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A CORRELATIONAL STUDY BETWEEN THE STUDENTS’ EXPERIENCE AS ENGLISH TUTOR TO THEIR ABILITIES IN TRANSLATING TEXT INTO INDONESIAN (A Study of Sixth Semester Students of English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at IAIN Salatiga i


Academic year: 2019

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(A Study of Sixth Semester Students of English Education

Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

at IAIN Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2016/2017)


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan



) in

English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga



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Website: www.iainsalatiga.ac.id email: administrasi@iainsalatiga.ac.id a

Salatiga, August 11th 2017

Hanung Triyoko, S.S., M. Hum., M.Ed.

The lecturer of English Education Department

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga



Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty Assalamu‟alaikum wr. wb.

After reading and correcting Siti Nur Hanifah‟s graduating paper entitled “A



INTO INDONESIAN”, I have decided and would like to propose that this paper

can be accepted by the Teacher Training and Education Faculty. I hope this paper

will be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu‟alaikum wr. wb.


Hanung Triyoko, S.S.,M.Hum.M, M.Ed.




Everything will come to those who keep trying with

determination and patience


90% of the causes of human failure is submission to reality




This graduating paper especially dedicated for :

1. My dearest parents, Father (Lazim) and Mother (Diniah) for their never

ended prayers, resignation, love, struggle, sacrifice and everything are

precious for me.

2. My beloved sister Laily and Salsa, thanks for your help and motivation

which are really helpful for me.

3. My beloved partner, Edy Setiawan thanks for always staying beside me in




Alhamdulillahirobbil „alamin. All praises be to Allah Subhanahu wa

Ta‟ala, the Lord of Universe. Because of Him, the researcher could finish

this graduating paper as one of the requirements for getting Sarjana

Pendidikan (S.Pd) degree in English Education Department of Teacher

Training and Education Faculty of State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN)

Salatiga in 2017.

The completion of this graduating paper is not apart from the

supports, encouragement, guidance, advice, and help from individuals and

institution. Therefore, the researcher would like to express the deepest

gratitude to:

1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd, the Rector of State Institute of Islamic

Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

2. Suwardi, M. Pd., the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

3. Noor Malihah, Ph.D., the Head of English Education Department

4. Hanung Triyoko, S.S., M.Hum., M. Ed., the counselor of this

graduating paper. Thank you very much for the suggestions, guidance,

and moreover, for time that was spent in guiding the researcher to

complete this graduating paper from the beginning until it is finished

5. All lecturers of English Education Department of IAIN Salatiga. The

researcher deeply appreciates the advices, knowledge, motivations,


viii 6. All the librarian of IAIN Salatiga

7. My beloved family

8. My beloved friends in “Jeneng Group”, thanks for beautiful days in

this campus

9. My beloved best friends, “Fifin, Ella, Risna, Betik, Fitri, Firda,

Elverda, Risa”

10. All students of English Education Department 2013

11. Everyone that the researcher cannot mention one by one. Thank you

very much for the encouragement, advice, and help

Salatiga, August 2017

The Reseacher



F. Definition of the Key words………... 7



5. Principle, Procedure and and Method of Translation ...

a. Principles of translation ...

b. Procedures of translation ...

c. Method of translation ...

6. Translation Strategies ...

7. Form and Meaning of Translation ...

8. Process of Translation ...

9. Difficulties of Translation ...



2. Profile of Institution ………...


D. Technique of Data Collection ………... 38

E. Data Analysis Technique ………... 42

F. Technique of Data Interpretation………... 44




Figure 2.1 Translation Process by Larson ………... 24




Table 3.1 List of Subject of the Research ... 37

Table 3.2 Table Category of Assesment‟ Translating Text ... 41

Table 3.3 Grade of Students Experience ... 42

Table 3.4 Grade of Students Translation Abilities ... 43

Table 3.5 Pearson‟s Product-Moment Correlation Formula ... 43

Table 3.6 r Value Interpretation ... 44

Table 4.1 Points of Questionnaire ...…………... 46

Table 4.2 Score Translating Text ...………... 48

Table 4.3 Data Analysis ...…... 50

Table 4.4 Calculation Research of Required Data ………... 52

Table 4.5 SPSS Correlation Table ………... 54

Table 4.6 The Interpretation of Correlation “r” Product Moment ... 55





ABILITIES IN TRANSLATING TEXT INTO INDONESIAN (A Study of Sixth Semester Students of English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at IAIN Salatiga in Academic Year of 2016/2017)”. (Counselor : Hanung Triyoko, S.S., M.Hum., M.Ed.)

Keywords : correlation, experience, tutor, translation




A. Background of the Study

Language is an instrument of social communication that is formed

by symbol of voice from human being (Gorys Keraf, 2010:1). Human is a

social creature who need to communicate with others. Through language

we can know the origins, education backgrounds, and characteristics of

someone. Language can show someone regarding their origins or their


Nowadays, international language that is used in the whole world

is English. So, it is very important for us to learn it. This time, English has

been taught in all levels of educational institutions in Indonesia, from the

lowest until the highest level. We can see the curriculum that is used in

English has become an important necessity to support human‟s

education or career. So, some people consider that learning English in the

school isn‟t enough, they need more additional lessons from out of school.

Such as; they come to learn English in English Course or call a tutor to



A tutor is someone who gives private lessons to one student or a

small group of students. Nowadays, majority of tutors are university

students who are still learning in the college. Why do they become tutors?

