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A Semiotic Analysis of Djarum 76 Television


A Research Paper

Submitted to the English Department of FPBS UPI as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for Sarjana Sastra Degree


Insan Fadilah Fulki






A Semiotic Analysis of Djarum 76 Television



Insan Fadilah Fulki

Sebuah skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Sarjana pada Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni

© Insan Fadilah Fulki 2013 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Desember 2013

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Insan Fadilah Fulki 0906217

A Research Paper Approved by

First Supervisor Second Supervisor

Dadang Sudana, M.A., Ph.D. Ripan Hermawan, M.A. NIP. 196009191990031001 NIP. 198010242005011001

Head of English Department

Faculty of Languages and Fine Arts Education Indonesia University of Education


Insan Fadilah Fulki, 2014

A Semiotic Analysis of Djarum 76 Television Advertisements

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


This research is geared towards discovering the representation of corruption in Djarum 76 television advertisements “Kontes Jin” and “Pungli” versions and revealing the ideology behind the advertisements. The research utilizes descriptive qualitative method.

The data were in the form of videos and were transformed into scenes. The scenes were analyzed by using theory of visual elements of television advertisement (Selby & Coedery, 1995), and theory of orders of signification (Barthes, 1977).

The research reveals that corruption in the advertisements is represented as a terrific problem in Indonesia, it harms many parties and it is difficult to be annihilated. Corruption in Indonesia can be done by anyone, not only by governments, but also civilians. Corruption also is represented as the product of materialism, it appears when the excessive desire of collecting affluence is not fulfilled. The research also reveals that materialism and corruption culture are the ideologies which can be found in the advertisements.


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menemukan representasi korupsi dalam iklan televisi Djarum 76 versi “Kontes Jin” dan “Pungli”. Penelitian ini juga ditujukan untuk menemukan ideologi yang terdapat dalam kedua iklan tersebut. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif.

Objek penelitian pada penelitian ini berupa dua buah video yang dirubah formatnya kedalam bentuk potongan adegan-adegan. Potongan adegan tersebut kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teori visual elements of television advertisement (Selby & Coedery, 1995), dan teori orders of signification (Barthes, 1977).


Insan Fadilah Fulki, 2014



PREFACE ………. ii


ABSTRACT ……….. iv



LIST OF FIGURES ……….. viii


1.1 Background ………... 1

1.2 Research Questions ……….. 2

1.3 Aims of the Research ……… 3

1.4 The Scope of the Study ………. 3

1.5 Research Method ……….. 3

1.6 Clarification of Terms ………... 4

1.7 Organization of Paper ……… 4


2.1 Semiotics ………... 6

2.1.1 The Saussurean Model ……….. 7

2.1.2 The Peircean Model ……….. 8

2.1.3 Orders of Signification ……….. 10

2.2 Advertisement ………... 12

2.3 Representation ………..….… 14

2.4 Visual Elements of TV Advertisements ………... 14

2.5 Myth ……… 19

2.6 Corruption ………. 19

2.7 About Djarum 76 ………... 21


Vi Insan Fadilah Fulki, 2014

A Semiotic Analysis of Djarum 76 Television Advertisements

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


3.1 Research Method ………... 23

3.2 Research Procedure ……… 23

3.3 Data Collection ……….. 24

3.4 Data Analysis ………. 28

3.5 Data Presentation ………... 29


4.1 Representation of Corruption in Djarum 76 TV Advertisements …. 31

4.1.1 Representation of Corruption in “Kontes Jin” Version ……. 31 Signification of “Kontes Jin” Version ………. 47

4.1.2 Representation of Corruption in “Pungli” Version ………… 48 Signification of “Pungli” Version ……… 61

4.1.3 The Representation of Corruption in Djarum 76 TV Advertisements “Kontes Jin” and “Pungli” Versions.……… 62

4.2 The Ideology Behind the Advertisements ………. 63


5.1 Conclusion ………. 65

5.2 Suggestion ………. 65


Insan Fadilah Fulki, 2014


This is an introductory part of this paper. It provides background of the study, research questions, aims of the study, scope of the study, research method, clarification of terms and organization of the paper.

