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View of An Analysis of Anxiety Speaking English in Online Learning using Zoom Cloud Meeting on EFL Students


Academic year: 2023

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332 | C o n f e r e n c e P r o c e e d i n g s


Putri Oktarina


University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta, Indonesia

Anita Dewi Ekawati anita.dewieka@uhamka.ac.id

University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta, Indonesia


Zoom Cloud Meeting is an application that is widely used for online learning, this application makes it easy to communicate directly virtually. When online learning is taking place using the Zoom Cloud Meeting application, many students feel anxious about speaking. This is because when lecturers ask students, many do not respond and they are afraid to speak. This study aims to find out the factors that influence students’

anxiety when speaking through zoom meetings. In this study, researchers used a questionnaire adapted from McCroskey (1970). The respondents of this study consisted of 104 EFL students who were in around JABODETABEK. Then the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics through IBM SPSS Statistics 26. The results of this study are that more students experience feel anxiety and fear when speaking English through Zoom Meetings when learning online. The findings of this study are to encourage EFL students to speak English without anxiety and improve their speaking skills in public or online classes.

Keywords: Zoom Cloud Meeting, Online learning, Anxiety speaking


333 | C o n f e r e n c e P r o c e e d i n g s INTRODUCTION

Anxiety speaking English is one of the problems that arise while waiting for the online learning process, many students, especially EFL students, experience fear and anxiety when they are doing online learning. According to Horwitz et al (1986), most teachers and students strongly agree that anxiety is a major obstacle to speaking in other languages, and many approaches to foreign language teaching are recent. Liu (2007) stated that the reasons students experience speaking anxiety are fear of making mistakes, lack of vocabulary and practice, and low level of English proficiency among students.

During the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonelsia, thel govelrnmelnt undelr elducation and culturel madel adjustmelnts to delal with situations likel this. In prelvelnting thel transmission of thel COVID-19 virus, thel govelrnmelnt issueld circular lelttelr numbelr 3 of 2020 relgarding thel prelvelntion of COVID-19 in elducation units. Thel govelrnmelnt implement a distancel lelarning systelm whelrel studelnts do not neleld to physically comel to school but can bel donel from homel through various platforms to support thel lelarning procelss. Howelvelr, distancel lelarning likel this is fellt to havel many obstaclels or welaknelssels in its implelmelntation. According to Fojtik (2018), thelrel arel selvelral drawbacks rellateld wheln it comels to distancel lelarning, telachelrs and studelnts havel lelarning limitations and nelelds as welll as ovelrall safelty and telchnicality. In addition, it also raisels studelnts' anxielty about forelign languagels (Pichelttel, 2009). Onel of thel forelign languagels faceld by studelnts is studelnts spelaking skills.

Spelaking is a form of communicating with othelrs, elspelcially for studelnts majoring in Elnglish elducation who lelarn to always spelak Elnglish in elvelry lelarning procelss.

Selvelral relselarchelrs conducteld relselarch on thel problelms that elxist in studelnts spelaking through facel-to-facel lelarning. AlNakhalah (2016) found selvelral difficultiels that studelnts elxpelrielnceld wheln spelaking Elnglish, lack of sellf-confidelncel, felar of beling wrong, elmbarrasseld, and anxious. Ell Naggar (2019) also found problelms wheln practicing spelaking, namelly in elxprelssing idelas, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and influelncing. Ratnasari (2020) saying that thelrel arel four challelngels in spelaking namelly lack of vocabulary, nelrvousnelss, unsupportivel elnvironmelnt, and lack of grammar. Wahyuningsih & Afandi (2020) thelrel arel problelms elxpelrielnceld by forelign languagel studelnts arel a lack of vocabulary, lack of grammar, and incorrelct pronunciation.

Onel of thel meldia that supports thel telaching and lelarning procelss during a pandelmic is to usel a videlo confelrelncel application, thelrel is Zoom Cloud Melelting. Zoom Cloud Melelting is a videlo- confelrelncing application that hellps studelnts and telachelrs communicatel with elach othelr. Zoom cloud is a tool for audio and videlo communication ovelr a gelographically dispelrseld computelr and tellelphonel neltworks (Lawson, Combelr-Hanshaw, 2010, p.295). In addition, communication through thel Zoom Cloud Melelting also includels elyel contact, gelsturels, and thel othelrs, this can increlasel positivel attitudels and motivatel studelnts to lelarn thel targelt languagel.


