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Submitted as requirement to obtain degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in

International Program on Science Education

Arranged by:

Amrina Painty Metalinda












Amrina Painty Metalinda

Sebuah skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar

Sarjana Pendidikan pada Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

© Amrina Painty Metalinda 2015

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Oktober 2015

Hak Cipta dilindungi undang-undang.






Amrina Painty Metalinda 1105096

Approved and Authorized by, Supervisor I

Drs. Hikmat, M.Si NIP.196204061989031001

Supervisor II

Dr. Selly Feranie, M.Si. NIP. 19741108199032004


Head of International Program on Science Education Study Program



Amrina Painty Metalinda

Department of International Program on Science Education, FPMIPA, UPI

This study, Problem based learning model has been applied to improve 7th grade students’ scientific consistency in the context of heat transfer concept. The instrument of this research, we were designed using various representations such as verbal, picture and mathematical, yielding 45 multiple choice items using different representations concerning five central concepts underpinning the heat concept: conduction, convection, radiation, natural phenomena sea breeze and land breeze. Those are altogether 15 items sub-theme in heat concept. This analysis is limited to the 7th grade population. The method which is used was experimental method with pre-test post-test design. Students took problem based learning using multiple representations at two hours meeting each week for 3 weeks unit. 1st week about conduction. 2nd week about convection and radiation. 3rd week about land breeze and sea breeze. Each those sub concepts used problem based learning syntax which served in different representations learning. We also discuss the lesson design and how each learning scenario with its learning materials trigger student to learn the concept using different multiple representations. On average, we found scientific consistency increased during the instruction <g> of 0.92 which are in the high category. The enhancement of sub concept scientific consistency obtained value <g> of 0.98 on radiation concept and the number of students has highest scientific consistency improvement are 26 students from 26 students. In addition, we suggest that students’ scientific consistency should be recognized in physics teaching.




Amrina Painty Metalinda

International Program on Science Education Departemen, FPMIPA,UPI

Dalam penelitian ini, pembelajaran berbasis masalah telah diaplikasikan untuk meningkatkan saintifik konsistensi pada siswa kelas 7 dalam pembelajaran konsep perpindahan panas. Adapun instrument pada penelitian ini, penulis merancang berbagai representasi seperti verbal, gambar, dan matematis, yakni 45 pertanyaan pilihan ganda dengan berbeda representasi yang mengacu pada 5 pokok konsep perpindahan panas: konduksi, konveksi, radiasi, angin laut, dan angin darat. Semua konsep pokok tersebut, dikemas menjadi 15 sub tema perpindahan panas. Populasi penelitian ini dibatasi hanya untuk siswa kelas 7. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dengan desain pre-test dan post-test. Pembelajaran berbasis masalah dengan pendekatan multi representasi diaplikasikan 3 kali pertemuan selama 2 jam pelajaran. Pertemuan pertama sub-konsep konduksi, pertemuan sub-kedua konsep konveksi dan radiasi, dan pertemuan ketiga konsep angin laut dan angin darat. Pada pembelajaran, setiap sub-konsep diterapkan dengan berbagai representasi. Penulis juga mendiskusikan desain pembelajaran dan bagaimana skenario dalam pembelajaran sehingga dapat merangsang siswa untuk belajar menggunakan multi representasi. Hasil penelitian yang didapat adalah adanya peningkatan saintifik konsistensi dengan gain normalisasi 0.92 yang berada di kategori tinggi. Peningkatan pada setiap sub konsep didapat gain normalisasi 0.98 pada sub konsep radiasi juga berada di kategori tinggi. Disamping itu, Terdapat 26 siswa yang mengalami peningkatan saintifik konsistensi pada setiap sub-tema. Penulis menyarankan bahwa saintifik konsistensi siswa harus diperhatikan di setiap proses belajar mengajar khususnya fisika.





ABSTRACT ... iii

PREFACE ... iv






CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background ………... 1

B. Research Problem ………. 5

C. Research Question ……… 5

D. Limitation Of Problem ………. 5

E. Research Objective ………... 6

F. Research Benefit ……… 6

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Problem Based Learning with Multiple Representations Approach ... …7

B. Scientific Consistency ... …16

C. Heat Concept ... …18

D. Relevant Research ... …25

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY A. Research Method and Research Design ... …27


C. Assumption ………28

D. Hypothesis……….28

E. Operational Definition ... …29

F. Research Instrument ... …30

G. Instrument Validation Result ... …34

H. Data Analysis ... …35

I. Research Procedure ... …36

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS A. Results and Discussion of Problem Based Learning Model of Multiple Representations Approach... …39

B. The Result and Discussion of Scientific Consistency ... …52


B. Recommendation ... …64




C. DATA RESULT ... ..152




Table 2.1 Syntax of Problem Based Learning Model ... 8

Table 2.2 application the multiple representation approach on Problem Based Learning model ... 13

