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English code-switching in Indonesian teenage girl magazines.


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A Thesis

Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education

By Araya Nurinda Student Number: 051214135






I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, June 22, 2009 The Writer





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

Nama : Araya Nurinda

Nomor mahasiswa : 051214135

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:

English Code-sswitching in Indonesian Teenage Girl Magazines Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal: 22 Juni 2009 Yang menyatakan



Nurinda, Araya. (2009). English Code-switching in Indonesian Teenage Girl Magazines. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Indonesia is a multilingual country. Therefore, the people are used to use more than one language. Local language and national language are the languages usually utilized by Indonesian people to converse in the daily life. In the recent years, the language people speak is not only local and national language but also international language, that is English. People often juxtaposed that language in one utterance. This phenomenon was commonly found in oral and written forms. Sociolinguistics named such phenomenon as code-switching, the switch of one language to another language. In the written form, this phenomenon was discovered in either magazines or newspapers. This research was particularly focussed on Indonesian teenage girl magazines. Accordingly, investigating the code-switching in the Indonesian teenage girl magazine was the aim of this research.

There were three questions to be answered in this research. Those were: 1) what are types of code-switching that exist in Indonesian teenage girl magazines? 2) what are the possible reasons for code-switching in Indonesian teenage girl magazines? 3) what are the implications of code-switching in Indonesian teenage girl magazines towards English learning in Indonesia? To aid the researcher in answering those questions, human instrument was exploited.

In this research, the articles in the magazines were divided into five categories namely news article, feature article, opinion article, fiction, and advertisements. After classifying those articles, the researcher sorted out the types of code-switching as well as counting the amount of code-switching in each article category.

The findings showed that there were six types of code-switching with the biggest number of cases found in feature articles. Those types were single-word switching, phrase switching, clause switching, sentence code-switching, integrated loanwords, and diglossic code-switching. Building a good relation to the target readers was one of four the reasons in switching the code in Indonesian teenage girl magazine. Expressing some words which did not have Indonesian term or had Indonesian term but it was rarely used was the second reason. Code-switching also happened when the writers wanted to quote someone’s speech or statements. Moreover, the topic of the articles was significant for the writers to code-switch the language.



Nurinda, Araya. (2009). English Code-switching in Indonesian Teenage Girl Magazines. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Indonesia adalah negara dengan beberapa bahasa. Karena itu, orang-orang terbiasa menggunakan lebih dari satu bahasa. Bahasa daerah dan bahasa nasional adalah bahasa yang banyak digunakan di Indonesia untuk percakapan sehari-hari. Akhir-akhir ini, tidak hanya bahasa daerah dan nasional saja yang dipakai tetapi juga bahasa internasional yaitu bahasa Inggris. Orang-orang sering menambahkan bahasa Inggris tersebut dalam satu ujaran dalam bahasa ibu mereka. Fenomena ini umumnya ditemukan dalam bentuk lisan maupun tertulis. Sosiolinguistik menamai fenomena itu dengan alih kode, yaitu perpindahan dari satu bahasa ke bahasa lain. Dalam bentuk tertulis, fenomena ini dapat ditemukan di majalah ataupun koran. Penelitian ini difokuskan hanya pada majalah remaja putri Indonesia saja. Jadi, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mencari alih kode yang terdapat dalam majalah remaja putri Indonesia.

Dalam penelitian ini, ada tiga pertanyaan yang harus dijawab. Pertanyaan itu adalah: 1) apa saja jenis alih kode yang terdapat dalam majalah remaja putri Indonesia? 2) apa alasan yang mungkin untuk alih kode dalam majalah remaja putri Indonesia? 3) apa saja implikasi alih kode yang terdapat dalam majalah remaja putri Indonesia terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di Indonesia? Untuk membantu peneliti dalam menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut, peneliti menggunakan human instrument.

Artikel-artikel majalah dalam penelitian ini dibagi menjadi lima kategori, yaitu artikel berita, artikel feature, artikel opini, fiksi, dan iklan. Setelah mengklasifikasikan artikel-artikel tersebut, peneliti mendata jenis alih kode yang ada di setiap kategori artikel dan juga menghitung jumlah alih kode di setiap kategori artikel tersebut.

Penemuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada enam jenis alih kode dengan jumlah kasus terbanyak ada pada kategori artikel feature. Jenis alih kode tersebut adalah single-word code-switching, phrase code-switching, sentence code-switching, integrated loanwords, dan diglossic code-switching. Membangun relasi yang baik dengan pembaca adalah satu dari empat alasan alih kode dalam majalah remaja putri Indonesia. Alasan kedua adalah untuk mengekpresikan beberapa kata yang tidak mempunyai kosa kata dalam bahasa Indonesia atau punya tetapi jarang digunakan. Alih kode juga terjadi ketika penulis ingin mengutip pidato atau pernyataan seseorang. Lebih lanjut, topik yang ada di dalam majalah juga berperan penting bagi penulis untuk alih kode.




Finally the long process of writing this thesis is accomplished. I am so glad that I can pass this process successfully. That is why I would like to give my deepest gratitude to the people around me who always give support and care.

I thank God for His blessing. I believe that He always guides and helps me so that I can stay up till morning, which is definitely not my habit to do that, to finish writing this thesis.

I would like to thank my sponsor, F.X. Ouda Teda Ena, S.Pd.,M.Pd., for giving me a new enlightenment to my thesis. I also thank him for his guidance, suggestions, motivation during this process. I wish him luck for his study.

I would like to thank all the lecturers and staff of Sanata Dharma University especially those who are in the English Language Education Study Program. I thank them for their guidance and care.

To my beloved father Agus Handoko, I thank him for always encouraging me during this process. He is such a fabulous father. To my sister, Aretha Nurtyagita, I thank her for accompanying me to play the games every time I was bored with the thesis writing and also for taking my magazines from the post office.



three partners who still fight to accomplish their thesis, I thank them for the cooperation, discussion, and motivation. I also give a big thank to Jule, Gendis, Esti, Funi, Wiwin, Andre, Verdi, Eska, Dion, Endru, Tepan my beloved friends who always give support. To Top-x, I thank him so much for the encouraging sms-es. Last but not least, I thank Gian, my lovely friend, for lending me the magazines. I am sorry to make the magazines messy and dirty.










