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Academic year: 2023



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RAHMAT SAID REG NUM. 19. 0213. 004







Submitted to the English Education Program of State Islamic Institute of Parepare in Partial Fulfillment for the Degree of Magister Pendidikan



RAHMAT SAID REG NUM. 19. 0213. 004







Praise is merely to the Almighty Allah Swt. Give thanks for God’s love and grace for us, the most gracious, the most merciful, the lord of the universe and the master of the judgment, the king of the kings, who has given His bless and salvation to the writer for finishing this Thesis entitled: The Implementation of Blended Learning with the Quizizz Application to Promote English Learning Outcomes of The Eleventh Grade Student of SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi, Enrekang. Shalawat and Salam always be given to our prophet Muhammad saw.

(Peace is upon him) a person that becomes a leader, the best example for us, who has been guided us from uneducated person to be educated person or the other words from the bad character to the good one.

This thesis is not merely the writers own work because of having greatly improved by some great people around the writer who suggested and guided by giving comments and advise to make it better. The writer realizes that writing contains a few errors, even though he tried to do his best. The writer spent a lot of time writing this paper. He expects that it will useful information and give new knowledge for anyone who reads it. During the period of conducting the research and writing this paper, the writer got many valuable contribution from a number



of people in order to complete it. Therefore, the writer would like to express his sincere thanks and appreciation to:

1. The writer’s beloved parents (Tamrin Said and Nurheda) for their greet love, Attention, trust and pray.

2. The writer’s deepest appreciation is extended to writer’s first consultant Dr. H.

Saepudin, S.Ag., M.Pd and the second consultant Dr. Magdahalena Tjalla, M.Hum. For their guidance and encouragement during the research.

3. The writers also expresses his deepest gratitude to Dr. Zulfa, M.Pd as the first examiner and Dr. Arqam, M.Pd as the second examiner who has given many suggestions and advice for the perfection of this thesis.

4. Dr. Ahmad Sultra Rustan, M.Si. as the Rector of IAIN Parepare who has worked hard to manage education of IAIN Parepare.

5. Dr. H. Mahsyar,M.Ag. as the Director of Postgraduate Program of IAIN Parepare who has worked hard to manage education in Postgraduate Program of IAIN Parepare.

6. Dr. Abdul Haris Sunubi, M.Pd. as the Chairman of English Education Program for Postgraduate Program in IAIN Parepare who has given her motivation, guidance and suggestion that very helpful to complete the Thesis. Thanks for your good advice and valuable input.

7. All the lecturers of English Education in Postgraduate Program, and all the staffs of Postgraduate Program IAIN Parepare thanks for your time, knowledge, advice and motivation that you have given to the writer since he is studying in this great campus.
















A. Background ... 1

B. Problem Statement ... 6

C. Research Question ... 6

D. Objective of The Research ... 7

E. Significance of the Research ... 7


A. Previous of Related Findings ... 9

B. Literature Review ... 11

C. Conceptual Framework ... 34

D. Hypothesis ... 37


A. Research Design ... 38

B. Place and Time of the Study ... 39

C. Population and Sample ... 40



D. Instrument... 41

E. Procedure of Collecting Data ... 41

F. Data Analysis ... 50


A. Finding ... 57

B. Discussion ... 69


A. Conclusion ... 81

B. Suggestion ... 82






Table 3.1 Research Design ... 39

Table 3.2 Member of Eleventh Grade Student of MIPA 1 and MIPA 2 ... 40

Table 3.3 Scoring Classification of Student Learning Outcomes in Reading ... 55

Table 3.4 Likert Scale ... 55

Tabel 3.5 The Classification Score for the Questionnaire ... 56

Table 4.1 Normality Test ... 58

Table 4.2 Test of Homogeneity of Variance ... 59

Table 4.3 Descriptive Analyze of the Student Score on Pre-test and Post-test of Experimental Class. ... 60

Table 4.4 Descriptive Analyzing of Pre-test and Post-test in Control Class ... 61

Table 4.5 Classifying the Student Score on Pre-test and Post-test of Experimental Class ... 62

Table 4.6 Classifying the Student Score on Pre-test and Post-test of Control Class ... 63

Table 4.7 Hypothesis Testing Paired Sample Test (2-tailed) ... 65

Table 4.8 Validity Test ... 66

Table 4.9 Reliability Test ... 67

Table 4.10 Frequency Distribution of the Student Interest ... 68



Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework ... 37




Picture 2.1 Login or Sign up in to the Quizizz ... 18

Picture 2.2 Make an Quizizz Acount by Using Email Acount. ... 18

Picture 2.3 Option for Quizizz Acount that Will Make. ... 19

Picture 2.4 Filling in Personal Data and Password. ... 19

Picture 2.5 Make a Leraning Material. ... 20

Picture 2.6 Learning Material Option. ... 21

Picture 2.7 Insert Subject Name and Material Name. ... 21

Picture 2.8 Import Learning Materials. ... 21

Picture 2.9 Import File Option. ... 22

Picture 2.10 Select a File. ... 22

Picture 2.11 Save a Learning Material. ... 22

Picture 2.12 Start a Live Lesson. ... 23

Picture 2.13 Present the Material. ... 23

Picture 2.14 Starting a Lesson. ... 23

Picture 2.15 Insert Quiz Name and Subject. ... 24

Picture 2.16 Quiz Option... 25




Appendix A Questionnaire ... 93

Appendix B Instrument for Pretest ... 95

Appendix C Instrument for Posttest ... 100

Appendix D Lesson Plan (RPP) for First Meeting... 104

Appendix E Lesson Plan (RPP) for Second Meeting ... 106

Appendix F Lesson Plan (RPP) for Third Meeting ... 108

Appendix G Lesson Plan (RPP) for Fourth Meeting ... 110

Appendix H T Table Distribution ... 112

Appendix I Screenshot of Instrument for Pre-test on Quizizz App. ... 113

Appendix J Screenshot of Instrument for Posttest on Quizizz App ... 115

Appendix K Screenshot of Experimental Class Result in Posttest ... 117

Appendix L Screenshot of Experimental Class Result in Pre-test... 118

Appendix M Screenshot of Control Class Result in Pre-test ... 119

Appendix N Screenshot of Control Class in Posttest ... 120

Appendix O Screenshot of Material for First Meeting on Quizizz App ... 121

Appendix P Screenshot of Material for Second Meeting on Quizizz App ... 122

Appendix Q Screenshot of Material for Third Meeting on Quizizz App ... 123

Appendix R Screenshot of Material for Fourth Meeting ... 124

Appendix S Example of the Student Answer on Pre-test of Experimental Class .... 125

