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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Letter and Humanities

State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Fahmil Ilmi Tsany Reg. Number A03212038





Tsany, Fahmil, I. 2016. English Slogans of Gadget Products on Printed

Advertisements Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Arts and Humanities. The State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Key word : Types of meaning, English slogans, Gadet: smartphone, laptop, tablet and camera.

This study examined the types of meaning used on English slogan of gadged product on printed advertisement especially smartphone, laptop, tablet and camera. This study was conducted to answer the following problems: (1) what is the type of meaning used in English slogan of gadget advertisement? (2) what is the interpretation meaning of the English slogan of gadget adverisement?

This study applied a descriptive qualitative approach. The data were selected by choosing the English slogan of gadget advertisements; smartphone, laptop, tablet and camera. The data were taken from PC Media magazine edition of Januari - March 2016 and brochure, banner, billboard in Hitech mall Surabaya on Mei 23, 2016. The analysis was done by applying Leech theoy (1974) on meaning classification. This theory was applied to analyze the types of meaning used on English gadget slogans. Another theory was Goddard (1998 & 2003) about the language of advetising.



Tsany, Fahmil, I. 2016. English Slogans of Gadget Products on Printed

Advertisements Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Arts and Humanities. The State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Key word : Types of meaning, English slogans, Gadet: smartphone, laptop, tablet and camera.

Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang jenis - jenis arti yang digunakan di slogan

iklan gadget berbahasa Inggris seperti, telefon gengam, laptop, tablet dan kamera.

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menjawab beberapa bertanyaan berikut: (1) apa tipe arti yang digunakan dalam slogan iklan gadget berbahasa Inggris? (2) apa interpretasi arti dari slogan iklan gadget berbahasa Inggris?

Penelitian ini menerapkan pendekatan deskripsi kualitatif. Data diambil

dengan memilih iklan slogan gadget berbahasa Inggris: telefon genggam, laptop,

tablet dan kamera. Data diambil dari majalah PC Media edisi Januari – Maret 2016 serta brosur, spanduk dan papan iklan di Hitech mall Surabaya (pusat pembelanjaan gadget) pada tanggal 23 Mei 2016. Analisis ini menerapkan teori Leech (1974) tentang klasifikasi makna. Teori ini digunakan untuk menganalisis jenis jenis makna yang digunakan pada sogan berbahasa Inggris. Teori lain yang digunakan adalah Gooddard (1998 & 2003) untuk menganalisis tentang bahasa iklan.

Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa interpretasi arti dari beberapa

slogan gadget berbahasa Ingris sesuai dengan kwalitas produk. Sedangkan sebagian

slogan memiliki arti terpendam. Dari 24 slogan ditemukan tiga jenis arti yang paling

sering digunakan, antara lain conceptual, connotative dan affective. Arti konseptual



Inside Cover ... i

Inside Title Page ... ii

Declaration ... iii

Thesis Advisor’s Approval ... iv

Thesis Examiner’s Approval ... v

Motto ... vi

Dedication ... vii

Acknowledgement... viii

Table of Contents ... xi

Abstract ... xiii

Intisari ... xiv


1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem ... 7

1.3 Objective of the Study ... 7

1.4 Significance of the Study ... 7

1.5 Scope and Limitation ... 8

1.6 Definition of Key Terms ... 9


2.1 Semantic ... 10

2.2 Kind of Meaning ... 11

2.3 Advertisement Language ... 17

2.4 Slogan ... 20

2.4.1 The Characteristic and Kinds of Slogan ... 21



3.1 Research Design ... 25

3.2 Instrument ... 26

3.3 Data and Data Sources ... 26

3.4 Techniques of Data Collections ... 26

3.5 Data Analysis ... 28


4.1 Findings ... 30

4.1.1 Types of Meaning Used on English Slogans ... 30 Conceptual Meaning ... 32 Connotative Meaning ... 38 Affective Meaning ... 42

4.1.2 Interpretation Meaning of English Gadget Slogan ... 43

4.2 Discussion ... 47


5.1 Conclusion ... 51

5.2 Suggestion ... 53




This chapter provides the background of the study, the statement problems,

the objectives, the significance, the scope and limitation and the definition of the

key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

Advertisement is a tool of communication which can be delivered

verbally, nonverbally, or both, to let people know about certain products. We can

find advertisements when we read a magazine and a newspaper, listen to the radio,

watch the television, browse to the internet, or just walk. Based on Goddard

(1998;10) advertisement is not just about the commercial promotion of branded

products, but can also encompass the idea of texts whose intention is to enhance

the image of an individual, group or organization. It means that advertisement is

the existence of information which not only about a product, brand, company, or

shop, but also can be service, important information, job vacancy and others.

Thus, advertisement is a communication process that aims to persuade, to

influnce, to inform and to introduce about something, so the people can take the

benefit from it.

Nevertheless, not everyone can be influenced by advertisement. It needs a good

language in order to attract the consumer. Language in the advertisement is the


possible to get people’s attention. It aims at persuading the consumer to use the

product or the service. By using good, creative and effective language, the

consumers will get impression of the product offered.

The language of advertisements has their own characters. According to Stan

Rapp and Tom Collins (1955:152) that the language of advertisement must be

able to arouse, to informative and to persuade. By the word arouse means that the

language of advertisement must pay attention to people’s necessary. It can give

the solution for what the consumer need at that time. Then, to informative, it

means the language used in advertisement is communicative. It is simple, clear

and make people easy in comprehending the message. By comprehending the

message the consumer can attract about the product. While by the word persuade

means that the words used in advertisement make the consumers be interested

and curious in products offered. The producer tries to persuade the consumer to

follow what the advertisement said. Thus, language of advertisement should be as

creative as possible. It must be persuative, suggestive or invitative to make people


Making an interesting advertisement not only needs a good language but

also an interesting slogan. Language and slogan are the most important parts

which make success the advertisement. Slogan is motto or phrase which used on

the context of politic, comercial, religion , health and others, as expression of an

idea or a purpose. Tom Altstiel (2008:165) mentioned that, slogans are usually in

form of a short phrase or sentence, which gives space for readers to explore the


to the consumer, through the slogan, can make the consumers feeling curious and

increasing the interest of consumer to get or use the product.

