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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Letter and Humanities UIN Sunan Ampel


By: Siti Makhzumah Reg. Number A53212094





Makhzumah, Siti. 2016. The Flouting of Conversational Maxims in Flappers Comedy Club by Samuel J Comroe. Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Letter and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Advisor: Dr. Mohammad Kurjum M.Ag

Key Words: Conversational Maxims, Flouting Maxims, and Samuel J Comroe in Flappers Comedy Club.

This research analyzes about flouting maxims. Flouting maxim is to say blatantly fails to fulfill it. The speaker blatantly fails to observe a maxim without any intention to misleading a hearer. Flouting maxims is the one way of creating comedy. Those flouting maxims used by Samuel J Comroe in Flappers Comedy Club. This research tries to answer two research problems. First, in what way comedian Samuel J Comroe flouting the maxims to create comedy in Flappers Comedy Club? Second, what are the purposes of comedian Samuel J Comroe flouting the maxims behind his comedy? Besides comedian Samuel J Comroe has the way to creates comedy, he also has purpose in his comedy.

In this research, the writer uses descriptive qualitative method because I take documentation in collecting data and textual analysis in analyzing data. Some steps of collecting data are: (1) by downloading the video and copying the script, (2) by listening the video and repairing the wrong words, (3) by observing the utterance. Then, in analyzing data the writer uses several procedures: (1) identifying the utterance to know the way happened, (2) describing the purposes, (3) drawing the tables as conclusion.



Makhzumah, Siti. 2016. The Flouting of Conversational Maxims in Flappers Comedy Club by Samuel J Comroe. Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Letter and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Advisor: Dr. Mohammad Kurjum M.Ag

Kata Kunci: Conversational Maxims, Flouting Maxims, and Samuel J Comroe in Flappers Comedy Club.

Skripsi ini menganalisis tentang flouting maxims. Flouting maxims adalah untuk mengatakan terang-terangan menggagalkan aturan. Pembicara secara terang-terangan menggagalkan percakapan tanpa ada niat untuk menyesatkan pendengar. Flouting maxims adalah salah satu cara untuk membangun komedi. Flouting maxims ini digunakan oleh Samuel J Comroe di Flappers Comedy Club. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk menjawab dua rumusan masalah. Pertama, dengan cara apa komedian Samuel J Comroe flouting the maxims untuk membangun komedi di Flappers Comedy Club? Kedua, apakah tujuan dari komedian Samuel J Comroe flouting the maxims untuk membangun komedi di Flappers Comedy Club?. Disamping komedian Samuel J Comroe memiliki cara untuk membangun komedinya, dia juga memiliki tujuan didalam komedinya.

Dalam skripsi ini, saya menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif, karena saya mengambil dokumentasi didalam pengumpulan data dan analisis teks didalam menganalisis data. Beberapa langkah dalam pengumpulan data: (1) dengan mendowload video dan mengopi skript, (2) dengan mendengarkan video dan memperbaiki kata yang salah, (3) dengan mengamati ungkapan. selanjutnya dalam menganalisis data saya menggunakan beberapa prosedur: (1) mengidentifikasi ungkapan untuk mengetahui cara yang dilakukan, (2) mendeskripsikan tujuan, (3) membuat tabel sebagai kesimpulan.






MOTTO... iv






ABSTRACT ... xii

INTISARI ... xiii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study ... 1

1.2 Research problems ... 5

1.3 Research objectives ... 5

1.4 Significance of the study ... 5

1.5 Scope and limitation ... 6



2.1 Pragmatics ... 8

2.2 Context of situation ... 8

2.3 Cooperative principle ... 9

2.4 Non-observance the Maxims ... 11

2.5 Flouting the maxims ... 12

2.6 Previous study ... 15

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research design ... 20

3.2 Subject of the research ... 20

3.3 Research instrument ... 20

3.4 Data and data source ... 21

3.5 Data collection ... 21

3.6 Data analysis ... 24


4.1.1 The way of flouting maxims... 30

4.1.2 The purpose of flouting maxims ... 46



5.1 Conclusion ... 63 5.2 Suggestion ... 64



This chapter describes background of the research, research problems, research objectives, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, and definition of the key terms.

1.1 Background of the Research

Pragmatics is like the social language in daily interaction, as Kreidler (2002: 18) said that pragmatics concerned with people’s ability to use language meaningfully. As we know that in daily life, every human need language as a tool of communication, and the function of language itself to understand the ideas from other peoples. Therefore, the pragmatic study is very important in daily interaction.

Good interaction has a good impact also from other people if our communication running well, like the theory which the writer uses in this research ‘Cooperative Principle’. As Grice (1975) in Paltridge (2008: 61) said that in order


Every human makes a good conversation to avoid misleading or misunderstanding. But, besides the good conversation, there are some people intentionally break their utterance in communication with some purposes. This phenomenon is familiar with the theory ‘Non-Observance the Maxim’. According to Thomas (1995) in Hanifah (2013: 138) when speaker implied something to suggest or to deliver some meaning by means of language, so intentionally the speaker generates an implicature. In this research, the writer discuss about flouting the maxims as the sub theory from ‘Non-Observance the Maxim’ which used by comedian. Using flouting is to break his utterance with some purposes, that is to make some jokes.


maxims, because in Flappers Comedy Club as my subject of this research the comedian has not the intended to misleading the hearer but just to make some jokes and give other information behind his performance.

Behind the performance with some jokes, it is usually the comedian build information. As Attardo (1990) concluded that cooperative show that jokes and other kinds of humorous texts can yield information. It can be my first reason of taking the flouting maxims in Flappers Comedy Club because the writer gives another nuance in the area of comedy. Mostly the researchers just take the comedy in movie like Alvaro (2011) and Andresen (2013) as the researcher who take comedy as their subject. The writer doesn’t take the comedy movie but the writer

takes the comedy which very famous humor in all of country especially in Indonesia right now. It is Flappers Comedy Club which actually same with Stand-Up Comedy Club. Beside the Flappers Comedy Club is very famous in Indonesia, Flappers Comedy Club also has implicit information which anybody doesn’t know it moreover unmindful it.


television series community. The writer wants to know the way of Samuel J Comroe flouting the maxims to create comedy. It can be useful for other comedian to take flouting maxims as the way to create their comedy.