ABSTRAK ... vii





CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Research Background ... 1

B. Problem Formulation ... 3

C. Problem Limitation ... 3

D. Research Objectives ... 4

E. Research Benefits ... 4

F. Definition of Terms ... 5


1. Linguistics and Language Learning ... 7

2. Sociolinguistics and Language Learning ... 9

3. Code-switching ... 9

a. The Nature of Code-switching ... 10

b. The Types of Code-switching ... 11



d. Code-switching and Language Learning ... 16

B. Theoretical Framework ... 17

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY A. Research Method ... 20

B. Source of Data ... 21

C. Research Instruments ... 22

D. Data Gathering Technique ... 24

E. Data Analysis Technique ... 25

F. Research Procedures ... 26


1. Single-word Code-switching ... 28

2. Phrase Code-switching ... 33

3. Clause Code-switching ... 37

4. Sentence Code-switching ... 42

5. Integrated Loanwords ... 46

6. Diglossic Code-switching ... 49

B. The Reasons for Code-switching ... 53

C. Implication of Code-switching on English Learning ... 55

D. Other Findings ... 60


B. Suggestions ... 62

REFERENCES ………... 64





Table 3.1: The Example of Checklist from Certain Magazine ... 24

Table 3.2: The Example of Checklist for Types of Code-switching ... 25

Table 4.1: The Number of Cases of Single-word Code-switching ... 29

Table 4.2: The Number of Cases of Phrase Code-switching ... 34

Table 4.3: The Number of Cases of Clause Code-switching ... 37

Table 4.4: The Number of Cases of Sentence Code-switching ... 42

Table 4.5: The Number of Cases of Integrated Loanwords ... 46




Page APPENDIX A: Example of Checklist of SPICE Magazine ……….………

67 APPENDIX B: Example of Checklist of SISTER Magazine ……….…….

68 APPENDIX C: Example of Checklist of GOGIRL Magazine ……….

69 APPENDIX D: Examples of Single-word switching, Phrase

Code-switching, Clause Code-Code-switching, Sentence Code-Code-switching,

Integrated Loanwords ……….…… 70



This chapter is the introductory part. This chapter presents the Research Background, Problem Formulation, Problem Limitation, Research Objectives, and Definition of Terms.

A. Research Background

In the recent years, information and technology are growing rapidly. Technology supports the distribution of information to all over the world. Therefore, people are able to access unlimited information simply using electronic sources such as television and internet. On the other hand, some people still gain information using conventional media such as newspaper and magazines. In Indonesia, newspaper and magazines have an important role as media to receive information. The wide-ranging circulation of newspaper and magazines can be obvious evidence that newspaper and magazines are preferred.


magazine. In composing the magazines, the different needs of boys and girls are considered. Furthermore, it emerges what is called boys magazine and girls magazine.

One interesting phenomenon found in magazines is that the language they used to write articles is not only Indonesian language but also English language. The writers of the articles sometimes put English words, phrase, or even sentences next to Indonesian words, phrases, or sentence in order to make the articles more interesting. All the words, phrases, or sentences borrowed from other language are in italic. It shows that the writers are aware that they are borrowing some words, phrases, or sentences from another language.

It is common for someone who is able to speak more than one language to switch the language they used. “This situation emerges when someone replaces words or phrases from one language with words or phrases from another language” (Heredia & Brown, ___). Such kind of condition, thus, creates a term called code-switching. Nunan and Carter (2001), as seen in Sert (2005), define the phenomenon code-switching as “a phenomenon of switching from one language to another in the same discourse”.


others. Sert (2005), in his paper entitled The Functions of Code Switching in ELT Classroom, stated that

besides using code-switching for self expression and modifying language for the sake of personal intensions, people may function code-switching to build intimate interpersonal relationships among members of a bilingual community.

In order to reach those functions, written texts can be preferences. A written text can be an alternative for people in order to decide the language used to convey information.

B. Problem Formulation

Based on the research background, the problems in this research are formulated as follows:

1. What are the types of code-switching that exist in Indonesian teenage girl magazines?

2. What are the possible reasons for code-switching in Indonesian teenage girl magazines?

3. What are the implications of code-switching in Indonesian teenage girl magazines towards English learning in Indonesia?

C. Problem Limitation


The magazines the researcher chose were SISTER magazine, SPICE magazine, and GOGIRL magazine. Those magazines were selected since they are popular among other teenage girl magazines and have majority readers in Indonesia.

In gaining the data, the researcher used three consecutive editions from each magazine. The decision of choosing those editions was based on the need of obtaining adequate data as well as limited time the researcher had.

D. Research Objectives

Related to the identified problem above, this study has some goals which have to be reached. Those are:

1. To observe the types of code-switching.

2. To find out the reasons for code-switching in Indonesian teenage girl magazines.

3. To find out the implications of code-switching in Indonesian teenage girl magazines towards English learning in Indonesia

E. Research Benefits

The researcher expects that this study will give benefits to: 1. The Readers


2. English teachers

The researcher expects to give clear explanation about the implications of code-switching in the English teaching and learning with the intention that the teacher can anticipate when facing the code-switching situation. Besides, the understanding of code-switching helps the teacher to obtain better foreign language instruction in the classroom discourse.

3. Future Researcher

The researcher expects that this thesis will lead to a better understanding of code-switching phenomenon in Indonesia. Moreover, this research will contribute to the future research development.

F. Definition of Terms

To avoid misunderstanding, some words are needed to be clarified. These are: 1. Code-switching


2. Indonesian Teenage Girl Magazines




This chapter reviews important studies to support the present research. The purpose of this chapter is to give basic principles due to the formulated problems. This chapter consists of two major points, theoretical description and theoretical framework. Theoretical description gives explanation of underlying theories related to the factors which influence teachers in teaching. In addition, theoretical framework discusses the theories that have been employed.

A. Theoretical Description

In this section, some theories will be elaborated. The theories that will be reviewed are linguistics and language teaching, sociolinguistics and language teaching, and the theory of code-switching. In the discussion of code-switching, not only the types of code-switching, in which some different types are presented by some linguists will be presented but also the reasons for switching the codes as well as the implication of code-switching to the English learning.

1. Linguistics and Language Learning


sounds” (1972:4). “More precisely, language, viewed as a system, consists of three subsystems or components: semantic, syntactic, and phonological component” (1972:4). The study of language is named as linguistics.