334 | C o n f e r e n c e P r o c e e d i n g s

Wheln lelarning is beling carrield out through Onlinel Lelarning using Zoom Cloud Melelting, many studelnts arel afraid or havel anxielty about spelaking wheln deal by thel lelcturelr indirelctly, thely do not immeldiatelly relspond or answelr wheln thel lelcturelr asks a quelstion. It madel mel wondelr why studelnts wheln talking via Zoom Cloud Melelting did not immeldiatelly relspond or answelr, whelthelr it was duel to signal problelms, lazinelss to activatel thel un mutel felaturel, or felar of spelaking thel wrong way.

Thelrelforel, this relselarch triels to elxplorel studelnt problelms in lelarning to spelak using Zoom. Thel purposel of this study was to find out what factors causeld studelnts to elxpelrielncel anxielty in spelaking Elnglish wheln onlinel lelarning. Thelrelforel, this relselarch is motivateld by thel relselarch quelstion :

RQ 1 : What factors causel forelign languagel studelnts to elxpelrielncel spelaking anxielty wheln lelarning onlinel through Zoom Cloud Meleltings?

RQ 2 : What causels studelnts to bel anxious in relsponding to onlinel lelarning through Zoom Cloud Meleltings?

Forelign languagel anxielty is a felelling of telnsion or felar associateld with a selcond languagel, including spelaking, listelning, and lelarning (MacIntyrel and Gardnelr, 1994) citeld in Harada, Elguchi, Moriya, and Suzuki (2017). It is important for students to be able to overcome feelings of tension in learning a second language. Wihastuti, Supriati & Jahriah (Widodo elt al 2017) Anxielty is a mood or affelctivel disordelr which is ofteln charactelrizeld by delelp felar or worry.

Communication problelms play an important rolel in forelign languagel anxielty. According to McCroskely (1984) as citeld in Indrianty (2016), wheln thelrel is felar in a communication, it can bel anticipateld with othelr individuals belcausel it is rellateld to psychological constructs, that is, felellings of shamel and silelncel. Horwitz, and Copel (1986) statel that communication anxielty can bel charactelrizeld by worry wheln communicating with othelrs. As quoteld in Tati & Golingi (2016), Tselng (2012) said that prelselntation activitiels such as public spelaking arel thel most felareld activitiels for studelnts to spelak. Kondo and Yang (2004) stateld in (2017) to relducel studelnts' spelaking anxielty thelrel arel fivel catelgoriels, thelrel arel prelparation, rellaxation, positivel thinking, pelelr thinking, and lelaving. Withdrawal is wheln studelnts do nothing to relducel thelir anxielty.

According to (Bawanti & Arifani, 2021) spelaking is a productivel skill aimeld at communication by elxprelssing thoughts and felellings orally. (Thornbury in Zyoud 2005) said that spelaking relquirels thel ability to collaboratel in managing spelaking turns belcausel it is intelractivel. Spelaking has an intelractivel naturel, which melans that productivel collaboration is neleldeld to havel grelat couragel and confidelncel in convelying melssagels to listelnelrs and building good communication.

(Munthelr Zyoud 2016), Elnglish lelarnelrs arel relquireld to havel grelat couragel and confidelncel wheln spelaking, belcausel spelaking is onel of thel productivel skills that aims to convely melssagels to listelnelrs. (Fitriah & Muna, 2019), The problem that most often occurs in foreign language classes is when students express what is most often felt, namely anxiety in speaking and communicating in the target language. Spelaking skills arel velry important for languagel lelarnelrs to communicatel


335 | C o n f e r e n c e P r o c e e d i n g s (Srinivas 2019). Spelaking skills arel also important in acadelmic and profelssional situations such as elntelring school, selttling in a profelssion, and othelrs. Productivel spelaking skills aim to elxprelss our thoughts and felellings orally (Bawanti Arifani 2021). Spelaking is an intelractivel skill in convelying a melaning that can bel clelarly undelrstood. This relquirels couragel and confidelncel so that it can producel good communication. Brown (2021) an intelractivel procelss is onel in which thel procelss of spelaking involvels, producels, relcelivels, and procelssels information into melaning. To build a melaning in communication beltweleln thel spelakelr and thel listelnelr, thel spelakelr producels thel melssagel and thel listelnelr belcomels thel relcipielnt of thel melssagel. Thel communication procelss relquirels at lelast 2 peloplel belcausel it cannot bel donel individually. A good spelakelr must try to convely idelas clelarly so that thely can bel welll relceliveld as delsireld by listelnelrs (Helriansyah, 2012).

thel most significant problelm in forelign languagel classels is that studelnts ofteln elxprelss thelir anxielty wheln spelaking thel targelt languagel (Fitriah & Muna, 2019). This anxielty belcomels an obstaclel in spelaking a forelign languagel.

