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Academic year: 2018



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Submitted in Partial Fulfil




ed in Partial Fulfillment as One of the Requiremen The Strata One (SI) Degree

Written by :





ment as One of the Requirements for


Waktu yang telah kujalani dengan jalan hidup yang sudah menjadi takdirku Suka, duka, kecewa,dan bahagia telah mengajarkan

Satu cita tercapai, sepenggal harapan teraih

Kusandarkan dahiku bersyujud kehadapanmu

Engkau berikan aku kesempatan untuk bisa sampai dipenghujung

Atas takdirmu, kau telah menjadikan ku seorang manusia yang berpikir, berilmu, beriman, dan bersabar dalam menjalani kehidupan ini

Semoga keberhasilan ini menjadi amal shaleh bagiku dan menjadi satu l

Kupersembahkan sebuah karya kecil ini untuk kedua belahan jiwaku Papa (Syafrijal.R) & mama (Miswarti) tercinta

Yang senantiasa menjadi penyemangat dalam hidupku Yang tiada henti memberiku do’a, dorongan,

pengorbanan yang tak tergantikan hingga aku selalu kuat menjalani setiap rintangan

My beloved sister (Wardhatul Khaira) & My beloved

Yang ikut berjuang menemani ku dalam perjalanan ini Ya Rabbi..

Waktu yang telah kujalani dengan jalan hidup yang sudah menjadi takdirku Suka, duka, kecewa,dan bahagia telah mengajarkan ku banyak hal yang bermakna akan

lika liku kehidupan, Tak terhitung air mata..

Tak terhitung do’a.. Ku tempuh langkah demi langkah Jalan yang berliku dan penuh rintangan Di temani bayang-bayang alam tak bertepi

Bersyaraf waktu bersendikan impian Ku ikuti episode akhir yang akan usai Satu cita tercapai, sepenggal harapan teraih


Perjalanan masih panjang.. Kuhempaskan tubuhku mencapai bumi Kusandarkan dahiku bersyujud kehadapanmu

Ya Allah..

Engkau berikan aku kesempatan untuk bisa sampai dipenghujung awal perjuanganku ini..

Terima kasihku padaMu ya Allah

Atas takdirmu, kau telah menjadikan ku seorang manusia yang berpikir, berilmu, beriman, dan bersabar dalam menjalani kehidupan ini

Semoga keberhasilan ini menjadi amal shaleh bagiku dan menjadi satu l bagiku untuk meraih cita-cita besarku..

Kupersembahkan sebuah karya kecil ini untuk kedua belahan jiwaku Papa (Syafrijal.R) & mama (Miswarti) tercinta

Yang senantiasa menjadi penyemangat dalam hidupku

Yang tiada henti memberiku do’a, dorongan, nasehat, cinta dan kasih sayang serta pengorbanan yang tak tergantikan hingga aku selalu kuat menjalani setiap rintangan

yang ada didepanku.. I love you ... Dad & Mom 

Kepada adik-adikku tercinta..

My beloved sister (Wardhatul Khaira) & My beloved brother (Muhammad Abdi) Dan kepada seluruh keluarga besarku

Yang ikut berjuang menemani ku dalam perjalanan ini Yang ikut panik jikalau ada hambatan

Terima kasih..

Waktu yang telah kujalani dengan jalan hidup yang sudah menjadi takdirku ku banyak hal yang bermakna akan

awal perjuanganku

Atas takdirmu, kau telah menjadikan ku seorang manusia yang berpikir, berilmu, beriman, dan bersabar dalam menjalani kehidupan ini

Semoga keberhasilan ini menjadi amal shaleh bagiku dan menjadi satu langkah awal

Kupersembahkan sebuah karya kecil ini untuk kedua belahan jiwaku

Yang senantiasa menjadi penyemangat dalam hidupku

nasehat, cinta dan kasih sayang serta pengorbanan yang tak tergantikan hingga aku selalu kuat menjalani setiap rintangan

brother (Muhammad Abdi)



Special thanks for my both advisors Dr.Martin Kustati,M.Pd and Dr.Darmayenti,M.Pd



Class X of SMAN 1 Bukit Sundi

The purpose of this research was to determine whether Transition Action Details Strategy gave significant effect towards students’ writing skill at class X of SMAN 1 Bukit Sundi. Besides that, this research was also aimed to find out the component of writing skill were mostly improved after implementing Transition Action Details Strategy in teaching writing at class X of SMAN 1 Bukit Sundi.

This research was an experimental research. The population of this research was all of the students at class X of SMAN 1 Bukit Sundi that consists of 125 students spread into four classes. Two classes were taken as sample of the research by using cluster random sampling.The sample classes were taken by flipping the coin. The result showed that X MIPA 1 as control class consists of 33 students, and X MIPA 2 as experimental class consists of 31 students. Writing test was used to collect the data. The test was given to both classes with the same topic. Pretest was given before doing treatment. Furthermore, postest was given to determine the effect of using Transition Action Details strategy. The data of this research was analyzed by using statistical procedure and SPSS-16 program.

The result of this research showed that the mean score of students’ posttest at experimental class (71.74) was higher than the mean score of students’ posttest at control class (66.00). The result calculation of the test showed that t-calculate (2.609) was higher than t-table (2.000) with α = 0.05 and degree freedom 52. The hypothesis was accepted. It means that Transition Action Details strategy gave significant effect towards students’ writing skill on recount text at class X of SMAN 1 Bukit Sundi.The components of writing skillwere also improved. The component of writing was mostly improved was content with significant different 3.63. In addition, The students’ skill to write recount text also increased.



Class X of SMAN 1 Bukit Sundi

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat apakah strategi Transition Action Details memberikan dampak yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan menulis siswa pada kelas X SMAN 1 Bukit Sundi. Disamping itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk melihat komponen writing yang paling tertingkatkan setelah penerapan strategi Transition Action Details dalam mengajar writing pada kelas X SMAN 1 Bukit Sundi.

Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X SMAN 1 Bukit Sundi yang terdiri dari 125 siswa yang tersebar kedalam empat kelas. Dua kelas diambil sebagai sampel penelitian dengan menggunakan cluster random sampling. Kelas-kelas sampel dipilih dengan melemparkan koin. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa X MIPA 1 sebagai kelas kontrol yang terdiri dari 33 siswa, dan X MIPA 2 sebagai kelas eksperimen yang terdiri dari 31 siswa. Tes menulis digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data. Tes diberikan kepada kedua kelas dengan topik yang sama. Tes awal diberikan sebelum dilakukan perlakuan. Selanjutnya, tes akhir diberikan untuk mengetahui dampak penggunaan strategi Transition Action Details. Data penelitian ini dianalisa dengan menggunakan langkah-langkah statistik dan program SPSS-16.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa skor rata-rata tes akhir siswa dikelas eksperimen (71.74) lebih besar dari skor rata-rata tes akhir siswa dikelas kontrol (66.00). Hasil kalkulasi test menunjukkan bahwa t-hitung (2.609) lebih tinggi dari t-table (2.000) dengan α = 0.05 dan df=52. Hipotesis diterima. Hal ini bermakna bahwa Strategi Transition Action Details memberikan dampak yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan menulis siswa dalam teks recoun dikelas X SMAN 1 Bukit Sundi. Komponen-komponen menulis juga ditingkatkan. Komponen menulis yang paling tertingkatkan adalah content dengan perbedaan signifikan 3.63. Tambahannya, kemampuan siswa untuk menulis teks recount juga meningkat.



“In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful”

First of all, all praises to Allah SWT who has given mercies and blessing for the writer to finish the thesis entitled “The Effect of Transition-Action-Details Strategy towards Students’ Writing Skill on Recount Text at class X of SMAN 1 Bukit Sundi. Salawat and Salam to the greatest messenger, prophet Muhammad SAW.

The writer would like to say thank to Dr.H. Gusril Kenedi, M.Pd as the Dean of Education and Teacher Training Faculty of State Islamic University Imam Bonjol Padang, the special thank for both of advisors; Dr. Martin Kustati, M.Pd and Dr. Darmayenti, M.Pd who has patiently guided the writer until the completion of this thesis, who has spent countless hours correcting this final project for it betterment, and who gave the writer valuable advises, time, and help, so the writer could finish this thesis. Besides that, the writer would like to thank to the chairman of English Tadris Department, Besral, M.Pd. Then, the writer would like to express gratitude to all of the lecturers who have taught the writer from the beginning of study at English Tadris Department, UIN Imam Bonjol Padang. Moreover, the special thank for all of the students at Senior High School 1 Bukit Sundi that had participated in this research, for Yeni Efrida, S.Pd as English teacher, Dra. Rina Syaftiyani as co Headmaster for giving the permission, participation, and opportunity during the research.

Then, the writer would like to dedicate the sincere love to beloved parents, Miswarti, and Syafrijal.R, and also for beloved brother and sister, for all of the family for the pray, love, help, and support. Then, the special thank for all of friends at English Tadris Department’13 UIN Imam Bonjol Padang.

Finally, the writer realizes that this thesis may have several weaknesses. Therefore, any correction, comment, criticism, and suggestion is needed from the reader in order that this thesis more useful.

Padang, 15th August, 2017 The Researcher







LIST OF FIGURES…... ...vii


CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Identification of the Study ... 8

C. Limitation of the Study ... 9

D. Formulation of the Study ... 9

E. Purpose of the Research ... 10

F. Significant of the Research ... 10

G. Definition of Key Terms ... 11

CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Theories 1. The Concept of Transition Action Details Strategy . 12 a. Definition of Transition Action Details Strategy ... 12

b. Advantages of Transition Action Details Strategy ... 13

c. Procedure of Transition Action Details Strategy ... 15

2. The Nature of Writing skill ... 18

a. Definition of Writing skill ... 18

b. Components of Writing skill ... 21

c. The Importance of Teaching Writing skill... 23

d. The Process of Writing skill ... 24

e. Writing Assessment ... 26



b. Generic Structure of Recount Text ... 30

c. Language Features of Recount Text ... 31

d. Assessing Writing to Recount ... 31

B. Relevance Studies ……….. 33

C. Conceptual Framework ………. 36

D. Hypothesis ………. 37

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHOD A. Research Design ... 38

B. Population and Sample ... 39

1. Population ……….... 39

2. Sample ………. 40

C. Instrumentation of the Research ... 45

D. Place and time ... 46

E. Technique of Data Collection ... 46

F. Procedure of the Research ... 47

G. Technique of Data Analysis ... 50


B. Discussion on Research Finding ... 71


B. Suggestion ... 76



Table 2.1 : Procedure of Transition-Action-Details strategy ... 16

Table 2.2 : The Example (1) of Transition Action Details Strategy (TAD) Chart ... 17

Table 2.3 : The Example (2) of Transition Action Details Strategy (TAD) Chart ... 18

Table 2.4 : Indicators of Writing Based on Jacob’s Theory... 27

Table 2.5 : The Generic Structures and Textual Element of Recount Text. 30 Table 2.6 : Assesing Writing to Recount ... 32

Table 3.1 : Research Design ... 39

Table 3.2 : Population of the Research ... 40

Table 3.3 : Test of Normality ... 41

Table 3.4 : Test of Homogeneity of Variance... 44

Table 3.5 : Sample of the Research ... 45

Table 3.6 : Blueprint of Writing Test ... 45

Table 3.7 : Teaching Procedure for Experimental and control Class... 47

Table 4.1 : The Interval Data of Pre Test Score of Experimental and Control Class ... 54

Table 4.2 : Calculation Process of Mean and Standard Deviation of Pre-test in Experimental Class ... 56

Table 4.3 : Calculation process of mean and standard deviation of Writing Test in Control Class ... 57

Table 4.4 : The Data of Pre-test Score of Experimental and Control Class. 59 Table 4.5 : The Interval Data of Post-test Scores of Experimental and Control Class ... 59

Table 4.6 : Calculation Process of Mean and Standard Deviation of Post-Test in Experimental Class ... 61

Table 4.7 : Calculation Process of Mean and Standard Deviation of Post-Test in Control Class ... 62

Table 4.8 : The Data of Post-test Score Experimental Class and Control Class ... 63