The extent of linguistics fields has broad discussion. Fromkin, Blair, & Collins (2000) in An Introduction to Language, categorized the discussion of language into three sections. The first one is about the grammatical aspects of language. The studies under this heading are morphology, the study of words, syntax, which deals with the sentence pattern of language, semantic, which talks about the pattern of language through words and sentence, phonetics, the study of the sounds of language, and the last is phonology, the study of the sound patterns of language. The second one discusses the psychology of language. This study is called psycholinguistics. As cited by Fromkin, Blair, & Collins, Gleason and Ratner (1993) define psycholinguistics as “the concern on discovering the psychological processes that make it possible for humans to acquire and use language” (2000:315). Moreover, the last discussion is about the language in the society. This is called sociolinguistics. Since it deals with the society therefore it has close relation to the social sciences.


2. Sociolinguistics and Language Learning

Sociolinguistics is the study of the use of language in the society (Lehmann, 1972). Cook (1996) stated that “knowledge of language acquired by people is used for sociological and psychological ends”.That statement means that the language must be used in the society. Many factors influence the use of language in the society. One of the factors is bilingualism. Such condition causes a phenomenon called code-switching. Therefore, code-switching included in the sociolinguistic study.

Sociolinguistic study, help second language learners to understand the characteristic of a community as well as the language they use. Therefore, the second language learners will easily adapt to the new environment and new language as well when they understand sociolinguistics.

3. Code-switching


a. The Nature of Code-switching

According to Gardner (1997), as seen in Jaworsky & Coupland’s Modern Linguistics: Sociolinguistic: A Reader and Coursebook, code-switching can be defined as “the use of two or more languages in the same conversation or utterance” (1997:361). Such kind of behavior occurs in situations where the people are bilingualism or multilingualism, situations of immigrations, and regional minorities. Therefore, code-switching is a common thing happened in the society. Gardner adds that behaviour involved in the phenomenon relying on the sociolinguistics circumstances and the language combination as well.

Gardner’s idea is supported by Wardaugh (1992) who stated that “utilizing several varieties of any languages they speak is a common thing found in bilingual or multilingual person rather than unilingual person” (1992:103). He found that it is an unusual thing to have command of only a single variety of language. Therefore, people who live in a multilingual country have the tendency to choose the varieties or code they want to talk with.


From the point of view of some linguists above, it can be concluded that code-switching is the changes language in the same utterances. Additionally, the switching can be in the primary utterance, in the middle utterance, or in the last utterances. That code-switching commonly happen in the bilingual or multilingual circumstances is another point that is concluded by the researcher as well.

b. The Types of Code-switching


Blanc (1989) that this code-mixing term is sometimes called as interference (1997:362).

What is written by Gardner (1997) is similar to Wardaugh’s view about the type of code-switching. Wardaugh (1992) describes two types of code-switching. The first one is situational code-switching. He defines situational code-switching as the shifting of languages when the topic of the conversation does not change. On the other hand, “when a change of topic requires a change in language used we have metaphorical code-switching” (Wardaugh, 1992). He gives addition explanation about that type that in this case, some topics may be discussed in either code, but the choice of code attaches a distinct flavor to what is said about the topic. The term code-switching differs from diglossia. In diglossia, “people are quite aware that they have switched from H to L or L to H whereas in code switching people are subconscious that they have switched the language” (Wardaugh, 1992). Besides code-switching, code-mixing is discussed by Wardaugh (1992) as well. He asserts that code-mixing happens “when people use both languages together to the extent that they change from one language to the other in the course of a single utterance” (1992:106).


exclamations which serve as an emblem of the bilingual character. Moreover, the last type of switching involves a change of pronunciation feature. Those types typically occur at the phonological level.

According to McCormick (1994), as cited in Asher’s Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, there are six types of code-switching. The classification of code-switching is based on the length of juxtaposed elements of utterance. Those types are diglossia, situational switching, metaphoric code-switching, conversational code-code-switching, single-word code-code-switching, and integrated loanwords. Those types asserted by McCormick (1994) happen in the conversational situation. This study deals with written form of code-switching. then the researcher took the theories from McCormick (1994) which are suitable to this study. The types of code-switching are single-word code-switching, phrase code-switching, sentence code-switching, clause code-switching, integrated loanwords, and diglossic code-switching.


code-switching is diglossic code-code-switching. This sort of code-code-switching does not deal with the H and L variety of a language. In this research, the diglossic code-switching deals with the whole discourse length of juxtaposed elements. Based on Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, discourse is “a linguistic unit (as a conversation or a story) larger than a sentence”.

The researcher acknowledges that there are similar types of code switching proposed by those linguists. Situational, metaphorical, and contextual switching are asserted almost by all linguists. However, those types of code-switching occur when people have a conversation.

c. The Reason for Code-switching

Code switching is the phenomenon when someone is bilingual or multilingual and using language besides their mother tongue. Thus, they are mastering and employing more than one language. In speaking with others both language can be utilized. Although people do not have awareness on which they switch their language, but there are reasons within. Some linguists do research to investigate the motives people switch their languages when they are speaking to others. Moreover, this part provides a various reasons of code-switching according to some linguists.


code-switching. He adds that “such motivation need not be at all conscious since some people are not aware that they have switched their language into a particular language” (1992:10).

Crystal (1987), as cited in Skiba’s Code Switching as a Countenance of Language Interference, defines a number of possible reasons for the switching from one language to another language. The first one is because the speaker may not be able to express his or her expression in one language. In this case, the speakers switch to compensate for deficiency. Second reason is that the speakers want to share some solidarity with a particular social group. Relationship is established when the listeners respond employing a similar switch. The last reason according to Crystal (1987) is that the speakers want to convey his or her attitude towards the listeners. It is because when monolingual speakers communicate using certain level of formality, the bilingual speakers can convey the same by switching the language.


(1991) who said that code-switching is used to express group identity as well as solidarity with a certain groups (1991:116). Additionally, the last reason proposed by McClure (1977) as cited by Wardaugh (1991) who did research on children’s switch. The result shows that children at age eight or nine begins to code-switch in order to focus on certain topic (1991:116). The conclusion she made is that code-switching is a habitual and frequently used as the part of social interaction among bilinguals (Wardaugh, 1991). Bilingual speaker also can employ other language in four ways choice compared to the monolingual speaker.

d. Code-switching and Language Learning

Living in a bilingual circumstance forces people to master language in which that language is not their mother tongue. Nevertheless, not all the people master the second language or the language besides their mother tongue. Code-switching, which is the main topic of this research, can possibly aid the second language learners to master the second language.