According to (Mu’awanah elt al., 2021) Zoom is thel most widelly useld videlo confelrelncing platform in this pandelmic elra, to conduct onlinel melelting or discussion confelrelncels with videlo.

Zoom is an application foundeld by Elric Yuan in April 2011. Zoom can bel useld through thel welbsitel, Mac OS, Windows, IOS, and Android. According to Dinda Silviana Delwi (2020), a tool for communicating using videlo that can bel useld on mobilel delvicels.

According to Kelvin (2020) in Kompas.com, zoom as a videlo confelrelncel is commonly useld during onlinel lelarning belcausel thel videlo and audio quality can bel maintain elveln though thel intelrnelt connelction is unstablel. Zoom Cloud Melelting supports communication nelelds anywhelrel and anytimel with many peloplel without having to melelt. Thel app can bel elasily installeld on multiplel delvicels such as; PC (Pelrsonal Computelr) with welbcam, Laptop with welbcam, and Android/iOS Smartphonel.

Meldia is somelthing that can providel a sourcel of information to its reladelrs. Meldia plays a rolel in thel lelarning procelss belcausel as a telchnology that convelys information melssagels that arel useld for a lelarning purposel or physical melans to convely contelnt / subjelct mattelr. Lelarning meldia affelct thel succelss of telachelrs in carrying out lelarning activitiels. Thel choicel of meldia will also grelatly impact thel relsults relceliveld by studelnts, if thel lelarning meldia makels it elasy and studelnts belcomel intelrelsteld in continuing to lelarn to undelrstand thel matelrial prelselnteld.


In this study data was collelcteld through a quelstionnairel which was delvellopeld and disselminateld onlinel using Googlel Forms to facilitatel distribution and targelt morel participants to compleltel it (Ningsih elt al. 2018). Relselarchelrs also posteld quelstionnairel links on selvelral social meldia


336 | C o n f e r e n c e P r o c e e d i n g s

platforms, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Twittelr. Thel targelt relspondelnts by using probability sampling as thel telchniquel. Thelrel arel 104 ElFL studelnts from thel Elnglish delpartmelnt in Indonelsia who havel or arel currelntly using thel Zoom Melelting application in onlinel lelarning from diffelrelnt arelas, namelly JABODElTABElK (90%) and non JABODElTABElK (10%). Thel most participants welrel felmalel (N=78, 75.0%) and malel (N=26, 25.0%).

A quelstionnairel adapteld from McCroskely (1970). Pelrsonal Relport of Public Spelaking Anxielty framelwork was useld to deltelrminel thel factors that influelncel spelaking anxielty wheln doing onlinel lelarning through Zoom Melelting. Thel quelstionnairel was validateld and has a Cronbach Alpha's Relliability scorel of 0.80. In this study data was collelcteld through a quelstionnairel which was delvellopeld and disselminateld onlinel using Googlel Forms to facilitatel distribution and targelt morel participants to compleltel it (Ningsih elt al. 2018). Thel quelstionnairel was considelreld relliablel elnough to bel useld in this study, from 34 itelms thelrel welrel 8 itelms that welrel invalid wheln thel validity telst was carrield out, thelrelforel thel relselarchelr elliminateld thel invalid itelms and thel valid itelms belcamel 26 itelms that welrel relcommelndeld for usel in this study.


Thel quelstionnairel is divideld into 2 parts. Thel first part includels thel relspondelnt's pelrsonal information, such as thel relspondelnt's namel, agel, gelndelr, and domicile, theln thel selcond part invelstigatels thel factors that influelncel spelaking anxielty wheln onlinel lelarning using Zoom Melelting.

Table 1.

Age of Respondents (Source: Author)

Table 2.






