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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree

of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities the State Islamic

University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya



Reg. Number: A33212087









Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree

of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities the State Islamic

University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya



Reg. Number: A33212087







Istighfaroh, Nuril. 2016. The Study of Violating Maxims Used By The Main Character in Johnny English Reborn Movie. Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Advisor: Raudlotul Jannah, M. App. Ling

Keyword: cooperative principle, violating maxims, Johnny English

This research aims to find the maxims violated by Johnny English as the main character in Johnny English Reborn movie. The data of this research is all of Johnny English utterances as the main character in the movie. This research study is using descriptive method because in this research not need statistic approach to analyze the data and the researcher describes the types of maxim. The purposes of this study are to identify the types of maxims violated by the main character in Johnny English Reborn movie and to describe the reasons of violation of cooperative principle in Johnny English Reborn movie.



Istighfaroh, Nuril. 2016. The Study of Violating Maxims Used By The Main Character in Johnny English Reborn Movie. Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Advisor: Raudlotul Jannah, M. App. Ling

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui maxims yang dilanggar oleh Johnny English sebagai pemeran utama dalam Film Johnny English Reborn. Data dari penelitian ini adalah tentang semua ucapan Johnny English sebagai pemeran utama. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif karena penelitihan ini tidak membutuhkan pendekatan statistik untuk menganalisis data dan peulis mendeskripsikan macam-macam pelanggaran maksim. Tujuan dari penelitihan ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi jenis maksim yang dilanggar oleh pemeran utama dan mendeskripsikan alasan mengapa pelaku utama melakukan pelanggaran maksim.






MOTTO ... iv






ABSTRACT ... xii

INTISARI ... xiii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study ... 1

1.2 Research problems ... 5

1.3 Objectives of the study ... 5

1.4 Significance of the study ... 6

1.5 Scope and limitation ... 6



2.1Theoretical Framework ... 9

2.1.1 Pragmatics ... 9

2.1.2 Context ... 10

2.1.3 Cooperative principle ... 13

2.1.4 Violating maxims ... 16

2.1.5 Christoffersen’s Classification ... 19

2.1.6 Related studies ... 22

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research design ... 25

3.2 Data and data source ... 26

3.3 Instrument ... 26

3.4 Data collection ... 26

3.5 Data analysis ... 28


4.1.1 Kinds of maxims are violated by the main character ... 31

4.1.2 The reason of violation of maxims by the main character... 50






1.1 Background of The Study

In every conversation there are two people involves: as a speaker and a hearer. Between the speaker and the hearer need cooperation in their comunication. Because in comunication, people share ideas and information through their feeling by uttering the words or sentences to send their message and expect the hearers to understand what they mean. A speaker and a hearer are supposed to respond each other in their turns and exchange information that is needed them. In this case, there must be a good cooperation between the speaker and hearer to avoid misunderstanding. So the speaker must say something clearly.

In order to have a successful conversation, a speaker and a hearer must obey the cooperative principles. The cooperative principles is a set of rules to make conversations clear, informative, and smoothly. According to Levinson (1983:100), “cooperative principle is a set of general rules to describe how participants ‘cooperate’ in conversation to achieve smooth and efficient

interaction”. Its mean that, there are some rules that must be required to

achieve the successful conversation.



hearer communicates cooperatively each other. To make a cooperative conversation they must obey the rules of being a good conversation to make it.

The cooperative principle commonly has four maxims. Grice (1975) explained that there are four maxims. First, maxim of quality is about speaker tells the truth or provable by adequate evidence. Second, maxim of quantity is speaker is as informative as required. Third, maxim of relation is about response is relevant to topic of discussion. And the last is maxim of manner, speaker avoids ambiguity or obscurity, is direct and straightforward (Paltridge, 2007:62).

By doing conversation, the speaker sometimes gives direct message to the hearer, and it can be understood by the hearer easily. The conversation can not be understood, if the speaker gives indirect message. It can cause the hearer to try hard to undestand the utterance. Therefore, it is impossible to obey all of the maxims in their conversation. People may violate the maxims when they interact each other. Grice (1975) argued that intentionally breaking the rules in conversation to achieve some purposes is called violating maxims (Sadehvandi, 2011:122).



There are many reasons why a speaker violates the maxims. One of them is hiding the truth. For example:

Dad : Did you have voleyball practice today?” Daugther : Yes. I`ve just arrived” (Grice, 1975:48).

In the conversation, the girl (who was with her boyfriend at the cinema) violates the maxim of quality as he lies to his father for some reason (probably the father doesn`t know about her boyfriend).

Violating maxim also happened in the drama, movie, and short story. Movie is the data which chosen by the writer for her research. The movie is a collection of some of the scene. Movies, known as films, are a type of visual communication which use moving pictures and sound to tell stories or inform (help people to learn). In the movie, there are complicated conversations that use all of the elements of communication to transfer the message of the story to the audiences or hearers.



The film tells the story of a secret agent named Johnny London MI7. Johnny was told in Tibet to study the science of self-defense after the incident a failed mission in Mozambique. But then Johnny was called in again to work on his new bosses by "Pegasus". Johnny was assigned to stop an assassination plan. Johnny also met with former colleague, Agent Simon. As well as the inventor of the MI7, Patch. He also commissioned a junior agent to accompany him. His named Tucker.

In Macau, the informant Johnny was killed at the Casino, but john discovered a pocker chips are gripped by the informant, complete with an address belonging to the former CIA agent, fisher in Hong Kong. Johnny then met Fisher in his apartment and learned that Fisher has one of three metal keys that can be used to unlock a secret weapon to murder, belonging to a secret organization of assassins, Vortex. Fisher later was killed by a killer posing as a cleaner. John manages to escape and grab the metal key. Unfortunately, on the way to London, the metal key had been stolen by one of the servants of the Vortex disguised as a flight attendant.



Johnny does not know that Simon is a betrayal in MI7 and he entrusted a key metal that he had on Simon. But with Kate, Johnny learns that Simon is a betrayal and wanted to give the drug to The Pegasus which can control The Pegasus before she died. Johnny and Kate are working together to save them all., to Johnny who take the drug and must fight an order from Simon and death.