Acquiring the second language can be influenced by some factors. What the second language learners hear or read is capable of guiding them to master the second language. This is called input. Ellis (1997:5) states that “through this input the second language learners are expected to produce the language they learn”.


communication” (1997:47). This means that the language competence of the second language learners is determined by the language they produce.

In producing the language, certainly, there are some factors which either can inhibit or support the successful language production of the second language learners. Therefore, if the language which the learners receive is totally wrong, then, it will guide the second language learners to the wrong concept of second language. The wrong example possibly brings about the wrong language production. As a result, the learners of the second language are regarded as fail in attaining the second language.

B. Theoretical Framework

Based on those theories which have been elaborated above, some theories which become the basis of the research were discussed. Types of code-switching as well as reason for code-switching and its implication to the language learning are the main focus in this research.


languages are fused in one single word. The last type is diglossic code-switching. This includes the whole discourse of the article. It means that if there is only one language in the length of one discourse without any language is appeared, then, it is included in diglossic code-switching.

Some linguists propose different reasons for code-switching. Those reasons mostly emphasize on the motive of code-switching in the conversation. As it does not match to the aim of this research, the researcher adopts some reasons asserted by Crystal (1987) as in Skiba’s Code Switching as a Countenance of Language Interference and is supported by Hoffmann (1991). The first reason is that the writers expected to be able to build good relation with the target readers. Second reason is to express some words which either did not have Indonesian term or had Indonesian term but it was rarely used. The second reason is supported by McClure (1977), as in Hoffmann’s An Introduction to Bilingualism, as well. She cited that children at later age begin to code-switch in order to focus on particular topic (1991:116). Therefore, it can be said that adult code-switching may be influenced by the choice of topic. The last reason is code-switching to quote someone’s statements or expressions. This theory is also asserted by Hoffmann (1991) who said that “switching occurs when the subject is quoting someone” (1991:116).



This chapter presents the methodology used in this research. This chapter consists of Research Method, Source of Data, Research Instrument, Data Gathering Technique, Data Analysis Technique, and Research Procedures

A. Research Method

A certain methodology was considered in this research as guidance to conduct the study. This research dealt with certain phenomenon in the society, thus, this research was qualitative research. According to Merriam (2002), the key to reach the best understanding of qualitative research was “socially constructed by individuals in interaction with their world”.


Document analysis was also utilized as the methodology in this research. ”A document analysis was typically performed on form of human communication, including magazines” (Leedy & Ormod, 2005). Through document analysis, the researcher had to serve intended information which was helpful in evaluating or explaining educational practices (Best, 1981). This kind of methodology was particularly to answer the first problem in this research. The second and the third problems were answered by applying library study. The researcher read and adopted the theory from some former researchers.

B. Source of Data

Indonesian teenage girl magazines were the primary source of data in this research. The researcher concerned only with English code-switching in Indonesian teenage magazines. SISTER magazine, SPICE magazine, and GOGIRL magazine were the magazines which were analyzed by the researcher.

The first magazine is SISTER magazine. SISTER magazine is a new magazine which was first published in August 2008. Though it is a new magazine, this magazine has numbers of stable readers. It is proven by the letter which can be read in the magazine every month. This magazine emphasizes its reader in range of age of 15-22 years old.


GOGIRL is a magazine which has been published since February 2005. This magazine is for girls in the range of age of 15-23 years old.

Those three magazines were monthly magazines and the researcher utilized it to acquire the data. Additionally, in order to diminish the possibility of obtaining the same topic in each magazine, the researcher employed three editions from each magazine with publishing number in order. Therefore, there were nine magazines to be observed. Moreover, it was supported by Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh (2002:386) who stated that “the more material analyzed, the more valid the conclusions from the study”. The magazines observed were: GOGIRL Magazine January 2009, GOGIRL Magazine February 2009, GOGIRL Magazine March 2009, SISTER Magazine February 2009, SISTER Magazine March 2009, SISTER Magazine April 2009, SPICE Magazine January 2009, SPICE Magazine February 2009, SPICE Magazine March 2009.


special article might be about fashion, celebrities, or daily life topics. Opinion is an article which shows the writer’s feeling or thought. Fiction is a story which is available in the magazine. While, advertisement is an article or picture or a notice which tells the readers about product, job, place, or service.

C. Research Instruments

Another characteristic of qualitative research was that the researcher was the main instrument in collecting and analyzing the data. Lincoln and Guba (1985), as cited in Introduction to Research in Education: Sixth Edition by Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh (2002: 424), argued that “in qualitative research which dealt with human and situations, researcher needed a flexible instrument who could read the documents, or talk with people or in other words studied the human experiences”. According to them, only human instrument was competent in this undertaking. Then, human instrument and the document itself in this research were utilized to gain the data.

D. Data Gathering Technique


Table 3.1 Example of Checklist from Certain Magazine

Source Page No. Sentence

E. Data Analysis Technique

After all the data gathered, it was analyzed. This study was a qualitative research rather than a quantitative research. Therefore, the nature of data was in form of words.

The researcher employed the data analysis described by Creswell. Creswell (1998), as cited by Leedy & Ormord (2005), described a spiral data analysis which covered some steps. Those steps were adapted to this research and covered four steps.

The first step is organizing the data. In this part, the researcher broke down the data into smaller categories. There were five categories for each magazine namely news article, opinion article, feature article, advertisement, and fiction.

The second step is perusing the data. The researcher might obtain an early overview of the data collected in the previous step. Therefore, the possible interpretation might appear.


code-switching into six categories. The researcher, then, adopted his theory and sorted out the types into six categories which were single-word code-switching, phrase code-switching, clause code-switching, sentence code-switching, integrated loanwords, and diglossic code-switching. Table 3.1 was presented as the example of the checklist utilized by the researcher.

Table 3.2 Example of Checklist of Types of Code-switching

Type of Code-switching Code-switching

Page No.



Phrase Clause Sentence Diglossic

Integrated Loanwords

In order to avoid confusion in determining phrase, clause, or sentence, the researcher defined what was meant by those terms. Phrase is a group of words which do not have finite verb. In phrase, one word explains other word. Clause is a group of words containing a subject and a verb. Furthermore, sentence contains a subject and a verb and usually ends by punctuation such as full stop (.), question mark (?), and exclamation mark (!). The researcher also identified the reasons for code-switching based on the theory of Crystal (1987) and Hoffmann (1991). Theory of input proposed by Ellis (2002) was also used to identify the implication of English code-switching towards the English learning process.