Table 4.9 : The Calculation of Comparison of Mean Pre-test and Post-test at Experimental Class... 64





Sundi... 136

Appendix 3 : Analysis of SPSS for the English Midterm Class X MIPA of SMAN 1 Bukit Sundi... 137

Appendix 4 : Students’ Score of Writing Test SMAN 1 Bukit Sundi... 140

Appendix 5 : Pre-Test Scores of Experimental Class and Control Class in Term of Content, Organization, Vocabulary, Language Use, and Mechanics... 141

Appendix6 : Post-Test Score of Experimental Class and Control Class in Term of Content, Organization, Vocabulary, Language Use, and Mechanic ... 143

Appendix7 : Analysis of Post Test Score in Experimental Class and Control Class... 145

Appendix8 : Analysis of SPSS for Post Test of Experimental Class and Control Class ... 147

Appendix 9 : T-Table ... 150

Appendix 10 : Analysis of Students’ Writing to Recount ... 151

Appendix 11 : Students’ Answer Sheet of Post-Test at Experiment Class and Control class ... 152

Appendix 12 : Analysis of Recount Text at Pre-test and Post-test of Experimental Class ... 154

Appendix 13 : Transition-Action-Details (TAD) Chart ... 155

Appendix 14 : Writing Test ... 158

Appendix 15 : Documentation ... 159


1 A. Background of the Study

Writing is one of skills in English language learning that should be

mastered by any level of the students. Writing is the complex process that

needs writer’s ability to produce good sentences by using appropriate

content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanic. All of

these aspects are very important to produce a good written work. On the

other hand, the students should have basic knowledge in choosing content,

organize the ideas, choosing appropriate vocabulary, language use, and

mechanic. So, the reader can get the main point of writing clearly and


The purpose of teaching writing at senior high school is aimed to

provide students to understand and create various kinds of short functional

text, monologue, and essay in the form of procedure, descriptive, recount,

narrative, report, news item, analytical exposition, hortatory exposition,

spoof, explanation, discussion, and review (Basic competencies of 2013

curriculum). The students will learn how to write well, and understand the

characteristic include generic structure and language features of the text.

The objective of the teaching of writing in a foreign language is to get

learners to acquire the abilities and skills they need to produce a range of

different kinds of written texts similar to those an educated person would


It means that teaching writing will help the learner to produce written

work clearly after they have ability to do it.

Therefore, to create the teaching writing process actively and fun,

the English teachers need to find some ways to make the students

interested in doing writing. English teacher must pay attention to their

teaching and learning process of writing, since writing is complex skill

that should be mastered by all students. First, the appropriate technique

and strategy in teaching writing will help students in mastering writing

skill. It is better for English teacher to find out various strategies in

teaching writing. Second, media can be used as a tool in teaching process.

Media can be electronic and non-electronic form. By using media, it will

make teaching writing process is more interesting.

In learning writing, the students should know some aspects to be

improved such as content, organization, language use, vocabulary, and

mechanics (Jacob 1981). Content is the substance of writing. It will be the

main point to the reader. Organization refers to the generic structure of the

text, which organize a text well. Vocabulary refers to the use of choice of

words that used in written product. Language use refers to the structure of

the language or correct use of grammatical pattern and structural words.

Mechanic refers to the use of graphic convention of the language, such as


Based on the preliminary study at January, 16th 2017 in SMAN 1 Bukit

Sundi, it was found some problems related with the score of student’s


First, the result of students’ midterm was low. It can be seen in the data


Table. 1.1

Students’ English Mid-Score of Senior High School 1 Bukit Sundi


1 X MIPA 1 33 48.30

2 X MIPA 2 31 51.48

3 X MIPA 3 29 46.48

4 X MIPA 4 32 42.64

KKM 80

Source: English Teacher Bookmark at Senior High School 1 Bukit Sundi academic year 2016/2017

Based on the table above, it can be seen that the mean score of

mid-term test from each classes was weak. It cannot reach the minimal

criteria competencies (KKM), meanwhile the KKM is 80. The score was

not satisfied, because it was below the minimum passing grade. It is

indicated that the students at class X of SMAN 1 Bukit Sundi cannot

master and understand English well.

Second, writing needs to be assess in the form of clear assessment.

In fact, the English teacher just assess writing generally, without pay

attention in some aspects to be assess in writing, such as; content,

organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanic. To know the


by English teacher. When the researcher asked them to write, they still

confused how to start to write in English. Some of them tried to write in

several sentences by asking to their friends, and some others tried to keep

silent without writing anything. They said that writing was difficult to do.

Based on the result of students’ writing test, it was found that

students still had weaknesses in five components of writing (content,

organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanic). It can be seen

from the mean score of each aspect of writing. The table below showed the

students’ score in writing.

Table 1.2 Students Writing Score of Academic Year 2016/2017


( 100 ) Cont

(30) Org (20) Voc (20) Lg.use (25) Mec (5)

1 30 Students 21 14 12 13 3 64

KKM = 80 (Source: the Students writing’s score in recount text of x grade Senior High School 1 Bukit Sundi)

From the table above, it can be seen that the students’ writing score

were under average. The mean of students’ skill in writing recount text

was weak, it can be seen that the students’ total score was 64. Meanwhile,

the Minimal Criteria Competencies (KKM) was 80. The score was

indicated that the students had weak skill in writing recount text.

The students were difficult to write because they could not develop

their ideas, it caused they difficult to put their ideas into sentences. The


They did not know how to start to write, how to use appropriate

vocabulary, language use, and mechanic.

Therefore, English writing is difficult for them.

There are some students’ writing

Senior High School 1 Bukit Sundi.

Some Students’ Writing

not know how to start to write, how to use appropriate

vocabulary, language use, and mechanic. They seldom practice

Therefore, English writing is difficult for them.

There are some students’ writings on recount text at X

Senior High School 1 Bukit Sundi. It can be seen in the figure below.

Figure 1.1

Students’ Writing on Recount Text at Class X o School 1 Bukit Sundi

not know how to start to write, how to use appropriate

seldom practiced writing.

on recount text at X class of

It can be seen in the figure below.


From the figure

problems in writing because they could not produce a recount text well.