In this research, the writer uses Grice’s cooperative principles. The writer also uses Christoffersen’s classification of reasons of violating the

maxims. There are some reasons proposed byChristoffersen: hiding the truth, satisfying the hearer, cheering the hearer, saving face, avoiding to hurt the hearer, feeling jealous about something, convincing the hearer, and building one’s belief. From those reasons, the writer tries to analyze the reasons why

violating the maxims used by the main character in this movie.

1.2 Research Problems

1. What kinds of maxims are violated by the main character in Johnny English Reborn movie?

2. What is the reason of violating the cooperative principle in Johnny English Reborn movie.

1.3 Objectives of The Study



2. To describe the reason of violation of cooperative principle in Johnny English Reborn movie.

1.4 Significance of The Study

1. Theoritical Significance

This research is expected to be useful to expand pragmatic knowledge in the daily life especially the using of conversational maxim in the movie, and to know the types of conversational maxim which use in Johnny English Reborn movie. This study hopefully can give contribution for the linguistics study which wants to analyze violating maxims in their research.

2. Practical Significance

The researcher can get more knowledge in understanding pragmatic especially in cooperative principles and find out what kinds of violating conversational maxims that used by the main character in Johnny English Reborn movie.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The researcher would to give restrictions in analyzing the violating conversational maxims of the movie. The implicature that can be found in this study are analyzed based on the researcher’s interpretation and based on the



1.6Definition of Key Term

a. Maxim :

The rule that must be obeyed by the conversants in order to make succesful conversation. There are four maxims by Grice. The maxims are contained (1) maxim of Quantity means giving the information as needed. (2) maxim of quality means delivering something accordance with facts. (3) maxim of relation means the information provided should be relevant with the topic. (4) maxim of manner means talking with brief, clear, and unambiguous.

b. Violating maxim :

Violating maxims occurs when the speaker intended to cover the actual situation in the conversation. There are several reasons which violate the maxims are saving face, hiding the truth, building one’s belief, providing a

joke or humor. For example:

Mother : How much did that the new dress cost, honey? Daughter : Thirty-five pounds (wrong information)

In the conversation, the child doesn’t want to tell the truth when her

mother asked how much for a bag she bought. She didn’t want her mother angry because the price of bag is very expensive.

c. Movie :



d. Johnny English Reborn :




2.1 Theoretical Framework

In this chapter, the writer describes the discussion about the supporting theories and previous study to show the differences and similarities between this research and another research. It involves about Pragmatics, Context of Situation, Cooperative Principle, Violating Maxims, and Previous Study.

2.1.1 Pragmatics

Studying about language would be closely with two branches of language science, semantics and pragmatics. Both of that sciences concern at language but in different side. Semantics refers to the construction of meaning language, while pragmatics refers to meaning construction in specific interactional context. Kreidler (2002: 18) said that pragmatics is a branch of linguistics that is concerned with meaning and people’s ability to use language meaningfully.



others science of linguistic. It is because in pragmatics we studies not only about languages but also learns about the external meaning of the sentence or utterance.

Grundy (2000: 3) said that pragmatics is about explaining how produce and understand the language which is used in communication everyday but apparently rather peculiar uses of language. Then, Yule (1996: 3) also states that pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning, the study of contextual meaning, the study of how more gets communicated than is said, and the study of the expression of relative distance (closeness in physical, social, or conceptual).

Yule describes pragmatics as a branch of linguistics that studies about the meaning desired by the speakers. That explanation leads to a pragmatic aspect of meaning, namely the intent to be delivered through the speakers of the existence of a context. This means pragmatics trying to describe a speech delivered by speakers. This means pragmatics trying to describe a speech delivered by the speaker by knowing the meaning of it. Based on the explanation above it can be concluded that the pragmatics is the study of language in its use and meaning generated by the sentence that can be known by looking at the existing context. Then we can know the meaning desired by the speaker to pay attention to the context of the enclosing the conversation.

2.1.2 Context



Cutting (2002:3) in “pragmatics and Discourse” , there are three sorts of context,

they are:

1. Situational Context

Situational context describes all of the events that happens when the conversation is happening. Example :

Roland : what’s on your mind about Rio Harianto?

Albert : hmm... Rio is an Indonesian Formula One driver for Manor. He is Indonesia's first F1 driver in history. It’s amazing.

From the conversation above, there are two boys named Roland and Albert, they come to the circuit for watching The Australian Grand Prix. In the conversation above they have watched that Rio was the second driver to be eliminated from qualifying for the 2016 Bahrain Grand Prix, ahead of Felipe Nasr.

2. Background knowledge context

Background knowledge context is when both of speaker and hearer know what they are talking about, such as talking about the surrounding environment or culture. There are two types of background knowledge context, they are : cultural context and interpersonal context.

a. Cultural context

Cultural context is the knowledge or information about the life held between the speaker and the listener are same. For example:



Fitria : I may not forget the terrible events. it is an event that does

not make sense but really happened.

From the examples above show that Helena and Fitria talking about the events they experienced when they walk together. Helena asks the events of last Friday night when they met with a strange figure like a ghost.

b. Interpersonal context

Interpersonal context is the knowledge about a person's personality between the speaker and the listener are same. For example:

Helena : Simon is a diligent student in our class.

Fitria : yes, but he's arrogant and condescending to others. many people who do not like to hang out with him.

From he examples above show that Helena and Fitria talking about Simon. He was a classmate of Helena and Fitria. So they know how the nature of Anton.

3. Co-textual context

Co-textual context is when the speaker and hearer understand each other about what or who are they talking about. Example :

Andra : I went with Rian and Riska

Lia : Uhuh?

Andra : Rian’s classmate, And Riska’s family. There were six of us to go Batu Night Spectacular

Lia : Uhm.

In the case above , pronoun ‘us’ refers to Rian’s classmate and Riska’s



2.1.3 Cooperative Principle

In carrying out its activity everyday human beings will always meet and interact with others. In interacting with others, humans use language as a medium of communication. In reasonable communication, each of the parties involved, between the speaker and the listener will always try to deliver the speech with effective and efficient. Paltridge (2008: 61) wrote the Grice (1975) argues that in order for a person to interpret what someone else says, some kind of cooperative principle must be assumed to be in operation. The cooperative principle is a principle of conversation that was proposed by Grice, stating that participants expect that each will make a “conversational contribution such as is required, at

the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange”.