They have many reasons, such as they want to practice to be a teacher, get

any experiences and get the fee from their result of teaching. However,

they will get many advantages from their experience as tutors, they can

increase their skill in teaching.

Experience as tutors can also increase their ability in teaching

English and broaden their knowledge. Such as; speaking, writing, reading,

translating and grammar. By teaching, the tutors will be doing practices of

teaching and learning subjects regarding English language that will be

taught to their students. Topping and Ehly (1998:26) note that tutors can

learn to be nurturing toward their learners, and in so doing, develop a

sense of pride and responsibility and that improved motivation and attitude

can lead to greater commitment, improved self-esteem, self-confidence,

and greater empathy with others. So, their knowledge will increase more

and more over time.

Translation is one of the skills that is needed to teach English.

When tutors teach English in Elementary School, Junior High School and

Senior High School, they will do many translating sentences activities

from the subjects that they teach or answer questions from their students

about the meaning of some vocabularies, sentences, and texts. So, tutor‟s



Translating is the process of replacing the meaning from the

Source Language into the Target Language. We must pay a close

attention in translating, because the form of the meaning may change. The

Language translated is called a Source Language (SL) and the language

used to translate is called Target Language (TL) (Larson, 1984:1).

Translation is sometimes referred to as the fifth language skill

alongside the other four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading,

writing. Translation holds a special importance at an intermediate and

advanced level: in the advanced or final stage of language teaching,

translation from L1 to L2 and from L2 to L1 is recognized as the fifth skill

and the most important social skill since it promotes communication and

understanding between strangers (Ross, 2000:2).

Translating is not something easy. People must practices

translating a lot to become a good translator. Reading lots of texts in the

target language is part of practices to be good translators. When people

become a tutor of English from Junior High School and Senior High

School students, people would be exposed to many English texts as

learning materials. In addition, in Elementary school people can meet

English texts in some materials, although they were still very simple texts.

Automatically, a tutor needs to help students to translate their texts and

explain the meaning of all contents of texts. So, texts that people read and



Leila Razmjou (2002:4) said that the role of language is closely

related with translation, because linguistic study is always related with the

processes of producing and interpreting texts. It is as approach toward

study of translation. She also explains that to make good translation we

should read from many different texts, because translator needs active

knowledges. We can read texts from different genres to get a

comprehensive knowledge from source language and target language.

Farahzad (2007:6) said that translators use content meaning in source texts

to create whole new text in target text.

Translation skill is important skill by learners, because that skill

can make them learning all knowledges in the world. So, translators must

translate target language without changing the source meaning.

Translation skill needs special thingking and practices (Sudarno, 2011:34).

According Moelyono in Ngadiso (1995:57) that as tutors the

translation skill is important skill, they are extend materils and knowledges

to students. Tutors must extend their translation well, in order to make

students easy to understand. A good translator is translator who can

translate text appropriate to levels students.

Based on the researcher‟s interest in analyzing the correlation

between students‟ experience as English tutors and their abilities in

translation, the researcher select the students in the sixth semester on






Semester Students of English Education Department of Teacher Training

and Education Faculty at IAIN Salatiga in Academic year of 2016/2017).”

B. Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the research, the researcher arranges

the problems as follows:

1. Is there any correlation between students‟ experience as English tutors

to their abilities in translating text into Indonesian at the sixth semester

students of English Education Department of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty at IAIN Salatiga in the academic year of


2. Does the research result show a significant correlation at the sixth

semester students of English Education Department of Teacher

Training and Education Faculty at IAIN Salatiga in the academic year

of 2016/2017?

3. What factors influence the correlation between student experience as

English tutors to their abilities in translating text into Indonesian at the

sixth semester students of English Education Department of Teacher

Training and Education Faculty at IAIN Salatiga in the academic year


6 C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the problems as stated before, the researcher has some

hypotheses for the study, there are :

1. To know whether is a correlation between the students‟ experience as

English tutors to their abilities in translating text into Indonesian at the

sixth semester students of English Education Department of Teacher

Training and Education Faculty at IAIN Salatiga in the academic year

of 2016/2017 or not.

2. To find out the research result show a significant correlation at the

sixth semester students of English Education Department of Teacher

Training and Education Faculty at IAIN Salatiga in the academic year

of 2016/2017.

3. To know factors influence the correlation between student experience

as English tutors to their abilities in translating text into Indonesian at

the sixth semester students of English Education Department of

Teacher Training and Education Faculty at IAIN Salatiga in the

academic year of 2016/2017.

D. Significances of the Study

The researcher hopes that the result of this research can be useful

and it can give many informations for others practically and theoretically;



tutor and increase their abilities in translation.

c. For the other researcher

The result of this research can be used as an input or evaluation for

English learners, especially students of English Education


2. Theoretically

The result of the research can be used as reference material for another

research based on the similar topics.

E. Limitation of the Study

In order to focus on this research, there must be a limitation of the

problem. The topic must be limited in order to investigate the problem

more accurately, precisely and correctly. Therefore, the researcher must

limit to research the correlation between students‟ experience as English

tutors to their ability in translating text at the sixth semester students of

English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty


8 F. Definition of Keywords

The researcher would define all of keywords used in this research, as


1. Definition of correlation

Correlation is the mutual relationship or connection between two

things in which one thing changes as the other does. (Oxford

Dictionary, 2011: 98). Correlation is this study means a correlation

study which describe terms the degree to which two variables are

related. (Gay, 1992:229)

2. Definition of experience

Experience is knowledge or skill gained by doing or seeing things.