Appendix T Example of Student Answer on Post-test of Experimental Class 126 Appendix U Example of Students Answer on Pre-test of Control Class ... 127

Appendix V Example of Students Answer on Post-test of Control Class ... 128

Appendix W Documentation ... 129



Rahmat Said. Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Blended Learning dengan Aplikasi Quizizz untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Bahasa Inggris Siswa Kelas Sebelas MIPA I SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi, Enrekang (Dibimbing oleh Saepudin dan Magdahalena Tjalla)

Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji, apakah penerapan blended learning dengan aplikasi Quizizz dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar bahasa Inggris siswa kelas XI SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi, Enrekang. Selain itu, peneliti juga ingin mengetahui apakah minat siswa terhadap penerapan blended learning dengan aplikasi Quizizz dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris siswa kelas XI SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi, Enrekang.

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan pendekatan penelitian eksperimen semu (quasi experiment). Desain penelitian menggunakan Nonequivalent Control Group design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas XI SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi, Enrekang. Jumlah populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 137 siswa. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah kelas XI MIPA 1 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas XI MIPA 2 sebagai kelas kontrol.

Instrument penelitian menggunakan soal pilihan ganda sebanyak 20 nomor pada pre-test dan 20 nonor pada posttest. Prosedur pengumpulan data dilksanakan melalui pre-test, treatment yaitu penerapan model pembelajaran blended learning dengan aplikasi Quizizz, dan posttest. hasil penelitian menunjukkan penerapan model pembelajaran blended learning dengan apliksi Quizizz dapat meningkatakan Hasil Belajar Bahasa Inggris Siswa Kelas Sebelas MIPA I SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi, Enrekang

Kata Kunci: Hasil Belajar Bahasa Inggris, Blended Learning, Aplikasi Quizizz.



Rahmat Said. The Implementation of Blended Learning with the Quizizz Application to Promote English Learning Outcomes of The Eleventh Grade Student of SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi, Enrekang (Supervised by Saepudin and Magdahalena Tjalla)

The objective of this study was to examine whether the application of blended learning with the Quizizz application could improve the English learning outcomes of class XI students of SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi, Enrekang. In addition, researchers also want to know whether students' interest in the application of blended learning with the Quizizz application in learning English for class XI students at SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi, Enrekang.

This study uses an experimental method with a quasi-experimental research approach (quasi-experimental). The research design used the Noneequivalent Control Group design. The population in this study was class XI SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi, Enrekang. The total population in this study was 137 students. The sample in this study was class XI MIPA 1 as the experimental class and class XI MIPA 2 as the control class.

The research instrument used multiple choice questions with 20 numbers in the pre-test and 20 numbers in the posttest. The data collection procedure was carried out through a pre-test, treatment namely the implementation of a blended learning model with the Quizizz application, and a posttest. The results of the study show that the implementation of the blended learning model with the Quizizz application be able to improve English Learning Outcomes of The Eleventh Grade Student of SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi, Enrekang

Keyword: English Learning Outcome, Blended Learning, Quizizz Application.



A. Background

The entry of the internet into the field of education can bring changes in the learning process. Education by using internet media does not know the limitations of time, place of study, geographical distance and the desire of students to study in their own place. The internet is like a world library that we can access easily according to the needs of the community (Nugraheni & Dina, 2017). In subsequent developments, learning technology is a separate discipline that is not only limited to media in the form of physical equipment, but is a study and ethical practice in designing, developing, using, managing, and evaluating appropriate technological processes and resources to facilitate learning and improve the performance of educators and educational organizations (Sasmita, 2020). The development of communication and information technology opens up wide opportunities to be utilized in the field of education. This is due to the rapid development of communication and information technology which has become part of the culture of the Indonesian people (Fauziyah & Triyono, 2020). The internet can be the most prominent learning media and is widely used in schools, especially schools with national standards and schools with international standards.

Realizing that the internet can provide a variety of information, it is very influential on the continuity of learning. Learning that usually involves material or physical facilities such as books needs to be developed by utilizing internet


connection facilities, computer technology and smartphones (Sukarno & Hardinto, 2018). Therefore, the development of information technology by utilizing internet access is an instrument that can be used to help achieve educational goals. The internet in the field of education can make a major contribution to the progress of education, especially in Indonesia (Alfiani, 2019). The use of the internet can improve the quality of education itself, besides being able to make students more independent in seeking information in order to fulfil school assignments, also students who often use internet media to find information in educational subjects will gain broad insight, so that students can improve their achievements (Hanifah Salsabila et al., 2020). In addition to the flexibility of time and place, online learning allows students and teachers to communicate at any time. However, there are materials that require more detailed learning and require explanations from the teacher directly in the room or in face-to-face meetings. online learning will be more effective and efficient when combined with face-to-face learning. The combination of online learning and face-to-face learning is often called blended learning.

