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THE EFFECT OF APPLYING RUBRIC IN PROCESS OF ASSESSING STUDENT’S ANSWERS ON MATHEMATICS AT JUNIOR HIGH Pengaruh Penerapan Rubrik Dalam Proses Penilaian Jawaban Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Matematika Di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Sekabupaten Kendal.


Academic year: 2017

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Research Paper

Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For Getting Bachelor Degree of Education

in MathematicsDepartment

Proposed By:






Anis Shihafiyatal Abida1 and Idris Harta2 1

Student of the Mathematics Department of UMS, my_cats08@yahoo.co.id


Lecturer Staff of Mathematics Department of UMS, idrisharta@gmail.com


This study is aimed to determine whether there is or not applying effect of rubric in the assessment process to obtain more objective score on the learning outcomes of mathematics learning at junior high school in Kendal district. This research used experimental research with static group comparison approach. The research was conducted in Mathematics Teacher Organization (MGMP) of junior high school with the math teachers in Kendal as the research subject. Determining the subject of the research conducted by random sampling technique in which each math teacher was considered to have the same perceived last. The data collection techniques use the test method. It is used to obtain the data from a class VIII student of SMP N 3 Cepiring. The data was the result of the assessment process undertaken by teachers within the scope of the sample. The data were analyzed using quantitative analysis method using descriptive statistics and inferential. Descriptive statistics are statistics used to analyze the data by self-describing mean, variance and standard deviation. Inferential statistics using t-test by taking the test requirement consisting homogeneity and normality test. In the analysis process of data obtained tcount < ttable < 0.946 2048 and is strengthened by the value significance of the hypothesis test (0176) greater than 0.05 (α = 5). Based on these result, it can be concluded that there was no effect of applying rubrics in the assessment process to obtain a score of student's answers to be more objective on the outcomes of mathematics learning at junior high school in Kendal district.

Keywords : rubrics, assessment, outcomes of learning


The mathematical skill of Indonesia students is generally low. It is

influenced by many factors, one of which is a factor of the teacher's competency.


Teacher's Competencies, one of the competencies required of teachers, including

the mathematics teacher, is the ability to assess.

Assessment is a general term that includes all methods used to assess the

ability of students. Assessment is an activity that is designed to measure

the level of student's achievement in the learning gained through the

implementation of specific teaching program in a relatively short time.

(Sudaryono, 2012: 38).

A scoring system is done properly and in accordance able to measure the

level of a student's competencies. Assessment should provide accurate data on

student's competency. Assessment in mathematics learning process can be done in

various ways, including through an essay test.

The essay test requires students to remember and organize ideas or things

that have been learned by writing down the idea forward in the form of

Description. This typical test is suitable to applicate in the assessment of the

mathematics learning process. because learning often requires mathematics an

extensive material reasoning to raise the possibility of students that have different

ideas in solving a problem. Although they have different ideas, all of the student’s

answers are basically developing competence and understanding.

The scoring of each idea is the most important part of an assessment process

on the essay test. In scoring process of essay test with various ideas often lead to a

halo effect. The Halo effect is a brief assessment that often follow include

elements that are not relevant so it tends to produce less objective assessment. But

less objective scoring can be minimized by applying rubrics.

Mimi Haryati (2013: 28) explains that the rubric is a guideline used in

assessing the performance or results of student work. Tomoliyus (2012)

in Scientific Journal of Sports and Science ISSN: 2252-337, explains that the

rubric is a scoring guide that describes the desire criteria in assessing teacher or

gives the student's work level. Use appropriate rubric can help teachers assess

student's answers consistently results based on the criteria used to assess each


Diane Rosis (2011: 39) defines a rubric is one way of communicating standards

articulated before, during, and after the lesson study units.

A well-designed rubric can be a tool to communicate the standards and

criteria for awarding grades/scores capabilities is to be desired by the teacher to

the students. In addition, the uses of rubrics to ensure teachers are able to perform

the differences more closely or more accurately to variations in performance or quality of the student’s work. So that it will always be consistent based on the criteria used to assess each student's work results and reduce subjectivity in

assessing teachers.

