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Improving student`s reading comprehension through lecfenco.


Academic year: 2017

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Joko Sulistya. 2015. Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension through Lecfenco: A Classroom Action Research. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language, Sanata Dharma University.

Reading comprehension still becomes a problem for students grade IX in SMPN 2 Bambanglipuro. In fact, most tests conducted in school are reading form. There are 5 (five) kinds of genre texts in the grade IX and procedure text are one of the difficult texts for students. There are seven indicators in a procedure text namely (1) determine general information, (2) find out certain information, (3) find out implicit information, (4) identify explicit information, (5) determine reference, (6) determine communicative purpose, and (7) identify word meaning. Therefore, the seven indicators have to be mastered by students of grade IX. The problem above will be solved by applying Lecfenco. Then the question of research was Can the use of Lecfenco improves the English reading comprehension of Junior High School in the 2015-2016 academic year and how can the use of Lecfenco improve the English reading comprehension?

The writer conducted classroom action research in SMPN 2 Bambanglipuro from August 2015 up to November 2015. The subjects of the research were the students of class IXD of SMPN 2 Bambanglipuro, Bantul,in the academic year of 2015-2016. The research conducted in two cycles in which in the first cycle, there were two meetings and in the second cycle, there were two meetings. The writer applied Lecfenco to teach and practice reading, especially a procedure text. There were two kinds of data: qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data were collected by doing observation and giving questionnaire. Then the quantitative data were collected by giving tests: pre-test, post-test in cycle 1 and post test in cycle 2. The test consisted of seven indicators as the students’ problem. The quantitative data were analyzed by descriptive statistics to calculate the mean scores of the pre test, the post test in Cycle 1, and the post test in cycle 2.

The research findings showed that Lecfenco can improve the seven indicators of procedure questions. The improvement can be seen from the

students’ mean score in pre test (54.05), post-test in Cycle 1 (70.52), and post test in Cycle 2 (77.41). Meanwhile, the minimum passing grade (KKM) was 70. Therefore, it can be concluded that (1) Lecfenco can improve the English reading comprehension of Junior High School in the 2015-2016 academic year; (2) Lecfenco can be succesful because the writer applied the steps of Lecfenco such as word map, pit stop, word meaning, grammar and etcetera in his teaching learning activity.



Joko Sulistya. 2015. Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension

through Lecfenco: A Classroom Action Research. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language, Sanata Dharma University.

Pemahaman bacaan masih menjadi sebuah masalah bagi siswa kelas IX di SMPN 2 Bambanglipuro. Kenyataannya, banyak tes yang dilaksanakan di sekolah berbentuk bacaan. Ada 5 jenis teks yang diajarkan di kelas IX dan teks prosedur adalah salah satu teks yang sulit bagi siswa. Ada 7 indikator yang ditanyakan dalam teks prosedur yaitu (1) menentukan informasi umum, (2) menemukan informasi tertentu, (3) menemukan informasi tersirat, (4) mengidentifikasi informasi tersurat, (5) menentukan reference, (6) menentukan tujuan komunikatif, dan (7) mengidentifikasi arti kata. Oleh karena itu, tujuh indikator tersebut perlu dikuasai oleh siswa kelas IX. Masalah tersebut di atas akan dipecahkan dengan menggunkan Lecfenco. Kemudian pertanyaan penelitiannya adalah Dapatkah penggunaan Lecfecno meningkatkan kemampuan memahami bacaan siswa SMP pada tahun akademik 2015-2016 dan Bagaimanakah caranya penggunaan Lecfenco dapat meningkatkan kemampuan memahami bacaan siswa SMP pada tahun akademik 2015-2016?

Penulis melaksanakan penelitian tindakan kelas di SMPN 2 Bambanglipuro dari bulan Agustus 2015 sampai bulan November 2015. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas IXD SMPN 2 Bambanglipuro, Bantul pada tahun akademik 2015-2016. Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus yang mana pada siklus pertama ada 2 (dua) pertemuan dan pada siklus kedua juga ada 2 pertemuan. Penulis menggunakan media Lecfenco untuk mengajar dan melatih membaca, khususnya teks prosedur. Ada 2 jenis data yaitu data kualitatif dan data kuantitatif. Data kualitatif diperoleh dengan melakukan observasi dan memberikan kuesioner. Sedangkan data kuantitatif diperoleh dengan memberikan tes; pre-tes, pos tes pada siklus 1 dan pos tes pada siklus 2. Tes terdiri dari 7 (tujuh) indikator yang menjadi masalah siswa. Data kuantitatif kemudian dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif untuk menghitung skor rata – rata pada pre-tes, pos tes pada siklus 1 dan pos tes pada siklus 2.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Lecfenco dapat meningkatkan 7 (tujuh) indikator pertanyaan prosedur. Peningkatan dapat dilihat dari nilai rata – rata pada pre-tes (54.05), pos tes pada siklus 1 (70.52) dan pos tes pada siklus 2 (77.41). Sedangkan kritera ketuntasan minimal (KKM) sebesar 70. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa (1) Lecfenco dapat meningkatkan kemampuan memahami bacaan bahasa Inggris siswa SMP pada tahun akademik 2015-2016 dan (2) itu berhasil karena penulis menerapkan langkah – langkah yang ada pada Lecfenco seperti word map, pit stop, word meaning, grammar dan lain – lain dalam kegiatan pembelajarannya.


A Thesis Presented to

The Graduate Program in English Language Studies in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Magister Humaniora (M.Hum)


English Language Studies


Joko Sulistya 116332042





A Thesis Presented to

The Graduate Program in English Language Studies in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Magister Humaniora (M.Hum)


English Language Studies


Joko Sulistya 116332042




Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Program Pascasarjana Kajian Bahasa Inggris Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta

Nama : Joko Sulistya

Nomor Mahasiswa : 116332042

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya Ilmiah saya yang berjudul




Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada)

Demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta izin dari saya maupun memberi royalty kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di : Yogyakarta Pada tanggal : 25 Mei 2016 Yang menyatakan



Praise be Allah, Lord of the world. Only by His blessing and guidance could the writer finish this study as one of the requirements of completing the Strata 2 degree in English Language Studies at Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta.