Third reason of taking the flouting maxims in Flappers Comedy Club by Samuel J Comroe is because the writer has some curiosity to find the way of flouting the maxims by the western comedian. This research takes the western comedian from Los Angeles, Samuel J Comroe. Samuel J Comroe is one of the famous comedians in the world, it has proven with his won in a comedy competition. Therefore, as Indonesian people we can reach our knowledge not only from Indonesian comedian but also from western comedian. Because the writer intend to find the way of comedian Samuel J Comroe flouting the maxims to create comedy and explore the purposes of comedian Samuel J Comroe of these flout behind his comedy and his information. Another reason to take Samuel J Comroe is because only the comedian Samuel J Comroe who make conversation with his audience. He answers the entire question from his audience. From the conversation happen, the writer can analyze the way he flouts the maxims with his purpose of it.

As student of English Department the writer take the data which is from English as my subject because as the finding of Alduais (2012) Journal of Sociological Research, Grice’s theory and principle applied on the non-standard


whether Arabic or English. Furthermore, the writer takes the English language from the western comedian Samuel J Comroe as comedian from Los Angeles.

Thus, this research make some results of the using flouting maxims in Flappers Comedy Club by Samuel J Comroe with identify the utterance which contain of flouting maxims from the comedian Samuel J Comroe. This research makes some results as perfect as possible of the using flouting maxims in Flappers Comedy Club by Samuel J Comroe.

1.2 Research Problems

1.2.1 In what way comedian Samuel J Comroe flouting the maxim to create comedy in Flappers Comedy Club?

1.2.2 What are the purposes of comedian Samuel J Comroe flouting the maxim behind his comedy?

1.3 Research Objectives

Based on the problems above, the objectives of this research are aimed: 1.3.1 To describe the way of comedian Samuel J Comroe flouting the maxim to

create comedy in Flappers Comedy Club.


1.4 Significance of the Study

Maxims as the conversational principle is very important to make the communication running well. Flouting maxim is the one way to mislead the conversation with some purpose. The significance of this research can describe from theoretically and practically:

1.4.1 Theoretically This research gives some additional information to the reader especially for English department students, because they will know of using the theory of flouting maxim in Flappers Comedy Club. It is useful for other researcher to use the flouting maxims in different subject such as, Novel, Movie, or Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, BBM, and Path).

1.4.2 Practically It is useful for a comedian in Indonesia because they can mislead the hearer to make their utterance funny as western comedian and it will never monotonous.


1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of this research is focus on the way of comedian flouting the maxim to create comedy in Flappers Comedy Club and the purposes of it. Besides that, the writer focuses on ten videos by Samuel J Comroe. Giving ten videos is because to approve the way of Samuel J Comroe flouts the maxims in creating comedy.

Whereas, to avoid the discussion beyond the topic of this research, my limitations of this research is the writer doesn’t have any reference in translating the video from Samuel J Comroe. Therefore, the writer just take the script from transcription in YouTube and also correct the wrong word by adding the word based on my own listen with use o.transcribe.com in order to make complete the script. Besides that, the limitation is from the video also that takes duration 2 minutes until 7 minutes, because the writer didn’t find the full duration.

1.6 Definition of the Key Terms.

Flouting Maxims is one of non-observance of maxim to break utterance without any intention to mislead the hearer but to make the hearer look for a meaning behind the implicit utterance.

Conversational Maxims is the four rules which were proposed by Grice (1975) to make conversational contribution like required to accepted purpose.


directly to them. Flappers Comedy Club in Indonesia is like Stand-Up Comedy Club.




In this chapter, the writer describes the discussion about the supporting theories and previous study to show the differences and similarities between this research and another research. It involves about Pragmatics, Context of Situation, Cooperative Principle, Non-Observance the Maxims, Flouting Maxims, and Previous Study.

2.1 Pragmatics

Kreidler (2002: 18) said that pragmatics is a branch of linguistics that is concerned with meaning and people’s ability to use language meaningfully. The

chief of pragmatics is person’s ability to derive meanings from specific kinds of

speech situations to recognize what the speaker is referring to, to relate new information and to interpret what is said. Paltridge (2008: 53) said that pragmatics is the study of meaning in relation to the context in which a person is speaking or writing. This includes social, situational, and textual context. It also includes background knowledge context that is what people know about each other and about the world.

2.2 Context of Situation


language functions in context is central to an understanding of the relationship between what is said and what is understood in spoken and written discourses. The context of situation of what someone says is, therefore crucial to understanding and interpreting the meaning of what is being said. Cutting (2002: 3) said that situational context is what speakers know about what they can see around them.

2.3 Cooperative Principle

Paltridge (2008: 61) wrote the Grice (1975) argues that in order for a person to interpret what someone else says, some kind of cooperative principle must be assumed to be in operation. The cooperative principle says we should aim to make our conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage. In addition to the Cooperative Principle, Grice based his cooperative principle, four conversational maxims: maxim of quality, quantity, relation, and manner to show how we communicate effectively in the light of certain rules on four sub-principles or maxims.

2.3.1 Maxims of Quality

Maxim of Quality is concern that people should only say what they believe to be true and what they have evidence for. Coulthard (1985: 31) have described sub maxim of quality: Don’t say what you believe to be false and don’t say that

for which you lack adequate evidence. Example:


B: this month is November. 2.3.2 Maxims of Quantity

Maxim of Quantity is concern that we says should make our contribution as informative as is required for the particular purpose and not make it more informative than is required. Coulthard (1985: 31) have described sub maxim of quantity: Make your contribution as informative as is required (for the current purposes of the exchange) and don’t make your contribution more informative

than is required. Example:

A: what is the color of Indonesian flag?

B: the color of Indonesian flag is red and white. 2.3.3 Maxims of Relation

Maxim of Relation says we should make our contribution relevant to the interaction, or we should indicate in what way it is not. Coulthard (1985: 31) have described sub maxim of relation “Be relevant”.


A: have you done your dinner boy?

B: yes mom, I have done. 2.3.4 Maxims of Manner


be perspicuous. Coulthard (1985: 31) have described sub maxim of manner: Avoid obscurity of expression, avoid ambiguity, be brief and be orderly.


A: how old are you?

B: I’m twenty one years old.

There is an example to approve the four of conversational maxim. Husband: where are the car keys?

Wife : they’re on the table in the hall

In the example above, wife can answer the husband’s question using the

four maxims as describe above. The wife answer relevant with the husband’s

question (relation), the wife answer what she believe (quality), the wife answer with make contribution as informative as is required (quantity), and be brief (manner)

2.4 Non-Observance the Maxims

People don’t always mean from what they say literally when they build a


Maxims, Violating a Maxims, Opting out a Maxim, Infringing a Maxims, and Suspending a Maxims.

