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Academic year: 2019



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Perpustakaan STAIN Salatiga

i i n

i i i i i i


Submitted to the Board of Examiner in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English Department and of Education Faculty

Fita Anelia Hidayah 113 01 045

English Department Of Education Faculty State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN)




jC. Stadion 3 Phone (0298) 323706 SaCatiga 50721

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES Salatiga, February 9, 2006 Case : Fita Anelia Hidayah’s Thesis


The Head of State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

After reading and correcting Fita anelia hidayah’s thesis entitled “A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF EVALUATION SYSTEM BETWEEN

CURRICULUM 1994 AND COMPETENCY BASED CURRICULUM (CBC) OF ENGLISH AT SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL”, we have decided and we would like to propose that if it can be accepted by the educational faculty, we hope it will be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu 'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Consultant Assistant Consultant

Dr. Rahma<tHariyadi, M.ffd Norwanter-Mrttaifl NIP. 150321407 N I P .150254238




JC. S tadion 3 Phone (0298) 323706 Salatiga 50721




NIM. 11301045

Has been brought to the board of examiners on February, 28th 2006 M / 29th Muharram 1427 H, and hereby considered to completely fulfill the requirement for the degree of Sarjana in English and Education Faculty.

Salatiga, February, 28th 2006 M Muharram, 29th 1427 H

Drs. Badwan, M.Ag N IP.150198743

1st examiner

3 V DR. Muh. Saerozi, M.Ag

NIP. 150247014

DR. I ahmat H. M.Pd N If.150254238

Board of examiners



Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Salatiga Jl. Tentara Pelajar No. 02 Salatiga 50721 Telp (0298) 323705


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb


Dengan penuh kejujuran dan tanggung jawab, peneliti menyatakan bahwa skripsi ini tidak berisi materi yang pernah ditulis oleh orang lain atau pernah diterbitkan, demikian juga skripsi ini tidak berisi satupun pikiran-pikiran orang lain, kecuali informasi yang terdapat dalam referensi yang dijadikan bahan rujukan.

Apabila dikemudian hari ternyata terdapat materi atau pikiran-pikiran orang lain di luar peneliti yang dicantumkan, maka peneliti sanggup

mempertanggungjawabkan kembali keaslian skripsi ini dihadapan sidang munaqosah skripsi.

Demikian deklarasi ini dibuat oleh peneliti untuk dapat dimaklumi.

Wallahul Muwafiq ila aqwamittoriq

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wbi

Salatiga, 18 Februari 2006 Peneliti




lU is tfiesis is decficatecCto:



All praises be to Allah, The Almighty, The Lord of the world, whose

blessing has made it possible for the writer to realize this graduating paper entitled “A Comparative Study o f Evaluation System between Curriculum 1994 and Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) o f English in Senior High School”.

There are many kinds of helps received appreciate from any persons.

The writer cannot realize this thesis without the help of theirs. In this occasion, she would like to thank to:

1. Drs. Badwan, M. Ag., the Head of State Islamic Studies Institute.

2. Drs. Sa’adi, M.Ag., the Head of English Department of Education Faculty.

3. Mr Rahmad Hariyadi and Mr Norwanto, her thesis consultants and teachers who have guided the writer to finish this thesis. Both of them are always ready to give help in solving her problem concerning her graduating paper. Thanks for their patience and guidance.

4. All lecturers of State Islamic Studies Institute, Mr Ruwandi, Mr Hammam, Mrs Woro, Mr Ari.


6. My dear mas Hadi, you are the one who always stand beside me for all happiness and crying on the pass, I’ll never forget it, thanks for your patience and your pray.

7. My the best friends, Nellen sentholen, Sogud eret, Iskay-yah, Oka, Rieka.

8. Team of Gang Buntu, especially gendaut, bayix, wix-wix, yulay, nuyul, lastrie.

9. All friends of Mine of (Sahabat) PMII (Pergerakan Mahasiswa Islam Indonesia).

10. Team of KKN “Petung Suringgono” Gendut, Lia muzro, Dilla, Martien, Qoemar, Hamiem, Uluem, Atiek.

11. All students of TBI ’01, especially Lina, Tya’, Saroh, Heni.

12. Mas Andre and mbak Nurul thanks for your “comfort home”, my little sister Tasya and Sandy.

Finally, the writer realizes that this thesis is imperfect. The writer gladly accepts constructive critique and evaluation to make this thesis better.




Attentive Counselor Notes... ii

Certification Page... iii

Declaration... iv

Motto... v

Dedication... vi

Acknowledgment... vii

Table of Content... ix


A. Background of the Study... 1

B. The Problem of Statement... ■... 3

C. Objectives of the Problem... 4

D. The Benefit of the Study... 4

E. The Literature Review... 4

F. Research Methodology... 7




A. The Curriculum...10

1. Definition...10

2. The kinds of curriculum... 11

3. Curriculum development models... 11

4. Curriculum content... 12

B. Teaching Learning Method...13

1. Definition...13

2. The kinds of teaching learning Method... 14

3. The Factors which gives influence of choosing method... 16

4. Relation between curriculum and learning method... 18

C. Learning Evaluation...18

Vi 1. Definition... 18

2. Learning Evaluation Forms...19

3. The criteria of choosing evaluation form... ... 21

4. The relation among curriculum, Learning method and evaluation model... 22



2. Philosophy...25

3. Approach... 27

4. Content... 27

B. The Curriculum 2004... 28

1. Background...28

2. Philosophy... ...33

3. Approach... 34

4. Content... 35

CHAPTER IV. THE COMPARATIVE OF EVALUATION SYSTEM BETWEEN CURRICULUM 1994 AND 2004 A. Evaluation system of curriculum 1994 and 2004...37

1. The Curriculum 1994...!... 37

2. The Curriculum 2004...42

B. The Implication of Evaluation System toward Teaching Learning Method ... ... ... 55

CHAPTER V. CLOSURE A. Conclusion... 58

B. Suggestion... 60

Bibliography... 61





Progress and education growth become the efficacy determinant of a nation,

some indications can be seen from the progress of west world like America and Europe that always become the example in education. It can be seen from various data, which always give the information about good education like Teaching Learning model, research result, great output products and others. It is to confess that Indonesia still admires the west education.