In addition, based on the researcher’s experience reads some media of

advertisement such as magazines, brochure, billboard, and others, the language

used in slogan advertisement is mostly English than national or local language. It

is caused English is the language which used to interaction with other people

around the world. It used and learnt most of people in this world. So by using

English in slogan the copywriters want to reach the consumer widely. They hope

can get the good respond to built a good reputation of the product.

However it is not easy to have a succesful slogan. The succesful slogan is

not only depent on the language used but also there are some aspects which must

be considered. The first aspect is society. Society is the target of producer to

promote the product. The right target and laguage used in slogan will success the

slogan campaign. In example the slogan of projector, World Brightest Full HD 3D

Projectors. This slogan will be understood by the people who usually work using projector, but if this slogan is read by children, absolutely they do not understand.

The second aspect is the picture or color. Picture and color are part of

slogan which can interest the consumer. The bright color makes the good

impression in consumer’s eyes while the picture can be support of the message

that slogan conveyed. In example the slogan of health information, Hidup Sehat Tanpa Rokok , this slogan is usually found with the smoke picture is scratched using red line. The picture here is as the support of the slogan message that smoke


The third is beautification or uniqueness. The main purpose of slogan is to

atrract, to persuade and to influnce the consumer, so the words used in slogan

usually contain of beautifiction or uniqueness. For example the slogan of Dancow

milk, Aku dan Kau Suka Dancow. This slogan is nice to say because it has the same end rhyme. The word choice of that slogan considers the beautifiction to

attract the consumer. The uniqueness of the slogan will make it easy to

remember. Then, the last aspect is meaning. Language and meaning is a unit

which can be separated. Language of slogan has various kinds in order to interest

and influence the consumer. Through knowing and undertsanding the meaning of

the slogan language, the consumer can know the function or benefit of the

product. The consumer also able to be interested and influenced for the product

offered. For example, the slogan of television LG product, Smart Technology Comforts Your Eyes. Throught that slogan, LG company wants to inform the consumer that LG television has good quality which does not make your eyes

irritation with the light from the television. So the consumer can enjoy and

comfort when they are watching it.

Language and slogan are interesting to be analyzed, from those aspects,

study of slogan and language can be analyzed from some linguistics fields. The

society aspect can be analyzed in sociolinguistics field. The picture and color of

slogan can be analyzed using semiotics. The beautification and uniqueness of the

slogan language can be analyzed using stylistics. The meaning of language slogan


meaning while pragmatics deals with the meaning of intended meaning of


In this study the researcher only takes one point to be analyzed. The

researcher focuses on the study of semantics. Based on Saeed (1997: 93)

semantics is the study of meaning communicated through language. It means that

semantics is the study of meaning which used to understand human expression

through language. It is the knowladge of the individual who speaks and hears

other speaking, or description of units words and sentences. As the researcher

experience about the language used in slogan is mostly English. Using English in

slogan is good but the meaning of English slogan cannot be undertood directly by

seeing, reading or listening it. It really affects to the advertisement targets if they

do not understand about the meaning of the slogan. They will not be able to catch

the message or information of the advertisement. By analyzing the meaning of the

slogan it can help the consumer to know about that.

In semantics field, there are many topics discussed but this reseach focus

on analyzing the interpretation meaning and the types of meaning used in the

English slogan advertisement. Moreover, the previous researchers that have

mentioned above are different with this present study. In this present study, the

researcher has different media and analysis. The researcher only chooses one kind

product to analyze, that is English slogan of gadget advertisement especially;

smartphone, laptop, tablet, and camera. The English slogan is got from PC media

magazine, brochure, banner and billboard. It only focuses on semantic analysis by


slogan advertisement. The theory used is from Leech to differ the type of

meaning. Based on Leech (1974: 18), there are seven types of meaning they are

conceptual, association which is divided to be five, they are connotative , social ,

affective , reflected , and the last type is thematic. All of the types have their own

function as their use in a phrase, clause or sentence.

The researcher chooses the printed electronic slogan as the object to observe

because this study only concern on the meaning of word, phrase or sentence in

advertisement, without taking any consideration about the color or the gesture. In

addition the gadget advertisement is commonly found in printed advertisemenent

such as the magazine, billboard, brochure, newspaper and others. Whereas the

gadged products are choosen because nowdays the people cannot be separate with

the high technology. Gadet is one of them which can help to do their job and

activity in their daily life. Most of people also often to look for the gadget things

as their requirement, such as mobile phone, laptop, camera and others.

However, the language of slogan was choosen as the object because their

unique characteristic aims at persuading the consumer. The researcher hopes by

undertsanding English slogan of advertisement, everyone wil be easy to choose


1.2 Statement of the Problems

Based on the background of the study, there are two statements of the

problems, they are:

1. What are the types of meaning used in English slogans of gadget

advertisements especially smartphone, laptop, tablet and camera product?

2. What is the interpretation meaning of English slogan of gadget

advertisements especially smartphone, laptop, tablet and camera product?

1.3Obejctive of the Study

Based on the stated problems, this study aims to:

1. To find out the type of meaning used in English slogans of gadget

advertisements especially smartphone, laptop, tablet and camera.

2. To describe the meaning in English slogans of gadget advertisements

especially smartphone, laptop, tablet and camera.

1.4 Significance of the Study

An advertisement should be interesting which is consist of a brief message

which easy to understand because an advertisement is a communication tool for

the producer to the consumer. In this study the researcher analyzes the

interpretation meaning and the kinds of meaning used in English slogan of gadget

advertisement especially smartphone, laptop, tablet and camera in PC Media

magazine, brochure, banner and billboard in the Hitech mall Surabaya. Therefore,


the type of meaning usually used in gadget advertisement so there will not be

misunderstanding to understand the slogan advertisment language. Furthemore,

the result of this study can use as an example when another researcher want to do

the similiar study about the type of meaning in other objects. Also, the result of

this study is expected to the student for helping them understand more about the

linguistic feature in advertisement slogan. Hopefully this study can give

suggestions some ways for the copywriter of getting great impression on

customers’ minds through word.

