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LEVERAGING STRENGTH. to Sustainable Presence


Academic year: 2021

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to Sustainable Presence

The power to sustainable future means to strengthen every aspect of capabilities and

advance the performance. We believe that the achievements we reap are equal to

the efforts we have undergone. Quality is absolute, potential is acknowledged. Since



JouRney of ouR eStabliShment

Sejarah kami sebagai pemain besar bermula pada tahun 1953. Sejak itu, selama lebih dari enam dekade kami terus tumbuh menjadi pemain utama dalam bisnis konstruksi nasional dan telah menyelesaikan berbagai proyek besar di seluruh Indonesia.

Seiring dengan berbagai pencapaian yang terus kami raih baik dari penghargaan serta finansial, dan untuk mengimbangi perkembangan industri yang sangat pesat, kami percaya diri untuk menjadi entitas yang lebih besar dengan melakukan Penawaran Umum Perdana (IPO) pada tahun 2009. Transformasi pun terus berlanjut seiring tumbuhnya kekuatan kami yang semakin kompetitif. Berbagai proyek prestisius berhasil kami selesaikan sehingga menegaskan jejak langkah kami sebagai pelaku industri konstruksi yang dapat diandalkan.

Dengan didukung oleh sumber daya manusia berkualitas dan terus ditingkatkan kapabilitasnya di PP University, kami terus membangun pelabuhan, jembatan, jalan bebas hambatan, bandar udara, pembangkit-pembangkit,

Our history as major players started since 1953. Since then, for more than six decades, we continue to grow as one of the main players in national construction business and accomplished various projects across Indonesia. As the industry acknowledged our achievements and financial capacity, and to cope with the industry rapid growth, we are confident to be a bigger entity by conducting Initial Public Offering (IPO) on 2009. The transformation continues as we became more competitive. Various prestigious projects were accomplished and establish our footprints as reputable construction industry player.

Supported by qualified human capitals that are trained well in PP University, we further completed major projects ranging from ports, bridges, highways, airports and highrise building. To date, we have


dan gedung-gedung pencakar langit. Hingga saat ini, kami telah memiliki diversifikasi bisnis dari upstream, midstream, hingga downstream. Di lini upstream kami bergerak di bidang investasi properti, energi, dan infrastruktur. Di lini

midstream kami bergerak di bidang konstruksi dan EPC.

Sedangkan lini downstream mencakup bidang Precast dan Low Cost Residential serta Kontraktor berbasis alat berat. Selain itu, kami juga telah dipercaya untuk berperan dalam pembangunan berbagai proyek infrastruktur di Indonesia seperti New Tanjung Priok, yang memiliki nilai kontrak mencapai sebesar Rp8,2 triliun. Di ujung timur Indonesia, kami membangun jembatan Holtekamp, the new icon kota Jayapura, yang merupakan salah satu proyek strategis nasional, dengan nilai kontrak mencapai Rp858 miliar. Kami juga dipercaya membangun beberapa bandar udara,

diversified business from upstream, midstream, to downstream. In the upstream line we are engaged in property, energy, and infrastructure investment. In the midstream line we are engaged in construction and EPC. While the downstream line includes the Precast and Low Cost Residential as well as heavy equipment Contractors.

Furthermore, we were also mandated to perform several infrastructures project in Indonesia namely New Tanjung Priok with contract value amounted to Rp8.2 trillion. In the east of Indonesia, we construct Holtekamp bridge, the new icon of Jayapura City, one of national strategic project with a contract value of Rp858 billion. We also handled seven airports constructions, one of them is Kertajati airport in



ouR PRiDe hiStoRy

established as nv Pembangunan Perumahan Established as NV Pembangunan Perumahan

iPo: February 9th Listed on the indonesia Stock exchange

Market cap: iDr 2.7 trillion (iPo)

IPO: February 9th Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange

Market cap: IDR 2.7 trillion (IPO)

transformed into Pt Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) Transformed into PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) Diversification to Property and realty

Diversification to Property and Realty

transformed into Pn Pembangunan Perumahan Transformed into PN Pembangunan Perumahan implemented eMbo, PP Shares ownership changed to government 51% & KKPSPP 49% Implemented EMBO, PP Shares Ownership changed to Government 51% & KKPSPP 49%








Diversification to EPC and investment Diversification to EPC and Investment Diversification to Precast Diversification to Precast Diversification to construction equipment Diversification to Construction Equipment

completed right issue iDr 4.4 trillion

Completed Right Issue IDR 4.4 trillion

Diversification to Energy and Infrastructur

Diversification to Energy and Infrastructure

Market cap: IDR 23.6 trillion (2016 Year- End) Market cap: IDR 23.6 trillion (2016 Year- End)

iPo: May 19th , as a Subsidiary, Pt PP Properti tbk

Listed on the indonesia Stock exchange

IPO: May 19th , as a Subsidiary, PT PP Properti Tbk

right issue PPro iDr 1.5 trillion iPo: november 24th,

as a Subsidiary, Pt PP Presisi tbk Listed on the indonesia Stock






To be a Leading and Sustainable Construction

and Investment Company in South East Asia.

• Provide Construction, EPC and Investment

Services based on Good Corporate

Governance, QSHE Management, Risk

Management and Green Concept with

priority towards Customer Satisfaction and


• Be Highly Competitive and Provide

optimal Added Value to our Stakeholders

by Strategic Synergy of Business.

• Develop Excellent Human Resources

through Fulfillment, Development and

Assessment based on our Corporate


• Optimize Knowledge Management

to Achieve Sustainable Excellent


• Increase Equity through Strong Corporate

Financial Strategy.



VISI & miSi

ViSion & miSSion









cuStoMer SatiSFaction orienteD » Responsive » Proactive


coMPetent anD reSPonSibLe

» Hard and Smart Working, Innovative » Responsible for the


» Flexible and Agile » Keep Learning and Continous Improvement » Have a Global Insight


high MinDeD » Polite, Tolerance and Mutual Respect » Have Faith and

Devout » Positive Thinking » Work Sincerely


aLignMent aMong MinD, WorD anD actS

» Prioritizing Company Interests » Honest and Transparent » Mandate to Perform Task


obeDient anD orDerLy

» Obey the Laws, Rules, and Ethics » Keeping Promises » On Time


In this picture PT PP is visualized to be a leader in construction and investment company in Indonesia which rising above challenges and breaking new ground as a leading company.


ouR PhiloSoPhy



Observe every

potential to deliver

added - value


and see how our

philosophy is to

build this country.

Helping the nation

in Infrastructure,





Our Grand picture, our

achievement is made

from thousands of our

loyal employee, our

partner. Every single



ComPany loGo

MaKna Logo

1. Warna dasar putih berarti Perusahaan berkarya tanpa pamrih.

2. Warna logo (lambang) biru tua berarti berkarya dengan setia dan patuh.

3. PP adalah singkatan dari Pembangunan Perumahan.

4. 8 (delapan) garis lengkung berarti:

• Perusahaan berkarya di delapan penjuru angin (di mana saja).

• Perusahaan didirikan pada bulan ke-8 (Agustus).

