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Academic year: 2022



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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Gain an Undergraduate Degree (S.1) in English Education
















In the name of Allah the beneficent and the merciful I will reach success in writing the thesis without helping of Allah who has given me the mercy and blessing and the people who never stop pouring their loving, attention, guidance, support, and patient.

I dedication this thesis to my family, my mother (Erna Yuslinda) and my father (Muhammad Arsyad). I realize there is no words can replace each part of my life that has been covered by their love, guidance, and support. And then for my brother (Hernalis), my beloved sister (Titin Hajaprana), my friend from English education Program (2014, C), my lecturer of English Education Program, and my friend (Ani Safitri) always accompany me anywhere and anytime, thank you for your time and fice and help. Who always in on my side, guiding and support me, and big family who always wait my success, so I could accomplish writing this thesis.

My great advisor Miss. Rusmini, S.Ag, M.Pd.I and Miss. Juliana Mesalina M.Pd Thank for support, advice, and patient on guiding me to finish this thesis.



1. “Read (Proclaim!) In the Name of your Lord Who created’’

2. “Created man, out of a clot (of congealed blood).”

3. “Read (Proclaim), and your Lord is the Most Generous, 4. “Who taught by the pen”

5. “Taught man that which he knew not”

(QS. Al- „Alaq : 1-5)








Nama: Desi Ratnasari

Jurusan: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul :Punggunaan strategi Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing terhadap kemampuan membaca siswa kelas delapan SMP Baiturrahim Jambi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis atau mengetahui pengaruh menggunakan strategi Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa kelas VIII SMP Baiturrahim Jambi. Latar belakang masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa tidak bisa memahami teks dengan baik. Oleh karena itu peneliti menggunakan strategi Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing untuk menigkatkan siswa dalam membaca. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan desain quasi- experimental, penulis menggunakan dua kelas yaitu kelas VII.A sebagai kelas experimen yang menggunakan strategi Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing dan kelas VIII.B sebagai kelas kontrol yang menggunakan strategi three-phase-technique. Perlakuan diberikan 12 kali untuk kedua kelas. Materi yang diajarkan adalahn teks Narrative. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes tertulis dalam bentuk Essay sebanyak 10 item.

Diakhir pertemuan peneliti memberikan posttest. Nilai rata-rata yang diperoleh dari kedua kelas dianalisis dengan menggunakan T-test dengan tingkat signifikan = 0.05. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan dengan menggunakan strategi Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing dalam pembelajaran membaca. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh skor rata-rata siswa dikelas experimen pre-test ( 57.75 ) dan post-test ( 72 ). Sedangkan nilai rata-rata dari kelas kontrol ( 55 ) dan post-test ( 62.75 ). to = 6.190 dan df = 19. Yang diperoleh dibandingkan dengan t tabel baik pada 5% atau 1%. Pada level 5% t tabel adalah 2.093 dan pada level 1% t tabel adalah 2.861. Berdasarkan t tabel, dapat dianalisis bahwa lebih tinggi dari t tabel baik pada level 5% dan 1%.

Dengan kata lain kita dapat membaca ( 62.75 > 2.093 > 2.861). Jadi penelitin dapat menyimpulkan bahwa Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Artinya ada pengaruh yang signifikan menggunakan strategi Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing terhadap pemahaman membaca siswa pada kelas dealapan SMP Baiturrahim Jambi.

Kata kunci : Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing Strategy, Narrative Text, Three-Phase-Technique and Reading Comprehension




Name : Desi Ratnasari

Subject: English Education Program

Title : Using Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing Strategy to Teach Reading Comprehension to the Eight Grade Students of Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi

This research was aims to analyze or found the Using Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing Strategy. This research was conducted on the students of class VIII Senior High School Baiturrahim Jambi. The background of the problem in this study is that students could not understand the text well. Therefore researcher used 2 classes that is class VIII.A as experiment class which used Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing Strategy and class VIII.B as control class using three- phase-technique strategy. Treatment was given 12 times for both classes. The material taught is narrative text. The instrument used is written test in the from of Essay accounting to 10 items. At the end of the meeting, the researcher gives the posttest. The final mean score gained from both classes was analyzed by using T- test with signifikan level = 0.05. The results of the research show that there is a significant influence by using Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing Strategy in reading learning. This is demonstrated by the average score of the students in the posttest experimental class (57.75) and the posttest (72). While the mean values of the control class pre-test (55) and Posttest (62.75). to= 6.190 and df = 19. The to obtained is compared to t table either at level 5% or 1%. At level 5% or t table is 2.093 and at level of 1% t table is 2.861. Based on the table, it can be analyzed that tois higher than t table either at level 5% and 1%. In other words, we can read ( 62.75 > 2.093 > 2.861). So, the researcher can conclude that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. It mean that there is significant effect of using Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing Strategy toward reading comprehension to the Eight Students of Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi.

Keyword : Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing Strategy, Narrative Text, Three Phase Technique and Reading Comprehension








MOTTO ... v


ABSTRAK ... vii

ABSTRACT ... viii


CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study ... 1

B. Identification of Problem ... 3

C. Limitation of the Study ... 3

D. The Problem of Study ... 3

E. The Objective of Study ... 4

F. Significances of the Study ... 4

CHAPTER II : LITERATURE REVIEW A. The Nature of Reading ... 5

B. Purpose of Reading ... 7

C. The Nature of Reading Comprehension... 9

D. Level of Reading Comprehension ... 11

E. The Procedure in Teaching Reading Comprehension... 12

F. Concept of Paired Reading ... 15

G. Concept of Paired Summarizing ... 16

H. The Nature of Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing Strategy ... 16

I. Comprehending Narrative Text ... 18

J. Previous Related Studies ... 20



K. The Assumption and Hypothesis ... 22

CHAPTER III : METHOD OF RESEARCH A. Place and Time of the Research... 24

B. Method and Design of the Research ... 24

C. The Population and the Sample of the Research ... 25

1. The Population of the Research ... 25

2. The Sample of the Research ... 26

D. Research Instrument ... 26

E. The Technique of Collecting Data ... 27

F. Validity and Relibiality of the Test ... 31

G. The Technique of Data Analysis ... 34

H. Schedule of the Research ... 35


B. Data Presentation ... 36

C. The Data Analysis ... 39

1. Data Analysis of Students Reading Comprehension who are taught Using Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing Strategy ... 39

