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(1)104 APPENDICES Appendix I : Translation of Qur’an Verse No


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Appendix I : Translation of Qur’an Verse

No. Page Surah/

Verse Translation English Translation

Indonesian Translation 1. \


3 Al- Anbiyaa/



'allamnāhu ṣan'ata labụsil lakum

lituhṣinakum mim

ba`sikum, fa hal antum syākirụn.

“And We taught Daud to make armor for you, to

protect you in your wars;

So be thankful (to Allah).”

―Dan telah Kami ajarkan kepada Daud membuat baju besi untuk kamu, guna memelihara kamu dalam peperanganmu;

Maka hendaklah kamu bersyukur (kepada Allah).‖

2. 3 Al- Anbiyaa/



lisulaimānar- rīḥa 'āṣifatan tajrī bi`amrihī ilal-arḍillatī bāraknā fīhā, wa kunnā bikulli syai`in 'ālimīn.

“And (We have

subjected) to Sulaiman a very strong wind that blows by his order to the land that We have blessed him. And are We All- Knower of all things.”

―Dan (telah Kami tundukkan) untuk Sulaiman angin yang sangat kencang tiupannya yang berhembus dengan

perintahnya ke negeri yang kami telah memberkatinya.

Dan adalah Kami Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu.‖



Appendix II : Translation of Hadith

No. Page Narrator English Translation

Indonesian Translation

Hadith 1. 3 From Abu Az

Zahiriyyah - and his name is Judair bin Kuraib in Sayyid Ahmad Shiddiq Al Ghumari’s book

"Indeed He has been said: "I spread knowledge at the end of time, so that men, women, slaves, free people, children, and adults know it, if I had done that, I would have taken My rights from them. ”

―Sesungguhnya telah berfirman:

―Aku tebarkan ilmu pada akhir zaman, sehingga laki-laki, wanita, budak, orang merdeka, anak kecil, serta orang dewasa mengetahuinya, jika Aku telah lakukan hal itu, niscaya Aku akan mengambil hak-Ku dari mereka.‖


Ad- Darimi dan Abu Nu’aim



Appendix III : Videos Transcript of Youtube ―Learn English with TV Series‖

1. Learn English with Disney Movies – LUCA


Senteces/Conversation Good. Good

I'm getting it.

Not bad, Kid. Alberto Scorfano.

It's a human thing.

I'm kind of an expert.

What does it mean ? The thing you just said ? What's that ? The Vespa.

Oh. It's just the greatest things that humans ever made.

You just sit on it.

And it's takes you anywhere you wanna go.

In the whole stinking world!

"Vespa is freedom"

Pretty cool, right ?


107 Huh. Are you gonna make one?

I think you have all the parts.

I do have the parts.

I am gonna make one.

You wanna help ?

Wait! No. I can't. I gonna go home.

Right the second ?

Yeah, if my parents found out I was up here.

It's would be bad

So, thank you. Goodbye

Okay, but now, I really do have to go.

Serously, I have to go, like, now. Like, right now.

It's even better than the picture.

Oh, Gotta run.

See ya tomorrow

1. Learn Advanced English with MICKEY MOUSE https://youtu.be/XaXMHVdjBlQ




Fellas, I’ve gathered you here today because this is Minnie’s new house.

And I really wanna suprise her by painting it before she gets back.

It’s got polak-dot paint! Big flowery hat! Cutesie-wootsie bow!

That’s good and all, but I like to see where inspiration takes me.

Oh, no,no. I have got it all worked out.

All we need is polka-dot paint, an old-fashioned paint brush.

And we’ll be done in no time.

Agree to disagree This is smooth sailing.

Hey, Mick. I’am all done.

I just let inspiration take me someplace mystical.

What? The plan was polka-dots, remember? Polka-dots.

Why aren’t you painting? Just use a brush.

Come on! You’re wasting time.

What gives ?

Hold on a sec, buddy.

Hey, Mick. I need more paint.

Looking good, am I right?

What’s wrong with you people ? I fixed it.

2. Learn English with Zootopia


109 https://youtu.be/FtTGhVnjReY

Sentences/Conversation If you don’t try anything new, you’ll never fail.

I like trying actually.

What your father means, hon, is it’s gonna be difficult, impossible even for you to become a police officer.

Right. There’s never been a bunny cup.

No. Bunnies don’t do that. Never. Never.

Oh. Then, I guees I’ll to be the first one.

Because I’m gonna make the world a better place.

Actually, it’s Officer Hops.

And I’m here to ask you some question about a case.

What happened, meter maid ? Did someone steal a traffic cone ? It’s wasn’t me.