Departing from the description above, the issue is examined wither there are

any effect of applying rubrics in the assessment process to obtain

score of the student's answers to be more objective outcomes of learning

mathematics in junior high school in Kendal district.


The type of research conducted an experimental study with static group

comparison approach aimed to determine whether or not the effect of applying

rubrics on the assessment process of the student’s answers to learning outcomes

learning method. Paradigm in experimental studies of this model can be described

as follows:

Control group t1 X1

Experimental group t2 X2

t1 : Assessment without using a rubric

t2 : Assessment using the rubric

X1 : Assessment of the control group

X2 : Assessment in the experimental group

The research was conducted in the Mathematics Teacher Organization


Kendal. Determining the subject of the research conducted by random sampling

technique in which each math teacher was considered to have the same perceived

characteristics. The samples are 30 mathematics teachers were divided into

15 people as the control group and 15 people as the experimental group.

The data collection technique uses the test method. The test method is used

to obtain the data from a class VIII student of SMP N 3 Cepiring. The data of

student outcomes of learning are the result of the assessment process undertaken

by teachers within the scope of the sample.

Data was analyzed using quantitative analysis method which consists of

descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics are statistics used

to analyze the data by self-describing mean, variance and standard deviation

obtained from the assessment in the form of outcomes of learning student by both

groups of samples. Inferential statistics using a t-test was used to analyze the data

obtained from the sample and the results are applicable to the study population.

Before being analyzed using t-test, the data obtained necessary prerequisite test

consisting of homogeneity and normality test.


In this study, the research activities carried out in the two objects that

student in the classroom and 30 mathematics teachers. At the beginning of the

activities carried out the process of testing on students. After conducting tests,

researchers gave a judgment on each student's answers. From the results of

These assessments selected a results of the student’s answers will be assessed by

the two groups of teachers in the research samples.

After receiving the responses of the students who will be judged by a group

of samples, the researcher selected 30 math teacher of junior high school who

came to the meeting from the MGMP randomly. Of the 30 teachers were selected,

the researchers divided them into two groups. Both of the groups, the data

obtained from the results of assessment of student’s answer without using rubric

and the results of assessment of student’s answer using the rubric that have been


Descriptive statistics analysis used to analyze data by describing on the

research data have been obtained from two groups of samples. Data

distribution techniques used in descriptive statistics this is mean, variance and

standard deviation. The descriptive statistics analysis result was presented in

the following table:

Table 1

The resume of descriptive statistics analysis results

Variables Group Mean Variance Standard

Deviation The outcomes

of learning

Assessment without

using a rubric 11,67 1,67 1,29

Using assessment

rubric 12,13 1,98 1,41

Inferential statistics used to analyze data obtained from the sample and the

results are applicable to the research population. The analysis will be used in this

research is the t-test. Before analysis by using t-test, the data obtained research

results need to be first tested the prerequisite that consists of test homogeneity and

normality test.

The normality test is performed to determine whether the distribution of the

data is the result of learning the mathematics scores follow the standard

the normal distribution is the normal distribution or not. Analysis of the data

results obtained Lcount < Ltable which means the sample comes from a population that is normally distributed for each treatment group.

The normality test result was presented in the following table:

Table 2

The resume of normality test results

Variables Group Lcount Ltable Conclusion

The outcomes of learning

Assessment without

using a rubric 0.17 0.22 Normal Using assessment


The result of the manual calculation above was reinforced by the results of

the normality test using SPSS. According to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and the

Shapiro-Wilk test, significance value of the data assessment without

using a rubrics 0.101. Then assessment using rubric have significant value

according to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is 0.127 and the Shapiro-Wilk test is

0.77. The significant value of two samples ware obtained

significance value > 0.05, it can be concluded that the two samples come from

populations with a normal distribution.

