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Objectives. Struktur Data & Algoritme (Data Structures & Algorithms) Sort. Outline. Bubble Sort: idea. Bubble Sort. Sorting


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Struktur Data & Algoritme


Data Structures & Algorithms


Denny (denny@cs.ui.ac.id) Suryana Setiawan (setiawan@cs.ui.ac.id)

Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia Semester Genap - 2004/2005

Version 2.0 - Internal Use Only Sorting



„ Memahami beberapa algoritme sorting dan dapat menganalisa kompleksitas-nya



„ Beberapa algoritme untuk melakukan sorting

„Idea „Example

„Running time for each algorithm



„ Sorting = pengurutan

„ Sorted = terurut menurut kaidah tertentu

„ Data pada umumnya disajikan dalam bentuk sorted. Why?

„Bayangkan bagaimana mencari telepon seorang teman dalam buku yang disimpan tidak terurut.

Bubble Sort: idea

„ bubble = busa/udara dalam air, so?

„Busa dalam air akan naik ke atas. Why? „How?

• Ketika busa naik ke atas, maka air yang di atasnya akan turun memenuhi tempat bekas busa tersebut.

Bubble Sort

40 2 1 43 3 65 0 -1 58 3 42 4 65 2 1 40 3 43 0 -1 58 3 42 4 65 58 1 2 3 40 0 -1 43 3 42 4 1 2 3 0 -1 40 3 42 4 43 58 65 1 2 3 4

„ Perhatikan bahwa pada setiap iterasi, dapat


SDA/SORT/V2.0/7 1 0 -1 2 3 3 4 40 42 43 58 65

Bubble Sort

0 -1 1 2 3 3 4 40 42 43 58 65 -1 0 1 2 3 3 4 40 42 43 58 65 6 7 8

Stop here… why?

1 2 0 -1 3 3 40 4 42 43 58 65



Bubble Sort: algorithms

„ Algorithm (see jdk1.5.0_01\demo\applets\SortDemo)

void sort(int a[]) throws Exception { for (int i = a.length; --i>=0; ) {

boolean swapped = false; for (int j = 0; j<i; j++) {

... if (a[j] > a[j+1]) { int T = a[j]; a[j] = a[j+1]; a[j+1] = T; swapped = true; } ... } if (!swapped) return; } } SDA/SORT/V2.0/9

Bubble Sort

„ Running time:

„Worst case: O(n2)

„Best case: O(n) -- when? why? „ Variant:

„bi-directional bubble sort

• original bubble sort: hanya bergerak ke satu arah • bi-directional bubble sort bergerak dua arah (bolak


„see jdk1.5.0_01\demo\applets\SortDemo


Selection Sort: idea

„ Ambil yang terbaik (select) dari suatu kelompok, kemudian diletakkan di belakang barisan

„ Lakukan terus sampai kelompok tersebut habis

SDA/SORT/V2.0/11 42 40 2 1 3 3 4 0 -1 43 58 65 40 2 1 43 3 4 0 -1 42 3 58 65 40 2 1 43 3 4 0 -1 58 3 42 65 40 2 1 43 3 65 0 -1 58 3 42 4

Selection Sort

SDA/SORT/V2.0/12 42 40 2 1 3 3 4 0 -1 43 58 65 42 -1 2 1 3 3 4 0 40 43 58 65 42 -1 2 1 3 3 0 4 40 43 58 65 42 -1 2 1 0 3 3 4 40 43 58 65

Selection Sort


SDA/SORT/V2.0/13 1 42 -1 2 1 0 3 3 4 40 43 58 65 42 -1 0 2 3 3 4 40 43 58 65 1 42 -1 0 2 3 3 4 40 43 58 65 1 42 0 2 3 3 4 40 43 58 65 -1 1 42 0 2 3 3 4 40 43 58 65 -1

Selection Sort


Selection: algoritme

void sort(int a[]) throws Exception {

for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { int min = i;

int j; /*

Find the smallest element in the unsorted list

*/ for (j = i + 1; j < a.length; j++) ... } if (a[j] < a[min]) { min = j; } ... } SDA/SORT/V2.0/15

Selection: algoritme (2)


Swap the smallest unsorted element into the end of the

sorted list. */ int T = a[min]; a[min] = a[i]; a[i] = T; ... } } SDA/SORT/V2.0/16

Selection Sort: analysis

„ Running time:

„Worst case: O(n2) „Best case: O(n2)

„ Based on big-oh analysis, is selection sort better than bubble sort?

„ Does the actual running time reflect the analysis?

