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A comparative study of Non-Medical and Medical school students` competence in translating medical text.


Academic year: 2017

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Ayu, Melly Sumant Cintyaning. A Comparative Study of Non-Medical and Medical School Students’ Competence in Translating Medical Text. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2016.

Translation quality assessment does not have standard that is universally fixed. There are many variants of translation quality assessment that are different to each other. To find out whether translators are competent or not in performing the task, there should be a construct to assess their translation quality. Translator’s background determines their translation quality. Their background knowledge plays a significant role in the quality of their translation. This research focuses on assessing competence of students from different background, one is a Medical School student and the other is an English Letters student. Medical School student and English Letters student are chosen as the respondents because they have different background, as one of them is familiar with medical terms, while the other is not. Medical School student used to translate a literary text. Their translations are evaluated by comparing the medical text they have translated. The translation result is analyzed by applying Angelelli’s scoring rubric. The scope of this rubric consists of linguistic competence, textual competence, pragmatic competence, and strategic competence.

There are two problems discussed in this study. The first problem discusses the significant differences of Non-Medical and Medical School students in translating medical text. The second is to find out the translation competence of Non-Medical student and Medical School student in translating medical text based on Angelelli’s scoring rubric.

The methods used in this study are both library and explicatory research. Library research is used to get theories and information in order to get the understanding and gain knowledge about this topic. Explicatory study is applied because this study focuses on one single major text that is medical text.



Ayu, Melly Sumant Cintyaning. A Comparative Study of Non-Medical and Medical School Students’ Competence in Translating Medical Text. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2016.

Penilaian kualitas terjemahan tidak mempunyai standar yang ditetapkan secara universal. Ada banyak penilaian kualitas terjemahan yang berbeda satu sama lain. Untuk mengetahui penerjemah berkompeten atau tidak dalam mengerjakan tugasnya, seharusnya ada sebuah konstruk untuk menilai kualitas terjemahan mereka. Latar belakang penerjemah menentukan kualitas terjemahan yang mereka hasilkan. Latar belakang pengetahuan yang mereka miliki mempunyai peranan penting dalam kualitas terjemahan mereka. Penelitian ini berfokus pada penilaian kompetensi mahasiswa yang berbeda latar belakang, mereka adalah mahasiswa Kedokteran dan mahasiswa Sastra Inggris. Kedua mahasiswa ini dipilih sebagai responden karena mereka mempunyai latar belakang yang berbeda, mahasiswa Kedokteran terbiasa dengan istilah medis, sementara mahasiswa Sastra Inggris terbiasa menerjemahkan teks sastra. Terjemahan mereka dianalisis menggunakan rubrik penilaian Angelelli. Lingkup rubrik ini meliputi kompetensi gramatikal, kompetensi teksual, kompetensi pragmatis, dan kompetensi strategis.

Dalam studi ini ada dua permasalahan yang akan dibahas. Permasalahan pertama pertama membahas perbedaan yang signifikan dari mahasiswa Non-kedokteran (Sastra Inggris) dan Kedokteran dalam menerjemahkan teks medis. Permasalahan kedua mengupas kompetensi terjemahan mahasiswa Non-kedokteran dan Kedokteran dalam menerjemahkan teks medis berdasarkan rubrik penilaian Angelelli.

Metode yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah studi pustaka dan eksplikatori. Studi pustaka digunakan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan pengetahuan tentang teori dan informasi yang digunakan dalam studi ini. Studi ekspikatori diterapkan karena studi ini berfokus pada satu teks utama, yaitu teks medis.







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


MELLY SUMANT CINTYANING AYU Student Number: 124214037








I would like to express my gratitude to Pak Harris, my advisor who helped me a lot in writing this thesis. Without his guidance, this thesis is nothing. My gratitude also goes to Ma’am Wedho who gave a lot of suggestion so that my thesis became far better.

For the ones that my eyes are hard on, Mama, Papa, Mas Peggy, and Mba Selly. By their endless prayers and supports, this thesis can be finished. I wish my Dad could read this as well.

Special thanks go to Caca, Julia, Stefi and Bovis for this fellowship. They have been sister-brother from another blood, motivator, consultant, and comic during these last four years.

Tetep and Ci Jennie are also the ones who contributed in this thesis completion, especially Tetep who gave me permission to her student account.

I also express my gratitude to “Keluarga Tambakmas” and “Keluarga Kotabaru” for their kindness and support so that I can be here.

Besides, my gratitude goes to participants and respondents who wanted to be fussed: Mba Agnes, Alex, Qonitya, There, Bovis, Yanzher’s pal, Adhit’s pal, Agatha, and Sr. Liza.

The last but not the least, I want to thank to Apik Salasa for his patience, understanding, and presence so that my mood in writing this thesis is stable.









C.>Objectives of the Study ... 4

D.>Definition of Terms ... 5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE A.>Review of Related Studies ... 6

B.>Review of Related Theories ... 10

1. Theories of Translation ... 10

B.>Object of the Study ... 22

B.>Method of the Study ... 23

C.>Research Procedure ... 23

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS A.iiThe Significant Differences of the Non-Medical And Medical School nn mn Students in Translating Medical Text... 30

B.mThe Translation Competence of Non-Medical And Medical School mmmmmiiStudents in Translating Medical Text Based On Angelelli’s Scoring mmmmmiiRubric ... 48

1.>Grammatical Competence Analysis ... 50



3.>Pragmatic Competence Analysis ... 64

4.>Strategic Competence Analysis... 71




APPENDIX 2 ... 84

APPENDIX 3 ... 87

APPENDIX 4 ... 90





Chart 1. Pacte’s Translation Competence Model ... 12

Chart 2. The Percentage of Translation Readability of Non-Medical Nnnnnnnand Medical School Students ... 31

LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Terms Using Native Borrowing Technique ... 7

Table 2. Terms Using Pure Borrowing Technique ... 8

Table 3. Terms Using Certainty Equivalent Technique ... 8

Table 4. Terms Using Latin Borrowing Technique ... 8

Table 5. Terms Using Addition Technique ... 9

Table 6. Terms Using Category Shift Technique ... 9

Table 7. Terms Using Deletion Technique ... 9

Table 8. Source Text Meaning ... 17

Table 9. Style and Cohesion ... 18

Table 10. Situational Appropriateness ... 19

Table 11. Grammar and Mechanics ... 19

Table 12. Translation Skill ... 20

Table 13. The List of Medical Terms and Its Translation ... 47



TT : Target Text ST : Source Text TL : Target Language SL : Source Language

NM : Non-medical student (English Letters student) M : Medical student

NBT : Native Borrowing Technique PBT : Pure Borrowing Technique CET : Certainty Equivalent Technique LBT : Latin Borrowing Technique AT : Addition Technique

CST : Category Shift Technique DT : Deletion Technique R : Respondent

T : Translation AVG : Average



Ayu, Melly Sumant Cintyaning. A Comparative Study of Non-Medical and Medical School Students’ Competence in Translating Medical Text. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2016.

