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Application of Soil Conservation in Oil Palm Plantation | Satriawan | Proceedings of The Annual International Conference, Syiah Kuala University - Life Sciences & Engineering Chapter 5800 11801 1 SM


Academic year: 2017

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Pr oceedings of The 5t hAnnual I nt er nat ional Confer ence Syiah Kuala Univer sit y ( AI C Unsyiah) 2015


Pr oceedings of The 5t hAnnual I nt er nat ional Confer ence Syiah Kuala Univer sit y ( AI C Unsyiah) 2015

I n conj unct ion wit h The 8t hI nt er nat ional Confer ence of Chem ical En gineer ing on Science and Applicat ions ( ChESA) 2015 Sept em ber 9 - 11, 2015, Banda Aceh, I ndonesia m easurem ent of eroded soil. The weight of soil sedim ent was m easured by filt ering t he wat er sam ples using filt er paper. The soil left on t he filt er paper w as dried in an oven at 60° C unt il t he sedim ent weight becam e const ant . The am ount of sedim ent ( E) is calculat ed using t he following equat ion:



Pr oceedings of The 5t hAnnual I nt er nat ional Confer ence Syiah Kuala Univer sit y ( AI C Unsyiah) 2015

I n conj unct ion wit h The 8t hI nt er nat ional Confer ence of Chem ical En gineer ing on Science and Applicat ions ( ChESA) 2015 Sept em ber 9 - 11, 2015, Banda Aceh, I ndonesia

Furt herm ore, t he soil conservat ion wit h cover cr ops + m anure consist ent ly produced t he lowest erosion as com pared t o t hree ot her m et hods ( 3.73 t / ha) and as com pared t o t he cont rol t reat m ent , t he erosion under cover cr ops + m anure decreased by 27.29% . Then, im plem ent ed of I T + crops also shows a high abilit y for cont rolling t he erosion ( 3.86 t / ha) , slight ly lower t han cover crops + m anure, but it is m uch m ore effect ive t han individual t errace and cont rol absolut ely, decrease by 24.78% .

Table 1. Runoff and erosion on oil palm at land capabilit y class I I I

Treat m ent s Runoff ( m3/ ha) Erosion ( t on/ ha)

Cover crops bet ween rows of oil palm is m ore effect ive in cont rolling runoff and erosion by 1) reducing rain erosivit y t hrough t he int ercept ion and dissem inat ion of plant canopy, 2 ) dense root syst em of plant s can st rengt hen soil aggregat es on t he upper layer t hrough granulat ion of soil part icles, 3) presence of organic root exudat es could increase soil m icrobial populat ion t hereby increasing t he porosit y of t he soil and t he im pact on t he increasing infilt rat ion. The best soil conservat ion can reduce runoff flow unt il 23.73% t han t ot al highest runoff.

Table 2. Runoff and erosion on oil palm at land capabilit y class I V

Treat m ent s Runoff ( m3/ ha) Erosion ( t on/ ha) t he great er sedim ent reduct ion in t his st udy are linked wit h changes in flow dynam ics t hrough at least t hree processes. First , t he veget at ive barrier and ridges m ay int ercept concent rat ed flow by decreasing velocit y and dispersing runoff; second, increased ponding m ay prom ot e deposit ion of sedim ent ; t hird, t he ponding m ay absorb runoff energy t hat would cause soil det achm ent and t ransport and t hus reduce t he erosion and t ransport capacit y.


Pr oceedings of The 5t hAnnual I nt er nat ional Confer ence Syiah Kuala Univer sit y ( AI C Unsyiah) 2015

I n conj unct ion wit h The 8t hI nt er nat ional Confer ence of Chem ical En gineer ing on Science and Applicat ions ( ChESA) 2015 Sept em ber 9 - 11, 2015, Banda Aceh, I ndonesia

Lor d. S, and J. Clay . Env ironm ent al I m pact s of Oil Palm Pr act ical Consider at ions in Defining Sust ainabilit y for I m p act s on t he Air , Land and Wat er . ht t p: / / w w w .nbpol.com .pg/ w p-cont ent / uploads/ dow nloads/ 2011/ 02/ Env ir onm ent alI m pact OfOilPalm .pdf. Accessed on 21stJanuar y 2015.

Mor gan. R.C.P., 2005. Soil Erosion and Conserv at ion. Thir d Edit ion. Blackw ell Publishing.

Noer , H. 2011. Opt im izing ut ilizat ion of w at er r esour ces t hr ough im prov ed plant ing pat t er n and repair cult iv at ion t echniques in far m ing sy st em s. I nI ndonesian Jour nal of Agricult ur al Econom ics,vol. 2, no. 2, p.169- 182.

Ping. L.Y, C.T.B. Sung, G.K. Joo, A. Mor adi, 2012. Effect s of four soil conserv at ion m et hods on soil aggr egat e st abilit y . Malay sian Jour nal of Soil Science Vol. 16 : 43- 56.

Sat r iaw an, H, and Fuady , Z. 2012. Refer r al Land Use For Agr icult ur al Dev elopm ent in Peusangan Selat an Sub -dist r ict . I nProceedings of t he Nat ional Sem inar and Annual Meet ing of t he Dean of Agr icult ur al Sciences BKS – PTN West Regional 2012. Facult y of Agr icult ur e Univ ersit y of Sum at er a Ut ar a. I SBN 979 - 458- 597- 1.pp 497.


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