Indonesia as nation which is still identified as developing country search as how to strive to become the progress countries and get out of the left behind especially education. The great expectation, of course, has to support by whole

awareness especially teacher and student. We can do and try to fill to strive and not only loaded by certain institutes or government, however, every person who wants the progress also doing the change with the strength and membership of each.1

The curriculum change cannot to avoid because the existence of view change in education and pressure from outside. However, that changes often meet the difficulty. It is because existence of opposing party, they are part of teacher, monitoring of education, eptry new subject on the basis that subject which have given the benefit, and it is importance. However, they are agree with entry of new subject was happen, addition of syllabus items, this matter will effect to become heavier

'Mastuhu, Menata Ulang Pemikiran Sistem Pendidikan Nasional dalam A bad21, Safiria Insania

Press, Yogyakarta. 2003, page 1



burden of all students. Other difficulty is in determining assessment criteria in order

to arrange the principles of curriculum assessment about what score which to be used. Even in determining construction of curriculum there are many difficulties because there is different idea.

Autonomous gift of wide education at school represent the government carrying to indication, which appear in the society and also strike to make up of education quality in general. 1'his autonomous gift claims the more good curriculum approach at school so that it can accommodate all powered desire at one blow various society components effectively, utilize to support the existing system and progress at school. In framework of this is, CBC come up alternatively curriculum which on the market. The autonomy given to school to earn money and to manage the resource

with its allocation according to requirement priority and also listen carefully to local society requirement. Participation of the society claims to be more comprehending of education, assisting, and also controls the education management. In this concept,


school should be responsible and cooperate with parent, society, and also government.* 3

One of the important factor in curriculum development is evaluation, whether its program and also the competition of students ability. For better, all of evaluation types can be applied practically and able to measure the educational resulting especially English study based on curriculum which had been previously developed, and then be applied needs .evaluation. It is used to know the purpose that lias been specified. From the result of evaluation it is known what program can be continued or

:Oemar Hamalik, Evaluasi Kurikulum, PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, Bandung, 1993, page. I

3E.Mulyasa, Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi, Konsep Karakteristik dan Implementasi, PT.

Remaja Rosdakarya, Bandung, 2003, page. 8


ignored. As a whole, the evaluation shall be effort by all of each Education Institutes., it can be used to develop the students’ potency optimally on each educational type.. This matter can be related by what is told by John W. Gordner of in his book excellently that:

“In higher education as in everything else there is no excellent performance without high morale. No morale, no excellence! Excellence can be experienced at every level and in ever)' serious kind of education.”4

For the reaching of superiority of student competition requires to be hearten to learn. This matter represents the big and heavy duty for teacher and all developers and also curriculum executors.



The main problems of this study are:

1. What are similarities of evaluation systems between curriculum 1994 and competency .based curriculum (CBC) of English at senior high school?

2. What are differences of evaluation systems between curriculum 1994 and competency based curriculum (CBC) of English at senior high school?

4 Kunto Rahardjo, Konvensi Nasional Pendidikan Indonesia II Kurikulum untuk Abad ke 21, P T

Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia, Jakarta, 1994, page. 27-29


3. What are the implications of evaluation systems between curriculum 1994 and competency based curriculum (CBC) toward teacher teaching method?

4. What are the implications of evaluation systems between curriculum 1994 and competency based curriculum (CBC) toward the way of learning student?


The objectives of this study are:

■ 1. To find similarities of evaluation system between curriculum 1994 and competency based curriculum (CBC) of English at senior high school. 2. To find differences of evaluation system between curriculum 1994 and

competency based curriculum (CBC) of English at senior high school. 3. To find implications of evaluation system between curriculum 1994 and

competency based curriculum (CBC) of English at senior high school toward teacher teaching method and the way of learning student.


1. This evaluation systems can be used to control curriculum change.

2. This study can be used to find advantages and disadvantages of



In this thesis, the writer takes review of related literature from the other references

as comparison.


2004 ENGLISH CURRICULUM”5, which has been researched by Zunan Andi Wibowo, the student of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) of Salatiga. In this thesis, he concluded “The language skills are insufficient compatible with the 2004 English curriculum”.


Mahardika, the student of Satya Wacana Christian University of Salatiga. In this thesis, he concluded “The competency based curriculum applied in the teaching and learning

process at SMU Salatiga”.

The third review related to this research entitled “THE CONSISTENCY OF FIRST YEAR SMU ENGLISH TEXTBOOK WITH THE 1994 CURRICULUM : A CASE STUDY”7 which has been researched by Sari Asih, the student of State Islamic

5 Zunan Andi Wibowo, A Comparative between English Text Books for The First Year Junior

High School and 2004 English Curriculum, Unpublished thesis, Salatiga, 2004

6 1 Made mahardika, The Implementation o f student centered approach in the English teaching

and learning process at SMU I Salatiga as Suggested in The Competence Based Curriculum, unpublished

thesis, salatiga, 2004, p.36

7 Sari Asih , The Consistency o f the First Year SMU English Textbook with the 1994 English

Curriculum: A case study, Unpublished thesis, Salatiga, 1999



Studies Institute (STAIN) of Salatiga. In this thesis, she concluded “She wants to know whether the textbooks are consistent with the 1994 English curriculum or not”.


TERHADAP PENGAJARAN DI KELAS"* which has been researched by Idris HM. Noor,.

In the thesis he concluded “Grammar approach of curriculum of English subject at junior high school and senior high school “.

The fifth review related to this research entitle “MODEL PELATIHAN GURU


by Idris HM. Noor,. In this thesis, he concluded “Curriculum change of English subject to increase student ability in practice English language”.

Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2003, Kurikulum Bahasa Inggris, 2004. Jakarta : Depdikbud. This curriculum tells the main emphasis of teaching language skills standard competency of evaluation system of English subject.