Translation quality assessment does not have standard that is universally fixed. There are many variants of translation quality assessment that are different to each other. To find out whether translators are competent or not in performing the task, there should be a construct to assess their translation quality. Translator’s background determines their translation quality. Their background knowledge plays a significant role in the quality of their translation. This research focuses on assessing competence of students from different background, one is a Medical School student and the other is an English Letters student. Medical School student and English Letters student are chosen as the respondents because they have different background, as one of them is familiar with medical terms, while the other is not. Medical School student used to translate a literary text. Their translations are evaluated by comparing the medical text they have translated. The translation result is analyzed by applying Angelelli’s scoring rubric. The scope of this rubric consists of linguistic competence, textual competence, pragmatic competence, and strategic competence.

There are two problems discussed in this study. The first problem discusses the significant differences of Non-Medical and Medical School students in translating medical text. The second is to find out the translation competence of Non-Medical student and Medical School student in translating medical text based on Angelelli’s scoring rubric.

The methods used in this study are both library and explicatory research. Library research is used to get theories and information in order to get the understanding and gain knowledge about this topic. Explicatory study is applied because this study focuses on one single major text that is medical text.



Ayu, Melly Sumant Cintyaning. A Comparative Study of Non-Medical and Medical School Students’ Competence in Translating Medical Text. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2016.

Penilaian kualitas terjemahan tidak mempunyai standar yang ditetapkan secara universal. Ada banyak penilaian kualitas terjemahan yang berbeda satu sama lain. Untuk mengetahui penerjemah berkompeten atau tidak dalam mengerjakan tugasnya, seharusnya ada sebuah konstruk untuk menilai kualitas terjemahan mereka. Latar belakang penerjemah menentukan kualitas terjemahan yang mereka hasilkan. Latar belakang pengetahuan yang mereka miliki mempunyai peranan penting dalam kualitas terjemahan mereka. Penelitian ini berfokus pada penilaian kompetensi mahasiswa yang berbeda latar belakang, mereka adalah mahasiswa Kedokteran dan mahasiswa Sastra Inggris. Kedua mahasiswa ini dipilih sebagai responden karena mereka mempunyai latar belakang yang berbeda, mahasiswa Kedokteran terbiasa dengan istilah medis, sementara mahasiswa Sastra Inggris terbiasa menerjemahkan teks sastra. Terjemahan mereka dianalisis menggunakan rubrik penilaian Angelelli. Lingkup rubrik ini meliputi kompetensi gramatikal, kompetensi teksual, kompetensi pragmatis, dan kompetensi strategis.

Dalam studi ini ada dua permasalahan yang akan dibahas. Permasalahan pertama pertama membahas perbedaan yang signifikan dari mahasiswa Non-kedokteran (Sastra Inggris) dan Kedokteran dalam menerjemahkan teks medis. Permasalahan kedua mengupas kompetensi terjemahan mahasiswa Non-kedokteran dan Kedokteran dalam menerjemahkan teks medis berdasarkan rubrik penilaian Angelelli.

Metode yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah studi pustaka dan eksplikatori. Studi pustaka digunakan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan pengetahuan tentang teori dan informasi yang digunakan dalam studi ini. Studi ekspikatori diterapkan karena studi ini berfokus pada satu teks utama, yaitu teks medis.



A. Background of the Study

The issue of assessing translation performance has always been interesting and challenging to discuss. The dilemma when assessing students’ translation appears since there is no fixed standard for translation assessment. It is known that good and qualified translation should be readable only. In fact, readable translation is not always identical with accurate translation. The good and acceptable translation is considered when the message in source language is meaningfully translated into the Target Language (TL), as it produces an equivalent response of involvement in what receptors have.

Meanwhile Nababan proposes three criteria of well qualified translation like the translation should contain the same meaning with Source Text (ST), it should be expressed in an acceptable principle and it does not contradict with certain norms in TL, and it should be easily understood by the reader (2012: 41).


sameness of message should be achieved as the first priority. Message deletion means that the translator betrays the author, meanwhile excessive message addition means lying to the reader. Therefore, deletion and addition of the message should be avoided. In literature of translation theory there are some translation techniques used to overcome equivalence. Two of them are deletion and addition. Both techniques are not meant to delete or add some information as desired, but they are meant to produce acceptable and understandable translation to reader.

To find out whether translators are competent or not in performing the task, there should be a construct to assess their translation. The aim of the construct is to measure a person’s ability and knowledge in translating ST into TT by using Angelelli’s scoring rubric. The ability to assess consists of linguistic competence, textual competence, pragmatic competence, and strategic competence. This scoring rubric is used instead of others because it reaches out aspects needed to assess (linguistic, textual, pragmatic and strategic competence).


the language we use varies according to the level of formality, of technicality, and so on. Essentially, it is the role relationship in the situation in question: who the participants in the communication group are, and in what relationship they stand to each other (1994: 222).

Both respondents are evaluated by comparing the medical text they have translated. In the beginning, they are informed that the target readers of their translations are both non-medical background people and people having medical background.

The medical text is chosen as the object of this research because there are many medical terms that are only understood by looking them up in the medical dictionary. This current medical text is used instead of others since it contains many more medical terms. Munday (2001: 47-48) states that translator should follow principles of terminology like aiming at accuracy. Otherwise, the meaning of the terms will be different.


B. Problem Formulation

To expand the topic of this research, two questions are formulated as follows:

1. How are the differences of translation technique used by Non-medical and Medical School students in translating medical text?

2. How is the translation competence of Non-medical and Medical School Students in translating medical text based on Angelelli’s scoring rubric?

C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the problem formulations above, the major objective of this research is to assess students’ competence. Specifically, there are two objectives that can be drawn. The aim of this research is first to analyze the significant differences of Non-medical and Medical School students in translating medical text. The second is to find out the translation competence of Non-Medical and Medical School Students in translating medical text based on Angelelli’s scoring rubric.

D. Definition of Terms

In order to give clear understanding and construct readers’ idea about this writing, in this part some definitions of terms appearing in this research are provided as follows:


Translation competence is dynamic process, a human and social behavior that results from experience, training, and the feedback effects of client-translator or client-translator-reader interaction (Neubert & Shreve in Cao, 1996: 231). It can be an important aid in helping to define the construct of what makes a competent and professionally qualified translator.

