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tobacco use and health


Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "tobacco use and health"


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Pr e ve n t ion a n d st a yin g sa fe a n d h e a lt h y

D o y ou k n ow ?

All t ypes of t obacco product s including:

Cigerat t es, Bidis, Kret ek s, Cheroot s, pipes, cigars, hook ahs Gul, Khaini, Gut ka, Jarda, bet el quid w it h t obacco,

Tobacco w it h paan

Tobacco past e for gum and t eet h

a r e h a r m fu l a n d da m a g in g

Sm ok in g ca u se s

Cancers lik e lung cancer , oral cancer, kidney cancer and st om ach cancer.

Lung diseases like bronchit is, ast hm a, coughing and increased risk of TB.

Heart diseases like ischaem ic heart disease, st roke. I m pot ency and infert ilit y in m en and wom en

Pret er m delivery, St illbir t h, Low bir t h w eight and Sudden infant deat h syndrom e ( SI DS) .

W h a t y ou ca n t o do?

Avoid exper im ent ing w it h t obacco

I f you are a t obacco user ask your nearby healt h worker or doct or about t he w ay t o quit t obacco use.

Your det er m inat ion for k eeping healt hy is enough for quit t ing t he dangerous habit .


Sm oke t hat com es from t he burning end of a cigaret t e, beedi, cigar or

You can prot ect yourself and your loved ones by:


Tobacco w at er ( hookah w at er) is ant isept ic.

W h a t y ou ca n do?

Quit t obacco product s and live a healt hy and clean life.

Ask t he nearby healt h w orker, or your physician how t o quit t obacco product s

Toba cco u se e x a ce r ba t e s pove r t y

Tobacco use brings addit ional healt h care cost s.

I t causes incom e loss due t o illness and pr em at ure deat hs.

Expendit ure on t obacco m eans less m oney for food, educat ion and healt h care.

I t t hus increases m alnut rit ion of t he fam ily.

W h a t y ou ca n do?

Give up of t obacco and st ay aw ay from t he risk of t obacco relat ed illness.


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