5. Lingkaran yang terbentuk oleh 8 (delapan) garis lengkung berarti kesatuan tujuan yang utuh. bentuK Logo

Logo (lambang) Perseroan terdiri atas 3 (tiga) bagian: 1. LOGOGRAM

Logogram terdiri dari huruf PP dan 8 (delapan) garis lengkung dengan ketentuan warna sebagai berikut:

• Warna dasar: putih

• Warna logo (lambang): biru tua 2. LOGOTYPE



1. White background indicated sincere working Company.

2. Deep blue logo color indicated faithfully and compliance working.

3. PP is acronym of Pembangunan Perumahan. 4. 8 Circular lines, indicated:

• The Company works in eight cardinals (at any place).

• The Company was established on 8th month (August).

5. Circle shaped from eight circular lines indicated unity.


The logo (symbol) used by the Company consists of 3 (three) parts:


Logogram contains the letter “PP” and 8 (eight) curves with the following colors:

• Background color: white • Logo (symbol) color: dark blue 2. LOGOTYPE




CoRPoRate iDentity

nama Perusahaan PT PP (Persero) Tbk. Company name PT PP (Persero) Tbk. Kepemilikan

51% (Pemerintah Negara Republik Indonesia)

0,08% (Karyawan dan Koperasi Karyawan Pemegang Saham PP) (KKPSPP)

48,92% (Publik)


51% (Government of the Republic of Indonesia) 0.08% (Employees and Employees Cooperatives of PP Shareholders)

48.92% (Public)

Status Perusahaan

Badan Usaha Milik Negara

Company Status

State-Owned Enterprise

Bidang usaha

Jasa Konstruksi (Bangunan Gedung dan Infrastruktur), Pracetak, Peralatan, Properti & Realti, EPC (Engineering, Procurement & Constructions), dan Investasi.

Business Line

Construction Service (Building and Infrastructure), Precast, Equipment, Property & Real Estates, EPC (Engineering, Procurement & Construction) and Investment.

tanggal Pendirian 26 Agustus 1953 Date of Establishment August 26, 1953 Jumlah Karyawan 2.085 orang total Employees 2,085 employees Kode Saham PTPP Stock Code PTPP Bursa

Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI)


Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)

Modal Dasar


Initial Capital


tambahan Modal Disetor


Paid-up Additional Capital


Alamat Lengkap

Plaza PP-Gedung Wisma Subiyanto Jl. Letjend TB. Simatupang No. 57 Pasar Rebo-Jakarta 13760 Indonesia

Office Address

Plaza PP-Gedung Wisma Subiyanto Jl. Letjend TB. Simatupang No. 57 Pasar Rebo-Jakarta 13760 Indonesia telepon 021-840 3883 telephone 021-840 3883 (hunting) faksimili faximile





MeLaLui tranSForMaSi

biSniS, cita-cita MenjaDi


DaPat tercaPai. Dan


Pt PP (PerSero) tbK

aKan MenDaPatKan

KeungguLan beruPa


Dari aPa yang KaMi













Ir. Lukman Hidayat Direktur Utama


tantangan dengan capaian kinerja yang membanggakan. Menciptakan sumber daya profesional selalu menjadi salah satu fokus yang kami tuju. Setiap simpul organisasi, baik di top leader, middle management, maupun di

low management, berkewajiban menciptakan generasi

pemimpin yang akan membawa PP Persero menjadi perusahaan yang andal dengan sumber daya yang kuat. Seiring perjalanan, kami pun terus meraih pencapaian membanggakan yang menjadi bukti kualitas produk PP Persero. Dimulai dari Hotel Indonesia di tahun 1950-an, Hotel Bali Beach dan Ambarrukmo di tahun 1960-an, Jembatan Batam Tonton di tahun 1990an hingga New Priok yang merupakan pelabuhan terbesar Indonesia di era saat ini. Seluruh pencapaian mega proyek tersebut adalah hasil kerja keras seluruh sumber daya manusia PP Persero yang berkualitas, aktif, berdaya saing tinggi serta berorientasi kepada pelayanan untuk kepuasan konsumen.

Enam dasawarsa bukanlah waktu yang singkat yang kami jalani untuk menjejakkan diri sebagai pemain terdepan di industri konstruksi dan investasi di Indonesia. Kami yakin untuk selalu bertransformasi dengan mengeksplorasi setiap kesempatan bisnis yang terbuka.

Pada saat ini, PP Persero telah memiliki tujuh pilar bisnis. Dua bisnis dimiliki PP Persero, dan lima bisnis lainnya dijalankan

challenges and to accomplish splendid achievements. Generating professional human resources is always the one focus that we aim. Each organization level, from top leader, middle management, to low management are required to generate the leaders whom will deliver PP Persero to become the reliable company that built of strong human resources.

Along with the journey, we continue to engrave proud achievements that prove the quality of PP Persero products. Started from Hotel Indonesia in 1950, Bali Beach Hotel and Ambarrukmo in 1960, Batam Tonton Bridge in 1990, to the Indonesia’s largest port in the present, New Priok. All those mega projects are the manifestation of hard work, vigorous, highly competitive and customer satisfaction oriented people of PP Persero.

Six decades are extensive times that we utilize as the strength to stand strong and to become the leading player in construction and investment industry in Indonesia. , PP Persero continues to transform through exploring any potential business opportunity.

Currently, PP Persero serves through seven business pillars. PP Persero runs two business pillars while the Company’s


Energi, dan PT PP Infrastruktur, serta lini downstream meliputi PT PP Presisi Tbk dan PT PP Urban. Ketujuh pilar bisnis tersebut berjalan secara sinergis dan terus menunjukkan performa positif dari tahun ke tahun.

Inisiasi juga menjadi tuntutan yang harus dipenuhi untuk tetap mempertahankan lini bisnis PP Persero di posisi terdepan. Adapun upaya yang kami wujudkan saat ini adalah dengan menjejakkan langkah di industri energi. Momentum ini menjadi wujud kapabilitas PP Persero untuk merengkuh bisnis di lini upstream sehingga melengkapi diversifikasi yang telah memiliki pondasi kuat di lini middle

stream dan downstream.

Ke depannya, kami akan terus bertransformasi menjadi sebuah Perusahaan besar yang terbaik di wilayah Asia Tenggara. Kami meyakini bahwa tujuh pilar bisnis yang kami miliki akan menjadi fondasi kuat yang menopang kinerja PP Persero secara keseluruhan. Selain itu, dengan besaran

market capitalization yang telah diraih, kami juga berharap

bahwa lini bisnis yang kami jalankan akan memimpin seluruh ring produksi sehingga PP Persero akan menjadi ASEAN Class Company dengan ekuitas yang melampaui korporasi peers di sektornya.

Atas seluruh capaian kinerja tersebut, kami selaku Direksi menyampaikan penghargaan setinggi-tingginya kepada segenap karyawan atas dedikasi dan kontribusi nyata kepada Perusahaan. Kami juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Dewan Komisaris, Pemegang Saham, Mitra Usaha dan seluruh Pemangku Kepentingan atas kepercayaan yang telah diberikan. Semoga Tuhan Yang Maha Esa memberikan karunia-Nya kepada kita semua.

including upstream line, namely PT PP Properti Tbk, PT PP Energi, and PT PP Infrastruktur, as well as downstream lines including PT PP Presisi Tbk and PT PP Urban.

Initiation is also the demand that must be answered to sustain PP Persero business lines in the leading position. The efforts that we realize is by establishing a step in the energy industry. This momentum portrays PP Persero capability in embracing the upstream business lines that complement our strong diversification foundation in the middle stream and downstream lines.