F. Research Procedures

According to Ary, Jacobs, & Razavieh (2002), there are some steps which are used to do the descriptive research. These steps were:

First, the researcher selected the problems. The reason of selecting the problems had been discussed in the first chapter of this thesis.

Second, the researcher identified the information needed to solve the problem. In this step, the researcher listed what information should be collected as well as classified the information. The review of literature needed to serve as the basis of the research was also conducted. From the broad explanation of theories which had been elaborated, the researcher chose some theories that are suitable with this research. Moreover, those theories were put into a theoretical framework.

Third, the researcher selected or developed the instrument for gathering data. In this step, the researcher decided instruments used to gain the data. The chosen was based on the problem formulated in the first chapter. Thus, human instrument was utilized to gain the data as well as checklists and software.

Fourth, the researcher selected the sampling. Indonesia teenage magazine was chosen as the sample of this research.

Fifth, the researcher collected the data. In this step, the data was collected through document analysis. In this phase, the researcher not only listed the data but also classified it.


Seventh, the researcher prepared the report. In this step, the researcher started to arrange the gained data and process it.




This chapter reveals the research result. It is divided into four main sections, namely types of code-switching, reason of code-switching, implication to the English learning, and other findings.

A. Types of Code-switching

In this research, the researcher sorted the types of code switching based on the theory asserted by McCormick (1994). Then, the researcher categorized code-switching into six types. Those were single-word code-switching, phrase code-switching, clause code-switching, sentence code-switching, integrated loanwords, and diglossic code-switching. Thus, this part would elaborate the six types of code-switching. In each type, the researcher also presented the findings into five categories, namely; news, feature, opinion, advertisement, and fiction.

1. Single-word Code-switching


Table 4.1 The Number of Cases of Single-word Code-switching

The Number of Cases

No. Magazine

News Feature Opinion Fiction Ad

1. SPICE 196 864 176 6 170

2. SISTER 310 1298 146 13 203

3. GOGIRL 316 1110 211 7 325

a. News Articles

SPICE magazine had the least number of cases compared to the other two magazines. The number of cases in news articles was 196 cases. The researcher found that some words appeared frequently. Therefore, the researcher tried to rank the words based on its frequency. In this case, the word band had the biggest number of frequency which appeared 6 times. The word event appeared five times, whereas talkshow, make-up, soundtrack, fashion, and bazaar were the words which appeared four times. Moreover, swing, single, books, workshop, and wine were the words which were used three times.

SISTER magazine had 310 cases of single-word code-switching. It also contained words which emerged frequently. The most frequent word was event which showed 20 times. Second place was band and booth, each of those words appeared seven times. Third place was entertainment and games which emerged six times. Each of the words jazz, mall, and gadget appeared five times. Moreover, the fourth was launching, pink, and vintage, each of those words appeared four times.


the most frequent words emerged 10 times and the words were band and event. The word stage appeared seven times, whereas the word single appeared six times. Performance, venue, and well were the words which emerged four times. Chart, designer, fans, fashion, film, and view were the words which emerged three times.

b. Feature Articles

At the outset, the researcher was going to discuss the number of cases in SPICE magazine feature articles. Feature articles were the special articles and regular articles which always appeared in the magazine. The table showed that SPICE magazine had 864 cases of single-word code-switching. The most frequent word was fashion which emerged 47 times. Beauty and bullying were the words which were used 31 times and 18 times. Pink and well were used 13 times. Eyeshadow, games, and natural were the words which appeared nine times.

In the SISTER magazine feature articles, 1298 cases of single-word code-switching were found. This was the biggest number of cases of single-word code-switching in feature articles. In this magazine, the word bra appeared 35 times. The word feature emerged 20 times whereas the word fashion was used 19 times. Necklace, no, and piercing were the words which were used 15 times. In addition, pants and boy were the words which emerged 13 times.


Cover, jokes, and stylish were the words which emerged nine times. Happy, stylist, necklace, and trend were the words which were used eight times. c. Opinion Articles

Another category was opinion articles. These articles contained someone’s idea or opinion about something. SPICE magazine had 176 cases of single-word code-switching in the opinion articles. The most frequent single-words were fashion and beauty. Each of those words appeared five times. The word which emerged four times was only one, which was the word games. Campus, dear, and tips were the words which were used three times. There were 16 words which appeared two times. Those words were stocking, tights, cardigan, chatting, deadline, entrepreneur, event, formal, headband, money, online, platform, soulmate, sweater, well, and yes.

SISTER magazine had 146 cases of single-word code-switching in the opinion articles. The word sexy appeared 20 times. The word sex appeared nine times. Jerk and hot were the words which emerged six times. Petting and hello were the words which were used five times. Pantyliner, hi, swimsuit, and well were the words which were used four times.


d. Fiction

Fiction was a story which was written by someone. In the three magazines, fiction was sent by the readers who wanted to contribute. Therefore, in each fiction, the word which appeared was also varied, depended on the theme of each fiction. Then, in fiction, there were six cases of single-word code-switching which were found in SPICE magazine. The most frequent words were handphone and moody which appeared two times. Whereas, the other two words only appeared once.

In this category, SISTER magazine had the greatest number of single-word code-switching cases with the number of 13 cases. Party and please were the most frequent words which appeared two times. The other nine words were used only once.

GOGIRL magazine had seven cases of single-word code-switching in fiction. In this magazine, the most frequent word was fans which emerged three times. Moreover, the other four words only appeared once.

e. Advertisement


SISTER magazine had 203 cases of single-word code-switching. The word which emerged frequently was the word t-shirt which emerged nine times. Whereas, the word member appeared six times. Each of the word offline and dancer appeared five times continued by conditioner, gadget, outlet, pancake, range, shampoo, touring, and valentine which appeared four times each. Style and second were the words which appeared three times.

GOGIRL magazine had the biggest number with 325 cases of single-word code-switching in advertisement. The word conditioner was in the top rank with the number of frequency of 29. Whereas the word event appeared 13 times and pink, tenant, and voucher were the words which emerged six times. The last two ranks were shampoo, date, browsing, and laptop which appeared five times continued by the word so which emerged four times.