There are five components of writing

student, such as content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and


Generally, the students produced written work related to the topic

given. The topic was their last experience.

of writing should

writing, there were talking about

experience at last holiday

content was not

structure of the text. In writing, the students still ha

arrange their ideas in

students had limited vocabulary. They do not have

produce a text. The teacher asked them to bring dictionary, but almost of From the figures above, it can be seen that the students ha

in writing because they could not produce a recount text well.

There are five components of writing that should be mastered by each

, such as content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and

Generally, the students produced written work related to the topic

given. The topic was their last experience. It means the students’ content

of writing should talk about last experience. It could be seen from their

writing, there were talking about their last experience

experience at last holiday, last holiday I went to Talang Mountain

not sufficient to evaluate. Organization related to the generic

structure of the text. In writing, the students still had

arrange their ideas into written work. Researcher also found that many

students had limited vocabulary. They do not have enough

produce a text. The teacher asked them to bring dictionary, but almost of above, it can be seen that the students had

in writing because they could not produce a recount text well.

that should be mastered by each

, such as content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and

Generally, the students produced written work related to the topic

students’ content

be seen from their

their last experience, such as my

o Talang Mountain, but the

Organization related to the generic

d weaknesses in

. Researcher also found that many

ugh vocabulary to


them did not bring it. It caused they were difficult to find out the meaning

of the word. They were often use inappropriate vocabulary (e.g. I go pool

for fishing). The students also had weaknesses in produce sentences. It can

be seen there were too much grammatical error in their writing such as at

using appropriate verb (e.g. I go pool, I visit to my sister, we are only

seven, and I’m happy), subject pronoun (e.g. me and my family), noun

phrase (e.g. airport Bekasi). The students also had weaknesses in using

mechanic. There was some error on using capital letters (e.g. padang, after

that), wrong spelling (e.g. I wen), and using punctuations.

Based on the result of interview with English teacher, she stated

that writing was the most difficult skill to learn by the students. It caused

they could not produce the ideas into written form, difficult to start

writing, did not know how to arrange ideas into good paragraph, and less

of writing practice.

One of solutions to solve the students’ problem in writing skill is

by using Transition Action Details Strategy. According to Peha (2003:38),

Transition Action Details Strategy is a writing strategy used transition

action details chart which consist of columns and row that shows a

sequence of events.

The researcher chose this strategy in teaching recount text, because

it helps students to explore and organize their idea into written form, it


skill, and because of this strategy have not been used by English teacher.

On the other hand, using Transition Action Details strategy guides the

students to develop their idea by using Transition Action Details Chart that

consist of: “T “ means transition, “A” means Actions, and “D” means

details that describe something as a sequence of event, and also can

improve their writing skill.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher interested to apply

TAD Strategy in the process of teaching writing recount text at class X of

Senior High School 1 Bukit Sundi and intended to conduct the research

with the title “The Effect of Transition-Action-Details Strategy Towards

Students’ Writing Skill on Recount Text at Class X of SMAN 1 Bukit


B. Identification of the Study

Based on background of the study above, the researcher was

identified the problem of this research. The problem did not only appear

from students, but also from teacher. The teacher’s problems in the school

were the strategy and technique that was used by the teacher did not give

much contribution for the students to write recount text well. It is because

good media and good strategy or technique would give significant effect in

improving students’ ability in writing recount text.

Then, the students’ writing problems in recount text were: first, the


students wanted to write, but they did not know how to write well. Third,

the student had lack of five components in good writing. Fourth, they did

not know how to start to write in recount text.

By using Transition Action Details Strategy, the students would be

able to develop their writing aspects such as content, organization,

vocabularies, language use, and mechanics. Transition Action Details

strategy also gives contributions in produce written work clearly guided by

teacher by using TAD chart.

C. Limitation of the Study

There were several reasons why the students got difficulties in

writing. In overcoming the students’ problem in writing, the researcher

used one of strategies namely Transition-Actions-Details (TAD) strategy.

D. Formulation of the Study

In this research, the researcher formulated the problem as follows:

1. Does Transition-Action-Details strategy give significant effect

towards students’ writing skill on recount text at class X of SMAN

1 Bukit Sundi?

2. What components of students’ writing are mostly improved after

using Transition-Action-Details strategy in teaching writing at


E. Purpose of the Research

The purposes of this research are:

1. To find out whether Transition-Actions-Details strategy gives

significant effect towards students’ writing skill on recount text at

class X of SMAN 1 Bukit Sundi

2. To find out the components of students’ writing are mostly improved

after implementing Transition-Action-Details strategy in teaching

writing at class X of SMAN 1 Bukit Sundi.

F. Significance of the Study

The result of this research hopefully would give contribution to the

teachers towards student’s writing skill. In this case, the teacher should

consider about the implementation of Transition-Action-Details Strategy

in teaching writing as an alternative strategy that is expected to help the

teacher in teaching writing.

In addition, this study also gives contribution for the students: first,

this strategy helps them to solve their problem in writing, especially in

recount text, second, they will be easy to share their idea into the paper,

then they will be creative to write various sentences, finally, they will get

good result after learning and using Transition-Action-Details strategy.

Then, as the next English teacher for the future, the researcher can use this

strategy to solve the students’ problem in learning language skill and


can be improved by another research that related to this study and be an

alternative ways which promote students’ writing skill for the future. In

the other hand, this research also important for the researcher as final

project to requirement for strata 1 degree.

G. Definition of Key Terms

1. Transition-Action-Details (TAD) Strategy is a writing strategy that

used TAD chart which consist of columns and rows that describe

something as a sequence of events.

2. Writing is an activity in which a person expresses the ideas or

toughs, which is used for communicating to the readers in the form

of written work.

3. Writing skill is a skill to express ideas, thoughts, and feelings to

other people in written symbols to make other people or readers

understand the ideas conveyed.

4. Recount text is one of the texts that recalls and reconstructs events,

experiences and achievements from the past in a logical sequence.




A. Theories

This chapter will discuss about some theories of Transition-Action-Details

Strategy, writing, and recount text.