Moving forward, we will continue to transform into a large and best Company in Southeast Asia. We are certain that the entire seven business pillars will serve as strong foundation that behold the Company’s performance. In addition, with market capitalization figure that has been achieved, we also hope that our business lines will lead the whole production ring so that PP Persero will become ASEAN Class Company with equity that exceeded other corporate peers in the sector.

Upon all achievements, the Board of Directors address the highest appreciation to all employees upon their concrete dedication and contribution for the Company. We also thank the Board of Commissioners, Shareholders, Business Partners and all Stakeholders upon their trust. May God the Almighty will always give His blessing to us.

Ir. Lukman Hidayat Direktur Utama




Kelahiran jakarta tanggal 5 oktober 1975, beliau meraih gelar Sarjana hukum dari universitas atma jaya yogyakarta. beliau menjadi Komisaris Pt PP (Persero) tbk pada tanggal 21 Mei 2015. Sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Direktur Pt bPS energy (2003—2008), Senior advisor Pt Leyand international tbk, Senior adviser Pt indika energy tbk (2009—sekarang) dan Pendiri Pt anugerah Dinamika abadi (2013—sekarang).

Born in Jakarta on October 5, 1975, he pursued his Degree of Law from Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University. He then became the Commissioner of PT PP (Persero) Tbk on May 21, 2015. In his ere journey, he was in charge of becoming the Director of PT BPS Energy (2003—2008), the Senior Advisor of PT Leyand International Tbk, the Senior Advisor of PT Indika Energy Tbk (2009—present), and the Founder of PT Anugerah Dinamika Abadi (2013—present).

beliau lahir di gombong pada tanggal 8 oktober 1951. Pada tahun 2009 beliau meraih gelar Magister hukum dari universitas jayabaya jakarta, serta pernah mengikuti pendidikan di Lemhannas ri Susreg XXXiii, Seskogab abri-XXiv, Sespim Polri-XXviii, Master Sosiologi dari universitas Waikato new Zealand, serta PtiK XXi. Sebelumnya beliau menjabat sebagai Penasihat ahli Kapolri di bidang hukum (2011 – sekarang), Deputi bidang Penanganan Sengketa Pertanahan di bPn ri (2009 – 2011) serta Kepala Divisi Pembinaan hukum Mabes Polri pada tahun 2007.

He was born in Gombong on October 8, 1951. In 2009, he successfully attained his education landmark as a Master of Law from Jayabaya University Jakarta; he as well has participated the regulation courses Institution XXXIII of the Indonesian National Security, the joint command and Staff College XXIV, Secretary National Police leadership XXVIII, Master of Sociology Waikato University New Zealand and PTIK XXI. He previously served as Chief of Police for Law Expert Advisors (2011 – present), Deputy Defense Dispute Handling BPN RI (2009 – 2011), and Head of the Law Development Division Police Headquarters in 2007.



irjen. PoL. (Purn) DrS. aryanto SutaDi M.Sc, M. huM



beliau lahir di Kutoarjo, 21 September 1945. beliau merupakan lulusan dari aKabri tni aD tahun 1970 dan Special Forces uSa tahun 1975. beliau menjadi Komisaris Pt PP (Persero) tbk pada tanggal 21 Mei 2015. Sebelumnya beliau menjabat sebagai Komisaris utama Pt Pusaka jaya Palu Power (2006-2007). beliau juga pernah menjabat sebagai Komisaris utama Pt Kimco armindo (2007 – sekarang), serta chief executive Officer PT Toba Sejahtera (2008 – sekarang).

He was born in Kutoarjo om September 21, 1945. He was the alumnus of AKABRI TNI AD in 1970 and was the USA Special Forces in 1975. He became the Commissioner of PT PP (Persero) Tbk on May 21, 2015. His previously served as the President Commissioner of PT Pusaka Jaya Palu Power (2006—2007). He also served as President Commissioner of PT Kimco Armindo (2007 - present), as well as being the Chief Executive Officer of PT Toba Sejahtera (2008—present).

M. Khoerur roziqin lahir di Lamongan pada tanggal 25 Maret 1975. beliau meraih gelar Sarjana ekonomi dari universitas indonesia jakarta, dan gelar Magister dalam bidang international business and Management dari hanze university groningen belanda. beberapa posisi penting yang pernah dijabat beliau di antaranya, Kasubbag restrukturisasi dan Privatisasi usaha Perbankan dan jasa Keuangan Kementerian buMn (2006 – 2010), Kepala bagian Perencanaan Kementerian buMn (2010 – 2012), Kepala bidang usaha industri Primer iib Kementerian buMn (2012 – 2014) dan Kepala bidang usaha Pertanian dan Perikanan merangkap Plt. asisten Deputi bidang usaha Pertanian, Perikanan dan aneka industri Kementerian buMn (2014-2015). beliau juga pernah menjabat sebagai kepala bidang usaha jasa Keuangan, jasa Survei dan Konsultan ia Kementerian buMn (2015-sekarang).

M. Khoerur Roziqin was born in Lamongan on March 25, 1975. He pursued his Bachelor of Economics in University of Indonesia, and Master Degree in International Business and Management from Hanze University Groningen, The Netherlands. A few imperative positions he had been in charge of were Head of Restructuring and Privatization of Banking and Financial Industry in Ministry of State Owned Enterprises (2006—2010), Head of Planning Division

Letjen. tni (Purn) SuMarDi KOMISARIS


M Khoerur roZiqin, S.e. M.Sc. KOMISARIS


Lahir di Solo, 25 januari 1958. beliau memperoleh gelar Sarjana teknik Sipil di institut teknologi bandung, gelar Magister teknik hidraulik dari international institute for hydraulics and environmental engineering belanda dan gelar Doktor di bidang teknik Sungai dari universitas Wollongong australia. Sebelumnya beliau pernah menjabat sebagai Direktur jendral bina Marga (2016 – sekarang), Kepala badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kementerian Pekerjaan umum dan Perumahan rakyat (2015 – 2016), dan Direktur bina Penatagunaan Sumber Daya air di Kementerian Pekerjaan umum dan Perumahan rakyat (2012 – 2015).

Born in Solo on January 25, 1958. He was graduated from Bandung Institute of Technology as the Bachelor of Civil Engineering, enlisted his Master Hydraulics Engineering from International Institute for Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering, The Netherlands, and attained his Doctor of Philosophy Degree with a focus of River Engineering in Wollongong University, Australia. Previously he served as General Director of Highways (2016—present), Head of Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (2015— 2016), and Director of Water Resources Management at Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (2012—2015).

Lahir di yogyakarta, 25 Februari 1963. beliau meraih gelar Sarjana teknik Sipil di universitas gadjah Mada, yogyakarta (1989) dan meraih gelar Magister spesialisasi economic Policy Management di School of international Public affairs, columbia university, new york (1995), jakarta. beberapa posisi penting yang pernah dijabat antara lain adalah Direktur alokasi Pendanaan Pembangunan baPPenaS (2005--2011), Deputi bidang Pendanaan Pembangunan baPPenaS (2011--2016) serta menjabat sebagai Deputi bidang Sarana dan Prasarana di baPPenaS (2016--sekarang).

Born in Yogyakarta, on February 25, 1963. He obtained a Bachelor of Civil Engineering degree at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta (1989) and attained a Masters degree in Economic Policy Management in the School of International Public Affairs, Columbia University, New York (1995), Jakarta. Some important positions that have been held included Director of Allocation of Development Funding in Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning (2005-2011), Deputy for Development Funding for Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning (2011-2016) and serving as Deputy for Facilities and Infrastructure in Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning (2016 - present).