1.1 Background

Nowadays, advertisement is presented in various media, such as magazine, newspaper, poster, internet, radio, and television. In line with the development of technology, television becomes the most attractive media to present advertisements, because it provides advertisements in combined modes; images, music, and sounds (Martiana, 2012). Television advertisements also include various issues and ideologies in conveying their message, especially cigarette advertisements. A number of cigarette advertisements often present the issues both in critical and entertaining ways. The issues of masculinity, youth, or friendship in cigarette television advertisements are frequently emerged, but this study attempts to analyze another issue, namely corruption.

Some studies have been conducted to analyze some social issues which are conveyed in cigarette advertisements. Social issues are moral problems which affect members of a group or society directly or indirectly (Kizza, 2013). Some of these issues include poverty, civil rights, corruption, pornography, crime, education, and politic. For example, Widaningsih (2011) analyzed the issue of oppression against youth in A Mild television advertisements. She investigated how the critic to the issue of oppression against youth is represented in A Mild television advertisements “Tanya Kenapa” version and “Siapa Muda Dipandang


2 Insan Fadilah Fulki, 2014

A Semiotic Analysis of Djarum 76 Television Advertisements

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

The issue of reaction to the political event in Indonesia contained in A Mild television advertisements was analyzed by Anggasari (2005). She revealed

that A Mild television advertisements represent fraudulence of Indonesia‟s general election in 2004 through the signification on verbal message‟s “Dibersihin Tiap Hari, Masih Aja Kotor!” and its visual images: dust scrapheap.

Different from those several previous studies, this study discovers another social issue which is happening in Indonesia, namely corruption. The study analyzes the issue of corruption in Djarum 76 television advertisements “Kontes

Jin”and “Pungli” versions which may be worthwhile to be conducted. Djarum 76 is a cigarette company in Indonesia which attempts to convey the social issue of corruption through those advertisements. Djarum 76 television advertisement Kontes Jin” version tells about a genie contest which is held in Indonesia, they are competing to get rid of corruption cases in Indonesia. Meanwhile, “Pungli” version tells about the corruption practice which is happened in Indonesia. Both of the advertisements convey the issue of corruption in entertaining ways.

Thus, the study is geared toward discovering the representation of corruption in Djarum 76 television advertisements Kontes Jin” and “Pungli” versions and revealing the ideology behind them. The study is based on the theory of visual elements of television advertisement (Selby & Cowdery, 1995) and theory of orders of signification (Barthes, 1977) analyzing the use of text and visual elements of the advertisements (actor, setting, properties, frame size, camera angle, color saturation and video editing).

1.2 Research Questions

The following questions are formulated to analyze the representation of corruption in Djarum 76 television advertisements:

1) How do Djarum 76 TV advertisements “Kontes Jin” and “Pungli” versions represent the corruption?


3 Insan Fadilah Fulki, 2014

1.3 Aims of the Research

Based on the background and research questions above, this study attempts: 1) To investigate how the issue of corruption in Djarum 76 television

advertisements “Kontes Jin” and “Pungli” versions is represented. 2) To discover the ideology contained in the advertisements.

1.4 The Scope of the Study

This study specifically investigates the representation of corruption in Djarum 76 television advertisements “Kontes Jin” and “Pungli‟ versions by using theory of visual elements of television advertisement (Selby & Cowdery, 1995) and theory of orders of signification (Barthes, 1977). This study only focuses on analyzing the visual elements which represent the issue of corruption and the ideology contained in the advertisements.

1.5 Research Method

This study is a qualitative research. It also utilizes descriptive method in analyzing the data collected. The data are in the form of two videos of Djarum 76 TV advertisements downloaded from www.youtube.com. The first advertisement is “Kontes Jin” version (duration: 32 seconds). The second advertisement is “Pungli” version (duration: 30 seconds).


4 Insan Fadilah Fulki, 2014

A Semiotic Analysis of Djarum 76 Television Advertisements

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

1.6 Clarification of Terms 1. Semiotics

Semiotics is widely known as „the study of sign (Chandler, 2002). Umberto Uco (1976, cited in Chandler, 2002) also states that semiotics is concerned with everything that can be taken as a sign.

2. Representation

Representation is the description or portrayal of someone or something in a particular way (Hornby, 2010). It can be the depiction of someone or something in a work of art, or a picture, model, or other depiction of someone or something.

3. Denotation

Denotation refers to the „literal‟, „obvious‟ or „commonsense‟ meaning of the signs (Chandler, 2002).