1. Concept of Transition-Action-Details (TAD) Strategy

This part will discuss about some theories of Transition Action

Details Strategy included definition of Transition Action Details Strategy,

Advantages of Transition Action Details Strategy, and Procedure of

Teaching writing by using Transition Action Details Strategy.

a. Definition of Transition Action Details (TAD) Strategy

According to Peha (2003:38) Transition Action Details (TAD)

Strategy is a writing strategy used transition action details chart which

consist of columns and rows that shows a sequence of event.

Transition action details strategy is a writing process strategy

that gives opportunities to shows something as a sequence of events. It

uses Transition Action Details chart to guide students to arrange the

ideas into written work. According to Peha (2003) there are three parts

of Transition Action Details Strategy; 1) Transition, consist of short

phrases like “First”, “Second”, “Then”, “After a while”, or “In the

beginning” that help to introduce each new action in the sequence; 2)


order in which they occurred; 3) Details, consist of additional

information about each action.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that

Transition-Action-Details (TAD) strategy is a writing strategy that

provide opportunities to describe a sequence of events through TAD

chart (Transition, Action, Details) that consist of columns and rows.

Because of this strategy will help the students to describe a sequence

of events, so it is appropriate for teaching writing recount text.

b. Advantages of Transition-Action-Details (TAD) Strategy

There are some advantages of Transition-Actions-Details

Strategy in the teaching writing.

According to peha (2003) Transition Action Details Strategy is

very useful, because it gives opportunities to describe a sequence of

events come up all the time in school: in narrative fiction and

non-fiction writing, in plot of summaries for reading, in the steps of

solving a math problem, in social studies when you recount an

historical event, in science, and so on. On the other hand, this

strategy is useful in describing sequence of events in organizing the

text. It is appropriate to use in teaching recount text.

Margot states in her book “Be a Better Writer” in Budiani

(2014:23) this strategy is easy to do and efficiently help the students


students can have chances to work together and involve in a small


Ferdiana (2017:3) also states that this strategy can help the

students writing text easily. The students will not get confused

anymore to start writing a text because this strategy is easy to do and

efficiently helps the students to arrange their activities, step by step.

Therefore, by doing each steps students will be easier to conduct the

recount text writing because they write down the events based on the

sequence of time of its happening and manageably.

Additional by Manurung (2013), TAD is the best strategy to

convey information in a particular order. This strategy guides the

writer to deliver the information of experiences they have to the

reader in a better way. It means that this strategy help the students to

explore ideas and arrange it into good sequences.

Based on the explanation above, Transition-Action-Details

(TAD) Strategy will give some advantages for students and teacher in

Senior High School. First, this strategy is easy to do and efficiently

help the students to clearing their activities, step by step through TAD

chart. Second, this strategy can help the students to write text easily.

The students will not get confused anymore to start writing a text,

especially in writing recount text. Third, it will give significant affects

to the students’ ability in writing. The last, it will be a variation


c. Procedure of Teaching Writing by Using

Transition-Action-Details (TAD) strategy

According to Peha (2003:38), there are nine steps in applying

the Transition-Action-Details (TAD) strategy in teaching writing.

First, teacher shows TAD chart to the students, and explain how

to use it. In this case, the students will pay attention more to TAD

chart and recount paragraph.

Second, the teacher divides students in groups and asks them to

talk about their personal experiences in the past. In this step, the

students will be asked asking and answering question about their

experiences to fill in TAD chart.

Third, asks students to fill in TAD chart, the students write

down in the first “Action” box by writing thing that happened or the

preface of how the activity began.

Fourth, the students write down in the last “Action” box. This is

needed to be written, so students can clearly see how the story ends.

Fifth, write down in the middle of sequences. Write down the

actions between the beginning and the end of the “Actions” box.

Sixth, the students read over from the top to bottom of the

“actions” box. Read and check whether the actions are already in a

correct chronological order.

Seventh, the students write down in the “details” column by


story. Put at least two details for every actions to serve a better


Eight, the students write down transition columns with transition

when it is needed to be attached.

Ninth, After fill in the TAD chart, the teacher asks students to

change it into paragraph.

The details procedure can be seen in the following table.

Table 2.1

Procedures of Transition-Action-Details (TAD) Strategy

No Main Steps Activities

1 Shows a TAD chart The teacher shows and prepare TAD chart to the students, and explain how to use it.

2 Divide students in

groups The teacher divides students in groups and asks them to talk about their personal experiences

3 Write down in the first

”Actions” box. The students write down in the first action box by writing thing that happened or the preface of how the activity begun. 4 Write down in the last

“Actions“ box. The students write down in the last “action” box. 5 Write down in the

middle of sequence. The students write down the actions between the beginning and the end of the “Actions” box.

6 Read over from the top to bottom of the “actions” box.

The students read and check whether the actions are already in a correct

chronological order. 7 Write down in the

“details”. (at least two per box).

The students write down in the “details” box by writing the detailed or additional information about every action of the story. 8 Write down in the

transitions (optional) box.

The students write down the transitions in the story

9 Change information in TAD into



Table 2.2

The Example (1) of Transition Action Details Strategy (TAD) chart Transition

( Answer audience questions )

Last holiday I went on vacation with my family to and brush and big piles of rocks by the edge

Second We saw a small animal scurry under some rocks

- It started me at first but then I realized that it was

probably more afraid of us than we were of it didn’t stop. He just went right over.



Table 2.3

The Example (2) of Transition Action Details Strategy (TAD) chart Transition

( Answer audience questions )

Yesterday I went to the - She lost everything from her

wallet, included her ATM card.

2. The Nature of Writing Skill

a. Definition of Writing Skill

Writing is one of the language skills among the four skills in

learning English. Writing involves all aspects of language such as:

content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics.

Writing is an effective way to communicate and express the ideas,

thought, feeling, and opinions to others. Before doing writing, a writer


Taylor (2009:2) states that writing is the seed, the fruit, and the

pickle of our understanding. It means that in writing the writer will

bring knowledge and preserve it, it comes from the writers’

understanding. It can be got from reading or listening.

Another definition stated by Ur (1991:163) writing is an

expression of ideas that convey messages to readers. On the other

hand, the writer should be carefully in selecting vocabulary, and using

grammatical pattern to avoid misunderstanding among the readers. The

function of written text is to convey the ideas or message to the reader

clearly. The writer needs to put their ideas and feeling into word and

sentences. It means that writing does not just make sentence by

sentence, but also share the idea and feeling briefly.

