

Degree of Education in English Education Study Program



NO : 1011202626




- Aku adalah pribadi yang luar biasa¸ semua orang merindukan aku¸ aku satu-satunya yang ada di dunia ini¸ Allah mengenal hatiku¸ tidak ada yang tersembunyi bagiNya¸ Dia menganyam hidupku dari dalam rahim ibuku¸ Dia mengenal hatiku lebih dari yang aku tahu. Dia adalah Gunung Batu dan kota Keselamatanku. (The Writer)

- Sebab rancangan-ku bukanlah rancanganMu¸ dan jalanMu bukanlah jalan-ku¸ demikianlah firman Tuhan. Seperti tingginya langit dari bumi¸ demikianlah panjangnya jalan-ku dari jalanMu dan rancangan-ku dari rancanganmu. (Yeyasa¸ 55: 8-9)

- Jangan meninggalkan dirimu¸ agar jangan kau jatuh¸ dan jangan mendatangkan malu bagi dirimu sendiri. Sebab Tuhan akan membuka segala rahasiamu. (Sirakh¸ 1: 30)

- Semua akan indah akan waktunya. (The Writer)

- Ηave faith in yourself¸ believe that anything can be done¸ live to the full and never give up. (Ermelinda Sato)

- Kebanyakan millyuner mendapat nilai B atau C di kampus. Mereka membangun kekayaan bukan dari ӀQ semata¸ melainkan kreatviitas dan akal she( Thomas Stanley)

- Orang yang paling beruntung didunia adalah orang yang telah

mengembangkan rasa syukur yang hamper konstan¸ dalam situasi apapun ( E. Nightingale)

- Standar terbaik untuk mengukur keberhasilan anda dalam kehidupan adalah dengan menghitung jumlah orang yang telah anda buat bahagia. (Robert J. Lumsden)




This thesis is presented to :

- My beloved parents Suparno and Suliyem¸ thanks for giving me borderless

love¸ thanks for giving money every month. I`m just gonna give the all

finer things that Ӏ can do. I`m gonna make you proud of me ever after. I do

love you. I do miss you

- My brother¸ Muhammad Ӏmam Sofan

- My sister¸ Siti Lidiana¸ Siti Rukhayah¸ Risa Nurfida Ariyanti

- My beloved love Suprat¸ for your support and love. Thanks for loving me

- My all beloved all my friends in Widya Dharma Univercity¸ thanks for




First of all, the writer would like to thank Allah swt, the almighty, who

has given her blessing and mercies. She realizes without his blessing and mercies,

she would not be able to accomplish this thesis as a requirement to achieve the

Graduate Degree of Education in English Education Study Program.

The writer realizes that this thesis cannot be finished without other

peoples` help. In this chance¸ the writer would like to express the deep

appreciation to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Triyono¸ M.Pd.¸ the Rector of Widya Dharma University.

2. Drs. H. Udiyono, M.Pd.¸ as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education


3. Dra. Hj. Sri Haryanti¸ M. Hum., the Ηead of English Education Study


4. Drs. Purwo Haryono, M.Hum., the first consultant who has given her advice¸

and suggestion from the beginning to the end of this thesis.

5. Drs. Suhud Eko Yuwono, M. Hum¸ as the second consultant¸ who has given

her motivation¸ guidance¸ and suggestion to write this thesis.

6. Nanang Form`aizi Yulfa¸ S.Pd¸ the headmaster of MTs Al-Ηamidah Kuwu

Kradenan Grobogan who has given the permission to do the research.

7. Mrs. Eni Minarsih¸ SPd., as the English teacher of MTs Al-Ηamidah Kuwu



8. The teachers, the administrative staffs, the students of class V11 A MTs

AL-HAMIDAH Kuwu Kradenan Grobogan.

Because of the limited knowledge and experience the writer has¸ she is really

aware that this thesis is far from being perfect. Therefore¸ the writer will receive

the criticism and suggestion from the readers in order to make this thesis perfect.