Owing a lot of kindness to those who motivated and guided the writer during the process of this study, therefore, the writer would like to express his gratitude to the following persons. First and foremost, I want to thank F.X. Mukarto, M.S.,Ph.D, my thesis advisor, for his feedback and encouragement at every stage of this study. Most of all, I am grateful to his warmth, patience and continued moral support. I feel extremely fortunate to have learned from him. My deepest thank also goes to Dr.Ir. Gatot Hari

Priowirjanto and SEAMOLEC’s team for the funding and their dedication in teaching and promoting technology in education. My deepest thank also goes to ibu Dra. Denok Widarti, M.Pd, M.A, the headmistress of SMPN 2 Bambanglipuro for the permission of conducting this study in her school. I also give my greatest appreciation to ibuNurul Hidayati, S.S as the writer’s

colleague for her participation, support, and help. My special thanks go to my SEAMOLEC friends; Hebi, Siska, Uke, Dias, Risang, Daniel, Ditha. You are more than friends to me. It was wonderful moment that I never forgot when we met and learnt together. Do you think so, my brother and sister?



TITLE... i











ABSTRAK ... xii


A. Background of the Research... 1

B. Research Problem... 10

C. Research Objectives ... 10

D. Significance of the Problem ... 10


A. English Teaching Learning Based on the Curriculum ... 12

B. National Standard of Process in English Teaching Learning Activities .... 13

C. Reading... 14

1. The Nature of Reading... 14

2. The Process of Reading ... 15

a. The bottom up model ... 15

b. The top-down model ... 16

c. The interative model ... 16

3. Techniques of Reading ... 17

4. Macro & Micro Reading Skills... 18

5. Reading Comprehension ... 20

6. Reading in the Language Classroom ... 22

7. Factors Affecting Comprehension Skills ... 23

8. Assessment of Reading Comprehension ... 25

D. E-Learning in Teaching Learning Activity ... 27

1. E-learning ... 27

2. Lecfenco as A learning media... 29

a. Theory of Electronic Media ... 29

b. Lectora ... 31


d. How to install Lectora ... 37


A. Setting of Research... 42

B. Research Design ... 43

C. Research Procedure ... 48

1. Planning ... 48

2. Implementing... 54

D. Data Collection Technique ... 55

E. Data Collection Instrument ... 56

F. Data Analysis ... 57

1. Quantitative Data Analysis ... 57

2. Qualitative Data Analysis ... 59


A. Research Findings ... 60

1. Students’ Reading Comprehension in Pre-test ... 60

2. Students’ Reading Comprehension in Cycle 1 ... 62

a. Planning ... 62

b. Action ... 67

c. Observation ... 79

d. Reflection ... 83

e. Summary of Finding in Cycle 1... 85

3. Students’ Reading Comprehension in Cycle 2... 87

a. Planning ... 87

b. Action ... 91

c. Observation ... 97

d. Reflection ... 100

e. Summary Finding during the Research ... 102

B. Discussion ... 107


A. Conclusion ... 111

B. Suggestion ... 112




Table 2.1 : Comparison of Traditional and E-Learning ... 28

Table 3.1 : Overview Of Research ... 48

Table 3.2 : Standard and Based Competence Of Reading Comprehension ... 49

Table 3.3 : Observation List Before, During and After Reading... 53

Table 3.4 : Scoring Of Result Assessment And Criteria Of Success... 53

Table 3.5 : Data, Data Collection and Data Collection Instrument... 56

Table 3.6 : The Criteria of the Mean Score... 58

Table 4.1 : Students’ Score Of Pre-Test ... 61

Table 4.2 : Students’Score Per Indicator... 61

Table 4.3 : The Elements Of Lesson Plan... 64

Table 4.4 : The Activities For Main Teaching Reading Comprehension .. 66

Table 4.5 : The Overall Implementation Of Cycle 1 ... 67

Table 4.6 : Students’ Score Of Post-Test In Cycle 1 ... 82

Table 4.7 : The Element Of Lesson Plan ... 89

Table 4.8 : The Activities For Main Teaching Reading Comprehension ... 90

Table 4.9 : The Overall Implementation Of Cycle 2 ... 91

Table 4.10 : The Comparison Among Students’ Reading Comprehension Score in The Pre-Test, The Post-Test in Cycle 1 and The Post-Test in Cycle 2... 103

Table 4.11 : The Comparison Among Students’ Mean Score of indicators in The Pre-test, The Post-Test in Cycle 1 and The Post-Test in Cycle 2... 104

Table 4.12 : The Improvement After Implementation... 105



Figure 2.1 : Install Lectora Inspire Demo ... 37

Figure 2.2 : Select the Language ... 37

Figure 2.3 : Read and Click License Agreement ... 38

Figure 2.4 : Select the Type of Install ... 38

Figure 2.5 : Select the optional components ... 39

Figure 2.6 : Choose Install Location... 39

Figure 2.7 : Lectora is being installed ... 39

Figure 2.8 : The installation was finished ... 40

Figure 2.9 : Lectora icon appears on Desktop ... 40

Figure 3.1 : Clicking the Lectora icon ... 50

Figure 3.2 : Create the Template ... 50

Figure 3.3 : Name and Choose the Location ... 51

Figure 3.4 : Determine the Page Size ... 51

Figure 3.5 : Organize the Chapter and Page ... 52

Figure 3.6 : Template was ready... 52

Figure 4.1 :Students’ Score Of Pre-Test ... 60

Figure 4.2 : Front Page ... 69

Figure 4.3 : Main Menu of Lecfenco ... 70

Figure 4.4 : Indicators of Reading Skill... 70

Figure 4.5 : Word Map of Procedure Text... 71

Figure 4.6 : Pit Stop of Procedure Text ... 71

Figure 4.7 :Sample of Students’ work ... 72

Figure 4.8 : Word Meaning of Verb ... 73

Figure 4.9 : Grammar used in Procedure text ... 74

Figure 4.10 : Video of Procedure Text ... 75

Figure 4.11 : Synonym of Verbs... 76

Figure 4.12 :Enter the Testee’s Name ... 77

Figure 4.13 : Sample of Post-test... 78

Figure 4.14 : Result of Post test ... 78

Figure 4.15 :Students’ Score Of Post-Test in Cycle 1... 81



Appendix 1. Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran ... 1

Appendix 2. Garis Besar Isi Program Media (GBIPM) ... 11

Appendix 3. Story board of Media ... 13

Appendix 4. Lembar Pemantauan PBM di Kelas ... 24

Appendix 5. Observation Check list ... 33

Appendix 6. Soal dan Kisi–kisi Pre test ... 34

Appendix 7. Result Of Internal Validity And Reliability ... 35

Appendix 8. Analisi Hasil Post-Test... 36

Appendix 9. Results Of Data Analisis ... 38

Appendix 10. Lembar Kuesioner... 42



Joko Sulistya. 2015. Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension through Lecfenco: A Classroom Action Research. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language, Sanata Dharma University.