Table 2.3 Assessment of Scientific Consistency ... 16

Table 2.4 Core and Basic Competence of Heat Transfer ... 18

Table 2.5 Conductivity………..21

Table 3.1 One-group post-test pre-test Design ... 27

Table 3.2 Interpretation of Validity ... 31

Table 3.3 Interpretation of Reliability ... 32

Table 3.4 Interpretation of Difficulty Level ... 33

Table 3.5 Interpretation of Discriminating Power ... 34

Table 3.6 Criteria of Normalized Gain ... 35

Table 4.1 Percentage of Learning Model Implementation... 39

Table 4.2 Students’ Scientific Consistency on Pre Test and Post Test………..52

Table 4.3 Scientific Consistency N-Gain on Every Sub Concept ... 55



Figure 2.1 Styrofoam is low conductivity ... 22

Figure 2.2 Sea breeze Land breeze ... 24

Figure 2.3 Radiant energy………...25

Figure 2.4 Radiant energy type ... 23

Figure 3.1 Research Procedure ………..38

Figure 4.1 Orientation Syntax ... 40

Figure 4.2 Organize Syntax... 41

Figure 4.3 Teachers’ demonstration ... 42

Figure 4.4 conductor isolator demonstration ... 42

Figure 4.5 Students’ Investigation ... 43

Figure 4.6 Communicating syntax ... 43

Figure 4.7 Motivating students ... 45

Figure 4.8 Giving problems ... 45

Figure 4.9 convection investigation ... 46

Figure 4.10 Students full fill the worksheet ... 47

Figure 4.11 Investigation second problem ... 47

Figure 4.12 Communicate ... 48

Figure 4.13 Identify the phenomena of heat transfer ... 48

Figure 4.14 Making poster ... 51

Figure 4.15 sea breeze land breeze communication... 51

Figure 4.16 Average of Enhancement of Scientific Consistency on Heat Transfer Concept ... 53

Figure 4.17 Enhancement of Scientific Consistency on Every Sub Concept ... 56


Figure 4.19 Amount of student has Scientific Consistency enhancement on


Figure4.20 Amount of student has Scientific Consistency enhancement on


Figure 4.21 Amount of student has Scientific Consistency enhancement on sea


Figure 4.22Amount of student has Scientific Consistency enhancement on sea



Appendix A.4 Question and Answer Worksheet………..


Appendix B.1 Instrument of Multiple Representations Question…………...

Appendix B.2 Instrument of Multiple Representations Test

Pre Test-Post Test………..

Appendix B.3 Forms of Expert Judgement………..

Appendix B.4 Observation Sheet………..….………..…………


Appendix C.1 Data Processing of ScientificConsistency……….……….

Appendix C.2 Data Processing ofStudents’ Scientific Consistency On Every

Sub Concept………

Appendix C.3 Data Processing ofThe Number Of Students’ Scientific



A. Background

Criteria to the implementation of learning in an education to achieve

competency standards adapted to some of the principles of learning used.

Attached in Permendikbud No. 18A year 2013 on the implementation of the

curriculum refers to competency standards and content standards. Learning

activities need to use principles: (1) centered on the learner, (2) developing the

creativity of learners, (3) create conditions fun and challenging, (4) uncharged

values, ethics, aesthetics, logic, and kinesthetic, and (5) provides a diverse

learning experience through the application of various strategies and methods of

learning fun, contextual, effective, efficient, and meaningful. Based on point 5 on

the learning principle above means the educator is required to give the

opportunity to students with diverse learning strategies. Based on the national

curriculum 2013, educator facilitate students in learning process to get the

principle of five learning experience. It was attached in Permendikbud No. 18A

year 2013 the principle of five learning experience such as observing, asking,

experimenting, associating, and communicating. Those learning experience is a

series of scientific approach activities as strengthen in teaching learning


Physics subject already applied the scientific approach in learning process.

Physics is one of a subject that provides experiences for students to discover the

knowledge through scientific approach. There are so many problems in physics

phenomena that students have to prove and solve it to get the truth evidence. In



physics subjects. The successful in solve the physics problems is effected by the

presentation of representations format from that problems, the representations

form are sometimes easier to make students understand of the concept (Deliana,

2012: 3). Learning physics subject expect to students calculate the data, solving

the physics problems using mathematically, making a graph to describe the

certain concept, communicating the data result. The mastery of physic concept

requires the understanding and the ability of different representations or multiple

representation way to the concept. The implementation of multiple

representations in learning activities will create the atmosphere of learning with

the active role of all the potential of students, activates students’ learning ability ,

both minds-on and hands-on, so the learning physics become meaningful

(Abdurahman et al., 2011).

Based on the previous research when researcher did teaching practice

(PPL) in one of national school, unfortunately scientific consistency has low

score is about 38.46. The scientific consistency in every sub got in low score

category it’s about lower than 4.15 average score, less than 18 students who have scientific consistency. Those phenomena above due to students is not trained the

multiple representation in learning physics concept. This can be seen from the

way when delivery of physics materials in the classroom more tendency to

derivatives the mathematics equation. The physics question is more demanding

on mathematical calculations only a few questions that require verbal

representation. When student are given the multiple representation questions on

the exam, in three different representations such as verbal, picture, mathematics,

most of students has difficulties to answer the problems was given. Even though,

three questions have the main concept is same. But the presentation is presented


some evidence, students just explain and describe it by verbally. Students very

rarely use the other representation at the same time using different representation.

For example, teacher order students to solve the mathematic equation in front of

the class. Most of students just wrote the calculation of the problem but when

teacher order to explain more by verbally and picture, students feel difficult even

thought it still same focus. Students find physics difficult because they have to

contend with different representation such as experiments, formulas, and

calculation, graphs, and the conceptual explanation at the same time (Angell et

al. 2004). This makes the representation of students' abilities are limited to one

representation, the mathematical understanding of the students who make less

deep so, it gives effect less scientific consistency when confronted with a

scientific consistency is students’ ability to consistent in different representation

such as verbal, picture, mathematic with still the same sub concept or theme. If

students consistent in correct answer, that student were categorized understand

about that concept (Nieminen et al. 2012). The previous research stated that

13.37 on student average who did not have scientific consistency (Krishnayanti,


The research about scientific consistency to answer the multiple

representations problem is measured by Nieminen et al. (2010). He stated that to

measure the level of scientific consistency in understanding a physics subject

used multiple representations test in the achievement test. To analyze the



different representation (verbal, picture, mathematic) in multiple representation

tests to measure 1 same concept on heat concept. Students can be categorized he

or she is consistent scientifically if they were be able to answer 3 questions

correctly in different representation and there is in understand the concept

category of multiple representation test. If students were not in that category, so

students are not consistent scientifically. Based on the preliminary research, none

of student who answer 3 questions correctly. That means all of students is not in

consistent category in that concept. Lack of scientific consistency of students on

physics concept is characterized by students’ inability to understand and use physics concept on different representation (Krishnayanti, 2015).