Mulyasa. E. Dr. 2004, Implementasi Kurikulum 2004, Panduan Pembelajaran KBK, Bandung : Pt. Remaja Rosdakarya, this book explains about study guidance and evaluation system of CBC.

Mastuhu, Dr. Prof. 2003, Menata ulang Pemikiran Sistem Pendidikan Nasional

dalam abad 21. Yogyakarta : Safitria Insania Press. This Book explains about reason of

curriculum change 21st century in CBC

8 Idris HM.Noor, Perubahan Kurikulum Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris Di SLTP dan SLTA serta

Dampaknya terhadap pelaksanaannya dikelas, Jurnal Dikbud no. 019, oktober 1994, p. 93-100

9 Idris HM. Noor, Model Pelatihan Guru Dalam Menerapkan Kurikulum Bahasa Inggris, Jurnal


Hamalik Oemar. Dr. 1993. Evaluasi kunkulum. Bandung : PT. Remaja Rosdakarya. This book explains about bases evaluate the curriculum.

Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1999, Penyempurnaan/Penyesuaian

Kurikulum 1994 (suplemen GBPP), Jakarta : depdikbud. This book explains about GBPP

curriculum English subject at senior high school.

F. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 1. The kind of Research

This is a Library research10 11. In this research the writer tries to analyze documents or books to know the meaning or significant conveyed in the


documents. The kinds of the documents that are books, magazines, newspaper, wibsites, and so on.

2. The Technique of Analysis and Approach

To manage the data resulted from the books, the writer will use the qualitative analysis, while the approaches used are as follows:

b. The Historical Method

It is a method, which is used to know the development of a figure, both relates with the historical surrounding and the influences, the experience and the journey of his life".

10 Sutrisno Hadi, Methodologi Research Jilid /, Fakultas Psikologi UGM, Yogyakarta, 1981, Page


11 Anton Bekker and Ahmad Haris, Metode Penelitian Filsafat, Kanisisus, Yogyakarta, Page 61,

see the thesis o f Amir Choirudin (113 97 )36) Page 4


c. The Description Method

Descriptive means a notation to relate symptoms for carrying out a

classification. Its result is general rule formula to predict the new phenomenon and if it possible to control it.12 In the world, this method is implemented to list, describe, and expose new curriculum by explaining the concept distinctively and at last to do the correlation or equivalence among new curriculum that arises a new planning to form the society.

d. The Inductive Method

Based on the analysis of the books content, the writer will make some conclusions with the inductive method, that is analyzing all parts of the main conceptions, one by one, and from the relation of each other. So, it can be made synthetic understandings.

3. The Data Sources

The writer divides the data sources in two parts: a. Primary Data Source

It is data source, which have direct relation to the research object. It is describing from Curriculum 1994 and 2004. below are many books of Curriculum 1994 and 2004 that the writer will use in this primary data source:

1. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Penyempurnaan /

Penyesuaian Kurikulum 1994 (Suplemen GBPP), Depdikbud, Jakarta,



2. Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, Pengembangan Silabus dan Sistem

Penilaian Berdasarkan Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetehsi, Deppennas,

Jakarta, 2003.

3. E. Mulyasa, Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi Konsep Karakteristik

dan Implementasi, PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, Bandung, 2003.

4. Departemen Agama RI, Kurikulum 2004 Standar Kompetensi, Depag, Jakarta, 2004.

5. Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, Pedoman Khusus Pengembangan

Silabus dan Penilaian, Deppennas, Jakarta, 2003.

6. Departemen Agama RI, Kerangka Dasar Dan Struktur kurikulum

2004, Depag, Jakarta, 2004.

7. E. Mulyasa, Implementasi Kurikulum 2004 Panduan Pembelajaran KBK, PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, Bandung, 2004

b. Secondary Data Source

Secondary data source, which is regarding as a way to help in problem analyzing by strengthening the idea with standard Islamic reading books, magazine, internet (website), and other sources which are used to support it. 4. The Method of Collecting Data

a. Documentation

Documentation is the use of documentary evidence, a furnishing with authentic documents . Here the writer used all of source book of Curriculum 1994 and 2004 13

13 Grolier Webster Dictionary, Grolier Incorporated, New York, !974, Page 294


b. Correspondence

Correspondence is the act or fact corresponding, relation of similarity or

analogy14. Here the writer will used other book, newspaper, magazine, and so on.


The writer divides this paper into five chapters.

Chapter I: Introduction, consists of Background of the Problem, Problem Statement, Objectives of the Study, The Benefit of the Study, The Literature Review, Research Literature Review, The Outline of Thesis.

Chapter II: deals with frame of reference concerning. Here, the writer will discuss about three subjects. The first subject is about the curriculum, which contains the definition, the kinds of curriculum, curriculum development models, curriculum content. The second subject is about the teaching learning method, that contains the definition, the kinds of teaching learning method, the factors which gives influence of choosing method, relation between curriculum and learning method. The third subject about learning evaluation, which contains definition, learning evaluation forms, the criteria of choosing evaluation form. The relation among curriculum, learning method and evaluation model.

Chapter III: deals with the curriculum 1994 and 2004. Here, the writer will discuss about two subjects. The first subject is curriculum 1994, which contains the background, philosophy, approach, and content. The second subject is curriculum 2004, which contains the background, philosophy, approach, and content. 71


Chapter IV: the writer will analyze the comparative of evaluation system between curriculum 1994 and 2004. Here, the writer will discuss about two subjects. The first subject is evaluation system of curriculum 1994 and 2004, the second subject is implication of evaluation system toward teaching learning method.

Chapter V: deals with closure, which contains conclusion and suggestion. The last part is Bibliography and Appendix.






