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Cupcake's House : A Business Plan.


Academic year: 2017

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Maranatha Christian University


Proyek akhir ini merupakan penelitian untuk mempersiapkan

rancangan bisnis Cupcake’s House di Bandung. Cupcake’s House adalah

stand cupcake pertama di Bandung yang khusus menjual cupcake. Keunggulan-keunggulan dari bisnis ini adalah: belum adanya toko atau stand yang khusus menjual cupcake, Cupcake’s House berlokasi di

tempat yang strategis yaitu di Paskal Hyper Square, Cupcake’s House

menggunakan bahan-bahan yang sehat dan segar dalam setiap

produksinya, dan yang terakhir, Cupcake’s House menawarkan harga yang terjangkau dibandingkan dengan toko cupcake lainnya.

Di dalam mempromosikan bisnis ini, Cupcake’s House menggunakan berbagai cara promosi, diantaranya adalah: menyebarkan beberapa flyer di beberapa universitas, sekolah, dan kantor, memasang banner di depan stand Cupcake’s House, dan membuat kartu keanggotaan untuk para

pelanggannya. Target pasar Cupcake’s House adalah orang-orang yang mengunjungi Paskal Hyper Square, para pecinta cupcake, dan makanan sehat.

Pemilihan tempat untuk bisnis ini adalah di Paskal Hyper Square, Jalan

Pasirkaliki, yang banyak dilalui kendaraan umum. Cupcake’s House akan

membuka sebuah stand di area food court ini. Pemilihan tempat ini juga karena tempat ini banyak dikunjungi para wisatawan pada akhir pekan atau pada saat hari libur.

Cupcake’s House buka dari pk. 11.00 siang sampai pk. 12.00 malam setiap hari. Terdapat 1 orang manager yang bertugas mengawasi pegawai lainnya, 2 orang kitchen staff yang bertugas membuat cupcake, dan 2 orang pelayan yang bertugas melayani para pembeli.

Dalam perancangan bisnis ini dilaporkan bahwa, setiap bulannya diperkirakan penjualan cupcake di Cupcake’s House akan naik sebesar

1%. Selain itu, diperkirakan Cupcake’s House akan balik modal dalam


Maranatha Christian University


Cupcake’s House is the first stand in Bandung, which only sells

cupcake. It is a cupcake stand for cupcake’s lovers to enjoy the savor of

home-made cupcakes. They can discover the new and different taste of

cupcake with healthy ingredients. The cupcakes are prepared by well-

trained kitchen staff.

It is located in the Paskal Hyper Square. It has outdoor and indoor food

court area, with entertaining place and provides many facilities. The

environment has a natural atmosphere with some trees and a pond. Also,

there are a lot of public transportations passing by the area. Therefore,

this place is comfortable and visited by many of culinary tourists.

Cupcake’s House uncovers the newest cupcake’s flavor. Cupcake’s

House offers different cupcake taste, which is carrot. The cupcakes are

made of 100% best quality ingredients. Cupcake’s House is a good place

for cupcakes lovers who like to eat healthy food with affordable price.

Based on the size of the market, Cupcake’s House needs 33,147,700

IDR as the capital. Cupcake’s House can get the profit as much as

10,568,400 IDR in its sales every month. It is expected that the selling of

the products will increase 1% every month. Even though there are some


Maranatha Christian University every month. In the future, it is possible that this business can open

several branches in or even outside Bandung. I believe this business will

become a bigger and promising one.


Maranatha Christian University


TITLE PAGE………...…i













Appendix 1: Questionnaire A

Appendix 2: Questionnaire B

Appendix 3: Picture of the product


Maranatha Christian University




1.1 Background of the Study

Bandung is known as the city with a million of culinary. In the article

entitled “Vizata Culinary”, it is said that, “Bandung is known as the city

with a million culinary charm, various delicious dishes are available all

over the city” (par.1). Bandung offers many kind of food starting from

traditional to international cuisine. Each consumer has their own favorite

food. Accordingly, culinary business in Bandung will never die. Day by day

this kind of business cultivates and runs smoothly even though there are

many competitors (Harianto 1). It means that there are many of devotee

culinary products. Many culinary businesses try to compete their products

with those of their competitors by developing or improving their products.

However, the essential thing to make the products better than the

competitor’s is making differences or even unprecedented products that

the consumers will be interested in.

Culinary business can also give a big profit in a short time, but the


Maranatha Christian University


others and also have a good taste (Willhelm par.4). Considering this

opportunity, I will open a culinary business, which is Cupcake’s House. I

choose cupcakes as my business plan because I like it and healthy food,

moreover, based on the result of the questionnaire B (Appendix 2) given to

thirty respondents, it is shown that all of them like cupcake’s product. On

top of that, the result of the questionnaire A (Appendix 1) given to 50

respondents states that in Bandung there is no stores which only sells

cupcakes; therefore, I want to make a breakthrough by opening a

cupcakes stand. In the article entitled “All about Cupcakes” it is stated that

“The cupcake evolved in the United States in the 19th century. A cupcake

is a small cake designed to serve one person, frequently baked in a small,

thin paper or aluminum cup. As with larger cakes, frosting and other cake

decorations, such as sprinkles, are common on cupcakes” (par.2).

The named of my business is Cupcake’s House (henceforth, CH). The specialty of Cupcake’s House is carrot cupcakes. There are two reasons

of choosing carrots as the new flavor of cupcake. First of all, carrot is one

of the vegetables that is possible to be one of the cupcake’s ingredients.