Based on the number of students who are not consistent in understanding

the physics concept, researcher expects to enhance students’ scientific consistency

in this study. Student is expected to mastery the physics concept scientifically.

Because if students who mastery the concept properly, they would be use the

multiple representation ability.

The implementation of problem based learning with multiple representation

approach will be used in this study. The reason is suitable with the main objective

of physics education, is helping students to use the multiple representation in

solving problem and understanding the physics subject well (Van Heuleven &

Zou, 2011). Besides that, problem based learning model with multiple

representations approach has been applied in another research. Based on Sari

(2015) said that the score result of scientific consistency is increase which as gain

0.58 through PBL with multiple representations. It needs for present the problems

in the form of different representations to overcome to student individual

differences. If problem based learning model combine with the

multi-representation approach, students able to solve the problems with various


Researcher expects to implement this learning strategy to improve

scientific consistency in school where researcher did teaching practice. The

material that will be implemented with this learning model is about heat transfer.

Because learning heat concept there are so many opportunities to improve their

understanding using PBL with multiple representation approach.

Based on the explanations above, the title in this research is




B. Research Problem

The research problem of this study is “How is the implementation of problem based learning model with multiple representations approach to enhance

7thgrade students’ scientific consistency in learning heat concept?”

C. Research Question

Elaborating the research problem, the research attempts to explore the

following questions:

1. How is the enhancement of scientific consistency in learning heat transfer

concept after the implementation of problem based learning model with

multiple representations approach?

2. How is the enhancement of students’ scientific consistency category in every



3. How is the enhancement of the number of student in scientific consistency

category in every sub theme?

D. Limitation of Problem

In order to make the research become more focused, the problem is limited as


1. Problem Based Learning with multiple representation approach.

In teaching learning process use Problem Based Learning syntax such as:

giving the problem orientation, organizing students to observe, helping

student to investigate individually and group, presenting the result, analyzing

and evaluating the problem. In learning materials, teacher trigger student to

learn the concept using different representations.

2. Multiple representation test as an instrument use three representation such as

verbal, picture, and mathematics. Students can be categorized is consistent

scientifically if they were be able to answer 3 questions in the same

questions indicator correctly

3. Heat concept is the physics concept in 7 grade of junior high school based on

curriculum 2013. The sub concept that will be applied are conduction,

convection, radiation, sea breeze, and land breeze

E. Research Objective

This research objective is described specifically as follow:

1. To investigate the enhancement of students’ scientific consistency through

the implementation of problem based learning model with multiple

representation approach

2. To investigate the enhancement of students’ scientific consistency category


3. To investigate the enhancement of the number of students towards scientific

consistency category in every question indicator

F. Research Benefit

The results of this study are expected to provide the following benefits:

1. For teachers, this study may give the alternative assessment tool to measure

the scientific consistency. This is one of learning strategies in educational

field especially in physics education.

2. For students, in learning this approach gives opportunity to learn in diverse

ways. Student could solve the physics problems with different

representations. Student could feel new experience in learning process.

3. For other researchers, this study may use as precious references in



This chapter consists of research method and design, population and sample,

operational definition, research instrument, instrument validation result, data analysis,

and research procedure.

1. Research Method and Design

The research method that is used is an Experimental Method. The

experimental method involves manipulating one variable to determine if changes

in one variable cause changes in another variable. This method relies on

controlled methods, random assignment and the manipulation of variable to test a


One group post-test pre-test design defined as a single group that is measured

or observed not only after being exposed to a treatment of some sort, but also

before (Fraenkel & Wallen, 2009). A diagram of this design is as follows:

Table 3.1 One-group post-test pre-test Design

Pre test Treatment Post Test

O1 X O2

(Fraenkel & Wallen, 2009).

O1 is a test before learning activity and O2 is a test after learning. X is a form of

learning that treatments using models Problem based Learning with multiple

representations approach.


The location of this research at National Junior High School in Bandung

which is one of National Secondary High School in Bandung, West Java.

The school uses bilingual as the main language in the teaching learning


2. Population of Research

The population was taken is class of Secondary I Ibnu Rusyd, at that

National School. The sampling technique that was a purposive sampling

because Secondary I Ibnu Rusyd is despite it is the only class that available

to be intake in the research. It was due to the class has a high focus on

learning. There are 26 students as a sample of this research.

3. Assumption

The assumption as the foundation of this study as follow:

1. Problem based learning model with multiple representation approach enables

student to learn diverse representations to solve the physics problem

2. Problem based learning model with multiple representation helps student to

used to multiple representation in learning process. In this case, teacher train

and trigger students to learn various multiple representations.

3. Problem based learning model with multiple representation will become

precious assessment to enhance scientific consistency because using this

treatment, teacher know well students’ capability in teaching learning process

as well verbally, picture, and mathematically.