One of the learning models that can be applied through the use of technology-based media is the blended learning model. Blended learning is learning that combines or combines various web-based technologies and learning applications to achieve educational goals. Furthermore, blended learning is a mixture of e-learning and multimedia technologies, such as video streaming, virtual classes, online text animations combined with traditional forms of classroom training. Graham (2004) mentions blended learning in a simpler way as


learning that combines online learning with face-to-face (face-to-face learning) (Arta et al., 2019). Blended learning is a learning approach that integrates traditional face-to-face learning and distance learning using online learning resources (especially web-based) and a variety of communication options that can be used by educators and students. Face-to-face learning brings together educators and students in one room to study where there is a synchronous (direct) communication model, and there is an active interaction between fellow students, students and educators, and with other students. Face-to-face learning has the characteristics of planned and place-based and social interaction.

Blended learning can make it easier for students and educators to carry out the educational process and make students and educators work together to achieve mutually beneficial educational goals. In addition, learning by applying the blended learning model has several advantages, namely: (1) Helping students to develop better in the learning process, according to learning styles and preferences in learning. (2) Provide practical, realistic opportunities for educators and students to learn independently, be useful, and continue to grow. (3) Improved scheduling flexibility for learners, by combining the best aspects of face-to-face and online instruction. (4) Face-to-face classes can be used to engage students in interactive experiences. While the online portion provides students with multimedia content that is rich in knowledge at any time, and anywhere as long as students have Internet access. (5) Overcoming learning problems that require completion through the use of varied learning methods.


The various advantages of applying the blended learning model that has been described previously can help teachers deal with learning problems. In carrying out learning, teachers are often faced with the problem of low student interest in learning which of course can affect student learning outcomes.

Learning that is carried out face-to-face continuously is considered inadequate in today's era where technology is growing rapidly. Furthermore, the current public demand for the use of technology and the use of internet access makes face-to- face learning continuously will make students bored quickly and less interested in participating in the teaching and learning process. This condition must get the attention of educators to maximize the teaching and learning process. This prompted the researcher to make observations at SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi, Enrekang. The purpose of the observations made by researchers was found the problem that student learning outcome still low especially in reading comprehension it was caused by low student interest in learning.

These condition was caused of the students do not be optimal in accepting and even not understanding the difficult material given by the teacher.

Furthermore, according to Slameto (2003) in Karina et al., states that learning interest has most influence to the learning outcome (Karina et al., 2017). In other words, the low interest can simply be seen from the lack of attention of students following the teaching and learning process. These conditions need to be a concern for teachers so that the expected results can be achieved optimally to improve student learning outcomes. One way that can be a solution in increasing student interest in learning in order to improve student learning outcomes was the


used of creative and innovative learning media. Creative and innovative media as described at the beginning of the discussion is the use of online learning media using internet access combined with face-to-face learning in class. The combination of online and face-to-face learning in the teaching and learning process can take advantage of applications available on computers, smartphones and tablet PCs. Various applications can be used by teachers in the teaching and learning process which are certainly very interesting for students, one of which is the Quizizz application. Quizizz learning media is an option which is a media that can be the right alternative for teachers because the features offered are very interesting. Quizizz is an interactive learning media based on WEB TOOL (Toledo Soto & Díaz Larenas, 2020).

Basically, the Quizizz application is an online learning media that can be used to give assignments and assess learning outcomes (Juniarta et al., 2020).

Quizizz can be used to create multiple choice questions with 4 (four) answer choices with one answer choice for questions, open questions, or others (Junior, 2020). If the teacher creates questions that require pictures, tables, charts and so on, this application allows for that. After the questions are compiled, and ready, the questions can be distributed to students using 6 (six) numerical codes that appear automatically when the questions are distributed to students (Pitoyo et al., 2019). This application will inform the analysis of questions; knowing the questions answered correctly by students and questions answered incorrectly by students (Rahman et al., 2020). Another information is that the teacher will get information about the student with the highest score. The advantage of this


application is that it can be used outside of school hours such as for homework.

To prevent students from cheating on assignments given by the teacher, this application provides a menu to set the time for completing assignments. In addition, this application will also provide random questions. Thus, the level of student cheating in completing the given task can be minimized. From all the descriptions above, the researcher decided to submit a research under the title:

The Implementation of Blended Learning with the Quizizz Application to Promote English Learning Outcomes of the Eleventh Grade Student of SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi, Enrekang.

B. Problem Statement

Based on the pre-observation results that was conducted by researcher on Muhammadiyah Senior High School of Kalosi, Enrekang, there were 3 point that the researcher found. First, Students pay less attention to learning English, it is seen that some of them chat and play with friends during learning, this is because the learning media is less attractive. Second, Students still have difficulty in learning the material. Seen when the teacher asked the material after it was discussed, students did not understand the material presented. Third, the learning process carried out by the teacher was still conventional and monotonous.

C. Research Question

Based on the background and the problem statement, the researcher has been formulated some research questions as follows:


1. Is the implementation of blended learning with the Quizizz application able to promote English learning outcomes of eleventh grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi, Enrekang?

2. How is the students’ interest toward the implementation of blended learning with the Quizizz application in teaching and learning English of the eleventh- grade student of SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi, Enrekang.

D. Objective of The Research

The objective of this study is to examine, does the implementation of blended learning could be promote the student learning English outcomes of the eleventh grade student of SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi, Enrekang. In addition, the researcher also want to know whether the student interest toward implementation of blended learning with Quizizz application in teaching and learning English of the eleventh-grade student of SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi, Enrekang.

E. Significance of the Research

The significance of this research has divided into two parts: theoretical and practical significance.

1. Theoretical Significance

The results of this research give more information of the development of English language study, especially reading skill

2. Practical Significance

The results of this research were expected:


a. For educationists, the result of this research expects to can give contribution theoretically and practically in the development in English teaching.

b. For the teacher, this research expected to can add information of teaching approach in the class and to encourage their teaching, especially for teaching reading.

c. For the students, this research is expected to help the students to improve their achievement in learning English and make them interest to read English text.

d. For the researcher, this research is expected to give information or contribution to another researcher.