Hey, Carrots, you’re going to wake the baby.

I gotta get to work.

This’s important, Sir.

I think your $10 worth of popsicles can wait.



I make 200 bucks a day, Fluff! 365 days a year, since I was 12.

And time is money.

Hop along.

Please, just look at the picture.

You sold Mr.Otterton that popsicle, right?

Do you now him ? I know everybody.

And I also know that somewhere there’s a toy store missing its stuffed animal.

So why don’t you get back to your box ? Fine. The we’ll have to do this the hard way.

Did you just book my stroller?

Nicholas Wilde, you are under arrest.

Ha! For what? Hurting your feelings?

Felony Tax Evasion.

Unfortunately, lying on a federal from is a punishable offense.

Five years jail time.

Well, it’s my word against yours.

Actually, it’s your against word.

And if you want this pen, you’re going to help me find this poor, missing otter or the only place you’ll be selling popsicles is the prison cafeteria.

It’s called a hustle, sweetheart.

She hustled you.



Actually, I just remember I have a pal at the DMV.

Flash is the fastest guy in there.

If you need somethong done, he’s on it.

I hope so.

We are really fighting the clock and every minute counts.

Wait. They’re all sloths?

You said this was going to be quick!

Are you saying that because he’s a sloth he can’t be fast?

I think in Zootopia, anyone could be anything.

Flash, Flash, hundred-yard dash.

Buddy, it’s nice to see you.

Nice to see you too.

Hey, Flash, I’d love you to meet my friend.

Uh, darling, i’ve forgotten your name.

Hmm. Officer Judy Hopps, ZPD, how are you?

I am doing just as well as I can be what can I do for you today.

Hang in there.

Well, I was hoping you could run a plate for us.

We are in a really big hurry.

3. Learn English with Lion King – Disney Classic


112 https://youtu.be/HeQTJE99OXo


Look Simba, Everything the light touches is our kingdom.


A king’s time as ruler rises and falls like the sun.

One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here and will rise with you as the new king.

And this’ll all be mine? Everything Everything the light touches.

You okay, Kid?

I guess so.

You nearly died.

I saved you.

Well, Pumbaa helped. A little.

Thanks for your help.

Hey, where you going?


Gee, he looks blue.

I’d say brownish gold.


113 No, no, no. I mean he’s depressed.

Kid, what’s eating you?

Nothing. He’s ath the top of the food chain.

The food chain.

So, where you from?

Who cares? I can’t go back.

Ah, you’re an outcast.

That’s great. So are we.

What’d you do, Kid?

Something terrible.

But I don’t wanna talk about it.

Good, we don’t want to hear about it.

Come on, Timon. Anything we can do?

Nou unless youcan change the past.

You now, Kid, in times like this, my buddy Timon here says, ―You got to put your behind in your past‖

No, no, no. I mean Amateur.

Lie down before you hurt yourself.

It’s ―You got to put the past behind you‖

Look, Kid, bad things happen, and you can’t do anything about it, right?



When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.


114 Well, that’s not what I was taught.

Then maybe you need a new lesson. Repeat after me.

―Hakuna matata‖ It means ―no worriess‖

But, Dad, don’t we eat the antelope?

Yes, Simba, but let me explain.

When we die, our bodies become the grass and the antelope eat the grass.

And so we are all connected in the great circle of life.

No, no, no. It doesn’t matter. Hakuna matata.


Hakuna matata. It’s something I learned out here.

Sometimes bad things happen and there’s nothing you can do about it.

So why worry?

Because it’s your responsibility.

Listen, Kid, if you live with us, you have to eat like us.

Hey, this is looks like a good spot to rustle up some grub.

Eugh, what’s that?

A grub. What’s it look like?

Euu, gross.

Mmm. Tastes like chicken.

Slimy yet satisfying.

These are rare delicacies.

Slimy yet satisfying.

4. Learn English with Lilo & Stitch


115 https://youtu.be/atySD7QuIqI

Sentences/Conversation There! You knwo, you wreck everything you touch.

Why not try and make something for a change ? Wow! San Francisco.

Save me!

No more caffeine for you.

We’re looking for something that can defend itself.

Something that won’t die.

Something sturdy, you know?

The kennel’s back this way.

Go. Pick someone out.

Hello? Hello?

Are there any ―animals‖ in here?

Hi. Wow.

Oh, yes. Mm-hmm. All of our dogs are adoptable. Except that one!

What is that thing?

A dog, I think. But it was dead this morning.

it was dead this morning?


116 Well, we thought it was dead.

It was hit by a truck.

I like him! Come here, boy.

Wouldn’t you like a different dog?

