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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra



Registration Number :2102220013





Thanks to Allah SWT for giving the writer blessing, endless love and mercy, especially in the process of finishing this thesis. This thesis is aim to fulfill one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra (S-1) at the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

The writer can finishing this thesis because suggestions and help also support from loving people around the writer. The writer would like to say her special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si. the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum. the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd. the Head of English and Literature Department and also her Thesis Adviser, Dra. Meisuri, M.A. the Secretary of English Department, Dr. Rahmah, M. Hum. the Head of Applied Linguistics Program and Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed. the Head of Educational English Program.

Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd, Dra. Sri Juriati Ownie, M.A., Drs. Elia Masa Ginting, M.Hum. her Reviewer.

Thanks to Maam Euis who helps the writer in completing the requirements due to the rule of University. And all the lectures in her academic years at State University of Medan that could not be mentioned one by one.

Her lovely family, her best father Ramli, her beloved and strong mother Sri Astuti, her beloved grandfather Ammiruddin, her beloved grandmother (Alm) Ummi Sa’ada for all support, love, caring, pray, motivation and financial supports so that the writer can finish her study in Unimed. Her first brother Hardi Noer, her second brother Syawalluddin, and her love Hadi Santoso who always reminds the writer to finishing this thesis all the time.

Hervina Zuhra her best friends, who always support the writer in all conditions and give the suggestions and additions especially for this thesis.



Nurhafizah, 2102220013. Slang Used in Kick Ass II English Movie. A thesis. Faculty of Language and Arts. State University of Medan. 2014.

The study was deal with the word formation process for forming slang found in the first 45 minutes of Kick Ass II English movie. The objective of the study were to describe the slang word found in the first 45 minutes of Kick Ass II English movie, the types of word formation process for forming them also derived the dominant type of word formation used in Kick Ass II English movie. The data were analyzed by identifying the utterances found in the dialogue spoken by all characters in Kick Ass II English movie, the script was downloaded from the internet. The findings show that there were 7 (seven) types of word formation process found in the first 45 minutes of Kick Ass II English movie. The 7 (seven) types were, 1) coinage (45,4%), 2) clipping (41,7%), 3) derivation (4,6%), 4) multiple process (3,7%), 5) compounding (3,8%), 6) conversion (0,9%), 7) acronym (0,9%). The dominant type of word formation process for forming slang used in the first 45 minutes of Kick Ass II English movie was coinage with 49 utterances (45,4%). The reason coinage because the characters in Kick Ass II English movie like gave new meanings to the old words and made them as slang words that’s why the appropriate words could means the inappropriate one with only several people know.



G. Word-Formation Process forming slang ... 20



A. Research Design ... 27

B. The Source of Data ... 27

C. Technique of Collecting Data ... 27

D. Technique of Analyzing Data ... 28


A. Data ... 29

B. The Data Analysis ... 29

1. Coinage ... 29

2. Borrowing ... 32

3. Compounding ... 32

4. Clipping ... 33

5. Conversion ... 35

6. Derivation ... 35

7. Acronym ... 36

8. Multiple Process ... 37

C. Research Finding ... 38


A. Conclusion ... 40

B. Suggestion ... 41










A. The Background Of the Study

Language is a system of symbol thought which people communicate.

Language used to communicate with others, because human cannot live alone

that’s why people need to communicate to understand each other. There are some

variations in language so that the speakers do not speak in the same way to the listeners in all situations.

Slang is a type of language that consists of words and phrases that usually used in informal situation used by particular group. Kipfer (2007) in his book Dictionary of American Slang “Slang is language that has little to do with the

main aim of language, the connection of sounds with ideas in order to communicate ideas—rather, it is an attitude, a feeling, a verbal action.”

Nowadays, slang usually used by teenagers or student in daily

conversation and in popular media. By using slang, teenagers feel free in conversation with their community, every time and everywhere without anyone

who understands the meaning. According to Alicantina (1994: 201-12) in his book Youth and Student Slang in British and American English says that slang is an

area of lexis in a permanent state of flux consisting of vivid and colorful words

and phrases which characterize various social and professional groups, especially when these terms are used for in-group communication.



multiplicity of its aims, slang is a meeting point for people working in different fields, lexicologists, sociolinguists, psychologists, and even for the lay


Slang also included as in group vocabulary that certain subclasses in

society like professional beggars, criminals, drug addicts, and other groups operating. Of all social groups, the young are the most often to the use and renovation of slang and unconventional language. Slang israrely the first choice of

careful writers or speakers or anyone attempting to use language for formal, persuasive, or business purposes. Nonetheless, expressions that can be called

slang or daily conversations a major part of American communication in movies, television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and informal conversation. That’s why

it’s very useful to know and learn more about slang and informal language in

order to understand what the speakers say and know how the processes for forming the slang that we called as slang word formation.

