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Academic year: 2021



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2.1 Teori Kompetensi

Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, definisi kompeten adalah cakap; berkuasa (memutuskan, menentukan) sesuatu; berwenang. Definisi kompetensi adalah kewenangan (kekuasaan) untuk menentukan (memutuskan sesuatu). Perilaku manusia merupakan usaha untuk beradaptasi dengan lingkungan, karena dua alasan, yaitu : kebutuhan untuk menguasai lingkungan dan menjaga kelangsungan hidupnya (survival). Tanpa adanya kebutuhan yang berkembang menjadi tujuan, seseorang tidak akan memiliki energi yang mendorongnya untuk bertindak atau kehilangan motivasi hidup. Agar tetap memiliki motivasi untuk dapat bertahan dan meraih keberhasilan dalam hidup, manusia perlu mengembangkam kompetensi. Kompetensi lebih dari sekedar mengembangkan ketrampilan, tetapi juga mencakup keberhasilan mengatasi tantangan – tantangan, sukses dalam berinteraksi dengan lingkungan, mampu menyusun tujuan – tujuan, dan memandang diri sendiri sebagai orang yang cakap (mampu melakukan apa yang tidak dapat dilakukan oleh orang lain).

Beberapa hal yang berhubungan dengan perkembangan kompetensi adalah : (1) sense of control, (2) kebutuhan berprestasi dan penguasaan, dan (3) self esteem.

(1) Sense of control adalah keyakinan seseorang bahwa dirinya sendirilah yang

mengendalikan hidupnya atau peristiwa – peristiwa yang ia alami, bukan ditentukan oleh nasib / takdir, atau orang lain yang berkuasa. Sense of control ini merupakan kognisi dasar untuk mengalami optimisme dan harapan. Dengan adanya optimisme dan harapan, seseorang akan mampu terus mengembangkan kompetensi.

(2) Kebutuhan untuk berprestasi dan penguasaan merupakan dasar untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan sosial yang memungkinkan kita untuk sukses dalam


berinteraksi dengan lingkungan. Tanpa kompetensi sosial, kita akan tesingkir dan tidak mampu mencapai tujuan.

(3) Self esteem. Di dalam psikologi, self esteem sering diterjemahkan sebagai harga diri dan didefinisikan sebagai penilaian seseorang terhadap diri sendiri, baik positif maupun negatif. Mereka yang memiliki keyakinan akan kemampuan yang dimilikinya dan merasa dirinya bernilai adalah orang yang harga dirinya positif. Sebaliknya, mereka yang harga dirinya negatif akan merasa lemah, tidak berdaya. Harga diri positif cenderung membuat seseorang mengembangkan aspirasi untuk melakukan sesuatu yang belum pernah dilakukan orang lain. Harga diri merupakan pusat dari pengembangan kompetensi.

2.2 e-Portfolio

An e-portfolio is a dynamic, extended CV, which establishes links with a on-line database containing personal and professional achievements, the outcomes of the teamwork and all the relevant data on the acquired competence during training and work. This offers an opportunity to reflect on his / her own personal professional practice and to share the achieved experience with other members of the professional community.

The e-Portfolio can help to:

1. Improve individual knowledge and competence 2. Continuous professional development

3. Increase organizational knowledge and competences 4. Consolidate learning communities

5. Establish educational and learning policies 6. Improve the quality of educational offer

Today the term portfolio is being used to describe many things. This service promotes the development of e-Portfolios that are personalized, web-based collections that include:


• artifacts from extra-curricular activities, and

• reflective annotations and commentary related to these experiences.

The e-Portfolio development process encourages all students to become more actively involved in planning, and more responsible for achieving, their own educational goals.

Using portfolios to showcase and assess learning is not a new idea; they've been used in the arts for many years. What is new, however, is the notion that portfolio assessment is applicable in many different fields, and that portfolios can be shared with much larger audiences via the Internet. e-Portfolios are catching on because they offer several potential benefits to students, faculty members, institutions, and their constituents.

Benefits to students include opportunities: • for increased learning effectiveness • to model professionalism

• to enhance information technology skills

• to gain academic credit for learning beyond the classroom

• sharing examples of their work with advisors, faculty, mentors or potential employers, • mastering valuable information technology skills, and

• demonstrating knowledge, skills and attributes gained beyond the classroom. Benefits to faculty include opportunities:

• to leverage student motivation,

• to align objectives and evaluation strategies, • for more fruitful advising, and

• to more efficiently manage student deliverables in distance courses Benefits to University include:

• opportunities to respond to calls for greater accountability and outcomes-based accreditation, and


2.3 Perancangan Website

The goal of any website is to deliver quality content to its intended audience and to do so with an elegant design. With the website’s content in hand, the website owner’s next task is website design, including information architecture, navigation design, colors and graphics, and maximizing site performance.

Website Design Criteria :

Tabel 2.1 Kriteria Perancangan Website

Navigation Is it easy for visitors to find their way around the site?

Consistency Are design elements, especially look and feel, consistent from page to page?

Will the website and contents appear the same on all visitors’ screen?

Performance How long does it take for the page to appear?

Appearance Is the site aesthetically pleasing?

Does the site’s look and feel express the company’s desired image?

Is the site easy to read, easy to navigate, and easy to understand?


Assurance Does the site’s calculators, navigation links, visitor registration processes, search tools etc., work properly?