In order for speech may be accepted by the opponent, spoken speech, speakers generally consider carefully various factors involved or may be involved in a process of communication. Grice argued that reasonable discourse can occur if between speakers and petutur dutifully on the principle of cooperation communication. Grice in his theory (2006:68) divides cooperative principle maxim on four sub-principle:

1. Maxim of Quality



maxim of quality principles, do not say what you believe to be false and do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence. For example:

A : How many maxims of cooperation according to Grice?

B : According to Grice books that I read, there are four maxims in the principles of cooperation.

A : what are they?

B : Maksim quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relevance, and the maxim of the way (execution).

In the example above, (B) contributed the correct information, that according to Grice books he read four maxims, that maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relevance, and the maxim of the way (execution).

2. Maxim of Quantity

The Maxim of Quantity relates to the amount of information provided in conversations where one tries to be as informative as one possibly can, and gives as much information as is needed, and no more. The maxim of quantity principles, make your contribution as informative as required and do not make your contribution more informative than is required. For example:

Teacher: “What is the capital city of Bali?” Andy : “Surabaya, Sir”

Teacher: “Wrong. The capital city of Bali is Denpasar.”

The maxim of quality also says that the speaker should not say something that lacks adequate evidence or the speaker is not sure about something. The speaker must give true information not false.



3. Maxim of Relation

Maxim of relation is where one tries to be relevant, and says things that are pertinent to the discussion. Coulthard (1985: 31) have described sub maxim of relation “Be relevant”. Grice proposes this maxim as an explanation for a certain kind of regularity in conversational behavior with respect to the relevance of information provided at each turn of a conversation. Relevance is speakers' contributions should relate clearly to the purpose of the exchange. The principle of maxim of relation is make your contributions relevant (Stephen C. Levinson, 1983:102). For example:

A : There is somebody at the door

B : I’m in the bath. (Joan Cutting , 2002:36)

When A tells B that there is someone who comes in the door of their home and expect B to open the door to the guest, then B says that she was in the shower at the time. Answer B implies that he expects A to understand where B is at that moment, so that B could not open the door and see who comes at the time. Thus, it can be said that the relationship between the participants said does not always lie in the conversation, but it can also be located on what is implied in the speech.

4. Maxim of Manner



obscurity of expression, avoid ambiguity, be brief and be orderly. When engaged in conversation, the maxim of manner requires you to be perspicuous. The principles of maxim of manner:

 Avoid obscurity of expression

 Avoid ambiguity. Be brief (avoid unnecessary prolixity).  Be orderly. (Stephen C. Levinson, 1983: 102)

For example:

Helena : Where are you going?

Fitria : I'm going to buy some food because I was hungry

In example Fitria explores her purpose to go, there is no ambiguity or obscurity in her utterance, she also answers in a brief utterance.

2.1.4 Violating Maxim

According to Grice, there are five major ways of failing to observe a maxim: Flouting, Violating, Infringing, Opting out and Suspending.

Violation is defined as the unostentatious or ‘quiet’ non-observance

of a maxim. A Speaker who violates a maxim ‘will be liable to mislead’

(Grice 1975: 49). Violating a maxim is quite the opposite of flouting a maxim. Violating a maxim rather prevents or at least discourages the Hearer from seeking for implicatures and rather encourages their taking utterances at face value. Examples:

Dady : Do you love me? Helen : Yes



Violation is defined as the unostentatious or ‘quiet’ non-observance of a maxim. A Speaker who violates a maxim ‘will be liable to mislead’

(Grice 1975: 49). Violating a maxim in order to exploit it: Unlike someone who is simply violating a maxim, someone who is violating a maxim expects the listener to notice.

1. Violating the first Maxim of Quality (avoid falsehoods) Violation maxim of quality occurs:

 if the speaker is not telling the truth and giving false information  if the speaker does irony or makes ironic and sarcastic statement

 if the speaker disavows something

 if the speaker changes information

There is example for this violation: A : does your cat scratch? B : No

A : (bends down to stroke it and gets scratch) Ow! You said your cat does not scratch!

B : that is not my cat.



2. Violating the second Maxim of Quantity Violating maxim of quantity occurred:

 when what the speaker want to say is not suitable with the hearer’s


 if the speaker in uninformative  if the speaker talks too short

 if the speaker talks too much

 if the speaker repeats certain words

For example:

A: Are you going to work tomorrow?

B: I am on jury duty, but I’ll have to go to the doctor in the evening. I have asked the manager for permission.

In this example, B’s reply violates maxim of quantity because B does not

give information as required by A, yes or no. Instead, B gives more information which is not required or expected at all.

3. Violating the third Maxim of Relevance Violation maxim of relevant occurs:

 if the speaker does not contribute that are relevant to the issue of

the talks.

 If the speaker changes conversation topic abruptly  If the speaker avoids talking about something

 If the speaker hides something or hides a fact

For example:



B: I was invited by the party tomorrow night. Would you come with me

In the example B’s answer is not relevant to A’s question. B says

something else which is not about A’s problem at all.

4. Violating the last Maxim of Manner Violation maxim of manner occurs:

 if the speaker does not speak directly.

 If the speaker uses ambiguous language

 If the speaker’s voice is not loud enought

For example:

A: Why was he arrested?

B: He stole the money from the bank.

In the example B’s statement is ambiguous. It can be interpreted that B

didn’t steal the money which is stored in he bank. He had gone the bank first and

he stole the money in another place. Another interpretation is that he stole the money stored in the bank. He got the money by robbing the bank.

2.1.5 Christoffersen’s Classification

In a conversation, a speaker giving the required information to a hearer. They can understand each other’s utterances if they are said to have fulfilled the



Christoffersen (2005) (as cited in Tupan and Natalia, 2008: vol.10 P.64) says that in reality, people tend to tell lies for different reasons. The following reasons will be used in the analysis to interpret the data. They are:

i. Hide the truth

This reason happened when the speaker doesn’t want the hearer knowing the something real. Example: (Johnny hides the truth when the scientists asked whereabouts the voice-changing travel because johnny

has to eat)

Scientist : Has anyone seen the voice-changing travel lozenges? Johnny : Um... No. No.

ii. Saving face

This reason happened when people do something embarrassing in public. Example: (Ann covers herself for being shoplifter in front of people)

A : What is in your bag? I think our bracelet is in it

B : I – I do not know what you are talking about. I do not have any bracelet.

iii. Feel jealous about something

Example: (Lia lies to Anggi that she doesn’t know Toni, the new student. Lia actually likes him.)