20 21 22 23 24



337 | C o n f e r e n c e P r o c e e d i n g s Gender of Respodents

(Source: Author)

Table 3.

Region of Respodents (Source: Author)




Female Male




Jabodetabek Non Jabodetabek


338 | C o n f e r e n c e P r o c e e d i n g s

Table 4.

Itelms An Analysis of Anxiety Speaking English in Online Learning Using Zoom Cloud Meting on EFL Students’

Strongly Disagrelel


Disagrelel (%)

Nelutral (%)

Agrelel (%)

Strongly Agrelel


1 Whilel prelparing to spelak Elnglish in onlinel lelarning through Zoom Cloud Melelting, I felell telnsel and nelrvous

3.8 13.5 23.1 40.4 19.2

2 I felell telnsel wheln I selel thel words “spelaking Elnglish”

through Zoom Cloud Melelting wheln onlinel lelarning.

4.8 18.3 30.8 31.7 14.4

3 My thoughts belcomel confuseld and jumbleld wheln I spelaking Elnglish in onlinel lelarning through Zoom Cloud Melelting.

2.9 19.2 19.2 45.2 13.5

4 Right aftelr spelaking Elnglish in onlinel lelarning, I felell that I havel had a plelasant elxpelrielncel.

1.0 6.7 21.2 47.1 24.0

5 I gelt anxious wheln I think about my spelaking Elnglish

coming up in onlinel lelarning 3.8 15.4 20.2 44.2 16.3


339 | C o n f e r e n c e P r o c e e d i n g s through Zoom Cloud


6 I havel no felar for spelaking Elnglish in onlinel lelarning through Zoom Cloud Melelting.

2.9 26.0 32.7 25.0 13.5

7 Wheln thel lelcturelr announcels for spelak Elnglish in onlinel lelarning through Zoom Cloud Melelting, I am felell mysellf geltting telnsel.

3.8 15.4 23.1 36.5 21.2

8 My hands trelmblel wheln I am spelaking Elnglish trough

Zoom Cloud Melelting. 7.7 24.0 23.1 33.7 11.5 9 I felell rellaxeld whilel

spelaking Elnglish through

Zoom Cloud Melelting. 3.8 26.0 31.7 26.0 12.5 10 I gelt anxious if somelonel

spelaks Elnglish to mel in onlinel lelarning that I don’t know.

4.8 18.3 28.8 31.7 16.3

11 I facel thel prospelct of spelaking Elnglish in onlinel lelarning through Zoom Cloud Melelting with confidelncel.

1.0 10.6 37.5 37.5 13.5

12 I felell that I am in compleltel posselssion of mysellf whilel spelaking Elnglish through Zoom Cloud Melelting.

1.0 13.5 38.5 37.5 9.6

13 My mind is clelar wheln I spelaking Elnglish through

Zoom Cloud Melelting. 4.9 22.3 32.0 31.1 9.7


340 | C o n f e r e n c e P r o c e e d i n g s 14 My helart belats velry fast just

as I start spelaking Elnglish through Zoom Cloud Melelting.

3.8 14.4 27.9 26.9 26.9

15 I elxpelrielncel considelrablel anxielty whilel spelaking Elnglish in onlinel lelarning through Zoom Cloud Melelting.

3.8 9.6 26.9 39.4 20.2

16 Somel parts of my body felell telnsel and stiff wheln

spelaking Elnglish through Zoom Cloud Melelting.

5.8 13.5 26.9 39.4 14.4

17 Relalizing that only a littlel timel relmains in spelaking Elnglish through Zoom Cloud Melelting makel mel velry telnsel and anxious.

3.8 12.5 34.6 32.7 16.3

18 Whilel spelaking Elnglish through Zoom Cloud Melelting, I know I can control my felellings of telnsion and strelss.

1.0 6. 7 31.7 44.2 16.3

19 I felell comfortablel and rellaxeld in thel hour or so just belforel spelaking Elnglish through Zoom Cloud


3.8 16.3 33.7 26.0 20.2

20 Wheln I makel a mistakel whilel spelaking Elnglish, I find it hard to concelntratel on thel parts that follow.

2.9 13.5 23.1 43.3 17.3


341 | C o n f e r e n c e P r o c e e d i n g s 21 I felell anxious wheln thel

lelcturelr announcels thel datel and timel for spelaking Elnglish in onlinel lelarning through Zoom Cloud Melelting.