Reading comprehension still becomes a problem for students grade IX in SMPN 2 Bambanglipuro. In fact, most tests conducted in school are reading form. There are 5 (five) kinds of genre texts in the grade IX and procedure text are one of the difficult texts for students. There are seven indicators in a procedure text namely (1) determine general information, (2) find out certain information, (3) find out implicit information, (4) identify explicit information, (5) determine reference, (6) determine communicative purpose, and (7) identify word meaning. Therefore, the seven indicators have to be mastered by students of grade IX. The problem above will be solved by applying Lecfenco. Then the question of research was Can the use of Lecfenco improves the English reading comprehension of Junior High School in the 2015-2016 academic year and how can the use of Lecfenco improve the English reading comprehension?

The writer conducted classroom action research in SMPN 2 Bambanglipuro from August 2015 up to November 2015. The subjects of the research were the students of class IXD of SMPN 2 Bambanglipuro, Bantul,in the academic year of 2015-2016. The research conducted in two cycles in which in the first cycle, there were two meetings and in the second cycle, there were two meetings. The writer applied Lecfenco to teach and practice reading, especially a procedure text. There were two kinds of data: qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data were collected by doing observation and giving questionnaire. Then the quantitative data were collected by giving tests: pre-test, post-test in cycle 1 and post test in cycle 2. The test consisted of seven indicators as the students’ problem. The quantitative data were analyzed by descriptive statistics to calculate the mean scores of the pre test, the post test in Cycle 1, and the post test in cycle 2.

The research findings showed that Lecfenco can improve the seven indicators of procedure questions. The improvement can be seen from the

students’ mean score in pre test (54.05), post-test in Cycle 1 (70.52), and post test in Cycle 2 (77.41). Meanwhile, the minimum passing grade (KKM) was 70. Therefore, it can be concluded that (1) Lecfenco can improve the English reading comprehension of Junior High School in the 2015-2016 academic year; (2) Lecfenco can be succesful because the writer applied the steps of Lecfenco such as word map, pit stop, word meaning, grammar and etcetera in his teaching learning activity.



Joko Sulistya. 2015. Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension

through Lecfenco: A Classroom Action Research. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language, Sanata Dharma University.

Pemahaman bacaan masih menjadi sebuah masalah bagi siswa kelas IX di SMPN 2 Bambanglipuro. Kenyataannya, banyak tes yang dilaksanakan di sekolah berbentuk bacaan. Ada 5 jenis teks yang diajarkan di kelas IX dan teks prosedur adalah salah satu teks yang sulit bagi siswa. Ada 7 indikator yang ditanyakan dalam teks prosedur yaitu (1) menentukan informasi umum, (2) menemukan informasi tertentu, (3) menemukan informasi tersirat, (4) mengidentifikasi informasi tersurat, (5) menentukan reference, (6) menentukan tujuan komunikatif, dan (7) mengidentifikasi arti kata. Oleh karena itu, tujuh indikator tersebut perlu dikuasai oleh siswa kelas IX. Masalah tersebut di atas akan dipecahkan dengan menggunkan Lecfenco. Kemudian pertanyaan penelitiannya adalah Dapatkah penggunaan Lecfecno meningkatkan kemampuan memahami bacaan siswa SMP pada tahun akademik 2015-2016 dan Bagaimanakah caranya penggunaan Lecfenco dapat meningkatkan kemampuan memahami bacaan siswa SMP pada tahun akademik 2015-2016?

Penulis melaksanakan penelitian tindakan kelas di SMPN 2 Bambanglipuro dari bulan Agustus 2015 sampai bulan November 2015. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas IXD SMPN 2 Bambanglipuro, Bantul pada tahun akademik 2015-2016. Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus yang mana pada siklus pertama ada 2 (dua) pertemuan dan pada siklus kedua juga ada 2 pertemuan. Penulis menggunakan media Lecfenco untuk mengajar dan melatih membaca, khususnya teks prosedur. Ada 2 jenis data yaitu data kualitatif dan data kuantitatif. Data kualitatif diperoleh dengan melakukan observasi dan memberikan kuesioner. Sedangkan data kuantitatif diperoleh dengan memberikan tes; pre-tes, pos tes pada siklus 1 dan pos tes pada siklus 2. Tes terdiri dari 7 (tujuh) indikator yang menjadi masalah siswa. Data kuantitatif kemudian dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif untuk menghitung skor rata – rata pada pre-tes, pos tes pada siklus 1 dan pos tes pada siklus 2.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Lecfenco dapat meningkatkan 7 (tujuh) indikator pertanyaan prosedur. Peningkatan dapat dilihat dari nilai rata – rata pada pre-tes (54.05), pos tes pada siklus 1 (70.52) dan pos tes pada siklus 2 (77.41). Sedangkan kritera ketuntasan minimal (KKM) sebesar 70. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa (1) Lecfenco dapat meningkatkan kemampuan memahami bacaan bahasa Inggris siswa SMP pada tahun akademik 2015-2016 dan (2) itu berhasil karena penulis menerapkan langkah – langkah yang ada pada Lecfenco seperti word map, pit stop, word meaning, grammar dan lain – lain dalam kegiatan pembelajarannya.



This study deals with the improvement of students’ reading

comprehension skill through Lecfenco. This chapter covers some points

including the background of the research, the research problem, the

objectives of the research, and the significance of the study.

A. Background of the Research

Information and communication technologies, which have been

developing rapidly, have become one of the indispensable elements of the

21st century. They have influenced, like all other fields, educational

institutions which are the most important sub-institutions of the social

structure. They have offered a favourable environment for the development

and use of various methods and tools. A noteworthy progress has been

achieved since the first introduction of information and communication

technologies into education. The type of education offered through tools

such letter, video, cassettes and television was called “distance education”.

Distance education covers many different types of teaching and methods.

There are many definitions of it and one of the definitions of education

comes from Greenberg. Greenberg (1998:36) defines as

“a planned teaching/learning experience that uses a wide spectrum of technologies to reach learners at a distance and is designed to

encourage learner interaction and certification of learning.”

Today, with the rapid developments in technology, various tools such

as computers, the internet, cellular phones and satellites have been


taken up in a broader sense. Modern tools such as computers and internet

access can be an alternative way in the teaching and learning activities.