Angelelli’s scoring rubric is a construct used to assess translation competence by identifying the characteristics of translation competence, the primary traits of the product or performance such as linguistic, textual, pragmatic, and strategic competence (Angelelli, 2009: 13).

Target language (TL) is the language being translated to (Hatim, 2004: 6).

Source language (SL) is the language being translated from (Hatim, 2004: 6).

Target text (TT) is the target language text which is produced on the basis of a source text or the end-result of the translation process (Byrne, 2012: 197).




In this chapter to gain the insight about translation competence, other researchers’ works which have similar topics with this thesis will be elaborated and reviewed. There are two related studies to review. Besides, theories related to this topic are also provided in this section.

A. Review of Related Studies

This part reviews studies related to the topic of this research. There are two related studies to discuss. They are taken from Suwardhanis’ thesis and Widarwati’s journal.

1. Suwardhanis’ thesis “The Translation Accuracy of An Economic Text by Student Translators and Paid Translators related to the Translator’s Competence”


This present thesis is different from Suwardhanis’s in several aspects. Even though both theses measure translators’ competence, the methods applied are different. Besides, she measures the translation accuracy, meanwhile this present thesis discusses the significant differences, the readability of the target text (TT) according to results of questionnaire and translation competence.

2. Widarwati’s journal “Taksonomi dan Teknik Penerjemahan Istilah Kedokteran”

In Widarwati’s journal, she collects medical terms taken from medical book in order to analyze the taxonomy and techniques of medical term translation. The taxonomy aims to give direction in translating medical text from English into Indonesian. Meanwhile, the medical term translation technique she produces is developed from translation technique theory proposed by Molina and Albir (2002). According to her research, she produces the technique of medical term translation as follows:

a. Native Borrowing Technique (Teknik Peminjaman Alamiah)

This technique refers to source text technical terms which their pronunciation are naturalized in target text, as seen in the table below.

Medical Terms The Translation

Hypertension Hipertensi

Cornea Kornea

Astigmatism Astigmatisme


b. Pure Borrowing Technique (Teknik Peminjaman Murni)

This technique allows the translator not to change the pronunciation and spelling. It means that the vocabulary in source text and target text is exactly the same. The example can be seen in the following table.

Medical Terms The Translation

Herpes Herpes

Purulent Purulent

Glaucoma Glaucoma

Table 2. Terms Using Pure Borrowing Technique c. Certainty Equivalent Technique (Teknik Padanan Mapan)

Certainty equivalent technique is equivalent technique using expression which is commonly used in dictionary or by people in target text. It is noted that equivalence by using this technique is always tied by context such as linguistic and cultural context. In other words, these context refer to the meaning influenced by structure of sentence, people who are involved, place and time. The examples are provided below.

Medical Terms The Translation

Fungi Jamur

Symptoms Gejala

Treatment Pengobatan

Table 3. Terms Using Certainty Equivalent Technique d. Latin Borrowing Technique (Teknik Peminjaman dari Bahasa Latin)


Medical Terms The Translation

Viral Virus

Spasm Spasmus

Propacane Propacaine

Table 4. Terms Using Latin Borrowing Technique e. Addition Technique (Teknik Penambahan)

This technique is part of amplification technique which aims to clarify a concept by providing information that is not available in source text.

Medical Terms The Translation

Lens implant Lensa tanam hamper

Sty Bintik kelopak mata/’timbil’

Allergenic Zat alergenik

Table 5. Terms Using Addition Technique f. Category Shift Technique (Teknik Pergeseran Kategori)

As a result of the differences of source text and target text systems, there are many possibilities for translator to shift, either unit shift or word category shift. This technique aims to achieve acceptability and readability of the translation without ignoring message’s accuracy.

Medical Terms The Translation

Accumulated Calcium Akumulasi Kalsium Table 6. Terms Using Category Shift Technique g. Deletion Technique (Teknik Penghilangan)

This technique is commonly applied in the translation. There are some reasons why translators apply this technique such as political reason, taboo, impolite issue, or regarded as not important things. But sometimes translators apply this technique because they cannot find the same meaning in TT.

Medical Terms The Translation

Canal of Schlemn trabecular meshwork


This present thesis is different from Widarwati’s in the way it analyzes. Widawarti analyzes her research in order to produce taxonomy and technique of medical term translation. Meanwhile this present thesis uses her taxonomy in order to answer first problem formulation and more focuses on assessing translation competence of two people having different background.

B. Review of Related Theories

There are some theories provided to elaborate in this section such as theories of translation, theories of translation competence, Angelelli’s translation competence, and Angelelli’s scoring rubric. Each of the theories is defined and discussed as follows.

1. Theories of Translation


translated. In contrary, if some parts in the text are less important, it could be less translated. Meanwhile, Savory (1968: 50) states that,

A translation must give the words of the original, must give the ideas of the original, should read like an original work, should read like a translation, should reflect the style of the original, should possesses the style of the translator, should read as a contemporary of the original, should read as a contemporary of the translator.

Besides, Wills defines translation as a transfer process which aims at the transformation of a written source language (SL) text into an optimally equivalent target language (TL) text, and which requires the syntactic, the semantic, and the pragmatic understanding and analytical processing of the SL. (Wills in Angelelli, 1982: 3)

Based on these understandings, it can be concluded that in translating the text, it is important for translators to convey the message correctly and they should not have to translate the text literally.

2. Theories of Translation Competence

Actually there are no fixed definition of translation competence and its sub-components accepted within academic field of translation studies. Despite that fact, some researchers have defined and provided its sub-components of translation competence.


The PACTE group has defined translation competence as the underlying system of knowledge required to translate (2003: 318). According to PACTE group, translator’s background determines their translation quality. Their background knowledge plays a significant role in the quality of their translation. Translation competence covers declarative and procedural knowledge. Here is the chart for translation competence model proposed by PACTE.

Chart 1. Pacte’s Translation Competence Model

Declarative knowledge consists of knowledge about translation and extra linguistic competence. Meanwhile procedural knowledge consists of bilingual, instrumental, and strategic competence.

