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Directory listing of http: uap.unnes.ac.id ebook biblebook Visual Basic 6 com & Library Books


Academic year: 2017

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he CD-ROM that ac c o mpanies this bo o k c o ntains sample files that are designed to be used with Visual Basic , SQL Server 7, Orac le 8i, and Ac c ess 2000. These files do no t require any spec ial installatio n pro c edures, o ther than the sample database. Simply c o py the files to a direc to ry o n yo ur hard disk and lo ad them using Visual Basic . The instruc tio ns fo r installing the sample databases appear o n the last page o f the bo o k.

The CDROM also c o ntains a full versio n o f the bo o k in elec -tro nic fo rmat, whic h c an be read with Ado be Ac ro bat Reader.




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