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Handling My Difficulty in Using Scripts When Phoning Prospective Clients as an Insurance Financial Consultant For AXA Financial Indonesia.


Academic year: 2017

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Pada masa magang, saya bekerja sebagai seorang agen asuransi di AXA Financial Indonesia cabang Bengawan. Salah satu tugas saya adalah menelepon beberapa orang calon nasabah saya. AXA menyediakan 2 buah skrip telpon yang terdiri dari percakapan yang mungkin terjadi antara saya dan calon- calon nasabah tersebut. Tujuan dari tugas menelepon tersebut adalah untuk membuat janji temu dengan mereka, agar saya dapat menjelaskan lebih detail tentang produk- produk AXA. Ada 18 orang calon nasabah yang saya telepon, tetapi saya tidak dapat membuat satu pun janji temu dengan mereka, walaupun saya sudah menggunakan skrip yang disediakan oleh AXA.

Setelah melakukan analisis, saya menemukan tiga penyebab dari masalah itu, yaitu pembicaraan saya yang tidak natural ketika sedang membaca skrip itu, saya tidak melakukan persiapan yang cukup, dan saya merasa tegang sehingga nada berbicara saya tidak cukup percaya diri. Saya juga menemukan dua efek dari masalah itu, yaitu saya mengulang percakapan saya beberapa kali ketika menelepon, sehingga membuang banyak waktu saya dan calon- calon nasabah saya, dan saya tidak berhasil memenuhi tujuan dari menggunakan skrip. Saya memilih tiga solusi yang berpotensi untuk menangani kesulitan dalam menggunakan skrip ketika menelpon beberapa orang calon nasabah saya itu. Yang pertama adalah saya meningkatkan bagaimana saya berbicara ketika sedang membaca skrip Maestro Elite Care. Yang kedua adalah saya harus lebih mempersiapkan diri saya dengan membuat beberapa catatan tentang Maestro Elite Care di skrip yang sudah disediakan, dan yang ketiga, saya merekam diri saya ketika sedang membaca skrip Maestro Elite Care. Berdasarkan analisis, saya memutuskan untuk







A. Background of the Study B. Identification of the Problem

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study D. Description of the Institution

E. Method of the Study F. Limitation of the Study

G. Organization of the Term Paper







A. Background of the Study

Insurance business is a business that is developing in Indonesia. Business

Today (par. 1) mentions that Indonesian people’s awareness of the

importance of insurance is rising. The CEO of AXA Indonesia says that in the

years to come, the market for health insurance will be very promising (par. 5).

In response to the opportunity, AXA Indonesia is doing some campaigns to

develop people’s awareness of insurance.

Getting the above information, I am interested in learning more about

insurance business. Therefore, I decide to do my internship at PT AXA

Financial Indonesia (henceforth, AFI) in the Bengawan Branch. I had the

position as a financial consultant. One of my tasks as a financial consultant is


appointment with the prospective clients to meet, so that I could explain more

about the insurance products that the company offers. In order to help me

when phoning the clients, the company provided a phone script consisting of

possible conversation to occur between me and the prospective clients.

There were eighteen clients that I phoned, but I could not make any

appointments with any of them; even though I had used the script provided

when making the calls.

I decide to discuss my difficuIty in using the script to phone prospective

clients in this term paper. I believe this problem is important to be analyzed

because phoning prospective clients is the main duty of an insurance

financial consultant. I will analyze the problem critically and systematically, so

that the solution to the problem can be found out.


Identification of the Problem

The problem will be analyzed to answer the following questions.

1. Why did I find difficulties in using script when I phoned prospective clients

for AFI?

2. How did the problem affect me and my prospective clients?

3. What should I do to be able to use script effectively when phoning three


C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study

There are three objectives of this research. The first is to find out the

causes of my difficulty in using scripts when phoning prospective clients as an

insurance financial consultant for AFI. The second is to find out the effects of

the difficulty. Then, the third objective is to find out the best solution.

There are also benefits of this research. The first benefit is for the

institution where I did the internship, which is AFI, Bengawan branch. The

benefit for AXA agents who experience the same problem can try my

solutions. Then, the second benefit is for the readers of this term paper. It can

make them find the solutions of one of the problems experienced by some

insurance agents. Lastly, this research is beneficial for me because the

solutions found can help me to make any appointments with some of my

prospective clients.


Description of the Institution

In Grade II Basic Training Product Knowledge published by AXA Sales

Academy, the company’s history is given. The man who founded AXA was

Claude Bebear. In 1995, the name was PT MLC Life Indonesia before it

changed its name to PT AXA Financial Indonesia on May 8, 2006. Some


90 and 5 continents, with the support of 216,000 professional employees.

Until December of 2009, the assets under the management of AXA Group

was Euro 90.1 billion and the net income after tax was $3,5 billion.