These five sub-competences (bilingual, extralinguistic, instrumental, knowledge of translation and strategic competence) are interrelated and they are






influenced by psycho-physiological component. The following is the division of translation competence and its detail information proposed by PACTE 2003.

a. Bilingual Sub-competence

Bilingual sub-competence is predominantly procedural knowledge required to communicate in two languages. It comprises pragmatic, socio-linguistic, textual, grammatical and lexical knowledge.

b. Extra-linguistic Sub-competence

Extra-linguistic sub-competence is predominantly declarative knowledge. It comprises general world knowledge, domain-specific knowledge, bicultural, and encyclopedia knowledge.

c. Knowledge about Translation

Knowledge about translation is predominantly declarative knowledge about translation and aspect about profession. It comprises knowledge about translation functions and knowledge about professional translation practice.

d. Instrumental Sub-competence

Instrumental sub-competence is predominantly procedural knowledge related to the use of documentation resources and information and communication technologies applied to translation (dictionaries of all kinds, encyclopedias, grammars, style books, parallel texts, electronic corpora, search engines, etc.) e. Strategic Sub-competence


process and carry out the translation project (selecting the most appropriate method), evaluate the process and the partial results obtained in relation to the final purpose, activate the different sub-competence and compensate for any shortcomings and identify translation problems and apply procedures to solve them.

f. Psycho-physiological Components

Psycho-physiological components are different types of cognitive and attitudinal components and psycho-motor mechanism, including cognitive components such as memory, perception, attention and emotion; attitudinal aspects such as intellectual curiosity, perseverance, rigour, the ability to think critically, etc.; and abilities such as creativity, logical reasoning, analysis and synthesis.

3. Angelelli’s Translation Competence

Angelelli proposes a construct that is presented as a guide, a lead to chart directions for research and development in translation assessment. Angelelli’s construct is used because it contains elements that are not analyzed in other translation competence assessments. This construct complements Bachman and Cao theories which only measure three elements such as grammatical, textual and pragmatic competence. This construct includes four sub-components:

a. Linguistic-level competence


combine to form words), syntax (the way that words combine to form phrases and sentences), and graphemic (writing system) knowledge. Each of these aspects contribute both to the understanding of the ST and the production of the TT. Insufficient knowledge of vocabulary can lead to miscomprehension of the ST or failure to successfully communicate meaning in the TT. This competence can be helped by using dictionaries and other professional resources, but only to a degree.

b. Textual Competence

Textual competence or the ability to put ideas together as a text is the ability to use linguistic devices to connect sentences, ideas, rhetorical organization competence, and the ability to organize a text in the most appropriate way to achieve its aims in a given community. This competence involves understanding the rules and conventions of rhetoric and cohesion in both codes well enough to know what meanings are conveyed. It is through either following or breaking said conventions in the SL, in addition to being able to render similar meaning in the TL, depending on the translation task.

c. Pragmatic Competence


and ways of discussing different topics in a given field in each of the languages involved.

d. Strategic Competence

This competence has to do with the way in which a translator approaches a translation task and the methods he or she uses to find out and overcome problems with certainty within the performance of the translation assignment. According to Orozco (Orozco in Angelelli: 2009), strategies include distinguishing between primary and secondary ideas, establishing conceptual relationships, searching for information, task planning and many others. To some extent, the strategic translation competence is the translator’s ability to use conscious control over their linguistic, cultural, field, and instrumental knowledge. It involves choosing between making something explicit or explaining things which are unfamiliar to target readers and using other devices to make point implicit.

4. Angelelli’s Scoring Rubric


for each competence, the less score the least competent. According to Angelelli, the definition of the rubric categories and its explanations are as follows:

a. Source Text Meaning

Source text meaning is a measure of the extent to which the translator’s response (the TT) reflects or fails to reflect an adequate understanding of the themes and rhetoric of the source text. However, meaning is a very indirect measure of the grammatical competence of the translator in the source language. This is the scoring rubric for source text meaning aspect.

5 T contains elements that reflect a detailed and nuanced understanding of the major and minor themes of the ST and the manner in which they are presented in the ST. The meaning of the ST is masterfully communicated in the T.

4 T contains elements that reflect a complete understanding of the major and minor themes of the ST and the manner in which they are presented in the ST. The meaning of the ST is proficiently communicated in the T.

3 T contains elements that reflect a general understanding of the major and most minor themes of the ST and the manner in which they are presented in the ST. There may be evidence of occasional errors in interpretation but the overall meaning of the ST appropriately communicated in the T.

2 T contains elements that reflect a flawed understanding of major and/or several minor themes of the ST and/or the manner in which they are presented in the ST. There is evidence of errors in interpretation that lead to the meaning of the ST not being fully communicated in the T.

1 T shows consistent and major misunderstandings of the ST meaning. Table 8. Source Text Meaning

b. Style and Cohesion


communicative setting.It addresses textual competence. Here is the scoring rubric for its sub-competence.

5 T is very well organized into sections and/or paragraphs in a manner consistent with similar TL texts. The T has a masterful style. It flows together flawlessly and forms a natural whole.

4 T is well organized into sections and/or paragraphs in a manner consistent with similar TL texts. The T has style. It flows together well and forms a coherent whole.

3 T is organized into sections and/or paragraphs in a manner generally consistent with similar TL texts. The T style may be inconsistent. There are occasional awkward or oddly placed elements.

2 T is somewhat awkwardly organized in terms of sections and/or paragraphs or organized in a manner inconsistent with similar TL texts. The T style is clumsy. It does not flow together and has frequent awkward or oddly placed elements.

1 T is disorganized and lacks divisions into coherent sections and/or paragraphs in a manner consistent with similar TL texts. T lacks style. T does not flow together. It is awkward. Sentences and ideas seem unrelated.

Table 9. Style and Cohesion (Addresses Textual Sub-component) c. Situational Appropriateness


Table 10. Situational Appropriateness (Addresses Pragmatic Sub-component)

d. Grammar and Mechanism

Grammar and mechanics is the category which includes spelling, diacritical marks, agreement, punctuation, and other conventions of the writing and grammar of the target language. It addresses linguistic competence in the target language.

5 T shows a masterful control of TL grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Very few or no errors.

4 T shows a proficient control of TL grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Occasional minor errors.

3 T shows a weak control of TL grammar, spelling, and punctuation. T has frequent minor errors.

5 T shows a masterful ability to address the intended TL audience and achieve the translations intended purpose in the TL. Word choice is skillful and apt. Cultural references, discourse, and register are completely appropriate for the TL domain, text-type, and readership.

4 T shows a proficient ability in addressing the intended TL audience and achieving the translations intended purpose in the TL. Word choice is consistently good. Cultural references, discourse, and register are consistently appropriate for the TL domain, text type and readership.

3 T shows a good ability to address the intended TL audience and achieve the translations intended purpose in the TL. Cultural references, discourse, and register are mostly appropriate for the TL domain but some phrasing or word choices are either too formal or too colloquial for the TL domain, text-type, and readership.

2 T shows a weak ability to address the intended TL audience and/or achieve the translations intended purpose in the TL. Cultural references, discourse, and register are at times inappropriate for the TL domain. Numerous phrasing and/or word choices are either too formal or too colloquial for the TL domain, text-type, and readership.