Computer and internet access is a type of technology that can be used to

support and enhance learning because of the sophistication and effectiveness

of the facility. Those modern tools provide colourful images that can be

interactive and visual aids to practice reading and writing. Therefore, the

teacher is able to use them to improve the students’ competence because

they can increase the ability of lesson acceptance. As stated by Pike (1989)

in the Silberman (2007:2) that "adding visuals to lesson increasing retention

from 14 to 38 percent".

By implementing technology, the researcher hopes the students are

more likely reach higher levels of achievement and satisfaction, and develop

more confidence in their own learning capabilities (Kelly 2004:55). To

ensure that, the researcher is going to design and conduct learning by

applying technology so the students can have meaningful learning

experiences and interaction. This research would like to apply computer use

as learning teaching tool because of some reasons. Firstly, the student’s

centred models of teaching and learning have replaced the traditional

models, with the emergence of new advanced technologies. Secondly, it is

improper preparation of students for higher education (9 months for learning

teaching process is not enough), thirdly the students have inequalities of the

past (different socio-economic background, capabilities, expectation, etc).

Then, it is realistic to look at ways in which the face to face mode (that the


technologies. Students trying to learn English as a second language need

further language support. They need to practice in hearing language, reading

language, speaking language, and writing language in order to develop their

experience and skills (Ybarra & Green, 2003). For doing such tasks, they

are in need of using various tools which can help them learn the language

easily and effectively.

The teaching of English in Junior High School is directed to develop

students’ ability to understand and create short functional text, monolog and

essay in the form of procedure, descriptive, report, recount and narrative

(Depdiknas, 2006:2). English as other languages always involve the four

language skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing. Brown (2004: 118)

stated that listening and reading are receptive skills. People extract meaning

from discourse they hear or read. Meanwhile, the speaking and writing are

productive skills. Although there are four skills of language but the

researcher only confine the research on reading skill.

The reading activity is aimed at understanding the meaning of a text.

Students with good reading competence will be able to understand the text

easily and it will help to support the other skills. Therefore, reading

competence is very importance for the students. Moreover, it is stated in the

Content Based Curriculum 2006 that the Graduate Competence Standard of

Junior High School is that the students should have good comprehension on

written interpersonal and transactional text in the form of procedure,

descriptive, report, recount and narrative (BNSP, 2006: 9). That is why


Examination, since the examination requires students get at least 5,5 for

English, otherwise s/he will fail (BSNP 2015: 4).

Teaching reading for the Ninth Year students of Junior High School

involves a competence standard and three basic competences. The

competence standard is to understand the content of written short functional

texts and essays in the form of procedure and report for daily interaction.

The three basic competences are: (1) reading aloud and meaningfully

written short functional texts and essays in the form of procedure and report

using acceptable pronunciation, stress and intonation; (2) responding the

content of written short functional texts accurately, fluently and acceptably;

(3) responding the content and the generic structure of written procedure

and report essay accurately, fluently and acceptably (Depdiknas, 2006: 16 –

19). Moreover, it is in the syllabus of the teaching of reading, the students

should be able to; (1) identify words’ meaning; (2) identify detailed

information; (3) determine pronoun reference; (4) find out main ideas; and

(5) infer implicit information.

In fact, there are 7 (seven) indicators have to be mastered by the

students for answering the questions of procedure text such as: (1)

determine the general information (2) find out certain information; (3) find

implicit information; (4) identify explicit information; (5) determine

pronoun reference; (6) determine communicative purpose; and (7) identify

word meaning. But the second indicator namely, find out the main idea of

paragraph is rarely tested for the kind of procedure text. Furthermore, most


On Ujian Nasional in academic year 2014/2015, it was shown that the

results of achivement for the test items of procedure questions above were

not good. Based on result of Persentase Penguasaan Materi Soal Bahasa

Inggris Ujian Nasional SMP/MTs Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015 on test item

was known that (1) only 73.91% students understood the question about

menentukan informasi rinci dari teks procedure, (2) 64.64% students

understood the question about menentukan informasi tertentu dari teks

procedure, (3)32.28% students understood the questions about menentukan

rujukan kata salah satu kata ganti dari teks procedure and (4) 84.09%

students understood the question about menentukan makna kata dari teks

procedure. Moreover, the result of Ujian Nasional for indicator of procedure

questions about menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf,

informasi tertentu/rinci/tersirat, rujukan kata/makna kata/frasa atau tujuan

komunikatif dalam teks berbentuk procedure showed that 63.73% students

only understood. The result of Ujian Nasional above was for province area,

how was the writer’s school. Therefore, the writer conducted pre-test to find

out the difficulties of test for the students.

After conducting the pre-test, the researcher discovered that the

students had difficulties on; (1) determining the general information (2)

finding out certain information; (3) finding out implicit information; (4)

identifying explicit information; (5) determining pronoun reference; (6)

determining communicative purpose; and (7) identifying word meaning. It


mean score of the pre-test was 63.79, but the minimum passing grade or

Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal is 70.00.

The students’ failure in learning reading above was due to many

things, namely: (1) the students have low vocabulary mastery; (2) less

motivated students that led to the fact that they were very passive during the

teaching and learning process; (3) the limited media and materials used by

the teachers during the teaching and learning process; (4) monotonous

teaching that resulted in uninteresting teaching and learning process. All

these problems cause the students’ achievement decrease and the target of

the teaching process cannot be reached, especially procedure text mastery.

To overcome those problems, a strategy in English learning activity which

is suitable with the situation is needed by the researcher. The strategy should

improve or optimize the students’ skill and provide enough exercises for

answering questions of reading skills. The researcher creates the learning

media for two skills (reading and writing), but the researcher only uses the

reading section for this research. Hopefully, the researcher is able to focus

on the research of reading comprehension.

Learning strategies can be used as a teaching tool to deliver content

and get feedback from the students, and will ultimately improve the

competence of learners. Standard Process mentioned in No. 41/2008 that the

learning process should be active, creative, effective, fun and innovative.

These activities should be interesting and challenging the most of the

students in their daily life. But in this study, the researcher limits the


has to find a strategy that meets the criteria and consider the needs and

circumstances of students. Through the steps of exploration, elaboration and

confirmation, hopefully learning activities will be successful for

instructional purposes that students can maximize their competence. An

effective educational scheme has to prepare the students to think by

themselves, to be creative and original, to solve problems and to interact

with his surroundings in a collaborative way

In accordance with the condition, the teacher should find an

appropriate strategy of teaching to improve the students’ reading

comprehension ability. The researcher and other teacher collaborated on

conducting an action research in the reading instruction by using Lecfenco.