A. CURRICULUM 1. Definition

Terminology (definition) for beginning education is used in world sport at the

Greece era. At beginning in the Greece language it comes from “currir” word that means runner and “curere" which means competition place. Curriculum is definition “distance” that must be though by runner. From explanation above, curriculum on the educational term is some of subject matters that should be done by student to get the graduation certificate. Based on this limitation basic, curriculum is seen as lesson planning.1

a. Curriculum is willing and motivation which is explained in the planning or educational program that should done by teacher at school. Curriculum would have meaning and function to change the student if it is done and transformed by teacher in the activity namely teaching learning process. In other word, teaching learning process is curriculum operation.

b. Curriculum is willing and planning, its application is teaching learning process. On that process, there are two subjects that included, they are teacher and student 1

1 Nana Sudjana, Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Kurikulum di Sekolah, Sinar Baru Algensindo,


is subject that gives education to them. Both of its subjects are involved in the one process to master the educational target.'

2. The kinds of curriculum:

a. Separate Subject Curriculum

The curriculum forms are very varieties. Curriculum subject is the most familiar

form which is known and very large in its using. So, the curriculum subject means curriculum which arc contained some of subject matters that are taught separately

v in general. Hence, it also called Separate subject Curriculum.2 3

The advantages of separate subject curriculum are as follows: a.l) Subject matters are presented logically and systematically

a.2) The curriculum organization is simple and easily to be planned and done. a.3) This curriculum is easily to be evaluated. It is because having purpose to explain some knowledge which are easily to be evaluated by exam or test.

a.4) This curriculum had been being used for centuries duration and it was to be


a.5) This curriculum more make easily to the teacher. 4

The weakness of using the separate subject curriculum are as following:

a.l) This curriculum is giving the subject matter separately one by one and does

not relation of each other.

a.2) This curriculum is not pay attention to the social problems which are faced by children in their daily life.

2 Ibid, Page 3

3 Nasution, Asas-Asas Kurikulum, Jemmars, Bandung, 1982, Page 137

*lbid, Page 140



a.3) This curriculum also gives the past human experience in logically and systematically formed. It is because something logic is not usually psychological as seen of children enthusiasm and development.

a.4) This curriculum goal is very limited.

a. 5) This curriculum is weaken to development of thinking skill.5

b. Correlated Curriculum

Correlation is done by several ways such as follows:

b.l) There is relation between two subject matters incidentally. For example at the geography lesson could be explained about historical problem, animal science,

and so on.

b.2) There is happen being good relation if the previous problem is discussed in many subject matters, for example rice field is discussed in geography subject, flora science, hand made, drawing and singing.

b. 3) Many subject matters can be gathered by erased the each limitations, for example historical subject, economics, sociology, anthropology, geography are involved social science.6

c. Integrated Curriculum

Integration comes from “integer” word that means unit. It also means gathering, coordination, harmony, comprehensive.

Integrated curriculum is done through the unit teaching. According to Caswell unit is a series o f related activities engaged in by children in the process o f

realizing o f dominating purpose which is compatible with the aims o f education.7


A unit has meaning purpose for children that usually explained in the problem

' ' f



d. Developmental Activity Curriculum.

3. Curriculum development models

a. The fuhdamental of curriculum include:

1) Back ground that contains philosophy planning and educational department goal, population that to be target, rationalities of subject matter, the organization structure of subject matter.

2) Syllabus contains subject matter which is more detail that was jgiven as scope and its sequence.

3) Evaluation design involved revisions strategy or curriculum repairing about:

a) Subject matter

b) Matter organization and its instructional strategy.

b. The instructional fundamental for each subject matter is developed based on the syllabus.^ * 8 9

1 Ibid, Page 155

8 Iskandar Wiryokusumo, Usman Mulyadi, Dasar-Dasar Pengembangan Kurikulum, PT. Bina

Aksara, Jakarta, 1988

9 Nasution, Kurikulum dan Pengajaran, Bina Aksara, Bandung, 1989, Page 8



4. Curriculum content

Curriculum contain is talk about the scientific knowledge and experience of

learning that should be given to student to get the educational purpose. To determine the curriculum content both related to scientific knowledge or experience of learning are appropriate with educational level. The development which is happen on the society relates with demand and people or society need.10 *

The criteria to choose curriculum content:

a. Curriculum content is should be appropriated and has meaning to the student development.11

b. Curriculum content must describe social reality, it means appropriated to the real life demand in society.


c. Curriculum content could get the target comprehensively, it means contain the intellectual, moral and social aspect.

d. Curriculum content must contain scientific knowledge which has survival, it means does not chance by demand of daily life only.

e. Curriculum content is cleaver subject matter theory, principle, concept not only factual information.

f. Curriculum content must motivate the mastery of educational purpose.12


Subject matter is curriculum content. Generally, knowledge could be divided into three categories, they are:

10 Op.cn, Page 27

" Ibid, Page 30



The word “ method” comes from Greeka language, Metha means through and

Hados means way or method. Method means way that must be through to master the

certain purpose. Logi comes from word “logos” which means ‘s c i e n c eHence, methodology means science that talks about way or method that must be through to get the certain goal. Teaching definition comes from “teach”. So, teaching means process of subject matter presentation by person to other person with the goal in order to other people could receive, improve, and develop that subject. 14

From explanation above, it can be conclude that teaching learning method is science which talk about method that must be done to master the learning purpose.15


2. The kinds of teaching learning method

a. Lecturing method

The lecturing method is usually used in many situations. It is not only usually used but also it was getting the critical that it does not appropriate used in the teaching and educational world. It means not appropriated with learning principal which is student must be active. However, this method also has positive function if used in appropriated condition and situation.

In other meaning, lecturing method is oral way presentation of subject matter that done by teacher to the student to master the learning purpose.16

14 Ulihbukit Karo Karo, Metodologi Pengajaran, CV. Saudara, Salatiga, 1974, Page 7

15 Ibid, Page 8

16 Ibid, Page 12


b. Imitation and memorize method

This method is teacher teaches to his student with speaking the sentence by sentence that should be imitated by their student. After student speaking that sentence correctly then they should memorize it.

The advantage when using this method is get original from something for example cultural, religion 'and so on could be survived and also training the power of student analysis and giving the simple time and power.17

c. Dictate method

Dictate method is way to present the subject matter by asking the student to copy what teacher says.