Dr. ir. arie SetiaDi MoerWanto, M.Sc KOMISARIS


ir. WiSMana aDi Suryabrata, Mia





Pria kelahiran cepu 11 Desember 1963 ini merupakan lulusan teknik Sipil universitas Diponegoro Semarang. beliau menjadi Direktur utama sesuai hasil keputusan ruPS tahunan tahun buku 2017 pada tanggal 26 april 2018. Sebelumnya, beliau menjabat sebagai Direktur riset dan Pengembangan bisnis PtPP (2014-2016), Kepala Divisi operasi iii Wilayah operasi Surabaya (2009-2014), Kepala cabang utama (2008-2009), dan Kepala cabang iii jakarta (2004-2009).

He was born in Cepu on December 11, 1963. He was graduated from Civil Engineering of Diponegoro University, Semarang. He then became the President Director on April 26, 2018 based on the decision of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Year Book 2017. In the previous event, he served as Director of Research & Business Development (2014—2016), Chief Operation Division III at Surabaya (2009—2014), Chief of Main Branch (2008—2009), and Chief of Branch III Jakarta (2004—2009).



Lahir di jombang, 18 agustus 1971. beliau memperoleh gelar Sarjana akuntansi di universitas brawijaya Malang dan gelar Magister Manajemen SDM universitas Sebelas Maret Solo. beliau menjabat sebagai Direktur Keuangan dan Manajemen Kapital Manusia Pt PP Persero) tbk (2016—sekarang). Sebelumnya, beliau bekerja sebagai general Manager Keuangan Pt Wijaya Karya (Persero) tbk (2014-2016), Manager akuntansi dan Pajak Pt Wijaya Karya (Persero) tbk (2011-2014) dan Manajer Keuangan dan human capital civil umum Pt Wijaya Karya (Persero) tbk (2009—2011).

Born in Jombang on August 18, 1971. He was graduated from Bachelor of Accounting in Brawijaya University, Malang and attained his Master of Human Resources Management in Sebelas Maret University, Solo. He then was appointed as the Director of Finance and Management Human Capital of PT PP (Persero) Tbk (2016—present). Previously, he served as the General Manager of Finance PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (2014— 2016), Manager of Accounting and Taxes of PT Wiaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (2011—2014), and Manager of Finance and Human Capital Civil of PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (2009—2011).

aguS Purbianto, S.e. aK. MM. DIREKTUR KEUANGAN &




Lahir di Sampit, 12 april 1966. beliau mendapat gelar Sarjana teknik Sipil dari universitas Sriwijaya Palembang dan gelar Magister Manajemen dari universitas tarumanegara jakarta. beliau memulai karir di Pt PP (Persero) tbk dan menjadi Direktur pada tanggal 29 april 2016. Sebelumnya, beliau menjabat sebagai Kepala Divisi Konstruksi i Pt adhi Karya (Persero) tbk (2014-2016), Sekretaris Perusahaan Pt adhi Karya (Persero) tbk di tahun 2014, Direktur ii Pt adhi Persada Properti (2013-2014) dan Direktur Pemasaran Pt PP (Persero) tbk. (2016-2017).

Born in Sampit on April 12, 1966. He was graduated from Civil Engineering of the Sriwijaya University and Master of Management from Tarumanegara University. Started his career at PT PP (Persero) Tbk and appointed as Director since April 29, 2016. He previously served as Head of Construction Division I (2014—2016) at PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk, Corporate Secretary at PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk in 2014, and Director II of PT Adhi Persada Property (2013—2014).and Director of Marketing (2016-2017).



Pria kelahiran Mataram, 20 Februari 1964 ini memulai karir di Pt PP (Persero) tbk sejak 1990. beliau memperoleh gelar Sarjana teknik Sipil di universitas gadjah Mada yogyakarta dan gelar Magister Manajemen Konstruksi di birmingham university, inggris. Sebelumnya beliau menjabat sebagai Kepala Divisi ePc (2014-2016), Direktur utama Pt PP Dirganeka (2012-2014) dan Kepala cabang vii bali (2006-2012). Sekarang beliau menjabat sebagai Komisaris utama Pt PP energi (2016-sekarang).

Born in Mataram on February 20, 1964, he commenced his career at PT PP (Persero) Tbk in 1990. He was graduated from Civil Engineering of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta and Master of Construction Management of Birmingham University, England. He previously served as Chief EPC Division (2014 – 2016), President Director of PT PP Dirganeka at Jakarta (2012 – 2014), and Head of Branch VII at Denpasar (2006— 2012). Recently, he serves as President Commissioner of PT PP Energi (2016-recent).




Pria kelahiran jakarta 1 april 1969 ini memperoleh gelar Sarjana teknik Sipil universitas indonesia jakarta dan gelar Magister bidang construction Project Management di hogeschool van arnhem en nijmegen university belanda. beliau berkarir di Pt PP (Persero) tbk selama lebih dari 20 tahun. Sebelum ditunjuk menjadi Direktur gedung, sebelumnya beliau menjabat sebagai Kepala Divisi gedung 2 (2017-2018), Kepala Divisi operasi iv Wilayah Makassar (2014-2017), Kepala Divisi Sumber Daya Manusia (2013-2014) dan Kepala cabang iv Wilayah bandung (2011-2013).

Born in Jakarta on April 1, 1969. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Indonesia and Master of Management from Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen University. He started his career at PT PP (Persero) for more than 20 years. Before having appointed as a Director of Building Construction, he was acting as an SVP Division Building 2 (2017—2018), Head of Operations Division IV Makassar Region (2014—2017), Head of Human Resources Division (2013—2014), and Head of Branch IV Bandung Region (2011—2013).

ir. anton Satyo henDriatMo, M.Sc DIREKTUR GEDUNG


Lahir di bangkalan, 28 januari 1966. beliau mendapat gelar Sarjana teknik Sipil universitas gadjah Mada yogyakarta dan gelar Magister teknik Sipil institut teknologi bandung. beliau memulai karirnya di Pt PP (Persero) tbk sejak 1992 dan ditunjuk menjadi Direktur sejak 29 april 2016. Sebelumnya, beliau menjabat sebagai Kepala Divisi operasi ii Wilayah jakarta (2011-2016), Kepala Divisi operasi i Wilayah Sumatera (2008-2011), Kepala cabang i Wilayah Medan (2007-2008), dan Kepala cabang ii Wilayah Palembang (2006-2007). beliau juga pernah menjabat sebagai Direktur operasi Pt PP (Persero) tbk (2016-2017). Saat ini beliau menjabat sebagai Komisaris utama Pt PP Presisi tbk (2017-sekarang).

Born in Bangkalan on January 28, 1966. He attained his Bachelor of Civil Engineering in Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Master of Civil Engineering in Bandung Institute of Technology. He started up his steps of career in PT PP (Persero) Tbk in 1992 and was appointed as the Director since April 29, 2016. Previously, he served as Head of Operations Division II in the Jakarta Region (2011-2016), Head of the Sumatera Region Operations I Division (2008-2011), Head of the Medan Branch I Region (2007-2008), and Head of the Palembang II Regional Branch (2006-2007). He also served as Operations Director of PT PP (Persero) Tbk (2016-2017). He currently serves as President Commissioner of PT PP Presisi Tbk (2017-present).





human CaPital

Selaras dengan pengembangan visi Perseroan untuk menjadi perusahaan konstruksi dan investasi yang terdepan dan berkelanjutan di wilayah Asia Tenggara, Perseroan akan menghadapi berbagai tantangan terkait dinamika industri dan organisasi yang harus diatasi secara efektif. Tantangan yang akan dihadapi oleh Perseroan terdiri dari tantangan eksternal dan internal. Oleh karena itu, Perseroan mengambil beberapa langkah strategis dalam pengelolaan sumber daya.