A : I know you talked to Jim, this morning. He is awesome. What do you think about him?

B : I don’t know what you are talking about.

iv. Satisfying the hearer



A : Mom, how was I born?

B : Uhm… because God loves you so He sends you to me as a gift

v. Cheer the hearer

Example: (a wife asks her husband whether she looks OK with the purple blouse or not. Her husband who hates purple, cheers his wife by

giving an answer that is expected by his wife)

A : Honey, does this color nice?

B : Of course sweetheart, you look gorgeous.

vi. Avoiding to hurt the hearer

Example: (a mother of three years old boy wants to protect his son by telling that his father has gone overseas rather than saying that

he died)

A : Mummy, where is Daddy?

B : Daddy has gone overseas because he wants to buy some toys for you

vii. Building one’s belief

Example: (Joan asks her boyfriend whether he still remembers his ex girlfriend or not. Her boyfriend lies to her and makes her

believe 100%)

A : I wonder if you are still in love with your ex.

B : Of course not darling, you know you are the one in my heart. (Fact: he is still in love with his ex)

A : But how come you still keep her photo in your wallet?



viii. Convincing the hearer

Example: (a part time clerk asks his friend to take his shift, but his friend refuses by creating a good reason)

A : Can you take my shift tonight?

B : I wish I could, but I have to take my daughter to the dentist.

2.2 Related Studies

There are literally works that conduct almost the same topic that will be researched by the writer. The first is a graduating paper from Stain Salatiga written by Septi Dwi Andini, 2012. The title is “The Cooperative Principle

Analysis of Palestine Protest Poster”. This study is made to analyze the conversational implicature used in Palestina Protest poster. The first question of this research is how many types of conversational maxims used in Palestine protest posters. From the protest posters which collected by researcher there are 4 types of conversational maxims that found, they are maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of manner and maxim of relation. However the maxim of quality is the more dominant than the other maxims. The protesters tend to use maxim of quality on their protest poster because they tried to speak the truth based on the fact.



understanding the poster easier. This is very important to give evidences to the reader to make strong the arguments of the poster. The researcher quoted some statements from some experts or some evidences from some articles, video and books is needed.

The differences between the researcher research paper and the others research above are the researchers thesis is focused on violating of conversational maxims analysis, while the research paper from Septi Dwi Andini is focused on conversational implicature meaning or the implicit meaning, even though she also analyzed conversational maxims in her research paper. The objects of the research are also different, Septi Dwi Andini was researched protest poster while another one was movie.


PRINCIPLE IN JOHNY ENGLISH REBORN MOVIE”.This research aims to find Johnny English’s characterization as the main character in Johnny English Reborn



Johnny English uses the maxims of the cooperative principle, and concluding Johnny English’s characterization. There are two conclusions of the research.




In the research method, the writer presents about the methods that used to analyse the data, data and source of data, procedure of data collection, and the way analyze the data.

3.1 Research Design

The researcher finished this research using descriptive qualitative approach because this research does not needed statistic approach to analyze the data and the researcher describe the types of maxim. According to Creswell (1994:1) qualitative research is defined as an inquiry process of understanding a social or human problem, based on building a complex, holistic picture, formed with words, reporting detailed views of informants, and conducted in a natural setting. Descriptive approach primarily concerned with finding out “what is”. In addition, Glass & Hopkins (1984) argued that descriptive research involves gathering data that describe events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts, and describes the data collection.

The purpose of this study is to understand and describe about violating maxims in “Johnny Englis Reborn” movie. The writer describes the data that is



3.2 Data and Data Source

The data of this study were the utterances produced by Johnny English as the main character in Johnny English Reborn the movie. The writer would include also the utterances produced by other characters that make a conversation with Johnny English.

The data source of this study was Johnny English Reborn movie. This movie was directed by Oliver Parker. Johnny English Reborn was launch in 2011.

This movie is the sequel to Johnny English (2003).


This study is dealing with violating maxim. Thus, the instrument that suitable for measuring this research is the human instrument that is the writer itself because the writer itself did the research such as identifying, classifying and analyzing the data. She spent her time for watching and understanding the utterances of the all characters. The writer observed the utterances the main character which violate the maxims based on her knowledge.

3.4Data Collection

In collecting data, the writer used the movie script of Johnny English Reborn as the source of data. The writer collected the data with several steps:



2. The writer downloaded the movie of Johnny English Reborn from the internet.

3. The writer also searched the transcription of the movie to toughen the data.



5. The writer searched the utterance that violating maxims.

3.5Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the researcher did several steps. The procedures of analyzing data are :





3. The writer identified the data by Christoffersen’s classification of lie to find out the intended meaning of the data in each maxim.

4. The writer described and explained the violating maxims and the reason of violating the maxims.




This study is focused to know what the maxims are violated by Johnny English as the main character in Johnny English Reborn movie. Based on the analysis, the writer answers the statement of the problem in this study. There are four types of maxims that violated by the main characters, Johnny English in Johnny English Reborn movie. Those are violating the maxim of quantity, quality, relation, and manner.

4.1 Findings

In Johnny English Reborn movie, there are 20 utterances maxim performed by the main character. Some excerpts are included in order to give clear description of each violation. First, the researcher explain and describe each violation that is done by Johnny English, and second the researcher will give an explanation about the reason why Johnny English does the violation.

4.1.1 Violation of Maxims by the Main Character Maxim of Quality



Excerpts 1 (Data 5)

Scientist : Has anyone seen the voice-changing travel lozenges? Johnny : Um... No. No.

The conversation occurred between the main characters Johnny and Scientist. In that conversation, they are in the toy cupboard. At the time Johnny was talking to Patch and then Pegasus come. He explained that Johnny will be heading off to Hong Kong that night to meet Fisher, someone who knows about the Vortex. Pegasus also said that Johnny will be accompanied by Tucker. When Pegasus explains it all, Johnny eat candy that is on the table and suddenly his voice changed. then the scientists come and ask “Has anyone seen the voice -changing travel lozenges?”but Johnny responded “Um.. No. No.”

By that dialogue, Johnny’s utterance “Um.. No. No. contains violation of

the quality maxim. The maxim of quality indicated that people should give true information or what they say must be true. Johnny told that he did not know where the candy is. In fact, he had eaten the candy.

Excerpt 2 (Data 6)

Tucker : Sir, I don't think he’s a “Susan.”

