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Nuclear Theory authors titles recent submissions


Academic year: 2017

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TABLE I: Values of the different parameters entering in thefunctional. The parameters0 ξ0 (Bertsch parameter), ηe andδe are defined at the unitary limit (askF )−1 = 0 from theconstraint ξ(askF → ∞, rekF ) ≡ ξ0 + (rekF )ηe + (rekF )2δe +· · · with the values
TABLE II: Summary of some useful relations for the ground state thermodynamical quantities
FIG. 3:The pressure [indicates the unitary limit forusing the functional (8) as a function of (ity [potential [X = P] (blue solid line), chemicalX = µ] (red dashed line) and inverse compressibil-X = 1/κ] (green dot-dashed line) obtained at unitarityrekF )
FIG. 4:The pressure (a), the inverse of the compressibility (b), the chemical potential (c) and the sound velocity (d) obtained


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