Perseroan melakukan restrukturisasi organisasi dengan prinsip organisasi berkinerja tinggi yang selaras dengan strategi Perseroan dan menerapkan pendekatan terstruktur yang sudah teruji.

Karakteristik utama struktur organisasi yang dibentuk adalah fokus kepada pelanggan, responsif, gesit, ramping, dan memiliki pengendalian yang efektif. Perseroan membagi proses restrukturisasi organisasi menjadi 2 tahap agar berjalan dengan efektif. Tahap 1 terdiri dari perubahan di organisasi Unit Kantor Pusat (Pusat) untuk penguatan fungsi-fungsi yang

In accordance with the development of the Company’s vision to become the leading and sustainable construction and investment company in the Southeast Asian region, the Company will face a dynamic challenges of industry and organization that must be effectively answered. The challenges faced by the Company consist of external and internal challenges. Therefore, the Company executes several strategic steps in resource management.

The Company carries out organizational

restructuration pursuant to the principles of high performing organizations in line with the Company’s strategy and adopts a well-structured approach. The main characteristics of the Company’s organizational is customer focus, responsive, agile, lean, and have effective control. The Company divides the organizational restructuring process into two phases in order to run effectively. Phase 1 consists of changes in the organization of Head Office Unit (Center) for the strengthening of more complete functions and


Selain restrukturisasi, Perseroan juga melakukan langkah strategis lain untuk mencapai tujuan bisnis dengan melakukan implementasi Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). ERP merupakan solusi teknologi informasi yang mengintegrasikan berbagai fungsi yang ada di dalam Perseroan seperti fungsi keuangan, logistik, penjualan, distribusi, produksi, dan sumber daya manusia ke suatu sistem tunggal. Integrasi dari fungsi-fungsi ini akan mempermudah proses bisnis atau alur kerja serta menjaga validitas dari pengelolaan data yang ada di dalamnya. Implementasi ERP juga akan membantu Perseroan dalam mengelola dan meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya yang dimiliki.

Dalam mencapai visi dan tujuan, Perseroan memandang sumber daya manusia sebagai modal manusia atau human capital yang dapat dikembangkan untuk maju bersama mengoptimalisasi pertumbuhan bisnis Perseroan. Perseroan menggunakan pendekatan Performance Based Human Capital Management yang

menitikberatkan pada pengelolaan SDM berdasarkan kinerja. Perseroan fokus untuk menjaga dan

meningkatkan kinerja modal manusia yang dimiliki mulai dari tahap perekrutan, pengembangan, hingga penghargaan terhadap kinerja yang ditampilkan. Untuk mendukung pendekatan Performance Based tersebut, Perseroan juga melakukan pengembangan serta perubahan dalam sistem pengembangan kompetensi bagi karyawan. Di samping itu, seiring adanya restrukturisasi organisasi, Perseroan juga melakukan kajian mengenai perubahan nilai-nilai (values) perusahaan yang sebelumnya adalah PPEDGES kembali menjadi PPBID. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menciptakan engagement karyawan dengan Perusahaan yang dapat berdampak juga pada kinerja.

In addition to restructuring, the Company has also undertaken other strategic steps to achieve business objectives by implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). ERP is an information technology solution that integrates various functions within the Company such as finance, logistics, sales, distribution, production and human resources into a single system. Integration of these functions will simplify business processes or workflow and will also maintain the validity of the data management. Implementation of ERP will also assist the Company in managing and improving the quality of its resources.

To achieve the vision and objectives, the Company considers human resources as human capital that potentially developed to advance together to optimize the Company’s business growth. The Company uses a Performance Based Human Capital Management approach that focuses on the human resources management based on performance. The Company focuses on maintaining and improving the human capital performance from the recruitment, development, to rewarding performance levels. To support the Performance Based approach, the Company also enhances the competency development system for employees. In addition, due to organizational restructuring, the Company also conducts a study on the change of corporate values from PPEDGES to revert into PPBID. This aims to create employee engagement with the Company which will also boost their performance.




GiVinG baCk to SoCietieS

Kepercayaan masyarakat merupakan energi dalam menjalankan bisnis secara berkelanjutan. Untuk itulah wujud kepedulian terhadap masyarakat dan lingkungan memiliki arti bagi keberlangsungan bisnis kami sebagai perusahaan konstruksi di tanah air. Kami meyakini bahwa untuk mewujudkan

keberlanjutan bisnis maka perhatian yang seimbang harus diberikan kepada aspek keuntungan (profit), kemanusiaan (people), dan lingkungan (planet). Untuk meningkatkan kinerja pada tiga aspek dasar tersebut (triple bottom lines), maka kami senantiasa berperan aktif dalam memperbaiki dan membangun lingkungan untuk menjadi lebih baik, serta

menjadikan masyarakat mandiri dalam ekonomi dan mengelola lingkungan.

Setiap tahun, kami selalu memastikan bahwa

komunikasi dengan segenap pemangku kepentingan (stakeholders) terjalin dengan baik. Kami secara konsisten mengembangkan budaya keselamatan yang saling mendukung dan melibatkan peran aktif seluruh individu baik karyawan, subkontraktor, maupun pihak lain yang melakukan aktivitas di area kerja. Jaminan kualitas dikontrol melalui penerapan manajemen mutu yang melibatkan konsumen dalam memberikan pengukuran terhadap kualitas pelaksanaan proyek. Selain itu, melalui kegiatan Comunity Services dan pemeliharaan lingkungan, kepentingan masyarakat terpenuhi seiring dengan tumbuhnya kemandirian dan lingkungan yang sehat serta kondusif.

The public trust is our energy source in carrying out a sustainable business. Therefore, the manifestation society and environmental concern will define our business sustainability as national construction company.

We believe that to actualize a sustainable business, a balance concern should be given to the aspects of profit, people, and planet. To increase the performance in these three primary aspects (triple bottom lines), we actively participate in improving and building a better environment, as well as encouraging autonomous society in terms of economic aspect as well as to preserve the environment.

Annually, we always ensure that communication and with all stakeholders is well established. We consistently develop mutual supportive safety culture and also involving active participation from individuals, including employees, sub-contractors, as well as other parties conducting activities in the Company’s neighborhood. Quality assurance is controlled by quality management practice that involves customers in measuring quality of project implementation. Furthermore, through Community Services and environment preservation, all the community’s needs are fulfilled along with their independency and establish healthy yet conducive surroundings.



ouR CoRe ComPetenCe

Menjadi Pelopor Terobosan (Trend Setter) Bisnis, Manajemen & Sistem di dunia konstruksi Indonesia dalam rangka menuju Perusahaan yang Berkelanjutan (Sustainable Company).

Becoming the Business Trend setter, Management and System in the world of Indonesia’s construction in achieving Sustainable Company.