The functions of this method are: 1) . Easily to save the class rule

2) . Student gets the new of subject matter and also they could exercise to write fastly and appropriately.18

This method also has the weakness such as:

1) . Student is less active because they are only listening and copying what teacher says orally.

2) . This method implicates student tired. a. Exercise method

Exercise method is the better way to give certain habit, faster and perfectly doing in to do something.

17 Ibid, Page 16


b. Questioning and answering method

This method is used if teacher wants to know the student acquisition and mastery toward the matter that has been presented.

c. Catechetical method

This method is same with questioning and answering method. Its difference is being available usually in the lesson book.19

d. Discuss method

Discussion is scientific conversation that contains transferring of idea. This \ method is presentation way of subject matter whereas teacher duties the student to

apply the scientific conversation to get the true. e. Demonstration and experiment method

This method is way to present the subject matter with describing process and its result to master the purpose.

f. Problem solving method g. Group work method

This method is way to present the subject matter whereas teacher asked student to do certain task to get teaching destination.20

3. The factors which gives influence of choosing method

a. The goal which is mastered

The definition about this educational goal wholly is needed because that purpose will be a target and guiding to their action to apply its teacher function.21


19 Ibid, Page 21

20 Ibid, Page 60


b. Student

Student will receive and study the subject matter which is presented by teacher must be attention in choosing the teaching method. It is because there is demand a knowledge and certain skill, for example discussion method, oral method, etc. c. Subject matter

Here, subject matter must appropriated with the student need then student can understood what the lesson that given by teacher.

d. Facilities

Here, facilities are mean action tools, room, time, opportunity, place, practice tools, books, library, laboratory and so on.21 22

e. Teacher

Teacher must be understand the method such as its teaching, goodness and its weakness, the appropriate situation in which it is effective and skillful in use it. Based on that statement, it could be concluded that teacher attitudes, knowledge and their competence are very determining in teaching method that will be used.

f. Situation . s

Situation is student condition which related to their weakness and motivation, atmosphere, teacher and class condition of each other.23

g. Participation

Participation here means teacher follows actively about student activity. h. Goodness and weakness of certain method

21 ibid, Page 92

22 Ibid, Page 94


There is nothing a perfectly method to master each goals in every, situation. Each method has goodness and weakness then teacher needs to know when and where that method is appropriate to used,

i. Philosophy

Philosophy which is relates about life thinking and to be basic of behavior and action from individual is followed to determine in choosing teaching method.

4. Relation between curriculum and learning method \


Curriculum is to be reference in apply teaching method. Hence, teacher must more understand the curriculum in able to present it in experience form to give meaning to the student. At the basic, each formal curriculum which released by government could be realized only by teacher’s offer. On the other, teacher can try to appropriate the curriculum with psychology development of every student. So, teacher usually involved in every curriculum applying.


The word “evaluate” comes from British “evaluation”. In arabic language it means “al- Taqdir”, which in Indonesia language means assessment. The root of its word is value, in Arabic is “al-Qimah” in Indonesia means value. So in terminology, it means assessment in education term or assessment about the matter which has been related to educational activity.24 To fulfill the parent need to increase the result of study, the form of

24 Anas Sudijono. Pengantar Evaluasi Pendidikan, PT Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta, 1996, Page



report of result study should involves all the matters and also the accurate description

about the strengthen, weakness and theirs children ability to do the task more over toward their interest of subject matter.

While, terminologically, as to be explained by Edwin Wanted and Gerald W. Brown (1977): evaluation refer to the act or process to determine the value of something.25 26

To discuss about educational assessment is too large, so the talking about it will be eliminated toward assessment it self or evaluation that has been done at school.

Educational evaluation are:

a. The process / activity to determine education progress rather than the destination which is curtained.

b. The trying to get the information that can be feed back for educational come perfectionisms.

Learning evaluation is a process to determine the value and the advantage of learning activity through measurement and evaluation activity. It is involved thinking maker of value and the advantage of program, result and learning process. Therefore, the previously purpose of learning evaluation is getting some information or data then those will be functioned to learning development.

2. Learning Evaluation Forms a. Process and product evaluation

Evaluation or assessment in learning process not merely done toward study result but it also done toward the learning process itself. Product evaluation is evaluation


observe which centered concern to out put of student appropriated by the goal that has been mastered.

On the other hand, process evaluation is evaluation analysis which centered concern into some components of learning process such as: deductive procedure, teaching media, student grouping, subject matter, even learning goal that will be mastered.

b. Criterion referenced evaluation (CRE) and Norm referenced evaluation (NRE)

b. 1). Criterion referenced evaluation (CRE) is kind of evaluation that does not comparing student result with his group but it based on the goal competence which has been determined.

b. 2). Norm referenced evaluation (NRE) is evaluation that was arranged to certain difference one student with others in group. It is also to determine how far the student achievement of each other by difference background. NRE is kind of evaluation which determine the student performance rather than other student performance in same evaluation.27

c. Formative and summative evaluation

At the public, there are three kinds of learning evaluation which is needed such as: c. l) Initial evaluation

Initial evaluation is evaluation which done to know the student condition at the learning time will began (pre-test).

c.2) Evaluation during learning process (intern evaluation) *

Intern evaluation is evaluation to give the feedback to the student and teacher (mid term-test)

27 Mukhtar, Samsu, Pedoman Mengukur Kinerja Pembelajaran, Sesama Mitra Suksesa, Jakarta,

2003, Page 77



c.3) Terminal evaluation

Terminal evaluation is evaluation which done to know the last competence level from student (post-test). While, formative evaluation is evaluation which has function to repair learning process to the purpose better and repair the program of subject matter that has been used. On the other meaning, it is also to observe the progress (development) of student learning and giving feedback to both student and teacher.