We have better dogs, dear.

Not better than him.

He can talk! Say hello.

Dogs can’t talk, dear.

He did.

Does it have to be this dog?

Yes, he’s good. I can tell.

You’ll have to think of a name for him.

His name is Stitch.

Oh no, that’s not real name in Iceland. But here, it’s a good name. Stitch is it.

And there’s two dollar license fee.

I want to buy him!

Can I borrow two dollar?

He’s all yours.

This is my room, and this is your bed.

This is your dolly and bottle.

See? Doesn’t spill.

I filled it with coffee.

Good puppy.


117 Now get into bed.

Hey! That’s mine! Down!

Be careful of that! You don’t touch this! Don’t ever touch it!

No! Don’t pull on her dead!

She’s recovering from surgery.

No! That’s from my blue period.

There! You know, you wreck everything you touch.

Why not try and make something for a change ? I think it might be a koala.

An evil koala. I can’t even pet it.

It keeps staring at me, like it’s going to eat me.

Hello? Nani? Hello?

5. Learn English Disney - FINDING DORY https://youtu.be/q3UH86tOuDI

Sentences/Conversation I’am all alone. Dory

Where’s everybody else?

Your orange friends are on their way to Cleverand.


118 I found the octopus!

Where did he go?

Mommy, Daddy

I suffer from short-term remembory loss.

Yes! That exactly what you say!

Okay, Okay. We’ll pretend to be the other kids now.

Hi, Dory!

Ahoy there!

Do you want to play hide-and-seek?

Okay. I love—okay

We’ll hide and you count and come find us.

Okay, Daddy

No, not daddy. I’m the nice fish who wants to be your friend. Okay?

Okay, daddy No

I’m hiding

Now count to ten.

One, two, three, four...

I like sand. Sand is squishy.

Mommy, can I go play with them?

See, I suffer from short-term memory loss.

Short-term memory loss? I don’t believe that.

No, it’s true. I forgot things almost instantly.


119 Okay, we’re good. The ocean!

It’s straight ahead. Floor it!

Now we’re talking.


What do you mean, ―uh-oh‖?

Oh no. What would I do?

What would I do ? What would I do ?

Hank, I’m gonna ask you to do something crazy.

I’m okay with crazy.

All right, Hank

Ooh, There’s no way out. It’s over.

There’re going to fish jail!

Ooh! Wait. Ooh. Oh no. Ohh Get back! Incoming!

6. Learn English with Disney – Tarzan https://youtu.be/PvPEhfYnf8c

Sentences/Conversation Tarzan..


120 Oh, I see!

Oh, I see!

Tarzan. Oh, I see!

No, no, no, ehem I’am Jane.

No, no, no, ehem. I’am Jane No, no. Jane. Tarzan

Jane? Exactly.

I’ll handle this, guys. Okay?

Listen, buddy, come here.

We got a tiny, littlw, itsy-bitsy problem here, okay?

Personally, I’d love to hang out with you.

Yo know I would.

But the guys, they need a little convincing, you know.

Okay. What do I gotta do?

Do? What do you gotta do?

It’s so stupid!


Well, you gotta go get a hair.

A hair?

Yeah, a hair. Uh-huh. An elephant hair.

An elephant hair?

Like I said, it’s stupid, right?


121 Listen, take it from me. Go home, okay?

Who need this aggravation? You know?

I’m probably gonna leave soon myself.

You go, I’ll catch up. All right?

You see? Leave it to me.

I told ya...

Tarzan, no!

Oh, no.

Stay back. No, don’t.

Don’t come any closer. Please don’t.

What are you doing?

Please, dont. That tickles.

No, get off, get off, get off!

It serves you right.

Stay away from me like a very good wild man.

You, stay.

I’m warning you.

My father won’t take kindly to you...

No. That’s.. Now, that’s close enough.

How dare you? What..

7. Learn English with SNOW WHITE


122 https://youtu.be/TCUOrnFVvIc

Sentences/Conversation Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?

Famed is thy beauty, Majesty.

But hold, a lovely maid I see fairer even than you.

She is the reason your powers wane.

Who is it?

Snow White.

Will you help me? Please, the Queen is going to kill me.

Sure she is.

She is going to rip out my heart.

Quick work. Hey. Well done, Hutsman. Hand her over.

What do you intend to do with her?

Why do you care?

You want her.. Hey!

Give me what I was promised.

You did your job well.

Now, keep your word.

He’ll kill us both.


123 Shut up.

He will.

I said, shut up.

No, no.

I’ll keep my word when the Queen keeps hers.

Where’s my wife?

He’s going to betray you.

My sister has many powers.