2 T shows some lack of control of TL grammar, spelling and punctuation. T is compromised by numerous errors.

1 T shows lack of control of TL grammar, spelling and punctuation. Serious and frequent errors exist.

Table 11. Grammar and Mechanics (Addresses Micro-linguistic Sub-component)

e. Translation Skill

Translation skill consists of the application of strategies to translation problems and the use of resource materials. This category is measured by how well the target text reflects the identification of translation problems and successful solutions to them. It also includes the degree of success or failure in the appropriate use of references in solving gaps in language or topic knowledge. It addresses strategic competence.

Table 12. Translation Skill (Addresses Strategic Sub-component) 5 T demonstrates able and creative solutions to translation problems. Skillful

use of resource materials is evident.

4 T demonstrates consistent ability in identifying and overcoming translation problems. No major errors and very few minor errors are evident. No obvious errors in the use of resource materials are evident.

3 T demonstrates a general ability to identify and overcome translation problems. However, a major translation error and/or an accumulation of minor errors are evident and compromise the overall quality of the translation. Improper or flawed use of reference materials may be reflected in the TT.

2 T demonstrates some trouble in identifying and/or overcoming translation problems. Several major translation errors and/or a large number of minor errors are evident and compromise the overall quality of the translation. Improper or flawed use of reference materials is reflected in the TT.


C. Theoretical Framework

Suwardhanis’ thesis is used as the reference and comparison in order to equip with this research. This helps the writer to develop the outline of this topic. Meanwhile Widarwati’s journal is used as a guide to answer the first problem formulation. The first problem formulation is solved by comparing both of the translation results and applying her research result.



A. Areas of Research

This research emphasizes on genre translation since the text analyzed here is medical text. Medical text is considered as high demanding text because if it is mistranslated it gives different interpretation that may cause risks in its field. Besides, it is hardly understandable for non-medical background people which means that not all people can understand what is going on in the text. By these issues, it is considered necessary to test and analyze the respondents translating medical text in order to find out their translation competence. The medical terms appear in the text are used as the focus of this current study. The translation of this text needs a high level of subject knowledge and a mastery of the relevant terminology (Chesterman, 2002: 13). The translator competence can be assessed by their ability in translating the terms from Source Language (SL) into Target Language (TL).

B. Object of The Study

The medical text used in this study is an article entitled “Prenatal Factors in Singletons with Cerebral Palsy Born at or near Term”, taken from The New England Journal of Medicine. This text was translated into Target Text (TT) by


C. Method of The Study

The methods used in this study are library and explicatory research. Library research is used to get theories and information in order to get the understanding and gain knowledge about this topic. Explicatory research is applied because this study focuses on one single major text that is medical text. It aims to find out translators’ significant differences in translating medical text, translators’ competence and to prove whether the background of the translators influence the result or not. It is done by asking two respondents having different background to translate medical text. Since it is a comparison study, both results are compared and analyzed to solve the problem formulation in this current study.

D. Research Procedure 1. Types of Data a. Objective Data


b. Genetive Data

The target text data were obtained from two respondents having different background. The first one is an English Letters Department student of Sanata Dharma University. He was in the seventh semester when data collection was conducted. He had taken Vocabulary, Structure I, II, III. IV, and V, Translation I, II, and III. The second one is medical school student coming from Diponegoro University. Like English Letter student, she also came from the same batch. In her study she was only given basic English, but in her daily life she read a lot of English books such as novel and medical books.

2. Data Collection

The data in this research were obtained through respondents. First, the source text were read for several times to choose which phrases, clauses and sentences that might be used and problematic. The terms that might rise problems were marked to make it easy to be analyzed.

After the text was ready to be used, students targeted to be respondents were asked whether they were willing to participate in this research or not. After the agreements were made, two respondents were given Source Text (ST.) They asked ST to be sent by e-mail because it would facilitate them in translating the ST.


translation. Three days later, the translations were submitted timely. The translations done by two respondents were treated as target text data. The ST and TT were placed into a table so that they would be easier to compare.

Besides having two respondents to produce TT, there were six people treated as target readers. They are chosen randomly. They consisted of 3 non-medical background people and the rest were people having non-medical background. The participants which were non-medical background people were Sanata Dharma University students from some study programs. Meanwhile, participants having medical background were two medical students of Duta Wacana Christian University and a general practitioner in Hermina Hospital, Jakarta. Indeed, respondents and participants did not know to each other to make the assessment objective. Participants had to assess whether the translations were readable or not. From their assessment, the more readable translations would be known in order to help answering the first problem formulation.

3. Population Sample

The population that had been collected from ST were 13 sentences. Since this research focuses on genre translation, sentence which does not contain medical terms is omitted. As a result, there are 10 sentences to analyze. After it was translated by the respondents, the TT data were 20 sentences.

4. Data Analysis


compared in the data table. After comparing both translations, the theory of medical term translation technique was applied. Next, the questionnaire’s results were analyzed. Each sentence which was mostly selected was summed to find out whose sentence was more readable. After whole sentences were summed, they were calculated by using Microsoft Excel 2013 to meet readability percentage of each respondent. After the calculation was done, each sentence was discussed as well. The first problem formulation was solved.


Number of Sentence

Source Text Meaning

Style and Cohesion

Situational Appro-priateness

Grammar and Mechanics

Translation Skill


1 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 5

In the table above, NM gets score 3 in aspect of source text meaning. It is because in NM translation, there is evidence of occasional errors in interpretation, but the overall meaning of the ST appropriately communicated. Meaning to say, NM has general understanding in interpreting the ST. Meanwhile, M gets higher score in this aspect. It happens since the meaning of ST proficiently communicated in her translation. Her translation reflects complete understanding of the themes.

In style and cohesion, NM gets lower score which is 3. There are some errors in rendering the ST into TT. Since some meaning are omitted, it makes the translation inconsistent with the whole text. Meanwhile, the score of M is 4. Her translation is well organized into sentence. She is able to reproduce the ST meaning into TL.


In grammar and mechanics, NM’s score is 3. It means that his translation shows a weak control of TL grammar, spelling and punctuation. His translation has frequent minor error. Meanwhile, M’s translation gets score of 4 since her translation has occasional minor error. Her translation shows a proficient control of TL grammar, spelling and punctuation.




This chapter answers the problems formulated in chapter one. First section discusses the significant differences of the translation results and second section students’ competence.

The first section concerns with the significant differences of translation results that were done by Non-medical and Medical School students. It is designed to measure whose translation is more readable. There are 13 sentences that were translated into target text by two respondents, but since this research concerns on medical text, the sentences that are not containing medical text are reduced. This research uses 10 sentences that contain medical words, phrases, and clauses which mean that the amount of the data is 20. Afterward, the data are put into table to make it easier to be compared and assessed. Besides, the assessment from six participants are added to support the result.