Kami menunjukkan kepedulian, komitmen, dan tanggung jawab terhadap pelestarian lingkungan dengan memulai sejarah perkembangan Green Construction melalui penerapan Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan dan perolehan Sertifikat ISO 14001 pada Agustus 2007 oleh Lloyd Register Quality Assurance. Setahun kemudian, kami mendeklarasikan diri sebagai Kontraktor Hijau (Green Contractor) yang memiliki proses konstruksi ramah lingkungan dari awal sampai selesainya proyek. Pada 28 September 2011, kerja keras kami diakui melalui penghargaan Indonesia Green Awards 2011 sebagai Kontraktor Pertama di Indonesia yang menerapkan konsep Green Construction.

Selaku pelopor pembangunan hijau di Indonesia, kami selalu mendorong pengembangan konstruksi hijau dan pertumbuhan green building di Indonesia. Salah satunya adalah dengan menjadi salah satu Corporate Founder yang mendirikan Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI). Selain itu, kami juga membekali sejumlah karyawan dengan sertifikasi Greenship Associate (GA) dan Greenship Professional (GP). Beberapa dari mereka berperan aktif sebagai tenaga pengajar pada pelatihan green building dan asesor pada proses pelatihan dan pendidikan, serta menjadi penilai untuk sertifikasi green building.



We portray awareness, commitment, and responsibility toward environmental conservation by starting the history of Green Construction development through the implementation of Environmental Management System and the acquisition of ISO 14001 in August 2007 by Lloyd Register Quality Assurance. A year later, we declared ourself as the Green Contractor that have environmentally-friendly construction process from start to completion of the project. On September 28, 2011, our hard work were acknowledged through Indonesia Green Awards 2011 as the first contractor in Indonesia to implement the concept of Green Construction.

As a pioneer of green development in Indonesia, we always encourage the development of green construction and green building in Indonesia. This is shown by our role as one of the Corporate Founder of Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI). Furthermore, a number of our employees are certified Greenship Associate (GA) and Greenship Professional (GP). Some of them play an active role as a lecturer on green building training and assessors in the process of training and education, as well as being the assessor for green building certification.


Singapore Embassy

contract value : rp132,532,503,586 owner : Singapore embassy

Period : March 21, 2007 – july 20, 2008 Description :

• 5 Floor area 5,317.72 m2

• 1 Floor basement, Floor area 839.28 m2 • total Floor area 6,157 m2

• rc construction, architecture, Landscape & Me

Austrian Embassy Building

contract value : rp21,899,171,000 owner : austrian embassy

Period : February 15, 2010 - March 15, 2012 Description :

• Total floor area: 1,188.58 m2 • rc construction

• architecture, interior, Landscape and Me



Ministry of Public works Headquarter

contract value : rp304,895,000,000

owner : Ministry of Public Works headquarter, jl. Pattimura no.20,

Kebayoran baru, jakarta Selatan Period : january 8, 2010 - january 15, 2011 Description :

• Ministry building, Total floor area: 26,648.07 m2, (17 Floors, Roof floor, and Semi basement)

• Parking building, total floor area: 20,381.02 m2 (12 Floors, Roof floor, and Semi basement)

• rc construction, architecture, interior, Landscape and Me




enteRPRiSe ReSouRCe PlanninG (eRP)

integraSi FungSi Dan eFiSienSi

Dalam menjalankan bisnis, kami berupaya keras untuk meningkatkan pelayanan memuaskan bagi seluruh

Stakeholder. Salah satunya melalui manajemen yang lebih

efisien dalam seluruh proses operasional. Untuk menjawab kebutuhan akan layanan yang lebih cepat, hemat biaya dan berkualitas, kami mengimplementasikan Sistem Teknologi Enterprise Resource Planning yang disebut dengan ERP. Sistem ini berfungsi untuk mengintegrasikan fungsi produksi, logistik, keuangan, sumber daya manusia dan fungsi lainnya dalam sebuah sistem penyimpanan data yang mudah diakses secara real time. Selain itu, sistem ERP juga berfungsi untuk mengintegrasikan informasi dari seluruh fungsi bisnis menjadi satu informasi yang akurat dan dapat digunakan sebagai bahan dalam pengambilan keputusan. Secara keseluruhan, implementasi ERP memberikan nilai tambah sebagai berikut: 1. Menyederhanakan dan Mempermudah

Pengendalian Proses Bisnis

ERP Memastikan alur kerja dapat berjalan secara halus dan komunikasi antar departemen menjadi lebih baik. Fungsi otomatisasi ERP menjamin aliran informasi tersampaikan dengan jelas dan bebas dari kesalahan, sehingga proses bisnis menjadi lebih sederhana dan responsif. Dengan kemampuan menyajikan beragam data dari unit bisnis yang berbeda-beda secara sistematis, komprehensif,

real-time dan mudah diakses, Perusahaan lebih mudah

memantau dan mengendalikan proses bisnis. 2. Meningkatkan Efektivitas Karyawan, Save Money

ERP mendorong karyawan menjadi lebih efisien dan fokus pada tugas utama sehingga berdampak pada peningkatan kualitas dan produktivitas kerja. ERP telah terbukti mampu melakukan berbagai fungsi pekerjaan, menghemat biaya dan waktu.

3. Memudahkan Perencanaan Strategi Direksi ERP menyimpan berbagai informasi di satu tempat kerja sehingga memudahkan Direksi dan decision

maker untuk mengetahui berbagai permasalahan


In our business activities, we strive to gradually improve the satisfactory service for all Stakeholders. More efficient management in all operational processes is one of the efforts we carry on. To meet the need for faster, cost-effective, and quality services, we are implementing Enterprise Resource Planning Technology System abbreviated as ERP. This system integrates the functions of production, logistics, finance, human resources, and other functions in a data storage system that is easily accessible in real time. In addition, the ERP system also integrates information from all business functions into an accurate information which can be used as the basis of decision making. Overall, ERP implementation provides the following added values:

1. Simplifying and Enabling Business Process Control ERP ensures swift workflow and improved communication between departments. The ERP automation function ensures the information flow to be clear and error-free, to provide a simpler and more responsive business processes. With the ability to present a variety of data from different business units in a systematic, comprehensive, real-time and easily accessible manner, the Company is easier to monitor and control business processes.

2. Increasing Employee Effectiveness, Save Money ERP encourages employees to be more efficient and focus on the main tasks to improve quality and work productivity. ERP has been proven capable of performing various job functions, saving cost and time.

3. Facilitating the Board of Directors’ Strategy Planning ERP stores various information into one site which ease the Board of Directors and the decision maker to find out various potential productivity issues. ERP


yang dapat menghambat produktivitas. Teknologi ERP juga mampu memprediksi data bisnis dalam jumlah yang cukup besar, sehingga memberikan kemudahan untuk memitigasi risiko serta

merumuskan keputusan yang strategis dan inovatif dalam berbagai hal.

4. Meningkatkan Layanan kepada Stakeholder Semakin baik layanan terhadap pelanggan, maka pemenuhan kebutuhan pelanggan pun akan lebih meningkat. Dirancang untuk meningkatkan efisiensi, teknologi ERP mampu melakukan pengelolaan yang akan berdampak positif terhadap pelanggan maupun Stakeholder lainnya.