(Oxford Dictionary, 2011:155). Experience can also defined the

knowledge or mastery of an event or subject gained through

involvement in or exposure to it.

3. Definition of tutor

Tutor is private teacher, especially of one pupil. (Oxford

Dictionary, 2011:480). Tutor is someone who gives private lessons to

one student or a small group of students.

4. Definition of translation

Wida in Ngadiso (1995:17) defined that translation consist in

reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of



terms of style. In addition, (Catford, 1965:124) said that translation is

replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent

textual material in another language (TL).

G. Organization of the Graduating Paper

This research consist of five chapters. As follow :

Chapter I tells about introduction. This research consists about

general background of the study, statements of the study, objectives of the

study, significance of the study, limitation of the study, definition of

keywords, and organization of the graduating paper. Chapter II tells about

theoritical framework, consist of definition of keywords in this research

and supporting theories. The researcher takes some books written by many

expert as references which explain more about English tutors and

translation. Chapter III discusses about the research method. It consist of

research method, setting of the research, subject of research, technique of

data collection, and data analyse technique. Chapter IV is finding and

discussion. It is analysis to answers the problem of the research. Chapter V

is Closure. It consist of conclusion and suggestion. The last past is




This chapter discusses about definition of correlation, definition of experience,

definition of tutor, general definition of translation, types of translation, kinds of

translation, pricinples, procedures and methods of translation, translation

strategies, form and meaning of translation, process of translation, difficulties of

translation, and criterians of good translation.

A. Correlation

Correlation is the mutual relationship or connection between two things in

which one thing changes as the other does. (Oxford Dictionary, 2011: 98).

Correlation of this study means a correlation study which describe terms the

degree to which two variables are related. (Gay, 2009:229)

Correlational research is a research study that involves collecting data in

order to determine whether and to what degree a relationship exists between two

or more quantifiable variables (Gay, 2009:430)

Correlational research is to investigate the extent to which variations in

one factor corresponde with variations in one or more other factors based on


11 B. Experience

In English Oxford Dictionaries (2011:112), definition of experience is the

knowledge or skill acquired by a period of practical experience of something,

especially that gained in a particular profession. Other definition in this dictionary

that experience is an event or occurence which leaves an impression on someone.

The meaning of experience in Cambridge Dictionay (2016), is the process

of getting knowledge or skill from doing, seeing, and feeling things. Whereas in

Merriam Webster Dictionary (1828), experience is direct observation of or

participation in events as a basis of knowledge. Other definition is the fact or

state of having been affected by or gained knowledge through direct observation

or participation.

C. Tutor

Tutor is private teacher, especially of one pupil. (Oxford Dictionary,

2011:480). Tutor is someone who gives private lessons to one student or a small

group of students.

It is important to be aware that, while this article focuses on a program that

was created to provide teaching experience to pre-service English teachers,

anyone can tutor and anyone can be tutored. Tutors can be almost any age, from

primary school up, and they can come from a variety of disciplines. Ten-year-olds


12 D. Translation

1. General definition of Translation

Wida in Ngadiso (1995:17) defined that translation consist in reproducing

in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language

message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. In addition,

Catford,(1965:45) said that translation is replacement of textual material in

one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL).

Translation is a craft consisting in the attemp to replace a written message

and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in

another language (Newmark, 1973:7).

A translation can also defined as a presentation of a text in a language

other than that in which it was originally written. Translating is concerned

with conversion of the written word, interpreting with that of the spoken word

(Finlay, 1971:78).

Translation is considered as a work of a written or text form of message.

It concerns to the replacemet of written message without burden to transfer the

equivalent form in the target language form the source language. The most

significant matter of correct translation is about the consistence or closest

natural equivalence of the message transferred from SL to Tl. Thus a work can

be stated as the the work of translation when it has the following




b. It concern with written message or textual material or text.

c. Transfer the content or thought or message; not the form of SL text.

d. It is also a kind of process or exercise.

e. The second text must have the same meaning or message with the first or


f. The secont text uses idiomatic expression in the TL to retain the style or to

make it sounds like the original text.

g. The second text uses target language equivalent to the source language.

2. Types of translation

According Jacobson (2000:14), there are three types of translation :

a. Intralingual Translation

Intralingual translation, or rewording (an interpretation of verbal

signs by means of other signs in the same language).

For example; in a sentence “every celibate is a bachelor, but not every

bachelor is a celibate.” The sentece contains synonym or idimatic phrase

and can change that sentence become “every bachelor is unmarried man,

and every unmarried man is a bachelor”or “every celibate is bound not to

marry, and everyone who is bound not to marry is a celibate.”

b. Interlingual Translation

Interlingual translation or translation proper (an interpretation of



For example; “cheese” is a word about food that made by milk, but in

other country or in target language “cheese” can have other meaning,

because difference of culture or geographycal factors.

c. Intersimiotic Translation

Intersemiotic translation or transmutation (an interpretation of

verbal signs by means of signs of nonverbal sign systems).

According Roman Jacobson (2000:114) translators can omit all

rhymes or change a proverb to be a sentence that can understand by reader

in target language. For example; there is a proverb in Italian “Traduttore,

traditore”, if translated in English become “the translator is a betrayer”.

3. Kind of Translation

Catford (1965:21) divided the three aspects of translation differently, those

are : extent, level, and ranks.