Johnny : But then you're not a linguist, are you, Tucker'? It's not "Susan," it's "Shoooshan." From the Xinzhou region, unless I'm very much mistaken. Thank you, Shoooshan.

The conversation produced between the main characters, Johnny and Tucker. The conversation occurred on board when the plane headed back to MI7’s

headquarters. Tucker says this utterance when he sees a steward stowing Johnny English’s stuff named Susan. Susan is a name of a woman. Tucker is suspicious



to fail the mission. Tucker tries to be cooperative with Johnny English by telling what he thinks. Eventhough Johnny does not respond well what is said to be Tucker, he said “But then you're not a linguist, are you, Tucker'? It's not "Susan,"

it's "Shoooshan." From the Xinzhou region, unless I'm very much mistaken. Thank

you, Shoooshan.”

By that dialogue, Johnny English is not being cooperative to Tucker by telling something that is not really the truth and what he lacks of adequate evidence. Johnny violated maxim of quality of cooperative principle. It means that he is not being cooperative with Tucker. After the plane lands, Johnny realized the key of Vortex that he kept in his cabin was lost. It was happened because he was not being cooperative in communicating with Tucker. He did not really consider what Tucker informed him. The steward is actually the key thief. Johnny was not aware about that and lost the key. the Maxim of Quantity

The writer found eight utterances that include violating the maxim of quantity. Those utterances disobey the rule of quantity maxim. The result of the data can be seen as follows.

Excerpt 3 (Data 3)



Johnny : Indeed. There's a good puss. There's a good puss. There's a good pussy. Who's a good pussy?

Pegasus : I'm impressed.

The coversation happened between The Pegasus and Johnny English. Pegasus was his new bosses. The dialogue occurred in the Pegasus’s room in The Toshiba British Intelligence. After five years of events in Mozambique and he was reclusive, he finally came over and joined back with the secret agent MI7. Then he met the leadership of the Agency, called Pegasus. Pegasus talks about past Johnny in Mozambique and she told that she called Johnny because there is a problem.

The Pegasus saying “People here often talk about your adventures in Mozambique. Well, Ml-7 has come a long way since then The guns, the fast

cars, and the chauvinism are all on their way out. Frankly, I didn't want to see

you back. You are everything I came into this service to change. But my hands

are tied. And there are times when one has to go against one's better judgement.

We have a situation.” And Johnny looks surprised and replied: “Indeed. There's a good puss. There's a good puss. There's a good pussy. Who's a good pussy?”.

Johnny violates two maxims, those are violating maxim of quantity and relevance. The violation of maxim of quantity occurs when Johnny answered questions very short and unclear. Then the violation of maxim of relevance happened when Johnny says “There's a good puss. There's a good pussy. Who's a good pussy?” in order for pegasus did not know what was going on and it is an



Excerpt 4 (Data 4)

Johnny : Simon.

Simon : Hello, Johnny!

Johnny : Simon, you look wonderful. But, then, you always did. Simon : Welcome back. How long has it been?

Johnny : I don't know. Five years, three months and six days, or something.

The conversation produced among Simon and Johnny. Simon is the former colleague of Johnny. At that time, the pegasus told johnny to go to downstairs to meet with agents one and exactly he was simon. They have not met for a long time. When johnny greeted simon and asked johnny “Welcome back. How long has it been?”. Then Johnny answered “I don't know. Five years, three months and

six days, or something.”

By the dialogue, Johnny’s utterance “I don’t know. Five years, three

months and six day, or something” contained of violation maxim of quantity because Johnny added more information. Johnny disobeys one of the rules of maxim of quantity. It made his contribution did not more informative than was required. Johnny should answer five years but he added “I don't know” and “or something” as an unimportant answer.

In the film, Johnny portrayed still remembers the incident in Mozambique four years ago. He could not forget because it was the most humiliating incident for him. He had failed to become the head of security at the time of the inauguration of President Chambal, it caused the President of Chambal was killed.

Excerpt 5 (Data 8)

Johnny : Pegasus! I've got her! Come on, you witch. Pegasus : English?



The conversation happened between Johnny and Pegasus. This occured when the conversation at Pegasus’s home. At that time there was a birthday party of Pegasus’s daughter. The event was also attended by Minister of Foreign affairs.

After Johnny failed to show one of the keys of the Vortex, everyone departs. Then came an old lady was cleaning the room and Johnny thought it was the servants of the Vortex. Johnny catch and hit a woman, later shown to Pegasus. Pegasus said, “johnny”, means that the Pegasus was asking what is being done by Johnny. Then Johnny replied “she is in Hong Kong, she is the killer”. Johnny’s answer does not

present what is asked by Pegasus.

By that dialogue, Johnny’s utterance “she is in Hong Kong, she is the killer” contains of violation maxim of quantity because Johnny answered too short and does not provide clear information. He said only that the woman was in Hong Kong, and she was the killer. The information was impressed very short and unclear. Johnny should explain that the old woman was in Hong Kong at a time when Fisher died and she was the killer of Titus Fisher.

Excerpt 6 (Data 11)

Tucker : Glove, sir'?

Johnny : I may not know much about golf, Tucker, but I know how to hold the bat.

The conversation occurred between the main characters Johnny and Tucker. That conversation occurred while they were on the golf course. Then, Johnny play golf and Tucker offers gloves by saying “glove, sir?”. Then Johnny responded and saying “I may not know much about golf, Tucker, but I know how



By that dialogue, Johnny’s utterance “I may not know much about golf, Tucker, but I know how to hold the bat.” contains of violation maxim of quantity because his statement was too much saying and did not to the point. Supposedly, he did not have to say like that, just saying if he did not want to wear gloves.

Excerpt 7 (Data 12)

Tucker : You do know how to fly these, sir? Johnny : It was part of basic training.

The conversation occurred between the main characters Johnny and Tucker. In this situation, Johnny and Tucker want to show that Karlenko is a member of Vortex. Pegasus says that Johnny must catch and bring Karlenko in alive. In that case, Johnny and Tucker confused how to bring karlenko and there is only helicopter. When johnny is going to drive a holikopter, tucker asked “You do know how to fly these, sir?”, because he want to make they were safety. Then

Johnny answered questions by words that were less appropriate. Johnny replied, “It was part of basic training”.

