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Department of Mathematics University of Wales Swansea Singleton Park

Swansea SA2 8PP, UK

e-mail: L.Rincon@swansea.ac.uk

submitted April 15, 1998;revised August 18, 1998 AMS 1991 Subject classification: 47D07, 60J55, 60H10.

Keywords and phrases: Diffusion Semigroups, Diffusion Processes, Stochastic Differential Equations.


Let {Pt}t≥0 be the transition semigroup of a diffusion process. It is known that Pt sends

continuous functions into differentiable functions so we can write DPtf. But what happens

with this derivative when t 0and P0f = f is only continuous ?. We give estimates for the supremum norm of the Fr´echet derivative of the semigroups associated with the operators

A+V and A+Z· ∇whereA is the generator of a diffusion process,V is a potential andZ

is a vector field.



Consider the following stochastic differential equation onRn

dXt = X(Xt)dBt+A(Xt)dt ,

X0 = x∈Rn,

for t 0, where the first integral is an Itˆo stochastic integral and the second is a Riemann integral. Here {Bt}t≥0 is Brownian motion onRmand the equality holds almost everywhere.

The coefficients of this equation are the mapping X:Rn → L(Rm;Rn) and the vector field

A:Rn →Rn. Assume standard regularity conditions on these coefficients so that there exists a strong solution{Xt}t≥0 to our equation. We writeXtx forXtwhen we want to make clear

its dependence on the initial value x. It is known that under further assumptions on the coefficients of our equation, the mappingx7→Xx

t is differentiable ( see for instance [1] ).

1Supported by a grant from CONACYT (M´exico).


Assume coefficientsXandAare smooth enough and consider the associated derivative equation

dVt = DX(Xt)(Vt)dBt+DA(Xt)(Vt)dt ,

V0 = v∈Rn,

whose solution {Vt}t≥0is the derivative of the mappingx7→Xtx at xin the direction v. We

will assume that there exists a smooth map Y:Rn →L(Rn;Rm) such thatY(x) is the right inverse ofX(x). That is,X(x)Y(x) =IRnfor allxinRn. We shall also assume that the process {Y(Xt)(Vt)}t≥0 belongs toL2([0, t]) for eacht >0, that is, R0t|Y(Xs)(Vs)|2ds <∞ and thus

we can writeRt


With all above assumptions, we have from [6], the following result (see Appendix for a proof)

Theorem 1 For every t >0there exist positive constants kand asuch that


Z t

0 Y

(Xs)(Vs)dBs| ≤k

eat1. (1)

We are interested in small values fort. Thus, since√eat1 =O(t) as t0, we have that

there exist a positive constantN such that√eat1Ntfor smallt. Hence for sufficiently

small t, we have the following estimate


Z t

0 Y

(Xs)(Vs)dBs| ≤c

t , (2)

where cis a positive constant.

Let now BCr(Rn) be the Banach space of bounded measurable functions on Rn which are r-times continuously differentiable with bounded derivatives. The norm of this space is given by the supremum norm of the function plus the supremum norm of each of itsrderivatives. In particularB(Rn) is the Banach space of bounded measurable functions onRn with supremum normkfk∞= supx∈Rn|f(x)|. Suppose our diffusion process{Xt}t≥0has transition

probabili-tiesP(t, x,Γ). Then this induces a semigroup of operators{Pt}t≥0as follows. For everyt≥0

we define onB(Rn) the bounded linear operator

(Ptf)(x) =



f(y)P(t, x, dy) =E(f(Xtx)). (3)

The semigroup {Pt}t≥0 is a strongly continuous semigroup on BC0(Rn). Denote by A its

infinitesimal generator.

It is known that {Pt}t≥0 is a strong Feller semigroup, that is,Pt sends continuous functions

into differentiable functions. In fact, under above assumptions, a formula for the derivative of Ptf is known ( see [4] or [5] ).

Theorem 2 If f BC2(Rn)then the derivative ofP

tf:Rn →Ris given by

D(Ptf)(x)(v) =



Z t

0 Y


Higher derivatives in a more general setting are given in [4]. See also [2] for a general formula of this derivative in the context of a stochastic control system. Observe the mapping f 7→




0Y(Xs)(Vs)dBs} defines a bounded linear functional on BC2(Rn). Hence there

exists a unique extension onBC0(Rn). Since the expression of this linear functional does not depend on the derivatives off, it has the same expression for anyf inBC0(Rn).