A. Previous of Related Findings

A study entitled "Using Quizizz to Integrate Fun Multiplayer Activity in the Accounting Classroom" was conducted by Fang Zhao from Girard School of Business, Merrimack College, North Andover MA, USA (Zhao, 2019). This study aims to determine the level of effectiveness of using the Quizizz Application in providing a learning experience in the accounting department, Merrimack College. The study showed positive results. From the research results obtained indicate that students really like the various facilities provided by the Quizizz application. Thus, students' interest in learning can increase by using the Quizizz application.

The research entitled "Quizizz Application as Gamification Platform to Bridge Students in Teaching Reading Comprehension" was conducted by Enden Ratnasari, Rani Hikmawati, and Rafi Nizam Ghifar from Majalengka University (Ratnasari et al., 2019). This study aims to determine the impact of using the Quizizz application in learning Reading Comprehension on Narrative Text material. This research was conducted using quantitative research with a Quasi- Experimental design. The study showed that the results of the t-test were greater than the t-table. So it can be concluded that there is a significant impact in the application of the Quizizz application on Reading Comprehension learning.


The research entitled " Penggunaan Aplikasi Quizziz Sebagai Media Pemberian Kuis Dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Mahasiswa " was conducted by Rahmania Rahman, Erric Kondoy, and Awaluddin Hasrin from the Faculty of Social Sciences, Manado State University (Rahman et al., 2020). This study aims to find out how much influence the use of the Quiziz application as a media for giving quizzes has in increasing the learning motivation of students majoring in Social Science Education, Faculty of Social Sciences, Manado State University. The study showed positive results with increased learning motivation of students majoring in Social Science Education. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of the Quizizz application as a media for giving quizzes to the Department of Social Science Education, Faculty of Social Sciences, Manado State University, can increase student learning motivation.

The research entitled “The Effect of Quizizz and Learning Independence on Mathematics Learning Outcomes” was conducted by Khasanah and Anugrah Lestari from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, As-Syafi'iyah Islamic University Jakarta, Indonesia (Khasanah & Lestari, 2021). This study aims to determine the impact of using the Quizizz application and independent learning on the learning outcomes of Mathematics with Derivative Functions material. The study used an experimental research design with two-way analysis of variance and Tukey analysis. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the mathematics learning outcomes of class XI students who were taught using the Quizizz learning media, which was higher than students who were taught using worksheets. So, it can be concluded that the use of Quizizz Media is


effective in learning Mathematics in class XI students with Derivative Functions material.

From the previous explanation, it can be concluded that the use of the Quizizz application can increase student motivation and learning outcomes. Thus, the use of the Quizizz application can be a media that should be used by teachers in the teaching and learning process to increase student interest and learning outcomes. This is because the Quizizz application is a game-based application so that it could make students feel happy in participating in the teaching and learning process. Thus, researcher was interested in conducting research that combines face-to-face learning and online learning using the Quizizz application or often called blended learning in learning English of the eleventh-grade student of SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi, Enrekang. The differences of this research with the previous research is most of these research only applied Quizizz without combine with other learning media and or learning model. Beside the, this research applied online learning and face-to-face learning. Furthermore, this research was conducted in different place with the previous research.

B. Literature Review 1. Blended Learning

The use of the internet in learning or what we usually call e-learning is increasingly in demand by many students (Rasheed et al., 2020). The existence of e-learning helps anyone to be able to learn regardless of time and place. However, some students still need face-to-face meetings in class to discuss and complete the learning process that has been passed through the internet. This is called Blended


Learning (Banditvilai, 2016). So the understanding of Blended Learning itself is a learning method where the face-to-face learning process in the classroom is combined with the e-learning process in harmony (Margolis et al., 2017).

Blended learning is the ease of learning that combines various modes of delivery, teaching models, and learning styles, introducing various media options for dialogue between the facilitator and the person being taught (Lin et al., 2017).

Blended learning is also a combination of face-to-face and online teaching, but more than that as an element of social interaction (Hubackova & Semradova, 2016). Furthermore, blended learning is learning that is supported by an effective combination of different modes of delivery, teaching and learning styles as well as open communication between all parties involved with training (Albiladi &

Alshareef, 2019). Thus, the application of blended learning in the learning process will provide various benefits.

The benefit of using e-learning as well as blended learning in today's education field is that e-learning provides flexibility in choosing the time and place to access lessons (Rivera, 2017). Students do not need to come to the place where the lesson is delivered, e-learning can be done from anywhere (Fazal &

Bryant, 2019). E-learning provides an opportunity for students to independently control the success of learning (Prescott et al., 2018). Students are free to decide when to start, when to finish, and which part of a module they want to study first (Yan Ju & Yan Mei, 2018). If, after repeated, there are still things that he does not understand, students can contact the instructor, resource persons via email, chat or participate in interactive dialogues at certain times.


2. Blended Learning in Teaching and Learning English a. Blended Learning Goals

Blended learning is a combination of classroom learning (face-to-face) and online learning to increase active independent learning by students and reduce the amount of face-to-face time in class. With computer-based technology, teachers use hybrid learning models to redesign their subjects so that there are online activities in the form of case studies, tutorials, independent exercises, simulations, or online group collaborations. Thus, the purpose of using blended learning in learning English can be formulated as follows (Hima, 2017):

1) Helping students to develop better in the process of learning English according to their learning styles and preferences in learning.

2) Providing practical-realistic opportunities for teachers and students to learn English independently, usefully, and continuously growing.

3) Improving schedule flexibility for learners, by combining the best aspects of face-to-face and online learning. Face-to-face classes can be used to engage students in interactive experiences. While the online portion provides students with multimedia content that is rich in knowledge anytime and anywhere as long as students have internet access.

b. Advantages and Disadvantages of Blended Learning

Blended learning has many advantages when compared to face-to-face (conventional) learning and e-learning, both offline, online, and m-learning.

