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You can finely add the soft data Sumeru The Awakening By Pankaj Pandey to the device or every computer hardware in your office or home. It will aid you to still proceed reading Sumeru The Awakening By Pankaj Pandey every single time you have extra time. This is why, reading this Sumeru The Awakening By Pankaj Pandey doesn't give you troubles. It will provide you important sources for you that want to begin composing, discussing the similar book Sumeru The Awakening By Pankaj Pandey are different book field.

From the Author

I have written 'Sumeru The Awakening' not as a story but as an expression of my innermost thoughts, desires, and fantasies.

This book is a work of imagination, in which a hero traverses time, falls in love, gives in to the vanity of his mind, and gratifies his ego. A man who pursues the destiny he was born to achieve. He wins, he fails.

The story speaks to every one of us who has a hero inside, waiting to come out.

"A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I invite all of you to walk with me into this land of fantasy, adventure, and self-discovery.

I'm certain that this journey will be exciting, and you'll have to guess what happens to the hero in the end.

Love & Peace! Pankaj Pandey

From the Inside Flap

This book is entirely a work of fiction and a product of the author's imagination. Certain ideas have been inspired by mythologies from various sources, predominantly from the ancient Vedic culture and teachings of India.

The author has used mythological figures, names, and characters in various forms in a purely fictitious manner. Therefore, any resemblance to actual people is purely coincidental.

Some incidents have been inspired by the lives of both well-known and obscure yogis and adepts of meditation and yoga from ancient to modern times. It is said that even today, many yogis and mystics still practice in caves in the Himalayas.


truth in such incidents and perspectives is entirely the choice of the reader.

The book inevitably contains many Sanskrit Vedic terms for which there are no adequate English equivalents. In this regard, endnotes have been added to explain the meaning of the terms and their relevance, based on ancient texts.

From the Back Cover

"The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about. Yet refuse to investigate" Dr. Wayne Dyer

"You are not just a drop in the ocean - You are the mighty ocean in the drop" Rumi

"All things appear and disappear because of the concurrence of causes and conditions. Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else"


"Great men are they who see that spiritual is stronger than any material force - that thoughts rule the world" Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I used to be an atheist, until I realized I was God" J Krishnamurti

"The natural universe is the result of the limited consciousness of man. When man becomes conscious of his divinity, all matter, all nature, as we know it, will cease to exist"




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This story describes the spiritual journey of a boy who travels through time to unwrap the biggest mysteries in the universe. The book takes readers to the fascinating and enigmatic world of Sumeru and seeks to explain the cyclic nature of the universe.

Chilon—a young boy in ancient Greece, circa 240 BC—is troubled by bizarre recurring dreams and seeks answers from his teacher, a meditation master and mystic. By teaching Chilon to astral travel back to his past lives, the master helps him learn his ultimate destiny.

Eons ago, in one past life, Chilon is a warrior named Nara who lives in a highly advanced civilization known as Sumeru. This land is ruled by five priests known as the Guru Mandala. Endowed with supernatural powers, these pure beings have an advanced understanding of nature, mysticism, and universal laws. They work with invisible energies and thought power and can materialize and dematerialize at will. Telepathy, teleportation, time travel, and clairvoyance are only some of the mystical powers they possess. These priests attained their occult powers through their intense practice of yoga and meditation.

In Sumeru, men are tall and strong and known for their longevity. The priests live for hundreds of years by controlling their prana (energy force), and they perform feats that normal men would consider magic or occultism.

Hearsay has it that a mysterious being called “Rudra” (also known as the “unborn”) rules over the high priests. Rudra is never seen by the masses, and few people know whether he is real or a myth.

Handsome, brave, and curious, Nara is an accomplished yogi and spiritual warrior and is well-trained in martial arts and combat skills. Soon after his nineteenth birthday, strange things begin to happen in his life when his inherent powers emerge.

At the culmination of his lessons in metaphysics and philosophy, Nara must compete against other warriors in a game of survival. (Although this contest bears a superficial resemblance to another well-known competition, described in The Hunger Games, there is one major difference: The Hunger Games focuses on the sadistic part of human nature, whereas the game of survivor in Sumeru — The Awakening pits warriors against one another to find the best in them.)

In time, Nara discovers his gifts and falls in love, and his destiny gradually unfolds. He realizes he is a hero and a savior to many.

Yet although Nara has spent years immersed in spirituality, he finds himself overwhelmed by the discovery of his life’s purpose. He is courageous with a kind heart, but his keen desire to attain the greatest powers known to man leads him to give in to vanity. As a result, he embarks on a dangerous spiritual journey, despite warnings from his Guru.


In fact, his failure might mean the destruction of Sumeru. Will he be able to overcome his passion and obstinacy and follow the right path?

What does he want to achieve, and why do millions depend on him?

Let's find out, in Sumeru The Awakening.

Sales Rank: #2695546 in eBooks

I have written 'Sumeru The Awakening' not as a story but as an expression of my innermost thoughts, desires, and fantasies.

This book is a work of imagination, in which a hero traverses time, falls in love, gives in to the vanity of his mind, and gratifies his ego. A man who pursues the destiny he was born to achieve. He wins, he fails.

The story speaks to every one of us who has a hero inside, waiting to come out.

"A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I invite all of you to walk with me into this land of fantasy, adventure, and self-discovery.

I'm certain that this journey will be exciting, and you'll have to guess what happens to the hero in the end.