From last theorem we obtain

|DPtf(x)(v)| ≤



Z t

0 Y


≤ 1

tkfk∞k √


And hence for smallt



t . (5)

Observe that, as expected, our estimate goes to infinity astapproaches 0 sinceP0f =f is not

necessarily differentiable. Also the rate at which it goes to infinity is not faster than √1 t does.



Let V:Rn → R be a bounded measurable function. We shall perturb the generator A by adding to it the functionV. We define the linear operator

AV =A+V ,

with the same domain as for A. A semigroup {PtV}t≥0 havingAV as generator is given by

the Feynman-Kac formulaPV

t f =E{f(Xt)e


0V(Xu)du}. We will find a similar estimate as (5) forkDPV

t fk∞. We first derive a recursive formula that will help us calculate the derivative of


t f. We have

PtVf = Ptf+Pt−sPsVf



= Ptf+

Z t



V s f)ds

= Ptf+

Z t


[−A(Pt−sPsVf) +Pt−s((A+V)PsVf)]ds .


PtVf =Ptf +

Z t



Now we use our formula for differentiation (4) to calculate the derivative of this semigroup.

Then, by the Feynman-Kac formula and the Markov property we have

DPtVf(x)(v) = 1

from which we obtain

kDPtVfk∞ ≤

And hence for smallt

kDPtVfk ck√fk∞

Observe again that our estimate goes to infinity ast0.


Bounded Smooth Drift

LetZ :Rn →Rn be a bounded smooth vector field. We shall consider another perturbation to the generator A. This time we define the linear operator

AZ =A+Z· ∇.

The existence of a semigroup {PZ

t }t≥0 havingAZ as infinitesimal generator is guaranteed by

the regularity ofZ. Indeed, if we writeZ(x) = (Z1(x), . . . , Zn(x)), then the operatorAZ can

and this operator is the infinitesimal generator associated with the equation

dXt = X(Xt)dBt+ [A(Xt) +Z(Xt)]dt ,


Thanks to the smoothness ofZ, this equation yields a diffusion process (Xtx,Z)t∈T and hence

the semigroup PtZf(x) = E(f(Xtx,Z)). Then previous estimate applies also to kDPtZfk. But we can do better because we can find the explicit dependence of the estimate uponZ as follows. As before, we first find a recursive formula for this semigroup.

PtZf = Ptf+Pt−sPsZf

We can now calculate its derivative as follows

DPtZf(x)(v) = DPtf(x)(v) +

We now find an estimate for the supremum norm of this derivative. Taking modulus we obtain

|DPtZf(x)(v)| ≤ 1

Hence for smallt


We now solve this inequality. If we iterate once we obtain

kDPtZfk∞ ≤

By Fubini’s theorem, the double integral becomes


and then we observe that

Z t




(t−s)(s−u)= 2 tan



s−u ts



=π .

The case u= 0 solves also the first integral. Hence our inequality reduces to




∞kfk∞+c2πkZk 2 ∞

Z t

0 k

DPuZfkdu .

We now apply Gronwall’s inequality. After some simplifications ( extending the integral up to infinity ) we finally obtain the estimate


c √

tkfk∞+ 2c




πkZk∞) (7)

As expected, our estimate goes to infinity ast0 since P0Zf =f is not necessarily differen-tiable.


Bounded Uniformly Continuous Drift

We now find a similar estimate whenZ: Rn→Rnis only bounded and uniformly continuous. We look again at the operatorAZ =A+Z· ∇. The problem here is that in this case we do

not have the semigroup {PtZf}t≥0 since the stochastic equation with the added nonsmooth

driftZ might not have a strong solution. So we cannot even talk about its derivative. To solve this problem we proceed by approximation.


Existence of Semigroup

SinceZ∈BC0(Rn;Rn) is uniformly continuous, andBC∞(Rn;Rn) is dense inBC0(Rn;Rn), there exists a sequence{Zi}∞i=1inBC∞(Rn;Rn) such thatZiconverges toZ uniformly. Thus,

for everyiN, we have the semigroup{PZi

t }t≥0since our stochastic equation with the added

smooth driftZi has a strong solution.

For every t ≥0 and f ∈ BC0(Rn) fixed, the sequence of functions{PZi

t f}

i=1 is a Cauchy

sequence in the Banach space BC0(Rn). We will prove this fact later. Let us denote its limit by PtZf. All properties required for PtZf are inherited from those of the semigroup PZi

t f.