1.5 Scope and limitation

This study focuses on semantic which concern with the types of meanings. It

is limited in some gadget slogans from PC Media magazine, edition of January –

March 2016, brochure, banner and billboard that showed off in Hitech mall

Surabaya on 23 of May 2016. The researcher analyzed the English slogan of gadget

advertisement especially, laptop, tablet, and camera mobile phone product. The

laptop, tablet and camera which is used as the data are from all kinds type and brand.

While the kinds of mobile phone which is taken as the data is only smartphone types

from all of brand.

1.6 Definition of the key term

a) Advertisement is something (such as a short film or a written notice) that

shown or prsented to the public to help sell a product or to make an


b) Slogan is a simple phrase or a short group of words which is easy to

remember, easy to pronounce and pleasing to the ear. It is used on the

context of politic, comercial, religion and others as the expression of the


c) Gadget is a small tool or a machine, used for a particular purpose. It is a

tool or an aplication that can enhance your experience on a computer or

mobile device.

d) Type of meaning is kinds of meanings which is used to differ the meaning

based on the situation and condition. According to Leech there are seven

kinds of meaning, they are conceptual and assosiation, assosiation

meaning is devided into five, they are connotative, social, affective,

reflected and collocative, then the last type is thematic.

e) Printed advertisement is a form of advertising that uses physically printed




This chapter discusses the theoritical framework. The linguistic theory on

semantic relation that is needed to anlyze the data. The theoritical frame work

consist of semantic, kinds of meaning, advertisement language and slogan.

2.1 Semantics

Semantics is one of the branches of linguistics studying about meaning and

it is considered as a major branch of linguistics devided to study of meaning in

language (Crystal, 1991:428). Based on Charles W. Kreidler (1998:3) semantics is

the systematic study of meaning and linguistic semantic is the study of how

languages organize and express meanings. It means that, semantics is study about

the meaning which contain in a language, a code, or another representations.

Meaning in linguistic semantic is much needed for us to limit ourselves to the

expression of meanings in a single language.

Study about meaning is needed for those who want to be a good speaker or

writer to express their idea. From this definition, we have to know what is meant

by meaning. Based on the theory of semantic, meanings are the ideas or concepts

that are able to be transferred from the speakers’ mind to the heares’ mind, in the

forms of one language or another (Fromkin, 1983:140). It means, meaning is the



the reader. By understanding the meaning the interlocuter or reader will

understand about the purpose or the topic is talking.

Having clear communication with others is from undertanding the

meaning about what is said. To understand meaning is not only in speech

language but also in written language such as about the slogan of advertisement.

Therefore, studying the meaning of speech language or written language is

needed, to know and to understand about the content of the communication.

2.2Kinds of Meaning

Semantics is concerned with the aspect of meaning in language. Work in

semantics, deals with the description of word and sentence meaning. There are

certain kinds of meaning or certain aspects of meaning in linguistics.

According to Charles W. Kreidler (1998:41) the kinds of meaning include

reference and denotation, connotation, sense relations, lexical and grammatical

meaning, morphemes, homonymy, polysemy, and lexical ambiguity. According to

George leech (1974:18) there are conceptual, connotative, social, affective,

reflected, collocative, and thematic. Mansoer Pateda (2001:96) stated that kinds of

meaning include a cognitive meaning, ideational meaning, denotasional meaning,

and proposional meaning, while according to Abdul Chaer (2007: 289) kind of

meaning include lexical, grammtical, and contextual meaning, referential and non



All of those are kinds of meanings with different references. The researcher

only take a focus in seven types of meaning in semantic based on Geoffrey Leech

(1974), because according the reseacher this theory is simple and suitable to

analyze the advertisement slogan. The kinds of the meaning are:

a) Conceptual Meaning.

Conceptual meaning is sometimes called denotative meaning, or

cognitive meaning. It is clear and logical definition of a word based on the

structure and the form of the word. Larson noted that denotative meaning is

also called as basic meaning. Leech stated that conceptual meaning is the

most important type of meaning among the others.

Conceptual meaning is reasonable meaning,the original which

appeared first. it is apropriate and in accordance with the meaning of reality.

It is the reference of a sentence as opposed to its sense. Conceptual meaning

refers to the logical sense of the utterence and is recognizable as a basic

component of grammtical competence.

For example the word “woman” can be shown as:

Woman = “human, female, adult”.

Boy = “human, male, young”.

Needle = “ thin, sharp, steel instrument”

The aim of conceptual meaning is to provide an appropriate semantic

representation of a sentence or statement. Conceptual meaning helps us to



b) Connotative Meaning.

Connotative meaning is something more than the dictionary meaning.

It refers to a meaning that is implied by a word from the thing which is

described explicitly. Connotation refers to the personal aspect of meaning.

In some cases, connotation can also be similar to symbolism. For

example, the connotation of a red rose is love and passion, and if an author

refers to a red rose while it is talking about a relationship, the reader will have

a perception that this is connotation or symbolism. Another example the

words childish, childlike and youthful have the same denotative but different

connotative meanings. Childish and childlike have a negative connotation as

they refer to immature behavior of a person. Whereas, youthful implies that a

person is lively and energetic.

According to Leech (1974: 40-41) connotative meaning is the

communicative value an expression of what it refers to, over and above its

purely conceptual content. It will be clear if we are talking about connotation,

we are in fact talking about the “real word experience”. Although all the

speaker of particular language speaks the language exactly the same

conceptual framework, actually each of them has individual perception of


c) Social Meaning.

Social meaning is the meaning of language conveys about the

circumstances of its use. Social meaning is related to the situation in which an



relations and to maintain social roles. It is concerned with the social

circumstances of the use of a linguistic expression. For example some words

inform us about the regional and social background of the speaker :

 “I ain’t done nothing.” it tells us about the speaker, he or she probably

a black American

Stylistic variation represent the social variation, this is because styles

show the geographical region social class of the speaker. Style helps us to

know about the period, field and status. Some words are similiar to others as

far their conceptual meaning but they have diferent social meaning. Example:

 The word horse, steed, nag are synonymous. But they have various

social meaning

 “Steed” is used in poetry, “horse” is used in general, while “nag” is


So, according to the social situation, a sentence has various meaning, it may

be uttered a request, an apology, a warning or a threat.

d) Affective Meaning.