A. Significant Differences of the Non-medical and Medical School Students in Translating Medical Text

In this part, the data from Non-Medical and Medical School students are discussed in order to answer the first problem formulation. After the translations from both students are sorted, 10 sentences are collected. Since there are two respondents, the data that need to be assessed are 20. Only the data which contains medical terms are discussed in this research. The data are assessed by comparing and paying attention to both translations so that the difference can be seen. The theories explained in third chapter also help the writer in gaining the understanding and analyzing this part. Besides, this part also provides the analysis of readability assessment done by participants who have filled in questionnaire forms. It aims to make sure whose translation is more understandable according to the readers.


Meanwhile, Medical School student (M) mostly applies CET and AT. All the techniques including CET, DT, NBT, AT, CST, LBT and PBT are used. Bahasa Indonesia, English, and Latin are used as the equivalence. She applies NBT and CET when translating the terms formed by one word. If the terms are formed more than one words, she mixes CET, DT, NBT, AT, CST, LBT and PBT.

This is the percentage of translation readability chart of NM and M in translating medical text. This following chart shows that translation readability percentage of NM is 47% and M is 53%.

Chart 2. The Percentage of Translation Readability of Non-medical and Medical School Students

The chart shows that Medical School student’s translation gets larger portion in the chart which means that her translation is more readable than Non-medical student’s. Voters who mostly choose Medical School student’s translation

53% 47%


are people having medical background, meanwhile voters who mostly choose Non-medical student’s translation are people who do not have medical background. The readability score is given by six participants. Each participant is asked to choose the translation which is more readable. After that, the readability score in each data is summed up to get total score. The score is converted to percentage form to simplify the calculation. Here is the calculation of both translations.

1. The readability of Non-medical student’s translation

Σ= × 100%

Σ= 28

6 × 100%

Σ= 46,7%

2. The readability of Medical School student’s translation

Σ= × 100%

Σ= 32

6 × 100%

Σ= 53,3%


above, it can be drawn that 53,3% of M’s translation is readable, meanwhile NM’s translation is 46,7%.

The following pages discuss the significant difference between the translations of Non-Medical (NM) student and Medical student (M). Their translations are presented in tables. The sentences written in bold are the ST. (Number)/TT/A is the translation done by NM, meanwhile (Number)/TT/B is the translation done by M.

1/ST: Prenatal Factors in Singletons with Cerebral Palsy Born at or near Term

1/TT/A 1/TT/B

Faktor-Faktor Pranatal Pemicu Lumpuh Otak Pada Bayi Tunggal Non-Prematur

Faktor prenatal bayi dengan CP pada kehamilan tunggal aterm atau preterm

In writing this title, NM capitalizes each word. According to the table above, NM uses some techniques in translating medical terms in 1/TT/A. “Faktor-faktor pranatal” is translated by using native borrowing technique (NBT) since the TT term is naturalized from ST. “Singleton” is translated by applying certainty equivalent technique (CET). Besides, CET is also applied when translating “lumpuh otak.” This TT term belongs to lay term since it is available in dictionary. Deletion technique (DT) is used when translating “at or near term” into “non-prematur.” It can be seen that some words are omitted in TT.


CET is applied since it is described using lay language and AT is used since there are some addition information about that term. M also uses pure borrowing technique (PBT) in translating “cerebral palsy.” No change occurs from ST term to TT term. In this case, TT term is an acronym form of original term. “At or near term” in 1/ST is translated into “aterm or preterm” by using PBT. “At term and near term” are the synonym of “aterm and preterm” in ST.

2/ST: Cerebral palsy, a congenital motor disability of cerebral origin, is a group of lifelong movement disorders affecting about 2 of every 1000 children.

2/TT/A 2/TT/B

Suatu gangguan saraf motorik bersifat bawaan lahir yang dikenal dengan lumpuh otak merupakan salah satu kondisi medis seumur hidup yang menyerang dua dari seribu anak.

Cerebral palsy, kelainan bawaan berupa ketidakmampuan secara motorik yang murni bersumber dari otak, adalah sekelompok kelainan gerak yang biasa dialami oleh 2 dari 1000 anak.

In the original sentence, “cerebral palsy” is positioned in the beginning, but after it is translated, it is in the middle of the description. “Cerebral palsy” is still translated by using CET. “Suatu gangguan saraf motorik bersifat bawaan lahir” is the application of AT and CET. AT occurs since the actual translation is gained. CET is used since it uses common language. DT occurs two times in 2/TT/A. The first, NM does not provide the translation of “cerebral origin.” The second, “lifelong movement disorder” is translated into “kondisi medis seumur hidup.” “Kondisi medis” refers to “disorder”, meanwhile “movement” is left untranslated.


because M uses general language in describing the term. AT is applied because there are addition words that are not available in ST such as “kelainan”, “berupa”, and “secara”. CET and AT are used again in translating cerebral origin into “murni bersumber dari otak”. If translated literally, it should be “bersumber dari otak”, but the word “murni” is added to give further description. CET is applied since this description is available in TL. There are two techniques are appertained in the translation of “lifelong movement disorder.” CET is used as well. DT is applied since M omits the word “lifelong.”

3/ST: Although defined as a motor disorder, cerebral palsy is often accompanied by intellectual deficits, epilepsy, and sensory disabilities.

3/TT/A 3/TT/B

Walaupun didefinisikan sebagai gangguan motorik, lumpuh otak juga seringkali disertai dengan cacat intelektual, epilepsi, dan gangguan pancaindra.

Walaupun disebut kelaianan motorik, CP sering dihubungkan dengan defisit intelektual, epilepsy dan ketidakmampuan secara sensorik.

There are two techniques applied when translating “motor disorder.” The word “disorder” uses CET, meanwhile “motor” uses CST. Besides, “intellectual deficit” is also translated by using two techniques. The translation of “intelektual” is the application of NBT since it is a naturalization word, and “cacat” uses CET since this word is very common in ST. “Epilepsi” is the translation form using NBT. CET is applied in translating “gangguan pancaindra” since it is lay term commonly used by people in TT.


consist of three. “Ketidakmampuan” is the application of CET, “sensorik” is NBT, and “secara” is AT.

4/ST: Gestational age at birth is strongly associated with cerebral palsy, with a prevalence among term infants that is about one fortieth the prevalence among extremely preterm survivors.

4/TT/A 4/TT/B

Satu hal yang seringkali dikaitkan dengan kasus lumpuh otak adalah usia kandungan ketika bayi dilahirkan. Lazimnya dari jumlah bayi yang terlahir prematur dan mampu bertahan hidup, kasus ini bisa terjadi pada seperempat dari jumlah tersebut.