Various studies also show that blended learning is more effective than


conventional learning (face to face) and e-learning. The advantages of this blended learning are as follows (Wardani et al., 2018):

1) Students are free to study the material independently by utilizing the materials available online.

2) Students can have discuss with teachers or other students outside of face-to- face hours.

3) Learning activities carried out by students outside of face-to-face hours can be managed properly controlled by the teacher.

4) Teachers can add enrichment through internet facilities.

5) Teachers can ask students to read the material or take tests that are done before learning.

6) Teachers can administer quizzes, provide feedback, and make effective use of test results.

7) Students can share files with other students.

The advantages of the Blended Learning method will support the achievement of learning objectives. However, in addition to the advantages that exist in the blended learning method, there are also disadvantages in general which can be described as follows (Sari, 2014):

1) The media needed are very diverse, so it is difficult to implement if the facilities and infrastructure do not support it.

2) Uneven facilities owned by students, such as computers and internet access.

Even though blended learning requires adequate internet access, and if the


network is inadequate, it will certainly make it difficult for students to participate in online learning.

3) Lack of knowledge of learning resources (teachers, students and parents) on the use of technology.

Of the several disadvantages of the Blended Learning method as described previously, it can be overcome easily. The facilities and infrastructure needed in the application of Blended Learning today are very easy to obtain. Furthermore, almost all students at the high school level have smartphones that can be used in the teaching and learning process using the Blended Learning method. In fact the only barrier is the lack of knowledge possessed by both educators, students and also parents about the use of technology. This can also be overcome by increasing socialization about the use of technology. Mastery of technology in today's era is a must for every individual so as not to miss information.

c. Characteristics of Blended Learning

The rapid development of information technology today, especially the development of internet technology, has contributed to the development of the concept of distance learning. The characteristics of internet technology, which can always be accessed anytime and anywhere, have many users (multiuser) and offer all the conveniences, have made the internet a very appropriate medium for the development of further distance education. That is why the current learning system called blended learning can still be considered very good if applied in Indonesia, so that it can be controlled more traditionally as well. Based on the


explanation above, the characteristics of blended learning are as follows (Ghofur et al., 2019):

1) Learning that combines various modes of delivery, teaching models, learning styles, and various technology-based media.

2) As a combination of direct or face-to-face teaching, self-study, and online learning.

3) Learning is supported by an effective combination of delivery methods, teaching methods and learning styles.

4) Teachers and parents of students have the same important role, teachers as facilitators, and parents as supporters.

3. Quizizz as Learning Media

Quizizz is a game-based educational app, which brings multiplayer activities to the classroom and makes classroom practice interactive and fun (Rahman et al., 2020). Learners can play practice questions on the Quizizz application through the electronic media they have, such as smartphones, tablets and others that are connected to the internet. Furthermore, Quizizz is different from other educational applications because it has game characteristics such as avatars, themes, memes, and entertaining music in the learning process. Quizizz also allows students to compete with each other and motivates them to learn so that learning outcomes can improve. Learners take quizzes at the same time in class and see their rankings live on the leaderboard.

Quizizz is a game platform or classroom activity using a quiz game application where students become the controller of their pace in the game.


Quizizz also has some very prominent features that are very useful for both students and teachers. For students, it is advantageous because of the speed with which students appear on each student's screen, so they can answer questions at their own pace and review their answers at the end. Teachers also get detailed grade-level and student-level insights for each quiz and download reports as Excel spreadsheets. There are several other features of Quizizz such as BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) which can be played by students using all types of devices with browsers, including PCs, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

Quizizz is an online formative assessment tool that is easy to use by students and free of charge so that it is very helpful for teachers to assess students' knowledge. Quizizz is a game or interactive online tool that helps students check their knowledge and progress in their learning. In the Quizizz application, the order of questions is randomized for each student so as to reduce cheating that can be done by students. In addition, teachers can also assign homework to give students additional practice.

Quizizz is an online learning application that is easy to use by anyone. In using the Quizizz application, you only need a device such as a smartphone, tablet, or PC computer and an internet connection like other online learning applications.

The steps that can be taken include:

a. Make sure your phone, tablet or computer is connected to the internet.

b. Open a browser on the device (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft, Edge or others) then type Quizizz.com.


c. The screen will display the login and sign up page as shown in Picture 2.1. The login menu is used for those who have already created an account on Quizizz, while the sign up menu is for those who will just create an account on Quizizz.

Picture 2.1 Login or Sign up in to Quizizz

d. If the teacher/student does not have an account, then click sign up to create an account using email then click next.

Picture 2.2 Make an Quizizz acount by using email acount.

e. The Quizizz page will display three options, namely as a teacher, as a student and for business as shown in Figure 2.3. The teacher chooses the teacher menu to be able to make questions with variations in the form of questions. The teacher account has more menus than the student account.


Picture 2.3 Option for Quizizz acount that will make.

f. Fill in all the required data including the password then click continue as shown in Picture 2.4

Picture 2.4 Filling in personal data and password.

g. The account is ready to be used to do online learning, either to deliver material or to give questions or work on online questions.

In the Quizizz application there are several menus that can be used including:

a. Create new quiz (create a new quiz by inputting directly, adopting from someone else's property or uploading a question file in excel form);

b. Find quiz (find quizzes created by other people);

c. My questions (views a collection of quizzes that have been created);

d. Reports (displays the results of quizzes that have been done);

e. Classes (organizing students in a class);


f. Collections (organizing quiz collections);

g. Memes (creating inspirational pictures);

h. Profile (set name, profile photo and social media accounts);

i. Settings (set up email account, username, change password and delete account);

j. Log out (exit Quizizz).

These menus make it easier for teachers to organize students. The results of the quizzes that have been done can be directly seen by students after completing the work. The teacher sees the students' results by downloading the available excel files.