2. Data Analysis of Students‟ Reading Comprehension without using Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing Strategy ... 42

D. Normality Test ... 44

E. Homogenity Test ... 44

F. The Testing of Hypothesis ... 45

G. Interpretation ... 49


A. Conclusion ... 51

B. Suggestion ... 51 REFERENCES ...








A. Background of Study

Reading is one of language skill which is still difficult to master for the students. It can be seen from the general students‟ skill about topic in the text.

They are difficult to comprehend the topic which they read. Reading skills is also important skill because by reading the students can get a lot of information; they can enrich their vocabulary, knowledge, spelling and their writing, so that they need to improve their ability in reading skills because it is very fundamental skill.

Through reading ability, they will show how good they understand English.

According to Guthrie (2011; 27) the goal of reading is for comprehension.

Without comprehension, reading is nothing more than tracking symbols on a page with eyes and sounding them out. There are two elements that make up the process of reading comprehension: vocabulary knowledge and text comprehension. In order to understand a text, the reader must be able to comprehend the vocabulary used in the piece of writing. Reading comprehension is important because without it, reading does not provide the reader with any information.

The Paired Reading strategy encourages peer teaching and learning.

Students are divided into pairs and read along together or takes turns reading aloud to each other‟s. Pairs can have the same reading ability or can include a more fluent reader. Each student reads and provides feedback about their own and their partners reading behaviors.

According to Crowford (2005: 25) at all, Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing strategy is a technique for having pair of students read a text closely for understanding. His retionale : Like all cooperative tasks, Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing strategy allows students to take more initative in their own and each other learning. The method is intended to encourage different kinds of thinking, all of wich encourage comprehension.

Paired reading and paired summarizing is a highly structured, but simple strategy that can easily be taught to others- including to school age children and


youth. The students read aloud in tandem with an accomplished reader. At a student signal, the helping reader stops reading, while the student continues on when the student commits a reading error, the helping reader resumes reading in tandem. It is a straight forward and enjoyable way for more able readers to help less able readers develop better reading skill. It is adaptable to any reading material, and tutees select books which are of intrinsic interest to them.

Encouragement to read little and often is usual.

Narrative text is one kind of text in English that serves to expand the students‟ experiences through humor, adventure, biography and description.

According to Jose Angela Landau in Endah Wahyuni, narrative is a semiotic representation of a series of events connected in a temporal and causal way. The basic purpose of narrative is to entertain, to gain and to hold a readers‟ interest. It can also be written to teach or inform, to change attitudes/ social opinions.

Narratives sequences people or character in time and place but differs from recount that through the sequencing, the story set up one or more problems, which must eventually find a way to be resolved. Narrative can be divided into traditional fiction including folktales, fairytales, parables, fables, moral tales, myths and legends; and modern fiction which includes modern fantasy and temporary realistic fiction. The content of narratives therefore covers many areas, e. g. horror stories, mysteries, romance, science fiction,historical narratives;

choose your own adventures and cartoons. Narratives can be found in picture story books, simple short story, and longer stories with complicated plots. Based on the explanation about the Narrative text, the researcher used narrative text in this research because narrative text so that students can tell back story, fairy tale with language fiture in the narrative text.

Based on the teaching practice observation in Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi, many students the eighth grades have less interest and less ability to read the text, and they also feel bored in learning. It is the reason why they could not get good scores because they cannot answer the question well.

There are many possible reason that might it happens. One of the reasons could be the teacher teaches the students monotonously and ineffectively. Teacher does not use variety strategy and material in teaching reading to stimulate students‟


motivation in learning reading. Teachers teach the students with technique or strategies which is difficult to be understood by the students, so the students become bored and lost attention to learn. The impacts are students will feel bored to read the text, cannot understand the text and cannot comprehend the text well.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher will conduct the research entitle “Using Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing Strategy to Teach Reading Comprehension of the Eight Grade Students at Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi”.

B. Identification of Problem

Based on the background of the problem above, it is very clear that most of the students at Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi still get some problems in their reading comprehension. To make it clearer, the writer identifies the problems as follows:

1. The students find difficulties in understanding a reading text 2. The students have less interest a reading text

3. The students have less ability to mastery vocabulary

4. The student feels bored in learning English there is no variation teaching technique from the teacher

C. The Limitation of the Study

Because the writer finds many problems in this research, the writer limits theproblem to improve students‟ reading comprehension to find purpose of the text, to find main idea, to get information from the text, to make summary from the text, and tofind generic structure in text. Therefore, this study focuses on the effect of using Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing Strategy to Teach Reading Comprehension to the Eight Students of Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi.

D. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background above, the formulation of this problem formulated into the following questions:


a. How is the students‟ reading comprehension in narrative text before being taught by using Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing Strategy?

b. How is the students‟ reading comprehension in narrative text after being taught by using Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing Strategy?

c. Is there any significant effect of using Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing strategy to teach reading comprehension of Eight Grade at Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi ?