Usia kehamilan saat kelahiran bayi sangat kuat hubungannya dengan CP. Bayi yang lahir dengan usia kehamilan cukup bulan memiliki kemampuan bertahan lebih baik, dengan angka kejadian pada bayi cukup bulan adalah 1 dari 40 bayi sangat prematur yang bertahan hidup.

It can be seen in 4/ST that NM uses CET in translating “gestational age” into “usia kandungan.” “Birth” is the application of CST since “birth” in ST is a noun, and it is changed in TT into a verb. “Terms infant” experiences DT because this term is unavailable in TT. In the translation of “bayi yang terlahir prematur dan mampu bertahan hidup” is found two applied techniques: CET and CST. It can be CST because in ST “survivor” is a noun, meanwhile in TT it becomes an adjective.


general language, and the second one is CST because “survivor” is shifted from noun into adjective.

5/ST: Research has focused on very preterm infants, as warranted by the high individual risk faced by such infants, but less than 0.4% of neonatal survivors are born before 28 weeks of gestation.

5/TT/A 5/TT/B

Para peneliti kemudian memfokuskan perhatian mereka pada kelahiran-kelahiran prematur ekstrem (<28 minggu) mengingat bayi yang terlahir prematur diperkirakan memiliki resiko lumpuh otak yang lebih tinggi. Namun, ternyata hanya terdapat kurang dari 0.4% bayi prematur ekstrem yang bertahan hidup.

Penelitian telah memfokuskan pada bayi sangat prematur, sesuai dengan tingginya risiko individual yang dihadapi bayi tersebut, tapi ternyata kurang dari 0.4% neonatus yang bertahan adalah neonatus yang lahir pada usia kehamilan < 28 minggu.

In translating 6/TT/A, NM divides the sentence into two. “Kelahiran-kelahiran prematur ekstrem” is the application of CET. This term is considered common in TT, not a term that is difficult to describe. Meanwhile “neonatal survivor” is not found in 6/TTA which means that DT occurs.

M uses CET in translating “bayi sangat prematur.” This lay term is available in dictionary. “Neonatal survivors” experiences two techniques: Latin Borrowing Technique (LBT) and CST. “Neonatus” is derived from Latin. CST occurs because in ST “neonatal” is an adjective and “survivor” is a noun, but after these are translated “neonatal” is changed into noun, and “survivor” into adjective.


6/TT/A 6/TT/B 2/3 dari total bayi yang terlahir dengan

lumpuh otak dan mampu bertahan hidup justru masuk dalam golongan bayi tunggal (bukan bayi kembar) yang tidak lahir prematur. Golongan ini sendiri, yang secara persentase mencapai 96%, belum benar-benar diteliti secara mendalam. Banyak kepustakaan, termasuk kepustakaan medis, yang menyebutkan bahwa salah satu penyebab lumpuh otak adalah afiksia.

96% bayi yang lahir tunggal pada usia kehamilan 35 minggu atau lebih, yang merupakan 2/3 dari jumlah bayi dengan CP, kurang diteliti lebih jauh sehingga banyak literatur medis tentang penyebab CP lebih sering berfokus pada peranan asfiksia bayi baru lahir.

NM translates “singleton” into “bayi tunggal (bukan bayi kembar).” That the description provided in brackets shows that it belongs to AT. “Birth asphyxia” is translated by using DT because “birth” is untranslated.

In 6/TT/B “bayi yang lahir tunggal” is translated by using CET. “Asfiksia bayi baru lahir” is the translation form using AT. There is no information about the “infant” provided in ST, but M tends to translate “birth asphyxia” into “asfiksia bayi baru lahir” in order to maintain the naturalness of the sentence.

7/ST: Continuous electronic fetal monitoring during labor was introduced to identify fetal asphyxia, with the expectation that timely intervention would prevent cerebral palsy.

7/TT/A 7/TT/B

Pemantauan janin berkelanjutan secara elektronik kemudian digunakan untuk mengidentifkasi afiksia. Hal ini diharapkan mampu mencegah terjadinya lumpuh otak.

Pengawasan janin secara elektrikal dan terus menerus selama proses


description using language provided in the dictionary. The word “secara” is the addition word aiming to connect previous and next word. As usual, NM translates “cerebral palsy” into “lumpuh otak” by using CET. DT occurs in the next terms since there are some terms omitted. “During labor” is not described in TT. “Fetal asphyxia” is translated into “afiksia”, the term “fetal” is untranslated. “Intervention” is also left untranslated.

M translates “electronic fetal monitoring” into “pengawasan janin secara elektrikal” by using CET and AT. “Persalinan” is the translation form using CET. “Asfiksia pada bayi” is the application of AT because of the existence of the word “pada.” “Intervensi” belongs to NBT because this term is an adjustment from ST pronunciation.

8/ST: Despite there being a marked increase in surgical deliveries associated with fetal monitoring, as well as accompanying increases in risks and costs, there has been no decrease in the numbers of live births with cerebral palsy over the past three decades.

8/TT/A 8/TT/B

Meskipun terdapat peningkatan angka kelahiran sesar yang dikaitkan dengan pemantauan janin ini, juga mengakibatkan peningkatan resiko dan biaya persalinan, angka bayi yang lahir dengan kasus lumpuh otak dalam tiga puluh tahun terakhir tidak mengalami penurunan.

Meskipun ada peningkatan bermakna pada kejadian seksio sesaria terkait pemantauan janin, sejalan juga dengan peningkatan risiko dan biayanya, tidak ada penurunan angka kelahiran hidup dengan CP selama > dari 3 dekade.

NM uses the words “kelahiran sesar” in translating “surgical deliveries” by applying CET. Besides, CET is used when translating “fetal monitoring” into “pemantauan janin”, “numbers of live birth” into “angka bayi yang lahir.”


9/ST: Controlled studies in human populations have shown important prenatal antecedents of cerebral palsy.

9/TT/A 9/TT/B

Studi kasus kontrol dalam bidang populasi manusia telah menunjukkan pemicu-pemicu penting kasus lumpuh otak yang bersifat pranatal.

Studi terkontrol pada populasi manusia telah menunjukkan adanya hal penting yaitu adanya CP pada applied in the word “hal pada masa.” Secondly, AT is used since the word “pada” and “masa” are added. PBT is applied in the translation of “prenatal.”

10/ST: A 2004 report concluded, “Evidence suggests that 70 to 80% of CP [cerebral palsy] cases are due to prenatal factors and that birth asphyxia plays a relatively minor role (<10%).”

10/TT/A 10/TT/B

Sebuah hasil penelitian tahun 2004 menyatakan bahwa 70 - 80% kasus ini dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor pranatal dan afiksia juga tidak memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan (<10%).