According to Leech affective meaning refers to what is convey about

the feeling and attitude of the speak through use of language (attitude to

listener as well as attitude to what he is saying). It means the effect of word

evoked in the reader or listener. It is what is conveyed about the personal

feelings or attitude toward the listener. For Example:



 ”I’m terribly sorry to interrupt, but I wonder if you would be so kind

as to lower your voice as a little” or

 “Will you belt up”

Factors such as intonation and voice timbre are also important here. The

sentence (1) is politeness expression but it can be reserved by tone of biting

sarcasm; sentence (2) can be turn into a playful remark between intimates if

said with the intonation of a request.

e) Reflected Meaning.

Reflected meaning is the meaning, which arises when a word has

more than one conceptual meaning or multiple conceptual meaning. It

refers to the term which have more than one meaning surfaces at the same

time, so there is kind of ambiguity. For example: on hearing the Church

service, the synonymous expressions The Comforter and The Holy Ghost

both refer to the Third Trinity, but the Comforter sounds warm and

comforting, while the Holy Ghost sounds dreadful, (a ghost is more frequent

and familiar in no religious sense).

f) Collocative Meaning.

Collocative meaning describes words that regularly appear together in

common use (within certain context) or a familiar grouping of words,

especially words that habitually appear together and thereby convey meaning

by association. For example the words pretty and handsome share common



range of noun in which they are like to occur or collocate; Pretty woman and

handsome man. The ranges may well match although they suggest a different

kind of attractiveness of the adjectives.

g) Thematic Meaning.

This is the last category of meaning, thematic meaning is the meaning

which is communicated by the way in which the speaker or writer organizes

the message, in terms of ordering, focus, and emphasis. Thus, active is

different from passive though its conceptual meaning is the same. Thematic

meaning helps us to understand the message and its implications properly.

For example, the following statements in active and passive voice have

same conceptual meaning but different communictive value.

 Mrs. Anita gave the first prize

 The first prize was given by Mrs. Anita

In the first sentence who gave the prize is more important, but in the second

sentence what did Mrs. Anita give is important. Thus the change of focus

change the meaning also.

2.3 Advertisement Language

Language has a powerful influence over people and their behavior. This is

especially true in the fields of marketing and advertising. The choice of language

to convey specific messages with the intention of influencing people is vitally



the consumer, but it is language that helps people to identify a product and

remember it.

Advertisement is a commersial socialitation designed to sell some goods,

service or similiar. It can be in the form of word, picture, sign, notice and etc. As

the statement above one of the important advertisement is language. Based on

Stan Rapp and Tom Collins (1955:152) that the language of advertisement must

be informative and to persuasive. By the word informative means that the word

used in the advertisement must be short, clear and appopriate. It is not too long

and prolix, explain everthing which does not need and have relation with the

advertisement. The language of advertisement must be appropriate too, it does not

contain of pornography or violence words. While, the word persuasive means the

word used in advertisement can influence the people. Persuasion is an umbrella

term of “influence”; in the sense that, persuasion can effort to influence an

individual's “beliefs, attitudes, intentions, motivations, or behaviors” (Seiter

2010:33). The persuasive language used to affect the belief of the person, in this

context, the consumers to buy the goods or services that are offered by the

producer in an advertisement.

In addition the other important element of advertisement is slogan.

Goddard (2003:127) describes slogan as a phrase designed to be memorable,

attaching to a product or service during particular advertising campaign. Through

the slogan the advertiser can convey the the quality, superior, benefit or other

message which relate with the product in order to attract and to persuade the



Thus, advertisement is as an instrument of communication. It has the

intended effect of persuading the audience and moving them to action.

Bakanauskas (2004: 77) declares and highlights that the most significant

component of advertisement is its textual part. Text is perceived as a linguistic

sign describing some state, actions and feelings. Based on Leech (1966:59)

“printed advertisement generally consists of five elements; headline, illustration,

body copy, signature lines identifying the product or brand, and standing or

contact details.”

Textual part of printed advertisment contain of any information about the

product or service offered. In example the use of pronoun in the text of

advertisement also has its own meaning which consist of information: The first

person singular narrator ‘I’– a character in the story itself; this kind of text sounds

more personally; the narrator talks to us. Example:

 “I’m a big looser.”

 “I am unique.”

The first person plural narrator ‘We’ – This may evoke the effect the whole

company or association talks to the consumer. It makes a corporate impression.


 “We bring Olympic energy to your home.”

The third person narrator ‘He’, ‘She’, ‘It’, ‘They’ or ‘no pronoun’ it is ‘an

observer’ of events, telling us about actions or product:



 “Stop seeing broken hair everywhere.”

In addition, except the word, the picture of advertisement used, also has

meaning which can make the consumer get the message on the advertisement.

Through the picture, it helps to add more information about the goods, group, or

service offered.

2.3 Example of cigarette slogan advertisement

The picture above is the example of the corelation between text and

picture in advertisement. Two signs (verbal and visual signs) contained in the

cigarette advertisement have a relationship between text with images. In the text

“Gapai Mimpi Go Ahead” the advertiser used teenager as the model who is in the

bottom of the sea and tried to climb the stairs to the surface. The teenager model

strenght the main target of the advertisement. While the teenaer who wants to

reach the surface, strenght the meaning that smoking is in line with the spirit of a

teenager who likes challenges.

So, It can be concluded that advertising language is a persuasive language



deal with the concept of persuasion. In addition, there are some elements that

support to the understand themesage of advertisement, they are internal and

external. Internal elements are from the language and visual while the external

elements are from the target of advertisement or the place. However

advertisement is everywhere around us: in newspapers, in magazines, on

billboards along the streets, on television, in radio, etc. The effects of the

advertising influence us whether we like it or not.