E. The Objective of the Study

1. To find out whether the students who are taught by using Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing strategy get better score than those who are taught without it

2. To find out the significant effect of using Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing strategy toward reading comprehension

F. Significances of the Study

Related to objectives of the research above, the significance of the research areas follows:

a. To give some information to the teacher about the effect of using Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing strategy toward students‟ reading comprehensionin narrative text.

b. To give some contribution to the students in order to improve their reading comprehension in narrative text.

c. To encourage the researcher‟s knowledge about the topic conducted.





A. The Nature of Reading

Reading is an active process. Patel and Preeven (2008: 113) stated that reading is an active process which consists of recognition and comprehension skill. It is also described as a complex process of making meaning from a text, or variety of purposes in a wide range of contexts. The process of reading may be broadly classified into three stages:

a. The first stage is the recognition stage. At this stage, the learner simply recognizes what she or he read.

b. The second stage is the structuring stage. The learner sees the syntactic relationship of the items and understands the structural meaning of the syntactical units.

c. The third stage is the interpretation stage. The learner comprehends the significance of a word, a phrase, or a sentence in the over all context of the discards.

Rhicards (2002: 443) et. al., stated that reading means perceiving a written text in order to understand its contexts. It can be done silently. Furthermore, Kalayo and Anshari (2007: 114) stated that reading is an activity with a purpose.

The purpose for reading is also determined an appropriate approach to reading comprehension. It means that before doing reading activity, a reader has to know what the purpose of the reading it self to get the meaning of what he reads. In addition, reading is a means of language acquisition, of communication and of sharing information and ideas. Like all languages, it is a complex interaction between the text and the reader which is shaped by the reader‟s prior knowledge, experiences, attitudes, and language community which is culturally and socially situated. The reading process requires continuous practices, development, and refinement.

Reading is always related to reading skill. Mikulecky and Linda Jeffries (2004:25) state that reading is the students‟ ability to achieve reading comprehension. Students should have many ways to reach comprehension in


reading. They should be able to recognize the topic of the text, the pattern of relationship that are stated in the text and lexical equivalent as clues to cohesion such as pronouns, preposition, and reference. The students should be able to identify the genre of the text, the purpose of the text, and the ideas of the author.

They also should have the ability to get the detail information and the overview through scanning and skimming, guessing the meaning of unknown words, paraphrasing text, and summarizing, drawing conclusion at the end of the reading and giving critics or comment about the text in their own words.

Reading is very important to learn. Reader can enlarge their knowledge by reading. In this case, Kalayo states that reading is an activity with a purpose. A person may read in order to gain information, forenjoyment, to enhance knowledge of the language being read. The purpose of reading also determines appropriates approach to reading comprehension. Generally, the purpose of reading is classified into:

a. general information from the text

b. Getting specific information from the text c. Reading for pleasure or for interest

d. Reading to compare the information with the reader‟s ownknowledge e. Getting Reading is as social control.

By knowing the real purpose of reading, it will help readers to reach the goal of understanding. To reach it, the reader must be able to understand the meaning of each word. It is supported by McNeil (2000: 129) that a dominant goal of reading is comprehension- the ability to find the meaning in what is read.

It indicates that to understand the message means to comprehend a text.

Furthermore, Nuttal (2001: 10) says that one reason for reading is that we want to understand other people‟s ideas; if we are all identical, there would be no point in most communication. It means that the background of someone is important in understanding reading text. If the writer and the reader are closely similar, training, attitude and so on, the reader is likely to interpret the text with no conscious effort.


B. Purpose of Reading

The purpose of reading is to get comprehension. The students will be able to catch the ideas of the text by reading it carefully. Reader should have an active role in reading since readers also make a contribution in reading. They are thinking about the purpose and the content of the text while reading it in order to get the meaning of the text. Besides, reading involves their thinking and perception after finishing reading the text to reach understanding.

The first aim of reading in class is often different from reading in comprehension and reading in general. Reading in class does not only know the message, but students also to comprehend the other aspect of the text. The second aim of reading in general is to get information, fact, ideas and fun from the text. It is the real purpose of reading which many people often do. In reading activity, there are aspects which the learners have to understand. These aspects they are identifying main idea, understanding vocabulary, and identifying details. In developing reading skill, there are three aspects which are needed. There are vocabulary, sentences and discourse. Students often meet with problems in the sentences. Teacher can explain about sentences to help comprehension of the text.

In other words, the learners should master the use of sentences in texts. The mastery of sentences will help the learners understand the texts. Grabe and Stoller (2002, p.13) state the purpose of reading as follow:

1) Reading to research for simple information.

In reading to search, we typically scan the text for a specific piece of information or a specific word.

2) Reading to skim quickly.

Reading to skim (i.e. sampling segments of the text for general understanding) is a common part many reading tasks and a useful skill it is own right. It involves, in essence, a combination of strategies for guessing where important information might be in the text, and then using basic reading comprehenship skills on those segments of the text until general ideas is formed.


3) Reading to learn from text.

Reading to learn typically occurs in academic and profession context in which a person needs to learn a considerable amount of information from a text. It requires abilities to:

a. Remember main idea as well as number of details that elaborate the main and supporting idea in the text

b. Recognize and build rhetorical frames that organize the information in the text

c. Link the text to the readers‟ knowledge base 4) Reading to integrate information

Require additional decisions about the relative importance of complementary, mutually supporting or conflicting information and the likely restructuring of a rhetorical frame to accommodate information from multiple sources. These skills inevitably require critical evaluation of the information being read so that the reader can decide what information to integrate and how to integrate it for the readers‟ goal. In this respect, both reading to write to critique text may be task variants of reading to integrated information.

5) Reading for general comprehension

The nation of general reading comprehension has been intentionally saved for last in this discussion for two reasons. First, it is the most basic purpose of reading. Underlying and supporting most other purpose for reading.

Second, general reading comprehension is actually more complex than commonly assumed.

