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Translocation Study of Some Zooxanthellae Clade to the Survival and Growth of Goniastrea aspera after Bleaching | Purnomo | International Journal of Marine and Aquatic Resource Conservation and Co-existence 7715 16803 1 SM


Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "Translocation Study of Some Zooxanthellae Clade to the Survival and Growth of Goniastrea aspera after Bleaching | Purnomo | International Journal of Marine and Aquatic Resource Conservation and Co-existence 7715 16803 1 SM"


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Table 1.  DNA Diversity of ����������������� Polip after ,�������� in the Zooxanthellae enrichment media within 17 days incubation period
Figure 1. Zooxanthellae growth of ������������������ within incubation period at natural waters


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