Are all dead links fixed promptly?

Is the site available for full service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?

Interactivity Does the site encourage the visitors to play an active role in learning about

the business’s products or services?

Are all appropriate contact details available on the web site so that visitors can submit feedback and ask questions?

Security Is customer information protected?

Does the customer feel safe in actions such as submitting credit card information?

Scalability Does the site design provide a seamless path for enhancements or upgrades

in the future?

Will site growth and increased usage protect the initial investment in site construction?

What makes a great website :

• Customize and target your content/site to your users. Think "one-to-one" Websites. o Custom-tailor the information to user preferences.

o Be responsive on a 56 Kbps modem (the typical Web user). o Be easy to read.


o Be interactive; good interactivity engages the user and makes your site memorable.

o Another advantage of interactivity is self-generating content. • Users equate poor organization with poor site design.

o Be well-organized

o Use an appropriate metaphor o Fill a niche.

• Many sites on the Web are just lists that someone else has already done. o Dominate a subject area; become the site for that subject. o Have a secure and automated server

The Web is an interactive, dynamic, and rapidly changing new communications medium that your Website should reflect. Well-organized, edited, and timely original content set in an attractive, interactive, and consistent format are some traits of great Websites.

Dapat disimpulkan kriteria desain website yang baik adalah : 1. Navigation 2. Consistency 3. Performance 4. Appearance 5. Quality assurance 6. Interactivity 7. Security 8. Scalability 9. Customization / Target 10. Well Organization


Dreamweaver MX 2004, sebagai tools untuk merancang sebuah website, memiliki keunggulan yaitu mudah untuk digunakan dengan hasil rancangan website yang tetap baik sehingga memberikan nilai efisiensi bagi perancang website tanpa mengurangi kualitas website yang dirancangnya.

Dreamweaver MX 2004 offers what is essentially a three pronged approach to Web Development. Using the tools it provides, you can enter information such as text directly onto the page, have information inserted for you to built-in objects and behaviors, and go behind the scenes to work directly in the underlying code that makes up your page.

Defining a Site.

Follow these steps to define a new site :

1. select New to define a new site or define an FTP or RDS connection

2. the Basic tab Site Definition screen will open. The Basic tab offers a wizard interface that walks you through the creation of your site definition

3. enter a name for your site and click Next

4. the next screen allows you to select whether this site will use any server-side languages such as ASP or Cold Fusion, or whether it will just be browser-based pages like HTML 5. on the next screen, you can tell Dreamweaver how you want to work with your files

during the development process. You can choose to store the files that you will edit on your local machine, or edit the files on your remote testing server directly over a local network

6. next, specify a URL for the site you are creating

7. finally, Dreamweaver wants you to know whether you will be leaving your files on your local machines or uploading them to another computer. If you select no, your site definition is complete.


1. Constructing Web Pages in Dreamweaver.

Open a project in Dreamweaver, select File l New, and create a basic HTML page. 2. The Home Page.

a. Armed with some basic information about your site and some good design rules to follow, you’re prepared to turn to the creation of your home page.

You also need a logo, a design theme, and a place to put content. You will handle these items in your actual design session, which you can complete using Macromedia Fireworks.

2.5 Metode Perancangan Sistem e-Portfolio 2.5.1 Tahap Perencanaan

Membuat e-Portfolio sebagai fasilitas pada website UBiNus yang berisi data BiNusian secara lengkap. Pada intinya e-Portfolio ditujukan untuk meningkatkan dan melengkapi kompetensi BiNusian, mempermudah employer mencari BiNusian untuk direkrut, dan meningkatkan citra baik UBiNus.

2.5.2 Tahap Analisis

Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan melakukan observasi pada BiNus Career untuk mengetahui proses bisnis yang sedang berlangsung dibandingkan dengan teori kepustakaan sehingga kekurangan yang ada dapat diperbaiki.

Teknik pengumpulan data adalah :

o Observasi pada BiNus Career dan observasi kepustakaan

o Wawancara dengan manajer dan web-administrator BiNus Career untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang proses bisnis yang sedang berjalan (current system).

2.5.3 Tahap Desain

Desain tampilan e-Portfolio BiNusian, dimana BiNusian dapat berkreasi menampilkan datanya dan dapat selalu memperbaharui datanya. Desain sistem e-Portfolio mulai dari employer mencari BiNusian untuk direkrut sesuai kebutuhan perusahaannya berdasarkan


tampilan data BiNusian yang dapat dilihat employer sampai BiNusian mengajukan aplikasinya.

2.5.4 Tahap Implementasi

Usulan tempat e-Portfolio akan diletakkan agar memudahkan employer mencari BiNusian untuk direkrut, dan agar lebih mudah memperkenalkan dan mensosialisasikan e-Portfolio kepada BiNusian, sekaligus mempermudahkan BiNusian untuk terus memperbaharui e-Portfolionya.

2.5.5 Tahap Penggunaan

Usulan kepada UBiNus untuk menggunakan e-Portfolio dan sistemnya yang merupakan hasil rancangan sistem termasuk di dalamnya rancangan tampilan e-Portfolio. Dengan indikator keberhasilan meningkatnya jumlah BiNusian yang menjadi anggota BiNus Career yang direkrut oleh employer yang menjadi anggota BiNus Career.


Tabel 2.1 Kriteria Perancangan Website  Navigation  Is it easy for visitors to find their way around the site?


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