Flouting a Maxims takes place when a speaker blatantly failed to observe a maxim without any intention to misleading a hearer. Violating a Maxims is the speaker may lie. The speaker will be able to misleading the hearer intentionally. The speaker says the truth but implies what is untrue. Opting out a Maxim is the speaker cannot reply in normal way that is expected, may be the speaker get trouble in pronunciation. Infringing a Maxims is the speaker cannot speak clearly or to the point because of informatively impaired. The last is Suspending a Maxims, it occurs when there are cultures–specific or particular event that force the speaker not to say something directly, for instance, taboo words.

2.5 Flouting Maxim


2.5.1 Flouting maxim of quality

Flouting maxim of quality happen when the speaker gave utterance but not appropriate with sub maxim of quality. Therefore, if there is an utterance from the speaker to be false and lack adequate evidence without any intention to misleading the hearer, thus the utterance is flouting maxim of quality.


A: what month is this month?

B: this month may be December.

Cutting (2002: 37) gives addition that the speaker flouting the maxims of quality may do it in several ways: Hyperbole

The speakers may flout the maxims by exaggerating as in the hyperbole. For example; “I could eat a horse”. It means that he or she said that when they

felt hungry, with flouting maxims by exaggerating. Metaphor

The speaker can flout the maxim of quality by using a metaphor, as in “my house is a refrigerator in January”. It means that hearers would understand that the house was very cold indeed. Irony and Banter

Two main ways of flouting maxims of quality are irony and banter. As Leech (1983: 144) says in Cutting (2002: 38) “while irony is an apparently


In the case of Irony, the speaker expresses a positive sentiment and implies a negative one. If a student comes down to breakfast one morning and says “if

only you knew how much I love being woken up at 4 am by a fire alarm” she is being ironic and expecting her friends to know that she means the opposite.

Banter, on the contrary, expresses a negative sentiment and implies a positive one. For example, you’re nasty, mean and stingy. How can you only give me one kiss? It is intended to be an expression of friendship or intimacy. Banter can sometimes be a tease, and sometimes a flirtatious comment. Sarcasm

There is sarcasm also as the way of flouting maxims. Sarcasm is a form of irony that is not friendly; in fact it is usually intended to hurt.

2.5.2 Flouting maxim of quantity

Flouting maxim of quantity happened when the speaker gave utterance but not appropriate with sub maxim of quantity. Thus, if there is an utterance from the speaker more informative than is required without any intention to misleading the hearer, thus the utterance is flouting maxim of quantity. Cutting (2002: 37) said that the speaker who flouts the maxim of quantity seems to give too little or too much information. Therefore, the way of flouting maxims is the speaker gives too little or too much information, the example like below:



B: the color of Indonesian flag is red and white, actually it made by Fatmawati, the wife of first President Soekarno.

B not only say about the color of Indonesian flag, but also he gives much information because he know that A will understand although he just asking about the color but B just giving much information because he want to gives additional information. We see that B flouts the maxim of quantity when B said: the color of Indonesian flag is red and white, actually it made by Fatmawati, the wife of first

President Soekarno. B gives much information without any intention to mislead the hearer, but he has purpose behind his much information, he just to give additional information about the flag.

2.5.3 Flouting maxim of relation

Coulthard (1985: 31) have described sub maxim of relation “Be relevant”.

If there is an utterance from the speaker not relevant in communication without any intention to misleading the hearer, thus the utterance is flouting maxim of relation.

Cutting (2002: 37) said that the way of flouting maxims of relation is expecting that the hearers will be able to imagine what the utterance didn’t say, and making the connection between their utterances and preceding one, thus in: Example:


B doesn’t say that he done or not for the dinner, although actually he has

not done the dinner because his book is lost but by not mentioning it, he apparently saying something irrelevant, he implies it. Similarly, in the next, Noel Coward is said to have had this exchange, after his play Sirocco (1927) was booed:

Heckler : we expected a better play Coward : I expected better manners

(Sherrin 1995: 29)

Using a Grice analysis, we can say that the second comment seems irrelevant to the first: the heckler in the audience is talking about the play, and coward’s comment is about manners. However, Coward intends the heckler to

infer that he expected better manners that booing and shouting about his play. The heckler will have understood that Coward found him as well as the others not just bad-manner but rude and offensive.

Grice thought that flouting the maxim of relation was possible, but many people have disagreed. Whether we observe or flout maxims, our utterance will always be taken as relevant to the preceding co-text.

2.5.4 Flouting maxim of manner


ambiguity and not brief without any intention to misleading the hearer, thus the utterance is flouting maxim of manner. Usually it found on tautology and figure of speech. Cutting (2002: 39) said that those who flouts the maxim of manner, the way is appearing to be obscure, like the example below:


A: how old are you?

B: I’m twenty one years old with the young face like a rose in the flowerbed.

B speaks in an ambiguous way, saying like a rose in the flowerbed, because he is avoiding saying the old face.

2.6 Previous Study

Previous Study is to show the difference and similarity between this research and another research. Several researchers have been analyzed pragmatic case study start from the research of cooperative principle, non-observance, and flouting maxims. Several researchers also have been analyzing with comedy as their subject, but there are similarities and differences from several researchers with my research. The writer takes six previous studies from 1990, 2011, 2013 and 2015.


non-bona-fide mode or as jokes, they are on the principled construction of texts which violate the maxims to exploit the deception of the hearer’s expectations. The

similarity between this research with my research is both of them use one of the Non-Observance as the theory and comedy or jokes as the subject. The difference is this research used Violating maxims but the writer take flouting maxims as my theory.

Analyzing observance of maxim has been done to analyze non-observance of maxim like Alvaro (2011) with the title of thesis The Role of Conversational Maxims, Implicature and Presupposition in the Creation of Humour: An Analysis of Woody Allen’s Anything Else showed that this research

has intention to contribute or compensate the form of humor using implicature and non-observance of maxims. This research only used the non-observance of maxims as approach in simulating the intrinsic interest of movie. The research described the role of conversational maxims, implicature and presupposition in the creation of humor using the non-observance of maxim. The similarity between this research with my research is both of them use Non-Observance of maxims and also use humour or comedy as the subject but the difference is this research use humour in movie and my research use humour in Flappers Comedy Club.