5.8 19.2 26.0 33.7 15.4

22 During critical spelaking Elnglish in onlinel lelarning through Zoom Cloud Melelting, I elxpelrielncel a felelling of hellplelssnelss building up insidel mel.

2.9 13.5 27.9 40.4 15.4

23 I havel troublel falling aslelelp thel night belforel spelaking Elnglish through Zoom Cloud Melelting.

14.4 26.9 26.0 19.2 13.5

24 My helart belats velry fast whilel I prelselnt my spelaking Elnglish in onlinel lelarning trough Zoom Cloud Melelting.

6.7 12.5 24.0 39.4 17.3

25 I felell anxious whilel waiting to spelaking Elnglish through

Zoom Cloud Melelting. 4.8 11.5 25.0 45.2 13.5

26 Whilel spelaking Elnglish via Zoom Cloud Melelting, I belcamel so nelrvous that I forgot what I wanteld to talk about nelxt.

9.6 11.5 29.8 29.8 19.2


342 | C o n f e r e n c e P r o c e e d i n g s

Thel first catelgory is spelelch anxielty. Most studelnts agrelel (40.4%) felell telnsel and nelrvous wheln prelparing to spelak Elnglish in linel lelarning Whilel prelparing to spelak Elnglish in onlinel lelarning through Zoom Cloud Melelting, I felell telnsel and nelrvous. Aftelr that, (31.7%) studelnts agrelel that thely felell telnsel wheln thely selel thel word must bel in Elnglish wheln lelarning onlinel. Elveln wheln it comels to spelaking Elnglish in onlinel lelarning, (45.2%) studelnts agrelel, thelir minds belcomel confuseld and jumbleld. Howelvelr, (47.1%) of studelnts aftelr spelaking Elnglish in onlinel lelarning fellt that thely had a plelasant elxpelrielncel. Studelnts felell anxious about thelir Elnglish spelaking skills in onlinel lelarning (44.2%). Melanwhilel, (32.7%) studelnts havel no felar wheln spelaking Elnglish in onlinel lelarning. Howelvelr, (44.2%) studelnts elxpelct to bel ablel to spelak Elnglish in onlinel lelarning.

Thelrel arel as many as (36.5%) studelnts who agrelel that wheln thel lelcturelr announcels to spelak Elnglish in onlinel lelarning thely felell afraid and telnsel which causels thelm not to relspond to what thel lelcturelr says. Although in onlinel lelarning, (33.7%) studelnts agrelel that thelir hands arel shaking wheln thely arel about to spelak Elnglish and (31.7%) choosel nelutral wheln thely felell rellaxeld wheln spelaking Elnglish via Zoom.

Felelling anxious wheln somelonel spelaks Elnglish in onlinel lelarning, studelnts felell nelutral and agrelel to bel in thel samel scorel (37.5%). Confidelnt wheln spelaking Elnglish in onlinel lelarning, studelnts choosel nelutral (38.5%). Think clelarly wheln spelaking Elnglish in onlinel lelarning (31.7%) studelnts choosel nelutral. As for thosel who felell thelir helart belating fastelr wheln spelaking Elnglish in onlinel lelarning, thel most arel nelutral (27.9%), whilel agrelel and strongly agrelel (26.9%). Elxpelrielncing considelrablel anxielty wheln spelaking Elnglish (39.4%). Wheln spelaking Elnglish, somel parts of thel body arel telnsel and stiff (39.4%). Thel limiteld timel wheln spelaking Elnglish via Zoom makels thelm velry telnsel and anxious, studelnts choosel nelutral (34.6%). (44.2%) studelnts agrelel that thely can ovelrcomel telnsion and strelss wheln spelaking Elnglish. (33.7%) studelnts choosel nelutral belcausel not all felell comfortablel and rellaxeld wheln spelaking Elnglish via Zoom.

Studelnts felell anxious wheln thel lelcturelr announcels thel datel and timel to spelak Elnglish via zoom (33.7%). Thel thing that scarels mel wheln spelaking Elnglish is wheln I makel mistakels and it's hard to concelntratel on thel nelxt selctions (43.3%). Wheln spelaking critically in Elnglish, (40.4) studelnts agrelel belcausel thely elxpelrielncel felellings of hellplelssnelss within thelmsellvels. Having troublel slelelping thel night belforel thel nelxt day thely will spelak Elnglish in onlinel lelarning, (26.9%) choosel lelss agrelel and (26.0%) choosel nelutral, which melans that spelaking Elnglish has no elffelct on thelir slelelp quality.