Johnny’s utterance shows that he violated the maxims of quantity. The

utterance is “It was part of basic training”. Johnny disobeyed the rule of quantity maxim. In this rule, the speaker said unclear and did not to the point. When Tucker asked if Johnny can drive a helicopter, Johnny should answer with the words “Yes” or “no”. In this situation, Johnny replied that this is part of basic



Excerpt 8 (Data 17)

Pegasus : You're insane! Agent One, thank God.

Johnny : He won't help you. He's the third member of Vortex. Aren't you, Simon? Here to give you some Timoxy bubby... Timoxy bubby Timoxy bubby... To give you a drug that will make you obey his every command. I'm intrigued, Simon. How exactly were you going to administer it? By injection? Some hideous gas through the air vents? Or by spiking her drink?

The conversation occurred between the main characters Johnny and Pegasus. This conversation took place in Pegasus’s room. Johnny infiltrated the MI7's headquarters because everyone was looking for it. Johnny recognized as the third member of the Vortex. Johnny was caught and pretending to be dead. Pegasus was very surprised when Johnny was in her room and Johnny tried to explain that Simon was going to make she killed Xiang Ping. Pegasus did not believe and said that Johnny's been crazy. Simon came and Pegasus said “Agent

One, thank God”.

Johnny responded by saying “He won't help you. He's the third member of

Vortex. Aren't you, Simon? Here to give you some Timoxy bubby... Timoxy bubby

Timoxy bubby... To give you a drug that will make you obey his every command.

I'm intrigued, Simon. How exactly were you going to administer it? By injection?



have been mixed with liquid mind control, he forgot that the drink was made to kill Xiang Ping and Pegasus.

Excerpt 9 (Data 18)

Tucker : Sir. What are you doing, sir'?

Johnny : Guideline 17-5: Never question a senior agent in the field.

This dialogue is the interaction between Johnny and Tucker. At that point everyone had known that Simon was a member of the Vortex and he intended to kill Xiang Ping and Pegasus. Simon attempted to escape and Johnny ran out. Tucker asked what would Johnny do. Johnny did not answer question Tucker and said “Guideline 17-5: Never question a senior agent in the field”. Then Johnny direct jump from balcon. It turned out he wanted to chase Simon and jump using a parachute.

Johnny’s utterance shows that she violated the maxims of quantity. The

utterance was “Guideline 17-5: Never question a senior agent in the field!”. Johnny disobeyed the rule of quantity maxim. In this rule, if the speaker did circumlocution or not to the point, then it violates the maxim of quantity. Supposedly, Johnny said what will she do. He did not want to tell Tucker but he instantly jumped. It could be said if Johnny hided something to Tucker but Tucker already knew would Johnny jump.

Excerpt 10 (Data 19)



The conversation occurred between the main characters Johnny and Simon. The conversation happened when they were inside the cable. Simon tried to flee but Johnny managed to catch up and got into the cable. The time Johnny would hit Simon, but Johnny's hand caught on the ropes. Then Simon said “Another balls-up, Johnny” and Simon kicked Johnny’s groin. Johnny does not

feel pain. Simon felt surprised and tried to kick again. Johnny still did not feel the pain. Simon did not know that Johnny had studied the science of dividing themselves in the mountains of Tibet. Johnny answered Simon by saying “Ooh”

as it evaporates.

Johnny’s utterance shows that he violated the maxims of quantity. The

utterance is “Ooh!”. Johnny disobeys the rule of quantity maxim. In this rule, the speaker had to speak in accordance with portions in want, not too long and not too short. Here, Johnny gives an answer that is too short and indistinct impressed and in sync with Simon. the Maxim of Relation

The writer found eight utterances that include violating the maxim of quantity. Those utterances disobey the rule of quantity maxim. The result of the data can be seen as follows.

Excerpts 11 (Data 1)

Master : Mind must be master of the body. Strong mind can separate the body from its suffering. Good concentration, English.



This dialogue is the interaction between Johnny and Master. The Master was teacher of the science of self-defense. Johnny was told in tibet to study the science of self-defense after failed the incident mission in Mozambique. He has failed to be head of security when the inaugural President of the Chambal. So he went to the mountains of Tibet to forget it's a shame that for four years. At that time Johnny was being trained with a concentration above the coals. While in the middle of the trip, the teacher said "Good concentration, English". It turned out Johnny heared and replied “Sorry? Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!”.

Johnny’s utterance shows that he violated the maxims of relation. The

utterance is “Sorry? Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!”. Johnny disobeyed the rule of relation maxim. In this rule, people were assumed to say something which was relevant to what has been said before. In that dialogue, the utterances of Johnny and Master were irrelevant. Master conveyed admiration over the concentration of Johnny but Johnny replied with the word “sorry”. Then concentration Johnny fucked and he felt the heat of the coals. Then he said “Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!”.

Excerpts 12 (Data 2)

Employee : Good morning, sir. Can I help you? Johnny : Johnny English.



sir. Can I help you?” but Johnny not replied in accordance with the employee's

questions. Johnny mention his full name.

By that conversation, the main character Johnny violated the maxim of relevant. Johnny’s utterance “johnny english” does not fulfill the rule of relation. The rule was the conversation must be relevant to the interaction. Here, Johnny did not response to what receptionist said. Johnny didn't know he was coming to meet with anyone, so he just mention his full name.

Excerpts 13 (Data 3)

Pegasus : People here often talk about your adventures in Mozambique. Well, Ml-7 has come a long way since then The guns, the fast cars, and the chauvinism are all on their way out. Frankly, I didn't want to see you back. You are everything I came into this service to change. But my hands are tied. And there are times when one has to go against one's better judgement. We have a situation.

Johnny : Indeed. There's a good puss. There's a good puss. There's a good pussy. Who's a good pussy?

Pegasus : I'm impressed.

The coversation happened between The Pegasus and Johnny English. Pegasus is his new bosses. The dialogue occurred in the Pegasus’s room in The Toshiba British Intelligence. After five years of events in Mozambique and he was reclusive, he finally came over and joined back with the secret agent MI7. then he met the leadership of the Agency, called Pegasus. In the meeting, Pegasus talked about Johnny in the past in Mozambique and he told that he called Johnny because there was a problem.

The pegasus said “People here often talk about your adventures in



cars, and the chauvinism are all on their way out. Frankly, I didn't want to see

you back. You are everything I came into this service to change. But my hands

are tied. And there are times when one has to go against one's better judgement.