4. Hypothesis

Hypothesis that is tested in this study are as follow:

1. H0 : There is no difference of students’ scientific consistency in learning heat

transfer concept using problem based learning model with multiple



2. H1 : There is difference of students’ scientific consistency in learning heat

transfer concept using problem based learning model with multiple

representations approach

1. Operational Definition

In order to avoid misconception about this research, so some operational

definitions are explained in this research. Those terminologies are explained as


1. Problem Based Learning model with multiple representation approach means

learning to solve the problem with diverse .The application use of this model,

expected to be investigating students’ scientific consistency. By learning

activities PBM performed consists of five phases, namely: 1) Provide an

orientation about the problem to the learners, 2) Organize learners to research,

3) Helping the investigation independently and groups, 4) Develop and

present their work and 5) Analyze and evaluate the process of overcoming the

problem. At each phase is done multiple representation approach.

2. Scientific Consistency is the consistency of students' ability to answer

correctly scientifically on the same concept, in the form of different

representations. Multiple representation based scientific consistency identified

through students' answers during the test multiple representations. Students

categorized scientific consistency if the three inputs (verbal, mathematical and

picture) are in the category of understanding the concept. Category understand

the concept of meaning, the student answered correctly on a given third

representative, Then the pretest and posttest data results expressed with the

normalize gain, to identify the enhancement of students’ scientific


1. Research Instrument

In this research, instrument is necessary to be used for gaining data. There is

one type instrument that is used in this research; it is multiple representations

test in multiple choice forms. The instrument is described below.

1. Multiple representation test

Multiple representation test to measure scientific consistency

understanding of students, carried out by giving 45 about multiple

representation (verbal, picture, and mathematical) test that consists of five

concepts such as conduction, convection, radiation, sea breeze, and land

breeze. The multiple representation test is formed in multiple choice

questions. This test aims to analyze the scientific consistency student.

Instruments for research, tested in advance to students who have earned a

heat transfer material. Instruments test of scientific consistency with multi

representations made only once trial

The multiple representations test is formed in multiple choice questions.

This instrument is tested through several statistical test which common use

to test the research instrument.

The statistical test have to be tested consist of in terms of validity,

reliability, difficulty level, discriminating power, and distractor. It will be

explained as follows.

1. Validity

Validity is defined as the extent to which the instrument measures what

is designed to measure that emphasizes not on the test itself, but on the result

(Arikunto, 2013). Construct Validity is considered to be used in this study

since the questions will be formulated based on the level cognitive of

Taxonomy Bloom. Arikunto (2013) stated that construct validity measures



rxy = coefficientcorrelation or item validity

ƩX = sum of total score of all students for each question item

ƩY = sum of total score of all students for whole test N = total number of students

X = score of each student for each question item

Y = total score of each student

The validity interpretation is represented in the table below.

Table 3.2 Interpretation of Validity

observation or any measurement procedure produces the same results on

repeated trials. In short, it is the stability or consistency of scores over

time or across raters (Arikunto, 2013). The split-half method using KR 20

equation is used to calculate reliability of the test by giving score one

point for correct answer and zero point for wrong answer. The formula of

reliability is described below (Arikunto, 2013).

r11 = (

) (1 -



r11 = instrument reliability

k = the amount of test item

Ʃpq = multiplication result of p and q s = deviation standard

The reliability interpretation is represented in the table below.

Table 3.3 Interpretation of Reliability

No. Reliability Coefficient Criteria

1 0.00 r 0.20 Very Low

questions, since easy questions will not stimulate students to spend more

effort in answering as well as difficult questions will make the students

desperate and have no motivation to solve it (Arikunto, 2013).

Consideration of difficulty level is based on proportion of problem

categories such as easy, medium, and difficult. The formula to determine

the difficulty level is described below (Arikunto, 2013).

P = ………. (3)


P = difficulty level

B = number of students who answer correctly

N = total number of students

The classification of difficulty level is represented in the table



Table 3.4 Interpretation of Difficulty Level

No. Difficulty Value Criteria

1 0.00 – 0.30 Difficult

2 0.30 – 0.70 Medium

3 0.70 – 1.00 Easy

(Arikunto, 2013)

4. Discriminating Power

Discriminating power is defined as the ability of particular question

to distinguish students who are classified as higher achievement and

lower achievement. The amount of higher achievement students who can

answer more particular questions compared to lower achievement means

that those questions have positive discriminating power index (Arikunto,

2013). Discriminating power index shows the scale from minus one until

positive one. The negative one represents lower discriminating power

index, and vice versa. The formula to determine the discriminating power

is described below (Rustaman in Maulidah, 2015).

DP = ……… (4)


DP = Discriminating Power

U = the number of upper group that answer correctly

T = total number of students in upper and lower group

L = the number of lower group that answer correctly

The Interpretation of discriminating power is represented in the


Table 3.5 Interpretation of Discriminating Power

No. Discriminating Power Value Criteria

1 Negative-0.00 Very Poor

determine the distractor of each item of multiple choice which is not work

well to distract the students from answering the questions correctly. The

distractor is considered as a good distractor when it can attract the

attention of unwell prepared students’ in the test to be chosen, it is chosen

by at least 5% of the students. Meanwhile, a distractor is considered as a

bad distractor when it is not chosen by any student, it means the

distractor is clearly wrong. Hence, even the students who are not

mastering the concept will believe that the distractor is totally wrong

choice. A distractor can be treated with three ways i.e. accepted, rejected,

and rewrite (Arikunto, 2013).

1. Instrument Validation Result

Before using the objective test as the instrument in the research, it needs to

be tested in terms of validity, reliability, discriminating power, and difficulty

level as explained before. To obtain the data for testing those aspects, limited test

need to be done. The test was given to 20 students which have learned about the

chapter that will be learned for the research. The limited test consists of 45



from the limited test was analyzed by Software Anatest 4.0. The content

validation is very good that analyzed from expert judgement. The reliability of

the test item is 0.63 with the interpretation high.