Presentation of material on the Quizizz application can be done by the teacher by making material through PowerPoint in Microsoft Office. The steps in entering and presenting material through the Quizizz application are as follows:

a. Log in to the Quiziz account that was created earlier.

b. On the left side there is a "Create" menu.

Picture 2.5 Make leraning material.


c. After the "Create" menu is clicked, an option will appear to create the subject matter.

Picture 2.6 Learning material option.

d. Next, the teacher will be directed to fill in the name of the material and subject.

Picture 2.7 Insert subject name and material name.

e. Next, on the left side there is a menu to enter files.

Picture 2.8 Import learning material.


f. Next, after the “Add New Slide” menu is selected, an option will appear to insert a file.

Picture 2.9 Import file option.

g. Next, a new option will appear to insert the previously created PowerPoint file, but before inserting the file it must be converted into "pdf" format first.

Picture 2.10 Select file.

h. When finished selecting the files to be included, then select import and save.

Then the process of uploading the material has been completed.

Picture 2.11 Save material.


After the material is successfully entered, the next step is to present the material to students. The steps for presenting the material are as follows:

a. Open the material that was entered previously, and select the "Start a live lesson" menu.

Picture 2.12 Start a live lesson.

b. Next, a menu will appear to present the material. Then select the "Present".

Picture 2.13 Present the material.

c. Next, a screen will appear showing slides and a code that will be distributed to students to be able to join in online learning which will be done through the Quizizz application.

Picture 2.14 Starting a lesson.


After all stages have been carried out and students have entered a code that can be shared via Whatsapp groups and other social media. The code that appears on the right is the code that students must enter in order to join the class to be implemented. By entering the code, students will automatically join the class.

After students join, the teaching and learning process through the Quizizz application can be started by pressing the "Start" button.

Quizizz is a fun game-based application that can attract students' interest in learning. Thus, Quiziz can be the right learning media for teachers in carrying out online learning. Furthermore, besides being able to be used as a medium for delivering material, Quizizz can also be used as a medium for giving fun assignments with various available facilities. Quizizz provides various types of question formats that can be chosen in giving assignments to students including multiple choice, essay, true false, and others. Furthermore, teachers who do not have time to create their own questions can take advantage of questions that have been created and posted by other users. Here's how to make questions in the Quizizz application:

a. Click create new quiz on the Quizizz web, then the quiz name and choice of subjects will appear.

Picture 2.15 Insert quiz name and subject.


b. After that, click next, a variety of questions will appear.

Picture 2.16 Quiz Option.

c. After that a box will appear to enter the question.

Picture 2.17 Input question.

d. Determine the answer for the questions that have been made. After all, the questions have been inputted, click save. Questions are ready to be used for evaluation.

4. Learning Outcomes

a. Definition of Learning Outcomes of the Study

This research would study about learning outcomes in reading skill. It means, this study would concern study students’ learning outcomes in reading skill which will adapt material of simple verbal text of asking and offering suggestion, asking and offering opinion, invitation, and analytical text.


Learning outcomes itself can be explained by understanding the two words that make it up, namely "outcomes" and "learning". Understanding the outcome (product) refers to an acquisition as a result of doing an activity or process that outcomes in a functional change in input. While learning in a broad sense is all personal interactions with the environment that cause changes in behavior (Fadillah, 2016). Furthermore, learning is a process of changing behavior resulting from individual experience to gain skills, knowledge and attitude changes (Nurrita, 2018).

In the educational process, the competence of students is described in the form of indicators of achievement of competencies obtained through learning experiences, and formulated as learning objectives that are assessed and their achievement can be measured through the process of evaluating learning outcomes. Learning outcomes are abilities possessed by students after they receive knowledge during their studies (Subagia & Wiratma, 2016). Furthermore, Suprijono in Subagia and Wiratma (2016: 44) defines learning outcomes as patterns of actions, values, understanding, attitudes, appreciation and skills.

Learning outcomes are attitude changes that cause humans to change in their attitudes and behavior (Saputra et al., 2018). This aspect of change refers to the taxonomy of teaching objectives developed by Bloom, Simpson, and Harrow covering cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects (Arnesti & Hamid, 2015).

It can be concluded that learning outcomes are abilities possessed by students after they experience the learning process. In meaning of learning experiences in the form of cognitive, affective and psychomotor abilities.


b. Factors Affecting Learning Outcomes

In the learning process, not all students can properly capture all the information provided by the teacher, it is able to affect the learning outcomes of each individual student. The factors that affect learning outcomes include (Nurhasanah & Sobandi, 2016):

1) Internal Factors

a) Physiological Factors

In general, physiological conditions, such as good health, not in a state of fatigue and tiredness, not in a state of physical disability, and so on, will all help in the learning process and results. The fitness of students greatly affects the learning process, as well as students who are experiencing dizziness can reduce cognitive quality so that the material they learn is lacking or even without a trace.

In contrast to students who have perfect fitness, their cognitive, affective and psychomotor qualities will be more optimal.

The condition of the special organs of students, such as the level of health of the five senses, especially sight and hearing, also greatly affects the ability of students to absorb information and knowledge in the learning process. Students' low hearing and vision power will make it difficult to absorb information items that are echoes and images. The next negative result is the inhibition of information processing carried out by the student's memory system.

b) Psychological Factor

Many factors including psychological factors that can affect the quantity and quality of student learning outcomes. These factors are:


(1) Student Intelligence

Intelligence in general can be interpreted as a psycho-physical ability to react to stimuli or adjust to the environment in an appropriate way. The level of intelligence or intelligence of students will determine the level of success of student learning. The higher the level of intelligence of students, the greater the opportunity for students to get high learning outcomes, on the contrary, the lower the level of intelligence of students, the smaller the chances of getting high learning outcomes.

(2) Attention

Attention is an elevated activity of the soul, the soul is solely focused on an object or a collection of objects.