Indeed by simply writingPtZf = limi→∞PtZif and using an interchange of limits we can prove

1. f 7→PtZf is a bounded linear operator.

2. t7→PZ

t f is a contraction semigroup of operators.

3. {PZ

t }t≥0has generator AZ =A+Z· ∇.

Now, suppose for a moment that the sequence of derivatives{DPZi

t f}

i=1converges uniformly.

Then we would have D(limi→∞PtZif) = limi→∞DPtZif. This proves that PtZf is

differen-tiable. Then, for anyǫ >0 there existsN ∈Nsuch that ifi≥N,kDPtZfk∞≤ kDPtZifk∞+ǫ



Uniform Convergence of Derivatives

We now prove that the sequence{DPZi

t f}

i=1converges uniformly. We use again our recursive

formula (6) to obtain


We now use our formula for differentiation (4). After differentiating and taking modulus we obtain

And hence for smallt


Now write estimate (7) as


this in our last estimate gives


The first two integrals are bounded if we allowt to move within a finite interval (0, T]. Thus there exist positive constantsM1andM2such that


Now iterate this to obtain

As before the double integral reduces to


Z t



u f−PuZjf)k∞du .

Collecting constants into new constantsM andN we arrive at


Now we apply again Gronwall’s inequality to obtain



Uniform Convergence of Semigroups

We finally prove that the sequence of functions {PZi

t f}

i=1 is a Cauchy sequence. From our

recursive formula (6) we obtain


second part also goes to zero since we just proved the sequence of derivatives is a Cauchy sequence. Hence {PZi

t f}

i=1 is uniformly convergent.


Observe that the boundedness and uniform continuity of Z are required in order to ensure the existence of a sequence of smooth vector fieldsZi uniformly convergent toZ. Alternative

assumptions onZ that guarantee the existence of such approximating sequence may be used.


We here give a proof of inequality (1) which is taken from [6]. By using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and then the isometric property, we have


Z t

0 Y

(xs)(vs)dBs| ≤ (E|

Z t

0 Y


= (E

Z t

0 k


≤ kYk2 ∞(

Z t


Ekvsk2ds)1/2. (8)

We will estimate the right-hand side of the last inequality. Itˆo’s formula applied to the function f(·) =k · k2:Rn→Rand the semimartingale (vt)t≥0yields

kvsk2=kv0k2+ 2

Z s


vudvu+ n



Z s




Ekvsk2 = kv0k2+Ehvis

= kv0k2+E

Z s


[DX(xu)(vu)] [DX(xu)(vu)]∗du

= kv0k2+E

Z s

0 k


≤ kv0k2+kDXk2∞

Z s

0 Ek

vuk2du .

We now use Gronwall’s inequality to obtain

Ekvsk2≤ kv0k2ekDXk∞s.

Integrating from 0 tot yields

Z t

0 Ek

vsk2ds≤ k





and thus, substituting in (8) we obtain


Z t


Y(xs)(vs)dBs| ≤ kYk2∞ k







I would like to thank Prof. K. D. Elworthy at Warwick from whom I have enormously bene-fitted. Also thanks to Dr. H. Zhao and Prof. A. Truman at Swansea for very helpful sugges-tions. CONACYT has financially supported me for my postgraduate studies at Warwick and Swansea.


[1] Da Prato, G. and Zabczyk, J. (1992) Stochastic Equations in Infinite Dimensions. Ency-clopedia of Mathematics and its Applications 44. Cambridge University Press.

[2] Da Prato, G. and Zabczyk, J. (1997) Differentiability of the Feynman-Kac Semigroup and a Control Application. Rend. Mat. Acc. Lincei s. 9, v. 8, 183–188.

[3] Elworthy, K. D. (1982) Stochastic Differential Equations on Manifolds. Cambridge Uni-versity Press.

[4] Elworthy, K. D. and Li, X. M. (1994) Formulae for the Derivative of Heat Semigroups. Journal of Functional Analysis 125, 252–286.

[5] Elworthy, K. D. and Li, X. M. (1993) Differentiation of Heat Semigroups and applications. Warwick Preprints 77/1993.

[6] Li, X.-M. (1992) Stochastic Flows on Noncompact Manifolds. Ph.D. Thesis. Warwick University.

[7] Pazy, A. (1983) Semigroups of Linear Operators and Applications to Partial Differential Equations. Springer-Verlag. New York.


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