Love & Peace! Pankaj Pandey

From the Inside Flap

This book is entirely a work of fiction and a product of the author's imagination. Certain ideas have been inspired by mythologies from various sources, predominantly from the ancient Vedic culture and teachings of India.

The author has used mythological figures, names, and characters in various forms in a purely fictitious manner. Therefore, any resemblance to actual people is purely coincidental.

Some incidents have been inspired by the lives of both well-known and obscure yogis and adepts of meditation and yoga from ancient to modern times. It is said that even today, many yogis and mystics still practice in caves in the Himalayas.

Although some of the beliefs in this book may not have been corroborated by modern empirical sciences, they have been evident in the lives of many great masters throughout human history. Therefore, seeking the truth in such incidents and perspectives is entirely the choice of the reader.


From the Back Cover

"The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about. Yet refuse to investigate" Dr. Wayne Dyer

"You are not just a drop in the ocean - You are the mighty ocean in the drop" Rumi

"All things appear and disappear because of the concurrence of causes and conditions. Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else"


"Great men are they who see that spiritual is stronger than any material force - that thoughts rule the world" Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I used to be an atheist, until I realized I was God" J Krishnamurti

"The natural universe is the result of the limited consciousness of man. When man becomes conscious of his divinity, all matter, all nature, as we know it, will cease to exist"

Swami Vivekananda

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. a journey that awkens...

By Jaideep Chitnis

its hard to believe that this is the maiden book of this Author, to me he seems a veteran in story telling. Also i guess the author is based in Singapore , i wonder how cud he write such a amazing book sitting so far from India.

Go for it, you won't be disappointed.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Sumeru - The Awakening

By Seema

It's a must read by all. I want to congratulate Pankaj for being able to deliver and share such in-depth ideologies with the readers. I finished reading this in two nites. When I finished I was yearning for the next edition. The way he has managed to intertwine the story of Nara and the chosen one is remarkable.

While I was reading many ifs and buts entered my mind but somehow by the next revelation I would get my answer. I have read many other spiritual books but somewhere in the midst I got lost or lost my interest. Either its too complex or I found it too hard to relate it our day to day lives. But with Sumeru the messages were very simple even though the punches behind it were very strong.

I found the last two chapters the most captivating. I read them over and over again to grasp a true understanding of what the author is trying to relay and how it blends with our lives. The power of our own self and way to its discovery is impeccably stated.


0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A very fascinating tale of Man's Inner Evolution. By Gaurav

Pankaj Pandey did well in his first epic book - SUMERU by novelizing reality into fiction. The most difficult part I believe as a reader is to stick to the facts, yet to flesh them out imaginatively; to turn ancient wisdom of the Himalayan Masters into characters and to achieve a truth through the dramatic constructions of fiction that straight stories from mythologies cannot.

The book is a pure fictional fantasy world created by the author but he has cleverly camouflaged the true essence of teachings of great mystics/yogi's of ancient India into his story.

The story is fast paced (though at times slows down acceptably to share the deeper truth of this universal laws in narratives), however picks up pace again and takes readers into a roller coaster ride of emotions, supernatural power, self discovery, and fascinating world of Sumeru.

At many places the writing form reaches its pinnacle of lost ancient wisdom and secret lost science known only to few present which no novel of current time has bettered since.

Language is lucid, writing style is crisp and characters are perfectly fit where they are meant to be. The idea of "journey of Man's inner evolution "through the protagonist NARA is brilliantly brought out by Pankaj. Although it is Pankaj's first work of writing but very applaud able indeed.

A good read for all age group and readers will surely be keen to look for the next part.



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From the Author

I have written 'Sumeru The Awakening' not as a story but as an expression of my innermost thoughts, desires, and fantasies.

This book is a work of imagination, in which a hero traverses time, falls in love, gives in to the vanity of his mind, and gratifies his ego. A man who pursues the destiny he was born to achieve. He wins, he fails.

The story speaks to every one of us who has a hero inside, waiting to come out.

"A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I invite all of you to walk with me into this land of fantasy, adventure, and self-discovery.

I'm certain that this journey will be exciting, and you'll have to guess what happens to the hero in the end.

Love & Peace! Pankaj Pandey

From the Inside Flap

This book is entirely a work of fiction and a product of the author's imagination. Certain ideas have been inspired by mythologies from various sources, predominantly from the ancient Vedic culture and teachings of India.

The author has used mythological figures, names, and characters in various forms in a purely fictitious manner. Therefore, any resemblance to actual people is purely coincidental.

Some incidents have been inspired by the lives of both well-known and obscure yogis and adepts of meditation and yoga from ancient to modern times. It is said that even today, many yogis and mystics still practice in caves in the Himalayas.

Although some of the beliefs in this book may not have been corroborated by modern empirical sciences, they have been evident in the lives of many great masters throughout human history. Therefore, seeking the truth in such incidents and perspectives is entirely the choice of the reader.


relevance, based on ancient texts.

From the Back Cover

"The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about. Yet refuse to investigate" Dr. Wayne Dyer

"You are not just a drop in the ocean - You are the mighty ocean in the drop" Rumi

"All things appear and disappear because of the concurrence of causes and conditions. Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else"


"Great men are they who see that spiritual is stronger than any material force - that thoughts rule the world" Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I used to be an atheist, until I realized I was God" J Krishnamurti

"The natural universe is the result of the limited consciousness of man. When man becomes conscious of his divinity, all matter, all nature, as we know it, will cease to exist"

Swami Vivekananda


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