(3) Student Talent

Talent is the potential ability of a person to achieve success in the future.

Talent is then defined as the individual's ability to perform certain tasks without relying much on educational or training efforts.

(4) Student Interest

Interest is defined as a persistent tendency to pay attention and remember some activities. Interest affects the quality of student learning outcomes in certain fields.

(5) Student Motivation

Motivation is a psychological condition that encourages someone to do something. Research findings that learning outcomes generally increase when


motivation to learn increases. Therefore, increasing students' learning motivation plays an important role in achieving learning outcomes.

c) External Factors (1) Environment

Environmental conditions also affect the process and learning outcomes of students. The environment can be in the form of a physical or social environment.

The physical environment such as temperature, humidity, air stuffiness and pollution greatly affect comfort in the learning process so that it can affect student learning outcomes.

The social environment also has an influence on the process and learning outcomes of students. An environment that supports all forms of educational activities can have a positive influence on the learning development of students.

Likewise, the social environment of students who are indifferent to education will have an influence on students.

(2) Social

The effect can be positive (supportive), but can also be negative (inhibiting). Social factors are factors outside the individual in the form of humans. These factors include those from the family, school environment, and community environment.

(3) Family

The family is the first school for children. In the family children grow and learn many things. In the learning process, children need a supportive family environment to gain knowledge. Family conditions that are harmonious,


comfortable and peaceful and provide all the facilities needed by children in obtaining knowledge are the main supporting factors for children to obtain maximum knowledge.

c. Learning Outcomes Assess of the Study

Assessment is conducted to determine the level of learning success.

Assessment of student learning success can be done with the following various forms of tests (Nasution, 2017):

1) Oral Questions in Class

In this technique the teacher gives questions that are thrown to students.

Students are given the opportunity to think and then answer the question. If a student is wrong, then the question is thrown to another student, and stops at the student who answers correctly. The material asked is in the form of understanding concepts, principles or theories. With oral questions, students can be given the opportunity to express their ideas.

2) Quiz

Quizzes are questions posed to students in a limited time (less than 15 minutes). Questions in the assessment technique through quizzes can be in the form of choices or short answers. The timing of the quiz is generally done at the beginning of the lesson. Quizzes are used to get an overview of the previous material, namely whether students have mastered the previous material or not. If some students have not mastered it, the teacher can briefly explain again.


3) Daily Examination

The daily examination is a periodic test that can be done by the teacher every 1 or 2 subject matter has been taught. In the daily test the teacher can make questions in the form of objective and non-objective. The objective test can be in the form of multiple choice, true-false, or matchmaking. While the test in the form of non-objective can be in the form of short answers and descriptions.

4) Final Examination

Final examination is the test that is conducted at the end of the semester.

The scope of material in this test is wider than the daily test. The form of questions in this semester exam can be in the form of multiple choice or description.

5) Individual Task

Individual task are assignments given to each student to determine the level of understanding of the subject matter. These individual assignments can be given every week in the form of assignments for fieldwork or written questions.

Individual tasks in the form of work can be in the form of making something or field observation tasks. As for individual assignments in the form of written questions, they can be in the form of objective or non-objective description questions.

6) Group assignment

Group assignment is a task that is given to assess the ability of group work. The basic pattern of this task is almost similar to individual assignments, the difference is that in this task the work is carried out together with other


students in certain groups, namely the teacher can make groups and give them assignments to work on together.

Assessment of student learning outcomes in this research is an assessment that aims to determine the level of success of the learning process. Assessment of learning outcomes is very important to be carried out by every teacher at the end of the learning process. So that the results obtained from the assessment of learning outcomes can be used as material for evaluating the teaching and learning process and a reference for teachers to design the next learning process. Thus, it is expected that the learning process will increase.

This study focuses on improving students' reading skill by adjusting the material in the 2013 curriculum on basic competencies (KD) 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.3.1, 4.3.2, 4.4.1, and 4.4.2. The materials that will be studied in the basic competencies (KD) are asking and offering suggestions, asking and offering opinions, and analytical texts. Assessment of learning outcomes is ideally carried out at the end of each lesson by giving short questions to students regarding the material that has just been studied. There are several ways to conduct an assessment, including giving students an opportunity to ask questions that are not yet understood or giving short questions to students. In this study, the researcher will assess the students' reading ability at the end of the meeting by asking several questions through the Quizizz application regarding the material that has just been studied in multiple choice form.


d. Instruments in the Assessment of Learning Outcomes

Learning Evaluation states that there are two types of instruments that can be used to assess student learning outcomes, namely objective and non-objective test instruments (Nasution, 2017).

1) Objective Instruments a) Multiple Choice

Multiple-choice test questions can be used to measure more complex learning outcomes regarding aspects of memory, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, and assessment. Multiple choice is the type of instrument most often used in educational evaluation. The form of the question consists of items (subject matter) and options (answer choices). The questions consist of incomplete questions, the possible answers to the questions are called choices. In the choice there is an answer consisting of an answer key and a distractor (dictator).

b) True-False

The form of the true-false test (T-F) is a statement that contains two possible answers, namely true or false. Examples of true-false questions such as

"we were watching a movie in the cinema are a form of past continuous tense”.

c) Matchmaking

The form of this instrument is suitable for knowing facts and concepts.

The scope of the material can be a lot but the level of thinking involved tends to be low because there are already answer choices without deceiving as in multiple


choice. The teacher makes a concept or statement with the same number of questions and answer choices.

2) Non-Objective Instruments a) Short Answer

Short answer test questions are usually presented in the form of questions, but some are in the form of completing or filling in. The short answer form test is made by providing an empty space provided for students to write down answers.

b) Objective Description

In the objective description, the questions commonly used are sort, conclude, interpret and so on. The step to make this objective description test is for the teacher to make questions based on the indicators on the grid. An example of an objective description question is "please state the structure of the recount text"

c) Free Description

The free description instrument requires students to remember and organize (describe and combine) personal ideas or things they have learned by expressing or expressing these ideas in the form of written descriptions so that in the scoring it is very possible to have an element of subjectivity.