Finally¸ the writer hopes that the thesis is useful¸ especially for the writer herself

and the readers in general.

Klaten¸ March 2015








MOTTO ... v






ABSTRACT ... xiii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. The Background of the Study ... 1

B. The Reason for Choosing the Topic ... 4

C. The Limitation of the Study ... 5

D. The Problem of the Study ... 5

E. The Aim of the Study ... 6

F. The Use of the Study ... 6

G. The Clarification of the Key Term ... 7

H. The Organization of the Study ... 8



B. Teaching and Learning English in Junior Ηigh School ... 11

C. A Brief View of Speaking ... 15

1. The Meaning of Speaking ... 15

2. The Kind of Speaking ... 22

3. The importance of Speaking ... 23

4. Teaching Speaking ... 24

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD A. The Meaning of Research Method ... 27

B. The Strategy of the Research ... 28

C. The Subject of the Study ... 28

D. The Data and Source of the Data ... 29

E. The Technique of Collecting the Data ... 32

F. The Validity of the Data ... 36

G. The Technique of Analyzing the Data ... 40

CHAPTER IV THE RESULT OF THE STUDY A. The Analysis of the Data ... 44

B. The Discussion of the Findings ... 58


B. The Suggestion ... 70




Appendix 1. Field Note of Observation ... 74

Appendix 2. Field Note of Interview ... 79

Syllabus ... 86

Lesson Plan ... 87

Photos of Teaching and Learning English ... 91

The Students` Material ... 94

The Student`s Worksheet ... 95

The Research Permission Letter from University ... 105




1. Code (Obs/ FN.1/01) this is read:

Obs : Observation

FN.1 : Field Note 1.

01 : The number of the data of observation in field note.

2. Code (Ӏnvw/ FN.1/ 01) this is read:

Ӏnvw : Ӏnterview.

FN.1 : Field Note 1.

01 : The number of the data of interview in field note

3. Code (Doc/ LP.1/01) this is read:

Doc : Document.

LP.1 : Lesson Plan 1.



SӀTӀ ӀNDRAYANӀ. NO. 1011202626. English Education Study Program¸ The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Widya Dharma University Klaten¸ 2015. Thesis : A Case Study of Teaching and Learning Speaking of the seventh Year Students of MTs Al-Hamidah Kuwu Kradenan Grobogan in Academic Year 2014/2015.

The writer`s aims of this study are: describing the process of teaching and learning speaking of the seventh year students of MTs Al-Ηamidah Kuwu Kradenan Grobogan in academic year 2014/2015¸ describing the kinds of obstacles found during teaching and learning speaking of the seventh year students of MTs Al-Ηamidah Kuwu Kradenan Grobogan in academic year 2014/2015 and describing the solution to solve the problems in teaching and learning speaking of the seventh year students of MTs Al-Ηamidah Kuwu Kradenan Grobogan in academic year 2014/2015.

In this study¸ the writer conducts the research by using qualitative case study research in the teaching and learning speaking of the seventh year students of MTs Al-Ηamidah Kuwu Kradenan Grobogan in academic year 2014/2015. The sources the data are event¸ the result of interview with the English teacher and the students and the document such as: syllabus¸ lesson plan¸ English material¸ the students` worksheet¸ student`s assignment¸ lesson schedule¸ class` archives and other class achieves. The data are collected by observation¸ interview and documentation of teaching and learning speaking of the seventh year students of MTs Al-Ηamidah Kuwu Kradenan Grobogan in academic year 2014/2015. The writer analyzes data by the steps: does reduction of the data displays data and gives conclusion of the data from the observation¸ interview and document.





This chapter discusses the background of the study¸ the reason for

choosing the topic¸ the limitation of the study¸ the problem of the study¸ the aim

of the study¸ the use of the study¸ the clarification of the key terms¸ and the

organization of the study.