She can take life away, or sustain it.

But she can’t bring your wife back from the dead, you fool!

I saw it first!

Now, men, don’t get excited.

Remember, share. It’s shre and share alike.

Look out, it’ll rip. It’ll rip!

I once had a wife, princess.

Sara was her name.

When I came back from the wars, I carried with me the stench of death and the anger of the lost.

I wasn’t worth saving, that’s for sure.

But she did so anyway.

And I loved her so much.

I loved her more than anyone or anything.

And then I let her out of my sight and she was gone.


124 And I became my self again.

A self I never cared for. Until you.

See, you remind me of her. Her heart. Her spirit.

But now yoi, too, have gone.

You both deserved better, and I’m so sorry I failed you. I’m so sorry.

But you’ll be a queen in heaven now and sit among the angels.

And there, my faithful huntsman, you will kill her!

But, your majesty, the little princess!


You know tyhe penalty if you fail.

Yes, your majesty.

But to make doubly sure you do not fail, bring back her heart in this.

8. Learn English with Turning Red – New Disney Pixar Movie https://youtu.be/XHhKbKfJfuI


I’m Meilin Lee. I wear what I want, say what I want. 24/7, 365.

I know. It’s a lot.

But I don’t got time to mess around.


125 All about that hustle. Am I right?

Owwh. 4-town.

This is gonna be the best year ever.

And nothing’s gonna get in my ways!


Mei Mei, breakfast is ready.


Is everything okay?

Blah! I’m a gross red monster.

Don’t look at me. Stay back.

It’s happened already?

What did you say?

Our ancestors had a mystical connection with red pandas.

Are you kidding me?

This little quirk runs in our family.

You’re so cute.

Sick. I’ve always wanted a tail.

I’m freak.

We love you, Mei.

You’re our girl.

Woah. You’re you.

Any strong emotion will release the panda. Yes!

Abby, hit me.


126 Do you know how dangerous this is?

You’ll get whipped up into a frenzy and panda all over.


9. Learn English with A Bug’s Life https://youtu.be/SkViUbosnD4

Sentences/Conversation Come on. You’ve gotta hide.

No matter what happens, stay down.

Flik no! What are you doing?


You think it’s over?

No! No! No! I can explain.

All your little stunt did was but them time!

No. Please. Please Hopper!

I’ll get more grasshoppers and be back next season. But you won’t.

You piece of dirt. No, I’m wrong. You’re lower than dirt. You’re an ant.

Let this be a lesson to all you ants.

Ideas are very dangerous things.



You are mindless soil shoving losers put on this earth to serve us.

You’re wrong, Hopper.

Ants are not meant to serve grasshoppers.

I’ve seen these ants do great things.

And year after year they somehow manage to pick food for themselves and you.

So.. so who is the weaker species?

Ants don’t serve grasshoppers.

It’s you who need us.

We’re a lot stronger than you say we are.

And you know it, don’t you.

Hey! Let’s go! We got a schedule to keep. Come on, let’s go.

Hey Tiny! Let’s get this show packed up.

We goyt paying customers hatching.

Yes Mr. Flea. Of course, sir. Right away, sir.

And I just wanted to thank you for giving me a chance, because it’s an honor to work with creative giants, such as yourself.

Shuting up.

You sure you can’t come on tour with us?

Sorry, my place is here.

Good answer.

Yeah, well your loss. One minute, insects!

I wanna thank all of you... for giving us back our hope, our dignity, and our


128 lives.

And to you, Princess Atta. You have given us so much.

Please accept this gift from us bugs.. to you ants.

For you!

Oh! It’s a rock.

What’s with the rock?

Must be a circus thing.

Well, Flick, you reaaly goofed up. Thanks.

Yeah, you too.

All right. Now it’s gettin’ mushy. We’re outta here! Hy-ahh!



Appendix IV : Certificate of Seminar Proposal



Appendix V : Consultation Notes






Full Name : Norjannah

SRN : 1601241777

Place, Date of Birth : Tabalong Mati, April 12th 1998

Nationality : Indonesia

Address : Jl. Tabalong Mati RT.002 Desa Tabalong Mati, Kec. Amuntai Utara, Kab. Hulu Sungai Utara, Kalimantan Selatan

Phone Number : 085822294167

Email Address : norjannah098@gmail.com Organization/work experience :

a. English Students Assosiation of UIN Antasari Banjarmasin b. Resimen Mahasiswa of UIN Antasari Banjarmasin

Academic Achievement : Participant of The 4th of BUAF 2019 Non Academic Achievement : Participant of IYC 2018

List of Scientific Works : -

Banjarmasin, March 24th 2023



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