Developments in technology and information in this era have a positive

impact for humans to convey information to the public. Many ways have done to

convey ideas, products and services. One way that is often done by people is by

writing slogans placed in strategic places with a purpose can be seen by many


Slogan is the motto or phrase used in the context of the political,

commercial, religious and other expression of an idea or purpose. Based on

Indonesian big dictionary fourth edition, slogan is a short sentence that interesting

or striking and easy to remember, to tell you something or purpose of a group or

organization of political parties and others. Sutopo said that the slogan is a short

phrase that is interesting or striking and memorable customarily aims to foster the

spirit or motivation. From some of those, can be concluded that slogan is usually

in the form of phrase or short sentence with the words exciting and memorable to



The point is slogan has function to differentiate one product or brand from

other products, while also underscoring the company's mission. It is one of

important element of advertisement to know about advantage or benefit of

product, service or organization.

2.4.1 The Characteristic and Kinds of Slogan

As the other language, every language has their own character likewise

slogan, here the characteristics of slogan:

a) The words are short, interesting and memorable. Hopefully, by the short,

interesting and memorable words, it can give the depth impression to every

customer or others. The reader becomes affected and follows the messages

conveyed by the slogan.

b) The form is phrase, clause or sentence. A good slogan should be made as

simple as possible but still understandable. So, avoid long sentences for a

slogan. Although the main purpose of a slogan as one tool to communicate

the values and benefits of a product, but a slogan that is too long will

eliminate the meaning of a product

c) It can be a motto of a group of organisation. It is important to have slogan in

a organisation because it can be encouraging and motivation for the



There are some types of slogan are as follows:

1) Environmental slogan

It is a slogan that associated with the environment both personal and

social. The content of this slogan is usually about the socialization to

keep the cleanliness, beauty and neatness of the enviroment

Example: Clean and green are the most beautiful dream we have

2) Health slogan

This slogan is usually found in pharmacies or hospitals. This slogan

contains about message to always live a healthy life. It purpuse to be an

inspiration for people to realize the importance of health in life.

Example: Prevention is better than cure

3) Motivational slogan

This slogan customarily contain motivation in doing something

positive. The words of motivation or encouragement created with the

intention of giving encouragement, motivation and support to everyone.

Example: Never ever ever give up

4) Political slogan

This slogan relates to political issues, or generic election of political

figures. The purpose is to invite the community to determine the choice

of many potential participants of the generic election.

Example: Katakan tidak untuk korupsi



This slogan relates in the marketing and advertising of a product or

service. Through effective slogan, usually of a product will be more

easily recognized by the public and will be easier to remember. It is

usually about a short explanation and information of a product or

service that consumers want to buy or use.

Example: Instant noodle product’s slogan, Indomie seleraku.

6) Company slogan

This slogan is about the performance of a company. The information

presented in this slogan associated with the company's activities or the

the vision and mission of the company.

Example: Lion Air’s slogan We make people fly

2.5 Previous Reseach

Regarding on this study, the reseacher found some other reseachers which

the topic are related:

First is from Srudji (2014). She presented the analysis of lexical meaning

and contextual meaning English song by Avril Lavigne. The reseacher took five

songs from different album. She used descriptive qualitative method to explain the

finding of her study. In the result of her study, she explained the lexical meaning

found in the Avril’s song as suitable as the meaning in the dictionary. Yet in the

fact it is different with the meaning in the context. In other hand the contextual

meaning in the Avril’s song refered to term in the song lyric. However this



are the term which is include in the lexical and contextual meaning. This stuy has

different focus and object with the peresent reseach.

The second is Purningsih (2013). Her research aims to find out the

contextual meaning covering field, tenor, and mode, and the connotative meaning

in English slogan texts on television advertisements, especially those of beverage

products. In terms of their connotative meaning, the researcher found that almost

of texts slogans have positive connotations regarding the benefits of the product.

This positive message is indeed as the persuasive function to sell the product. This

reseach also different with this present study from the focus discussion. She used

English slogan from televion while this present study only used printed English

slogan from magazine, banner, brochure and billboard.

The last study of semantic can be seen from Ali (2015). He analyzed the

type of meaning used in the English translation of surah Mudatstsir and analyzed

the message that involved in that surah. The result of his study that, there are two

kinds of meanings involved in the surah, namely lexical and sentential while the

message which involved in that surah were dominated with religious surah. His

reseach has same focus discussion with this present study. The thing that makes it

different is from the object, the kind of meaning as the focus and the theory used.




In this chapter, the reseacher discusses the method of the study that is

divided into five parts. They are reseach design, instrument, data source, data,

techniques of data collection, and techniques of data analysis.

3.1Reseach Design

In this study the reseacher used qualitative aproach. In analyzing this

topic, the reseacher applies qualitative reseach particulary to describe and

interprete the collected data which are taken from PC Media magazine, brochure,

banner and billboard of gadget English slogan. The reseacher used descriptive

reseach to analyze the kinds of meaning used in English slogan of gadget

advertisement and the interpretation meaning of the slogan.

Qualitative is a reseach method which the data are words or picture but not

number (Moleong 2000 ; 6-7). Qualitative procedures rely on text and image

data, it has unique step in analysis, and draw on diverse strategies of inquiry

(Creswell, 2003 ; 179). From the data, the reseacher analyzed the meaning and the

type of meaning used in english gadget adevertisement slogans. A qualitative

study is apropriate for this study, because the object of this study are words from

the English printed slogan of gadget advertisement and also the aim of this study

is to identify and to explain about the meaning and type of meaning of English



3.2 Instrument

Based on Ary dkk, said that in qualitative studies, the human investigator is

the primary instrument for the gathering and analyzing of data. In this research,

the resecher is the main instrument. The researcher who as the partisipant

collected and analyzed the data, in order to produce the valid result. The

researcher collected and selected the data from magazine, brochure, banner and

billboard then, the researcher analyzed the data. She used the knowladge of

language advertisment to interprete the English slogan and type of meaning to

find out the kinds of English slogan meaning in PC Media magazine, brochure,

banner and billboard of gadged English slogan.