Grice’s conversational maxims, there is non-observance of maxims also that

correlate in conversational maxim. She investigated types of maxims which not observed by male and female social media. The finding of Hanifah (2013), male in social media flouting maxim was just to make a joke when they flout a maxim in public interaction, indicate that they show no interest to the topic being discussed when they give irrelevant contribution and fail to observe the maxim of relation in conversation. Besides that, female in social media indicated that they want to stay close with friends when giving more information that is required and fail to observe the maxim of quantity in interaction. The similarity between this research with my research is both of them use Non-Observance that is just flouting maxims as the theory. The difference is the writer doesn’t take social media as subject but the writer takes flouting maxims in Flappers Comedy Club.

Triyatun (2013) with the title Non-Observance of Grice’s Maxims Found in the Death of Salesman Drama Script by Arthur Miller: a Pragmatic Study also

investigated about non-observance of Grice’s maxims. She found that the types of non-observance in the death of salesman drama script used by the character whom flouting of maxims, violating of maxims, and suspending of maxims. The speaker’s intentions of non-observance maxims were requesting, suggesting,


this research use flouting of maxims, violating of maxims, and suspending of maxims and my research just use flouting maxims.

Andresen (2013) with the title “Flouting the Maxims in Comedy: an Analysis of flouting in the comedy series community”, explored on how flouting

of the Grice a maxim is used to create comedy in television series community. Besides that, the use of flouts happened in different situations and explored the different each character in comedy movie. He argue that the flouting of maxim reflect the personalities of the character. This research is close with my research but there is a difference in the subject, both of them use comedy but this research used comedy series community and my research is Flappers Comedy Club.

The research has been done in pragmatics analysis of the cooperative principle like Purwaningsih (2015). Her title thesis is The Pragmatics Analysis of the Cooperative Principle in a Comedy Movie Entitled “Meet the Parents”. The researcher analyzed the types of maxims based on cooperative principle and the meaning of each utterance contains the Grice Maxim, and some socio cultural background of American Society used in a comedy movie entitled “Meet the Parents”. The researcher found conclusion about the type of maxim from the four

maxims and non-observance of maxims. The similarity between this research with my research is both of them use comedy as the subject. The difference is the writer only takes one of Non-Observance the maxim that is flouting maxims.



This chapter explains the method of the research. What should researcher do to make this research done with perfect result is. It consists of research design, subject of the research, research instrument, data and data source, data collection and data analysis.

3.1 Research design

This research uses descriptive qualitative method because the writer describes the way of comedian flouting the maxim to create comedy in Flappers Comedy Club and the purpose of it. According to Berg (2001: 3) qualitative research additionally includes such methods as observation of experimental natural settings, photographic techniques (including videotaping), historical analysis, document and textual analysis, sociometry, socio-drama and similar ethno-methodological experimentation, ethnographic research, and a number of unobtrusive techniques. In other words, the writer takes documentation in collecting data and textual analysis in analyzing data. Thus, the research design of this research prepared as perfect as possible in order to get perfect result of this research.

3.2 Subject of the research


3.3 Research instrument

The main instrument is the researcher itself who is the only instrument to collect and analyze the data. Besides that, Nasution (1988) said in Sugiyono (2012: 223), “dalam penelitian kualitatif, tidak ada pilihan lain daripada menjadikan manusia sebagai instrumen penelitian utama”. In qualitative research, there is no other choice than make the researcher itself as the main instrument.

Therefore, the writer put herself in this research as the researcher who is neutral to analyze the subject, who is separate her personal experience from research participant and reduce potential bias in the research, as Marshall (1995) said in Sugiyono (2012: 226), “melalui observasi, peneliti belajar tentang perilaku, dan makna dari perilaku tersebut”. Through observation, the researcher learns about behavior and the meaning attached to those behaviors.

3.4 Data and data source

The data of this research takes from the words, sentences, utterances, or expressions produced by comedian Samuel J Comroe which flouts the maxim.

The data source of this research takes from ten videos with different theme: Pregnant Lady in Crowd, 14 year old kid in audience, an audience member tries to steal my soul, comedian talks with crowd – special kids need


with crowd. The ten videos are from YouTube which takes duration for about two until seven minutes every video when he performed in Flappers Comedy Club.

3.5 Data collection

The technique of collecting data in this research is documentation. According to Sugiyono (2012: 240), “Dokumen bisa berbentuk karya misalnya gambar, film, video, dll”. Documentation is like organizing a creation such as picture, movie, and video. Because the writer takes the video, the writer will collect the data with several steps:

3.5.1 By downloading the video and copying the script


3.5.2 By listening the video and repairing the wrong words.


3.5.3 By observing the utterance

After finishing the script, the writer observe the utterance in the script to see the main focus of Samuel’s utterance which include in flouting maxims with make a highlight in the script to mark in which part he flouted maxims as his way to create comedy.

3.6 Data analysis

The writer analyses the data with several procedures;

3.6.1 To answer the first research problems, the writer will identify the utterance from the highlight to know the way of the comedian creates comedy with see the utterance and context also. Identifying the way of comedian creates comedy, automatically the writer will know the type of flouting maxims also.

Pregnant Lady in Crowd 0:00

I'm now I am I'm happy he's mine 0:03

I know I’m happy recently, vehicles, pretty cool and president 0:08

Anybody begin from some solders. (like former)


Like former? Are you sure? Do you know??? (I foster a lot so they come in and out) 0:16


3.6.2 To answer the second research problems, the writer describes the purpose of flouting maxims by Samuel J Comroe with seeing the context and interpreting the utterance based on my own ideas in Samuel J Comroe’s utterance.

3.6.3 After analyzing the data, the writer draws two tables. The first table is to know the percentage of flouting maxims happened. Thus, I know which the maxim is mostly flouted in Flappers Comedy Club as the way comedian flouted the maxim. The way to take the percentage (P) is each total type of flouting maxim (n) divide the all of total in flouting maxims (N) times one

hundred: . The second table is to know the conclusion of the


flouting happen as the way with the purpose from the comedian also.

Table 3.1

Sample Table of the Percentage of the Flouting of Conversational Maxims in Flappers Comedy Club by Samuel J Comroe Non-Observations of


Conversational Maxims

Account Percentage


Flouting Quantity




Table 3.2

Sample Table of the Conclusion of the Flouting of Conversational Maxims in Flappers Comedy Club by Samuel J Comroe

No. Flouting of Maxims Data The Ways The Purposes

1. Maxims of Quality

2. Maxims of Quantity

3. Maxims of Relation




This chapter explores the finding and discussions of the thesis. It is to answer of two research problems.