A. The Background of the Study

In daily life¸ human beings need to communicate with another

whenever and wherever they meet. So¸ language as a means of

communication plays an important role. Every body needs language to express

idea and to interact with other people. English is mostly used in social¸

cultural¸ economic¸ educational¸ scientific and technological aspects of life. In

brief¸ English plays an important role in the modern world. In Indonesia¸

English is the first foreign language which is taught from elementary school

till university level.

In learning English, learners have to learn four language skills and four

language components. The four skills are listening, speaking, reading and

writing. Learners cannot learn the skills in isolation. It means the four skills

have to be learned integratedly. The evident can be found in daily English

teaching, which only pays much attention to teaching reading, grammar, and

vocabulary to anticipate the final written test. Although the final English exam



measure the speaking skill, the result of the exam does not reflect the speaking

ability of the students. The absence of the oral exam in the final examination

can be the cause of ignoring the teaching of speaking.

Communicate language teaching is based on the way children learn

their first language. In the classroom, the teacher sets a different tasks and

activities to encourage the students to communicate in English. For example,

they exchange information, discuss, and solve problems in pairs or groups

(Baker and Westrup, 2000: 5).

Nowadays, English teaching-learning processes of junior high school

applies genre-based approach (Luardini, 2014: 80). This approach requires

students to learn based on texts-oriented. The texts are classified into two

kinds of text based on Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture

No. 68 of 2013 on the basis of the framework and structure of the curriculum

of junior high school. The first one is genre texts. They are narrative texts,

recount texts, descriptive texts, report texts, and procedure texts. The next one

is functional texts. They are cautions. notices, warnings, greeting cards, letters,

labels, short messages, advertisements. announcements, and invitations.

Based on the regulation of the minister of education and culture No. 68

of 2013 the basis of the framework and structure the curriculum for Junior

High School. English becomes an important subject which is taught to all

junior high school students in Indonesia. Teaching and learning English in

Junior High School is aimed at making the students master the four language



taught:-so that at the end of the course, the students will have the ability to

communicate in English.

Learning a foreign language means learning how to communicate in

that target language whether orally or written. Of course, the learning of the

components of the target should support it. The Curriculum stresses on the

language, which is used to express the language skills.

The four language skills, reading, listening, writing, and speaking must

be mastered by the students. In this research, the writer wants to discuss about

teaching speaking.

The function of the language is for communication, so in the teaching

and learning process, the teacher wants to know whether the 9 students can

use the language according to the function. Otherwise, the teacher asks the

students some questions in various context/situation. Beside this, the teacher

needs to know the students' ability and to implicate the concept and practice

the students' skill in pronunciation, vocabulary usage or grammatical


In various schools, it shows that the expectation of the students or the

teacher haven't fulfilled yet. Only certain students want to use English for

interaction to the teacher. In this case, we understand because we remember

that English is a second language. A large part of the students less dare to use

this language because they are afraid to make mistake, bashful to laugh with

his friend. There is no standard rule of asking the students to use the English



plays roles of practicing and guiding the students to use English for

communication. The teacher has a lot of opportunities to communicate with

the students. In this case, the teacher must be able to learn about the behavior

and the activities of the students. After that the teacher will know about their

characteristics, interest and their problems.

Based on the reason above, the writer held the case study. Case study

means a research study for investigating a phenomenon. In this study the

phenomenon is the process of teaching and learning speaking of the seventh

year students of MTs Al-Hamidah Kuwu Kradenan Grobogan in academic

year 2014/2015. So, the researcher can know the problems and gives some

contribution on teaching and learning speaking in the class and hopes the

teaching and learning speaking of the seventh year students of MTs

Al-Hamidah Kuwu Kradenan Grobogan in academic year 2014/2015 can be

successful and help the students to solve the problem especially the problem in

learning on reading in the future.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher is interested in

conduction a research of case study on teaching and learning speaking in MTs

Al-Hamidah Kuwu herefore, this research is entitled "A Case Study on

Teaching and Learning Speaking of the seventh Year Students of MTs

Al-Hamidah Kuwu Kradenan Grobogan in Academic Year 2014/2015".