The purpose of reading also determines the appropriates approach to reading comprehension. A person who needs to know whether she can afford to eat a particular restaurant needs to comprehension the pricing information provided on the menu, but does not need to recognize the name of every appetizer listed. A person reading poetry for enjoyment needs to organize the words the poet uses and the ways they are put together, a person using a scientific article to support an opinion needs to know the cause-effect sequences that are presented, recognize ideas that are presented as hypotheses and givens. For the students


reading is very useful to understand and get information from passage of textbooks. A student is able to analyze the core of knowledge that they are studying. In addition, students find out better grammatical pattern of English sentence.

C. The Nature of Reading Comprehension

According to Westwood (2008: 31), reading comprehension can be defined as an active of thinking process through which a reader intentionally constructs meaning to from a deeper understanding of concepts and information presented in a text. There are some aspects to make efficient interpretation of text involving:

a. Combination of word recognition skills

b. Linking of new information to prior knowledge, and application of appropriate strategies such as locating the main idea, making connections, questioning, inferring and predicting.

Comprehension is usually found in the readers‟ mind. It is clear that reading comprehension is not only a process of knowing the meaning of words, but also a process of catching the idea of text whether it is stated explicitly or not.

Comprehension in English depends on the knowledge of words, speeches, and arrangement of words according to the rule of written English. Readers must be able to read paragraphs consisting of many sentences. From the statement above, it is known that to comprehend the reading text is difficult for foreign language readers.

According to Snow and Sweet(2003: 2), there are there elements that entail comprehension:

a. The readers who is doing the comprehending b. The text that is to be comprehended

c. The activity in which comprehension is a part

It can be concluded that in considering the reader, it includes all the capacities, abilities, knowledge, and experiences that a person brings to act of


reading. By reader, a text means anything that they read whether printed or electronic.

The most succinct way to characterize good readers is to say that they are more strategic than poor readers. The skills that good skills good reader uses to understand and learn from the text are as follow:

a. Rapid and accurate word reading b. Setting goals for reading

c. Nothing the structure and organization of text d. Monitoring their understanding while reading e. Creating mental notes and summaries

f. Making predictions about what will happen, checking them as they go along and revising and evaluating them as needed

g. Capitalizing on what they know about the topic and integrating that with new learning

h. Making inferences

i. Using mental images such as visualization to assist them in remembering or understanding events or characters

In particular, several of the prerequisites to successful reading comprehension have been identified. These include:

a. Successful initial reading instruction resulting in rapid and accurate word reading

b. Good oral language skills (large oral vocabularies, good listening comprehension)

c. Well develop stores of word knowledge in a variety of subject areas d. Social interaction in homes, classrooms and the community that

motivate students to read

e. Opportunities to practice reading for various purposes

f. Lots of exposure to many different kinds of reading materials

g. Various specific instructional that have proven to be particularly effective in improving reading comprehension


h. Instruction based on an appropriate and well-articulated alignment between curriculum and assignment

The main purpose of reading is to understand and to find out the information from the passage. The readers should know the characteristics and prerequisites above to understand the contents of the passage. It will help them to find the information or the author‟s mean exactly.

D. Level of Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension has different levels. Davis (2006, p.65) divides reading comprehension level into literal, interpretive, critical and creative level.

a. Literal level of comprehension

The lowest level of understanding, involves reading the lines, or reading and understanding exactly what is on the page. In this case, the reader just only read what is on the page, and the level of understanding is still low.

Readers only give the answers directly about the facts and details of the information based on the text they read

b. Interpretive level of comprehension

The second highest level of understanding, it requires students to read between the lines. At this level, student must explain figurative language, define terms, and answer interpretive or inferential questions. Inferential questions require the students to infer, or figure out, the answer. Asking students to figure out the author‟s purpose, the main idea or essential message, the point of view and the conclusion are examples of inferential question. In here students be able to respond the questions, find out what the right answer and able to make a conclusion.

c. The critical level of comprehension

The critical level is one of the two highest levels of understanding. It requires students to read beyond the lines. The students must judge the passage they have read. It means that readers should have critical thinking of what they read.


d. The creative level of comprehension

It is the highest level of understanding. As with the critical level of comprehension, the student must read beyond the lines. The student must often make judgment about other actions to take. It can be define that in creative reading, reader should think as they read. In making a judgment, the reader should use their imagination in order to think out of the line.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that all level of reading comprehension are important and need to be fostered. By knowing level of reading comprehension, the reader should be able to improve the literal level of comprehension. The lowest level of understanding, involves reading the lines, or reading and understanding exactly what is on the page. In this case, the reader just only read what is on the page, and the level of understanding is still low. Readers only give the answers directly about the facts and details of the information based on the text they read.

E. The Procedures in Teaching Reading Comprehension

According to Dewi (2009, p.10) there are three parts in process of reading comprehension, they are:

1.Pre- Reading Activity

The researcher asks some question to the student in order to guide and activate their prior knowledge related to the reading material. The students are require to give their responses or ideas that they have already known about the topic.

2. While-Reading Activity

This phase is accompanying students in comprehending a text by ordering the students to answer the question based on the text. We can ask the student to read the text aloud. It is useful to improve the students‟

pronouncation and to know how well the students understand the reading text.


Ren shaw stated that there are some activities in while reading activity : (A main/standard approach....[n.d., on line], (a) first have students read through the passage silently on their own, (b) ask the students on their own to try and quickly answer any questions that follow or accompany the raeding after the initial silent reading (this is good for encouraging initial individual/independent attempts at reading and comprehension), (c) have the students compare their initial answers to any comprehension questions with classmates nearby, (d) go back to the start of the reading and utilize a „read-around‟ approach, whereby students in turns read sentences aloud (including titles and headlings) from the text in sequence. During this reading, the teacher only helps with pronounciation if students become completely bogged down, but other wise circles words and phrases in his/her book that appear to be problematic, (e) following the read-around, the teacher models pronounciation of the words students had difficulty with during reading aloud, and has students briefly practice them chorally, (f) commence a general discussion about the reading, beginning with main ideas and important details, reading on naturally into any comprehension or skills-based questions, which can now be corrected or added to as a group activity and (g) conclude with some attention to any highlighted vocabulary. There are many ways that teacher can do to make student comprehend the text better, such as order the students to answer the question based on the reading text and summarizing the text.