Based on the extent, the types of translation are :

a. Full translation

It is a type of translation in which the entire SL text in reproduced by the

TL text materials.

b. Partial translation

There are only some parts of the SL text to be translated into the TL



15 a. Total translation

The TL materials replaces all levels of the SL text.

b. Restricted translation

It is the replacement of SL textual material with equivalent TL material at

only one level; whether at the phonological level, graphonological levels,

or at the level of grammar and lexis.

In terms of rank, translation is divided into :

a. Rank-bound translation

It means that the selection of TL text equivalent is limited at only one

rank, such as word-for-word equivalence, morpheme-for-morpheme

equivalence, etc.

b. Unbounded tranlation

It can move freely up and down the rank scale.

Based on the purposes of translation, Brislin in Choliludin (2005:26)

categorized translation into four types, namely :

a. Pragmatic translation

It refers to the translation of a message with an interest in accuracy

of the information that was meant to be conveyed in the SL form and it is

not conveyed with other aspects of the original language version.

Example; the translation of the information about repairing a machine.



It refer to translation in which the translator takes into account the

affect, emotion, and feeling of an original version, the aesthetic form used

by the original author, as well as any information in the message.

Example; the translation of sonnet, rhyme, heroic couplet, dramatic

dialogue, and novel.

c. Ethnographic translation

Its purpose is to explicate the cultural context of the SL and TL

version. Tethbransalators have to be sensitive to the way words are used

and must know how the word fits into cultures.

Example; the use of word „yes‟ versus „yeah‟ in America.

d. Linguistic translation

Is concerned with equivalent meanings of the constituent

morphemes of the SL and grammatical form.

Example; language in a computer program and translation machine.

4. Principles, Procedures and Methods of Translation

Translation, as a process, is always uni-directional : it is always performed

in a given direction, “from” a source language “into” a target language. This

below are some general principles of translation (Savery, 1968:49) :

1. A translation must give the words of the original.

2. A translation must give the ideas of the original.

3. A translation should read like an original.



5. A translation should reflect the style of the original.

6. A translation should process the style of the translation.

7. A translation should read as a contemporary of the original.

8. A translation should read as a contemporary of the translation.

9. A translation may add to or omit from original.

10. A translation may never add to or omit from the original.

11. A translation of verse should be in verse.

12. A translation of verse should be in process.

Translation is the very broad sense of the term can be listed in terms of different

levels of complexity (Pinchuck, 1977:188). The procedures can be in the form of :

1. Transcription

another with a different alphabetical system. For example; from Arabic to

Latin or Russian Cyrillic alpabhets into Latin.

3. Borrowing

The procedure often used when the TL has no equivalent for the SL units

is to adopt them without change but sometimes with spelling or



This is replacing a grammatical structure in the TL in order to achieve the

some effect. e.g :

Indonesian : kopinya masih terlalu panas untuk diminum.

English : the coffee is still too to drink.

6. Modulation

Modulation entails a change in lexical elements, a shift in the point of

view. Transposition and modulation may take place at the some time. e.g :

Time is money = waktu itu sangat berharga

7. Adaptation

Adaptation is utilized when the others are not sufficient. It involves

modifying the concept, or using situation analogous to the SL situation



The levels of equivalent in ascending order are follows :

a. Substitution of printed letter for printed letter

Example : from Arabic into Roman

b. Substitution of morphem – for- morphem

Example : economics = ilmu ekonomi

c. Substitution of word –for- word

Example : principle = prinsip

d. Substitution of phrase – for- phrase

Example : the educated people = orag-orang terpelajar

e. Substitution of sentence for sentence

Example : you had better go home = sebaiknya kau pulang

According Newmark (1988:81) mentions the difference between

translation methods and translation procedures. He writes that while

translation methods relate to whole text, translation procedure are used for

sentence and the smaller units of language. He goes on to refer to the

following methods of translation :

a. Word for word translation

In which the SL word order is preserved and the words translated singly

by their most common meanings, out of the context.



within the constraints of the TL grammatical structures.

d. Semantic translation

Which differs from “faithful translation” only is far as it must take more

account of the aesthetic value of the SL text.

e. Adaptation

Which is the freest form of translation, and is used mainly for plays

(comedies) and poetry; the themes characters, plots are usually preserved,

the SL culture is converted to the TL culture and the text is rewritten.

f. Free translation

Is procedures the TL text without the style, form, or content of the


g. Idiomatic translation

It reproduces the message of the original but tends to distord nuances of

meaning by preferring colloqualism and idioms where these do not exist in

the original.



It attemps to render the exact contextual meaning of the original in such

away that both content and language are readily acceptable and

comprehensible to the readership.

5. Translation Strategies

The term strategy is often said similar to the term technique. In some ways it

can be called similar because some experts use these terms with the same purpose.

For example, Mona Baker says that she proposes some strategies to translate

idiomatic expressions, whereas Andrejs Veisberg proposes some techniques to

translate idiomatic expressions. Both expressions aim at the same point.

According to Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, technique is a method

of doing or performing something whereas strategy is a plan to accomplish a

specific goal. This research will use the term strategy related to Mona Baker‟s

theory of strategies to translate idiomatic translation. Mona Baker‟s view of

translation strategies are applied when a translation difficulty occurs and the

translator wishes to solve the problem and produce a good translation. Thus,

translation strategies are means which considers to be the best in order to reach

the goals.

Based on many experts in translation, there are many translation strategies to

translate a text. Every translator uses different strategies to translate a text since

different people may understand a word in different ways. Furthermore, there are



culture. Idioms in one language probably have different forms in other languages.

It may have distinctive form but the same meaning.

