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The ArticleEntitled: “A Study on Successful Language Learners’ Learning Strategies at the English Education Department of University of Mataram”

By Baiq Yunia Eka Diana Putri (E1D013008)

Has been approved on September 13, 2017 by:

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Drs. I Made Sujana, MA. NIP.19651231199101 1 016

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A Study on Successful LanguageLearners’ Learning Strategies at the English Education Department of University of Mataram

Baiq Yunia Eka Diana Putri E1D 013 008



This study is to find out the successful learners’ learning strategies employed by students of English Education Department of University of Mataram, the type of learning strategies that is dominantly used, and factors influencing the use of the learning strategies. This study applies descriptive qualitative design. The subjects of this study were 15 sixth semester students from English Education Department of University of Mataram who were considered as successful language learners fulfilling such criteria as gaining high GPA, having good ability in speaking and obtaining achievements both inside and outside the class. Questionnaire and interview were used to collect the data. The result shows that successful language learners dominantly employed cognitive strategies (25.00%) followed by affective strategies (22.39%), metacognitive strategies (17.70%), memory strategies (14.50%), social strategies (11.97%) and compensation strategies seemed to have the least usage among other strategies (8.33%). Motivation, personality type, experiences in learning English, and fondness of the target language were found to be the factors influencing the use of learning strategies. Furthermore, this study found that successful language learners combined two strategies at once. Lastly, it was found that recombination strategies can be extended to the use of social media.


Studi terhadap Strategi Belajar Para Pembelajar Bahasa Sukses pada Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Mataram

Baiq Yunia Eka Diana Putri E1D 013 008



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi-strategi belajar yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa program studi pendidikan bahasa Inggris Universitas Mataram, strategi belajar yang paling sering digunakan dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan strategi tersebut. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah 15 orang mahasiswa semester enam yang berasal dari program studi pendidikan bahasa Inggris yang dikategorikan sebagai pembelajar bahasa sukses dengan memenuhi kriteria seperti mendapatkan IPK (standar minimal: 3,5), mendapatkan nilai yang bagus pada mata pelajaran speaking, dan prestasi baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Angket dan wawancara digunakan sebagai teknik pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa para pembelajar bahasa sukses paling sering menggunakan strategi kognitif (25.00%) yang diikuti oleh strategi afektif (22.39%), strategi metakognitif (17.70%), strategi memori (14.50%), strategi sosial (11.97%) and kompensasi (8.33%). Motivasi, tipe kepribadian, pengalaman belajar bahasa Inggris dan kesukaan terhadap bahasa Inggris merupakan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan strategi belajar. Terlebih lagi, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa para pembelajar bahasa sukses menggabungkan dua strategi pada saat yang bersamaan dan strategi rekombinasi dapat dikembangkan kepada penggunaan media sosial.


1. Background

Over the last few decades within a field of education a gradual and significant shift

has taken place. As a result, many educational experts put less emphasis on teachers and

teaching and greater stress on learners and learning. Many studies pay more attention to

learners since it is found that there are some learners who employ strategies and techniques to

learn language to overcome their barriers. Thus, teachers will not always be forced to use as

many teaching methods as possible to achieve an effective language classroom but are

required to approach their students and assist them to develop their learning behavior or

learning strategies.

In the process of language learning, language learning strategies are necessary for

students. Language learning strategies are specific actions taken by learners to make learning

easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more effective, and more transferable to

new situations (Oxford, 1990 in Pezhman, 2012:164). In terms of languag learning strategies,

Oxford (1990) divides learning strategies into 6 types namely memory strategies, cognitive

strategies, compensation strategies, metacognitive strategies, affective strategies and social

strategies. It is necessary for students to overcome thir limitations or barriers in learning


A study was conducted by Rahman (2014) in STKIP PGRI Blitar by taking the

subject of five successful language learners from STKIP Blitar. He found that they employed

a wide variety of learning strategies to overcome their limitations in learning English. As

Rahman’s study (2014), this study analyzed what learning strategies employed by successful

language learners in English Education Department of University of Mataram.

University of Mataram particularly in English Department, some of its students are

considered as high achievers or successful language learners. University of Mataram stands

on the 36thof national universities ranking (Ristekdikti, 2015) and need to be concerned. In

English Department, many of its students come from village in which students may find some

difficulties in finding relevant materials to support their learning. Unlike many universities in

Java and Bali, English Department University of Mataram lacks coorperation with any

international institutions or universities to support its students to learn English. As the result,

it is almost impossible for students to have practice with native speakers. Meanwhile, study

facilities and language learning environment are influential factors in students’ foreign


overcome their learning problems by joining many English clubs or communities either

inside or outside campus. Furthermore, students manage to support their language learning by

utilizing internet to find English materials. As the result, many of its students get high GPA

and some of them even get predicate as high achiever students. Based on the previous

explanation, researcher is interested in finding out what learning strategies are employed by

successful language learners in University of Mataram.