4. Connotation

Connotation is the implicit meaning of signs (Chandler, 2002). 5. Corruption

Corruption is defined as illegal, bad or dishonest behavior, especially by people in position of power (Cambridge Advanced Leaner‟s Dictionary, 2008). Meanwhile, according to Jain (2011), corruption is an act in which public power is used for personal gains in a manner that contravenes the rules of the game.

1.7 Organization of Paper

This research is divided into five chapters as follows: Chapter I


5 Insan Fadilah Fulki, 2014

Chapter II

This chapter describes the theoretical frameworks and the core theory related to this research.

Chapter III

In this chapter, the researcher explains the method of research including data collection and data analysis.

Chapter IV

This chapter provides the findings and data analysis of the research. Chapter V


Insan Fadilah Fulki, 2014

A Semiotic Analysis of Djarum 76 Television Advertisements

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


This chapter presents the method in conducting the research. It provides some methodological aspects of the research; research method, research procedure, data collection, data analysis and data presentation. The topics are described below in detail.

3.1 Research Method

This research used a descriptive qualitative method. A qualitative research itself emphasizes more on qualities rather than entities (Denzin & Lincoln, 2000). Accordingly, a qualitative research deals with words and pictures, not numbers (Bogdan & Biklen, 2007). Meanwhile, a descriptive method is an investigation focusing on relations that exist, uttered opinions, processes that are going on, evident or trends concerned with the current condition (Best & Kahn, 1989).

Therefore, a descriptive qualitative method is the most appropriate method in conducting the research, since the study itself focuses on words and pictures, rather than numbers. In line with this, the descriptive method provides well-grounded analysis describing the data accurately (Isaac & Michael, 1982). Thus, the writer has a foundation in discovering the phenomenon of corruption in Djarum 76 television advertisements “Kontes Jin” and “Pungli” versions.

3.2 Research Procedure


24 Insan Fadilah Fulki, 2014

In conducting the research, there are some procedures which are conducted as follows:

1. The writer decided the issue of corruption as the core issue which was analyzed. Then the writer conducted deeply searching on television advertisements containing the issue of corruption. As the result, Djarum 76 television advertisements “Kontes Jin” and “Pungli” versions were

chosen as the object of analysis of the study, because they conveyed the issue of corruption.

2. The writer collected the data by downloading them from www.youtube.com. The data were in the form of two videos (flv. format) entitled “Kontes Jin” and “Pungli” versions. Afterward, the videos were transformed into scenes by using gomplayer software. It was beneficial to be conducted because it could make the analysis processes easier. Furthermore, the writer also conducted the library research (books and internet) to support the research.

3. The visual elements of the scenes (actors, setting, properties, frame size, camera angle, color saturation and video editing) were analyzed to gain the accurate understanding of denotative and connotative meaning of the advertisements. The analysis was based on the theory of visual elements of advertisement (Selby & Cowdery, 1995) and theory of orders of signification (Barthes, 1977). In finding the ideology of both advertisements, the third order of signification is utilized. The connotative meaning (second order signification) developed the ideology (third order signification) of the advertisements.

4. The writer drew conclusion and suggestion of the research after providing the result and findings of the analysis.

3.3 Data Collection a. Data Resources


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A Semiotic Analysis of Djarum 76 Television Advertisements

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

first advertisement was “Kontes Jin” version (duration: 32 seconds). The second advertisement was “Pungli” version (duration: 30 seconds). All of the videos were in the flv. format and were downloaded from www.youtube.com. Those advertisements were selected because they represent the issue of corruption.

b. Selected Scenes in Djarum 76 TV Advertisements

The two selected advertisements in this study were analyzed based on the scenes containing the issue of how corruption is represented in the advertisements. The selected scenes from the advertisements are presented in the following:

1). Selected Scenes in Djarum 76 TV advertisement “Kontes Jin” Version

There were nine selected scenes in Djarum 76 television advertisement “Kontes Jin” version. The selected scenes are presented below:

Table 3.1 Selected Scenes in Djarum 76 TV Advertisements “Kontes Jin” Version

Scene Visual Description

1 This scene depicts six actors in



6 This scene shows the setting in

Fujiyama mountainous. It shows the ability of the contestant from Japan who can lose Fujiyama mount from its place.