This strategy is selected for some reasons. First, by presenting the electronic

materials on Lecfenco to the whole class and have the students view and

work on together will make them pay more attention and participate more

actively. Electronic materials on Lecfenco are some extent different form

from the textbook or printed worksheet that the students usually deal with

during the teaching and learning process. Second, electronic materials on

Lecfenco are easy to find and various formats. Working with various forms

of materials will not make the students bored. This will make students pay

more attention and participate more actively during the learning process,

and will lead them to understand the material better. The better

understanding will gradually result in the improvement on the students’

reading comprehension. Third, the use of electronic materials on Lecfenco


texts which are equipped with images and animation that ease them to

comprehend the materials. Fourth, Lecfenco contained animation, video and

sound. This will encourage students’ interest so that the materials are

conveyed quickly and effectively to the students. Fifth, the researcher

adapted and adopted materials taken or downloaded from many sources to

meet the students/ need.

After finding the problems in the classroom, the writer will conduct

the classroom action research (CAR) as McNiff (1998:18) states that the

research is the result of the researcher’s reflection and evaluation on his

teaching learning process in the classroom last year. The researcher found

the problem, then identified the problems and found the way to solve them

by using Lectora inspire, that hopefully it was an innovative one. This

classroom action research entitled Improving English competence of Junior

High School students through Lecfenco was implemented in 2 cycles of 4

steps, they were: 1) Planning, 2) Acting 3) Observing, and 4) Reflecting.

The use of Lecfenco for teaching reading is assumed to be able to

overcome the students’ problem in reading comprehension. The reasons are:

(1) Lecfenco may contain many exercises on vocabulary development. The

materials are often equipped with images which will ease the students to

identify unfamiliar words given. Besides, the formats of exercises are

various and the images presented are colourful. This is another challenging

and interesting feature of electronic materials since the students become

more interested and enjoy the learning process.; (2) by working on Lecfenco


gradually improved. The students’ difficulties in finding detailed

information are caused by the limited vocabularies mastered by them. The

more vocabularies mastered the easier they understand sentences or even

texts. This will ease them to find detailed information in texts. Beside,

electronic reading passages are more interesting and challenging to read

than the traditional ones; (3) researcher may produce their exercise on

pronoun reference so that the students are accustomed to determine

references; (4) Lecfenco may contain pictures and animation. The features

do not occur in a printed text. Most of the students are lazy to read the

printed text because they are not interested in it.

The researcher intends to create a medium of English learning,

especially materials of procedure text that can be accessed by students to

learn English well, at school or at home. The researcher made the media by

using Lectora Inspire Demo which can be obtained through the Internet for

free. Media is made so flexible and can be accessed online or offline by JHS

students and allow them to learn English more effectively and efficiently.

But Lecfenco has been made offline for some reasons namely: (1) there are

few students have the internet access (2) internet access in school is not

good enough. Therefore, the researcher gives file of Lecfenco in the end of

research. The advantages of Lectora Inspire are


2. The content development of learning media in Lectoracan be published in a variety of output such as HTML,single file executable,CD-ROM,as well as e

-learningstandards such as SCORM and AICC.

3. Lectorais compatible with a variety of Learning Management System (LMS)

4. Lectoraisvery easy to use(User Friendly)

5. Lectorahas many features that can be used for the development of media in accordance with requirements

6. Lectora has plenty of templates and other supporting facilities: Snagit, Camtasia,flypaper.

7. Lectoracan create kinds of test easily.

That is why the writer chooses Lectora as a learning media in teaching

learning activity. Then the researcher’s expectation by giving media is the

students are able to continue to learn and more often to practice writing and

reading in English at home.

B. Research Problems

Based on the existing problems, research problems can be formulated as


1. Can the use of Lecfenco improve the English reading comprehension of

Junior High School in the 2015-2016 academic year?

2. How can the use of Lecfenco improve the English reading

comprehension of Junior High School in the 2015-2016 academic year?

C. Research Objectives

Based on the problem formulation above, the objectives of the study are as


1. Identifying whether Lecfenco as a medium to improve the English

reading comprehension of JHS students grade IX.

2. Applying Lecfenco in teaching learning activities, the improvement of

students’ English reading comprehension can be achieved. It works

because the contents of Lecfenco and the steps that the writer has done in

teaching learning activity can lead the students to the improvement of

English reading comprehension.

D. Significance of the problem

The research result if expected to be able to give some benefits for

teachers, students, readers and school.

1. Theoretically

This research is an innovation using Lectora program in improving

English material to match students’ need and obstruction so that it is

significant as it contributes to the development of theories especially the

theory on strategy of teaching English as a Second language in Junior High


2. Practically

This research is significant for the Teacher-researcher as it is able to

solve the problems in his/her class; especially in Junior High School. It also

takes advantage of students’ need in using a media which matches to the

situation and condition nowadays that they face difficulties in all aspects.

Moreover, it is important to the other English teacher since it informs about

an innovative strategy for learning English in or out of class and on line



This chapter consists of some aspects dealing with the related literature

reviews. The literature reviews are focused on English Teaching Learning Based

on the Curriculum, National Standard of Process in English Teaching Learning

Activities, Reading, and Lecfenco, the description of the media developed in the


A. English Teaching Learning Based on the Curriculum

English is a compulsory subject in Junior High Schools. In this level, the

graduates are supposed to have English Competence both in Spoken and Written

form. This is stated in Peraturan Pemerintah No 19/2005 Pasal 7 that English is

grouped in the science and technology subject which should be achieved by the

students of Junior High School. To achieve the goals in the teaching learning of

English Competence in the Junior High Schools level means that the students

should achieve the competence in listening, speaking, reading both

comprehension and read aloud, and also writing. The learning process of those

four languages and language aspect (Structure and Vocabulary) should be

presented in integrated way in enjoyable environment by using innovative strategy

and attractive effective media. In short, the English learning should be done

innovatively, in enjoyable and effective activities that make the students active

and creative to achieve the English competence.

It is also stated in Standar Isi ( Standard of Content ) and Standar Kelulusan

(Standard of Graduate) in Permendiknas No 22 and 23 year 2006 as a reference


be achieved by the students, namely Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing in

the level of literacy and functional. The teaching learning process to master the

four skills and the two language aspects should be presented integratedly then

applied using the strategy that has the active, innovative, creative, effective and

enjoyable criteria.

In Appendix II Permendiknas No 22 tahun 2006 about Standard of

Content consists of Standard of Competence and Standard of Based Competence,

besides the four competences (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing) should

be achieved by the students, there is also the standard for the teaching material

which is genre based. It covers the spoken and written material. They are

Transactional/Interpersonal, Short Functional Texts and Monologue Texts

(Descriptive, Procedure, Recount, Narrative and Report).