PT AXA Financial Indonesia is currently operating in Indonesia, including

Ambon, Bali Balikpapan, Banda Aceh, Bandung, Batam, Bengkulu, Blitar,

Cirebon, Kupang, Lampung, Lombok, Louksemawe, Makasar, Malang,

Magelang, Manado, Medan, Palembang, Pekanbaru, Palu, Tangerang,

Jakarta, Jember, Samarinda, Semarang, Solo, Surabaya, Sorong, Tanjung

Pinang Terempa, Yogyakarta. AXA agents occupy the top ranks in both

national and international levels. More people have applied to be an agent of

AXA. Now, AFI has 4 products, which are Maestrolink Plus, Maestro Syariah,

Maestro Elite Care and Maestro Term. I did my internship at one of the

branches of PT AXA Financial Indonesia which is located on Jalan Bengawan

no. 49, Bandung. The leader of this branch is Mr. Hendrawan Oetomo.

E. Method of the Study

The data that is used to support my analysis in this term paper comes

from field research and library research that I did. Data from the field research

is taken from my observations and recorded in my internship journal. From

library research, the data gathered are from Internet sources and printed


F. Limitation of the Study

The subject of my research is myself when I was an intern at AFI. The

study focuses on my difficulty in using script when phoning prospective clients

as an insurance financial consultant for AFI from 21st December 2011 until

16th February 2012.

G. Organization of the Term Paper

This term paper consists of 10 parts. The parts are Abstract, Declaration

of Originality, Acknowledgements, Table of Contents, Chapter I, Chapter II,

Chapter III, Chapter IV, Bibliography, and Appendices.

The first is Abstract. It is a summary of each chapter of the final in the term

paper. The second is Declaration of Originality. It contains my statement

about authenticity or genuineness of my work. The third is

Acknowledgements. It contains my gratitude for those who helped me in the

process of writing the term paper. The fourth is Table of Contents. It contains

details of the contents and their page numbers.

Chapter I consist of seven parts. They are Background of the Study,

Identification of the Problem, Objectives and Benefits of the Study,

Description of the Institution, Method of the Study, Limitation of the Study,

Organization of the Term Paper. Chapter II analyses the causes and the


potential positive and negative effects. Chapter IV states the summary of

Chapter II and Chapter III, the chosen solutions, and the reason for each

selection. Bibliography lists the publication information of the references used

in the term paper. Appendices contain the Flowchart and Phone Script




In the previous chapter I explained about the problem I experienced during my

internship, which is difficulty in using scripts when phoning prospective clients as

an insurance financial consultant. After doing the analysis, I find three causes of

the problem. The first is my speech was not natural when reading the script. The

second cause is I did not have enough preparation. The third cause is I was

nervous, so my tone of speaking was not confident enough. I also find two effects

of the problem, those are: I repeated myself several times when speaking so I

wasted a lot of my time and the prospective clients’ time and I failed to fulfill the

purpose of script in phoning the prospective clients.

My chosen solution is to combine the three potential solutions. I need to

improve how I sound when was reading Maestro Elite Care product script, prepare


provided, and I record myself reading my script. I have to combine the three

potential solutions to eliminate the causes of the problem.

Improving how I sound and recording myself when reading the script can help

me to make my speech more natural. In addition, I need to prepare myself well,

that is why I need apply the second potential solution that is to make some notes

on the script provided. By combining the three potential solutions, hopefully my

problem in using phone script can be handled well.

Based on the theories provided in the previous chapter, I find that how a

salesperson sound when reading the script is very important to determine the

success of sales call. Thus, I need to improve my sound when reading the script.

To know how I perform and what to improve, it is a good idea to record myself

reading the script and then do some practice to make me to sound better when

phoning the clients. In addition, I need to increase my confidence when phoning

the clients. Therefore, familiarizing myself with the product and take some notes to

accompany my script is also a good solution to the problem, as the level of



Printed Sources

Budiman, Dedy, James Gwee. Setiap Orang Sales Harus Punya Sales Script Ini!

Sales Academy. Grade II Basic Training Product Knowledge

Electronic Sources

“Benefit of Using Call Scripts.”2009-2013. 23 September 2012.


“Bisnis Asuransi Makin Berkembang Di Indonesia.” Bussiness Lounge 28 February

2013. 2013.


Ettiquette Tips : Telephone Ettiquette.


Hansen, Julie. “What’s My Line: 5 great ways to use sales scripts like a pro!” April 24, 2011. 2013.



< www.ezinearticles.com/?Sales-Training---The-Power-of-the-Script&id=1175256>

“No More Selling Scripts? 5 Ways To Be Yourself Again.”2000-2012.


Rahayu, Nina. ”Asuransi Kesehatan Akan Banyak Dicari.” 26 Juni 2013. 2008-2013.


Rampur, Stephen. “Effective sales Techniques.“21 September 2011. 2000-

2012, 2013.


Robertson.Kelley. “Top 7 Sales Blunders.”.2013.


“Scripts and Call Guides for Sales Calls.”2001-2013, Chicago, Illinois.


“Sound Like Success: How To Improve The Quality Of Your Voice.”2002-2009. RebeccaShafir. 2008.


Zahorfsky, Darrell. “7 Tips To Overcome Your Fear Of Public Speaking.”2013.


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