B. The Reason for Choosing the Topic

The reasons that encourage the writer to choose the topic are as



1. Teaching speaking skill s an important role in English language learning.

2. Teaching speaking skill using dialogue in class will in crease the students´

interest to study English language.

3. Speaking mastery influences the English skill. The students' speaking

achievement can improve the students' English skill. Teaching speaking

skill needs right strategy.

C. The Limitation of the Study

The writer wants to limit her study in order to make understanding

between the reader and the writer. The limitations of this study are follows:

1. The process of teaching and learning speaking of the seventh year students

of MTs Al-Hamidah Kuwu Kradenan Grobogan in academic year


2. The obstacles on teaching and learning activities of the seventh year

students of MTs Al-Hamidah Kuwu Kradenan Grobogan in academic year


3. The solution to solve the obstacles in teaching and learning speaking of the

seventh year students of MTs Al-Hamidah Kuwu Kradenan Grobogan in

academic year 2014/2015.

D. The Problem of the Study

The problems of the study are formulated as follows:



students of MTs Al-Hamidah Kuwu Kradenan Grobogan in academic year


2. What are the obstacles found during teaching and learning speaking of the

seventh year students of MTs Al-Hamidah Kuwu Kradenan Grobogan in

academic year 2014/2015?

3. How does the teacher solve the obstacles in teaching and learning speaking

of the seventh year students of MTs Al-Hamidah Kuwu Kradenan

Grobogan in academic year 2014/2015?

E. The Aim of the Study

The writer's aims of this study are:

1. To describe the process of teaching and learning speaking of the seventh

year students of MTs Al-Hamidah Kuwu Kradenan Grobogan in academic

year 2014/2015

2. To describe obstacles on teaching and learning speaking of the seventh

year students of MTs Al-Hamidah Kuwu Kradenan Grobogan in academic

year 2014/2015.

3. To describe the solution to solve the obstacles in teaching and learning

speaking of the seventh year students of MTs Al-Hamidah Kuwu

Kradenan Grobogan in academic year 2014/2015.

F. The Use of the Study



have some following uses:

1. For the students

The result of the study will help them to explore their ability in

speaking fluency.

2. For the teacher

The result of the study will help teacher to complete the curriculum

or give their student ability to develop their speaking. It can be used to

encourage students and teachers to learn English better. By knowing the

students' mastery of the talk is expected that students will improve their

studies and teachers will improve their teaching, that eventually they can

learn English better.

G. The Clarification of the Key Terms

To clarify the meaning of the title the writer would like to describe the

key terms as follows:

1. Case Study

According to Hill & Turner in Bent (2006: 220) case study is the

detailed examination of a single example of a class of phenomena, a case

study cannot provide reliable information abort the broader class, but it

may be useful in the preliminary stages of an investigation since it

provides hypotheses, which may be tested systematically with a larger

number of cases. According to Creswell (2009: 7) data collection in a case



research to get knowledge of circumstances or special conditions of

teaching and learning speaking. So, case study is the research to get

knowledge of circumstances or special conditions of teaching and learning


2. Teaching and Learning.

According to Hornby (1987: 886), teaching is causing someone to

know or be able to do something, giving someone knowledge and skill,

giving lesson at school, etc. While learning is gaining the knowledge or

skill in, by studying, practicing or being taught, having or showing much

knowledge (Hornby, 1987: 481). Teaching learning in this study means

giving students knowledge and skill the they gain the knowledge or skill

by studying, practicing or being taught, having or showing much

knowledge. In this study, practicing or being taught, having or showing,

much knowledge teaching and learning speaking.