On multiple representations test instrument consists of 45 questions

consisting of five concept of heat transfer. All matter in the form of multiple

representations consisting of verbal, images and mathematically. Although some

questions were on the validity and distinguishing low, matter is not disposed. It is

due to the questions required for the purposes of research and has sufficient

validity questions.

The instrument from limited test that should be revised is not totally

changes the questions. The reason the instrument will be used is not only based

on anatest but also from judger recommendations.

2. Data Analysis of Scientific Consistency

Researcher adapted the technical scoring of scientific inquiry from Nieminen

(2010), he made the categorize of scientific consistency which students’ answer

in a given theme were graded in the following way on Table 2.3

After that, calculated the enhancement of scientific consistency in pretest and

posttest results using normalized gain equation. Based on Hake (1999) stated the

score of pre-test and post test could be computed in the equation bellow


Then interpreted into a normalized gain of criteria such as the table 3.7

Table 3.6 Criteria of Normalized Gain

<g> Kriteria

<g> > 0,7 Tinggi

0,3 <<g> < 0,7 Sedang


3. Research Procedure 1. Preparation Stage

The preparation stage of this study consist of analysis every variable

related to this study and instrument making. For analysis variables related to

this study consists of:

1. 2013 Curriculum as National Curriculum of Indonesia

2. multiple representations in teaching learning process

3. Problem Based Learning when teaching learning activity

4. Concept of heat transfer

For instrument making, this study will use several kinds of

instruments i.e. draft of multiple representations in multiple choice form,

lesson plan of Problem Based Learning with Multiple Representations

Approach, and worksheet, observation sheet

A draft of multiple representations in multiple choice form will be

acquired through the process of expert validation, revision, limited test, and

analysis by anatest. Meanwhile a draft of lesson plan, worksheet, and

observation sheet will be acquired through the process of consult to expert

judgement then revision.

5. Implementation Stage

The implementation stage of this study will be described as follows.

1. Giving the pre test

2. Conducting the learning process using problem based learning with

multiple representations approach



4. Completion Stage

The completion stage of this study consists of data analysis and

drawing the conclusion. Analyze the improvement of scientific consistency

of the students in problem solving then conclude the result of the study ;there


Preparation stage

Problem based learning model with multiple representations approach Post test




A. Results and Discussion Problem Based Learning Model of Multiple representation Approach

1. The observation result of the implementation of learning model

The observation result of the implementation problem based learning with

multiple representation approach done using observation formats given to the

observer. Table 4.1 the percentage of the implementation the learning model for

each meeting.

Table 4.1 Percentage of Learning Model Implementation

No. Learning Step Meeting (%)

1 2 3

1 1st Step 100 100 100

2 2nd Step 100 100 100

3 3rd Step 100 100 100

4 4th Step 100 100 100

5 5th Step 100 100 100

Average 100 100 100

2. The discussion of implementation the learning Model a. 1st meeting

First meeting, students learn about conduction. The learning objective of

this meeting are : Students are able to understand how does the heat could be

transferred using simple experiment, students are able to explain the conduction


students are able to solve the problem of conduction phenomenon. The step of

problem based learning has reached the learning objectives in the first meeting.

This meeting, teacher is able to finish the mission in problem based

learning with multiple representation approach completely, 100% in whole


The learning process did well. Students learn the multiple representations

very well. Student could listen the instruction carefully so when experimenting

student did smoothly without asking too much to teacher. Sometimes, student

too noisy when discuss to their peer group. The observer immediately rebuked

students who noisier. Despite, Students has a great enthusiastic during teaching

learning process.

The application of the model of problem-based learning approach in

accordance with the statement multiple representation Mayer (2003), the

learning approach can multiple representation strengthen students' understanding

because of the formation of meaning between words, images and mathematical

simultaneously. This is evident from the student's ability to answer various

representations on worksheets and answer questions from the teacher to the


1) First step - giving the orientation



In this step teacher motivate student starts with show the real pan. Student

visualized that pan. Teacher start giving the problem to student choose the

best material to make a pan, there is zinc, iron, and aluminum. Teacher

trigger student to give the alternative opinion. Students give their opinion

by verbally. Then teacher allow them to compare three of material to make

a pan by mathematically. So, in the 1st step teaching learning, teacher guide

student in different representations with the same focus.

2) Second step – Organize

The picture bellow shows teacher organize students make some groups that

consist of 4-5 students for doing experiment.

Figure 4.2 Organize Step

Before come to experiment, teacher demonstrated to pour the hot

water to plastic and metal glass. Teacher asks which glass did not make

you comfortable when holding the glass. Student gives their answer

verbally then teacher asks which hotter glass is. Students mention and

explain the glass is hotter and the glass is not hotter by verbally and


Figure 4.3 Teachers’ demonstration

Then, teacher show the picture of iron and wood given toothpick

and butter. Teacher leads student to get the conduction and isolator

concept by simple demonstration regarding the picture based on picture


Figure 4.4 conductor isolator demonstration

3) Third step – Investigation

Teacher distributes the worksheet. This syntax, students have to

find out the problem solution which material is the appropriate to make a

pan using iron, zinc or aluminum. Student should do simple experiment

to find out with their peer group. Then student discuss what they get from

their experiment by verbally .after that students full fill the worksheet

individually. In experiment, student proof their problem by their



the data on the table then they comparing each other which material

fallen down first, second, and third by mathematically.

Figure 4.5 Students’ Investigation

4) Fourth step - Communicating

This step, students try to present their result. Students

communicate the result in front of the class. Students explain which the

best material to make a pan and analyze why aluminum is the best

material could be make a pan based on the heat transfer concept.