Summative evaluation is evaluation which has function to determine student score after following program in mid semester and last semester of educational units.28

3. The criteria of choosing evaluation form a. To know the difficulties of student learning


Student with their potentials is to be determiner factor of their achievemerlt in through out the unit of subject matter.

b. To do the planning

A teacher from beginning could though and determining the data that is needed and it must be gathered before learning result evaluation has been done. It also must be arranged perfectly before its planning.29

c. Step of gathering data

The activity of gathering data is aimed to get information about the condition of evaluation object by using evaluation tools which has been examined.

d. Step of data verification

28 Ibid, Page 82


Data that has been gathered must be filtered before it has been processed. This process is named data verification to distinguish the good data that will explain clearly about student who has been being evaluated.

e. Step of data processing

To give the meaning toward the data, teacher must doing 'the step of data processing.

f. Step of giving interpretation

Data that has been gathered must be processed and formulated as possible as clear and it is the criteria that could be justified.30

4. The relation among curriculum, learning method and evaluation model a. Curriculum is reference which is used in the teaching and learning process. b. Learning model is style that is used in learning process.

i _

c. Evaluation model is method which is used in evaluation of learning process. So, those components are relevant and related of each other. Its relation is located at the curriculum which is referenced of education that must be determined by government. It must be taught by teacher to the student by using the difference learning method as appropriated to their skill itself.

After learning process it is needed to be done the evaluation to know how far the subject matter which given by teacher could be understood by student.

30 Ibid, Page 87






Curriculum is one of public policy made by government. It is very important

component besides teacher and facility. Curriculum is the description of the goal that \ will be mastered, the subject matter would be processed, the learning program that will

be applied and also the learning activity that must be done. It gives the foundation to the teacher to arrange and to do the teaching program. The description about the highest quality in graduating can be estimated from the curriculum. 1

1. Background

To develop the quality of national education in Indonesia, 1994 curriculum has change curriculum with its approach. In the 1976, the 1975 curriculum changed the its previously curriculum. PPSI approach (Instructional system developing procedure) which is developed by a set of material. At the 1984, the 1975 curriculum was changed by 1984 curriculum which used an approach of process skill using CBSA (active learning method). Especially for language class, it used communicative approach and to support this, it involved the pragmatic approach. Then 1984 curriculum was changed by todays curriculum.1 2

1 Nana Sudjana, Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Kurikulum DI Sekolah, Sinar Baru Algensindo,

Bandung, Page 51


There is an assumption that at the field there are many teachers who less understand about teaching skill concept, so that the application of this approach does not meet what they want. Actually the method of active learning student is not the new thing because one of didactic principle is that students must be active. It is also about what teacher called communicative approach in the language teaching because the purpose of language learning students are able to used the language to communicate.

The new Paradigm which has been developed since 1980 is student self learning.

Teacher is assumed as just a facilitator and related to it, in Indonesia there is a learning v terminology instead of teaching-learning. However, in fact teacher is still as an active

actor and the factor that determine. They are not only providing the hardware but also the Soft\ ’are, to make the student active, they must work hard, choose the appropriate method, cultivate the matter from GBPP, try to draw the student figure out etc.3

To support the student learning activity that is required an appropriate curriculum to make them active. This curriculum have to focus on student requirement, so teaching learning process reach learning target. Target, program, and its study substance are arranged as requirement to improve students outcome study.

. From the explanation above, the world which is faced by the students at the moment, is very complex. If the curriculum must be revised periodically, the writer ensured there is renewal of curriculum area.

The curriculum of English in 1994 at senior high school is based on the analysis result done by teacher, scientist educational expert, critical and also suggestion from the experts who explains the problems in the English language teaching. Some of. these problems are as follows:

3 Ibid, Page 11


1) Structure and substantial organization is more opened.

1) Several communicative statements which is not appropriate with the theme. 2) There are many complicated functional components

3) Some plans of learning goal are not clear.4 5

Generally, the appropriate curriculum in English at senior high school include:

1) The example of communicative statement, which must be appropriate with theme 2) Gradually subtracting of functional competent

3) The chance of presentation format is expected and can give teacher understanding toward curriculum.'1

2. Philosophy

Philosophic ground intrinsically determine the common target of education,6 that is to educate the nation life, in this context such as student.

Philosophically curriculum 1994 study about how to look into: 1) Student

Students only accepted the knowledge without developing their potentials and just taken for granted by teacher lesson. Teacher in other side undertakes as transferring of knowledge to the student, its orientation does only pursue the curriculum target which must be taught in certain time without take care what the student could receive the lesson or not. Hence, in this context teacher is as control of knowledge.

4 Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Penyempurnaan/Penyesuaian Kurikulum 1994

(Suplemen GBPP), Dep Dik Bud, Jakarta, 1999, Page 1 >

5 Ib id


More over, the curriculum does not as what student need. As well as in every curriculum innovation, its out put usually depend on the teacher. Teacher itself has never involved in learning research, less improved of teaching method to develop and reach their knowledge. They also merely used the teaching as possible as they can. For the next, they could not guide the student to do the research because primarily they could not be.

Finally, the student cannot improve their ability and their achievement in a few decade is less rather than years before.7

2) Orientation of the study

Curriculum 1994 more focuses on cognitive aspect and not take care to the affective and psychomotor aspect. The social reconstruction expert has argument that curriculum is merely attention to academic problem however does not take a part to prepare the social life. Hereinafter, curriculum that is compiled by some scientists does not appropriate for student. They are suspect the scientist assumption that all students


have to understood the scientific method to learn the science discipline. They also could not accept that every student would be professional scientist. However, curriculum must result the professional scientist by teaching circumstantial understanding about the fundamental principles of discipline science, suggesting the scientific research process, and giving the appropriate curriculum which is based in each science discipline.8

Philosophically, the 1994 curriculum is based on Pancasila. It means 1994 curriculum has view that education based on Pancasila purposes to increase the quality of


Depennas, Pedoman Khusus Kurikulum 2004, Direktorat Jendral Dikdasmen, Jakarta, 2003, Page

8 Ibid, Page 22


Indonesian society. In other words it also means the human who have the faith to the