3.2Data and Data Sources

The data of this study are word, phrases and sentence which are collected

from the English slogan of gadget advertisements. The gadget advertiments used

are only smartphone, notebook, laptop and camera product. The sources for this

research are taken from the PC media magazine, brochure, banner and billboard.

The Pc Media magazine was downloaded from

http://pcmedia.co.id/category/magazine/, while the brochure, banner and billboard

were got from Hi-tech mall in Surabaya by taken the picture.

3.3Techniques of Data Colection

Collecting data is used to get information in order to achieve the objective



1. There are four data sources; magazine, brochure, banner and billboard. For

the first source, the researcher determine the right magazine as the data.

2. After determining PC media magazine as the data source, then the researcher

found the edition of the magazine which is used as the data.

3. The researcher looked for the online form of PC media magazine in PDF file

and downloaded it.

4. Reading, choosing and selecting the English slogans of gadget

advertisements; smartphone, laptop, tablet and camera in the magazine.

5. Printing the page of magazine which containt of gadged English slogan which

is looked for.

6. The second, the third and the fourth source are brochure, banner and

billboard. It was taken in the same place. The researcher chose the place

which has many brochure, spanduk, and billboard about gadget advertisement

to collect the data.

7. After deciding Hi-tech mall (High Technology) Surabaya as the place to get

the data. The researcher came to the place only once on 23 of may 2016.

8. Searching and asking the brochure and taking picture of some banners and

billboards for the product which showed off in the hitch mall.

9. Collecting, selecting and printing the smartphone, laptop, tablet, and camera

brochures and billboard found.

10. Last, after all the steps above done, all the slogans from PC media magazine,

brochure and billboard were collected as the data. Then, it was ready to



3.4Techniques of Data Analysis

Here the method of analyzing data which is used by the researcher:

1. The researcher clasified the data as suitable as the type of product. It made the

researcher easier to analyze the data.

2. Next, the slogans were read many times to understand well about the slogans.

3. The researcher classified and analyzed the types of meaning from the slogans

for answering research question number 2. The researcher also made a table

to make easy the reader know about the total number of type meanings used

in the gadget English slogan. The table contain of three coloums. The first

coloums is type of meaning; conceptual, connotative, social, affective,

colocative, reflective, and thematic. The second coloum is type of product;

smartphone, laptop, tablet and camera. Te last colums is the total. The coloum

can be seen below:

Type of Meaning Smart- Type of Product Total

phone Laptop Tablet Camera

4. The researcher began to interprete the meaning of the slogan to answer the

research question number 2. It was put on the table. The table gave the short



coloum contain of number and type of the products: smartphone, laptop,

tablet and camera. The second coloum contain of the english slogan of the

gadget, then the last coloum contain of the interpretation of the English

slogan. The example of coloum can be seen below:

No. Gadget English Slogan Interpretation

1 Smartphone My Phone My Tablet This smartphone is kind of practice product which can be

phone and tablet all at once.

2 Laptop Change is Easy

This slogan has corelation with the superiority of the laptop. Thethe new unique cover design that can be change easily.

3 Tablet Exploring Fun Enjoy every feature in the tablet

4 Camera It will Change Your World

The camera will make your day more colorful. Taking picture with friend, family or people we love will be fun by the feature of the camera.

5. Next, the researcher discussed and explain the type of meaning and the

interpretaion of English slogan which is found one by one.




This chapter is about finding and discussion of the thesis. It provides the

answer of two reseacher problems that have been presented in the first chapter.

4.1 Findings

In this section the reseacher presents the analysis of types of meaning and

interpretation meaning in the English slogan of gadget advertisement especially

smartphone, laptop, tablet, and camera product.

The use of slogan in the advertisement gives the short explanation and

information of the product to the people. The information only contains what the

consumer needs to know. It sometimes contains the name of the product and

usually the information how it can benefit the customer.

4.1.1 The Types of Meaning Used on English Gadget Slogan

Based on Leech (1974) there are seven types of meaning. They are

conceptual, assosiative which is devided into: social, affective, colocative and

reflective then the last type is thematic. From the 24 slogans are found some

different types of meaning. The number of each types is found also different. The

table below is made in order to make the readers find the number and the type of



Table 4.2 Counting of Meaning Type Used in Gadged English Slogan

The table shows that there are three types of meaning which is mostly used

on English slogan of gadget advertisement. The types are conceptual meaning,

connotative meaning and affective meaning. It can be seen from the table that the

conceptual meaning is the highest kind of English gadget slogan. From the data

found, there are 14 slogans which used conceptual meaning. 4 slogans are from

smartphone, 5 slogans are from laptop and 5 slogans are from tablet. Then, it is

followed by connotative meaning 9 slogans. 4 slogans are from smartphone, 4

slogans are from laptop and 1 slogan is from camera. The last type is affective

meaning. It is only found 1 slogans from smartphone product.

After showing the total number of each types meaning used in the English

gadget slogan, later on the researcher classifies and explains each English gadget

slogans in each type of meaning which is found.

Type of Meaning Smart- Type of Product Total

phone Laptop Tablet Camera

Conceptual 4 5 5 0 14

Connotative 4 4 0 1 9

Social 0 0 0 0 0

Affective 1 0 0 0 1

Collocative 0 0 0 0 0

Reflective 0 0 0 0 0

Thematic 0 0 0 0 0


32 Meaning

The conceptual meaning is also called denotative meaning. It is clear

definition of word based on the concept, the idea, the structure and the form of the

word. The researcher found 14 conceptual meanings in the English slogan of

gadged advertisement. There are 4 slogans of smartphone, 5 slogans of laptop, 5

slogans of tablet and no slogan of camera product. Each data above is discussed


a) Laptop English slogans

1) Performance with no limits

This slogan has meaning kinerja tanpa batas. It has conceptual meaning

type. The slogan is teeling the consumer about the product. The word

“performance” refers to the quality of the laptop and the effectiveness of a

compter system. How the laptop works as good as possible. While the

word limits, it refers to weakness of the laptop such as some eror or

problems which often appears on Laptop. So the slogans means that this

laptop can use easily and well without worrying about the problem or error

in the middle of using the product.

