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Chapter 13

Income and Social Class

By Michael R. Solomon


How would you describe Phil’s social


Upon learning that the Caldwell’s “have

money,” what stereotypes did Phil have

about families with high income?

How did his experience with the Caldwell

estate differ from his preconceptions?

What lesson can we learn from Phil’s



Consumer Spending

and Economic Behavior

Status Symbols:

Products that serve as markers of social class

Income Patterns

– Woman’s Work

More people participating in the labor forceMothers with children are the fastest growing

segment of working people

Yes, It Pays to Go to School!


Luxury Items as Status Symbols

Luxury items like

diamond engagement rings are valued as


Education = A Higher Living Standard


To Spend or Not to Spend,

That is the Question

Discretionary Spending

Discretionary income: The money available to a

household over and above that required for a comfortable standard of living

Individual Attitudes Toward Money:

Atephobia: Fear of being ruined

Harpaxophobia: Fear of being robbed

Peniaphobia: Fear of poverty


Consumer Confidence

Behavioral Economics (a.k.a. economic


– Concerned with the “human side” of economic decisions • Consumer Confidence:

– Consumers’ beliefs about what the future holds • Overall savings rate influenced by:

– (1) Individual consumers’ pessimism or optimism about their personal circumstances

– (2) World events


Social Class

A Universal Pecking Order

Dominance-submission hierarchy: Each individual in the hierarchy is submissive to those higher in the hierarchy and is dominant to those below them in the hierarchy

Social Class Affects Access to Resources:

Marx believed that position in society was determined by one’s relationship to the means of production.

Weber believed that rankings of people depended on

prestige (status groups), power (party) and wealth (class) • Social Class Affects Taste and Lifestyles:

Social class: The overall rank of people in a society


Social Class Affects Leisure


Social Stratification

Social Stratification:

Creation of artificial divisions in a society

Achieved Versus Ascribed Status:

Achieved status: Status earned through hard work

or diligent study

Ascribed status: Status one is born with

Status hierarchy: Structure in a social group in


Class Structure

Class Structure in the United States:

Warner’s six social classes:

(1) Upper Upper

(2) Lower Upper

(3) Upper Middle

(4) Lower Middle

(5) Upper Lower

(6) Lower Lower

Class Structure Around the World:

Every society has some type of hierarchical class


High Status of Golf in Japan


Targeting Social Class

This ad for US

Magazine uses a

strategy that relies on cultural tastes of


Social Mobility

Social Mobility:

– The passage of individuals from one social class to another

Horizontal Mobility:

– Movement from one position to another roughly equivalent in social status

Downward Mobility:

– Movement from one position to another position that is lower in social status

Upward Mobility:

– Movement from one position to another position that is higher in social status


Components of Social Class

Occupational Prestige:

– The “worth” of people based on what they do for a living


– Distribution of wealth is important to marketers because it determines buying power and market potential

The Relationship Between Income and Social


– Social class is a better predictor of purchases that have symbolic aspects but low to moderate price

– Income is a better predictor of major expenditures that do not have status or symbolic aspects


• Certain occupations hold prestige because of their worth to

society. Others are prestigious because of power or income.

Can you think of

professions that are prestigious but not necessarily high in income?


Measuring Social Class

Problems with Measures of Social Class:

Dated measures which are no longer validIncreasing anonymity of society

Reputational method: Extensive interviews within a community to determine reputations of individuals

Status crystallization: Assesses the impact of inconsistency on the self and social behavior

Overprivileged: Income is 25 to 30 percent greater than one’s social class median

Underprivileged: Income is 15 percent less than one’s social class median


Adapting to Social Status

Lottery winners who

experience sudden wealth may have trouble adapting to


Measuring Social Class (cont.)

Problems with Social Class

Segmentation: A Summary:

– They have ignored status inconsistency.

– They have ignored intergenerational mobility.

They have ignored subjective social class.

They have ignored consumers’ aspirations to change

their class standing.


How Social Class

Affects Purchase Decisions

Class Differences in Worldview

A major social class difference involves the worldview

of consumers

Working class:

More focused on immediate needs than long-term goals

Depend more heavily on relatives for emotional support

Orient themselves toward community rather than the world

More likely to be conservative and family oriented


Taste Cultures and Codes

Taste Culture:

– Differentiates people in terms of aesthetic and intellectual preferences


The ways meanings are expressed and interpreted by


Restricted codes: Focus on the content of objects, not the

relationship between objects (dominant among working class)

Elaborated codes: More complex and depend on a

sophisticated world view (used by middle and upper class) • Economic Capital: Financial Resources


Taste Cultures


Cultural Capital

Cultural Capital:

A set of distinctive and socially rare tastes and



The way we classify experiences as a result of our

socialization processes

Grid-group Theory:

Model developed by anthropologist, Mary Douglas,


Targeting the Poor and Rich

Targeting the Poor:

Most marketers ignore this segment

Targeting the Rich:

– Segmenting consumers based on their attitudes toward luxury:

(1) Luxury is functional

(2) Luxury is a reward


Old and New Money

Old Money:

Families which live primarily on inherited funds

The Nouveau Riches:

– Consumers who have achieved extreme wealth and are relatively recent members of upper class

Status anxiety: Concern that one is being consistent

with the cultural environment of being wealthy

Symbolic self-completion: Excessive flamboyant


Status Symbols

Invidious distinction:

– Use of products to inspire envy in others through a display of wealth or power

Conspicuous consumption:

– People’s desire to provide prominent visible evidence of their ability to afford luxury goods

The Billboard Wife:

The decorative role women play when showered with

expensive clothes


Status Symbols are Always in Flux

• At one time, having very pale skin was the mark of an upper social class

because it indicated that the person did not have to work in the fields. Today, a suntan is equated with

leisure time and

consumers go to great


• The ad to the left

insinuates that because of the status of a gift from

Tiffany and Co., it really doesn’t matter what is in the box.

What other brands can

you think of that have

such status, that the name carries as much prestige as the product?


Status Symbols (cont.)

Parody Display:

Sophisticated form of conspicuous consumption to



Figure 13.1 13 - 15
Figure 13.4 13 - 28


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