We have a situation.” And Johnny looks surprised and replied: “Indeed. There's a good puss. There's a good puss. There's a good pussy. Who's a good pussy?”.

Johnny violate two maxims, those were violating maxim of quantity and violating maxim of relevant. Violating maxim of relevant occured when Johnny answered questions with irelevant. It happened when Johnny saying “There's a good puss. There's a good pussy. Who's a good pussy?” in order for Pegasus did not know what was going on and it is an answer that is not relevant.

Excerpt 14 (Data 9)

Woman : The backup electrical supply has been cut. Johnny : No, it hasn't. It's been turned off.

Woman : Do you know how to turn it on? Johnny : I should be getting back.

The conversation occurred between the main characters Johnny and woman. This woman was the servant of the Vortex. He was tasked to seduce Johnny in order to stay away from the inauguration of President while President of the Chambal. The woman called out Johnny and say that there was turned off the flow of electricity. After Johnny corrects, it turned out there was no utility power died. The woman asked “do you know how to turn it on?” but Johnny responded “I should be getting back”.

By utterance of Johnny “I should be getting back” has violated the maxim



question with the word “Yes” or “no”.the answer was given by Johnny was not

relevant to the question before.

Excerpt 15 (Data 10)

Johnny : Sorry. Yes, I'm Mr Adams, and you're Mr... Whoever you said you were

Karlenko :Well...

Johnny : Stop! Sorry, I thought I had forgotten something.

The conversation occurred between the main characters Johnny and Karlenko. Karlenko was a person who was alleged to be one of the members of the Group crime Vortex. Therefore, Johnny was assigned to investigate by means of masquerading as colleagues in the game of golf. When Johnny tried to ask a business run by Karlenko, he incorrectly mentioned the name. He even mentioned his name, Adam. At the time of Karlenko said “well”, johnny replied “stop. Sorry,

I thought I had forgotten something.”

By utterance of Johnny “stop. Sorry, I thought I had forgotten something” has violated the maxim of relation. He broke one rule of relation maxim. In maxim of relation, the conversation must be relevance to the interaction. In this conversation, the contribution of Johnny was not suitable to what Karlenko said. Karlenko said “well” because Johnny incorrectly mentioned his name. Johnny was confused between the pseudonym "Adam" and "Karlenko. But Johnny did not response what Karlenko has been told. He just the focused with the car that followed him. It showed that Johnny’s utterance was not match with Karlenko’s utterance.



Johnny :Karlenko told me that the third man in Vortex is in MI7. Simon : And you believed him?

Johnny : Simon, I have to ask you a question, face to face. Do you have any idea who it might be?

Simon : Johnny, I thought you were about to accuse me.

The conversation occurred between the main characters Johnny and Simon. The location of that conversation was at a restaurant. Johnny and Simon had dinner. Johnny intended to ask something important to Simon. When Johnny showed a key from the Vortex, he said, “Karlenko told me that the third man in Vortex is in MI7.”Simon was shocked and he prepared a pistol under his desk to

shoot Johnny. Then Simon said “And you believed him?”, but Johnny did not answer according to what is asked by Simon. He opened new talks and asked “Simon, I have to ask you a question, face to face. Do you have any idea who it

might be?”. After Simon heard Johnny, he relieved and put his gun back.

By utterance of Johnny “Simon, I have to ask you a question, face to face.

Do you have any idea who it might be?” has violated the maxim of relation. He broke one the rule of relation maxim. In the maxim of relation, the conversation must be relevant to the interaction. In this conversation, the contribution of Johnny was not suitable to what Simon said. When Simon asked whether he believed the word karlenko about members of the Vortex that sits at MI7, he did not answer with “yes” or “no” but with the return to pronounce sentence


Excerpt 17 (Data 14)



Kate : Are they?

Johnny : Your cheeks are colouring.

The conversation occurred between the main characters Johnny and Kate. The location of that conversation was at a Kate’s apartment. After all people thought that Johnny was a member of the Vortex, everyone was looking for it. Then Johnny went Kate’s home and tried to explain that he was vilified. Kate carried for wounds that were in the firing distance Johnny. Kate tried to explain that he was amazed by Johnny and said “I've come to realise that what's really exciting to me is great loyalty, determination, and courage. You have always

fascinated me, clinically. But now you...”. Johnny turned his talk by saying “Ms

Sumner, your pupils are dilating”.

Johnny’s utterance showed that he violated the maxims of relation. The

utterance was “Sorry? Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!”.Johnny disobeyed the rule of relation maxim. In this rule, people are assumed to say something which is relevant to what has been said before. In that dialogue, the utterances of Johnny and Kate were irrelevant. Kate convey her fascination to Johnny, but Johnny turned his talk in other way associated with the utterance of Kate. Johnny shifted by saying things about the physical of Kate, pupil of the eye.

Excerpt 18 (Data 16)

Johnny : Hello Tucker!

Tucker : What are you doing here? Every agent in the country is after you. Johnny : We were right about Ambrose



home to invite rejoin of Tucker in this mission. Earlier, Johnny did not believe Tucker that Simon was the third member of the Vortex. Then Johnny told tucker home and he was lay off from his work. Johnny convinced tucker that he was still needed.

By utterance of Johnny “We were right about Ambrose” has violated the

maxim of relation. He broke one the rule of relation maxim. In the maxim of relation, the conversation had to be relevant to the interaction. In this conversation, the contribution of Johnny was not suitable to what Tucker said. In this conversation, Tucker was shocked because Johnny suddenly came to his home when he was in the search by all agents. Tucker asked “What are you doing here? Every agent in the country is after you” but Johnny did not answer the Tucker’s questions with the relevant answer. Johnny english replied “We were

right about Ambrose”. the Maxim of Manner

The writer found three utterances that included violating maxim of quantity. Those utterances disobeyed the rule maxim of quantity. The result of the data can be seen as follows.

Excerpt 19 (Data 7)

Pegasus : English?



The conversation happened between Johnny and Pegasus. The conversation took place in the offices of MI7. Johnny just got back from Fisher along with Tucker. He went home carrying a suitcase containing the Pegasus was one of the keys to the Vortex. Johnny entered the boardroom was proud and confident because he felt the successful uncovering the secrets of the Vortex. After he opened the suitcase, everyone was surprised. they were shocked not because seeing the key from the vortex, but they were surprised because inside the suitcase is empty. Then Pegasus tried to ask Johnny and said “English?”. Johnny

cut words of Pegasus and said “Now, I know what you're going to say, it's a pretty small object. Well, it's often the little things that pack the biggest punch. After all,

David killed Goliath with a pebble”.