C. Conceptual Framework 1. Input

At the time of pre-observation, the researcher found that the students' interest in learning was very low. This has an impact on student learning outcomes which are very low, especially in reading material. The lack of interest


in student learning is caused by various things, including models and learning methods that are still monotonous in this case the delivery of material is only in the form of worksheets delivered through the WhatsApp group. Besides that, Full online learning makes it difficult for teachers to control students in learning at home independently. In addition, there are some materials that are difficult for students to understand and require a detailed explanation from the teacher.

Therefore, one way to overcome the problems faced by students is the implementation of the blended learning model with Quizizz App. The application of the blended learning model has several advantages, including helping students develop in the teaching and learning process based on their respective learning styles, providing opportunities for students to be able to study independently, and flexible study schedules. In addition, by using the Quizizz application, the student learning experience will be more enjoyable. This is because the Quizizz application is a learning based game application. So that the combination of the blended learning model with Quizizz Application can make learning fun, help students learn independently, make it easier for teachers to control the teaching and learning process, and students can access wider learning resources via the internet.

2. Process

a. Experimental class

To overcome the problem of the student in input, the researchers applied a blended learning model that was combined with the Quizizz application. The Blended Learning model itself is a learning method where the face-to-face


learning process in the classroom is combined with the e-learning process in harmony (Margolis et al., 2017). Furthermore, blended learning is learning that is supported by an effective combination of different modes of delivery, teaching and learning styles as well as open communication between all parties involved with training (Albiladi & Alshareef, 2019). Because the blended learning model is a combination of online and face-to-face learning, blended learning requires online learning applications. In this study, researchers used the Quizizz application. The researcher chose the Quizizz application based on the problems that the researchers found in the pre-observation where students' interest in learning was very low so that it affected student learning outcomes, especially in reading material. Quizizz is a game-based educational app, which brings multiplayer activities to the classroom and makes classroom practice interactive and fun (Rahman et al., 2020). Thus, learning will be more fun and will increase student interest in learning. Thus, it is expected that student learning outcomes, especially in understanding reading material, will increase.

b. Control class

In the control class, the researcher carried out teaching and learning activities as previously done by the teacher, namely giving worksheets through the WhatsApp group with the same material.

3. Output

After applying the blended learning model with Quizizz application, the researcher hopes that students' understanding of reading material can increase.

As this point, the researcher draw the conceptual framework as follows.


Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework D. Hypothesis

H0 = The implementation of blended learning model is not effective in improving English learning outcomes of the eleventh grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi, Enrekang

Hi = The implementation of blended learning effectively improves English learning outcomes of the eleventh grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi, Enrekang


Teaching model and Student Learning Outcomes

Experimental Class The implementation of blended

learning with Quizizz App.


Control Class

Teaching reading material by sharing worksheet via WhatsApp group


Student learning outcomes in understanding reading material



A. Research Design

In accordance with the research objectives, this type of research is categorized as experimental research. Experimental research is a research activity to control, manipulate and observe research subjects (Gusmania & Wulandari, 2018). The experimental approach in this study has used a Quasi-Experimental Study with the design that used in this study was a Nonequivalent Control Group design. Before being given treatment, both the experimental group and the control group been given a test, namely the pretest, with the intention of knowing the condition of the group before treatment. Then after being given treatment, the experimental group and control group been given a test, namely the posttest, to determine the condition of the group after treatment. In this study the experimental group, learning was carried out using the Blended Learning method with the Quizizz application, and for the control group learning is carried out using conventional methods, namely teaching and learning activities by explaining learning materials in front of the class and giving assignments. This research has conducted in 6 meetings in each group. The following is an illustration of a quasi-experimental research with a Nonequivalent Control Group design (Sugiyono in Citra & Rosy, 2020):


Table 3.1 Research design (Sugiono in Citra & Rosy, 2020) Where : E = Experimental Class

C = Control Class

X1 = Treatment for Experimental class X2 = Treatment for Control Class O1 = Pretest for Experimental Class O2 = Posttest for Experimental Class O3 = Pretest for Control Group O4 = Posttest for Control Group B. Place and Time of the Study

This research was conducted on 4-25 November 2021 of the 2021/2022 academic year. This research has been carried out in 4 meetings involving eleventh grade student of MIPA. This research was conducted at SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi, Enrekang Regency. The location was chosen by the researchers because the students' interest in learning, especially the eleventh grade of MIPA, was very low. Based on the results of pre-observations made by researchers in June 2021, the lack of interest in student learning is caused by the selected of media and learning methods carried out by teachers who are not liked by students. So that researcher try to applied collaborative learning between face- to-face and online learning using the Quizizz application.

Group Pre-test Treatment Post-test

E O1 X1 O2

C O3 X2 O4


C. Population and Sample

Population is a generalization area consisting of objects/subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics determined by the researcher to be studied and then take conclusions. So, the population has several properties that are often confusing but it is the task of the researcher to give strict limits to each object that is to be the research population (Eka & Nasria, 2021). The population in this study are 137 students of class XI, SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi for the academic year 2021/2022.

Sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed by the population. If the population is large and the researcher is not able to study everything in the population, for example due to limited funds, manpower and time, the researcher can use samples taken from the population (Rijal et al., 2019).

This study was used a random sample. So that, there are 25 students in class XI MIPA 1 with 9 male and 16 female and 24 MIPA 2 class with 12 male and 12 female as samples in this study. The student data that became the sample in this study are as follows:

Table 3.2 Member of Eleventh Grade Student of MIPA 1 and MIPA 2

Class Male Female Total

XI MIPA 1 9 16 25

XI MIPA 2 12 12 24

Source: SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi official 2021


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