According to Maitland (1981), slang is rarely the first choice of careful writers or speakers or anyone attempting to use language for formal, persuasive,

or business purposes. Nonetheless, expressions that can be called slang or daily conversations a major part of American communication in movies, television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and informal conversation. That’s why it’s very

useful to know and learn more about slang and informal language in order to understand what the speakers say and know how the processes for forming the



The slang is usually used by American people, because they have a

freedom to use the language. It’s different with British people who usually used

standard and formal English. There are some most popular slang used in

American people, “dude” “man up”, “Freak out”. The Slang words will easily find

in song lyric, daily conversations and movie. Burke (1995) says in his book How To Speak and Understand American Slang write that slang encompasses "secret"

words and idioms that are consistently used in books, magazines, television,

movies, songs, American homes, etc. and generally are reserved only for native speakers.

Movie is a recording of moving images that tells a story and that people watch on a screen or television. Movies are shown on pay television or cable television, and sold or rented on DVD disks or videocassette tapes, so that people

can watch the movies at home. The researcher will describe about slang used in

“Kick Ass II” English Movie. Because there are many slang words that used in

this movie. For the most popular example slang word that used in this movie is

“bitch”. That word usually used by teenager in this movie, in all conversation

especially in informal situation. Beside that this movie also tells the story about

teen’s life in America, as we know that American people usually used slang.

B. The Problem of the Study

Base on the Background above, the problem of the study will be



1. What are the slang words are used in “Kick Ass II” English movie?

2. What are the types of slang word formation process are used in “Kick Ass

II” English Movie?

3. What is the dominant word formation process is used in “Kick Ass II”

English movie?

C. The Objective of The Study The objectives of the study are:

1. To find out the slang words that used in “Kick Ass II” English movie.

2. To know the slang word formation process that used in “Kick Ass II” English movie.

3. To know the dominant type of slang word formation process used in “Kick

Ass II” English movie.

D. The Scope of The Study

The scope of the study is focused on slang word formation that formed

slang word used in the conversation in “Kick ass II” English movie. The analysis

is done based on the theory of George Yule (1985)

E. The Significance of The Study

The research findings of this study are expected to be understood, and






A. Conclusions

The researcher concluded that:

1. Some the slang words that used in “Kick Ass II” English movie are: Bitch,

dude, fuck, guys, damn, sucks, cool, shit, guys, buddy, asshole, wanna,

gonna, „cause, balls, what‟s up?, the hell, gotta, holy shit, badass, NFL.

2. Based on the theory of Yule (1985:52) there are ten types of word formation process, but the researcher only found seven types of them used

for forming slang in the first 45 minutes “Kick Ass II” English movie.

They were, Coinage, Compounding, Clipping, Conversion, Derivation, Acronym, and Multiple processes.

3. The dominant type of word formation process in the first 45 minutes “Kick

Ass II” English movie was Coinage with 49 utterances (45,4%) then

followed by Clipping with 45 utterances (41,7%), then Derivation with 5

utterances (4,6%) and Multiple Process with 4 utterances (3,7%), Compounding with 3 utterances (3,8%), and then Conversion and


B. Suggestions

1. Slang word is usually used by teenager in America in daily conversation and also in the movie. The most people in Indonesia loved to watch the movie from Hollywood because that movie gave the trend fashion, and

have good story or good plot and attracted story in the world especially

from teenager in Indonesia. That‟s why the listeners needed to know how

do these words formed because slang could be came from the old to the

new uses. That‟s important for giving the listeners a clear explanation so

that the listeners would not make a mistake in understanding the meaning

of those slang words that usually found in movie.

2. This writing could be an additional material for other researchers who are interested or needed to study about Slang and know how the process for



Anderson, Lars and Trudgill, Peter. 1990. Bad Language. Massachusetts: Basil Blackwell.

Alicantina,Revista. 1994 201-12.Youth and Student Slang in British and American English.Universidad de Alicante

Burke, David (1995) in his bookHow to Speak and Understand American Slang. Optima Books United States of America

Chaika, Elaine. 1982. Language the Social Mirror. Massachusetts: Melburry Dizzik, Alina (2012) Journal of Mastering the Finer Points of American Slang. Irving Lewis, Allen. 1993. The City In Slang.Oxford University Press New York.

Kreidler, W. Charles. (1979). Introduction English Semantics. New York

Kipfer, Ann Barbara. (2007). Dictionary of American Slang 4th Edition.HarperCollins Publishers (Australia) Pty. Ltd.

Lucas, Ceil. 2001. The Sociolinguistics of Sign Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Maitland, James. 1891. The American Slang Dictionary. Chicago

Reyes, Angela. 2005. Journal of Sociolinguistics. Hunter College, City University of NewYork

Richard. 2000. Dictionary of American English 3th Edition. NTC Publishing Group

Trudgill, Peter. 1983. Sociolinguistic: An Introduction to Language and Society. Aylesburry: Hazel Watson and Viney.

Yule, G. 1985. The Study of Language.Cambridge University Press.


http://www.wikipedia.com. Retrived on Marc 20th 2014. 09.00


Table 2.1 Table 4.1


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