For students in Grade 9, at the end of the first semester, they have to achieve

the competence in Listening, Speaking, Reading (Comprehension and Aloud) and

Writing on Short Functional Texts and Monologue Texts especially Procedure


B. National Standard of Process in English Teaching Learning Activities

In 2007 through Permendiknas No 41, the Ministry of Education published

the National Standard of Process in Teaching Learning Activities, it means that

the teaching learning activities for the junior high schools at least refers to the

minimal standard set in the decree. According to the decree, the teaching learning

activities in every subject including English should consists of Planning,


The Planning covers all preparation for the teaching learning activities like

lesson plan, indicators, materials, methods, media, assessment and time allocation.

The Applying of the teaching learning activities consists of Pre Activity,

Whilst-Activity and Post Activity. The Pre Activity prepares mentally and

physically to participate in the teaching learning process. By considering the

characteristics of the students, the main activity should cover exploration,

elaboration, and confirmation in the process; and in the Post Activity, the students

with the help of the teacher make an evaluation and reflection about the material

and activity in the teaching learning process.

For the Evaluation Stage, it means that the assessment done is the process

and result of the teaching learning process. The assessment should be consistent,

systematic and well prepared using many kinds of test, both test and non-test in

the form of written, spoken, performance and product. While the monitoring and

supervising which is done by the principle or the education supervisor is done to

determine the quality of the teaching learning process.

C. Reading

1. The nature of Reading

There are many definition of reading proposed by experts. One of them is

that defined by Williams (1999: 3 – 11). He states that reading is a process of

obtaining meaning from written text. He also states that a reader is not a simply

passive object, fed with letters, words and sentences, but is actively working on

the text. Then a reader is able to arrive at understanding without looking at every


Meanwhile, Goodman (1967) in Williams (1999:3-11) states that reading is

a ‘psycholinguistic guessing game’ since written text often contain more than

what one needs to understand them. The guessing is a principled guessing which

draws upon two sources to guide obtaining the meaning. The two sources are first

the text itself and the second what the readers bring to the text. What the readers

bring to the text involves: (1) knowledge of the writing system; (2) knowledge of

the language; (3) ability to interpret; (4) knowledge of the world and (5) reasons

for reading.

It can be inferred that reading is a process of obtaining the meaning and

interpreting the author’s point of view in the written text. To obtain them, readers

make use of two sources, first the text itself and the second what the readers bring

to the text. What the readers bring to the text involves: (1) knowledge of the

writing system; (2) knowledge of the language; (3) ability to interpret; (4)

knowledge of the world; and (5) reasons for reading.

2. The Process of Reading

Reading is not a single but a complex process. Davies (1995: 58) defines the

process of reading into two models. They are bottom-up model and to-down


a. The bottom up model

Eye look-identified and sound out words recognized-words allocated to

grammatical class and sentence structure-sentence give meaning, meaning leads to

thinking. This model reflect certain approaches to the teaching of reading, in


processing, from letter to sounds, to words, to sentences and finally to meaning

and to thinking.

The bottom up model speculates that meaning come from the bottom

namely, from written text. It means that the text holds the meaning and this

meaning is then brought up from the bottom the text to the readers’ eyes.

b. The top-down model

The processing sequence of top-down model is almost the reverse of the

model above. This model includes thinking and meaning at a very early stage and

the processing sequence proceeds from prediction about meaning to attention of

progressive smaller units.

On the other word, the top-down model speculates that understanding,

which is meaning creations, begins from the top, namely the reader, to the down,

which is the text. In this top-down view, meaning is initiated from what the

readers have already had: content schemata and formal schemata. With their prior

knowledge, readers play a kind of a prediction in making meaning out of the text.

The success in reading depends on the activation of content schemata and formal

schemata as central keys to infer meaning in the text.

Reading entails that to infer meaning, readers will explore and evaluate

meaningful relevant information contained in the written text. They will also

make continual predictions about the text that match their prior knowledge.

Selection principle of information in the text also characterizes the top-down

mechanism of reading.


The interactive model is the combination of ideas proposed by both the

bottom-up and the top-down model of reading. The interactive model recognizes

the involvement of meaning-construction processes in reading on one side and the

role of solid knowledge of elements of language on the other side. Reading is

interactive processes. The processes involve the interaction between a reader and

a written text. While interactive model of reading conceives the importance of the

collaborative role of both top-down and bottom-up mechanism in uncovering

intended meaning out of the written text, the interactive process of reading

emphasizes the interaction between a reader and a written text.

The interactive model of reading calls for abstract processes in the mind.

Readers also continually evaluate their understanding on the writer’s intended

meaning. Readers necessarily combine top-down strategies and bottom-up tactics

in revealing meaning.

3. Techniques of Reading

Different readers may have their own ways and technique in accordance

with their favour and purpose. Some linguists have proposed many ways of

reading which the mainly used in Francoise, Grellet (1998: 40) summarized as


a. Skimming: quickly running one’s eyes across a whole text (an essay, article or

chapter) to get the gist of it. The reader goes through the text extremely

quickly. The purpose of skimming is simply to see what a text is about. The

reader skins in order to satisfy a very general curiosity about a text.

b. Scanning: reading quickly going to a text to find a particular of information.


a particular point of information (William, 1996: 100). The purpose of

scanning is to exact certain specific information without reading the whole text

(Brown 1994: 293).

c. Extensive Reading: reading longer text usually for someone’s pleasure. This is

a fluency activity, mainly involving global understanding.

d. Intensive Reading: reading short text to extract specific information. This is

more on accuracy activity involving reading for detail. In this course, each text

is read carefully and thoroughly for maximum comprehension.

4. Macro & Micro Reading Skills

Brown (2004: 187-188) lists macro reading skills as follows: (1) recognize

the rhetorical forms of written discourse and their significance for interpretation;

(2) recognize the communicative functions of written texts, according to from and

purpose; (3) infer context that is not explicit by using background knowledge; (4)

from described events, ideas, etc, infer links and connections between events,

deduce causes and effects, and detect such relations as main idea, supporting idea,

new information, generalization and exemplification; (5) distinguish between

literal and implied meanings; (6) detect culturally specific references and interpret

them in a context of the cultural schemata; and (7) develop and use a battery of

reading strategies such as scanning and skimming, detecting discourse markers,

guessing the meaning of words from context, and activating schemata for the

interpretation of text.