2) Better by any measure

This slogan has meaning lebih baik dari segala ukuran. It is found on Dell

laptop. It has conceptual meaning. The word “measure” as in the literal

meaning is size, or degree. In this slogan the “measure” refers to the

degree of the quality, the battery, the speed, the memory, the performance



the degree of the product with others. The advertiser want to inform the

consumer that it is the righ choice for you because from any degree that

mentioned above this laptop is more excellent than others.

3) X-Tra power with Vanbook

The meaning of this slogan is kekuatan lebih dengan Vanbook. It is kind of

conceptual meaning. It can be seen from the slogan that encloses the name

of the product, Vanbook. “Extra power” here explains about special quality

of the product. The word “power” in the slogan refers to the long life

battery. The word “extra” means that the long life of bettery is more than

usual, that is 7 hours 20 minutes. So, it means that this product is special

and different with others from the aspect of the battery longlife, 7 hours 20

minutes is the long duration that is undefinitely having by the other


4) Break the Limit with Vanbook

This slogan has meaning hancurkan batas. It is kind of conceptual

meaning from the word Vanbook, name of the product in the slogan. The

concept of this slogan is mostly same with the slogan before, because it

has same brand. This slogans is explain about the speciality of the battery

long life. The word “break” means this product wants to change the usual

standart of the battery power. Whereas the word “limit” refers to the thing



5) Change is easy

The slogan has meaning merubah itu mudah. The meaning of this slogan is

kind of conceptual type, because it is as suitable as the superiority of the

product offered. “Change is easy” this sentence refers to the lid or the

cover of laptop which can be changed as we want easily. There are various

motives can be choosen. This product has unique designed by the lid can

be played off and change whenever you want. So the slogan is really right

concept which reflects the idea of the new model.

b) Smartphone slogans

1) See at the speed of light

This slogan has meaning lihatlah kecepatan dari cahaya. It is found on the

brochure of ASUS ZenFone smartphone which has camera two laser

complited by the fastest auto focus laser. The phrase “the speed of light”

refers to the auto focus laser which able to catch the picture fast and clear.

The fast of the lacer light for about 0.03 second. The camera at ASUS

ZenFone can catch the picture faster although in the low light condition.

So by having this smartphone you can catch your moment perfectly on the

short time.

2) The STAR in your hand

This slogan has meaning STAR di tangamu. It is kind of conceptual



This slogan is simple, short and clear. “The STAR in your hand” is like an

invitation of the advertiser to the consumer to have this product. The

advertiser wants the consumer to get and use this product as their

communication tool.

3) My phone my tablet

This slogan has meaning teleponku tabletku. It is clearly that this slogan is

kind of conceptual meaning. The used of pronoun “my” sounds that the

advertiser talks to us that she or he has a gadget which is multifunction, it

can be phone and tablet. This slogan has really simple word to explain the

product. However the slogan doesnt give much information about the

special quality of product. It is just said “my phone my tablet” means this

product is practice.

4) The phone for every scene

The meaning of this slogan is telepon untuk setiap situasi. This slogan has

conceptual meaning. The copywriter describes the product in simple and

short words. The word “scene” can be meant place or situation in the

literal meaning. So, as written on the slogan, the phone can use in

wherever and whenever you are. It does not need special time or place to

use this phone. It is always suitable with our situation. Indirectly this

slogan tells us that the phone is easy and practice to use. By having and

use this product, it will not bother the user. Because it is designed to help



c) Tablet slogans

1) ASUS fonepad fun and call in one

This slogan has meaning fonepad ASUS hiburan dan komunikasi menjadi

satu. The conceptual meaning of the slogan can bee seen from name of the

product in the slogan. This slogan is mostly same with other slogans

which tells that the product offered is multifunction. The word “fun” refers

to the entertain applications inside of the fonepad such as game, internet,

social media, camera and etc. The word “call” refers to the function as the

communication tool. It is kind of product which add together the two

things be one. It is not only able to call but also as the entertainer when we

are bored.

2) Exploring fun

The meaning of this s logan is jelajahi hiburan. it is kind of conceptual

meaning. The word “fun” means enjoyment or pleasure. The fun thing of

this product refers to the application or feature which is had by the

product. The application which can amuse the consumer when they have

bad day or they spend a leisure time. Whereas the word “exploring” is the

invitation of the advertiser to enjoy of having and using the product. This

slogan is based on the concept or idea offered that the tablet has much fun



3) Explore your world through TREQ Tablet and smartphone

The phrase has meaning Jelajahi dunia melalui TREQ tablet dan

smartphone. The name of product in the slogan indicate that this slogan is

kind of conceptual meaning. The copywriter does not use any complicated

words to offer the product. The word “explore” in the literal meaning is

the action of searching for the purpose of discovery of information.

”“Explore your world” means throught the sophisticated of the product the

advertiser invite you to know something new about this world. You are not

only able to call all people everywhere but also you can find the

information about everything through the feature of smartphone.

4) Complete your day with mobile computer

This slogan has meaning lengkapi harimu dengan komputer yang mudah

dibawa. It is kind of conceptual meaning. Mobile is an adjective which has

meaning capable of moving readily (especially from place to place).

“mobile computer” is effectively any computing device not limit in its

location. So the slogan invites us to have the kind of the mobile computer,

“tablet”. By having this product it can complete the necessary of hight

technology in this modern era. The product is really practice device and it

can bring everywhere and use everywhere which does not bother the user.

5) More speed more fun

This slogan has meaning lebih cepat lebih menyenangkan. It is kind of

conceptual meaning because the meaning is suitable as the concept of the



mobile computer is kind of quality that make the product searched and

choosen by the consumer. The speed of the product will affect the

consumer feeling. the consumr will feel more comfort and fun if their

mobile computer works fast. So in this case the advetiser tells the

consumer that this tablet is right choice to have because the speed quality

that will not make them annoyed. Meaning

Connotative meaning is something more than the dictionary meaning. It

refers to a meaning that is implied by a word from the thing which it describes

explicitly. From the 24 data are found 4 slogans of laptop, 4 slogans of

smartphone, no slogan of tablet and 1slogan of camera that have connotative


a) Laptop slogans

1) Get the best of both worlds Dell XPS

This slogan has meaning dapatkan dua hal terbaik dari dunia Dell XPS.