2. Phrase Code-switching


Table 4.2 The Number of Cases of Phrase Code-switching

The Number of Cases

No. Magazine

News Feature Opinion Fiction Ad

1. SPICE 187 796 144 3 187

2. SISTER 197 1176 73 7 119

3. GOGIRL 301 1373 119 5 281

a. News Articles

The first category was news article. In SPICE magazine, there were 187 cases of phrase switching. The researcher found that in this type of code-switching there were some categories of phrase. Based on the data, the researcher found out that in news articles, the most frequent phrases were noun phrases. Business plan, modern dance, and celebrity stunt were some examples of phrase code-switching found in the news articles.

In SISTER magazine, there were 197 cases of phrase code-switching. It also contained some phrase categories which emerged frequently. The most frequent phrase category was noun phrase. Soft rock, the funny faces of Tyra Banks, digital library, boy’s hidden facts, and bad hair day were some examples of noun phrase appeared in SISTER news articles.


b. Feature Articles

The second category was feature articles. Feature articles had the greatest number of articles. Therefore, in this category of article, the number of cases was also numerous. In the SPICE magazine, there were 796 cases of phrase code-switching. The examples of the phrase were winged heart earrings, gold heart ring, smooth sight, and liquid eyeliner. Those examples showed that the category of phrase which appeared mostly were noun phrase.

In SISTER magazine, there were 1176 cases of phrase code-switching. The stunning Dakota Fanning, Hollywood stars, quote of the month, fashion show, the most happening flea market, and ankle boots were some examples taken by the researcher as examples. The most frequent phrase category was noun phrase.

In the GOGIRL magazine, there were 1373 cases of phrase code-switching. Top 3 favorite designers, maxi dress, travel warning, blind date, best dress of the month, and stripes shorts were the examples of phrases taken from the magazine. Those were included in noun phrase category. c. Opinion Articles


SISTER magazine had 73 cases of phrase code-switching. That was the least number of cases compared to the other two magazines. Letter of the month, purity ring, jerk magnet, and knit dress represented the cases of phrase code-switching in this magazine. Therefore, it could be said that the most frequent phrase category was noun phrase.

Furthermore, the total amount of cases in GOGIRL magazine was 119. It placed GOGIRL magazine in the middle of SPICE magazine and SISTER magazine. Noun phrase was the most frequent phrase appeared in this type of code-switching. Best New Year Party, recent issue, New Year feast, and sense of humour were the examples of noun phrase found in the GOGIRL magazine

d. Fiction

The number of phrase code-switching cases was not as much as the number of single-word code-switching cases. In the first magazine, SPICE, the number of cases was only three. The phrases were bed time story and reality show. It could be seen that the category of the phrase was noun phrase.

In the second magazine, SISTER, there were seven cases of phrase code-switching. That number was the utmost number of cases contrasted to the other two magazines. Those phrases consisted of noun phrase. The phrases were sweet seventeen party, first date, soft pink, and make-up artist.


Clubeighties, and 4th story by: Budi Anduk. Those were also dominated by noun phrase.

e. Advertisement

The last category was advertisement. From the table above, it could be told that SISTER magazine had the least number of cases among the three magazines. SISTER magazine had only 119 cases of phrase code-switching.

The second place was SPICE magazine with the number of phrase code-switching of 187 cases.

GOGIRL magazine had 281 cases of phrase code-switching. That number placed GOGIRL magazine in the first place with the biggest number of cases.

3. Clause Code-switching

The third type was clause code-switching. This type of code-switching could be identified by seeking the conjunction preceding the clause, such as, and, or, but. The example of clause code-switching was Setelah bicara dari hati ke hati, mungkin dia akan mengerti, but things might never be the same between you guys (GOGIRL magazine February 2009, pg. 86). Moreover, the number of clause code switching cases was represented in table 4.3.

Table 4.3 The Number of Cases of Clause Code-switching

The Number of Cases

No. Magazine

News Feature Opinion Fiction Ad

1. SPICE 16 55 12 - -

2. SISTER 20 82 13 - 6


a. News Articles

From the table above, it could be seen that SPICE magazine had the smallest amount of clause code-switching. SPICE magazine had 16 cases of clause code-switching. There were two examples of clause code-switching in the news articles of SPICE magazine.

1). Adinda dan Marlon saling jatuh cinta, everything’s perfect. (SPICE magazine March 2009, pg. 86)

2). Pink is never been pinker dengan album comeback-nya.* (SPICE magazine February 2009, pg. 106)

The second magazine was SISTER magazine. The number of cases in the SISTER magazine was close to SPICE magazine. This magazine had 20 cases of clause code-switching. These were two examples of clause code-switching. 1). Kalau memang benar, SISTER berani jamin kalau foto perutnya bakalan

terus dibombardir, so you’ll keep informed!* (SISTER magazine February 2009, pg. 23)

2). Cewek yang suaranya powerful ini ternyata sempat didiagnosa kanker payudara, but she survived. (SISTER magazines March 2009, pg. 132) GOGIRL magazine, the last magazine, had the biggest amount of clause code-switching cases. The amount of clause code-switching cases in the GOGIRL magazine was 72. There were two examples of clause-code-switching.

1). Wajib tonton, karena film ini ngajarin kita kalau cinta itu nggak selalu datang begitu aja, we have to look and fight for it. (GOGIRL magazine March 2009, pg.137)


b. Feature Articles

The second category of the magazine’s articles was feature articles. Feature articles always had the biggest number of cases compared to the other categories. SPICE magazine had 55 cases of clause code-switching. That was the smallest amount of cases. There were two examples of clause code-switching in feature articles.

1). Dan daripada repot-repot mengubahnya, just deal with it! (SPICE magazine February 2009, pg. 74)

2). Hmm, let’s say if they’re fine with the music, tapi kalau nggak? (SPICE magazine March 2009, pg. 32)

SISTER magazine had 82 cases of clause code-switching. That number was also close to the number of clause code-switching cases in the SPICE magazine. Here were some examples of clause code-switching in SISTER magazine feature articles.

1). Baca pengalaman Astried Anggraini yang super positif ini, and you’ll think you’re not alone! (SISTER magazine February 2009, pg. 95)

2). Hal itu bisa dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor seperti sifat, sejarah percintaannya, and how bad he wants you. (SISTER magazine March 2009, pg.88)

GOGIRL magazine had the farthest range of number contrasted to the two magazines. The number of clause cases in this category was 203. In addition, it placed GOGIRL magazine as the magazine with the biggest number of clause code-switching in the feature articles. These were two examples of clause code-switching.