Munby (1968) in Grellet (1998:4-5) states that reading involves a variety of

skills. They are recognizing the script of a language, deducing the meaning and


understanding information when not explicitly stated, understanding conceptual

meaning, understanding the communicative value of sentences, understanding

relations within sentence, understanding relation between parts of a text through

lexical cohesion devices; understanding cohesion between parts of a text through

grammatical cohesion devices, interpreting text by going outside it, recognizing

indicators in discourse, identifying the main point or important information in

discourse, distinguishing the main idea from supporting details, extracting salient

detail to summarize (the text, an idea), extracting relevant points from a text

selectively, using basic reference skills, skimming, scanning to locate specifically

required information, and transcoding information to diagrammatic display.

Brown (2004: 187-188) lists reading micro skills as follows: (1)

discriminate among distinctive graphemes and orthographic patterns of English;

(2) retain chunks of language of different lengths in short term memory; (3)

process writing at an efficient rate of speed to suit the purpose; (4) recognize a

core of words, and interpret words order patterns and their significance; (5)

recognize grammatical word classes (noun, verb, etc), system (e.g. tense,

agreement, pluralisation), patterns, rules, and elliptical forms; (6) recognize that a

particular meaning may be expressed in different grammatical forms; (7)

recognize cohesive devices in written discourse and their role in signalling the

relationship between and among clauses.

The micro reading skills as proposed by experts demonstrate the wide

coverage of reading skills. Some skills essentially overlap; some others show

similar conceptions; some include text structures; and some demonstrate levels.


skill covers the followings: understanding organization of the text, understanding

implied details, understanding word meaning, understanding pronoun reference,

grammatical word classes (noun, verb, etc), system (e.g. tense, agreement,

pluralisation), patterns, rules, and elliptical forms, and understanding the cohesive

devices in written discourse and their role in signalling the relationship between

and among clauses.

5. Reading comprehension

Reading comprehension is the process of understanding a text that is read,

or the process of “constructing meaning” from a written text. Comprehension is

called a “construction process” because it involves all of the elements of the

reading process working together as a text that is read to create a representation of

the text in the reader’s mind.

Olson and Diller (1982: 42) define reading comprehension as the process of

understanding and applying information contained in a written material. This

definition is supported by Harris and Sipay (1980: 179), who define reading

comprehension as the ability that permits people to acquire and exhibit

information gained as a consequence of reading written language.

Snow (1999: 11) defines reading comprehension as the process of extracting

and constructing meaning simultaneously through interaction and involvement

with written language. The terms extracting and constructing mean to emphasize

both the importance and the insufficiency of the text as a determinant of reading

comprehension. Comprehension covers three elements: (1) the reader who is

doing the comprehension process. It includes all the capacities, abilities,


to work on. They include any printed texts or electronic texts; and (3) the activity

in which the comprehension process occurs. The activity includes the purpose,

processes, and consequences associated with the act of reading.

According to William (1999: 20), reading comprehension is the process in

which the readers handle vocabulary, identify the text purposes or function, as

well as the main topic and interpret sentences. Reading comprehension covers

understanding supporting ideas/details, understanding organization of the text,

understanding implied details, understanding word meaning, understanding

pronoun reference, understanding the communicative purpose of writing.

In addition, Grellet (1998: 4–5) lists variety of skills involved in reading a

text. They are recognizing the script of a language, deducing the meaning and use

of unfamiliar lexical items, understanding explicitly stated information,

understanding information when not explicitly stated, understanding conceptual

meaning, understanding the communicative value of sentences, understanding

relations within sentence, understanding relation between parts of a text through

lexical cohesion devices, understanding cohesion between parts of a text through

grammatical cohesion devices, interpreting text by going outside it, recognizing

indicators in discourse, identifying the main point or important information in

discourse, distinguishing the main ideas from specifically required information

and transcoding information to diagrammatic display.

Based on some theories above, it can be concluded that reading

comprehension involves: (1) understanding word meaning; (2) understanding

detailed information; (3) understanding pronoun reference; (4) understanding


6. Reading in the Language Classroom

Aebersold and Field (2000: 42-46) stated that there are two approach to

teaching reading. They are extensive approach and intensive approach. However,

sometime it is possible for teacher to use the combination of both.

An extensive approach of teaching reading is based on the belief that

students’ ability to read will consequently improve when they read for general

comprehension large quantities of texts of their own choosing. Students are then

free to choose reading materials that interest them. The texts that they read maybe

completely selected by the students or to some extent selected by the teacher. The

texts are always to be read for comprehension of main ideas, not of every detail

and word. The texts do not have reading exercise since students work on authentic

materials. In this approach, the reading is done outside of class without peer

support or teacher aid.

In contrast to extensive approach an intensive approach to reading currently

reigns in most classroom and books. Reading text is treated as an end in the

teaching itself. Each text is read carefully and thoroughly for maximum

comprehension. Since the reading is in the classroom, direction and aid are

provided by teachers before, sometimes during, and after the reading. Unlike the

reading in extensive approach that do not have any exercise, there are many

exercises to be done by the students. The exercises generally cover the followings:

(1) looking at different levels of comprehension (main ideas vs. details); (2)

understanding what is implied versus what is stated; (3) discussing what

inferences a reader can reasonably make; (4) determining the order in which


connect one idea to another; (6) identifying words that signals movement from

one section to another; and (7) noting which words indicate authors’ certainty

about the information presented.

In addition, Nuttal (1996: 33) explains five roles of students in

comprehending a text. Those are: (a) taking an active part in learning reading is

learnt rather than taught and only the learners can do learning, and this means they

should be active; (b) monitoring comprehension, students need to understand text

works and what should have a skill about how to make a dialogue with a text by

frequently practicing to talk about text in class; (d) taking risk, they should be

brave to take the risk of making mistakes or they won’t learn much if they don’tdi

this; and (e) learning not to cheat oneself, students should have a belief that

learning reading is learning to give an enormous advantage in life. When they

cheat, although nobody will suffer, they are wasting their chance to get the

enormous advantage in their life.

7. Factors Affecting Comprehension Skills

In the efforts to help the students achieve comprehension in reading activity,

teachers must understand the factors that influence their students’ reading process.