This slogan is kind of connotative slogan where the word “world” does not

refer to the real world but the product offered, that is Dell XPS. While the

word “both” it refers to two things which can be enjoyed at the same time.

This product offers the free Microsoft designer bluetooth mouse for who

buys this laptop. So, the slogan describes a situation in which we can enjoy



2) The art of flexibility

This slogan has meaning seni dari sifat lentur. The connotative meaning of

this slogan can be seen from all of phrase . The word “art” is ususally

reffer to the beautification while the word “flexibility” refer to the thing

which can be bent easily. However the slogan is representative the laptop

product offered. The laptop is designed to be shaped on some mode, they

are notebook mode, stand mode, pad mode, tent mode, and display mode.

So the word flexibility refer to the some mode which is had by the

product. It does not mean that this laptop can be bent but the design of

the mode is flexible.

3) Have a colorful holiday

The slogan has meaning miliki liburan yang penuh warna. It shows the

connotative meaning. “A colorful holiday” refers to a holiday which is

filled by the vanbook laptop. This laptop has some colors , red, blue and

black. Having this laptop such as you have colorful holiday as likeas the

color of the laptop. By having this laptop your holiday never be bored

although you only stay at one place because you can play the feature

insidethe laptop. It alsoo has cool color of which can be choosen as your

favorite. So, through the slogans the copywriter want to convey that the

product is easy to bring anywhere and everywhere while you holiday. It

has fun features which can be played while you have bored time to make

your time be cheerful again.



The slogan has meaning teman sejatimu bergerak lebih cepat. This slogan

shows the connotative meaning from the “word true soulmate”. True

soulmate here does not refer to human or animal but it refers to the laptop

product which offered. This laptop can be your true soulmate to work for

the office worker, to do homework for the students, to play game for the

gammer, etc. It also offers the fast quality so the user of this product will

not feel annoyed for the slow response of the product. Therefore, it can be

the suitable partner wherever and whenever when needed.

b) Smartphone slogans:

1) Your smart partner

This slogan has meaning pasangan pintar kamu. From the meaning of the

slogan the researcher concludes that it has connotative meaning. It can be

seen from the phrase “smart partner”. The word “smart” usually refers to

human who has brain to think and to learn something while the word

“partner” also commonly refers to human which can give suggestion and

help each other. Yet, in this era the smart partner is not always human or

people, a smartphone can also be your smart partner in your life. The

modern era makes smartphone be a thing which must be had for some

people becuase it has many function to make easy our joband bussiness.

So the slogan wants to convey to the people that smartphone is a right

choise to be your smart partner in this era because the high technology and



2) C- series lighten your life

The meaning of this slogan is Seri-C sinari hidupmu. It is clear that this

slogan has connotative meaning. The thing which is usually “lighten” the

life refers to the sun. The light of the sun always bright and beneficial for

the life. It also can be enjoyed for every people in this world. That might

be the message which want to convey the copywriter through the slogan.

The smartphone can give advantage for the people who use it.

3) Slim, simple, stylish, strong, speedy

The meaning of this slogan is ramping, sederhana, gaya, kuat, cepat. All

of those adjectives commonly used to describe human character although

some of the words sometimes used to describe thing too. This slogan used

those adjective to describe the smartphone character. It is “slim” which

can bring everywhere easly because it is not heavy put in the bag or the

pocket. “Simple” but “stylish”, although the mode of the smartphone is

simple but it can be choise to keep stylish and fashionable because stylish

is not always glamour. Then “strong” and “fast” both of those words

refers to the quality of the smartphone. Strong machine and fast response

and processor are presented to make the people comfort and satisfied when

use this product.

4) I am faster than faster

This slogan has meaning saya lebih cepat dari pada yang lebih cepat. It is

kind of connotative meaning. In this slogan there are two word “faster”.



smartphone offers the the high speed RAM and faster fingerprint

unlocking. While the second “faster” in this slogan refers to other

smartphons products. This slogan promote the smartphone by comparing it

with others. The advertiser tells that that the faster quality which is had by

this smartphone is different and better than other fast smartphones.

c) Camera slogans

1) It will change your world

This slogan has meaning ini akan merubah duniamu. It is found on the

digital camera. Based on researcher’s opinion this slogan includes in the

connotative meaning category because it does not use the word which

explain the quality or the performance of the product. The phrase refers to

the effect of having the camera product. The camera as if as able to change

your world because the different feature not like others. It automatically

takes the shot when you get close. So taking picture with your friend,

family and all people you love will be more fun and easy. We needn’t

bother to press the button, just take the potition closer it will take your

picture automatically. Meaning

Affective meaning of word is more personalized definition of the word

than the generalized concepts associated with connotation. Affective meaning is



listener or the target of the utterance. From the data, only found one slogan that

used affective meaning , that is smartphone product:

a) Smartphone slogans

1) I’m stylish and I know it

This slogan has meaning saya gaya dan saya tau itu. Based on researcher

opinion this slogan includes of affective meaning type. It describes the

personal feeling of having and using the smartphone. The using of

pronoun “I” as if the advertiser talks to us about what she or he felt. The

word “stylish” is kind of adjective that has same meaning with

fashionable, or elegant. It is kind of character that having elegance or taste

in manners or dress. So the the word “stylish” in the slogan refers to the

appearance. This smartphone, whereas from the quality, the color, the

shape, those things can make the user feels more fashionable and

confidence when the consumer use it.

4.1.2 Interpretation Meaning of English Gadget Slogans

Interpretation is the way something explained or understood. It is the

opinion of what something means. So, interpretation meaning is meaning which is

explained by a listener or reader as well as the message caught by them. In this

part the internal and external elements help the researcher to interprete the English

slogan of gadget advertisement. The internal element such as language and visual


table below is made in order to make the readers find the number and the type of
Table 4.1 Interpretation meaning of gadged English slogan


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