Second, based on the questionnaire that I gave to 30 respondents, it is

shown that in terms of the new flavor of cupcakes, 17 respondents choose

carrot, 6 respondents choose corn, 5 respondents choose red bean, and 2

respondents choose spinach. It means that people prefer carrot than the

other vegetables. I feel challenged to make different taste of cupcakes


Maranatha Christian University


other specialty of the CH is that the consumers can garnish their own

cupcakes with icing (frozen sugar).

Nowadays, it would be easy for the competitors to imitate producing

carrot cupcakes. Therefore, in order to anticipate the existence of

competitors who imitate carrot cupcake, once every six months CH will do

innovation by making new flavors of cupcake such as apple cupcakes,

green tea cupcakes, and et cetera.

The location of CH will be in Paskal Hyper Square, because many

people go there to spend their time, besides, it has comfortable area and

various facilities. In the article “Hyper Square for Your Hyper Business”, it

is stated that Paskal Hyper Square is the right location for people to

develop their business, supported with the comfort and high security also

the various facilities available in it such as spacious parking facilities and

various other facilities (par.2). It means that Paskal Hyper Square is a

suitable place to run the business. The target market of my business is

people at Paskal Hyper Square; children, young people, and adults. The

vision of the company is to make CH the only cupcake store in Bandung,

which has various flavors and provides healthy ingredients of cupcakes.

The mission of the company is to serve, give better quality of cupcake to

the consumers and always do innovation by offering new flavors of


Maranatha Christian University



Rosser states that Unique Selling Preposition is “a marketing concept that was first proposed as a theory to explain a pattern among successful

advertising campaigns of the early 1940s” (par.1). The uniqueness of CH is the use of carrot as the ingredient to make the cupcakes. Carrot is one

of the healthy vegetables, which is not only healthy for eyes but also for

skin. Carrots contain Beta Carotene in the form of vitamin A. It can help

skin issues such as premature wrinkling and dry scaly skin (qtd. in “Why are Carrots Good for Skin” par.2). Besides the carrot variant, there are

also other variant flavors of cupcakes, which are vanilla and chocolate.

The price for a cupcake is quite affordable for the consumers. There are

two types of cupcake, which are plain (without garnish) and garnished

one. For a plain cupcake the price is 9,000 IDR per piece; for a garnished

the price is 15,000 IDR per piece. If the consumers want to garnish their

own cupcakes, they have to pay for the icing (frozen sugar) and a tube of

icing wich cost about 2,000 IDR.

1.3 SWOT Analysis

SWOT is Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

According to Pearce and Robinson, SWOT is “an acronym for the internal

Strength and Weaknesses of a firm and the environmental Opportunities

and Threats facing that firms” (166). In the next paragraphs, I will explain

the strengths, the weaknesses, the opportunities, and the threats as a part


Maranatha Christian University


1.3.1 Strengths

Pearce and Robinson state that strength means, “a resource

advantage relative to competitors and the needs of the markets a firms

serves or expects to serve” (167). There are several strengths of CH. First

of all, based on my research there is no cupcake house in Bandung which

only sells cupcakes; also in my CH, the consumers can garnish their own

cupcakes. Second, the CH is located in a strategic place, Paskal Hyper

Square. It provides a comfortable place to eat or hang out, and it is

supported by many stores like factory outlets, a karaoke place, a

playground for children and many more. Third, is about the ingredients of

the cupcakes; the cupcakes contain healthy ingredients like carrot and

honey. Forth, it offers affordable prices compared with the competitors.

The last but not the least, the waiters or waitresses will serve the

consumers in a friendly manner.

1.3.2 Weaknesses

Pearce and Robinson explain that “a weakness is a limitation or

deficiency in one or more resources or competencies relative to

competitors that impedes a firm’s effective performance” (167). The

weakness of this business is that my business does not have any

reputation yet and I have not had any experience; therefore, it is quite hard

to make consumers believe in our product. Second, CH only has three

variants of flavor in the first of six month, which are chocolate, vanilla, and


Maranatha Christian University


and Kriste bakery) offer many variants of flavor. Third, the consumers may

not want to try carrot cupcake because it is different and new, they may

doubt about it; besides, not all consumers like carrot.

1.3.3 Opportunities

According to Pearce and Robinson, opportunities mean “a major favorable situation in a firm’s environment” (166). The external condition

as the reasons to build CH at Paskal Hyper Square is because there is

just one competitor which is Cherish Bakery. In addition, this bakery sells

cupcakes which are more expensive than the ones at CH. Besides, CH

offers healthy ingredients and try to create new cupcake’s industry.

1.3.4 Threats

Pearce and Robinson state, “a threat is a major unfavorable situation in a firm’s environment” (166). In Bandung, there are many big bakeries such

as J.CO, Prima Rasa, Kartika Sari, Bread Talk, and Kriste Bakery. All of

them are strong and dominant competitors, they are a big threat for my

business. Those companies have many branches in Bandung and even in

other cities outside Bandung. Moreover, they have already existed before

my business does. At Paskal Hyper Square, there is also a competitor,

which is Cherish bakery that sells cupcakes. However, I believe that CH


Maranatha Christian University


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Maranatha Christian University Jersey, 2001.

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Maranatha Christian University

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