8 This scene shows that genie

from Indonesia is trying to annihilate the corruption cases in Indonesia. The other contestants are surprised and wondering that he can do it.

9 This scene depicts that the

genie from Indonesia could easily annihilate the corruption cases which are depicted with the stack of books in a box written “Kasus Korupsi

11 The audiences in that contest


27 Insan Fadilah Fulki, 2014

A Semiotic Analysis of Djarum 76 Television Advertisements

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

12 The contestants from Japan and

Egypt are bowing to the genie from Indonesia. They admit that the winner of the contest is from Indonesia because annihilating corruption cases is a difficult thing.

13 This is the last scene of the advertisement and it shows that the winner of the contest is the genie from Indonesia who could easily annihilate the corruption cases in Indonesia.

2). Selected Scenes in Djarum 76 TV advertisement “Pungli” Version

There were five selected scenes in Djarum 76 television advertisement “Kontes Jin” version. The selected scenes are presented below:

Table 3.2 Selected Scenes in Djarum 76 TV Advertisements Pungli” Version

Scene Visual Description

1 This scene depicts a young


28 Insan Fadilah Fulki, 2014

2 This scene shows the head of

that institution is giving a sign by playing his fingers that the applicant should give him some money if he wants to be accepted in that institution.

3 This scene shows the applicant

is getting angry because he should deposit some money to be accepted in the institution.

4 This scene depicts the

applicant is walking away the institution angrily.

5 This scene shows that the

applicant is meeting with a genie and he is asking the genie to annihilate the tariff collected without legal authority. But, unfortunately, the genie is asking him some money to do that.

3.4 Data Analysis

According to Miles and Huberman (1994), there are three flows of activity in data analysis; data reduction, data displays and conclusion drawing or verification. This study adopted those three activity flows in analyzing the data collected.


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A Semiotic Analysis of Djarum 76 Television Advertisements

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The data are provided in the form of tables. The result and findings of the analysis are the basic evidences to formulate conclusion and suggestion of the research.

3.5 Data Presentation

The analyzed data are presented in a table such as the following:

Table 3.3 The Example of Orders of Signification of Visual Elements in Scene 2 of Djarum 76 Television Advertisement “Pungli” Version

Scene 2

Blue shirt in this scene represents the uniform wore by civil servant in Indonesia.


30 money to another actor in that advertisement.


Insan Fadilah Fulki, 2014

A Semiotic Analysis of Djarum 76 Television Advertisements

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



This chapter presents the conclusion and suggestion of the research.

5.1 Conclusion

The aims of the study are to investigate how corruption is represented in Djarum 76 television advertisement “Kontes Jin” and “Pungli” versions and what are the ideologies behind the advertisements.

The research has investigated how the corruption is represented in Djarum 76 television advertisements ”Kontes Jin” and “Pungli” versions. The research

reveals that the advertisements utilize actors, setting, properties, frame sizes, camera angles, and color saturation as the media to convey the issue of corruption. The research concludes that corruption in Djarum 76 television advertisements Kontes Jin” version is represented as a serious problem in Indonesia. It harms many parties and it is very difficult to be annihilated. The advertisement also decodes that corruption can cause many problems in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the “Pungli” version represents corruption as the product of materialism, it appears when the excessive desire of collecting affluence is not fulfilled. It also represents corruption as an illegal act which can be done by anyone, not only by governments, but also civilians. The advertisement also emphasizes that corruption in Indonesia can be found anywhere, not only in a formal institution, but also in informal settings.

The research also concludes that there are two ideologies found in the advertisements: materialism and corruption culture.

5.2 Suggestion


66 Insan Fadilah Fulki, 2014

comprehensive. Furthermore, to make the research more challenging, further research can be applied not only in television advertisements, but also in printed advertisements.

Then, further researcher can try to compare the representation of corruption in different advertisements from different cigarette companies. It may be beneficial to be conducted because it may gain broader comprehension about the issue of corruption which is presented in the cigarette advertisements.


Insan Fadilah Fulki, 2014

A Semiotic Analysis of Djarum 76 Television Advertisements

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


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Table 3.1 Selected Scenes in Djarum 76 TV Advertisements
Table 3.2 Selected Scenes in  Djarum 76 TV Advertisements
Table 3.3 The Example of Orders of Signification of Visual Elements in Scene 2


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