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Course: IKI81404T : Perancangan Sistem Informasi


Academic year: 2017

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Pow erPoint Course Mat erial for SCELE Graduat e Program I nform at ion Technology

Facult y of Com put er Science – UNI VERSI TY OF I NDONESI A


Session 9 Program Design

Based on System Analysis & Design 2



Authors : Alan Dennis & Barbara Haley Wixom

Publisher : John Wiley & Sons

Session 9 Program Design

Session 9 Program Design

Based on System Analysis & Design 2





Pow erPoint Course Mat er ial for SCELE Graduat e Program I nform at ion Technology Fa cu lt y of Com put e r Scie n ce – Unive r sit y of I n don e sia



Be able to create a structure chart

Be able to write a program specification

Understand the use of pseudocode



Pow erPoint Course Mat er ial for SCELE Graduat e Program I nform at ion Technology Fa cu lt y of Com put e r Scie n ce – Unive r sit y of I n don e sia

Key Definitions

Key Definitions

Program design

- creating instructions for the



top-down, modular approach

- begin with

the “big picture” and gradually add detail

Program design document

– all structure

charts and specifications needed by



Pow erPoint Course Mat er ial for SCELE Graduat e Program I nform at ion Technology Fa cu lt y of Com put e r Scie n ce – Unive r sit y of I n don e sia



Pow erPoint Course Mat er ial for SCELE Graduat e Program I nform at ion Technology Fa cu lt y of Com put e r Scie n ce – Unive r sit y of I n don e sia

The Structure Chart

The Structure Chart

Important program design technique

Shows all components of code in a hierarchical




Pow erPoint Course Mat er ial for SCELE Graduat e Program I nform at ion Technology Fa cu lt y of Com put e r Scie n ce – Unive r sit y of I n don e sia





Pow erPoint Course Mat er ial for SCELE Graduat e Program I nform at ion Technology Fa cu lt y of Com put e r Scie n ce – Unive r sit y of I n don e sia

Building the Structure Chart

Building the Structure Chart

Processes in the DFD tend to represent one

module on the structure chart

Afferent processes – provide inputs to system

Central processes – perform critical system


Efferent processes – handle system outputs



Pow erPoint Course Mat er ial for SCELE Graduat e Program I nform at ion Technology Fa cu lt y of Com put e r Scie n ce – Unive r sit y of I n don e sia

Types of Structure Charts

Types of Structure Charts


structure – control module calls

subordinate modules, each of which handles a

particular transaction

Many afferent processes

Few efferent processes


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Pow erPoint Course Mat er ial for SCELE Graduat e Program I nform at ion Technology Fa cu lt y of Com put e r Scie n ce – Unive r sit y of I n don e sia

Types of Structure Charts

Types of Structure Charts


structure – control module calls

several subordinate modules in sequence

Each subordinate performs a step in a process

that transforms an input into an output

Few afferent processes

Many efferent processes

Lower levels of structure chart


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Steps in Building the Structure Chart

Steps in Building the Structure Chart

1. Identify top level modules and decompose

them into lower levels

2. Add control connections

3. Add couples


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Design Guidelines

Design Guidelines

High quality structure charts result in

programs that are modular, reusable and easy

to implement.

Measures include:




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Pow erPoint Course Mat er ial for SCELE Graduat e Program I nform at ion Technology Fa cu lt y of Com put e r Scie n ce – Unive r sit y of I n don e sia

Example of Low Cohesion

Example of Low Cohesion


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Pow erPoint Course Mat er ial for SCELE Graduat e Program I nform at ion Technology Fa cu lt y of Com put e r Scie n ce – Unive r sit y of I n don e sia

Cohesion Decision Tree

Cohesion Decision Tree


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Your Turn

Your Turn

What, if anything, happens to coupling when

you create modules that are more cohesive?


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Pow erPoint Course Mat er ial for SCELE Graduat e Program I nform at ion Technology Fa cu lt y of Com put e r Scie n ce – Unive r sit y of I n don e sia



High fan-in preferred

Promotes reuse of subordinate modules



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Pow erPoint Course Mat er ial for SCELE Graduat e Program I nform at ion Technology Fa cu lt y of Com put e r Scie n ce – Unive r sit y of I n don e sia

Quality Checklist

Quality Checklist

1. Library modules have been created where ever possible

2. The diagram has a high fan-in structure

3. Control modules have no more than 7 subordinates

4. Each module performs only one function (high cohesion)

5. Modules sparingly share information (loose coupling)

6. Data couples that are passed are actually used by the

accepting module

7. Control couples are passed from “low to high”


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Pow erPoint Course Mat er ial for SCELE Graduat e Program I nform at ion Technology Fa cu lt y of Com put e r Scie n ce – Unive r sit y of I n don e sia

Program Specifications Content

Program Specifications Content

No standard approach

Include program information

Note events that trigger actions

List inputs and outputs

Include pseudocode


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Pseudocode Example

Pseudocode Example

( Get CD- info m odule)

Accept ( CD_t it le) { Required}

Accept ( CD_art ist ) { Required}

Accept ( CD_cat egory) { Required}

Accept ( CD_lengt h)


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CASE Tool View of Process Description


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The structure chart shows all of the functional

components needed in the program at a high level.

Components of the structure chart show sequence,

selection, and iteration

Follow design guidelines regarding cohesion, coupling,

and fan-in/fan-out.

Prepare detailed specifications to programmers


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