40 2 1 43 3 65 0 -1 58 3 42 4

2 40 1 43 3 65 0 -1 58 3 42 4

1 2 40 43 3 65 0 -1 58 3 42 4 40

Insertion Sort

„ Idea: mengurutkan kartu-kartu

1 2 3 40 43 65 0 -1 58 3 42 4 1 2 40 43 3 65 0 -1 58 3 42 4

1 2 3 40 43 65 0 -1 58 3 42 4

Insertion Sort


SDA/SORT/V2.0/19 1 2 3 40 43 65 0 -1 58 3 42 4 1 2 3 40 43 65 0 -1 58 3 42 4 1 2 3 40 43 65 0 0 1 2 3 40 43 65 58 3 42 4 -1

Insertion Sort

SDA/SORT/V2.0/20 1 2 3 40 43 65 0 0 1 2 3 40 43 58 65 3 42 4 -1 1 2 3 40 43 65 0 0 1 2 3 3 43 58 65 42 4 -1 40 43 58 65 1 2 3 40 43 65 0 0 1 2 3 3 43 42 65 4 -1 40 43 58 65

Insertion Sort

1 2 3 40 43 65 0 0 1 2 3 3 43 42 65 -1 4 40 4342 5843 6558 65 SDA/SORT/V2.0/21

Insertion Sort: ineffecient version

„ Insertion sort untuk mengurutkan array integer

public static void insertionSort (int[] a) {

for (int ii = 1; ii < a.length; ii++) { int jj = ii;

while (( jj > 0) && (a[jj] < a[jj - 1])) { int temp = a[jj];

a[jj] = a[jj - 1]; a[jj - 1] = temp; jj--; } } }

„ Perhatikan: ternyata nilai di a[jj] selalu samadapat dilakukan efisiensi di sini.


Insertion Sort

„ Insertion sort yang lebih efisien

public static void insertionSort2 (int[] a) {

for (int ii = 1; ii < a.length; ii++) { int temp = a[ii];

int jj = ii;

while (( jj > 0) && (temp < a[jj - 1])) { a[jj] = a[jj - 1]; jj--; } a[jj] = temp; } } SDA/SORT/V2.0/23

Insertion Sort

„ Running time analysis:

„ Worst case: O(n2) „ Best case: O(n)

„ Is insertion sort faster than selection sort?

„ Notice the similarity and the difference between insertion sort and selection sort.



„ Divide and Conquer approach

„ Idea:

„Merging two sorted array takes O(n) time „Split an array into two takes O(1) time



Mergesort: Algorithm

„ If the number of items to sort is 0 or 1, return.

„ Recursively sort the first and second half separately.

„ Merge the two sorted halves into a sorted group.

SDA/SORT/V2.0/26 40 2 1 43 3 65 0 -1 58 3 42 4 40 2 1 43 3 65 0 -1 58 3 42 4 40 2 1 43 3 65 0 -1 58 3 42 4 40 2 1 43 3 65 0 -1 58 3 42 4 split


SDA/SORT/V2.0/27 40 2 1 43 3 65 0 -1 58 3 42 4 2 1 3 65 -1 58 42 4 40 1 2 43 3 65 0 -1 58 3 4 42 split merge 1 2 40 3 43 65 -1 0 58 3 4 42


SDA/SORT/V2.0/28 merge 1 2 40 3 43 65 -1 0 58 3 4 42 1 2 3 40 43 65 -1 0 3 4 42 58 -1 0 1 2 3 3 4 40 42 43 58 62


Merge Sort: implementation

„ Implement operation to merge two sorted arrays into one sorted array!

public static void merge (int [] array, int lo, int high)

// assume:

// mid = (lo + high) / 2;

// array [lo..mid] and [mid+1..high] are sorted {

Merge Sort: implementation

„ There are two ways to merge two sorted array:

„in place merging „using extra place merging



Merge Sort: analysis

„ Running Time: O(n log n)

„ Why?



„ Divide and Conquer approach

„ Quicksort(S) algorithm:

„If the number of items in S is 0 or 1, return. „Pick any element v in S. This element is called the


„Partition S – {v} into two disjoint groups:

• L = {x ∈ S – {v} | x ≤ v} and • R = {x ∈ S – {v} | x ≥ v}

„Return the result of Quicksort(L), followed by v, followed by Quicksort(R). SDA/SORT/V2.0/33 40 2 1 3 43 65 0 -1 58 3 42 4

Quicksort: select pivot

SDA/SORT/V2.0/34 2 1 3 43 65 0 -1 3 58 42 4 40

Quicksort: partition

SDA/SORT/V2.0/35 2 1 3 43 65 0 -1 3 4 40 42 58 2 1 3 43 65 0 -1 3 4 40 42 58

Quicksort: recursive sort & merge

the results

SDA/SORT/V2.0/36 40 2 1 43 3 65 0 -1 58 3 42 4 left 40 2 1 43 3 65 0 -1 58 3 42 4 40 2 1 3 65 0 -1 58 3 42 43 4 40 right