ERP telah diimplementasikan di anak perusahaan PT PP Presisi Tbk dan akan terus berkembang ke anak perusahaan lainnya. Hingga tahun 2017, kami telah menggunakan 9 modul ERP, yaitu Project System (PS) untuk fungsi manajemen proyek, Sales & Distribution (SD) untuk fungsi penjualan, Material Management (MM) untuk fungsi pengadaan dan logistik, Plant Maintenance (PM) untuk fungsi pemeliharan alat-alat berat, terutama di anak perusahaan PT PP Presisi Tbk, Human Capital Management (HCM) untuk fungsi manajemen sumber daya manusia, Finance (FI) untuk fungsi keuangan dan akuntansi, Controlling (CO) untuk fungsi pengendalian, Business Intelligent (BI) dan Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC). Fitur adaptif Sistem ERP mendorong fleksibilitas Perusahaan untuk beradaptasi dengan kebutuhan-kebutuhan di masa depan. Integrasi, kinerja, dan alur informasi yang berjalan dengan lebih baik

technology is also able to predict business data in large enough quantities, thus providing convenience to mitigate risks and to formulate strategic and innovative decisions in various respects. 4. Improving Services to Stakeholders

The improved service to the customer will also improve the fulfillment of customer needs. Designed to increase efficiency, ERP technology enables the management of issues that reserve positive impacts toward the customers and Stakeholders.

ERP has been implemented in our subsidiary, PT PP Presisi Tbk and we will also implement ERP in other subsidiaries. As of 2017, we have been using 9 ERP modules, namely Project System (PS) for project

management function, Sales & Distribution (SD) for sales function, Material Management (MM) for procurement and logistics functions, Plant Maintenance (PM) for heavy equipment maintenance functions, particularly in the subsidiary, PT PP Presisi Tbk, Human Capital Management (HCM) for human resource management functions, Finance (FI) for financial and accounting functions, Controlling (CO) for control functions, Business Intelligent (BI) and Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC).

The adaptive features of ERP system drives the Company’s flexibility to adapt with the approaching needs. Better integration, performance, and information flow will improve the capability of planning and


bUiLDiNG iNfoRmaTioN


Sesuai dengan visi perusahaan untuk menjadi ASEAN Class Company, mengikuti perkembangan teknologi berbasis digital adalah hal yang mutlak. Untuk itu PP Persero mengimplementasikan konsep permodelan bangunan digital yang sangat gencar perkembangannya di dunia konstruksi internasional atau dikenal dengan istilah BIM (Building Information Modelling).

Dalam pelaksanaannya, PP Persero melibatkan seluruh pemangku kepentingan agar proses implementasi BIM di setiap proyek dapat berjalan dengan baik. Model proyek dirumuskan dengan matang dengan membuat atau menggambar ulang model yang didapat dari owner untuk kemudian diterjemahkan ke dalam model BIM.

iMPLeMentaSi biM Di FaSe tenDer

Penerapan BIM dalam tender membantu tim untuk memperoleh gambaran proyek yang dikerjakan, termasuk perhitungan volume (quantity) dan simulasi

sequence pekerjaan. Salah satu faktor penting dalam

In conformity with the Company’s vision to become ASEAN Class Company, keeping up with the

development of digital-based technology is absolute. Therefore, PP Persero implements the concept of digital building modeling which is heavily developed in the international construction sector or known as BIM (Building Information Modeling).

In its implementation, PP Persero involves all

stakeholders so that the BIM implementation process runs well in each project. The project model is formulated carefully by creating or redrawing the model obtained from the owner to be translated into the BIM model.

IMPLEMENTATION OF BIM IN TENDER PHASE Implementation of BIM in the tender assists the team to acquire the project overview, including quantity calculation and job sequence simulation. One important factor in the implementation of BIM


penerapan BIM untuk tender adalah kecepatan pemodelan, karena waktu tender umumnya sangat singkat (1-2 minggu). Untuk pemodelan BIM sendiri memerlukan waktu 5-10 hari, tergantung pada kecukupan dan bentuk file gambar yang didapat dari


PP Persero menggunakan beberapa software pendukung yaitu Cubicost Glodon, Tekla Structures, Autodesk Revit dan Naviswork untuk proyek gedung. Sedangkan untuk proyek infrastruktur, software yang sudah digunakan adalah Autodesk Civil 3D, Tekla Structures, dan Autodesk Infraworks. Selain itu Perusahaan juga menggunakan software Cubicost Glodon TAS (Take Off Rebar) dan TME (Take Off Mechanical and Electrical) dengan fitur auto-identity dari gambar yang didapat.

iMPLeMentaSi biM Di FaSe oPeraSi/ProyeK Melalui model BIM, akan didapatkan data dan informasi volume atas model (4D) dengan dimensi keempat berupa biaya yang berasal dari volume

item pekerjaan yang dimodelkan. Salah satu proyek

yang memanfaatkan BIM untuk perhitungan volume pekerjaan adalah Proyek Indarung VI Paket CC4 yang berjalan dengan baik karena volume pekerjaan baja didapatkan dengan akurat.

Beberapa pilot project PP Persero yang telah menerapkan BIM bahkan sudah mencapai level 5D dengan dimensi kelima berupa scheduling. Dengan implementasi BIM di proses konstruksi, diharapkan agar seluruh proses engineering dan koordinasi lapangan dapat diefisiensikan sehingga seluruh

for tender is the speed of modeling, since the tender time is generally very short (1-2 weeks). BIM modeling takes 5-10 days, depending on the adequacy and shape of image files obtained from the owner.

PP Persero uses several supporting software namely Cubicost Glodon, Tekla Structures, Autodesk Revit and Naviswork for contruction project. For infrastructure projects, the software used is Autodesk Civil 3D, Tekla Structures, and Autodesk Infraworks. In addition, the Company also uses Cubicost Glodon TAS (Take Off Rebar) and TME (Take Off Mechanical and Electrical) software with the auto-identity feature for the obtained images.


The BIM model will acquire data and volume information on the (4D) model with the fourth dimension in the form of costs derived from the volume of work items being modeled. One of the projects that utilize BIM for work volume calculation is the Indarung VI CC4 Package Project which runs well because the volume of steel work is accurately obtained.

Several PP Persero project pilots that have

implemented BIM have reached the 5D level with the fifth dimension in the form of scheduling. With the implementation of BIM in the construction process, it is expected that the entire engineering process and field coordination can be streamlined so that the




The Best CEO Award dan The Best Listed Company Construction Sector 2015 dari MNC Group

The Best CEO Award and The Best Listed Company Construction Sector 2015 of MNC Group

The Top Performing Listed Companies 2015 dan Special Successful Business Transformation Award dari Investor Magazine

The Top Performing Listed Companies 2015 and Special Successful Business Transformation Award from Investor Magazine

Marketeer of the Year Award Jakarta 2015, Construction Sector tahun 2015 dari Markplus Inc

Marketeer of the Year award Jakarta 2015, Construction Sector in 2015 from Markplus Inc

Living Legend Company Award 2015 dari Majalah Warta Ekonomi

Living Legend Company Award 2015 from Warta Ekonomi Magazine


6 Award Construction Work of Indonesia 2015 dari PUPR

6 Award Construction work of Indonesia 2015 from PUPR

PT PP Menerima Penghargaan dalam

ASEAN Marketing Summit Indonesia Champion Community Awards 2015 oleh Prof. Philip Kotler

PT PP won award in ASEAN Marketing Summit Indonesia Champion Community Awards 2015 by Prof. Philip Kotler

Indonesia’s Top 100 Most Valuable Brands 2015

Top 100 Most Valuable Brands 2015 Award

Top 10 Best Electricity Company Indonesia Awards 2015 dari Majalah Listrik Indonesia dan Majalah SWA