4.1 Findings

In finding section, the writer analyzes to answer two research problems. The first research problem is to know the way of Samuel J Comroe flouts the maxims. The finding of the way of Samuel J Comroe flouting the maxims to create comedy in Flappers Comedy Club, every video those set in this research is from ten videos. From the second research problems, the finding is showing Samuel J Comroe purposes of flouting the maxims behind his comedy based on my own ideas from Samuel J Comroe’s utterance and based on the context.


Table 4.1

Table of the Percentage of the Flouting of Conversational Maxims in Flappers Comedy Club by Samuel J Comroe

Non-Observations of Maxims

Conversational Maxims

Account Percentage

Quality 6 32%

Flouting Quantity 11 58%

Relation 1 5%

Manner 1 5%

Total 19 100%

The finding of first table is showing the percentage of all the flouting maxims. Flouting maxims of quality has 32%, flouting maxims of quantity has 58%, flouting maxims of relation has similar percentage with flouting maxims of manner, the percentage is 5%.


The second table is to know the conclusion of the flouting happen and the way with the purpose from the comedian also.


Table 4.2

Table of the Conclusion of the Flouting of Conversational Maxims in Flappers Comedy Club by Samuel J Comroe

No. Flouting of Maxims Data The Ways The Purposes

1. Maxims of Quality 3 Giving congratulation with mock-impoliteness (banter)

To give appreciation and congratulation

6 Giving unique answer (irony)

To give alternative answer

7 Mocking way with sarcasm

To make advice

8 Giving allusion with metaphor

To give advice

9 Exploring the fact


To show the best place

14 Trying to be honest

with irony way

To give understanding

2. Maxims of Quantity Too much information

1 Showing enthusiasm To make sure the


4 Giving repetition To ask again (be sure)

5 Giving repetition To more close with


10 Giving allusion To say thank you

11 Ensuring the fact To make appreciate

12 Showing the feeling To gives gratitution

13 Reversing a question To know the purpose

15 Asking clear statement To make a clear perception

17 Giving advice To make understanding

18 Giving allusion To give advice

Too little information

1 Showing enthusiasm To make sure the reason of audience

16 Avoiding from more


To make secret

3. Maxims of Relation 17 Giving advice To make understanding

4. Maxims of Manner 2 Giving ambiguity question


4.1.1 The way of Samuel J Comroe flouting the maxims to create comedy in Flappers Comedy Club

In this part, the writer shows the way of Samuel J Comroe flouting the maxims to create his comedy in ten videos when he performed in Flappers Comedy Club. There are four types of maxims which he flouted. The writer identifies and analyzes the utterance of Samuel J Comroe to find the way. Showing enthusiasm Data 1

Samuel J Comroe uses flouting maxims of quantity when the audience said that he like a farmer.

Audience : like farmer

Samuel : like farmer? Are you sure? Did you know? Audience : I foster a lot so they come in and out Samuel : ow,,, that’s pleasure


Whereas he should be answer agree with the audience statement. From the context and flouting maxims of quantity, the way of Samuel to create his comedy is giving enthusiasm. Samuel J Comroe is very enthusiasm with statement from his audience that he is like farmer. Giving ambiguity question Data 2

Samuel J Comroe uses flouting maxims of manner when he gave question to the audience.

Samuel : with whom you have fun? Audience : Nope, just funning my wife.

Samuel : ow… you funning your wife that jump and shit?

The conversation above is flouting maxims of manner. Comedian Samuel J Comroe says ambiguous way in communication without any intention to misleading the hearer. First of all, Samuel gives question to audience about with whom he have fun in Flappers Comedy Club. The audience answers the real condition that he just makes a fun his wife. The second, as the answer of audience, Samuel gives question again but ambiguous with answering and misleading the conversation.


ambiguity question from the answer of audience, because his question can’t get the answer and doesn’t know what Samuel means. Giving congratulation with mock-impoliteness (banter) Data 3

The wife of audience tries to say the intention of her husband bring her to see flappers comedy club. Samuel J Comroe uses flouting maxims of quality when he answered the wife of audience information.

Audience (Wife) : no, but it’s because I’m pregnant

Samuel : are you pregnant? Oh she becomes perfect now. From you the fucking father.

Samuel J Comroe creates his comedy with flouting maxims of quality. There are many several ways in flouting maxims of quality, because the answer of Samuel only praise to the audience (wife) “Oh she becomes perfect now”, and offensive the audience (husband) “From you the fucking father”, therefore the

way of Samuel flouting the maxims is banter.

The main ways of flouting maxims of quality here is an offensive way of being friendly (mock-impoliteness). Samuel offensive the audience (husband) to built the humor with mock-impoliteness, it means that Samuel is mocking the audience (husband) with impoliteness. He expresses a negative sentiment “From

(46) Giving repetition Data 4

Samuel J Comroe gives question to the husband about his job because he said that he work at ER, not labor and delivery for a reason.

Samuel : what are you doing exactly? Please giving hard and take it.

Audience (Husband) : I know how to do everything up to there. I just don’t have the tools to do it.

Samuel : what tools, I didn’t wait? I take baby out it is so nice. Hold on… it’s a place. It is more surprise

Samuel : what tools its mean?

Samuel J Comroe creates his comedy with flouting maxims of quantity. Samuel asks to his audience about what are the audience doing exactly, but the audience say “I know how to do everything up to there. I just don’t have the tools

to do it” When he answered the audience information, he makes his contribution more informative than is required with giving repetition because he seems surprise from the answer. He repeats his answer about tools “what tools, I didn’t wait? I take baby out it is so nice. Hold on… it’s a place. It is more surprise. What tools

its mean?


Data 5

In this data, the writer takes Samuel repetition of his question about what tools the audience means.

Samuel : what tools its mean? The audience : salad spoon

Samuel : salad spoon? Like first salad? Did you start to eating? Got desert?

The audience : this guy barely knows me, and he knows I eat like a horse! The audience answers Samuel’s question about what tools he means. The

audience gives the answers “salad spoon”. Samuel gives question as his feedback. Samuel J Comroe creates his comedy with flouting maxims of quantity. When he answered the audience information about the tools is salad spoon, he makes his contribution more informative than is required. He gives repetition of the answer “salad spoon? Like first salad? Did you start to eating? Got desert? ”. He asks

about salad spoon continuity. He gives repetition about the answer. The writer concludes that the way of Samuel flouts his maxim is giving repetition like data 4. Giving unique answer (irony) Data 6

The audience has a question to Samuel about how Samuel makes a baby stop crying.