Figure 4.6 Communicating Step

5) Fifth step – Evaluation

This step, teacher gives clarification the concept behind on their

experiment. Teacher show the conduction percentage. Students see that

picture then students analyze and explain between conduction percentage

and their result of experiment by verbally. Students compare three of


b. 2nd meeting

Second meeting, students learn about convection and radiation. This

meeting, teacher is able to finish the mission in problem based learning with

multiple representations approach completely, 100% in whole step.

The step of problem based learning has reached the learning objectives in

the second meeting. The learning objectives are Students are able to explain

how the heat could be transferred through simple experiment, Students are able

to explain the characteristics of convection and radiation, Students are able to

identify the conduction, convection, and radiation phenomena, student are able

to solve the problem from the convection, and radiation phenomenon. In

addition, the appropriate implementation learning 3 characteristics of PBM

models according to Eggen (2012), which is "learning to focus on solving the

problem, the student is responsible for solving the problem and support the

teachers when the students solve the problem". These three characteristics are

already performing well during learning.

Learning convection and radiation can be delivered well as the use of

PBM models has focused on issues of daily life, so that students are motivated

to solve the problem with the application of the concepts being taught. When

teaching learning process occurs on the orientation syntax, student has not

interest response. It was proved when teacher asked the chimney set up

vertically why did not set in horizontally. Students just silent. So, Teacher has

to trigger with different questions with the same focus. But in the other syntax

students has motivation during learning process. Student active to discuss with

their friends, students very enthusiastic when identify and explain the heat



1) First step - orientation

Figure 4.7 Motivating students

First step, teacher starts the lesson with shows the picture to

trigger students’ motivation. Then teacher asks why chimneys set up vertically upwards? why does not be made horizontally? And asks what

does the correlation with the topic today? Then students visualize that

picture and try to explain by verbally by just 2-3 of students. Teacher

asks the second picture about comparing two planets has the warmer or

colder temperature from sun.

2) Second step - Organize

`This stage student listen two problems from teacher that the first

is how could become hot water thoroughly even though the source of the

fire in the bottom of the pan. Second question is arrange sitting position

your friend when fire camp. Little bit of student express their thinking for

the 1st picture. While, most of student answer the second problem with


Figure 4.8 Giving problems

3) Third step - investigate

Teacher distributes the worksheet. This step, students have to find out the

problem solution through two experiments. For the first experiment,

students have to boil the water then drop 2 food coloring with different

direction. Then observe what will happen with the direction of food


Figure 4.9 convection investigation

Students full fill the worksheet individually. From investigation, students

visualize what they get then student have to draw the direction of red

food coloring and green food coloring on worksheet. Students express the



Figure 4.10 Students full fill the worksheet

Finding out the second problem, student should do experiment by using

several wet tissues with different distance. Every group has different

strategies to arrange those tissues.

Figure 4.11 Investigation second problem

Based on their experiment, they visualize what they did during

investigation. Then student express their new knowledge on the

worksheet. Student also could make the sitting arrangement in fire camp

by that investigation. Student could give the value of the temperature

based on the worksheet.

4) Fourth step - communication

This step, students try to present their result. Students communicate the

result in front of the class. Student draw first the movement of fluid then


by verbally and using picture. The other group, try to present the 2nd

problem. Student draw the sitting arrangement for Sherli, Ali, and

Michael when fire camp. Then student explain it related to the

experiment by verbally and mathematically.

Figure 4.12 Communicate

5) Fifth step – evaluation

Teacher give emphasize the knowledge about convection and radiation to

avoid misconception. In the end of session, the evaluation is formed by

identifying the picture which conduction, convection, and radiation.



Students not only identify the pictures are belong to but also students

explain why the picture should be convection etc.

c. 3rd meeting

Third meeting, students learn about sea breeze and land breeze. This

meeting, teacher is able to finish the mission in problem based learning with

multiple representations approach completely, 100% in whole step.

The step of problem based learning has reached the learning objectives in

the second meeting. The learning objectives are Students are able to apply the

concept of heat transfer through sea breeze and land breeze phenomena.

Student has a higher motivation when student sticking, drawing, coloring

their poster. Because the previous meeting, students only do several

experiment. It was time to them to make a creation using their imaginations and

creativity. Especially in this meeting, students looks has high emotion when

they have to coloring just ten minutes for two posters.

With the approach of multi representation of almost all students have the

drive of curiosity large and active role during learning, because learning is

presented in a variety of forms of representation so as to stimulate students who

are in the group of verbal intelligence, and mathematical images to be actively

involved. Active students to ask and answer while learning in accordance with

the functions of the approach according multiple representations based on

Ainsworth (2006), to complement other representations. So, students can resume

the concept being studied, build up a clearer understanding than just a

representation only and is able to construct a deep understanding for the students


Teacher found just 1 group that is not correct to put the arrow of the wind

direction. It is due to their team did not read carefully the guidelines on the


1) First step - orientation

The first lesson starts with the problem. Students have to find out the

alternative opinions about design a ship without engines and how to sail

and schedules go to the sea. Teacher leads student to express their

opinion by verbally using several questions. Teacher draw the illustration

then asks student to explain related with heat transfer. Some of students

give their opinion. Teacher lead based on temperature, pressure, etc.

Students try to answer with comparing temperature, pressure between

land and sea.

2) Second step - Organize

Teacher asks student to sit in group. Teacher lead student to find out the

problem solve through worksheet. Students make a poster and the

worksheet as the guideline.

3) Third step - investigate

Student starts the investigation with discussion first to their peer group.

Teacher provides the cartoon and envelope to students. Students have to

make two posters; the schedule of fisherman on night and sunny day.