God, good behavior, discipline, work hard, responsible, and so on.9

i 3. Approach

Generally teaching learning process that take place happened at 1994 curriculum

tends to be classical. Adapted by instructional target which have the cognitive character, and usually it done in class. Because the target is more to attainment the curriculum


goals, hence method and approach applied is less variety. \


Study process that happened in 1994 curriculum is more centered to the teacher, where teacher is buttonhole which everything, and represent one who cleverest in class world. This circumstance is resulting the level of understanding that the student do not be the attention of teacher seriously.10

4. Content of curriculum 1994 a. Introduction

Representing of GBPP of English subject at senior high school of 1999 / 2000 is content of 1994 curriculum. The teacher find difficulties in class. To subtract those difficulties there is done the appropriate curriculum which has been purpose to help the teacher in understanding of curriculum 1994. Hence, teacher in study planning and evaluation is should related to GBPP of English subject 1994.

b. Rational Compilation of curriculum 1994 at senior high school consisted of:

9 Op.Cit, Page 10-11


1) The principles of curriculum 1994 in English subject remain to be defended 2) Organizational11

c. Clarification instruction of program, consisted of: 1) Target of study

2) List of themes

3) Employing and language element 4) List the words

5) Activity of study* 12


1. Background ;

Our future is signed by some information and the quickly change because the world of society is exposed by evolution in science, technology, art and also globalization era, so that it demands of all readiness to appropriated with being condition or will happen. It means people must be able to face the complex and global society.

There are several problems that will be faced at the present and future challenge: a. External factors such as: globalization, the developing of national economy,

decentralization, politics, social culture and technology.

b. Internal factors are: the centralistic of management impact, the financial mechanism by government, management and organization, human potential the research at the


university and also the parent participation in the financial of education.13

" Op.Cit Page 2

12 Ibid, Page 3-5

/J Mukminan, Competency Based Curriculum: Basic Concept, Depag, Yogyakarta, 2004, Page 1


Education based competence emphasizes the ability which must be owned by graduated student at the faculty. Competence is generally ability or skill that should be mastered by graduate. That is knowledge, attitude and skill that can be demonstrated, showed or performed by student as a study result. The other aspect that cannot be forgotten by teacher and student is life skill, which is belonged by all of students. It is knowledge result of student learning.14

The curriculum change becomes competence based curriculum (CBC) will bring the consequence the being of change or not in doing the teaching learning process or evaluation of its learning result. Therefore, it must be arranged the books guidance to apply it clearly for the teacher in planning, organizing, doing and assessing teaching learning process to get competence as on the curriculum.

The aspects that are included within in the planning, organization, application and assessment of teaching result are as follows:

a. Teaching planning which included content explanation that explored in the guidance book especially on the syllabus arrangement of approach adoption and the method, using suggestion in the teaching learning process.

b. The organization or management which involve management of teaching and learning


d. The assessment which include the method to determine the goal and assessment method toward teaching learning process.15

The Educational National system externally is lost of global era, it can be seen from its less of educational facilities, most of graduate student are less of achievement quality and competition rather than other country. Internally, it also was walked deviating

or almost leaved from the previous future is to develop the characters of education which nationally and democratic (UU No. 12 / 1945 about statement of the application of

educational UU No. 4 / 1995). v

The Policy of curriculum prefectures is demand, which Juridical is bordered in the some of regulations, such as:

a. The forth amendment of UUD 1945 Section 31 about education b. Axle journal of MPR Number IV/MPR/1999 about GBHN 1999


c. The UU Number 20 of 2003 about the system of national education i

d. The UU Number 22 of 1999 about area autonomy

e. The regulation Number 25 of 2000 about governmental policy and area as autonomous area16

Based on the regulation (PP) no 25 of 2000 about dividing of central and area policy, that on the education and culture term, it is released that the central policy are as follows:

a. Determining the competence standard to the student and learning society

15 Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, Kurikulum 2004 Standar Kompetensi, Deppennas, Jakarta,

2003, page 4

16 Unggul Sudanno, Implementasi Kurikulum Di Sekolah, Seminar Sosialisasi Kurikulum 2004,

Surakarta. 2004, Page I


b. National curriculum management and assessment of study result nationally and also its applying guidance.

c. To determine previous subject matter. So technically, for example: the explanation of competence standard and basic competence becomes syllabus does not to be the central policy any more. Therefore, in the 2004 curriculum it is acknowledged being of GBPP which is very complicated to managed how the learning is done into the class.17

On the 2004 curriculum concept, it is also called as competence based curriculum (CBC). It is developed from the concept of education based competence which is emphasizes on ability that must be owned by the graduate of educational strata (university). The learning process that have done on the educational concept based competence more emphasizes to the learning goal which is determined (certain) by certain competences as the standard.

The application of regulation (PP) which is relating to the area autonomy has been demanded being able the dividing policy into governmental terms included the dividing and applying of curriculum. In this term, there are matters that have been attention, such as:

a. Curriculum diversification, which is appropriating process, developing, emphasizing of subject matter that able to served the pluralism.

b. Determining the ability standard, it means to certain the minimal measurement which has been involved ability, knowledge, skill and attitude that must be gotten, known, done by all of students in every levels as able control and the guarantee of quality.


c. Dividing policy between the central and area government that are able to empowerment of area into educational application appropriated with the potential of this area. 18

As to be respond these above, so the government in this case is Department of national education has been arranged the national standard for all the subjects at senior high school that included the components such as follows:

a. Competence standard of student, which is minimum measurement of ability that has been included among of knowledge ability, skill and the attitude that must be mastered, known and easily done by student at every levels from one matter which is touched.

b. Basic competence which is explanation from standard competence. Each standard competence is explained to several basic competences that its scope is very smaller.

c. The standard of previous matter which is the essential matter into learning subject that can be formed, such as: learning matter, value, theme, process, skill and science context of learning subject.

d. Mastering indicator, which is indicator that has been measurement to assess the result of learning process.19.

Physically, those components are beings at the curriculum instruments which is known as book of competence standard in every subject matter.