Samuel : how do I make a baby stop crying? Em I don’t have a baby. Its really babies. I make a baby stop crying you just a leaving

In conversation here, the audience asks a question to Samuel about how Samuel makes a baby stop crying. Samuel answers that he doesn’t has a baby, and make a baby stop crying he order audience to just a leaving the baby. From the answers of Samuel, he is flouting maxims of quality.

Samuel J Comroe is flouting maxims of quality. Flouting maxims of quality is happen when there was an utterance from the speaker to be false and lack adequate evidence without any intention to mislead the hearer. Samuel gives one way of flouting the maxims to create his comedy, he uses irony as his way. He gives mock-politeness in his answer “I make a baby stop crying you just a leaving”. Actually Samuel knows about the answer but it is to create his comedy. The way of flouting maxims of quality, he gives unique answer for leaving the babies when the babies had crying. He creates his comedy without any intention to mislead the hearer. Mocking way with sarcasm Data 7

Samuel J Comroe uses flouting maxims of quality when he gave statement to the audience’s answer.

Samuel : before married, how long you have a date?


Samuel : Yes,,,, you see guys. Just play it, you play with her. You got a strong.

Samuel J Comroe sees a couple in his club. He asks a question about how long they have a date. They said that they have a date in 9 weeks, after audience (wife) got pregnant, and then got married. It means that they get pregnant before they married. Samuel gives flouting of quality in his statement. For this time, Samuel takes one way of flouting maxims of quality sarcasm. Cutting (2002: 38) said that sarcasm is a form of irony that is not so friendly; in fact it is usually intended to hurt.

Samuel J Comroe gives flouting of quality in his statement “Yes,,,, you see

guys. Just play it, you play with her. You got a strong.” He creates his comedy with flouting maxims of quality with uses sarcasm way. He is being ironic and intended to hurt the audience. He says that they just play it, and the man got a strong, but actually Samuel doesn’t like with their attitude and gives it statement to his audience. Perhaps that his audience know what does he mean to avoid and imitate their bad attitude. Giving allusion with metaphor Data 8

Samuel J Comroe uses flouting maxims of quality when he gave answer to the other couple.

Samuel : you have a married?

Wife : Yes


Samuel : taking your eyes and thank you for giving to the hell. Samuel J Comroe asks a question to the couple “you have a married?” the

wife says yes that they are a couple that has a married. Whereas, the soul stealer or her husband just gives glare to Samuel. Samuel knows it and gives response with flouting maxims of quality to make jokes “taking your eyes and thank you

for giving to the hell”.

The writer concludes that the way of flouting maxims of quality which he used is metaphor. Metaphor is like giving understand behind the meaning, usually we has known how to interpret the meaning behind the word. From the Samuel’s

utterance, the audience would understand that the word “thank you for giving to

the hell” it means that Samuel feels hurt of the glare and feels like he is in the wrong place. The audiences know how to interpret the meaning behind the word “thank you for giving to the hell”. Therefore, the way of flouting maxims of

quality which Samuel used is giving allusion with metaphor. Exploring the fact condition Data 9

Samuel J Comroe moves to the other couple which have birthday. They celebrate their anniversary also to watch Flappers Comedy Club. Samuel uses flouting maxims of quality when he gave statement to the audience.

Samuel : greeting a good job okay, he is birthday and anniversary.


Flouting maxims of quality from Samuel J Comroe is from his not true statement. He shows to the audience that Flappers Comedy Club is wrong place to celebrate their birthday or anniversary. He has reason why he gives it statement. It is because the Flappers Comedy Club is not the romantic place to celebrate it but the crazy place to laugh. Actually his statement is not wrong, Samuel just gives the fact condition, but it’s not appropriate with saying that Flappers Comedy Club is wrong place. Samuel’s statement has no intention to mislead the audience but

just to make some jokes. Giving allusion Data 10

Samuel : I down syndrome my head Audience : it’s okay

Samuel : thank you, I, we, it’s okay

(52) Ensuring the fact

Data 11

Samuel J Comroe uses flouting maxims of quantity when the audience gave opinion that Samuel like Greg’s dad.

Audience : like Greg’s dad

Samuel : like who? Greg’s dad? Oh he older than me. You really know.

Samuel J Comroe knows that Greg’s dad is a funny song but he says that Greg’s dad is older than him. He ensures that his audience really likes Greg’s dad

song “like who? Greg’s dad? Oh he older than me. You really know”. It is as his

way to create his comedy with flouting maxims of quantity, he gives the answer more informative, but he answers is without any intention to mislead the hearer but to make some jokes. Showing the feeling Data 12

Samuel J Comroe stands-up with Drew Lynch and they get a big enthusiastic. One of the audiences gives question to them but Samuel J Comroe answers it with flouting maxims of quantity.

Audience : what motivated you in comedy?


The audience gives question to Samuel about what motivated Samuel in comedy is. Samuel J Comroe answers the audience’s question with giving too much information. The audience just asks him about his motivation in comedy but he is not directly says that his audience as his motivation.

First of all, Samuel gives repetition of the question “what motivated us to

get in the comedy?” The second, he answers that his audience as his motivation “These guys in my motivation”. The third, he describes his statement “make me

working hard” to prove his opinion about his audience that his audience makes him working hard in comedy. He describes his answers. He describes his feeling to audiences, perhaps they know that he has motivation from audience. Therefore, the way of flouting maxims of quantity which Samuel used is giving too much information to showing his feeling. Reversing a question. Data 13

Samuel J Comroe gives theme Getting High with Tourette Syndrome, there is an audience ask to him about how the hard to gain acceptance from Samuel’s


Audience : has been hard to gain acceptance?

Samuel : has been hard to gain acceptance? No, it was the first question, it’s like you know very deep. Has been hard to


Samuel J Comroe as a comedian he flouts his utterance to create his comedy. Samuel flouts the maxims of quantity. Samuel answers the audience question is not informative as required, he flouts his comedy with giving too much information. Samuel gives repetition of the question as his first answer “has been

hard to gain acceptance?” The second, Samuel just makes his answer was funny “it’s like you know very deep”. Samuel J Comroe also reversing the question to the audience “Has been hard to gain acceptance? No, I mean, do you gain accept

me?” It’s his way to create his comedy in flouting maxims of quantity with reversing a question. The intention of reversing question, it seems like Samuel wants to know what the audience accept him. Trying to be honest with irony way Data 14

Samuel J Comroe talks about his fans in facebook, but there is an audience who makes joke that Samuel is not in his facebook.

Samuel : you looking at me on Facebook guidelines we loved Audience : I don’t do facebook, but I got you on my list.