Then students open the envelope to stick the arrow, moon, sun. Student

starts to draw after that, stick the arrow, moon or sun on the poster.



Figure 4.14 Making poster

4) Fourth step - communication

Students present their work in front of the class. Students draw first the

fisherman catches the fish on sunny day and come back on night.

Students try to explain reviewed by the investigate comparing land and

sea which as the high temperature, low temperature, low pressure, high

pressure, etc.


5) Fifth step - evaluation

Teacher emphasizes the concept of land breeze and land breeze to

student. Students write down those phenomena on their book.

B.The Result and Discussion of Scientific Consistency

1. Enhancement of Scientific Consistency on Heat Transfer Concept

Scientific consistency is the consistency of students answer questions

correctly scientifically. The question is made by using a multiple representation

test. Student could answer correctly 3 questions in different representation

picture, verbal, and mathematic but it is still same theme.

After the whole learning activities on heat transfer concept and taking the

data posttest, found the result of the average score of scientific consistency. The

result of students’ scientific consistency when pretest and posttest shown on

table 4.2

Table 4.2 Students’ Scientific Consistency on Pre Test and Post Test

Based on table 4.2 describe some information that we get from the data.

The sum of pre test score in scientific consistency is 11.42 while the sum of post

test score is 28.57. The average of pre test score in scientific consistency is 38.46

while the average of post test score is 95.25. There is enhancement of students’

scientific consistency in learning heat transfer concept. The average score of

students’ scientific consistency on posttest score is higher than pretest score. If



compare with the average of pre test and post test score is has gain normalized

(<g>) is 0.92 which in the high category (Hake, 1999).

The data result of students’ scientific consistency not only served in table but also in graph. The data could be seen clearer on this graph. The graph of

result can be shown figure 4.16

Figure 4.16 Average of Enhancement of Scientific Consistency on Heat Transfer Concept

Based on the graph, we can see clearly there is enhancement significantly

the average score of pretest and posttest in learning heat concept. The initial of

average score is 38.46 after implementation problem based learning model with

multiple representations approach occur significant enhancement of average

score about 95.25. It means that most of students are consistent to answer

multiple representations test. Students have been consistent in verbal, picture,

and mathematically in learning heat transfer concept. Based on data

recapitulation in pre test just one student in enough category of scientific

consistency, while the other students are in inconsistent category of scientific


The enhancement on students’ scientific consistency occur after giving the treatment problem based learning with scientific consistency approach,

because student used to learn with it. Student could understand the concept in

various representations and it is suitable with Kohl and Noah’s (2003) state that teaching learning in class effect the multiple representation ability of students.

Using multiple representations approach on PBL model, student used to various

representation such verbal, picture, and mathematics. This multiple

representations approach served on the syntax of problem based learning model

and the questions on students’ worksheet. Besides that, the enhancement of

scientific consistency is supported on the previous research stated that after the

treatment in the problem based learning model with multiple representations

approach towards improving students’ scientific consistency , obtained a normalized gain value by 0.58 in enough category (Sari, 2015). The scientific

consistency could enhance due to the percentage of implementation is 100%

means student get the multiple representation during class activity. Besides

that, one of the function of multiple representations is using multiple

representation in learning students integrate information from more than one

representation (Nieminen, 2010). In the field, students are able to explain,

analyze the phenomena heat transfer problem in different representation. For

example in learning sea breeze and land breeze, students explain the wind flow

from the picture and compare the temperature, pressure in the land and in the

sea. Students not only think the wind flow abstractly but also using picture

helps student master the concept.

2. N-Gain Scientific Consistency on Sub-Concept

After getting the scientific consistency gain normalized of heat transfer

concept, the next calculation is the enhancement of scientific consistency on

every sub concept. Based on table 4.3 describes the scientific consistency in



radiation, sea breeze, and land breeze with comparing with pretest and posttest,

which following on table 4.3

Table 4.3 Scientific Consistency N-Gain on Every Sub Concept

consists of 9 questions in every sub concept. The five sub concept involved in

this research such as conduction, convection, radiation, sea breeze, and land

breeze. Every concept in multiple representations test is about basic concept

(picture, verbal, mathematic), application phenomena in daily life (picture,

verbal, mathematic), solving problem (picture, verbal, mathematic).

The data result has enhancement of students’ scientific consistency in

every sub concept. The average score in post test is higher than average score


Figure 4.17 Enhancement Average of Scientific Consistency on Every Sub Concept

If we took a look the graph above based on gain normalized shows radiation

has highest enhancement of scientific consistency on every sub concept, it is 0.98. Data

shows the average score of pre-test on radiation about 4.15 and post test about 5.9. It

means student more consistent scientifically than the other sub concept. Unfortunately,

the sub concept has lowest enhancement of scientific consistency is sea breeze about

0.86. The second sub concept which has high enhancement of scientific consistency is

conduction, it is 0.93. Data shows the average score of pre-test on conduction about 1.42

and post test 5.73. Then the third is convection about 0.90. Data shows the average score

of pre-test on convection is 1.19 and post test is 5.69. The sub concept land breeze has

low enhancement of scientific consistency is about 0.87.

Convection has significant enhancement pre test and post test average score

than radiation. But convection has low gain normalized than radiation. It is due to most

of students did not consistent about 1.19 average pre test score. After the

implementation of PBL with multiple representations, student has significant

enhancement of scientific consistency in post test about 5.69. Student could consistent





scientifically in verbally, picture, and mathematically. The result is suitable with the

statement of Krishnayanti and Sari (2015) stated that there is enhancement of scientific

consistency in every sub concept.