Top 10 Best Electricity Company Indonesia Awards 2015 Event from Listrik Indonesia Magazine and SWA Magazine


The 6 Best of Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), Strategic Marketing (Gold Medal), Tactical Marketing (Silver Medal) dan Special Award untuk kategori Marketing 3.0

The 6 Best of Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), Strategic Marketing (Gold Medal), Tactical Marketing (Silver Medal) and Special Award category of Marketing 3.0

Penghargaan kategori perusahaan: Penerapan Konstruksi Hijau untuk Kantor Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum sebagai Gedung dengan Sertifikasi Hijau Platinum Pertama di Indonesia

Award for corporate category: Green Construction Implementation at The Green Building of Ministry of Public Works As the First Platinum-Certified Green Building in Indonesia

Best of The Best Infobank Awards Kategori Golden Trophy

Best of The Best Infobank Awards for Golden Trophy category

Top SOE Infrastructure on Building and Construction 2015

TOP SOE Infrastructure on Building and Construction 2015


50 Companies Award Best of the Best Award 2015 dari Forbes Indonesia - Sequence 18

50 Companies Award Best of the Best Award 2015 from Forbes Indonesia - Sequence 18

Best of CEO Commitment on Human Capital Development 2016 dari Indonesia Human Capital Study

Best of CEO Commitment on Human Capital

Top Performing Listed Company 2016

Top Performing Listed Company 2016

Asia Best Companies dari Finance Asia Award


Nominasi Best Issuer 2016 dari Majalah Investor

Nomination for Best Issuer 2016 from Investor Magazine

Indonesia Green Award (IGA) 2016 dari Majalah Bisnis CSR dan The La Tofi School of CSR

Indonesia Green Award (IGA) 2016 from Bisnis Magazine CSR and The La Tofi School of CSR

Top 100 Indonesia Most Value Brand dari Brand Finance dan Majalah SWA

Top 100 Indonesia Most Value Brand from Brand Finance and SWA Magazine

The Best EPC Company dalam ajang Indonesia Best Electricity Award 2016

The Best EPC Company in Indonesia Best Electricity Award 2016


2016 Achievement Award dari Asian Civil Engineering Coordination Council (ACECC)

2016 Achievement Award from Asian Civil Engineering Coordination Council (ACECC)

Best Employers Indonesia 2016 dari AON

Best Employers Indonesia 2016 from AON

Medali Emas Living Legend Companies 2016 dari Warta Ekonomi

Gold Medal Living Legend Companies 2016 from Warta Ekonomi

Korporasi Tangguh Indonesia 2017 dari Alumni Institut Teknologi Bandung 1977

Korporasi Tangguh Indonesia 2017 from Alumnus of Bandung Technology Institute 1977


Social Business Innovation Award 2017 dari Majalah Warta Ekonomi

Social Business Innovation Award 2017 from Warta Ekonomi Magazine

Indonesia Living Legend Companies 2017 dari Majalah SWA

Indonesia Living Legend Companies 2017 from Magazine SWA

“The Best of The Best 50 Companies 2017” dari Forbes Indonesia

“The Best of The Best 50 Companies 2017” from Forbes Indonesia


Indonesia Most Admired CEO 2017 kategori Top 5 Most Admired CEO in Construction Sector dari Majalah Warta Ekonomi

Indonesia Most Admired CEO 2017 category Top 5 Most Admired CEO in Construction Sector from Warta Ekonomi Magazine

BUMN Performance Excellent kategori Perusahaan BUMN terbaik berbasis KPKU dengan skor Emerging Industry Leader dari Forum Ekselen BUMN

SOE Performance Excellent category the Best SEO Company based on KPKU with a score of Emerging Industry Leader from SEO Excellent Forum

Asian Power Award 2017 kategori Silver Award of the Fast Track Power Plant of the Year Category for the 500 MW Mobile Power Plant Project Multiplier dari Asian Power Magazine

Asian Power Award 2017 category Silver Award of the Fast Track Power Plant of the Year Category for the 500


Indonesia Best Electricity Awards 2017 kategori Best EPC Company & Top 5 Innovation Electricity Company dari Majalah Listrik Indonesia

Indonesia Best Electricity Awards 2017 category Best EPC Company & Top 5 Innovation Electricity Company from Listrik Indonesia Magazine

BUMN Branding & Marketing Awards 2017 kategori The Best Corporate Branding kategori Product Development, Special Award kategori The Best Disruption dan The Best CMO Digital Branding & Marketing Initiative: CEO PTPP dari Markplus Inc

SEO Branding & Marketing Awards 2017 category The Best Corporate Branding category Product Development, Special Award category The Best Disruption and The Best CMO Digital Branding & Marketing Initiative: CEO PTPP from Markplus Inc

The Best Industry Marketing Champion 2017 for Construction Sector dari Markplus Inc

The Best Industry Marketing Champion 2017 for Construction Sector dari Markplus Inc


• Top Performing Listed Companies dan Penghargaan Khusus Successful Business Transformation dari Warta Ekonomi Magazine • Living Legend Company Award 2015 dari Warta

Ekonomi Magazine

• Penghargaan atas keberhasilan PT PP (Persero) Tbk Menyelesaikan Pembangunan Jalan Tol Cikampek Palimanan

• Penghargaan sebagai Penyedia Terbaik PT Indonesia Power Kategori: Pekerjaan Konstruksi • Peringkat Pertama dalam Indonesia’s Top EPC

Contractor dari LPJK

• BUMN Marketeers Awards 2015 dari Markplus Inc dan BUMN Insight Magazine

• The 6 Best of Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), Strategic Marketing (Gold Medal), Tactical Marketing (Silver Medal) dan Special Award category of Marketing 3.0

• Indonesia Champion for ASEAN Economic Community Award 2015 dari Prof. Philip Kotler • Top 10 Best Electricity Indonesia Awards 2015 • Indonesia’s Top 100 Most Valuable Brand 2015

dari Majalah SWA

• Best of The Best Infobank Award 2015 Kategori: Golden Trophy dari Infobank Magazine

• 6 Award Construction Work of Indonesia 2015 dari PUPR

• TOP SOE Infrastructure on Building and Construction 2015

• Top Performing Listed Companies and Special Award Successful Business Transformation from Warta Ekonomi Magazine

• Living Legend Company Award 2015 from Warta Ekonomi Magazine

• Awards for PT PP (Persero) Tbk’s achievement in completing Cikampek - Palimanan Toll Road Construction Project

• Award as Best Contractor PT Indonesia Power Category: Construction Project

• First place in Indonesia’s Top EPC Contractor from LPJK

• BUMN Marketeers Awards 2015 from Markplus Inc and BUMN Insight Magazine

• The 6 Best of Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), Strategic Marketing (Gold Medal), Tactical Marketing (Silver Medal) and Special Award category of Marketing 3.0

• Indonesia Champion for ASEAN Economic Community Award 2015 from Prof. Philip Kotler • Top 10 Best Electricity Indonesia Awards 2015 • Indonesia’s Top 100 Most Valuable Brand 2015

from SWA Magazine

• Best of The Best Infobank Award 2015 category: Golden Trophy from Infobank Magazine • 6 Award Construction Work of Indonesia 2015

from PUPR

• TOP SOE Infrastructure on Building and Construction 2015









PtPP buSineSS lineS




















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