Laporan tahun 2004 menyimpulkan bahwa 70 sampai 80% kasus CP disebabkan oleh faktor prenatal dan asfiksia bayi baru lahir hanya berperan kecil (<10%) pada CP


to CET. “Prenatal factors” is translated into “faktor-faktor prenatal” by using NBT. “Birth asphyxia” is translated into “afiksia” by applying two techniques: NBT and DT. DT occurs since the word “birth” is untranslated.

As seen in 10/TT/B “Faktor prenatal” consists of two technique that are NBT in the word “faktor”, and PBT as seen in the word “prenatal.” The translation term “asfiksia bayi baru lahir” uses three techniques such as NBT in “asfiksia”, CET in “bayi baru lahir”, and AT since “bayi” and “baru” is not provided in ST.

To meet the validity and to make sure whether the reader understands or not, the questionnaire is spread. The data are assessed by six participants. They consist of 3 people having medical background and the rest are non-medical background people. They also represent as target reader of each translation.


1/TT/A 1/TT/B Faktor-Faktor Pranatal Pemicu Lumpuh

Otak Pada Bayi Tunggal Non-Prematur

Faktor prenatal bayi dengan CP pada kehamilan tunggal aterm atau preterm

1/TT/A is chosen by four respondents which consist of three non-medical background people and one person having medical background, meanwhile the rest respondents choose 1/TT/B. It can be concluded that 1/TT/A is more understandable than 1/TT/B. Most respondents choose 1/TT/A because it uses lay terms which make them understand about the context. Besides, three from four respondents who choose 1/TT/A do not have medical background which support their knowledge in understanding the medical text. It is contrast with people having medical background, they used to be familiar with medical terms.

2/TT/A 2/TT/B

Suatu gangguan saraf motorik bersifat bawaan lahir yang dikenal dengan lumpuh otak merupakan salah satu kondisi medis seumur hidup yang menyerang dua dari seribu anak.

Cerebral palsy, kelainan bawaan berupa ketidakmampuan secara motorik yang murni bersumber dari otak, adalah sekelompok kelainan gerak yang biasa dialami oleh 2 dari 1000 anak.


3/TT/A 3/TT/B Walaupun didefinisikan sebagai

gangguan motorik, lumpuh otak juga seringkali disertai dengan cacat intelektual, epilepsi, dan gangguan pancaindra.

Walaupun disebut kelainan motorik, CP sering dihubungkan dengan defisit intelektual, epilepsi dan ketidakmampuan secara sensorik.

3/TT/A is chosen by most participants which means that it is easier to read than 3/TT/B. Four people consists of three non-medical background people and one person having medical background vote for 3/TT/A. The rest participants vote for 3/TT/B. In this case, M uses terms that is hardly received by people who do not have experience in medical field such as “defisit intelektual” and “ketidakmampuan secara sensorik.” Considering that most voters who choose 3/TT/A are common people, it can be drawn that people who do not have medical background tend to understand the text using general language. Meanwhile, two medical background people is more enjoyable to read 3/TT/B because they are familiar with the terms and think that M can transfer the meaning better than NM.

4/TT/A 4/TT/B

Satu hal yang seringkali dikaitkan dengan kasus lumpuh otak adalah usia kandungan ketika bayi dilahirkan. Lazimnya dari jumlah bayi yang terlahir prematur dan mampu bertahan hidup, kasus ini bisa terjadi pada seperempat dari jumlah tersebut.

Usia kehamilan saat kelahiran bayi sangat kuat hubungannya dengan CP. Bayi yang lahir dengan usia kehamilan cukup bulan memiliki kemampuan bertahan lebih baik, dengan angka kejadian pada bayi cukup bulan adalah 1 dari 40 bayi sangat prematur yang bertahan hidup.


more complete than NM’s description. Some information that are not available in 4/TT/A are provided in 4/TT/B.

5/TT/A 5/TT/B

Para peneliti kemudian memfokuskan perhatian mereka pada kelahiran-kelahiran prematur ekstrem (<28 minggu) mengingat bayi yang terlahir prematur diperkirakan memiliki resiko lumpuh otak yang lebih tinggi. Namun, ternyata hanya terdapat kurang dari 0.4% bayi prematur ekstrem yang bertahan hidup.

Penelitian telah memfokuskan pada bayi sangat prematur, sesuai dengan tingginya risiko individual yang dihadapi bayi tersebut, tapi ternyata kurang dari 0.4% neonatus yang bertahan adalah neonatus yang lahir pada usia kehamilan < 28 minggu.

Two non-medical background people agree that 5/TT/A is more understandable than 5/TT/B. Meanwhile, in 5/TT/B the diction used by M such as “neonatus” may make the participant hard to understand especially for non-medical background people because the word “neonatus” is derived from Latin. Nonetheless, it is mostly chosen because it is considered more appropriate than 5/TT/A.

6/TT/A 6/TT/B

2/3 dari total bayi yang terlahir dengan lumpuh otak dan mampu bertahan hidup justru masuk dalam golongan bayi tunggal (bukan bayi kembar) yang tidak lahir prematur. Golongan ini sendiri, diteliti lebih jauh sehingga banyak literatur medis tentang penyebab CP lebih sering berfokus pada peranan asfiksia bayi baru lahir.


meanwhile people who choose 6/TT/B have medical background. It can be seen that decision making in this sentence represents people’s background.

7/TT/A 7/TT/B

Pengawasan janin secara elektrikal dan terus menerus selama proses persalinan diperkenalkan untuk mengidentifikasi kejadian asfiksia pada bayi, dengan harapan bahwa intervensi pada waktu yang tepat akan dapat mencegah CP.

Two people agree that 7/TT/A is better than 7/TT/B. Those who choose provided in 7/TT/B such as “selama proses persalinan” and “intervensi”.

8/TT/A 8/TT/B

Meskipun terdapat peningkatan angka kelahiran sesar yang dikaitkan dengan pemantauan janin ini, juga mengakibatkan peningkatan resiko dan biaya persalinan, angka bayi yang lahir dengan kasus lumpuh otak dalam tiga puluh tahun terakhir tidak mengalami penurunan.

Meskipun ada peningkatan bermakna pada kejadian seksio sesaria terkait pemantauan janin, sejalan juga dengan peningkatan risiko dan biayanya, tidak ada penurunan angka kelahiran hidup dengan CP selama > dari 3 dekade.


Table 1. Terms Using Native Borrowing Technique
Table 7. Terms Using Deletion Technique
Table 8. Source Text Meaning
Table 9. Style and Cohesion (Addresses Textual Sub-component)


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