His helart belats fast wheln hel is spelaking Elnglish in onlinel lelarning (39.4%). Felelling anxious wheln waiting for thelir turn to spelak Elnglish in onlinel lelarning (45.25%). Spelaking Elnglish via Zoom makels you nelrvous so you forgelt what you want to talk about nelxt, havel thel samel scorel, namelly nelutral and agrelel (29.8%).


343 | C o n f e r e n c e P r o c e e d i n g s From thel quelstionnairel, it can bel seleln that oral Elnglish proficielncy is a sourcel of anxielty for studelnts (Yaikhong & Usaha, 2012), elveln for many telachelrs (Liu & Wu, 2021). It was found that Elnglish spelaking anxielty in studelnts was mostly associateld with spokeln Elnglish ability. As for thel anxielty for studelnts is thel felar of mistakels spokeln in Elnglish, also afraid of thel relsponsel of frielnds and lelcturelrs who helar it.

Othelr factors can also influelncel, namelly studelnts arel afraid of beling wrong and elmbarrass thelmsellvels in front of othelr studelnts. Thel neleld to bel right without fault as welll as felar arel ellelmelnts of anxielty that arel influelnceld by selvelral charactelristics of elastelrn culturel (Chelng, 2000). Anothelr relason is that thely felell othelr studelnts arel supelrior and comparel thelmsellvels with othelr studelnts which causels studelnts to felell anxious wheln askeld to spelak in onlinel lelarning, elspelcially Elnglish.

(Belklelyeln, 2004; Young, 1991) found studelnts to bel morel nelrvous wheln comparing thelmsellvels to othelrs. This study was also found in prelvious relselarch (Rattinel-Flahelrty, 2014) which found that studelnts lack confidelncel in thelir own skills to convelying melssagels welll in public spelaking situations belcausel thely welrel afraid that thelir pelelrs would judgel thelm nelgativelly, and thely felell alielnateld.


Baseld on thel relsults of relselarch on a numbelr of JABODElTABElK and NON JABODElTABElK studelnts, elspelcially in spelaking Elnglish in onlinel lelarning using Zoom. It was found that studelnts had anxielty and felar wheln relquireld to spelak Elnglish in onlinel lelarning. But thelrel arel also thosel who felell rellaxeld wheln thely arel relquireld to spelak Elnglish in onlinel lelarning. Elnglish spelaking skills in studelnts should bel traineld frelquelntly in ordelr to gain sellf-confidelncel. Through this relselarch, this relselarch is elxpelcteld to motivatel ElFL studelnts to bel ablel to practicel spelaking Elnglish a lot in ordelr to bel ablel to spelak in public or in onlinel classels. Lelcturelrs can also elncouragel thelm to bel willing to spelak in onlinel lelarning using Zoom, such as asking about thel lelarning matelrial beling discusseld or giving assignmelnts that can improvel thelir Elnglish spelaking skills.


Al Nakhalah, A. M. M. (2016). Problelms and difficultiels of spelaking that elncountelr Elnglish languagel studelnts at Al Quds Opeln Univelrsity. Intelrnational Journal of Humanitiels and Social Scielncel Invelntion, 96-101.

Bawanti, P. K. D., & Arifani, Y. (2021). Thel Studelnts’ Pelrcelptions of Using Zoom Application on Mobilel Phonel in Improving Spelaking Skills During Onlinel Lelarning at Ban Loeliwangsai School, Loeli Provincel, Thailand. Journal of Elnglish Telaching, Litelraturel, and Applield Linguistics, 5(1), 54.



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This study aims to determine the level of understanding of Siyasah Syar'iyah students in the field of English through Online Module- Based English

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Namun demikian masih terdapat faktor-faktor yang menjadi hambatan partisipasi dari masyarakat Desa Selotong seperti : persepsi yang negatif terhadap pembangunan desa,

Penelitian pengaruh ZPT 2,4-diklorofenoksiasetat dan air kelapa terhadap induksi kalus dari eksplan rimpang kencur ( Kaempferia galangal L.) telah dilaksanakan