According to Hyland (2003:9) writing is a way of sharing

personal meanings and writing courses emphasize the power of the

individual to construct his or her own views on a topic. It means that

writing as a media of sharing personal meaning of the writer. Writers

should be able to create the communication with reader through his

sentences. As known as the purpose of writing is to share and express

the ideas, thought, feeling, experiences, and knowledge to other

people, So the writer should state the purpose of writing first, because

if the writers write the same topic to the same audience, it will be


Jacob (1981:90) says that there are 5 components of writing:

First, content; there are four descriptors: knowledgeable, substantive,

thorough development of thesis, relevant to assigned topic. Second,

organization; there are six descriptors: fluent expression, ideas clearly

stated/supported, succinct, well organized, logical sequencing,

cohesive. Third, vocabulary; there are four descriptors: sophisticated

range, effective word / idiom choice and usage, word form mastery,

appropriate register. Four, language Use; it consists of eight

descriptors: effective complex constructions, few errors of agreement,

tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions.

Five, mechanics; they are description about: demonstrates mastery of

conventions few errors of spelling, punctuations, capitalizations,

paragraphing, and handwriting.

It also defined by Patel and Praveen M.Jain (2008:125), writing

is essential features of learning a language because it provides a very

good means of foxing the vocabulary, spelling, and sentence pattern.

Landmarks & Horizons (2002:7) state that writing is usefully

described as a process, something which shows continuous change in

time like growth in organic nature. Different things happen at different

stages in the process of putting words and words into paper. It means,

to beginning writing, there are several steps that sould be followed by

writers, they are planning, drafting, revising, re- writing and sharing or


On the other word, Brown (2000:335) states that writing is the

nature of composing process. Written products are often the result of

thinking, drafting, and revising procedures that required specialized

skills that it is not naturally. It means that writing is about process and

product of writing itself. It needs to take times and practice, because a

good writing depend on the process in taking ideas into paper,

organized them coherently and revised them for clearer meaning.

Based on the illustration by experts above, it can be concluded

that writing is a process of thinking deeply and clearly, that has

complex process to construct the meaning by combining feeling, ideas,

thought, experience from mind into word, sentence, paragraph, and

essay. In writing we can share our idea, feeling, and anything that

come to our mind. Eventually, it will make the good structure of

sentences and paragraphs that is very useful for the readers.

b. Components of Writing Skill

Writing skill has several components that should be mastered by

students to create or produce good written form like paragraph or

essay. According to Jacobs (1981), there are five components of

writing namely; Content, organization, vocabulary, language use and


Content is a substance of a text. It is a core of writing. The


content, they are knowledgeable, substantive, thorough development of

thesis, relevant to assigned topic.

Organization is related to the appropriate sequence of events or

chronological order of an event in a text and appropriate length. It

means the idea of the text should be well-organized, the idea must

relate from one to another in paragraph, the sentences of paragraph

should be connected. There are six descriptors for this component;

fluent expression, ideas clearly stated/supported, succinct, well

organized, logical sequencing, cohesive.

Vocabulary refers to choice of word that is used by the writer to

produce sentences. A writer should choose a correct vocabulary.

Because of vocabulary is a basic of writing, without vocabulary

nothing can be conveyed. It needs the writer ability in selecting

vocabulary. Because of not all of vocabulary can be put together in the

sentences. It should be based on the context of sentences.

Language use refers to grammatical pattern. In writing

evaluation language use consists of eight descriptors: effective

complex construction, agreement, tenses, number, word order/function,

articles, pronouns and prepositions. It is the use of grammatical


Mechanics is related to spelling, punctuation, capitalization,

paragraphing and handwriting in written product. Writing must use


Spelling is one of difficult things to do. Harmer (2004:256) stated an

issue that makes spelling difficult for some students is the fact that not

all varieties of English spell the same words in the same way.

Based on the explanation above, it is concluded that there are

five components that should be considered for a good and meaningful

writing such as: Content, Organization, Vocabulary, Language Use, and

Mechanic. By understanding all of the aspects or components of

writing, students can produce a good text, easily to read and

understandable for reader.

c. The Importance of Teaching Writing Skill

Teaching writing is a way to help the students mastering

English. It mentioned by Harmer (2001:79) that there are some reasons

for teaching writing to students of English as a foreign language

include reinforcement, language development, learning style, most

importantly, writing as a skill in its own right.

First, Reinforcement; students often find it useful to write

sentences using new language shortly after they have studied it. It

means that reinforcement is needed by students before they produce

written work. Second, language development; the actual process of

writing helps us to learn as we go along. Third, learning style; writing

is appropriate for some learners. It can also be a quiet reflective


communication. Last, writing as a skill; the most important reason of

teaching English is that is a basic language skill just as important as

speaking, reading, and listening. In mastering writing skill means

students are able to produce good writing. The students should know

some aspects that make writing become meaningful. So, teaching

writing is a way to create it.

Based on the explanation above, it is known that teaching

writing is important to build students’ activity in producing good

written work.

d. The Process of Writing Skill

Writing has a complex process. According to Harmer

(2004:12) process writing is a way of looking at what people do when

they compose written text. The process of writing will help the writer

to write clearly and regularly. In writing, there are some processes that

the students should know before they write.

According to Ontario Education (2005:1.11) the writing

process teaches students how to develop their ideas and record them in

written form. The process involves the following distinct steps:

planning, writing a draft, revising, editing, and publishing.

Planning. Planning is the first step of the writing process. It

sometimes referred to as “rehearsal”, results in a plan to guide


student to write. Before you write, you need generate ideas. Listing,

brainstorming, outlining, silent thinking, note taking, conversation

with a neighbor, or power writing are all ways to generate ideas. It can

be said, prewriting is what the students do before drafting. In order

word, the students should expose their ideas, make it outlining to

facilitate in drafting.