The enhancement on every sub concept displays with compare between pre test

and post test on picture 4.17. Based on the picture 4.17 the average of scientific

consistency is increase on every sub concept, concept which verbal, picture, and

mathematics form.

In learning process in convection sub concept, student very enthusiastic to see

the flow direction of food coloring, come to hot temperature or cold temperature.

Student visualizes direction about the flow then students draw the flow of food coloring

on their worksheet. After that they explain on words to emphasize their finding. So,

student trained using multiple representations.

While, learning radiation sub concept, student have already had prior knowledge

about radiation. When students are given the problem to arrange the sit position in fire

camp, student have already known the result before they prove it through simple

experiment. Student very corporate when did experiment of radiation, peer group have

to hold the tissue at the same time but different distance. So the research result is not

significant consistent scientifically.

Every sub concept, teacher guides students in different representations. Student

give facilitate to student for learning diverse way by verbally, mathematic, and picture

based on lesson plan. Multiple representation trains student able to understand the

concept and able to solve physics problem (Krishnayanti, 2015). Student could solve

physics problem with various representation. . By “representational skills” we refer to

students’ ability to appropriately interpret and apply various representations can include

mathematics, verbal, graphical, and pictorial formats (Kohl and Noah, 2006). The lesson

plan in teaching learning is very important to sustain the implementation of multiple

representations. It is attached on instructional appendix. Every PBL step, the multiple


3. Enhancement The amount of Students in Scientific Consistency Category In Every Sub Theme

Based on the data result, researcher found the amount of students has improvement in

scientific consistency. The data like this table bellows:

Table 4.4 Amount of student has enhancement on Scientific Consistency





T2: CONDUCTION APPLICATION 1 24 T3: problem solving of CONDUCTION 2 24




T2:RADIATION APPLICATION 15 26 T3: problem solving of RADIATION 11 26


none of student is consistent in convection especially on the theme (T1) and theme (T2)

about concept convection and convection application. After students given the

treatment, most of student is consistent. Amount of student who undergoes the

enhancement of scientific consistency in every sub concept shown on these pictures



Figure 4.18 Amount of student has scientific consistency enhancement on conduction

Conduction divided into three themes:

T1 = concept conduction

T2 = conduction application

T3 = problem solving of conduction

Based on the picture, on pretest there is 1-2 students are consistent in answer

the multiple representation test. After did a treatment, most of students 23-24

students who consistent scientifically.

Amount of Student has Enhancement

on Scientific Consistency

Amount of Student has Enhancement

on Scientific Consistency

pre test


Figure 4.19 Amount of student has scientific consistency enhancement on convection

Convection divided into three themes:

T1 = concept convection

T2 = convection application

T3 = problem solving of convection

Based on the picture, on pretest there is 0-3 students are consistent in answer

the multiple representation test. After did a treatment, most of students 23-26

students who consistent scientifically.

Figure 4.20 Amount of student has scientific consistency enhancement on Radiation

Radiation divided into three themes:

T1 = concept Radiation

T2 = Radiation application

T3 = problem solving of Radiation


Amount of Student has Enhancement

on Scientific Consistency

pre test



Based on the picture, on pretest there 11-18 students are consistent in

answer the multiple representation test. After treatment, most of students 25-26

students who consistent scientifically.

Figure 4.21 Amount of student has scientific consistency enhancement on sea breeze

Sea breeze divided into three themes:

T1 = concept sea breeze

T2 = application mechanism of sea breeze

T3 = solving problem of sea breeze

Based on the picture, on pretest there 1-9 students are consistent in

answer the multiple representation test. After treatment, most of students 24-25

students who consistent scientifically.

Amount of Student has Enhancement

on Scientific Consistency

pre test


Figure 4.22 Amount of student has scientific consistency enhancement on land breeze

Land breeze divided into three themes:

T1 = concept land breeze

T2 = application mechanism of land breeze

T3 = solving problem of land breeze

Based on the picture, on pretest there 1-9 students are consistent in

answer the multiple representations test. After did the treatment, most of

students 24-25 students who consistent scientifically.

Resume those of graph; found there is significant enhancement the

amount of students on scientific consistency in every theme. We can see in T1

and T2 concept of convection has highest enhancement the value amount of

students on scientific consistency, especially on convection concept and

convection application.

Before conducting the multiple representation approach in PBL, none of

student has consistent to answer in convection concept. After post test, there is

all of 26 students has consistent on their answer. It is due to already understand


Amount of Student has Enhancement

on Scientific Consistency

pre test



about main concept of convection and the application of conduction during

learning process. Student has been trained multiple representations during

learning activity. The reason of convection has highest scientific consistency is

student investigate by themselves to get information the water flow indicated

by food coloring using simple experiment. Student draw by themselves to

draw the water flow, then students explain the concept verbally regarding

convection concept after that they compare the density on hot water and cold

water to solve the food coloring flow phenomena. This strategy triggers

students to learn and experience various representations.

Mean while, on radiation T1 and T2 there is little bit scientific

consistency enhancement of the value amount of students. There is a

correlation between the amounts of student with the lowest enhancement in

every concept. The lowest enhancement of scientific consistency affects the

number of student in scientific consistency. At the beginning, students have

already known about the radiation as their prior knowledge, it would be affects

the research result. Student have already known all about radiation because the

radiation phenomena is very close with them

This research did not train many mathematics representations. Because

basically the heat transfer topic did not use equation not like force topic. Heat

transfers no need mathematic representation much. So, the implementation of


Table 3.1 One-group post-test pre-test Design
Table 3.4 Interpretation of Difficulty Level
Table 3.5 Interpretation of Discriminating Power
Table 3.6 Criteria of Normalized Gain


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