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Kelompok Psikologi Belajar pada SJSPNTNF.docx


Academic year: 2018

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Easygoing, curious, adaptive. They enjoy hands-on, realistic, practical learning situations in which the subject matter relates directly to their own interests. Full of restless energy, impatient with theory, they appreciate teachers who are themselves energetic and flexible and who can make learning fun. They can be disruptive unless the teacher can challenge their imaginative energy and good-natured love of pleasure.


Friendly, easygoing, fun-loving, and enthusiastic. They want to enjoy all life, including school life. They like to learn by actively participating in group projects. They want to create personal relationships with everyone, including teachers. Upset by conflict, they need a friendly, sociable learning environment where they feel the teacher has a genuine interest in them and in practical, non-theoretical subjects.


Cool, curious observers of life. They hate waste of anything: time, energy, talk. They learn best by observing firsthand in a one-on-one real-world situation. Independent, focused, realistic, they shun what they see as fake, creative, artsy projects. They often learn without a teacher or school, applying themselves diligently to those practical things they care about. Natural troubleshooters, lovers of adventure, they may cause upsets just to relieve the boredom.





Practical, hard working, determined. Needing schedules and wanting to plan ahead, they appreciate a well-organized teacher who is consistent and fair. They enjoy hands-on activities, may have trouble with theoretical concepts, appreciate specific examples when working on any topic. Naturally bossy, they enjoy being in charge. They enjoy, too, a teacher who is clearly in control of the classroom.


Sociable, opinionated, orderly. They learn best in a friendly, interactive structure in which they know what is expected and can please the teacher. Willing participants in classroom activities, they place a high value on having things completed and on receiving feedback from the teacher. They enjoy learning activities in which they can be actively engaged with others. Well organized and responsible, they are very good students.


Decisive, dependable, systematic. Thorough and painstaking, they apply themselves to subjects they consider useful. Precise and accurate, they value precision and accuracy, resenting error and vagueness. Skeptical, they mistrust easy affection, easy learning, easy success. Quick to criticize, they can be hard on teachers, on friends, on themselves. They apply themselves dutifully when they see a practical value to the learning.





Highly individual, innovative, and enthusiastic. They accept any challenge with vigor and a firm belief in their ability to succeed. Impulsive and energetic, relentless in their passion to understand and inspire, they can be almost ruthless in their quest to give and receive knowledge. Competitive and critical, they themselves cannot bear to look incompetent and deeply resent anyone who puts them in that position.


Ambitious, aggressive, critical. Easily bored with routine repetition, they thrive on intellectual conflict, but deeply resent ever being made to look incompetent. They enjoy a challenge, are highly competitive, and love to win. Gregarious and outgoing, they are natural leaders despite their tendency to be openly critical and capable of mockery. Well organized and tenacious, they usually get the job done, whatever that job is.


Curious, analytical, independent. They are relentless in learning about things they care about, indifferent to things they don't. They enjoy going deeply into subjects, exploring their own ideas. Often labeled as gifted or as underachievers, they work to their own rules. Highly analytical and critical, they only respect and cooperate with teachers who consistently show intelligence, expertise, and fairness. Natural scientists, they are the most inventive of all the types.





Warmly enthusiastic, creative, and charismatic. They bring a great energy to all aspects of their lives, including the classroom. They love to discover and will put tremendous energy into projects where they have the freedom to do research, explore in depth, produce new ideas. Wanting to please, to be a part of things, they join activities with intensity and passion. Easily carried away, they may need help in limiting themselves and sticking to deadlines.


Expressive, opinionated, caring, conscientious. Wanting to excel and wanting to please the teacher, they are, model students; especially for teachers they like. Deeply hurt by criticism, they crave praise for themselves and others. Imaginative and intense, they enjoy learning and achievement. They often take on leadership positions in the school, thereby satisfying their dual urge to be in charge and to take care of others.


Imaginative, idealistic, reflective. Highly independent, they appreciate a flexible school program that offers plenty of opportunity for following their own creative inclinations. Loyal to ideals, they can be very stubborn if forced to do something they don't believe in or have no interest in doing. They enjoy working with and for others, but on their own terms. Easily hurt, they are very sensitive to criticism of any kind.



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