Writing a draft. Following the development of their plan,

students write a first draft. Once sufficient ideas are gathered at the

planning stage, the first attempt at writing that is drafting may

processed quickly. Drafting is the writer’s first attempt to capture

ideas on paper. Only those drafts that students feel are interesting or of

value should be taken to the next steps. It means, after they make

outlining, they have to expand their outline into sentences or

paragraph. In other word, they have to start to write based on their


Revising. The focus of this step is to improve the quality of the

message. When students revise, they review their text on the basis of

the feedback given in the responding stage. This is the heart of the

writing process. Revising is where you shape the blob, adding parts,

taking parts away, and continually molding and changing. It means,

the students have to revise their writing draft because it helps for


Editing. Students are engaged in tidying up their text as they

prepare the final draft for evaluation by the teacher. This is the stage

where grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors are corrected. It

means this step asks the students to check again some component in

writing especially in the language use or mechanic errors.

Publishing. Students now make their writing presentable to the

intended audience. They consider the visual layout of the text (e.g.,

margins, headings, graphics, and photographs) and its legibility. Once

their writing has been published, it should be shared with their

audience. It means the students are ready to publish their writing


Based on the explanation above, it is concluded that there are

some basic steps of writing. They are planning, writing a draft,

revising, editing, and publishing. That is should be followed by

students or writers to create a good paragraph of written work.

e. Writing Assessment

Evaluation is important aspect that should be done by teachers to

know whether the students have had good ability in writing or not. To


According to Jacob (1981:30) there are five indicators of writing to

be assessed: Content, Organization, Vocabulary, Language use and

Mechanics. The scale of each as in following table:

Table 2.4

Indicators of Writing Based on Jacob’s Theory




Criteria of Each Item Score

 Excellent to very good: Knowledgeable; substantive; thorough development of thesis; relevant to assigned topic.

 Good to average: Some knowledge of subject; adequate range; limited development of thesis; mostly relevant to topic, but lacks detail.

 Fair to poor: limited knowledge of subject; little substance; inadequate development of topic.

 Very poor: does not show knowledge of subject; non substantive; not pertinent; or not enough to evaluate.


Criteria of Each Item Score

 Excellent to very good: Fluent expression; ideas clearly stated/supported; succinct; well organized; logical sequencing; cohesive.

 Good to average: somewhat choppy; loosely organized but main ideas stand out; limited support; logical but incomplete sequencing.

 Fair to poor: non-fluent; ideas confused or disconnected; lacks logical sequencing and development.

 Very poor: does not communicate; no organization; or not enough to evaluate.


Criteria of Each Item Score

 Excellent to very good: sophisticated range; effective word/idiom choice and usage; word form mastery; appropriate register.

 Good to average: adequate range; occasional errors of word / idiom form, choice, usage but meaning not obscured.



 Fair to poor: limited range; frequent errors of word/form choice, usage; meaning confused or obscured.

 Very poor: essentially translation; title knowledge of English vocabulary, idioms, word form, or not enough to evaluate

Criteria of Each Item Score

 Excellent to very good: effective complex constructions; few errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions.

 Good to average: effective but simple construction; minor problems in complex constructions; several errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions but meaning seldom obscured.

 Fair to poor: major problems in simple / complex constructions; frequent errors of negation, agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions and/or fragments, run-ons, deletions; meaning confused or obscured.

 Very poor: virtually no mastery of sentence constructions rules; dominated by errors; does not communicate; or not enough to evaluate.


Criteria of Each Item Score

 Excellent to very good: demonstrates mastery of conventions few errors of spelling, punctuations, capitalizations, paragraphing.

 Good to average: occasional errors of spelling, punctuation, and capitalization, paragraphing, but meaning not obscured.

 Fair to Poor: Frequent errors of spelling, punctuations, capitalizations, paragraphing; poor handwriting, meaning confused or obscured.

 Very poor: no mastery of conventions dominated by errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing; handwriting illegible; or not enough to evaluate.





It can be concluded that assessing writing is very important for the

teacher, because the teacher can monitor students’ writing development

or their learning process assessment. It is necessary for the teacher to

know the ability of students and the effectiveness of using technique or

strategy that had been done. The teacher also needs to assess the

students’ written work based on the writing components.

3. The Concept of Recount Text

a. Definition of Recount Text

Recount text is one of genres that should be learned in senior

high school students. Dirgeyasa (2016:2) says that a recount is the

retelling or recounting of an event or an experience; or, recount is a

text that retells events or experiences in the past. It means that recount

text is a type of text that composed in order to give information about

the past activities or last events.

Another definition by Hyland in Hidayati (2015) recount is a

kind of genre that has social function to retell event for the purpose of

informing or entertaining.

The purpose of recount text is to reconstruct past experiences by

retelling events in original sequence (Hyland: 2003).It means the text

that tells about something that happened in the past. It consists of

orientation, events, and re-orientation. Orientation content of

introducing participants, events tell what happened in the participant,


From experts’ explanation above, it can be concluded recount

text is a text to retell or experience in the past, usually in the order in

which they happened. Besides, the purpose of recount text is to tell or

to retell the past events and experiences.

b. Generic Structure of Recount Text

Every genre has characteristic or generic structures. Dirgeyasa (

2016: 3) states that the rhetorical structure and textual elements of

recount writing consist of: (1) orientation; (2) record of events; and (3)


Table 2.5

The Generic Structures and Textual Element of Recount Text


elements Functions

Orientation  It consist of theme or topic to be informed  To show the reader about the topic/theme

being informed

 To attract reader’s attention and interest  It enables to attract and to provoke the reader

so that he/she is enjoying to continue reading the whole text informed/described chronological ( the type of plot may vary )

 It is better to tell chronologically rather than flashback and zigzag in order to have a good chronological order the sequence markers such as first, second, third, etc. are important

Re-orientation  It functions to show personal attitude about the actives or event informed or told of record of event


c. Language Features of Recount Text

According to Dirgeyasa (2016:5) the common grammatical

pattern of recount text includes: It focuses on specific participants; It is

written in the past tense ( ex: she yelled) ; It varies the sentences

length: simple, compound, or complex one; The sort sentences

increase tension; The frequent use is made of words which link events

in time, such as next, later, then, before; The recounts describe events,

use action verb, and adverb; The details are often chosen to add

interest or humor to the recount; It uses personal pronouns ( I, we );

The passive voice may be used, e.g. the bottle was filled with ink.

d. Assessing Writing to Recount

The assessing writing to recount is needed to measure the

students’ mastery of writing recount text clearly based on good generic

structure and language features of a recount text. Assessing writing to

recount based on (Department of Education WA: 2013), students are in


Table 2.6

Assessing Writing to Recount

Beginning Stage Developing Stage Consolidating Stage Extending Stage

Can state the purpose and



B. Relevance Studies

In conducting the research, the writer will use several relevance studies.