IHlbid. Page 2

19Ibid, Page 3


2. Philosophy

Philosophic ground intrinsically determine the common target of education20 that

is to educate the nation life, in this context such as Student. Philosophically curriculum 2004 is studying about how look into: a. Target

The educational development was faced some problems such as: curriculum development which resulting the national standard, creating the better atmosphere toward

educational applying which has life-skill orientation, and also increasing the quality and prosperity life of the teacher.

Specifically, the target of 2004 curriculum are become the society which has the responsibility, improve to the basic of knowledge and technology, have the support to work or study, getting the work world and also follow or continue to the next school level.21

b. Material of teaching

Every material of lesson needed to the specific teaching - learning method so that the teacher merely used one method to all the subject matters.

c. Teaching - learning process

The several cases shows that among of some teachers feels their selves can do the good teaching -learning process. In other side, they must aware that education belongs has the very complex characteristic. It is because there are pedagogy, psychology, and deductive aspects. Hence, they should guide the student to learning well. In this term, teacher must determine the appropriate kind of study and where is the best learning


20 Op cit

11 Op cit, Page 8


method to be applied. For that importance, teacher must belonged the extensive knowledge about kinds of study, internal and external condition of student and also the way of effective study.22 23

Philosophically, the 2004 curriculum is based on Pancasila. It means 2004 curriculum has view that education based on Pancasila purposes to increase the quality of

Indonesian society. In other words it also means the human who have the faith to the God, good behavior, discipline, work hard, responsible, and so on. '

3. Approach

The 2004 curriculum functions teachers as facilitator, they must take care about competence of student learning individually. For the best student they given by “pengayaan” and those who do not, they get the “remedial”. So, all of students are hoped belongs the certain basic competence before they studied the basic competence later. The approach that to be done is centered to the student, it means now the student gets learning knowledge and then they get the certain competence level and teacher more participates to help them and how they can study well. Teaching can be done in any where appropriated to knowledge learning which is planned, the method is,more varieties because it gives attention of cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects. The study source can be gotten of any where appropriated to the learning knowledge that they have been planned.


23 Biro Kepagawaian Sekretariat Jendral Depag, Basic Kompetensi Guru, Depag, Jakarta, 2004,

Page 64



4. Content of curriculum 2004

a. Development of program consisted of: 1) Annual program

1.1. List the standard competency developed in GBPP. 1.2. Scope and sequence of competency

2) Semester program

3) Module (fundamental discussion) 4) Daily and weekly program



5) Enrichment and remedial program

6) Tuition and counseling of education program24 b. Execution of study

1) Pre test, function of pre test are:

1.1. To prepare student in course of learning. 1.2. To know level progress of student.

1.3. To know early ability owned by the students. 1.4. To know where the study process is began. 2) The Process

Process in learning told succeed and qualified, if in any case most 75% student involved actively, good physic, bouncing and social in process of study

3) Post test, function of post test are:

1.1. To know the student achievement level in their learning competency.


1.2. To know competency and target which is mastered by student.

1.3. To know student which require to follow remedial activity, and student


which require to follow the enrichment activity

1.4. To do repairing the module component, and study process which has been done.

4) Evaluation result of learning 5) Make up quality of study25


25 Ibid, Page 105





The basic evaluation that is used in curriculum 1994 is norm evaluation, which

its variable is student cognitive ability. It means that cognitive ability of every individual is different and the test which is used has function to distinguish the students having low, medium and high ability.

In this evaluation, test analysis, difficulty level and test material are paid attention. Test result is not merely seen from the student achievement but it also can be seen from their active behavior in class.

Evaluation system uses integrative (more than one skills) and communicative, and is not the domination of language elements.1

1. The curriculum 1994

a. Form of the evaluation in curriculum 1994:

According to its function, evaluation can be distinguished into four kinds, they are formative, summative, placement and diagnostic. According to its way, it is differentiated to quantitative and qualitative evaluations. According to its technique, it is

1 Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Perryempurnaan'Penyesuaian Kurikulum 1994


distinguished between test and non test.7 Each of those kind evaluations are discussed such as follows:

a. Function of evaluation 1. Formative evaluation

This is tended to question, how far the teacher succeeds in teaching students. It purposes to get feed back from teaching treatment that teacher has done. In this term, it is more important, what students should do next after they get feed back.

In this term, student is still to be evaluated directly. Although it is formative evaluation, the teacher success is being evaluated. Generally, the formative evaluation is done when a topic ends, tended primarily it is to evaluate the field of cognitive behavior.2 3

2. Summative evaluation

This evaluation is tended to evaluate the students activity in learning - teaching program. Usually, it is done at the end of learning program such as: quarterly, semester final exam and school grading. Final exam is one of summative evaluation activities.4 Result of this evaluation is useful to:

a) . Determine the final score to the student, for example: report given in each semester. b) . Determine the level of success, for example: succeed or not, good or not

c) . Divide students into curtained group, for example: replace them into pair on group. 3. Placement evaluation

This is used to check students ability and then with their ability, teacher could replace each student into the appropriate class.5

2 Slameto, Evaluasi Pendidikan, Bumi Aksara, Jakarta, 1988, page 25

3 Ibid, Page 26 4 Ibid, Page 27 5 Ibid, Page 28


The replacement tests are conducted as follows: 1) . Divide students into group

2) . Distributor student into class, for example students who need high attention to learn are placed in front of class, those who are less heard are placed in from of class too, and those having longsighted eye are placed behind.

3) . Students replace into several school committee. 4) . Instruct students to choose continuity of study. 5) . Instruct students to choose possibility of work 6) . Place students in hostel (if it is available) 7) . Place students in teaching program

4. Diagnostic evaluation

It is to know the weaknesses of students who have not succeed in learning. Through this want, teacher could know what the students’ problems are.

b. The evaluation method

There are two evaluation methods: 1) Quantitative evaluation

Quantitative evaluation is usually expressed with number. This consists of cognitive and psychomotor aspects. 6

2) Qualitative evaluation

This is generally more subjective than quantitative evaluation. Quantitative evaluation is usually stated by number, meanwhile qualitative is stated with statement such as poor, fair, good, very good, excellent and so on.


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