2). Alhasil dia sering mempermainkan cowok but always manage to stay admirable because she knows guys couldn’t resist her charm. (GOGIRL magazine March 2009, pg. 99)

c. Opinion Articles

The third category was opinion articles. In this category, SPICE magazine had only 12 cases of clause code-switching. That number was the least number of all. The researcher provided examples of clause code-switching in the opinion articles of SPICE magazine.

1). Kalau jengkel sama dia, I just leave him! (SPICE magazine January 2009, pg. 88)

2). Inget Tasya, animal print is in. (SPIPCE magazine February 2009, pg. 35) SISTER magazine had 13 cases of clause code-switching. The number was adjacent to the number of clause code-switching in the SPICE magazine but it was not as much as the number of cases in the GOGIRL magazine. The example of clause code-switching in SISTER magazine opinion articles was Pelan-pelan saja and get to know him slowly. (SISTER magazine February 2009, pg. 92)

The last magazine was GOGIRL magazine. This magazine had 20 cases of clause code-switching. This number was also close to the number of clause code-switching cases in the SPICE magazine. There were two examples of clause code-switching.

1). Hmm GOGIRL sudah baca profilnya and we think she’s great. (GOGIRL magazine January 2009, pg. 10)


d. Fiction

The fourth category was fiction. In SPICE magazine, there were no cases of clause code-switching. This type of code-switching seemed unpopular to be used in fiction.

The same thing happened in SISTER magazine. This magazine had no cases of clause code-switching as well.

On the other hand, GOGIRL magazine was the only one magazine which had the cases of clause code-switching in fiction. This magazine had eight cases of clause code switching. Additionally, in this category, GOGIRL had the most fiction.

e. Advertisement

The fifth category was advertisement. The first magazine, SPICE, had no case of clause code-switching. This magazine looked as if this magazine rarely used the clause code-switching.

The second magazine, SISTER, had only six cases of clause code-switching. This amount was less than the amount found in the GOGIRL magazine.


4. Sentence Code-switching

The fourth type of code-switching was sentence code-switching. This kind of code switching could be recognized if there is sign such as full stop (.), comma (,), question mark (?), or exclamation mark (!). To distinguish whether it was sentence code-switching or diglossic code-switching, the researcher should investigate the preceding and the following sentence of the sentence being observed. If it was followed by or preceded by Indonesia sentences, therefore, it was sentence code-switching. The table 4.4 implied the number of cases in each category of each magazine.

Table 4.4 The Number of Cases of Sentence Code-switching

The Number of Cases

No. Magazine

News Feature Opinion Ad Fiction

1. SPICE 16 206 34 3 41

2. SISTER 137 210 45 17 51

3. GOGIRL 104 450 101 7 98

a. News Articles

Firstly, the category to be discussed was news article. In this category, the number of cases between SPICE magazine and the other two magazines had a very distant amount. SPICE magazine had 16 cases of sentence code-switching. This is the least number of cases of sentence code-switching of all. The researcher provided some examples of sentence code-switching as well. These were two examples of sentence code-switching in news articles.

1). This is a real makeover book you should read! (SPICE magazine January 2009, pg. 103)


In the second magazine, SISTER, there were 137 cases of sentence code-switching. Seeking from the number of cases, this magazine had the biggest number of cases of sentence code-switching compared to the other two magazines. There were two examples of sentence code-switching.

1). She loves making funny faces! (SISTER magazine February 2009, pg. 22) 2). Everyone needs a change! (SISTER magazine March 2009, pg. 20)

The last magazine was GOGIRL magazine. In this magazine sentence code-switching was found in 104 cases. This number was not so big comparing to SISTER magazine. Some examples of sentence code-switching in news articles are provided by the researcher.

1). They’re always there for each other throughout good and bad times. (GOGIRL magazine January 2009, pg. 114)

2). Lets just wait for the wedding bell! (GOGIRL magazine January 2009, pg. 16)

b. Feature Articles

Secondly, the discussion was on the feature articles. In SPICE magazine, there were 206 cases of sentence code-switching. In this category, the amount of cases also had a very distant number. An example of sentence code-switching in feature articles of SPICE magazine was Sounds familiar? (SPICE magazine March 2009, pg. 39)


1). Start your new friend circle, be a good friend for everyone! (SISTER magazine February 2009, pg. 90)

2). How to get rid of it? (SISTER magazine March 2009, pg. 53)

GOGIRL magazine had 450 cases of sentence code-switching. This number was the utmost quantity of cases. GOGIRL magazine acquired two times of the amount of sentence code-switching in the SPICE magazine and SISTER magazine. There were two examples of sentence code-switching. 1). Spend more time and be comfortable around him. (GOGIRL magazine February 2009, pg. 96)

2). That’s why she still cherishes her true friendship with old friends. (GOGIRL magazine February 2009, pg. 99)

c. Opinion Articles

Thirdly, the next category was opinion articles. The amount of cases of sentence code-switching in GOGIRL magazine was the utmost cases compared to the other magazines. GOGIRL magazine had 101 cases of sentence code-switching. The examples of sentence code-switching were: 1). Keep up the good work! (GOGIRL magazine January 2009, pg. 10)

2). I just think the background doesn’t suit the theme. (GOGIRL magazine February 2009, pg. 188)

SPICE magazine had the least cases with 34 cases of sentence code-switching. This magazine attained the smallest amount of cases. In this type of code-switching, the distant amount of cases appeared apparently. The examples of sentence code-switching were:

1). It’s about time! (SPICE magazine January 2009, pg.8)


Furthermore, SISTER magazine had 45 cases of sentence code-switching. This number also had a distant range contrasted to GOGIRL magazine. Some examples of sentence code-switching were provided by the researcher.

1). He’s so damn hot! (SISTER magazine April 2009, pg. 24)

2). Guy is a mysterious creature. (SISTER magazine March 2009, pg. 10) d. Fiction

Similar to fiction in the previous type of code-switching, the amount of cases in this category was not much. In SPICE magazine, there were only three cases of sentence code-switching.

In SISTER magazine, there were 17 cases of sentence code-switching. Corresponding to the previous type of code-switching in this category, the most frequent type switching which emerged was sentence code-switching.