The way in which an idiom can be translated into another language depends

on many factors, such as the availability of an idiom with a similar meaning, the

significance of the specific lexical items which constitute the idiom, and the

appropriateness of using idiomatic language in a given register in the target


6. Form and Meaning of Translation

Larson (1984: 3) states that translation is basically a change of form. These

forms are referred to as the surface structure of a language. It is the structural part

of language which is actually seen in print or heard in speech. Baker (1992: 24)

says that the form of the source language in translation is replaced by the

equivalent lexical item (form) of the receptor language. However, there is often no

equivalent in the target language for a particular form in the source text.

According to Larson (1984: 3), translation is done by going from the form of

the first language to the form of second language by way of semantic structure.

When a translator makes a translation, it means that he or she transfers meaning of

source text. What is necessary to consider is that the meaning must be maintained



be maintained. It is the characteristic of a language that the same meaning

component will occur in several surface structure lexical items (forms).

In the translation process, the first thing to do is understand the total meaning

of the source text. There are three types of “meaning” that can be determined in

the analysis of meaning of the source text (Nida and Taber, 1982: 34), namely (1)

grammatical meaning, (2) referential meaning, and (3) connotative meaning. In

grammatical meaning, when one thinks of meaning, it is almost inevitably in

terms of words or idioms. Generally grammar is taken for granted since it seems

to be merely a set of arbitrary rules about arrangement, rules that must be

Translation has been performed as a process which begins with the source

text, then the meaning of the text is analyzed, discovered, transferred, and

reexpressed in the receptor language. In actual practice, however, the translator

moves back and forward from the source text to the receptor text. Sometimes he

or she will analyze the source text in order to find the meaning, then restructure

this meaning in the receptor language, and move back once again to look at the

source text. In translation, the translators should know the types of meanings. By



be transferred well. Then, the well-transferred meaning will make easier to

understand for the readers.

7. Process of translation

According to Larson (1984: 3) when translating a text, the translator‟s goal is

an idiomatic translation which makes every effort to communicate their meaning

of the SL text into the natural forms of the receptor language. Furthermore, he

states that translation is concerned with a study of the lexicon, grammatical

structure, communication situation, and cultural context of the SL text, which is

analyzed in order to determine its meaning. The discovered meaning is then

re-expressed or reconstructed using the lexicon and grammatical structure which are

appropriate in the receptor language and its cultural context.

The following diagram is presented by Larson as the translation process.

Figure 2.1

Source language Receptor language

Text to be translated

Discover the meaning Re-express the





Nida and Taber (1982: 33) distinguish translation process into three stages: (1)

analysis, in which the surface structure is analyzed in terms of (a) the grammatical

relationships and (b) the meaning of the words and combinations of words, (2)

transfer, in which the analyzed material is transferred in the mind of the translator

from language A to language B, and (3) restructuring, in which the transferred

material is restructured in order to make the final message fully acceptable in the

receptor language.

Figure 2.2

The translation process can be illustrated in the following diagram :

A (source) B (receptor)

Analysis restructuring

X ( transfer ) Y

8. Difficulties of Translation

According Finlay (1971:80) in translating texts, translator sometimes find

difficulties. The kind of difficulties that often find by translators such as;

a. Word that have to be omitted from or added to the traslation

There are in most language a number of small words or particles

which belong to its correct usage, whereas they do not form part of the

standart English idiom under the same circumtances.

For example; in structure of Indonesian language do not have any definite

and indifinite article, however in English there are “mother”, “a mother”,


26 b. Faux amis

Is used to describe those words in various language which

resemble in appearance words in other language, but have a meaning quite

different from the words they resemble.

For example; the word “particular” in Dutch means “private”, but

“particular” in English means “special”.

c. Words that cannot be “translated”

There are in most languages words that refer to concepts so

specific to that language or the country in which it is spoken that they

cannot be “translated”, but have to be pharaphrased or described.

For example; the Dutch academic title Doctorandus abbreviation as Drs.,

suggests to English people either that the person has to doctorates or that

the proofreader has slipped up. Neither in this case, the title in fact

meaning that the person in question has carried out all preliminary

studies, etc. for obtaining a doctorate, but has not written and had accepted

the necessary thesis. Difficulties of this type also occur sometimes in

relation to the title of book.

d. Foreign words

There are no really pure languages, all containing a greater or

lesser number of words which has been borrowedfrom other language,

with or without complete formal assimilation, not necessarily with a



For example; the recent flood of British and American English words into

French has given rise to much concern and has led to the coining of the

term Franglais to designate the resultant brand of Franch peppered with

English words.

e. Regional differences

Worthy of attention is that in certain countries there is quite often a

distinct difference between the spoken and written language. Dialect and

slang also present the translator with great difficulties. Should these be

translated into what seem their counterparts in the target language or

should they be suppressed, thus altering the atmosphere and register and

possibly also dispensing with their function as indicators of social


For example; in Dutch several “book words” which have their “spoken”

counterparts. Such differences must, of course, be appreciated by

translators of texts which are intended to be spoken rather than read, such

as those of plays and works for television ad radio, as well as films.

f. Translation of proper names

Some languages need use but one letter to represent a sound

requiring two or three letters in another language. These two processes can

give rise to the appearance of proper names in forms in which they will not



For example; Russian and Japanese names require careful handling by

translators, as do those of merried women in the Netherlands in the case of

which the women‟s maiden name is coupled with that of her husband.

g. Trade marks and slogan

These offer difficulties to the translator in to main ways. Firstly,

he must be able to recognize a word as a trade mark and not as generic

word and, secondly, it does not by any means always follow that, because

a word is a trade mark in one country, it will also be in other countries in

which it is used.