It is related to the study that has been written by Budiani ( 2014 ) in her

research entitled“ Using TAD (Transition-Action-Details) Strategy to

Improve the Eight Grade Students’ Ability in Writing Recount Texts at SMP 2

Depok in the Academic Year of 2013/2014”.The results of this research

showed that the use TAD strategy is believed to be effective to improve the

students’ ability in writing recount texts. The students’ writing problems can


facilitated the students to construct and build their own ideas to become a

recount text, explore their words into a systematic schema.

Another relevant study conducted by Rahmanita.A (2013) “The Effect

of Using Transition-Action-Details (TAD) Strategy toward students’ skill in

Writing Narrative Text of the Second Year of SMAN 1 Kampar Timur

Kampar Regency”. The result of the research is students’ skill in writing

Narrative Text by using TAD Strategy is drastically improved. It can be seen

from the students’ score from pre-test to post-test. The mean score of

students’ writing at pre-test is 42.6. After giving the treatment, the mean score

of students’ writing is 59.87. The students’ score improves 17 by percentage

41 %. It means that students at experimental class using TAD Strategy have

better score.

The other study has been done by Nofriyanti (2013) with the title

Teaching Writing of Narrative text by Using Transition-Action-Details

(TAD) Strategy for Junior High School” also stated that Transition action

details can be used to increase the student’s ability and motivation in learning,

and also students can more quickly for creation idea in make a text. Teacher

gives this strategy for make students can describe something as a sequence of

events or story (narrative) more easily.

According to Ferdiana (2017) in his article “The Influence of Transition

Action Details Strategy on the Students’ Writing Ability in Recount Text of

Eight Grade Students at SMP N 1 Grogol” found that the students’ writing


can solve their problems easily. The students score are better, it was known

from the students’ mean score increased in post test especially in

experimental class. It also proved that TAD Strategy influences the students’

writing ability in recount text of eight grade students at SMP N 1 Grogol

academic year 2016/2017.

It is also relevant with the research conducted by Sutrianita (2017) with

the title “The influence of using Transition-Action-Details Strategy towards

Students’ Narrative text writing ability at the first semester of the eight grade

of SMPN 1 NGAMBUR PESISIR BARAT in the academic year of 2016/2017.

The result showed that there is a significant influence of using

Transition-Action-Details strategy towards students’ narrative text writing ability of

eight grade of SMPN 1 Ngambur Pesisir Barat.

Oftiza and Saun (2017) also conducted the study with the result that

Using TAD strategy in teaching writing recount text will help students in

making the text become easier, because this strategy uses a table which

consist of three columns which help the students in organizing and dividing

their idea in the right position.

The difference between this research with previous research is the use

of Transition Action Details Strategy in teaching writing recount text in

Senior High School. Applying Transition Action Details strategy had better

result and improved students writing ability. In this research, it focuses on

improving students writing skill that indicate to make a good paragraph,


C. Conceptual Framework

There were two classes involved in this study. There were experimental

class and control class. In the next stage, the researcher gave treatment to the

students in experimental class by implementing Transition Action Details

Strategy, and taught English writing in control class by using conventional

strategy. The pretest was given before doing treatment. After applying the

strategy, a post test was given to find the result of the treatment given to the

students in experimental class. Finally, after conducting the research, it is

expected that the students’ writing skill will improve after implementing

Transition Action Details Strategy

Furthermore, the conceptual framework of this study will be described

as the follow:

Figure 2.1

Conceptual Framework

Control class Experimental class

Teaching Writing by using Conventional strategy Teaching Writing by using TAD


Writing test Writing test


Research Finding Teaching Writing


D. Hypothesis

This research is hypothesized that Transition-Action-Details (TAD)

Strategy gives significant effect towards students’ writing skill on recount





A. Research Design

This research was an experimental research. Gay, Geoffrey & Airasian

(2012:250) state that Experimental research is the only type of research that

can test hypotheses to establish cause–effect relations. It represents the

strongest chain of reasoning about the links between variables. In this case,

the researcher used Nonequivalent control group design.

In this research, the researcher used Transition action details strategy as

independent variable and writing activity as dependent variable. There are two

groups involved in this research, the one is experimental and the other one is

control class. Both of classes got the same topic, the same length of time and

the same teacher, but different strategies.

The experimental class was taught by using Transition action detail

(TAD) strategy and control class was not taught by this strategy. Before given

the treatment the teacher gave the pretest. Researcher gave pre test in

experiment class and control class. After giving pre-test the researcher gave

treatment. The treatment was given to experimental class about six meetings.

It was assumed that six meetings were enough to see the differences that will

arise between using TAD strategy and without TAD strategy. Every meeting,

researcher gave different topics. At the end of treatment the researcher gave


Table 3.1 Research Design

Pre- test Treatment Post-test

Experiment O1 X O2

Control O1 - O2


X = treatment of experimental group

O1 = pre-test

O2 = post-test

B. Population and Sample

1. Population

According to Gay & Airasian (2000:122) population is the group of

interest to the researcher, the group to which she or he would like the

result of the study to be generalized. Sugiyono (2013:119) also states that

population is generalization region consisting of objects/subjects that

have certain qualities and characteristics defined by the researchers to

learn and then drawn the conclusions. So population is not just for

person, but also everything included in research.

The population of this research was students at X MIPA of Senior

High School 1 Bukit Sundi in academic year 2016/2017. They were 125


Table. 1.1
Table 1.2 Students Writing Score of Academic Year 2016/2017
Figure 1.1 Some Students’ Writing Students’ Writing on Recount Text at Class X o
Table 2.1


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