2. Review of Related Literature A. Language Learning Strategies

O’Malley and Chamot (1995:1) define language learning strategies as thoughts or

behaviors that individuals use to help them comprehend, learn or retain new informationof

foreign or second language. Another definition by Oxford (1990) about learning strategy is

specific actions, behaviors, steps, or techniques -- such as seeking out conversation partners,

or giving oneself encouragement to tackle a difficult language task -- used by students to

enhance their own learning.

B. Taxonomy of Language Learning Strategies

a. O’Malley and Chamot’s (1990) Classification of Language Learning Strategies

O'Malley and Chamot (1990) divided language learning strategies into three

subcategories: metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies and

socio-affective strategies.

1) Metacognitive Strategies

Metacognitive strategies involve knowing about learning and

controlling learning through planning for learning, thinking about the

learning process as it is taking place, monitoring of one's production or

comprehension, and evaluating learning after an activity is completed.

2) Cognitive strategies

Cognitive strategies are constrained to certain learning tasks and they

involve more direct manipulation of the learning material itself.

3) Socioaffective Strategies

Socio-affective strategies mainly involve the learner in communicative

interaction with another person, for example, when collaborating with


b. Rubin's (1987) Classification of Language Learning Strategies

According to Rubin there are three types of strategies used by learners that contribute

directly or indirectly to language to language learning. These are:

1) Learning strategies

Rubin stated that learning strategies were of two main types, being the strategies

contributing directly to the development of the language system constructed by the learner:

• Cognitive learning strategies

These strategies refer to the steps or operations used in learning or problem solving

that require direct analysis, transformation, or synthesis of learning materials.

• Metacognitive Learning Strategies

These strategies are used to oversee, regulate or self-direct language learning which

involve various processes such as planning, prioritising, setting goals, and self


2) Communication Strategies

Communication strategies are less directly related to language learning since the

primary focus is on the process of participating in a conversation and getting the speakers

understand or clarify their original intention.

3) Social Strategies

Social strategies are those activities learners engage in which afford them

opportunities to be exposed to and practise their knowledge.

c. Oxford's (1990) Classification of Language Learning Strategies

Oxford draws a distinction between direct and indirect strategies which are further

subdivided into six groups. The groups are divided into six categories: memory strategies,

cognitive strategy, compensation strategy, metacognitive strategies, affective strategies, and

social strategies.

1) Direct strategies

Direct strategies are directly connected with the target language. Direct strategies are

distinguished into three groups: memory strategies, cognitive strategies and compensation


a) Memory Strategies :

• Creating mental linkages

• Applying images and sounds

• Reviewing well

• Employing action b) Cognitive Strategies:

• Practicing

• Receiving and sending messages strategies

• Analyzing and reasoning

• Creating structure for input and output c) Compensation Strategies

• Guessing intelligently

• Overcoming limitations in speaking and writing

2) Indirect Strategies

Indirect strategies are not directly connected with the target language as direct

strategies are. Indirect strategies are distinguished into three groups: metacognitive strategies,

affective strategies, and social strategies.

a) Metacognitive Strategies:

• Centering your learning

• Arranging and planning your learning

• Evaluating your learning b) Affective Strategies

• Lowering your anxiety

• Encouraging yourself

• Taking your emotional temperature c) Social Strategies

• Asking questions

• Cooperating with others

• Empathizing with others

d. Stern's (1992) Classification of Language Learning Strategies


2) Cognitive Strategies Communicative

3) Experiential Strategies

4) Interpersonal Strategies

5) Affective Strategies

e. Wenden’s (1983)Classification of Language Learning Strategies

Wenden focused on what O’Malley and Chamot proposed which was called

meta-cognitive strategies. She identified the following three general categories of self-directing


1) Knowing about language and relating to what language and language learning


2) Planning relating to the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of language learning;

3) Self-evaluation. It relates to progress in learning and learner’s responses to the

learning experience.

C. Factors Influencing the Use of Language Learning Strategies

Many researchers find that there are many factors affecting the use of language

learning strategies such as motivation, age, personality type, gender, nationality and learning

style (Chamot, 2004; Griffiths, 2003, and Oxford, 1995).

3. Research Design

The study carries out to descriptive qualitative study since it is conducted to

describe the findings. The data were collected through questionnaire and interview.

To analyze the data in qualitative study, three techniques were used, namely data

reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion or verification. To ensure the data

validity, this study applies the concept of triangulation, namely data triangulation,

method triangulation and theories triangulation.

4. Data Description and Discussion

This study found that there were 15 students who were categorized as successful

language learners. To explain the discussion easier, the discussion will be presented in


A. What are the learning strategies employed by students in English Education Department of University of Mataram to become successful language learners?

This study found that successful language learners employed six types of strategies

namely memory strategy, cognitive strategy, compensation strategy, metacognitive strategy,

affective strategy, and social strategy.It is in line with Oxford’s theory (1987) that successful

language learners employ many types of learning strategies more frequently than non

successful language learners.