Quicksort: partition algorithm 1


SDA/SORT/V2.0/37 40 2 1 3 3 65 0 -1 58 42 43 4 40 2 1 3 3 0 -1 58 65 42 43 4 40 2 1 3 3 -1 0 58 65 42 43 4 40 2 1 3 3 -1 0 58 65 42 43 4 left right

Quicksort: partition algorithm 1

SDA/SORT/V2.0/38 -1 0 1 2 3 3 4 40 42 43 58 65 -1 1 3 3 2 42 2 1 3 0 -1 3 42 43 65 2 1 3 0 3 -1 4 43 42 58 65 40 2 1 43 3 65 0 -1 58 3 42 4 40 2 1 3 3 -1 0 58 65 42 43 4 3 3 2 3 2 3

Quicksort: partition algorithm 1


Quicksort: partition algorithm 2

40 2 1 43 3 65 0 -1 58 3 42 4

40 original pivot =

40 left++while < pivot right--while >= pivot

4 2 1 43 3 65 0 -1 58 3 42 40 40 2 1 43 3 65 0 -1 58 3 42 4 right left 40 2 1 3 3 65 0 -1 58 43 42 4 right left left right SDA/SORT/V2.0/40

Quicksort: partition algorithm 2

40 2 1 3 3 65 0 -1 58 43 42 4 right left 40 2 1 3 3 -1 0 65 58 43 42 4 right left 40 2 1 3 3 -1 0 65 58 43 42 4 right left CROSSING! sort sort

Quicksort: algoritme

static void QuickSort(int a[], int lo0, int hi0) { int lo = lo0; int hi = hi0; int pivot; // base case if ( hi0 <= lo0) { return; } pivot = a[lo0];

// loop through the array until indices cross while( lo <= hi ) {

/* find the first element that is greater than or equal to the partition element starting from the left Index.


while( ( lo < hi0 ) && ( a[lo] < pivot )) { ++lo;


/* find an element that is smaller than the partition element starting from the right Index. */

while( ( hi > lo0 ) && ( a[hi] >= pivot )) { --hi;


// if the indexes have not crossed, swap if( lo <= hi ) {

swap(a, lo, hi); ++lo;



/* If the right index has not reached the left side of array must now sort the left partition. */

if (lo0 < hi) {

QuickSort( a, lo0, hi ); }

/* If the left index has not reached the right side of array must now sort the right partition. */

if( lo < hi0 ) {

QuickSort( a, lo, hi0 ); } } SDA/SORT/V2.0/44

Quicksort: analysis

„ Partitioning takes „O(n) „ Merging takes „O(1)

„ So, for each recursive call, the algorithm takes O(n)

„ How many recursive calls does a quick sort need?


Quicksort: selecting pivot

„ Ideal pivot:

„median element „ Common pivot

„First element „Element at the middle „Median of three


40 2 1 43 3 65 0 -1 58 3 42 4


5-sort: Sort setiap item yang berjarak 5:

40 2 1 43 3 65 0 -1 58 3 42 4


SDA/SORT/V2.0/47 40 2 1 43 3 65 0 -1 58 3 42 4 Original: 40 0 -1 43 3 42 2 1 58 3 65 4 After 5-sort: 2 0 -1 3 1 4 40 3 42 43 65 58 After 3-sort:


After 1-sort: 1 2 3 40 43 65 0 0 1 2 3 3 43 42 65 -1 4 40 4342 5843 6558 65 SDA/SORT/V2.0/48 Shell's Odd Gaps Only Dividing by 2.2

1000 122 11 11 9 2000 483 26 21 23 4000 1936 61 59 54 8000 7950 153 141 114 16000 32560 358 322 269 32000 131911 869 752 575 64000 520000 2091 1705 1249 Shellsort N Insertion Sort

O(N3/2) O(N5/4) O(N7/6)



Generic Sort

„ Bagaimana jika diperlukan method untuk mengurutkan array dari String, array dari Lingkaran(berdasarkan radiusnya) ?

„ Apakah mungkin dibuat suatu method yang bisa dipakai untuk semua jenis object?

„ Ternyata supaya object bisa diurutkan, harus bisa dibandingkan dengan object lainnya (mempunyai behavior bisa dibandingkan - comparable⇒ method).

„ Solusinya:

„Gunakan interface yang mengandung method yang dapat membandingkan dua buah object.


Generic Sort

„ REVIEW: Suatu kelas yang meng-implements sebuah interface, berarti kelas tersebut mewarisi interface (definisi method-method) = interface inheritance, bukan implementation inheritance

„ Dalam Java, terdapat interface java.lang.Comparable

„method: int compareTo (Object o)


Other kinds of sort

„ Heap sort. We will discuss this after tree.

„ Postman sort / Radix Sort.

„ etc.


Further Reading

„ http://telaga.cs.ui.ac.id/WebKuliah/IKI101 00/resources/animation/

„ Chapter 8: Sorting Algorithm

What’s Next


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