Samuel : I on your list? You meaningless my know only too well yeah

Audience : you’re off my list

Samuel : off your list? Okay good


Samuel exactly off in his list. Between the audience and Samuel were flouting the maxims of quality. The audience flouts his utterance with wrong answer to make Samuel disappointed, but this research only focus on Samuel J Comroe’s utterance. Samuel J Comroe also flouts the maxims of quality with irony way.

Samuel J Comroe expresses a positive sentiment and implies a negative one. Samuel answers with wrong statement that he is willing about the off list and its okay statement off your list? Okay good”. Whereas, he is expecting his audience to know that he means the opposite, he doesn’t want to his audience

make him off in their list. Therefore, the way of flouting the maxims of quality is trying to be honesty behind the jokes with irony way. Asking clear statement Data 15

One of audience asks comedian Samuel J Comroe about Tourette Syndrome, because Samuel is people who has Tourette Syndrome.

Audience : did you have special classes?

Samuel : did I have special classes? It’s number question three What is special classes? What’s your perception about people with tourette syndrome?


The answer of Samuel is too much information because he gives repetition about special classes “did I have special classes?”, and gives two questions also

before giving the answer. Firstly, he asks a question to his audience about the meaning of special classes which their mean “What is special classes?” Secondly,

he asks a question about the perception of his audience about people with tourette syndrome “What’s your perception about people with tourette syndrome?”

Samuel gives more informative, he should give the answer directly “yes he has special classes or no”. Avoiding from more question Data 16

The audience asks about how Samuel turns down in organization of comedy.

Audience : how do you turn down organization that ask you to be a spokesperson for them?

Samuel : oh how do turn down organization that ask me to be spokesperson? Yeah…

Audience : I mean obviously a lot of people have asked you

Samuel : no…no yes, nature, it’s too crazy man, I say yes in middle.


short answer “no…no yes, nature, it’s too crazy man, I say yes in middle.” His

answer not informative as the audience required, because the audience asks about how the process but Samuel just gives little information. From the context and the flouting of quantity, the way of Samuel to create his comedy is avoiding from more question. Thus, he gives flouting maxims of quantity with gives too little information. Giving advice Data 17

There are two flouting maxims happen in this data; flouting maxims of quantity and flouting maxims of relation.

Audience : how playing instrument?

Samuel : how playing instrument? Can I answer yes? You can ask to group band. How playing instrument? Please say thanks.

No, I can’t play instrument.


First of all, he flouts the maxims of quantity with giving twice repetition of the utterance, “how playing instrument?” he also describes his advice to audience, so that way they can ask to group band “You can ask to group band.”

Secondly, he flouts the maxims of relation from the question. His answers doesn’t describe about the process, Samuel also just answers “Can I answer yes?

You can ask to group band. How playing instrument? Please say thanks”. What does he mean with can I answer yes? It’s not relevant with audience’s question. He also gives the utterances “please say thanks”, it’s also not relevant because nobody knows about it, it’s for what he says that.

Samuel flouts the maxims of quantity and relation but he makes a clear his answer that he can’t play instrument “No, I can’t play instrument”, but he doesn’t

directly answer that he can’t do that because he creates his comedy with flouting the maxims. From the context of the flouting of quantity and relation, the way of Samuel to create his comedy is giving advice. Its mean that Samuel gives advice to audience in order to ask to group band because actually he can’t play it. Giving allusion Data 18

The audience asks about Phil Jackson to the Samuel. Audience : are you waiting Jackson come?

Samuel : ha? Please again? (Repetition the audience question with his style), I don’t know what you say.


Audience : are you waiting on Phil Jackson to come to the New York Knicks?

The audience has a question to Samuel about waiting Jackson come to the New York, but Samuel J Comroe doesn’t hear what it is. Samuel not only asks to his audience to repeat the question but he also repeats the word that he hears with his style. Samuel flouts the maxims of quantity, because actually he has to make a clear that he doesn’t know what the audience means, but Samuel creates his comedy with giving allusion of his style. He wants his audience to say again and repeat what he hears “ha? Please again? (Repetition the audience question with his style), I don’t know what you say” before exactly he say “speak up”. From his

flouting the quantity, the writer can conclude that his way of flouting the maxims of quantity is giving more informative with allusion.

4.1.2 The purpose of Samuel J Comroe flouting the maxims to create comedy in Flappers Comedy Club

In this part, the writer finds the Purpose of Samuel J Comroe flouting the maxims to create his comedy in ten videos when he performed in Flappers Comedy Club. The writer identifies and analyzes the context of Samuel J Comroe with his audience in Flappers Comedy Club to found his purpose. make sure the reason of audience Data 1


Audience : like farmer

Samuel : like farmer? Are you sure? Did you know? Audience : I foster a lot so they come in and out

Samuel : ow,,, that’s pleasure

His answer has purpose of using flouting maxims of quantity. The context of this conversation is the interaction between the comedians Samuel J Comroe with his audience. It happens when the audience said that Samuel is like farmer. The purpose behind his comedy is making sure that audience opinion has reason for her judgment that Samuel J Comroe like farmer. The audience has answer that she fosters a lot so they come in and out. It means that the face like farmer already she remembered and Samuel same with farmer. Samuel gives too little information for his answer “ow,,, that’s pleasure”. It means that Samuel knows

the reason for the audience judgment, although it seems funny that he said its pleasure for him. To tempt the audience Data 2

Samuel J Comroe uses flouting maxims of manner when he gave question to the audience.

Samuel : with whom you have fun? Audience : Nope, just funning my wife.

Samuel : ow… you funning your wife that jump and shit?


answer the real condition that he just to make a fun his wife. Samuel gives the question again but ambiguous way. Samuel gives his utterance like that because exactly his audience is good husband with perfect intention to make a fun his wife. Samuel clears his statement in his purpose.

Samuel : that awesome you funning your wife.

Samuel gives clear statement after Samuel tempts the husband that actually he is the awesome husband, it is his purpose behind his comedy. To give appreciation and congratulation Data 3

Audience (Wife) : no, but it’s because I’m pregnant

Samuel : are you pregnant? Oh she becomes perfect now. From you the fucking father.

The context of this conversation is between Samuel and his audience (wife). The wife from audience tries to say the intention of her husband bring her to see flappers comedy club. It is because she was pregnant. Samuel only praises to the audience (wife) and offensive the audience (husband) with flouting maxims of quality. Samuel breaks his conversation without any intention to mislead the audience because he has some purpose in his comedy.