GOGIRL magazine merely acquired seven cases. This was not much but in this category this number was pretty much although GOGIRL magazine had the plenty number of fictions.

e. Advertisement

Fifth category was advertisement. The first magazine, which was SPICE magazine, attained 41 cases of sentence code-switching. In this category the distant range did not emerged obviously.


The last magazine showed that GOGIRL magazine possessed 98 cases of sentence code-switching. This was the highest number of cases.

Compared to clause code switching, sentence code-switching had more number of cases. It was proved by the data which illustrated that sentence code-switching was more numerous than clause code-switching.

5. Integrated Loanwords

The fifth type of code-switching was integrated loanwords. This type of code-switching usually combined Indonesian affixes with English word, for example nge-date, design-nya. This sort of code-switching was not much found in the articles. Moreover, the number of integrated loanwords found in the three magazines was represented by this table 4.5.

Table 4.5 The Number of Cases of Integrated Loanwords

The Number of Cases

No. Magazine

News Feature Opinion Fiction Ad

1. SPICE 3 43 11 2 16

2. SISTER 23 56 18 4 25

3. GOGIRL 24 90 22 1 22

a. News Articles


SISTER magazine had 23 cases of integrated loanword. This number was much more than the cases owned by SPICE magazine. The examples of integrated loanwords were nge-beat, tour-nya, fans-nya.

Furthermore, GOGIRL magazine, the last magazine, had the biggest amount of integrated loanwords cases. The amount of integrated loanwords cases in the GOGIRL magazine was 24. Some examples of integrated loanwords in GOGIRL magazine news article were owner-nya, cookies-nya, extra-nya.

b. Feature Articles

The second category of the magazine’s articles was feature articles. Feature articles always had the biggest number of cases compared to the other categories. SPICE magazine had 43 cases of integrated loanwords. That was the smallest amount of cases. The examples of integrated loanwords in this category were piercing-nya, childish-nya, mood-mu.

SISTER magazine had 56 cases of integrated loanwords. That number was also close to the number of integrated loanwords cases in the SPICE magazine. There were sort of examples of integrated loanwords in SISTER magazines, those were dress-nya, performance-nya, men-customize.


c. Opinion Articles

The third category was opinion articles. In this category, SPICE magazine had only 11 cases of integrated loanword. The example of integrated loanword was charger-nya. That number was the least number of all.

SISTER magazine had 18 cases of integrated loanword. The number was close to the number of integrated loanword in the SPICE magazine but it was not as much as the number of cases in the GOGIRL magazine. The researcher attached some examples of integrated loanwords in opinion articles in the SISTER magazine, these examples were fashion-nya, body-nya.

The last magazine was GOGIRL magazine. This magazine had 22 cases of integrated loanword. This number was also close to the number of integrated loanword cases in the SPICE magazine.

d. Fiction

Once more, fiction merely obtained few cases of integrated loanword. In SPICE magazine two cases of integrated loanword were found.In SISTER magazine, there were four cases of integrated loanword. This was the biggest number of all. In the GOGIRL magazine only had a case of integrated loanword. The integrated loan word was ngefansnya.

e. Advertisement


Afterward, SISTER magazine acquired 25 cases of integrated loanword. SISTER magazine the majority of integrated loanword cases compared to other magazines.

The last, in GOGIRL magazine was found 22 cases of integrated loanword cases. The rank showed GOGIRL magazine was placed in the second position.

6. Diglossic Code-switching

The last type of code-switching is diglossic code-switching. All linguistic units (as a conversation or a story) which are larger than a sentence were included in this type of cod-switching. Hence, the form of diglossic code-switching could be the whole page of an article, a phrase, a sentence, or even a paragraph. The number of diglossic code-switching cases was presented by table 4.6.

Table 4.6 The Number of Cases of Diglossic Code-switching

The Number of Cases

No. Magazine

News Feature Opinion Fiction Ad

1. SPICE - 4 - - 21

2. SISTER 1 73 - - 14

3. GOGIRL 5 64 - - 52

a. News Articles


Unlike SPICE magazine, diglossic code-switching could be found in SPICE magazine. This magazine had only a case of diglossic code-switching in the news articles.

GOGIRL magazine had the most cases of diglossic code-switching in this category. This magazine had five cases of diglossic code-switching. The diglossic code-switching case found in this magazine was in form of sentence. b. Feature Articles

Second category was feature articles. Based on the table, it could be seen that there was a huge gap among the number of cases in the three magazines. The first magazine, SPICE, there was four cases of diglossic code-switching.

The second magazine, SISTER, had 73 cases of diglossic code-switching. This was the biggest number of cases compared to the two magazines. Diglossic code-switching in this category was not only a whole discourse of an article but also a sentence.

GOGIRL magazine had 64 cases of diglossic code-switching. This number emerged not only in form of a sentence but also a paragraph as well as a whole discourse of an article.

c. Opinion Articles


d. Fiction

The similar situation happened in this category of fiction as well. The researcher did not uncover any diglossic code-switching cases in this three sort magazines. All of fictions in the three magazines were in Indonesian language. e. Advertisement

Fifth category was advertisement. A whole discourse of an article seemed frequently found in this category. According to the table, SPICE magazine had 21 cases of diglossic code-switching.

The amount of diglossic code-switching in this category depended on the amount of advertisement in each magazine as well. As a result, SISTER magazine had 14 cases of diglossic code switching since this magazine merely had a few number of advertisements.


typically uncovered in the feature articles. Feature articles were defined as special articles in magazines as well as regular articles in magazines, such as special article of fashion, special article of health, special article of beauty, etc. As these were special articles, this category had the utmost amount of articles contrasted to other category. Consequently, it had the utmost number of cases as well.

The researcher not only investigated the words which emerged frequently but also sort of phrases. The most frequent words in the three magazines were dominated by noun, such as the word band, performance, stage. The use of those words might possibly because those words were the words to support the articles category. For example, in the news report, the most frequent word was event. Furthermore, event was the word that described news since news is the report of recent event. The type of phrase which appeared frequently was noun phrase. Based on the gained data, the most frequent noun phrase was stumbled on the feature artic


Table 3.1: The Example of Checklist from Certain Magazine .....................
Table 3.1 Example of Checklist from Certain Magazine
Table 3.2 Example of Checklist of Types of Code-switching
Table 4.1 The Number of Cases of Single-word Code-switching


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