For example; namely the wording used in conjunction with the Wool Mark

and the phrase used in conjunction with the launching of the new Ford


h. Abbreviations

Abbreviations and acroniyms, that is to say words made up from

the initial letters. Abbreviations are often formed quite arbitraruly by

authorss to whom it never occurs to imagine that others may not be

members of their own private worlds.

For example; Oxfam, Unesco, Aslib, Adac, DAW, EFTA. TAS, etc.

i. Changes in orthography

This inevitably means that the translator will be confronted with

text exhibiting various spellings and that, if he is using old dictionaries, he

will in some cases have to make allowances for changes in spelling when



For examples; differences in spelling between British and American

English have increased in recent years, these affecting a number of

technical words. Such as sulfur and alumunium which are, in British

English, sulphur and aluminium.

j. Handwriting

The moral of this that a translators worthy on the name shoukd

make sure that he obtains practice in reading the handwriten forms of his

source language.

Translators maybe cannot translate a letter in German, Yiddish and

Hebrew handwriting merely becausethey cannot read it.

k. Bibliographycal references

These frequently occur at the end of articles in journals, and ways

of indicating them frequently differ from country to country. These

differences relate to such matters as volume number, year, issue within a

year and the like. For to sake of uniformity, it is desirable that the

translator should adopt the system current in the country of the target


For example; bibliographical references and should form part of every

scientific translator‟s library. It covers books, periodicals and various

ancillary matters.

l. Conversions of units

Not all countries yet use the same units for the same quantities.



seconds. Units of length, area, volume and weight very often have to be

converted and such conversions can become quite complicated. They

contribute to creating the impression on the reader that he is not reading a


For example; when a double conversion is involved as in kilometers per

litre to miles per gallon. There are several system used for indicating the

thicness or weight of textile fibres and yarns, although a universal system,

using a unit called a tex, is gradually being adopted.

m. Tables

translation, while others do not object if they are all relegated to the end of

the translation.

n. Numbers

Translators should also know how to read numbers, squares, square

roots and the like in their source and target language, since they may well

be asked to do this from time to time.

For example; the German Milliarde means, in British English, a thousand

million whereas, in American English it is a billion.



It is real difficulties, so the translator to make himselfs familiar

with them. There are, of course, other matters, and no two translations will

ever be quite the same in the problems they post.

For example; sometimes differ in the naming of complex organic

compounds, but there are books describing the methods accepted in a

given country or used in given publication.

9. Criterian of Good Translation

Finlay (1971:8) argues that translation doomed to failure because : a) a

language are never sufficienly similiar to express the same realities, and b)

even worse, “reality” cannot be assumed to exist independently of language.

The criterions of good translation are :

a. The translation should be present an accurate account of the contents of the

original, omitting nothing and likewise adding nothing. This implies a

complete understanding of the original in every way coupled with a

corresponding knowledge of thr target language.

b. Having understood the text in target language, the translator must be able

to reconstitute it, as it were, in the target language, using all the facility

that he would if he were writing an original document in that language.

c. That it should capture the style and atmosphere of the original this is more

important and difficult in the case of literary texts which are very often not

contemporary and which, more often that not, are set in a cultural milieu



Whereas according Larson (1984:485) that there are three criterians of

good translation;

a. Accuracy

The means are that translators give all informations from source

language into target language without omitting or adding informations

in texts. Nida (1964:185) said that :

Utimately, however, the correctness of a translation must be determined not in terms of the corresponding sets of words, but on the basis of the extent to which the corresponding sets of semantic components are accurately represented in the restructuring. This is essential if the resulting form of the message in the receptor language is to represent the closest natural equivalent of the source language

without misunderstanding. According Larson (1984:485), ones of way

to check the translation is clear or not, we can give the tests or

questions for readers about that texts.

c. Naturalness

Translators must make the translation easy to understand by reader, so

the reader would feel that the texts as not translation texts. It is related

with how the translators choose vocabularies or dictions that generally





In this chapter the researcher will discuss about research method, setting of

the research, subject of the research, technique of data collection, and data

analysis technique.



The type of this research is Quantitative research. Quantitative research

methods are research methods dealing with numbers and anything that is

measurable in a systematic way of investigation of phenomena and their

relationships. It is used to answer questions on relationships within measurable

variables with an intention to explain, predict and control a phenomena (Leedy,

1993:137). Method of this research is Correlation. Correlation analysis studies the

combined variation of two or more variables in order to determine the amount of

correlation between those two or more variables (Kothari, 2004:25).

From the definition above, Correlation Research is said as a research

study that involves collectig data in order to determine whether, and to what

degree, a relationship exist between two or more quantifiable variables (Gay,

2009:430). The researcher will analyze the correlation between students‟

experience as English tutors toward their abilities in translation text into


B. Setting of the Research

1. Research Location

This research conducted in State Institute for Islamic Studies

(IAIN) Salatiga, which is located in Jl. Lingkar Selatan Salatiga, Pulutan

District, Sidorejo Subdistrict, Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia. IAIN

Salatiga is biggest Islamic University in Salatiga. The student come from

different schools. There are also foreign lecturers coming from United


35 2. Profile of Institution

IAIN Salatiga was established to carry out the science transformation

through educational framework. By upholding Islamic values, IAIN

Salatiga proves that religion is a dimension that should be preserved and

will be beneficial for the professional development. Furthermore, IAIN

Salatiga shows that learning religion does not even give a bad effect for

the science development at all. In fact, religion is the powerful motivator

for the development of the way of thingking and acting.