(62) To ask again (to be sure) Data 4

Samuel : what are you doing exactly? Please giving hard and take it.

Audience (Husband) : I know how to do everything up to there. I just don’t have the tools to do it.

Samuel : what tools, I didn’t wait? I take baby out it is so

nice. Hold on… it’s a place. It is more surprise

The context of this conversation is same with data before, but it is the conversation between Samuel and his audience (husband). Samuel has questions to his audience about what are the audience doing exactly, but the audience say that he doesn’t have tools in his job, but Samuel creates his comedy with flouting maxims of quantity with asking continuity about the tools. He flouts the maxims without any intention to mislead the hearer but he has purpose in his comedy.

He creates his comedy to ask again about what tools it means, “what tools, I didn’t wait? I take baby out it is so nice. Hold on… it’s a place. It is more

surprise” because Samuel believes that the audience has a reason for the answer or has a clear statement about the tools. Therefore, his purpose is to ask again or to be sure about the real fact that his audience has a reason. To more close with audience Data 5


Samuel : salad spoon? Like first salad? Did you start to eating? Got desert?

The audience : this guy barely knows me, and he knows I eat like a horse! This conversation is continuity from the data before. Samuel gives a question about what tools the audience mean, the audience answers is salad spoon. Samuel gives question as his feedback. He asks about salad spoon continuity.

He creates his comedy without any intention to mislead the hearer but has purpose behind his comedy to closer with audience. He makes his contribution more informative than is required “salad spoon? Like first salad? Did you start to eating? Got desert? ”. He asks about salad spoon.” He wants to close with his audience because without them exactly Samuel is nothing. He clears his statement in his purpose.

Samuel : we’re going to be best friend, the best friend forever. To give alternative answer Data 6

Audience (Wife) : how do you make a baby stop crying?

Samuel : how do I make a baby stop crying? Em I didn’t have a baby. Its really babies. I make a baby stop crying you just a leaving


leaving the baby. He creates his comedy without any intention to mislead the hearer but just has purpose behind his comedy. His purpose is to give alternative answer and also to make the audience (wife) feels comfortable when the babies cried. He said that to make the babies stop crying by leaving. To make advice Data 7

Samuel J Comroe uses flouting maxims of quality when he gave question to the audience.

Samuel : before married, how long you have a date?

Audience (Wife) : ow, dating for 9 weeks, got pregnant, and then got married.

Samuel : Yes,,,, you see guys. Just play it, you play wither. You got a strong.

The context of this conversation is between Samuel and a couple in his club. He asks a question about how long they have a date is. They said that they are dating in 9 weeks, after that they got pregnant, and then got married. It means that they got pregnant before they married. Samuel J Comroe creates his comedy with flouting maxims of quality. Samuel flouts the maxims of quality without any intention to mislead the audience but just to make some jokes and has purpose behind his comedy. His purpose is making advice that their attitude was bad and not to paste. Samuel wants to show other audience to avoid it because it’s like

(65) To give advice Data 8

Samuel J Comroe uses flouting maxims of quality when he gave answer to the other couple.

Samuel : you have a married? Wife : Yes

Soul stealer : *glare*

Samuel : taking your eyes and thank you for giving for the channel for hell.

(66) To show the best place Data 9

Samuel J Comroe moves to the other couple that have birthday. They celebrate their anniversary also to watch Flappers Comedy Club. He uses flouting maxims of quality when he gave statement to the audience.

Samuel : greeting a good job okay, he is birthday and anniversary. Do you know flappers comedy club? You know this is flap and wrong place.

The context of this conversation is Samuel J Comroe moves to the other couple that have birthday. They celebrate their anniversary also to watch Flappers Comedy Club. Samuel shows to the audience that Flappers Comedy Club is wrong place to celebrate their birthday or anniversary. Samuel’s statement has no

intention to mislead the audience but just to make some joke with it purpose. His purpose is to show audience that flappers comedy club actually the best place to celebrate their anniversary. to say thank you for the acceptance Data 10

Samuel J Comroe uses flouting maxims of quantity when he gave answer from the audience when he gave statement that he is Down syndrome.

Samuel : I down syndrome my head Audience : it’s okay


This conversation is beginning from Samuel J Comroe. He gives statement that he is Down syndrome. There is one audience said that it’s okay for him. Samuel J Comroe creates his comedy with flouting maxims of quantity. He flouts the maxims without any intention to mislead his audience but he has purpose. His purpose behind “it’s okay” statement is to say thank you very much from the

acceptance of his lacking from his audience. He clears his purpose with statement:

Samuel : no one really its okay, its okay, it’s okay to me, it’s okay you too to make appreciate Data 11

Audience : like Greg’s dad

Samuel : like who? Greg’s dad? Oh he older than me. You really know.

Samuel J Comroe knew that Greg’s dad is a funny song but he said that

Greg’s dad is older than him. Samuel J Comroe creates his comedy with flouting

(68) to gives gratitution Data 12

Samuel J Comroe stand-up with Drew Lynch and they got a big enthusiastic. One of the audiences gives the question to them but firstly Samuel J Comroe answer it with flouting maxims of quantity.

Audience : what motivated you in comedy?

Samuel : what motivated us to get in the comedy? these guys in my motivation, make me working hard.

The context of this conversation is Samuel J Comroe stand-up with Drew Lynch. The audience gives the question to Samuel about what motivated Samuel in comedy. The audience just asks him about his motivation in comedy but he does not directly say that his audience is his motivation. Samuel J Comroe answer is without any intention to mislead the hearer but he has purpose about it. His purpose of flouting maxims of quantity is to give gratitution to his audience because without them, he is nothing. Therefore, he describes his feeling that his audience is his motivation. to know the purpose Data 13

Samuel J Comroe gives theme Getting High with Tourette Syndrome, there is an audience ask to him about how the hard to gain acceptance from Samuel’s



Samuel : has been hard to gain acceptance? No, it was the first question, it’s like you know very deep. Has been hard to gain acceptance? No, I mean, do you gain accept me? Okay one person

The context of this conversation is when Samuel gave theme Getting High with Tourette Syndrome. There is an audience ask to him about how the hard to gain acceptance from Samuel’s audience. Samuel answers the audience question

is not informative as required, he flouts his comedy with giving too much information. S


Table 3.1 Sample Table of the Percentage of the Flouting of Conversational
Table 3.2
Table of the Percentage of the Flouting of Conversational Maxims in
Table of the Conclusion of the Flouting of Conversational Maxims in


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