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Slide AKT 405 Teori Akuntansi 5 Godfrey


Academic year: 2017

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Importance of measurement


The assignment of numerals to represent properties of material systems other than numbers


Importance of measurement

Involves linking the formal number system to

some property of objects or events by means of semantic rules

e.g. semantic rules in accounting are represented

by transactions

In accounting we measure profit by:

first assigning a value to capital



Every measurement is made on a scale

Created when a semantic rule is used to relate the mathematical statement to objects or



Nominal scale

In this scale, numbers used only as labelsNumbers represent classification

e.g. numbering footballers


Ordinal scale

In this scale, rank orders objects with respect to a given property

e.g. tallest to shortest person

e.g. investment alternatives that are ranked 1, 2, 3

according to the size of their net present values


Interval scale

In this scale, rank orders objects with respect to a given property

The distance between each interval is equal and known

An arbitrarily selected zero point exists on the scale

e.g. celsius temperature scale


Ratio scale

In this scale, rank orders objects with respect to a given property

Intervals between objects are known and equal

A unique origin exists

e.g. measurement of length


Permissible operations of


Invariance of a scale means that the

measurement system will provide the same

general form of the variables, and the decision maker will make the same decisions

This is not the case in accounting – there is more than one accounting system


Permissible operations of


Nominal and ordinal scales

no arithmetic operations

Interval scale

addition and subtraction

Ratio scale


Types of measurement

There must be a rule to assign numbers before there can be measurement

The formulation of the rules gives rise to a scale


Fundamental measurements

Numbers are assigned by reference to natural laws

Fundamental properties are additive

e.g. length, number and volume


Derived measurements

Is one that depends on the measurement of two or more other quantities

Depends on known relationships to fundamental properties

e.g. the measurement of density depends on the

measurement of both mass and volume

e.g. the measurement of profit depends on the


Fiat measurements

Typical in social sciences including accountingBased on arbitrary definitions - e.g. of profitNumerous ways in which scales can be



Reliability and accuracy

No measurement is free of error except counting

e.g. we can count the chairs in a room and be


Sources of error

The sources of error include the following:

Measurement operations stated impreciselyMeasurer


Attribute unclear


Reliable measurement

What is reliable measurement?

proven consistency

repeatable or reproducible


Reliability incorporates two aspects

accuracy and certainty of measurement


Accurate measurement

Consistency of results, precision and reliability do not necessarily lead to accuracy

Accuracy has to do with how close the

measurement is to the ‘true value’ of the attribute measure - representation

‘True value’ may not be known


Accurate measurement

Many accounting measurements are on a ratio scale

This is the most informative scale


Measurement in accounting

Two fundamental measures

capital & profit

Capital and profit can be defined & derived in various ways

Concepts of capital & profit have changed over time


Measurement in accounting

Two notable developments in international standards (2005, IASB)

profit measurement and revenue recognition

should be linked to timely recognition

the fair value approach should be adopted as the

working measurement principle


Measurement issues for


The focus of profit measurement has shifted from matching revenues and expenses to

assessing the changes in the fair value of net assets


Measurement issues for


Auditors must determine whether

management has made appropriate and reasonable valuations


Measurement issues for


It is possible for several different but reasonable

measurements and impairment losses to be recognised by management

These would all be acceptable to an auditor if

management have



Measurement involves the formal linking of numbers to some property or event via semantic rules

Rules used to assign numbers are determined according to four scalesInvariance of a scale means the measurement system will provide the

same general form of the variables and the decision maker will make the same decisions

There are three different types of measurement

Reliability refers to consistency, and accuracy refers to the representation of a fundamental value


Key terms and concepts

MeasurementNominal scaleOrdinal scaleInterval scaleRatio scale

Invariance of a scale

Fundamental measurementsDerived measurements

Fiat measurements



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