3. Post-Reading Activity

The teacher can review the students‟ prior knowlwdge after they read the text. They can revise the students‟ information, opinion, and ideas and give the correct statement. It is effective way to know whether students understand or not about the reading text. Some questions that follow a text can be used to test student understanding.

1.1. Students’ Reading Comprehension in Narrative Text

Comprehension is the reason for reading. If the student can read the words but do not understand what they are reading, they are not really


reading. The factors of reading comprehension is the reader‟s comment, the reader‟s ability in monitoring and reflecting on her or his own level understanding, and the reader‟s adequate background and vocabulary being presented. Reading different types of texts requires the use of different reading strategies and approaches.

Based on the standart competence of graduation, the indicatorsof reading comprehension in narrative text consist of some indicators. In this research, based on the theories on reading comprehension skills and the standard competence of graduation, the writer formulates some indicators to measure students reading comprehension in narrative textas follows:

1. Students are able to find out main idea in narrative text

2. Students are able to indentify meaning of word in narrative text 3. The students are able to make reference in narrative text

4. The students are able to find out the event in narrative tex

In conclusion, reading comprehension in narrative text means the basic of students‟ activity involves in skill, knowledge, and understanding of words, relationship among words and concept, and organizing the ideas in narrative text.

1.2. The Factors Influence Students’ Reading Comprehension inNarrative Text

Comprehension problems can be caused by a variety of different factors, including those intrinsic to the individual and others related to insufficient instruction or to inappropriate materials. There are several factors that influence reading comprehension. They are as follows:

1. Prior Knowledge

Prior knowledge is so necessary for comprehension that some speculate that can often account for a large portion of the difference between successful comprehenders. Teacher must begin by assessing whether or not this is true, by providing background information and


vocabulary instruction when necessary, and by helping students to select what information they will need to apply and when to apply it.

2. Motivation and Interest

Comprehension is also improved when students are motivated and interested. To some extent, teachers facilitate each time they make the task easier by making sure that students have the requisite skills and schemata. Interest in the material leads to more motivation and students read interesting material with greater comprehension than uninteresting material, even when eadability level is the same for each.

3. Cultural Differences

Teacher should be ware of how cultural differences of the comprehension of individual students. Cultural differences can clearly be related to differences in prior knowledge, vocabulary, and interest.

Moreover, teachers must be careful to recognize the validity of the thinking strategies of culturally different students, even when trying to teach standard one

4. Decoding Fluency

Finally, students cannot be expected to comprehend passages when they are devoting large amounts of attention to identifying individual words. They must be given material they can decode fluently if they are to develop their comprehension skills.

F. Concept of Pair Reading

Paired Reading is a researched based fluency strategy used with readers who lack fluency. In this strategy students read aloud to each other. When using partners, more fluent readers can be paired with less fluent readers, or children who read at the same level can be paired to reread a story they have already read.

Paired reading can be used with any book, taking turns reading by sentences, paragraph, page or chapter.


G. Concept of Pair Summarizing

One strategy that involves cooperative learning after reading is Paired Summarizing. The goal is that students work together to elaborate their individual retelling before they come together as pairs. This initial step avoids much of the confusion and wasted time that occurs when students try to coordinate their work before they are individually prepared for the task. This procedure focuses students‟ attention on the importance of individual preparation and the value of community participation.

H. The Nature of Paired Reading Paired and Summarizing Strategy

In order to make students understand about the text that they have read, teachers need a strategy for it. According to Kalayo and Ansyari, reading comprehension would be resulted when the readers know which skills and strategies are appropriate for the type of text and understand how to apply them to accomplish the reading purpose. In this case, the writer will use a good strategy to make readers understand about the text that they read, Paired Reading and Paired summarizing strategy.

1. The Definition of the Strategy

Paired reading and paired summarizing is a highly structured, but simple strategy that can easily be taught to others- including to school age children and youth. The students read aloud in tandem with an accomplished reader. At a student signal, the helping reader stops reading, while the student continues on when the student commits a reading error, the helping reader resumes reading in tandem. It is a straight forward and enjoyable way for more able readers to help less able readers develop better reading skill. It is adaptable to any reading material, and tutees select books which are of intrinsic interest to them.

Encouragement to read little and often is usual. Vaughn (2008) stated that Paired reading and paired summarizing strategy allows students to take more initiative in their own and each other‟s learning. It is intended to encourage different kinds of thinking, all of which encourage comprehension. Basic paired reading requires


establishing ground rules about when and how help will be asked for/offered when reading, how turns will be taken, and what each rule will be included.

2. The Advantages and the Purpose of the Strategy

There are a lot of benefits to this strategy of reading together. It is structured and easy to teach to anyone who can read independently. Even the tutees can be tutors for students who read at their independent level. Be sure that the material is not more than a year above their independent level. The harder the material, the more the tutor and tutee will read together. The easier the material, the more the tutee will read alone independently.