a. Vision

Become a Referral-Indonesia Islamic Studies for the Establishment

of Honorable Peaceful Society in 2030.

b. Mission

a) Education is various disciplines of Islam based on the

Indonesian values.

b) Conducting research in various disciplines for strengthen

Islamic values.

c) Organizing dedication to the community-based research for

streghtening the values of the nation.

d) Developing a culture of the campus community that reflects the

values of Islam in Indonesia.

e) Organizing a professional and accountable management of

higher education.



a) Developing students potential to become a man of faith and

piety to God Almighty and noble, healthy, knowledgeable,

skilled, creative, independent, competent, and appreciate the

culture of nation.

b) Produce graduates who master branch of Science and / or

Technology-based Islamic sciences to meet the national interests

and improving competiveness of the nation.

c) Produce Science and Technology through the research that

observes and implement Islamic values in order to give benefit

for the nation‟s progress, and the progress of civitazion and

welfare of mankind.

d) Realizing Community Service based Islamic science and



Population is all members of well defined class of people, events,

or objects (Ary, 1985:138). Kothari (2004: 55) defines the population

of research as all items in any field of a research study.

The population of this study are the students in sixth semester of

English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty at IAIN Salatiga in academic year of 2016/2017. The

researcher selected the sixth semester as the subject of the research

because they were got Translation lesson in before semester, and

usually they have been teaching or become a tutor and have experience

so much.

b. Sample

A sample is selected participants taken from the population for the

research study. According to Kothari (2004:57) if the population is too

large, it is better to use a sample. Futhermore, the research can be

effective and wouldn‟t waste much time, cost and energy. Technique

design in choosing the sample, researcher used Purposive sampling

design. According Etikan (2015:2) purposive sample is a type of

non-probability sampling which means selecting a sample by judgement of

researcher rather than using mathematical probability for selecting a

sample. In purposive sampling researcher targets a group of people

among population under consideration based on research. Purposive

sampling is useful as it requires less time for selecting purposive



To find research sample, the researcher was asked some students in

sixth semester students of English Education Department of Teacher

Training and Education Faculty at IAIN Salatiga. Then, the researcher

found 30 students who had been tutors until the time the research was

conducted. They taught English lesson in English Courses as private

teacher who came to their students‟ house, which included Elementary

School, Junior High School, Senior High School, and University

Students. The researcher considered that 30 students were enough to

be research sample. The sample are below;

Table 3.1

TABLE List of Subject of the Research


40 D. Technique of Data Collection

In order to gain the sufficient data to be analyzed, the researcher uses :

1. Questionnaire

The researcher used questionnaire to measure students experience

as English tutor. The form of questionnaire is multiple choice. The

researcher gives 7 questions to respodents. The questions about some

activities that they do when respondents become an English tutor.

Each question has different points. The highest point is 4. The

scale is one up to four. This scale will be easier to determine the

students‟ experience as English tutor.

2. Test

Test can be defined as assesment to measure skills, ability, or

knowledge in certain aspects. In this research, the researcher used test

to measure students abilities in translation text into Indonesian. That

texts consists 5 paragraphs, which must translated by respondents.

To measure the translation are good or not, the researcher used

Priciple Assesment according Mounin in Durdureanu (2011:10) below:

1) Stucture (grammatical)

Stucture about morphology and syntax. It is very important

in grammatical/structure. Syntax about related words which is form

a phrase, clause, or sentence. Whereas, morphology is about



Syntax is very important in translation, because a mistake

in transfering structure would change the meaning. So, the

translators must can translate all texts without change the meaning.

2) Spelling

It all about spells of letters, words and punctuation. In

translation the all spells should to be true, so the reader would not

misunderstanding in read the translation texts.

3) Diction

The function of diction are to explain or express something

exactly. Diction must appropriate with situation and function of

using the words. There are 5 levels in choosing of diction; they are

Literal, Syntatical, Idiomatical, Aesthetical, and Ethical.

4) Idiom

Oxford Dictionary (2011:20) idiom is a group of words

whose meaning cannot be predicate from the meaning of the

constituent words. Idiom also defines a linguistic usage that is

grammatical and natural to native speakers of language.

Understanding the meaning of idioms is also very

important, in order to avoid the change of meaning in translation.



Effectiveness of sentence is sentence which have capability

to make the reader and writer comprehend the same ideas and

language. Translators must know and use language styles that used

by source writer.

86-90 (A) Translation is natural, not like as texts

translation; there are not spelling

mistakes, structure, mistake of

technical terms.

The Translation is

very good

76-85 (B) There are not distortion meaning, stiff

translation, mistake of technical terms,

there are few of spelling and structure


43 The Translation is


61-75 (C) There are not distortion meaning,

there are stiff translation but not more

that 15% from text overall, mistake in

structure and idiom not more than

texts but not more that 25%, there are

mistake in structure and idiom but not

more than 25%, there few of stiff

technical terms/ unclear/ not


1. Interpreting how good are students‟ experience as English tutor based



Table 3.3

Score of Classification

(Sudijono, 2011:35)

Points Test Scores Grade Description

25-32 80-100 A Excellent

Test Scores Grade Description

80-100 A Excellent

66 – 79 B Good

56 – 65 C Average

46 – 55 D Below average



3. Calculating the correlation coefficient between the two variables using

Pearson‟s product-moment formula to find out of correlation

coefficient. The formula is as follows :

Table 3.5

4. Interpreting the r value by using the classification for interpreting the r

value (Arikunto, 2002:245)

Table 3.6

r Value Interpretation

r Value Interpretation

0.00-0.20 Very weak correlation



0.40-0.70 Medium correlation

0.70-0.90 High correlation

0.90-1.00 Very high correlation

5. Describing factors influence the correlation between variable X and

variable Y.