Aebersold and Field (1997: 23) have complied a list of factors that influence

reading in second language learning. They are:

a. Cognitive development and cognitive style orientation at the time of beginning

L2/FL study

b. Language proficiency in the L1

c. Metacognitive knowledge of L1 structure, grammar, and syntax


e. Degree of difference between the L1 and an L2/FL (writing systems, rhetorical

structures, appropriate strategies).

f. Cultural orientation

As the result of reading process, there are also some factors that influence

the students in their reading. Some experts have identified a number of factors

affecting comprehension skill. One of them are Dawson and Bamman (1967:

220-223). According to them, there are five factors which affect the comprehension

skill. They are:

a. Intelligence

Students have different intelligence, so it will be possible for them to produce

different comprehension. The number of ideas that they understand and depth of

their understanding will be largely dependent upon his general capacity to learn.

b. Experience

Students with limited experience may have difficulty in comprehending many of

the ideas and activities with which other students are familiar before they come to


c. Mechanics of reading

Comprehension will be easier for the students if they have all mastered the skills

of word attack and word meaning, and if they have learned to handle material

books properly. Obviously, there must be a fine balance somewhat in each student

between careful attention to word attack skills and to comprehension skills

d. Interest and interest span

It is truism that we all respond quickly to what we read if we are interested in the


a disturbed student who has encountered many unfortunate experiences at home

or in the school may be unable to preserve when required for comprehending

reading passages.

e. Skills of comprehending

Another obvious factor, which influences the depth and amount of

comprehension, is the skill, which the students have developed for that purpose.

Like all reading skills, the ability to comprehend what we read develops gradually

from the simple to the complex skills.

8. Assessment of Reading Comprehension

Snow (1999: 52-53) states that the improvement of instruction relies

crucially on the availability of information about the effectiveness of instruction.

Teachers need reliable and valid assessments in order to know which students are

learning as expected and which need extra help.

Futher, Kameenui et al. (2006) in Paris (2007: 2) mentions four purposes of

reading assessment: screening, diagnosis, progress monitoring and outcome

evaluation. In addition, Carlisle and Rice (2004) in Paris (2007: 2) identified four

similar purposes for assessing reading comprehension in school settings:

a. State and district evaluation f programs and curricula;

b. Identification of student at risk for reading problems;

c. Diagnoses of students’ reading problem; and

d. Measurement of students’ progress during instruction or treatment.

Reading comprehension has been evaluated as an indicator of literacy skill

as well as academic achievement, so it has been used to measure the effectives of


to monitor progress of students and schools, it is used standardized tests with

scaled scores as summative measures. The test score are then used as proxy

measures of the quality of instruction provided by the teachers and schools. The

reading scores (mid-term test, final term test and National Examination) are often

reported to Musyawarah Kerja Kepala Sekolah (MKKS) and used to map the

competence of the students in kabupaten Bantul. Besides the National

Examination is used by the students to get the higher school so the students have

to learn English seriously.

According to Paris (2007: 3), the assessments of reading comprehension

usually require students to read (silently and without assistance) many short

passages and to answer a variety of questions, multiple-choice or open ended,

about implicit and explicit information in the text. The method is based on (a)

quantitative models of normative skulls used to sort students on the basis of

uniforms scores, (b) psychometric models with samples of text and questions in

item pools that yield high reliability and validity across items and test forms, and

(c) economically efficient models of standardized testing with group

administration and computerized scoring.

Aebersold and Field (2000: 175-176) lists some types of reading

comprehension test as follow: (1) multiple choice tests. The tests are usually set

up in such a way that the candidates are required to select the answer from a

number of given options only one of which is correct; (2) short answer and

open-ended questions. In this test, students are given a passage to read then, asked to

answer questions by writing a few sentences or paragraph. Alternatively, students


form of comprehension testing that demands recall and writing as well as

comprehension. Teacher may supply a reading passage followed by a set of

statements to be completed by the students. In the simplest version, students may

use the words from original passage to complete the sentence. In more complex

versions, students should interpret or analyse the text before completing the


D. E-Learning in Teaching Learning Activities

Since 2000, online learning commonly known as ‘web-based instruction’,

‘e-learning’ or ‘distance learning’ has played an increasing role in higher

education with the development of the internet and world-wide web. Web-based

learning or online learning can be defined as ‘hypermedia based instructional

program, which utilizes the attributes and resources of the World Wide Web to

create a meaningful learning environment where learning is fostered and

supported” (Khan, 1997: 6).

1. E-learning

E-learning is long distance learning uses the computer technology, computer

network and/or internet. E-learning makes the possibility for the learners to study

through computer in their places without physically join the lesson in the

classroom. E-learning also often means a form of web based learning which can

be accessed from intranet in local net or internet. Thefollowing table summarizes several opinions regarding the comparison between traditional learning and


Table 2.1 Comparison of Traditional and E-Learning

Traditional Learning E-learning

Classroom Discussions

The teacher usually talks more than the student

The student talks at least as much as or more than the teacher

Learning Process

The learning is conducted with the whole class participating; there is almost no group or individual study

Most of the learning process takes place in groups or by the individual student.

Subject Matter The teacher conducts the lesson according to the study program and the existing curriculum

The student participates in determining the subject matter; the studying is based on various sources of information, including web data banks and net-experts located by the student.

Emphases in the Learning Process

The students learn “what” and not “how”; the students and

the teachers are busy completing the required subject matter quota; the students are not involved in inquiry-based education and in solving problems, but rather in tasks set by the teacher.

The students learn “how” and less “what”; the learning

includes research study which combines searching for and collecting information from web data banks and authorities on the communications network; the learning is better connected to the real world, the subject matter is richer and includes material in different formats.

Motivation The students’ motivation is

low, and the subject matter is

“distant” from them.

The students’ motivation is

high due to the involvement in matters that are closer to them and to the use of technology.

Teacher’s Role The teacher is the authority The teacher directs the student to the information

Location of Learning The learning takes place within the classroom and the school

The learning takes place with no fixed location

Lesson Structure The teacher dictates the structure of the lesson and the division of time

The structure of the lesson is affected by the group dynamics

From the table above, it was known that learning is also students centred

with recognition of the student’s prior knowledge, experience and

understanding; most important, the teacher’s role is that of “facilitator of

learning, developer of structure, creator of the context and provider of the


(Alderman 2000). The assumption holds significance that the collaboration

provides opportunities for appreciating and acknowledging the student’s

expectation. The growing interest in e-learning seems to be coming from

several directions. Numbers of teachers are increasingly using information and

communication technology to support their teaching. Despite this level in

e-learning, it is not constraint and limitation. The funda


Table 2.1 Comparison of Traditional and E-Learning
Figure 2.1 Install Lectora Inspire Demo
Figure 2.2 Select the language3. Read and understand the license agreement. After that, click I Agree button.
Figure 2.4 Select the Type of Install


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