The purposes of this strategy are:

1. To provide individualized tutoring

2. To model effective reading strategies e.g. predicting, confirming, rereading for meaning and accuracy

3. To build confidence 4. To improve fluency

5. To scaffold the dependent reader in the content area reading 6. To reinforce the helper‟s reading strategies

3. Using Paired Reading Paired and Summarizing Strategy towards Students’ Reading Comprehension in Narrative Text

The basic of Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing strategy requires establishing ground rules about when and how help will be asked for/offered when reading, how turns will be taken and what each rule will be included. To make clear about this strategy, there are several steps for this strategy as follows:

a. Choose an informative text of reasonable length. It should have short paragraphs. Not more than three sentences each.

b. Demonstrate the procedure first.

c. Read a passage aloud and give a summary of it. Ask two questions about the text for the students to answer.

d. Ask the students to pair up. Explain that one student will read the first paragraph or marked section of the text and then give a summary of it.


Then check for understanding by asking several students to share their summaries. Offer suggestions as necessary.

e. Once the students understand the procedure, they have proceeded on their own to read, summarize, and ask questions about the text, passage by passage. Remind them to switch roles after each passage has been read and discussed.

Like all cooperative learning tasks, Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing allow students to be more initiative in their own and each other‟s learning. It is intended to encourage different kinds of thinking, all of which encourage comprehension. It takes three to four times as long as simply reading a text aloud. In order to save time, students do paired reading with the first four to six paragraphs and then read the rest of the text independently.

I. Comprehend of Narrative Text

Narrative text is one kind of text in English that serves to expand the students‟ experiences through humor, adventure, biography and description. They are three features of narrative text. They are social function, generic structure, and grammatical features.

1. Social Function

Social function of narrative text means the function of narrative for the readers in their social life. It is to amuse or entertain the readers with actual or imaginary experience ways.

2. Generic Structure of Narrative Text

a. Orientation is a set of scene, where and when the story happened, introduces the participants of the story: who and what is involved in the story.

b. Complication, is an initiating event; the event that start the main character of on a series of event to solve the problem.

c. Resolution, showing the way of participants to solvethe crises, better or worse.


d. Re-orientation is a closing remark to the story and it is optional. It consists of moral lesson, advice or teaching from the writer.

3. Grammatical Feature

Common grammatical features of narrative text include:

a. Use of particular nouns to refer to or to describe the particular people, animals and things that the story is about

b. Use of adjectives to build noun groups to describe the people, animals or things

c. Use of time connectives and conjunctions to sequence events through time

d. Use of adverbs and adverbial phrases to locate the particular incidents or events

e. Use of past tense action verbs to indicate what characters are feelings 4. The Purpose of Narrative Text

The Purpose of Narrative Text is to amuse or to entertain the reader with astory.

5. The Language Feature of Narrative Text a. Past tense (killed, drunk, etc.)

b. Time conjunction (when, then, suddenly, etc.)

c. Specific character. The character of the story is specific, not general.

(Cinderella, Snow white, Alibaba, etc.)

d. Action verbs. A verb that shows an action. (killed, dug, walked, etc) e. Direct speech. It is make the story lively. ( Snow White said, “ My name

is Snow White). The direct speech uses present tense.

6. Example of Narrative Text

“The Ugly Duckling”

One upon time, a mother duck sat on her eggs. She felt tired of sitting on them. She just wished the eggs would break out. Several days later, she got her wish. The eggs cracked and some cute little ducklings appeared. "Peep, peep" the little ducklings cried. "Quack, quack" their mother greeted in return.


However the largest egg had not cracked. The mother duck sat on it for several days. Finally, it cracked and a huge ugly duckling waddled out.

The mother duck looked at him in surprise. He was so big and very gray. He didn't look like the others at all. He was like a turkey. When the mother duck brought the children to the pond for their first swimming lesson. The huge grey duckling splashed and paddled about just as nicely as the other ducklings did. "That is not a turkey chick. He is my very own son and quite handsome" the mother said proudly.

However, the other animals didn't agree. They hissed and made fun of him day by day. Even his own sisters and brothers were very unkind. "You are very ugly" they quacked. The little poor duckling was very unhappy. "I wish I looked like them" he thought to himself. One day, the ugly duckling run away and hid in the bushes. The sad duckling lived alone through the cold and snow winter. Finally the spring flowers began to bloom. While he was swimming in the pond, he saw three large white swans swimming toward him. "Oh, dear. These beautiful birds will laugh and peck me too" he said to himself. But the swans did not attack him. Instead, they swam around him and stroked him with their bills. As the ugly duckling bent his neck to speak to them, he saw his reflection in the water. He could not believe his eyes. "I am not an ugly duckling but a beautiful swam" he exclaimed. He was very happy. From that day on, he swam and played with his new friends and was happier than he had never been.

J. Previous Related Studies

As a matter of fact, there are previous researchers adding with the effect of using strategy to help students in reading comprehension. There are as follows:

1. The research was conducted by G Diaper (2009) entitled a “Comparative Study of Paired Reading Strategy using Parents as Tutors to Second Year Junior School Children”. The research finding is the less able reader appears to benefit to a greater extent than the more able reader from being tutored in reading by a parent, especially in the long-term.

2. Indah Fadilah Rahmah (2012). In her research, the title of the research is

“The Implementation of Paired Reading Strategy and the Effects on


Students’ Reading Comprehension at State Islamic Senior High School 1 Makassar”. The students reveal that the implementation of Paired Reading has a significant effect on students‟ reading proficiency in terms of content of the text: preview, click and cluck, get the gist and wrap up.

The finding signifies that Paired Reading is positively responded by the experimental class. The implementation of Paired Reading increases students‟ reading comprehension.

3. The other research was carried out by Cynthia L. Drumheller (2007) under the title “The Effects of Paired Reading Intervention on the ReadingFluency of Second Graders at Midwestern School”. The study concluded that the Paired Reading intervention in fluency significantly raised independent reading levels for both the oral and silent readers and prosody scores for the oral reader compared to the control group and provided an effective, inexpensive reading practice opportunity within classroom. While in this research, the writer focuses on the effect of Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing strategy to teach reading comprehension to the Eight Grade students at Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi. This strategy would be given significant effect towards students reading comprehension achievement.