F. Technique of Data Interpretation

After analyzing the data, the researcher will interpret the result of the data

analysis by answering the questions that are presented in the problem of the

research regarding the extend of students‟ experience as English tutor and

students abilities in translation text, and deciding whether there is a correlation

between the two variables, whether there is a significant correlation or not, and

whether the correlation is positive or negative.

Based on direction, the correlation have two kinds. They are positive

correlation and negative correlation. Positive Correlation can be defined as

correlation in the same direction. If one variable increase other is also increase,

and if one variable decrease other is also decrease. Whereas the Negative

Correlation is the correlation in opposite direction. If one variable is increase the



researcher got from questionnaire and test. The participant of the test were

students sixth semester from English Education Department in IAIN

Salatiga. There are two kind of result, they are scores or points of students



Table 4.1 shows the points of Questionnaire that the researcher gave to the

participants. As the researcher discuss in CHAPTER III, the Questionnaire

consists 7 questions that each of answer from question has different point.

The result of this questionnaire, then will be analyze in the next section to

see if there is any correlation with the translating text scores that the

researcher shows in the table 4.2 below ;



Table 4.2 above demostrates the scores of test for translating text that the

researcher gave to the participants in sixth semester in English Education

Department of IAIN Salatiga. The test formed English text consist 5

paragraphs that must translate into Indonesia. And then, as the researcher



correlation or not with the students‟ experience as English tutor in the next


Then, to do the analysis, the researcher calculating the scores of the

point of Questionnaire and translation test, where the point of

Questionnaire is the variable X and the score of translation text is the

variable Y. The analysis of data is shown in the table 4.3 below ;



N = 30 ƩX=349 ƩY=2377 ƩXY=27853 Ʃ =4415 Ʃ =189231

The interpretation of the symbol in table 4.3 above is :

N : number of participants

X : students experience as English tutor point

Y : students ability in translating text score

ƩX : students experience as English tutor sum point

ƩY : students ability in translating text sum score

Ʃ : the sum of square points of students experience as English tutor

Ʃ : the sum of square scores of students ability in translating text

ƩXY : the sum of multiple scores between X and Y

From table 4.3 the researcher gets the following results than will be used

in calculating the correlation coefficient. The results are as follows:



2 189231



2 121801

( )

2 5650129




Then, those score will be calculated to find out the index of correlation “r”

between variable X and Y using this formula :


55 = 0.3561

From the calculate above, it is found that the index of correlation “r”

between variable X and Y is 0.3561

To make sure the result of the calculation above, the researcher

SPSS program. The using of SPSS is to know whether the calculation that

researcher did manually is correct or not and to make sure that there is not

mismatching calculation between score that the writer counted. The

calculation of SPSS is describedsuch as follow ;

Table 4.5

SPSS Correlation Table

The result of those two calculation (manual calculation and SPSS

calculation) are same, in which show the value of correlation “r” between

variable X and Y is 0.356. It means there is no mismatch in the process of

calculating the data.

Pearson Correlation 1 .356

Sig. (2-tailed) .053

Pearson Correlation .356 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .053


56 C. Interpretation of Data

To interpret the score of correlation “r” between variable X and Y

that has found 0.356. The researcher used a way below ;

Based on the table guidelines of Pearson‟s correlation, the final

score of “r” is 0.356. This score is positive. This position is between 0.20

– 0.40, it shows the index correlation between two variables is weak. It

considers that there is positive signifigant correlation between students‟

experience as English tutor and students abilities in translating text into

Indonesian. The table of index correlation “r” interpretation is concluded

such as below;

Table 4.6

The Interpretation of Correlation “r” Product Moment

r Value Interpretation

0.00-0.20 Very weak correlation

0.20-0.40 Weak correlation

0.40-0.70 Medium correlation

0.70-0.90 High correlation

0.90-1.00 Very high correlation

This interpretation shows that the correlation between two

variables, in this case students‟ experience as English tutor and their



researcher found many of students or participants got below average points

in Questionnaire about students experience as English tutor, but they got

score good category in translation test. It can be conclude that students

experience as Eglish tutor can give effect to their abilitis in translating text

into Indonesian, although little or weak. From the data researcher find that

some students‟ or participants can translate text well, although their

experience as English tutor still less. For the data in Questionnaire the

researcher find that the students mostly was to be a tutor about one or two

years and translated text about one or two texts in a week. Whereas, for the

data translation test the researcher find worse performance in spell and

effectiveness of sentence when they are translated texts. In translating text,

there are many factors that influences them to make their translation better,

such as often practices by theirself.

To know the details of factors influence the correlation between

experience as English tutors to their abilities in translating text into

Indonesian at the sixth semester students of English Education Department

of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at IAIN Salatiga in the

academic year of 2016/2017 the researcher makes table below;



read texts many times before teaching,

so he was reached good score in

translation, although she got average


good score in translation, although

average in experience as English tutor.

It is because she often read texts before


6 MS 11 (D) 81 (B) Based on the questionnaire she reached


Source language Figure 2.1
Figure 2.2
Table 3.1 TABLE List of Subject of the Research
Table category of assesment’ translating text


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