Homogeneity test was conducted to determine whether each group of

samples derived from a homogeneous population. Analysis of data

obtained results Fcount < Ftable which means each group of samples is derived from

a homogeneous population. The homogeneity test result is presented in the


following table:

Table 3

The resume of homogeneity test results

Variables Group Fcount Ftable Conclusion


outcomes of learning

Assessment without using a rubric

1.19 2.46 Homogeneous Assessment using


The result of the manual calculation above was reinforced by the results of

the homogeneity test using SPSS. The homogeneity test used a significance

level of 0.05. Of the test obtained significant value for both samples, 0.924

so it can be concluded both samples come from populations having the same

variance or homogeneous.

After receiving the results of the prerequisite test (test for normality and

homogeneity tests) are eligible, and the results of assessment was made by

both groups of samples obtained from the data was later to be analyzed by t-test.

Analysis using t-test as a test of the hypothesis that gets results tcount < ttable is 0.946 < 2.048. It also was reinforced the hypothesis test with a significance value

(0.176) greater than 0.05 (α = 5%). It can be concluded that there was no effect of


answers to be more objective on the outcomes of mathematics learning at junior

high school in Kendal district.

From the results of the analysis, there was no significant difference between

the results of the assessment without using a rubrics and assessments using a

rubric. In this study, the mean of the results of the assessment without using a

rubric is 11,67, while the mean of the results of the assessment using the rubric is

12,13. This shows if the sample mean of the two groups only have

a bit difference.

Based on the results of the two samples of assessment there is no effect of

applying rubrics in the assessment process, so it is not in accordance with the

opinion of H. Purwanta, M. D. Roblyer and W. R. Wiencke, Adelaida

Ciudad-Gómez and Jesús Valverde-Berrocoso. H. Purwanta (2010) stated that through

the column prepared with clear and detailed as well as scoring on every item is

able to avoid the teacher of subjectivity during the assessment.

M. D. Roblyer and W. R. Wiencke (2003) states that current and anticipated

applications of the rubric include use by students as part of the post course

evaluations and by researchers and instructors as a tool to allow more

meaningful examination of the role of interaction in enhancing student

achievement and satisfaction in distance learning course. And Adelaida

Ciudad-Gómez and Jesús Valverde-Berrocoso (2014) revealed that rubric is a

reliable instrument for assessing the achievement attained by students through the

use of the criteria evaluated by the proposed activity.

The factors that cause no significant difference between the results of the

assessment without using a rubric with the results of using the rubric

assessment in this study is due to familiarity teacher assessment without using a

the rubric, so when using the rubric of teachers to be flexible in the process of


Irrespective of teachers to be flexible in the process of assessment,

the teacher discovered the benefits of using the rubric during assessments

using a rubric. The benefit is teachers to be more easily to analyze the industry of

each student so that the teacher can help students in understanding on these



Based on the analysis and discussion that have been done in the previous

chapter, the researchers conclude that there is no effect of applying the rubric in

the assessment process to obtain a student’s answers scoring more

objective on the outcomes of mathematics learning in junior high school in

Kendal district. It can be based on analysis of data obtained tcount < ttable

is 0.946 < 2.048 and is strengthened by the value significance of the hypothesis



Gómez, Adelaida Ciudad & Berrocoso, Jesús Valverde. 2014. “Reliability Analysis Of An Evaluation Rubric For University Accounting Students: A Learning Activity About Database Use” Journal of International Education Research–Special Issue Volume 10, Number 5.

Haryati, Mimin. 2013. “Model & Teknik Penilaian pada Tingkat Satuan

Pendidikan”. Jakarta: Gaung Persada.

Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional. 2007. “Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 16 Tahun 2007 tentang standar kualifikasi akademik

dan kompetensi guru”. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.

Purwanta, H. 2010. “Penggunaan Penilaian Berbasis Kelas Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Proses Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri Samirono Yogyakarta Pada Mata Pelajaran IPS”. Jurnal Penelitian Vol. 13, No. 2, Mei 2010, 147-168.

Roblyer, M. D., & Wiencke, W. R. 2003. “Design and use of a rubric to assess and encourage interactive qualities in distance courses”. American Journal of Distance Education, 17, 77–98.

Rosis, Diane. 2011. Assesmen sesuai Cara Kerja Otak. Jakarta: PT Indeks.

Sudaryono. 2012. “Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pembelajaran”. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu


Table 2
Table 3


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