In order to avoid misunderstanding about this study, it isnecessary to explain about the variable used in this study. There are two variables in this research.

They are variable X and Y. Variable X is as an independent variable (paired reading paired summarizing strategy) and variable Y is as the dependent variable (reading comprehension). Therefore, the operational concept can be seen in the following indicators. The procedures of Paired Reading Paired Summarizing as variable X are as follows:

1. In pairs, take turns reading a paragraph at a time from an assigned reading.

2. The reader reads in a low voice, loud enough only for the listener to hear.

3. When the reader completes the paragraph, the listener provides a summary of the paragraph that needs to be“approved” by the reader. If


the summary is not clear or accurate, the pair goes back to the text and rereads silently to add what is necessary.

4. Then the two switch roles, with the first reader becoming the active listener and summarizer.

5. If the reader stumbles on a word or is having difficulty, the reader can ask for help from the partner. If help is not asked for, then the listener should give the reader the opportunity to figure it out.

6. Give directions for what the pair should do when they are done with the reading. This might include: discussing what they each found interesting about what they have read, answering questions or completing a graphic organizer together or separately, interviewing another pair about their reading session (what went well/what did not), asking pairs to contribute three interesting words (or words that meet specific criteria) from their reading to the Word Wall, adding to their learning log or journal based on what was read, or asking the partners to write a collaborative summary and answer the question of what they read.

The indicators of students‟ reading comprehension are as follows:

1. Students are able to find factual information in narrative text 2. Students are able to identify supporting idea in narrative text

3. Students are able to locate the meaning of vocabulary in context of narrative text

4. Students are able to identify references in narrative text 5. Students are able to make inferences from the narrative text

K. The Assumption and Hypothesis a. Assumption

In general, assumption for this research can be exposed as the following:

a. The students‟ reading comprehension on Narrative text is various.

b. The better of Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing strategy applied, the better of students‟ reading comprehension in narrative text will be.


b. Hypothesis

Ha: There is a significant effect of using Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing Strategy to teach Reading Comprehension of the Eight Grade Students at Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi.

Ho: There is no significant effect of Using Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing Strategy to teach Reading Comprehension of the Eight Grade Students at State Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi




A. Place and Time of the Research

This research will conduct atJunior High School (SMP) Baiturrahim Jambi. The location of this research at Jl. H. Syamsoe Bachrun No. 32 RT. 03 Kelurahan Selamat Kecamatan Danau Sipin Kota Jambi. The research will conduct in the first semester in academic year 2018/2019.

B. Method and Design of the Research

The type of the research was quasi experimental design. The kind of quasi experimental design of this research was nonequivalent control group design. It involves random assignment of intact groups to treatments, not random assignment of individuals. There were two classes in this research; control and experimental classes. According to Jhon W. Creswell (2008,p.645) that quasi- experiments design are experimental situations in which the writer assigns, but not randomly, participants to classes because the experimenter cannot artificially create groups for the experiment.

The experimental class was taught by using particular treatment Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing strategy to improve students‟ reading comprehension. In addition, control class was only given a pre-test and post-test without particular treatment aswhat was given for experimental group. These group used different techniques, but both experimental and control classes were treated with the same test.

Table 3.1 Research Types


A T1 T2

B T1 X T2



A : Experimental group B : Control group

T1 : Pre- test for experimental group and control group

√ : Receiving particular treatment X : Without particular treatment

T2 : Post- test for experimental group and control group.

After giving particular treatment to the experimental class by using Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing strategy, the scores between experimental and control groups were analyzed by statistical formula. It was aimed to know whether there was or not the effect of variable X into variable Y.

C. The Population and the Sample of the Research 1. The Population of the Research

A population is a group of individual who participates in a research study or is someone from whom data are collected. The population in this research was all of students at Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi in academic year 2018- 2019. There were six classes. The total number of the students at Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi was 133 students.

Table 3.2

The Population of the Research

NO Class Male Female Total

1. VII. A 11 9 20

2. VII. B 13 7 20

3. VIII. A 14 6 20

4. VIII. B 13 7 20

5. IX. A 16 10 26

6. IX. B 15 12 27

Total 82 51 133


2. The Sample of the Research

The population of this research was the second year students class VIII of Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi. Class VIII consist of two classes namely VIII.A, VIII.B. The researcher used two classes, VIII.A was an experiment and VIII.B was control class. Class VIII.A consists of 20, and class VIII.B consist of 20 students. The total number of students atthe second year students of Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi was 40 students.

Tabel 3.3

The Number of sample on the eighth grade students at Junior High School BaiturrahimJambi

No Class

Students Number of

Students Male Female

1. VIIIA (Experimental Class) 14 6 20

2. VIII B (Control Class) 13 7 20

Total 40

D. Research Instrument

To figure out whether the objective of this research is achieved or not, the researcher used research instrument. The instrument of this research was reading test. The tests were pre-test before the treatments and post test after the treatments. Pre-test was given to see the students‟ ability before treatments as the starting point for the researcher to give the treatments, and the post test was given to see the result of the treatments.

1. Pre-test

Pre-test is used to determine the ability of the students as the sample. Item used in this test consist of 30 minutes. It is about reading comprehension which is appropriate to the curriculum that they use. The test consists of five passages within five questions for each

2. Post-test

In the post-test, they were used Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing in Narrative text


E. The Technique of Collecting Data

In this research, the writer used test as the technique of collecting data.

According to Hughes, there are many techniques that can assess students‟

comprehension, but the writer used comprehension of reading test.

Comprehension is the complex cognitive process use to understand what they have read.