3. Speaking

Bygate (1987: 3) says that speaking is a skill for making or losing

friends. Ӏt is the vehicle of par excellence social solidarity, of social

ranking, of professional advancement and business. It is also medium

through which the language is learnt. In this study, speaking means the

students interacting with language that has been coded into printed text

then try to find the specific information from speaking text.

Η. The Organization of the Study



the organization of the thesis. The thesis consists of five chapters.

Chapter I is introduction. It consists of the background of the study, the

reason of choosing the topic, the limitation of the study, the statement of the

problem, the aim of the study, the use of the study, the clarification of the key

terms, and the organization of the study.

Chapter II is review of related literature. It consists of case study,

teaching and learning English in junior high school, speaking skill and

Teaching speaking in junior high school.

Chapter III is the method of the study. It consists of the meaning of

research method, the strategy of the study, the subject of the study, the data

and source of the data, the technique of collecting the data, and the technique

of analyzing the data.

Chapter IV is the result of the study. It consists of data analysis and the

discussion of the finding.

Chapter V is conclusion and suggestion. It consists of conclusion and




In this chapter¸ the writer discusses the Conclusion and suggestion of

teaching and learning speaking of the seventh year students of MTs Al-Hamidah

Kuwu Kradenan Grobogan in academic year 2014/2015. The further explanation

is as follow:

A. Conclusion

After the writer analyzes the result of observation¸ interview with the

informant and document of teaching and learning speaking of the seventh

year students of MTs Al-Hamidah Kuwu Kradenan Grobogan in year

2014/2015¸ the writer can get the information about the teaching and learning


In this case the writer would answer the problems stated in chapter 1.

They are as follows:

1. How is the process of teaching and learning speaking of the seventh year

students of MTs Al-Hamidah Kuwu Kradenan Grobogan in academic year


2. What are the obstacles found during teaching and learning speaking of the

seventh year students of MTs Al-Hamidah Kuwu Kradenan Grobogan in

academic year 2014/2015?

3. How does the teacher solve the obstacles in teaching and learning



Kradenan Grobogan in academic year 2014/2015?

Based on the analysis of English teaching and learning speaking in

the seventh year students of MTs Al-Hamidah Kuwu Kradenan Grobogan¸

the writer concludes that seventh year students of MTs Al-Hamidah Kuwu

Kradenan Grobogan in academic year 2014/2015 is as follows :

1. The process of teaching and learning speaking of seventh year students of

MTs Al-Hamidah Kuwu Kradenan Grobogan is conducted from the

preparation until evaluation. The English teacher of MTs Al-Ηamidah

Kuwu Kradenan Grobogan in academic year 2014/2015 always prepares

the lesson plan¸ material and source of learning before she teaches in the

class. The teacher arranges a sequence of activities¸ starting from opening¸

main and closing activities. The teacher uses various methodology in

teaching and learning speaking in the classroom. In the closing activities¸

she uses evaluation to measure the student`s understanding about the


2. In teaching and learning of the seventh year students¸ the researcher found

the obstacles; the inactive students and uncooperative students that they do

not want to do the task with their group. They tend to do the assignment

individually; they are reluctant do the task together in learning speaking in

the classroom. Ηowever¸ in individual work they are very active.

3. The teacher`s solution to solve the obstacles in teaching and learning

speaking of the first year students¸ the teacher motivates and advises them¸



teaching and learning speaking. It can create a good atmosphere that

learning speaking is very interesting by grouping. Learning speaking by

grouping is a good way to reduce the individuality and the teacher believes

it can develop the student`s self confident and responsibility.

B. Suggestion

Based on the result of the research of teaching and learning of

speaking of the seventh year students of MTs Al-Hamidah Kuwu Kradenan

Grobogan year 2014/2015¸ the writer would like to present some suggestions

as follows:

1. For the Students¸ they should be more active and regular in studying and

practicing their four language skills¸ especially in speaking.

2. For the teacher¸ she should add the time allocation to teach the students by

giving more evaluation¸ and building more interesting class activities to




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