In terms of direct strategies, it was found that learners created mental linkages,

employed images and sounds, reviewed English lessons well, employed some actions to

memorize new words such as speaking the words many times, recording their voice, opening

dictionary, using body movements or gestures, and practicing words in daily conversation.

They claimed that those strategies had significant contributions to help them memorize

vocabularies and kept the vocabularies longer in their long-term memory. What those

learners did was actually an attempt to memory strategies. Learners also employed cognitive

strategies namely practising, repetition, transfer, grouping, note-taking, inferencing, imagery,

self-talk, auditory representation, resourcing and recombination. However, they did not

employ keyword, contextualization, and elaboration. Furthermore, in order to overcome their

problems in speaking and writing, they employed guessing and conducted many actions such

as reading articles, journals and stories; revising materials by practicing the vocabularies

continuously, using synonym, 2 using elaboration, browsing on the internet, switching to

mother tongue, adjusting message,7 asking for help and opening dictionary. It is in line with

Oxford’s (1990) theory who stated that good language learners were aware and created a

good investment for their language learning developement.

In terms of indirect strategies, learners employed metacognitive strategies, affective

strategies and social strategies. It was found that learners centered their learning, set goals of

their language learning and planned and evaluated their learning. They claimed that it helped

them to obtain high GPA and other achievements outside classroom. In order to achieve their

goals, they allocated several hours to study at their house. They also claimed that they always

monitor themselves to make sure that their plans were successfully executed and thus they

could achieve their goals (being a lecture, entering college, travelling around the world etc.).


emotional temperature and encouraging themselves to study by watching English movies,

listening to English songs, playing games, reading novel, and expressing themselves in many

ways such as expressing their feeling through words, making flog (recording themselves

speaking in certain place), and speaking to themselves. Those actions can be categorized as

affective strategies. In addition, based on the result obtained from the interview, respondents

employed social strategies. Learners asked for help to obtain correct answers and clarification

related to English materials either inside or outside the class and coorperating with others by

working in group.

This study also found two new things namely the combination of strategies and

recombination by involving social media. They combined memory and cognitive strategies

by employing recombination, practising, repetition, taking note and self-talk. Those strategies

are basically parts of cognitive strategies but learners turned them into memorization

techniques to remember the language more effectively. Furthermore, learners combined

compensation and metacognitive strategies in which they set some plans to have better

speaking and writing skills. They directed their learning and allocated some time to practice

the English.

B. What types of strategies are mostly employed by students in English Education Department of University of Mataram to become successful language learners?

The learners tended to employ cognitive strategies (25.00%) indicating a dominant

use of cognitive strategies followed by affective strategies (22.39%), metacognitive strategies

(17.70%), memory strategies (14.58%), social strategies (11.97%). Compensation strategies

seemed to have the least percentage among other strategies (8.33%).

C. What factors influence students in English Education Department of University of Mataram to employ learning startegies to become successful language learners?

There are four factors affecting successful language learners in studying English

namely motivation, personality type, experiences in learning language and fondness of the

English. Motivation and fondness of the English were significant enforcements for students


strategies in learning English. While, experiences in learning English enforced learners to

employ learning strategies more often.

5. Conclusions and Suggestions A. Conclusions

This study has discussed about the learning strategies employed by successful

language learners of English Department of University of Mataram, the dominant type of

strategies and the factors influencing the use of learning strategies. The conclusion of this

study is as follows:

1. The study found that successful language learners employed many strategies

which were direct and indirect strategies frequently. Learners did not only

managed to manipulate the learning materials but also dealt with the business of

language such as planning and evaluating their learning. The learners tended to

employ cognitive strategies (25.00%) indicating a dominant use of cognitive

strategies followed by affective strategies (22.39%), metacognitive strategies

(17.70%), memory strategies (14.58%), social strategies (11.97%). Compensation

strategies seemed to have the least percentage among other strategies (8.33%).

2. The study found that cognitive strategies were favoured by successful language

learners. It is 25.00%. Learners employed practicing, repetition, transfer,

grouping, note taking, inferencing, imagery, self talk, auditory representation,

resourcing and recombination. However, learners did not employ keyword,

contextualization and elaboration in learning English.

3. There are four factors affecting successful language learners in studying English

namely motivation, personality type, experiences in learning language and

fondness of the English. Motivation and fondness of the English were significant

enforcements for students in studying English. Personality type affected learners

on choosing particular type of strategies in learning English. While, experiences in

learning English enforced learners to employ learning strategies more often.

B. Suggestions

The researcher hopes that in order to get more comprehensive understanding of


1. The next researcher should delve further into how learning styles influence the use

of particular learning strategies.

2. Provide more references and literature related to factors influencing the use of

learning strategies, namely fondness of target language and experiences in

learning language particularly language proficiency level.

3. Colleges and schools should not only focus on teaching a bunk of lesson but also

focus on developing learners’ learning strategies to achieve a more effective

teaching and learning process.


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