The writer used the test to collect the data. The tests consist of narrative text. The test was given for getting the objectives data of the students‟

achievement in reading comprehension by using Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing strategy in the class especially for the eight grade students at Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi. The test was applied two test, those are pretest and post test. Pretest is given before the material was taught and Posttest given after the material was taught, in the last meeting of the total number of the research. The test consists of 10 questions of Reading Test (Essay). The implementation of the test is aimed to measure students‟ achievement before and after the treatment is conducted can be measured. This technique is utilized as the primary technique to collect the research data.

The following steps would used in collecting the data:

1. Pre-test

Pre-test would done before presenting the treatments to know how far the students‟ reading comprehension. The type of the pre-test would Essay.

2. Treatments

The students‟ activities during the treatment or during the teaching and learning process would use Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing Strategy. The treatment would conduct in taught meeting after pre-test. It would take 60 minutes for each meeting. The materials in these treatments are based on the students‟ textbook that is used in Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi. These treatments would give to the experiment class during 12 time meeting, and control class would touch by using common method used by the eight grade English teacher in the class. The


treatments would be conduct for 2 weeks. After the treatments, post-test would give to the object.

The procedures in experimental class using Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing :

1. Divide the students into pair two students. Each group consists of 2 students.

2. Teacher gives reading text for all pair

3. Students read loudly the reading textin turns every one sentencein their group

4. Students read loudly some difficult words and new vocabularies stated in reading text.

5. Students look for the meaning of the new vocabularies

6. Students discuss the reading text and answer the questions realted to the text in their pair

7. Collecting the answer sheet.

After the treatments give to experiment class, the teacher would touch to the control class by using Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing Strategy at Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi. The materials both of the classes are same item.

Procedures of learning the Eight grade English teacher in the control class:

1. Teacher gives reading text tothe students 2. The students read the reading text

3. Teacher ask some students to read the text 4. Teacher translates the difficult words 5. Students answer the question

6. Student collects the answer sheet.


The material would give to the students from the book entitled Table 3.4

Teaching Materials Used During Experiment Meetings Titles of Reading text

The Ugly Duckling

2nd The Ugly Duckling

Tangkuban Perahu

Tangkuban Perahu

5th MalinKundang

6th Malin Kundang

3. Post-test

Post-test would give to the students in order to know the progress of the students in learning by using Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing Strategy after treatments. The type of the test would objective test. It is reading test (Essay). The items of post-test are relate to the material that the students have learned.

1. Scoring System

To analyze how far the effect of using Paired Reading and Paired Summarizing strategy, would based on the score of the test that would given to the students. These tests consist of reading test (Essay). In scoring the test the procedures are :

1. The teacher would give score for correct answer. One correct answer would get ten score.

2. The teacher would not give score for incorrect answer.

3. The formula that would used to get the score according Yamin (2003:16)


S: score


B: Correct Answer N:Number of Item

In this research will use the quantitative data (Teaching and Learning Process in the Classroom ) and quantitative data will be taken from the test and analyzing by using the score procedures.(sudijono 2009,P.43)

Note :

P: Percentage f: Answer frequency

n: Number of data or respondent

Categories :

81% - 100%= Excellect 61% - 80%=Good 41% - 60%=Enough 21% - 40%=Bad 0% - 20%=Very Bad 2. Test Specification

Test specification of pre-test and post-test items would be presented in the next table :


Table 3.5

Specification of the Test NO Aspect in Reading


Number of


Number of item

1 Main ideas 1 1

2 Factual Information 2 and 6 2

3 Identifying reference 3 and 4 2

4 Vocabulary 9 and 10 2

5 Generic structure 8 1

6 Language feature 5 and 7 2

Total 10

F. The Validity and Reliability Test

Heaton (1988.p.159) states that the validity of a test refers to appropriateness of a given testor any of its component parts as the measure of what it is purposed to measure. It means the test will be valid to the extent that is measured what it is supposed to measure. The type of validity is content validity.

Referring to Bambang (2006 ,p.23) , Content validity is that if a measurement is as the representative of the ideas or the appropriate material that will be measured.

The materials were taken from the guide book for the students and other related resources.

a. Validity

Before the tests were given to the sample, both of tests were tried out to 20students at the eight grade at Junior High School Kuala Patah Parang. The purpose of try out was to obtain validity andreliability of the test. It was determined by finding the difficulty level of each item.Item difficulty was determined as the proportion of correct responses. The formulafor item difficulty is as follows :

P =



P : Index of difficulty or Facility value B : the number of correct answers

JS : the number of examinees or students taking the test

The difficulty level of an item shows how easy or difficult a particular item inthe test is. The items that do not reach the standard level of difficulty are excludedfrom the test and they are changed with the new items that are appropriate.

b. Reliability

A test is seen as being reliable when it can be used by a number of different researchers under stable conditions, with consistent results and the results not varying. Reliability reflects consistency and replicability over time. Furthermore, reliability is seen as the degree to which a test is free from measurement errors, since the more measurement errors occur the less reliable the test (Fraenkel &

Wallen, 2003; McMillan & Schumacher, 2001, 2006; Moss, 1994; Neuman, 2003). In the same way, Maree and Fraser (2004) ask how far the same test would produce the same results if it was administered to the same children under the same conditions. This helps the researcher and educator to make comparisons that are reliable. The more errors found in an assessment the greater its unreliability, and visa versa. Reliability is a very important factor in assessment, and is presented as an aspect contributing to validity and not opposed to validity.

Messick (1989) transformed the traditional definition of validity - with reliability in opposition - to reliability becoming unified with validity. Thereby Messick (1989) has accepted a unified concept of validity which includes reliability as one of the types of validity; thus contributing to the overall construct validity. As Messick (1989, p. 8) states: Hence, construct validity is a sine qua non in the validation not only of test interpretation but also of test use, in the sense that relevance and utility as well as appropriateness of test use depend, or should depend, on score meaning.


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