By that dialogue, Johnny disobeyed the rule of manner maxim. In this rule, if the speaker exaggerates thing, then it violated the maxim of manner. When Pegasus says “Johnny?”, it can be interpreted that Pegasus would like to ask where the key was described by Johnny because the suitcase was empty. Johnny cut talk of Pegasus and he said proudly, “Now, I know what you're going to say, it's a pretty small object. Well, it's often the little things that pack the biggest

punch. After all, David killed Goliath with a pebble”. He talked too much and impressed snob.

Excerpt 20 (Data 15)

Johnny : Heart-rate rising. Ms Sumner, I believe we're emotionally leaking. Kate : The bedroom, quickly.



The conversation happened between Johnny and Kate. This occured when the conversation at the home of Kate. They talked about their feelings. They admired each other and Johnny said “Heart-rate rising. Ms Sumner, I believe

we're emotionally leaking”. At that time they were about to kiss. Then the bell went, someone came. Kate was surprised and told Johnny went to the bedroom “the bedroom, quickly”. Johnny replied with a smile, “absolutely”.

Johnny’s utterance showed that he violated the maxims of manner. The

utterance was “absolutely”. Johnny disobeyed the rule of manner maxim. When Kate told Johnny to go to the bedroom, it is because there is someone coming. Kate did not want anyone to know that Johnny was hiding at home. This situation is not understood by Johnny. Johnny replied “absoutely”, it can be said to be ambiguous because the Johnny’s word could be interpreted as he learned that Kate told him to hide because there was someone coming. The word can also refer that Kate told him to go to the bedroom to do things that are not so they do, such as kissing.

Excerpt 21 (Data 20)

Johnny : Gotcha! Gotcha. Got you! Just about had enough of you, you old cow! You're going nowhere! Pegasus!

Pegasus : English!

Johnny : It's her! It's the killer cleaner! Finally, I've got her!



entered a room, he met the old woman who became servants of the Vortex. He tried to catch and hit her, e said “Gotcha! Gotcha. Got you! Just about had

enough of you, you old cow! You're going nowhere! Pegasus!”. Pegasus was surprised and said “English”, the meaning of the word in “English” was that he wanted to know what was done by Johnny. Then Johnny replied “It's her! It's the

killer cleaner! Finally, I've got her!”

4.1.2 The Reasons of Violation of Maxims by the Main Character Violating Maxims of Quality

The writer found two reasons why the main character violates maxim of quality. They are; hiding the truth and building one’s belief. Hiding the Truth

This reason happened when the speaker doesn’t want the hearer knowing

the something real.

Excerpts 22 (Data 5)

Scientist : Has anyone seen the voice-changing travel lozenges? Johnny : Um... No. No.



scientists came and asked “has anyone seen the voice-changing travel lozenges?”,

immediately Johnny hide the candy and says that he did not see the candy. Johnny did not want scientists knew that he had to eat the candy and he also did not want to shame in front of many people. Building One’s Belief

The reason this occurs when the speaker wants to make the hearer believe what he has to say.

Excerpt 23 (Data 6)

Tucker : Sir, I don't think he’s a “Susan.”

Johnny : But then you're not a linguist, are you, Tucker'? It's not "Susan," it's "Shoooshan." From the Xinzhou region, unless I'm very much mistaken. Thank you, Shoooshan.

There were reasons why Johnny violated the maxim of quality in this utterance “But then you're not a linguist, are you, Tucker'? It's not "Susan," it's "Shoooshan." From the Xinzhou region, unless I'm very much mistaken. Thank

you, Shoooshan”. The reason was to building one’s belief. When Johnny and Tucker were in the plane, there was a steward named Susan. Tucker tried to tell Johnny that there are strange. Steward was named Susan, while Susan was the name for a female. Johnny replied to the statement of Tucker with a long sentence is not clear. He composed about the origin of the word “Susan”.



The writer found some reason why the main character violates maxim of quantity. They are: hiding the truth, making joke or entertaining, building one’s belief, saving face and convincing the hearer. Hiding the Truth

This reason happened when the speaker doesn’t want the hearer knowing

the something real.

Excerpts 24 (Data 3)

Pegasus : People here often talk about your adventures in Mozambique. Well, Ml-7 has come a long way since then The guns, the fast cars, and the chauvinism are all on their way out. Frankly, I didn't want to see you back. You are everything I came into this service to change. But my hands are tied. And there are times when one has to go against one's better judgement. We have a situation.

Johnny : Indeed. There's a good puss. There's a good puss. There's a good pussy. Who's a good pussy?

Pegasus : I'm impressed.

In that conversation, the reasons of Johnny why he violated the maxim of quantity and maxim of relation are hide the truth. When Johnny met with pegasus in her room, pegasus explained why johnny were invited join in the MI7. When the papers on the table almost fly because of the wind blown through the window. Johnny stood up and closed the window. Johnny did not see that there was a cat sitting at the window, cats that fall. Johnny was shocked, he pretend were carrying pegasus’s cat and being petted. He said “There's a good puss. There's a good puss.



Excerpt 25 (Data 18)

Tucker : Sir. What are you doing, sir'?

Johnny : Guideline 17-5: Never question a senior agent in the field.

In that dialogue, the reason of Johnny why he violated the maxim of quantity was hiding the truth. When Tucker asked what would be done by Johnny, Johnny didn't want to answer directly. Johnny answered “, he did not want Tucker

knows what he's doing because he'll feel Tucker was still beginner and while he was a senior. Entertaining the Hearer

This reason happened when the speaker want through humor in their conversation.

Excerpts 26 (Data 4)

Johnny : Simon.

Simon : Hello, Johnny!

Johnny : Simon, you look wonderful. But, then, you always did. Simon : Welcome back. How long has it been?

Johnny : I don't know. Five years, three months and six days, or something.

From that utterance, Johnny had a reason why he utters that word. The reason was to making joke with Simon. When Johnny met with Simon, he tried to make a joke because they had not met. In fact Johnny knew how long he did not meet with Simon but Johnny wanted to smelt the mood with a joke.

Excerpt 30 (Data 19)


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